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How to make money on YouTube channel by shooting. All ways to make money on YouTube or how to make money on your YouTube channel. The best way to sell anything with Youtube

This article about how to make money on YouTube is written on the basis of experience and who earn money for a living only with their YouTube channel. To make money on YouTube, you need to follow several sequential steps:

  1. Understand what needs to be done, how much effort and time to invest in order to become a popular YouTuber. Then make a very important decision, without which nothing will work for sure. This is described in detail in the article: "".
  2. Based on your interests, talents and the popularity of the topic, choose a niche for your channel and create a YouTube channel. How to do this is written in the article: "".


And after all this is done, the question arises, how to make money on YouTube. Let's be honest, if you are at this stage, then it's too early to think about making money on YouTube. You can start making some money on YouTube after you have at least 100,000 subscribers. Therefore, if you want to become a popular video blogger with millions of subscribers, your very first goal should be to gain at least one hundred thousand subscribers. Although if you have just started your channel, then you are most likely thinking now where to get the first ten subscribers. Don't be discouraged, all stars have been through this.

What you need to do to make money on YouTube

Once you have decided on a niche and created your channel, in order to start making money on YouTube, it is very important to do the following things:

  • regularly upload videos to your YouTube channel for many years in a row;
  • learn how to make cool videos;
  • promote your YouTube channel to gain subscribers;
  • monetize your YouTube channel.

And now more about this.

Regularly upload videos to your channel for many years in a row

You will need to develop a video upload schedule and post it on your channel page. Not all stars do this, but many, especially in the US, have this schedule posted in the channel description. Those who do not have a graph in the channel description have this graph in their head. YouTubers understand that one of the important components of success is the regular posting of new videos. If you do not upload videos constantly, then the popularity of the channel will begin to fall. And if you have just started and will not upload videos regularly, then popularity will not shine for you. Yes, there are times when a person uploads one video and gets hundreds of thousands of views at once, but this is more the exception than the rule.

I highly recommend writing a video release schedule in the channel description. This will be your written promise to yourself and your followers that you will release videos weekly. And such a written promise will help you be more disciplined and keep it. Make a schedule and that's it! From now on, there is no going back. You must follow this schedule for at least 3 years!

You need to post at least one video per week. Ideally three. And successful YouTubers have made YouTube an integral part of their lives and have consistently posted videos on their channels for many years in a row.

Without the regular release of new videos, it is impossible to make money on the YouTube channel.

Learn how to make cool videos

To learn how to make cool videos, you need to buy and master, master the image editing program Gimp (free) or Photoshop (paid), buy a good microphone that costs about $100. I didn’t find a decent microphone cheaper, and all cool YouTubers, when they first started, used microphones for at least $100, and then switched to microphones for $300-500. Quality sound is critical to the success of the channel!

Mastering a video editor, image editor and buying a good microphone will be enough to record training videos from the monitor screen with voice or record the passage of games. And this is the bare minimum you need to make money on YouTube.

If you want to record yourself on video, then you will need to buy a good camera for shooting outdoors, or at least a good webcam if you want to film yourself at home on a computer. In addition, for filming at home, it is imperative to organize high-quality lighting.

This is a separate big topic, and in I told in great detail which video editors, microphones, cameras and webcams are used by a variety of popular YouTubers in the USA and Russia.

Promote your YouTube channel

In order for you to earn money on YouTube, you need to have a lot of subscribers and views in order to become popular. In order to achieve this, a whole range of measures must be taken.

First, your channel and video must be interesting for your target audience. Otherwise, people will simply leave the channel without watching the video and without subscribing.

Secondly, you will need to promote your channel by hook or by crook, by any means available to you. But what are the ways to promote the channel, I will now briefly describe.

promotion on youtube

Optimizing your channel, playlists and videos for YouTube search

You need to promote your videos, playlists and the channel itself on YouTube itself. To make money on YouTube, you must ensure that your videos appear first in response to queries that visitors enter in the search bar on YouTube. To do this, you will need to understand how the YouTube algorithm works, i.e. how YouTube chooses which video to show first, which second, and which video last in response to user requests. Looking ahead, I will say that the most important ranking factor is the depth of video viewing, i.e. how long your channel's visitors watch your videos. If your videos are watched to the end, then they will be shown above the videos that people leave in the beginning or in the middle. There are a number of other important factors that you can influence so that your videos rank high in YouTube search results, I talked about them in great detail in. However, video viewing depth is the most important factor, so make cool videos.

Interaction with other video bloggers on YouTube

You need to find the same novice YouTubers as you, and mutually subscribe to each other's channels, watch and like each other's videos. This real way get the very first subscribers and first views. And, of course, do not forget to ask all your friends and relatives to subscribe to your channel.

Promotion of YouTube channel on the Internet

Create your own website or blog

Ideally, you should create your own blog or website and promote it. Then promoting your site will promote your channel, and promoting your channel will promote your site. But not all successful bloggers have their own websites. Many managed to advance without websites. However, the presence of the site and its promotion will be an additional advantage, but on the other hand, it will take a lot of additional time. Therefore, think for yourself, decide for yourself whether or not to have a site as an additional source of visitors to your channel. In any case, even if you do not make a website, you must definitely buy Domain name with the name of your channel so that no one else takes it.

Promotion in in social networks

What almost all popular video bloggers do to make money on YouTube and what you need to do is create your own page on the most popular social network in Russia, It is not only the most popular social network, it is also the most popular website on the Russian Internet: is more popular than Yandex and Google in Russia. Therefore, the very minimum that you need to do is to create a page or group in contact and post information about each of your new videos in it. Better yet, promote your VK group on your own or hire a specialist. This will give you new subscribers and increase the views of your videos. Not everyone promotes their channels on social networks, but many popular YouTubers do.

In addition, you must create a Twitter account. Although Twitter is not very popular in our country, it nevertheless has a large audience. Why do it? Because YouTube has the ability to automatically post information about your new videos to Twitter. Don't miss out on this free opportunity attract additional audience, especially since creating a Twitter account will not take much time, and the publication of tweets will occur automatically.

Ideally, you need to create pages in the three most popular social networks in Russia: Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram and post information about your new videos and in them. This will attract an additional audience.

Publishing your videos and links to them on websites, blogs, forums on the Internet

One way to get traffic to your channel is to post links to your videos on forums that are dedicated to the same topic as your channel, as well as arrange with the owners of thematic sites and blogs to publish your videos in their articles. In order for someone to agree to this, you must have high-quality and interesting videos. So, for example, did Michael and Lauren, the owners of the channel Mike and Lauren, which led to many leading newspapers and blogs writing about their channel. Promoting your channel on the Internet in this way is one of the tips they give in response to the question of how to make money on a YouTube channel.

Paid advertising

Youtube channel monetization

Once you have a lot of subscribers, you will be able to earn income from your YouTube channel. How popular youtubers make money on their channels? Here are all the real ways:

Showing someone else's ads in your videos (Google Adsense)

With Google Adsense, you can show ads while your fans are watching your videos. You get 55% of the ad revenue shown on your videos and YouTube gets 45%.

YouTube channel monetization is available only to channel owners who have 1000 subscribers and have accumulated at least 4000 watch hours in the last 12 months. To monetize the channel in this way, you need to become a member affiliate program YouTube - YouTube Partner Program .

This way of making money on the YouTube channel brings the least money, you can earn much more even on a small channel using affiliate programs and selling your own products. To earn a lot of money on the channel in this way, you need a huge number of views. How much YouTube pays for a million views and how much different YouTubers earn on their channels, I described in detail in the articles "" and "".

Watch this video on how to make money on your channel with Google Adsense, created by YouTube staff:

You can also watch the full series of articles and videos in the YouTube Author Academy: How to make money on YouTube. These are very high quality and beautiful video tutorials, but, in my opinion, practical use there are few of them, but it will still be useful to look at them.

Partnership programs

This way of making money on YouTube channel brings much more money than selling Google Adsense ads. Its essence lies in the fact that you advertise other people's products, and in the case of the sale of such a product, you receive a percentage of each sale. How is it implemented technically? You leave a special link in your video or in the video description, which is called an affiliate link and in which your unique identificator. Here is an example of an affiliate link: This link "?ref=8070" is your affiliate ID. When a visitor clicks on this link, the seller will know that this visitor is from you, store the visitor's data in a cookie on the visitor's computer, and if he buys something on the seller's site within 30 days, you will receive a percentage.

If everything is done correctly, then this method brings in significantly more money than showing ads in a video. To earn tangible money on the YouTube channel in this way, it is not necessary to have a huge number of views.

Selling your own goods

If you create and sell your own products, then you can earn decent money on the channel even with a small audience. Goods can be electronic and real. You can sell your courses, eBooks or create your own physical products, such as, for example, dietary supplements. It really brings in the most money!

How much can you earn on youtube channel

Of course, everyone is primarily interested in the question, not how to make money on YouTube, but how much money you can earn on your channel. I wrote a separate article about this with screenshots, with links to sources, in which I told how to quickly and reliably estimate how much money a channel brings to its owner and how much popular video bloggers earn. In the meantime, looking ahead, I can say that on YouTube you can earn $ 20,000 per month or more, or you can earn nothing at all.

You will find out how much bloggers earn on YouTube, what ways to make money on YouTube are relevant in 2019, and how a beginner can earn their first money

Hello dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov, the founder of the business magazine, is in touch.

Today I will talk about one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet - earnings on YouTube (YouTube)

You will receive step-by-step instructions, after studying which you can start earning your first money from YouTube.

Get comfortable, let's go!

1. Earnings on YouTube - how much money can you really earn

Today YouTube is one of the most available ways making money on the Internet, because almost every person has a computer and other gadgets with video cameras that make it easy to create videos and upload them to your YouTube channel.

It's no secret that every day more and more people use the opportunity to turn their knowledge and skills in the field of video creation into an additional or even main source of income that can be created without investment at all.

By the way, the amount of this income can be unlimited! After all, everyone can make money on YouTube: from students to pensioners, from employees to businessmen.

According to statistics, most video bloggers - owners of their own youtube channels, earn no more than $ 500 per month on a popular video hosting.

If your income here exceeds $1000, then you can already be called a professional moneymaker.

In order to reach such an income, it will take more than one month of hard work and certain knowledge.

Dear reader, you are probably familiar with the work of Max +100500, you have seen the Opa Gangnam Style clips and other sensational videos.

viral video- a video that, due to its originality, quickly spreads over the Internet and gains a huge number of views.

This is how quickly and easily, with virtually no investment, enterprising people earn good money here.

First of all, you need to understand that earnings here depend on several defining points.

2. What determines earnings in YouTube - 7 main factors

If you want to make good money with Youtube, then you need to be very careful about these factors.

Do not neglect them, otherwise you will stagnate for a long time in anticipation of large incomes.

Factor 1. Niche Money

This is the most basic factor that you should consider long before creating your YouTube channel or recording your first videos.

It means that you must choose a "money" topic on which you will conduct your vlog.

For example, traditionally money niches on the Internet are: business, finance, earnings, construction, medicine.

Conversely, if you run a channel about cooking, cross-stitching, or growing houseplants, then most likely you will earn purely symbolic money, which will be enough only for ice cream.

Why it happens?

The fact is that the main income on YouTube comes to us from advertising, which will be placed in our videos.

Accordingly, the more expensive it is, the more we can earn. In expensive themes, advertising is expensive, since here the profit of advertisers is many times greater than in cheap themes.

And in vain many people think that if I like to knit socks, collect stamps or go fishing, then God himself ordered me to record videos on this topic, because I am well versed in it.

This is an erroneous opinion.

In fact, the market decides what is in demand now and what is not. That is why it is worth creating content on popular and expensive topics.

Factor 2. Video quality

Everyone wants to get the best and will never pay attention to "hack" if there is an alternative.

Therefore, the quality of your videos and, in general, professional work on your YouTube channel- a guarantee of long-term demand for your videos and, as a result, income growth.

Do not create your videos "for fuck off".

As the saying goes, "Less is better!"

If you have a choice to make 10 "liquid" videos or 3-5 high-quality ones, then make a choice in favor of quality.

Record these videos with soul, work on making sure they have a competent structure, add titles and effects if necessary.

The principle of working on the quality of a video is the same as working on an article - it must be thoughtful, structured and meet the user's expectations as much as possible.

Video views on your channel in this case will be maximum.

Statistics show that quality always beats quantity, especially when it comes to video.

Factor 3. Competent selection of SEO keys

Here it is worth mentioning such a term as "relevance", that is, the correspondence of the content of the video to its description.

If you have a video about how to grow tomatoes, and the title says “Putin is rocking”, naturally, users will quickly leave your channel and never return there.

Therefore, choose wisely keywords for titles and descriptions of your videos. This will make it easier for users to find them and become regular viewers of your channel.

Ultimately, your task is to turn your visitors into regular subscribers and viewers of your channel.

To attract additional traffic YouTube today can be integrated with social. networks.

Factor 4. Frequency of channel updates

There is a good expression: "The stability of the result is a sign of mastery."

Our task is not just to “bomb” 10 or 20 videos in the first week after creating our channel and forget about it for a month or two, but to publish our video content regularly!

It will be best if you post high-quality videos in a small amount, for example 2-3 per week, but do it all the time, than to charge a clip of videos at once and abandon your project for a long time.

It is the regular posting of videos that will help you earn more on YouTube, because it means that you care about users.

Video hosting "understands" this.

Ultimately, the viewers of your channel themselves often watch the date of publication of the video and prefer those projects where fresh content is always present.

Factor 5. Number of video views

This is the most obvious and understandable factor that is easily measured.

Knowing this relationship, you can watch your channel grow exponentially with regular posting of quality video content.

Factor 6. Methods of monetization

Now we will talk directly about making money on YouTube.

Imagine that you already have a visited YouTube channel, for example, with 30 videos and a total number of video views of more than 10,000 per day.

Pretty good result.

But, if you have not monetized your video content, that is, you have not taken actions that would contribute to making money on your channel, then it is worthless in terms of commercial effectiveness.

You will learn more about what methods of monetizing a YouTube channel exist, and what is their peculiarity, below.

Factor 7. Quality of monetization

Let's assume that you have decided exactly how you will earn money from your videos, but this is only the first step.

The second step is to properly place the monetization tools on your channel.

For example, if you decide that you will make money on YouTube through affiliate programs, then you should think about how exactly you will mention affiliate products so that as many visitors to your channel as possible buy them.

3. Ways to make money on YouTube - TOP 7 best ideas

Let's move on to the most interesting.

Now let's look at exactly how you can make money on your YouTube channel and what you need to do to get the maximum profit with current traffic.

That is, the same channel can bring, with the same attendance, both 1000 rubles a month and a thousand rubles a day!

Method 1. Direct advertising in videos

This is a picture, at the beginning of the video, a watermark, text or any other mention of the company, product or service of the advertiser who contacted you.

For example, you are running a video blog about traveling around Europe.

Then at the beginning of each video you can place a picture for 3-5 seconds with an advertisement for a travel company that specializes in selling tours to Europe and providing related services.

Method 2. Google Adsense contextual advertising

These are pop-up ads that match the theme of your videos. YouTube itself selects them for your video content.

After that, you get paid for each click on such an ad.

This method is the simplest and most common.

However, in most cases it is not the most profitable, although the income from user clicks on contextual ads is the most stable.

Method 3. Selling your products or services

For example, in the case of making money on contextual advertising, you get only a small part of the money, thanks to which the advertiser sells his goods or services, which means it is profitable for him.

By selling your products, you accordingly receive all the money that you can earn through advertising.

I think this is understandable.

If you look at making money with Youtube from an advertiser's point of view, sometimes it's more profitable to place your ads on other people's channels (using other people's videos) than to make money on third-party advertising and receive small money per click.

Method 4. Affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are a great way to earn money for niche YouTube channels with good traffic.

If for some reason you do not want to sell your own products or services, you can advertise third-party products on your channel that match the theme of your vlog.

For this you can also place affiliate links and mentions in their videos and from each affiliate sale, receive commissions, which today range from 40% to 100%!

Method 5. Earnings on other people's videos

You can make money on YouTube without even having your own videos. To do this, you will have to find the necessary videos and place them on your channel, and then monetize them with affiliate programs, contextual or other advertising in the same way.

This method has one clear advantage - the speed of creating content, or rather, the absence of the need to record your videos, which significantly saves time.

The disadvantages of this way of earning are also obvious:

  • you do not develop your “brand”, which means you lose regular visitors;
  • you can be sued for copyright infringement;
  • at any time, YouTube itself can delete your videos and block the channel;
  • you will not be able to flexibly adjust the subject of your videos and their content, since you are not their author.

Method 6. Combined earnings - your blog + YouTube channel

Such a bundle allows you to increase the amount of traffic and create additional opportunities for earning.

How it works?

For example, if you have your own WordPress blog, then you can send traffic from it to your YouTube channel and vice versa.

If you have your blogs integrated with social networks, this allows your blogs to exchange visitors.

This way you create more marketing traps and the traffic from the two types of blogs is generally better converted into money.

4. How to start making money on YouTube - step by step instructions for beginners

These are simple actions that include 3 simple steps.

Step 1. Create your YouTube channel

To do this, you must register your Google account (if you do not already have one), since YouTube video hosting is owned by Google.

Follow all the standard registration steps and then log in to your Google account.

Step 2. Design your channel and upload video to it

I repeat that you should not upload other people's videos to your YouTube channel, as you will quickly fall under the "ban" of YouTube and all your work will be covered with a copper basin.

Now you have your own YouTube channel and it's time to create it and upload videos that you will then monetize.

Without styling, your channel will look like this:

Now click on the channel design button and select the desired image to make your channel header look more colorful.

You can upload a simple thematic picture or order a professional design of your channel with a logo and corporate identity from a designer.

This will require some investment of money and time, but the credibility of your channel will be higher. This is evidenced by the statistics of successful video bloggers.

Step 3. Monetize your channel

Now we will talk about monetizing your channel directly using the internal function of the same name on YouTube itself.

To do this, go to the YouTube website, go to the "my channel" section

In the column that opens, click on “channel”, then on “status and functions”, in the window that opens we see the “monetization” function, but do not click on “submit an application” yet.

Again we return to the "channel" and in the drop-down menu "country" select "USA". So it will be easier for us to go through YouTube moderation to approve the application for monetization.

Let's go back to "status and functions". Now, opposite the “monetization” item, the “enable” button should appear.

Click on it and confirm the inclusion of monetization on your channel, following all further instructions.

If everything went well, then after a while the application you submitted will be moderated and you will receive a confirmation message.

Now you can make money on YouTube.

Now you know how to monetize your channel. I hope that this instruction will help you in creating a stable income on youtube.

See detailed instructions from Stas Bykov on how to make money on YouTube step by step in video format:

5. Conclusion

Today we discussed in detail the topic of making money on YouTube.

For many people, this video hosting provides ample opportunities to create their own business or additional source traffic.

However, this method of earning income from the Internet requires a certain amount of time.

But in the future, watching videos and recording them will become not only a hobby for you, but, perhaps, will turn into a life's work.

As practice shows, from the beginning of work on your channel to the receipt of the first profit, it usually takes from several weeks to several months.

Also, your YouTube channel is a great addition to a text blog and can act as an additional PR tool for your author when selling your own products or services.

In the article, I told how much you can earn using YouTube and gave real examples of bloggers who maintain their video blogs.

By the way, starting to make a profit from the Internet using your channel, you immediately become a video blogger.

I wish you good luck and big earnings on YouTube!

If the article and the ways of making money described in it were useful to you, then like and share your thoughts on the topic in the comments.

Hello dear readers!

In this article, we will take a closer look at another good opportunity to earn income online. Hundreds of thousands of people are already doing it. It's time for us to learn how to make money on YouTube. Let's discuss everything possible options, including earnings on YouTube from scratch for beginners. Click "Learn more", read and start earning.

The Internet has quickly penetrated into our daily lives. Modern web technologies provide many opportunities for both work and entertainment. In the world wide web now you can find everything your heart desires.

YouTube has been one of the most popular Internet services for several years. Every year, the audience of this service is growing exponentially. So, in my opinion, you need to use the existing potential of YouTube to generate income.

What is youtube

I'll start with short description the system itself. So, YouTube, or rather YouTube (from the English you - “you” and tube - “TV”) is a huge video hosting. In other words, a huge video repository. At the same time, anyone can view the video, and any user can record or simply save their video on YouTube.

YouTube is headquartered in California (click to enlarge)

The service is very simple and easy to use. Adding a new video is not difficult even for novice users. Moreover, people can not only download and view, but also rate and comment on the video.

Not surprisingly, for more than five years, YouTube has been the most popular video hosting site and the third largest site in the world in terms of the number of visitors. By the way, the first two are Google and FaceBook. And YouTube is owned by Google.

More than a billion visitors visit YouTube every month. Some people watch funny videos, others watch music videos, others look for video instructions or reviews. What is not there now.

On YouTube, you can even find full-length films, not to mention TV shows. At the same time, video hosting employees are very careful about security issues and do not allow videos of a pornographic or extremist nature.

How to make money on YouTube: an introduction

How does video hosting make money? The answer to this question is very simple. It's a sin not to use such an audience to display ads. And YouTube does it.

Thus, YouTube receives the main income from advertisers. Moreover, YouTube shares a significant part of this income with those users who agree to show ads in their videos. Payment with them is made for each display of advertizing.

The more times the video is viewed, the more interesting it is, the more ads will be shown and the more the author of the video will earn. Everything is in the hands of users. In our hands.

How much can you earn on youtube

The issue of income is one of the main issues that interests us. Right? After checking a huge amount of materials, I think I have found the answer to this question.

The most commercially successful channel in Russia - Miss Katy (interactive)

The people whose videos are the most successful are reluctant to share information about their income. Perhaps they do not want to attract too much, or perhaps they are simply being modest.

Ultimately, this is what emerged. The more views and “likes” (marks that the video was liked), the greater the share of income YouTube shares.

Even a novice user of the service, who has only one video, can start earning. We will discuss how to do this below. In the meantime, I will say that the income of a beginner will be from a few cents to one dollar.

If a user's YouTube channel becomes popular, then YouTube becomes one and a half to two times more generous. In fact, the upper limit of income is not limited.

Place in the rankingYoutube channel nameSubjectYouTube revenue per year
1 PewDiePiePassage of video games with comments$14 400 000
2 HolaSoyGermanJust a video diary$12 900 000
3 Smoshcomedy videos$11 200 000
4 RihannaVEVORihanna video clips$9 500 000
5 KatyPerryVEVOVideo clips of singer Katy Perry$4 800 000

What makes money on youtube

Views are key moment in earnings on video hosting. The more popular your channel, the greater its commercial potential. However, there are other factors that affect YouTube revenue.

Firstly is the region of presence. Advertisers in different countries willing to pay differently. Video authors from the US and the UK have the highest earnings. In Russia-Ukraine, you can get three to four times less from advertising. There are almost no advertisers in Belarus and Kazakhstan, and those that do pay not much at all.

Secondly, revenues vary significantly depending on the subject of the channel. YouTube uses Google technologies. And this is very advanced technology. The system itself determines the subject of the video and tries to insert ads that fit the meaning.

A video in which a girl talks about beauty secrets is likely to be accompanied by an advertisement for cosmetics. On the video with the passage of the game, you will probably see an advertisement for another (or maybe even the same) game.

  • Video games: reviews, walkthroughs and let's play - $0.4;
  • Comedy genre, shows, creativity and amateur performances - $0.3;
  • Personal blogs, video diaries - $0.6;
  • Education, training - $1;
  • Financial theme - $2

It's funny that video games are one of the most popular YouTube niches. Gamer channels are quickly gaining a large number of views and subscribers. But, advertising on this topic is one of the lowest paid.

So, views, location and subject matter. Our earnings on YouTube depend on them.

But that is not all. With the development of the YouTube channel, you can get an increasing share of income from YouTube.

Initially, video hosting will give us 55% of the advertiser's money. Further, when the number of impressions reaches 100,000 per month, you can join the YouTube partner network or one of the specialized agencies. Then we can get 70%.

How to make money on youtube as a beginner

To earn income, first of all, you need to create a YouTube account. It's very simple, I think no one should have problems. And if you already have a Google account, then registration takes place in two clicks. Just click "Login" in the upper right corner of the video hosting.

The YouTube administration will review the application and approve it. Usually, this takes several hours. After that, advertising revenue will already be accrued to you.

See. It's not difficult at all. The main thing here is to develop your channel, make interesting videos and gain a subscriber base.

  • Choose a theme that you like. Enjoy the process. Download the videos you like. Tell your viewers what you are good at. Then everything will work out for sure.
  • Don't use someone else's content. Youtube is very bad at using other people's content. For this, they can not only disable monetization, but also block the entire YouTube channel.
  • Do not click on your advertisements. It's called "twisting" advertising clicks and is strictly prohibited by YouTube rules. As sanctions, a permanent blocking of monetization may follow. At the same time, all previously earned money will also be blocked.
  • Chat with visitors to your YouTube channel. Reply to their comments. People will see that you are open to communication and will subscribe to your channel more often.
  • Try to update old videos. Their information is sometimes out of date. And, visitors will be pleasantly surprised when they see that you share the most relevant information.

How else can you make money on your YouTube channel

As soon as popularity begins to come to the video channel, you can use an additional way to generate income. To do this, you need to choose companies that can be related to the topic of your videos and offer them cooperation.

Collaboration example: Max "+100500" promotes HeartStone video game

A lot of big brands are willing to pay directly for video reviews of their products. Even a young video blogger can negotiate such an article for $30-$50. Well, experienced and popular authors conclude advertising agreements for several orders of magnitude more expensive.

At the first stage, you will have to negotiate with companies on your own. However, after some time, proposals are already starting to come from digging.

Hard work is always rewarded. Therefore, try, shoot videos, post them, and you will definitely be able to make money on your YouTube channel. Start your YouTube story right now.

I would be grateful for your questions or your opinion on the topic in comments.

I wish you all a profitable investment!

If you liked this article - do a good deed

How to make money on YouTube from scratch? The main condition for stable earnings is to create high-quality, interesting video material and build up a loyal audience. Having gained popularity, connect one or more ways of monetization. Fortunately, today the Internet offers a lot of opportunities to receive a stable and decent income. Interested? Then let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages, features and pitfalls of each option.

YouTube earning scheme

Every year video hosting channels are gaining more and more popularity.

The most famous of them is YouTube, which is watched by billions of users around the world. Only in Russia, the service was able to attract more than 50 million people. A resource with a huge audience actively watching videos, clips, movies, game walkthroughs and other video information creates conditions not only for entertainment, but also for business.

So, let's start learning how to make money on YouTube. Surely everyone knows that the income of the channel owner depends on the number of video views. A reasonable question arises: “Who will pay for this?” The answer is banal - advertisers. If you used YouTube, you started watching a video with a small commercial and could not help but notice the pop-up ads.

It is the placement of advertising information that provides a YouTuber with income. On average, a channel owner receives $3 per 1,000 views of one video. Therefore, the financial success of the project depends on the number of uploaded videos and the number of views.

The scheme of earning money on YouTube is simple:

  1. Choose an interesting topic and promote the channel.
  2. Record high-quality clips and regularly upload to YouTube.
  3. Create titles and descriptions based on keywords that can be used to find the channel.
  4. Connect All possible ways monetization.
  5. Make a profit, reinvest part of it in the channel.

In order for the project to work at full capacity, it is necessary to use all points of contact with the client. A blogger with an average popularity can earn 25,000 - 50,000 per month.

More successful channels receive more than 300,000 rubles, and video hosting leaders receive several million for the same period.

TOP ways to make money on YouTube

There are several options on YouTube:

  • Participate in an official YouTube partner program or work with one of the media networks to generate advertising revenue.
  • Collaborate with organizations that offer rewards to potential consumers.
  • Engage in direct advertising.
  • Carry out commercial activities through your channel - engage in trade, sale of services.
  • CPA networks - great way, allowing the owner of the channel to become an intermediary and earn big money.
  • Hoping for the generosity of subscribers - collect donations (donations) or find a sponsor.

To bring income to a decent level, you have to work hard. The channel must comply with the established requirements, and violations of the rules can lead to blocking. There are a huge number of YouTubers who have burned out, investing a lot of time and money. Therefore, in order to achieve success, it is important to take into account all the nuances, constantly improve and make your channel truly interesting for people.

Connecting monetization

There are two ways to officially monetize a YouTube channel:

  • adsense- Google service, with successful cooperation with which a larger percentage of earnings on YouTube goes to the owner of the channel.
  • Media networks - participation in the affiliate program involves such a division of profits: 70% is taken by the media network, 30% - to the blogger.

Here it is important to carefully study the offers, conditions, reviews of other youtubers, and choose suitable affiliate program for myself.

Some of the most popular are Air, GT Russia, VSP Group, QuizGroup. Connection to them becomes possible if the account is already associated with Adsense.

But in order to enable channel monetization, the channel must meet certain requirements:

  1. Have at least 1000 subscribers.
  2. Over the past year, 4,000 hours of video content viewing should be accumulated.

By the way, until 2017, no conditions were put forward at all, and the channel was moderated, even if it had only one video.

When calculating the amount of future earnings, it is important to understand that the payment comes only for commercial video impressions. Another important nuance is that the longer the advertisement goes on, the more reward the blogger will receive. In addition, the cost of display depends on the type of advertising:

  • Banner - can remain in view from the beginning to the end of the video. A big minus is the ability to hide it by clicking on the cross.
  • Preroll - this ad is impossible to miss. This is one of the most expensive types of advertising. Only after 5 seconds of viewing, the visitor has the opportunity to continue to study the commercial or go to the advertiser's website.
  • Skipable video after a few seconds of viewing. It can be inserted both at the beginning and in the middle of the video content.

To enable monetization, just follow these steps:

  1. Click on the inscription "Channel" and in the "Monetization" tab activate the function. If the message “Impossible” appears, indicate the country of residence, and you can submit an application for consideration.
  2. After submitting the application, agree to the terms of service.
  3. To receive payments, link your account with Adsense by clicking on "Start" next to the corresponding inscription.
  4. Next, you have to select the desired account (if there are several) and click on "Accept".
  5. After a successful connection, advertising should be set up. To do this, you need to check the boxes next to the types of advertising campaigns that will be shown on your channel.

After the manipulation, it remains to wait for the administration to check in order to start making money on YouTube.

Google Adsense and Media Networks

So, if the channel meets the stated requirements, the application for monetization has been approved, congratulations, you have become a YouTube partner.

Now you can earn money for:

  • showing Google Adsense ads;
  • a YouTube Premium subscription when purchased by a viewer.

This method of earning income is completely passive and does not affect the blogger's creative process, but it has its drawbacks:

  • low income;
  • To make a profit, the account must accumulate at least $100.

Connecting to a media network gives a novice YouTuber more options for withdrawing funds: usually the threshold is $ 0.5-1. They pay the owner of the channel - 25-30% and take a commission for:

  • educational materials;
  • Access to additional ways monetization;
  • quick withdrawal of funds.

Each of the media networks puts forward its own requirements for the channel, but, as a rule, they are more accessible than YouTube itself:

  • Air: 1500 subscribers and 5000 watch hours in 12 months;
  • GT Russia: 1000 subscriptions, 4000 hours watched, correct channel design, at least 10 videos;
  • ScaleLab: 2500 subscribers, 4000 watch hours.

It is worth mentioning that connecting to any affiliate network does not guarantee a stable income. Profits will only come from commercial views.

The degree of income can be different and depends on the following indicators:

  • video topics, compliance with censorship rules, video quality;
  • region of residence of spectators;
  • the number and duration of viewing of advertising video ads;
  • advertising format;
  • how many commercial impressions took place.

Direct advertisers

Working directly with advertisers is a more profitable but responsible way to make money on YouTube. In this case, you will have to coordinate the script with the advertiser, comply with. But the level of income is much higher than from Google Adsense ad impressions. Top YouTubers can receive from 250,000 rubles for one commercial. Of course, this is the level of channels with millions of subscribers, but less popular bloggers also have a chance to make good money.

Let's take a look at how the direct advertising scheme works. Let's say you are the creator of a children's entertainment channel that has already gathered an army of fans. Well-known stores of expensive toys or other goods for children will be happy to cooperate by providing their goods for your videos. In this case, product advertising is presented in a playful, relaxed way.

Of course, watching your favorite young blogger play with a toy encourages you to buy the children's product presented in the review. The same scheme works with other products. But the problem is that direct advertisers are unlikely to agree to work with a channel that has a small audience reach.

But, despite the high pay, shooting and showing custom commercials has its own pitfalls that can harm the channel:

  • if you “praise” a low-quality product, you can lose the loyalty of subscribers, get a bunch of dislikes and unflattering comments;
  • if the advertisement is too veiled, the advertiser will remain dissatisfied;
  • the video is boring and uninteresting - such a video will be unclaimed and will lead to dissatisfaction on all sides.

How to announce yourself? Popular channels practically do not have to do anything, proposals for cooperation come in all the time. Those who have not reached such indicators can try to connect to the advertising exchange.

Advantages of working through specialized services:

  • the customer pays an advance payment;
  • the exchange places the task only if the necessary amount is available on the advertiser's account, which remains blocked for the period of the order;
  • after advertising, transfers money to the owner of the channel.

In turn, the exchange receives a remuneration for mediation - 5-15% of the transaction.

Partnership programs

A great way to make money on YouTube is CPA networks and affiliate programs.

The essence of monetization using affiliate programs:

  • register for a specialized service;
  • choose an offer and get an affiliate link;
  • receive payment for each transition and completion of a targeted action on the partner's website.

With this method of earning, there are no special requirements. Partner products can be advertised by both beginners and well-known channels. It is advisable for beginners to register in the CPA network. One of the most reliable is On this platform, you can always find a huge number of offers with a variety of conditions.

Payment depends on the terms of the affiliate program. They pay for clicking on the link and making a purchase, for concluding a loan agreement, issuing cards, opening accounts, registering on the site and spending a certain amount of time on it, and other actions. Often there you can find profitable offers from large online stores:

  • M Video;
  • Lamoda;
  • Citylink;
  • and others.

Youtuber's reward is usually - 5-10%.

Sale of goods or services

Many manufacturers, when creating a channel, pursue commercial goals of promoting their products. Via detailed reviews a unique opportunity to demonstrate all the benefits of a product or service. If you are in the resale business, the channel becomes a free advertising tool to generate leads.

Thus, it is possible to work according to the system, to sell goods from China, American suppliers. It’s good if you have your own online store or landing page. The link can be placed in the description of the video. How much you can earn on YouTube by selling goods or services depends only on your efforts and talent to interest the viewer.

How to promote a channel

Thinking about the options for making money on YouTube, everything may seem complicated and incomprehensible. But I assure you that choosing a monetization method is much easier than creating an interesting channel and making it top.

What you need to promote the channel:

  • register;
  • choose the topic of video blogging;
  • correctly arrange the channel;
  • make a plan for uploading videos, descriptions and titles for keywords;
  • create high-quality videos and upload them to the service.

When 10 videos appear on your channel, promote by buying ads on channels with a large number of subscribers, publics on social networks. In the description and in the videos themselves, encourage viewers to subscribe to the channel, arrange contests, one of the conditions of which is a subscription.

Do not disappoint users, constantly add new high-quality and interesting videos, collect your audience.

Niche selection

The level of income depends on the topic of the channel, so this stage should be approached responsibly. In fact, there are a lot of ideas. It’s good if the topic coincides with the interests of the blogger or with the area in which he is well versed.

Channel format examples:

  1. Feminine - about hairstyles, personal care, cosmetics, famous brands and everything related to the beauty industry. Good idea for monetization. The main thing is to keep up with the news.
  2. Entertaining - with funny videos, travel videos and more. You can quickly gain popularity, but you won’t be able to earn much.
  3. Culinary - cooking various dishes on the air. Interesting topic with little competition, you can advertise household appliances, cutlery, products.
  4. An automotive blog is a profitable men's topic with a good profit.
  5. Reviews - you can make video reviews of movies, events, music, new products.
  6. Games are one of the leading topics. Description of novelties, stories about the news of the gaming industry, the passage of games.

Choose a topic, do not put the benefit above all, give preference to the one that you like.

If the videos are shot sincerely and with soul, it captivates and disposes the viewer.

Key selection

To make money on YouTube, you need as many people as possible to see your channel, appreciate it, and become regular subscribers. To do this, it is important to increase the position of the channel in search engines using key phrases. Imagine what words a user types in to find a video related to your channel. When selecting, use special services where you can find information about the number of queries entered in the search box over the past month. Be sure to include these phrases in your video descriptions and titles.

Create quality video

Channel promotion requires maximum effort. Come up with a plot, write a script, shoot a cool video, set the right lighting, make an interesting and professional editing. At the same time, it is important to use high-quality equipment, material shot on a mobile phone is unlikely to raise the rating. Ideally, if you have your own unique style. Then the interested public will look forward to updates on your channel.

Post content consistently

One of the important conditions for the popularity of the channel is the systematic uploading of a new video.

You need to shoot constantly. At first, it is better to upload at least a couple of videos a week. This is the only way to attract a lot of viewers. Users will not subscribe to a channel if the video appears on it every six months. Be sure to consider this fact.

The amount of earnings

How much can you earn on YouTube? Perhaps the main question that worries beginner bloggers. On average, you can get $5 for 1000 video views, but this is an approximate figure. Earnings depend on the topic of the video and CTR (click through rate). To calculate this indicator, you need to divide the number of clicks on ads by the numerical indicator of video views. Usually it is 1-2%, but 6% is also found.

Equally important is the cost per click. It depends on the topic of the channel. For example, in the field of finance, there will be more people who want to order advertising than in cooking, and therefore the cost of a click will be higher. To earn $1,500 per month, your videos must be viewed by 50,000 visitors per day. Of course, this is a considerable figure, and you need to try hard to achieve such a result. Motivation, patience and perseverance will surely come to the desired indicators.

Examples of successful channels

One of the strong motivating factors for beginners is the achievements of top bloggers.

Average monthly earnings of channels with high popularity:

  • Ivangay: 14,502,570 subscribers 316 videos - 5,000,000 rubles;
  • Katya Klap: 6,609,434 subscriptions 425 videos - 3,000,000 rubles;
  • Frost: 8,186,033 regular viewers 1,544 clips – 4,000,000 rubles;
  • This is Good: 5,858,503 subscribers 842 videos – 3,600,000 rubles;
  • Sasha Spielberg: 6,496,249 subscriptions 329 clips - 3,000,000 rubles.

Of course, few achieve such indicators, but what prevents you from becoming successful?

  1. When choosing a topic for a future channel, do not choose a niche from a commercial point of view. Make content about what you really like!
  2. Pay close attention to tags (keywords).
  3. Write meaningful and colorful descriptions that convey the essence of the video.
  4. When promoting your channel, buying ads from other bloggers, try to select channels with the most similar topics.
  5. Be mindful of the regularity of uploading clips.
  6. Post only unique original content.
  7. Make it a rule to reinvest part of the profits in the development of the channel.
  8. If you get a ban, be sure to contact technical support. This is the best and only way to solve the problem.
  9. Never click on ads on your channel and do not wind up their number.
  10. Maintain close contact with the audience: ask for comments, don't forget to reply to them, ask what video they want to see next.


We hope that today you were able to get an answer to the question of how to make money with YouTube. Without a doubt, everyone can create a channel, but not everyone will be able to receive income from it. Know that there is hard and painstaking work ahead, but this is a real chance to improve your financial situation and engage in creative work. And it is likely that in a few years you will have a huge number of subscribers and earn millions, but you should start now!

If you have questions that we have not covered in today's article, ask! We will gladly answer. And for our part, we want to wish you success and achievement of your goals! Be sure to share information with your friends and do not forget to click on the stars)

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Freelancer, creative and business

How to make money on Youtube from scratch on subscribers and views - detailed instructions


To receive money, they perform simple actions here, including watching videos, passing game levels, liking, subscribing to groups, publics.

The number of subscribers on this channel today exceeds 13 million, and views - about 1 billion a year. Of course, not all owners can boast of such results. Youtube offers to earn money online without investment. And this is true, according to leading Russian bloggers.

The total earnings depend on the parameter of ad clickability, it is called CTR. It is determined simply: the number of clicks is divided by the number of views. A CTR of 1-2% is considered normal., but even more.

Also, the amount depends on the cost of 1 click. The cost varies depending on the subject of the channel. Shows are highly rated in reviews of household, digital equipment, cars, and the financial market.

Professional bloggers earn about $3,000 per month, get 100 thousand views per day. The indicator is high, in order to achieve it, they create trending content.

So how much can you earn Youtube really from scratch?

Starting to shoot is always difficult, potential bloggers have no experience. Everything comes gradually - shoot short videos with voice acting of funny clips, films.

What affects earnings in YouTube

Let's name the moments that affect its size:


    Blogs devoted to children's entertainment, games, cinema, and creativity are considered low-income. Highly profitable are considered analogues created for the review of expensive accessories, things, cars.

    But it also happens the other way around, views on children's "branches" break records, and the owner of car vlogs cannot raise funds even for new phone. What is the reason? That the records are meaningless. You should not create them for the purpose of making money, think about the interests of visitors.

    Scope of work.

    If you shoot a lot of material, keep more than one vlog, the reward will be higher. Income depends on hard work and time invested in the business. Information for authors who do not understand how you can earn more on YouTube.


    It is necessary to make the channel popular with the help of advertising in search engines, social networks, and third-party resources. These are material investments.

    Content language.

    Publication on several video hosting sites.

    They cooperate not only with YouTube, but with other services, for example, Rutube. This will allow you to earn more money.

Demanded formats for earnings

We are ready to give some examples:

  • reviews on a specific topic- about a movie, a game, a gadget, branded clothes, etc.;
  • training videos- the author acts in it as a master of a certain business, for example, creating a site, repairing, cooking, etc.;
  • gameplay- passing favorite games;
  • personal shooting on the chosen topic- satire, travel, politics, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for making money from scratch

    Youtube registration.

    Create a username, provide an email address.

    Choice of subject.

    We have already clarified which topics for the site are preferable in terms of earnings. They have fewer views than channels with popular entries. Therefore, be smart and creative, make the story about the product funny, exciting.

    Most importantly, shoot about what you like. We recommend blogging to people who have free time - students, students, young mothers. This is a great way to earn money while on maternity leave.


    YouTube offers customization tools. Set up a colorful banner with a title, post a demo, create playlists. Do it yourself or order from a professional designer, operator.

    Shooting, processing.

    To take off good video, you need to ensure proper lighting when creating, get a high-resolution camera, choose the right audio tracks, do not forget about the background.

    If you do not have a beautiful place, it is better to use a green screen - instead of it, when processing, substitute an attractive landscape, interior. For cutting, compiling content, graphic, video, and sound editors are used. They can be downloaded for free from the Internet.


    The material needs to be optimized for key queries. It is possible to pick them up in accordance with the direction on the service. When choosing, they pay attention not only to frequently requested phrases, but also to less popular ones that attract “narrowly targeted” consumers. Key phrases are used in the title, comments, description.

    Enable monetization.

    As we said, a lot of traffic is beneficial. Results come within a few months or weeks, it all depends on the desire to earn.

  • Constant development.

    You can’t stop there, improve the quality of content, keep up with trends and requests. And then you will achieve the planned result.


We hope we helped you get useful information. If you decide to make money on YouTube from scratch, then with the help of it you will get rich faster. Know that there is hard work ahead, but this is a real chance to improve your financial situation, to engage in creative work. We wish you success and achieve your goals!