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Internet subscription 1 category mts disable. Internet Subscription - Download Software - Soft Soft. How to protect yourself from unwanted subscriptions and where they can come from

1. General provisions and terms:

Operator, MTS - JLLC "Mobile TeleSystems", operator of cellular mobile telecommunications in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Address: Republic of Belarus, 220043 Minsk, Independence Avenue 95-4. The license for the right to carry out activities in the field of communications was issued by the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the decision of April 30, 2004 No. 31 for a period of 18 years, registered in the register of licenses of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization under No. 926.

Subscriber - an individual, legal entity or individual entrepreneur with whom an Agreement has been concluded with the allocation of at least one Subscriber Number and (or) a Unique Identification Code.

Personal account - an analytical account in the ACP, which serves to account for the volume of Services rendered under the Agreement, to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds contributed to pay for the Services and (or) Subscriber Equipment, as well as to account for other obligations.

The Content Provider is a partner of the Operator (TM LLC Investment Network Company), which is the Owner of copyright and related rights to the Content within the portal site.

The service "Internet subscription to games_site" (hereinafter referred to as the Access Service) is an MTS service that allows the subscriber to access content located on the Internet resource for one day (24 hours).

2. Acceptance (through the actions defined below) of this Offer means the Subscriber's consent to receive the Access Service.

3. Description of the service

The access service allows the Subscriber to access software products posted on the Site Portal.

By activating the Service, the Subscriber accepts this User Agreement for the provision of the Access Service, and that he/she confirms that he has read and agreed with the Rules for the provision of the Access Service.

4. Cost of the service

The cost of the Access Service for the Subscriber is 0.20 rubles per day (including VAT) and is determined in accordance with the current Regulations on the system of discounts for the service and the Price List of tariffs for communication services of JLLC Mobile TeleSystems.

The cost of the Access Service is charged from the Subscriber at the time of acceptance of this User Agreement for the provision of access services to the "site" portal and in the future, the Internet Traffic used by the Subscriber when viewing / downloading content on the portal is paid separately according to the Subscriber's tariff plan.

To cancel the service, send an SMS stop 1611 to 1818.

The Subscriber has the right to use the content obtained using the Access Service only for personal purposes and not to use it for distribution by selling or otherwise alienating the content to third parties.

Investment Network Company LLC, which may establish rules, restrictions and other requirements regarding the use of content located on this information resource. Investment Network Company LLC. JLLC "Mobile TeleSystems" provides only the service of access to the information resource.

If the Subscriber does not receive a refusal from the Content Access Service, the period for providing the Content Access Service is automatically extended each time by 1 day until the Subscriber independently disables the Access Service.

If the Subscriber refuses to provide the Access Service, the provision of the Access Service to the Content is made only after the Subscriber reconnects the Access Service.

6. Contact information

If you have any questions about the provision of the service, call the support service at tel. 882003210133.

Over the past few weeks, a lot of messages have appeared on the forum from MTS subscribers complaining about the spontaneous connection of a paid service. We are talking about a subscription to videos from the site videumobile. According to users, the subscription to the service is carried out without their knowledge.

The fact that the subscriber is connected to the service is reported by SMS. According to users, you can refuse the service only after contacting MTS. Worse for those who use the SIM card of the operator in the modem.

“I have internet. There is a SIM card in the 3G modem, and the modem is in the router. And sensibly so distributes the Internet. Tariff plan MTS Unlimited for legal entities. In theory, I have to pay 240k for a subscriber and, like, 7k for a static name. But no, the bill came as much as 300t. Somehow, miraculously, I subscribed to the chic portal videumobile. And 1450 rubles were written off per day. In what way, and no SMS went to paid short numbers, ”- says one of the victims (spelling and punctuation of the original preserved).

According to the user, with the help of MTS support, he unsubscribed from the intrusive service, but soon he was again connected to a paid subscription.

Judging by the correspondence of the victims with the MTS support service, people are assured that they themselves connected to the paid service, via the Internet or via SMS. Or someone else did it by accident. Users assure that they did not subscribe to videumobile, which is allegedly evidenced by the details of account transactions.

Note that among the services provided by MTS on the operator's website there really is a certain "Internet subscription to videos". A similar service was also offered to life:) subscribers, but there were fewer complaints from them compared to MTS customers.

It is curious that, judging by the words of subscribers, you can connect to a paid service as many phone numbers as you like using one code. We checked and it turned out that it is really possible to remotely subscribe to videumobile of any MTS subscriber.

Unfortunately, the press service of the operator could not provide a comment on the current situation. However, the MTS website states that from September 22, that is, the day after we sent the corresponding request to the company's press service, the provision of the service has been temporarily suspended.

We advise all subscribers to check SMS notifications for a message about a subscription to videumobile. It will also be useful to study in detail all the operations on your telephone bill per day. If you see a write-off of 1440 or 1560 rubles that you do not understand, you should urgently contact the operator, ask to disable the service and return the money.

Added. Here is how the journalist of commented on the situation in the life:) company:

“Mobile operator life:) announced a temporary suspension of subscriptions on this resource due to a centralized stop of activation of new subscriptions by the content provider Bamboo Group LLP for all operators. The joint decision was made in connection with the receipt of complaints from subscribers. The content of the appeals in the bulk indicates that the service provider, namely the website, may be practicing viral methods of connecting services through a common method of pop-up windows with a suggestion to click "OK". At the moment, an internal investigation into the activities of the provider has been launched, the responsibility and control over the actions of which lie entirely with the content provider.

If you find the loss of funds from your account, check if you have any unnecessary paid MTS subscriptions. If the fears are confirmed, then you need to unsubscribe from all subscriptions that “bankrupt” you. You can do this yourself or with the help of an operator. Choose the appropriate way to disable:

How to protect yourself from unwanted subscriptions and where can they come from?

First of all, let's note that unwanted subscriptions themselves can appear for two reasons.

As you can see, it’s very easy to protect yourself from unwanted subscriptions: ignore messages with “profitable promotions” from unknown numbers, and limit your visits to sites with dubious content.

If you have already become the unfortunate owner of many paid MTS subscriptions from nowhere, you can do the following: dial the USSD request *152*22# in the call field, then press the call key. This will cancel all paid subscriptions. You can also do this using your personal account, the My MTS application, or by contacting the consultants of the nearest service center.

Service "Prohibition of content"

This service prevents the phone from receiving and sending messages to short numbers (up to 5 characters). Thus, neither you nor the attackers will simply succeed in subscribing.
The service is free, but it has one peculiarity - not only intruders write to you from short numbers, but also, for example, automatic banking systems. Unfortunately, you will not be able to receive such messages, so think twice before activating the Content Ban service.

In any question that arises, the consultants of the service center, online operators in your personal account or "live" operators on the communication line will help you figure it out - if necessary, contact them without the slightest hesitation!

A service that is part of the comprehensive support of 1C: ITS, which is designed to support users of certain industry and specialized solutions.


1C:ITS Industry is a service that is part of the comprehensive support of 1C:ITS, which 1C together with its partners provides to users of 1C:Enterprise programs. It is intended to accompany users of certain industry and specialized solutions using various means of communication (hereinafter referred to as Industry Software). Users and partners can find the list of solutions with the Category of support for the service, respectively, in the User's Personal Account Partner's Account.

Users support.

After activation of the 1C:ITS Industry service, in addition to the services provided under the main 1C:ITS contract, the following services will be available to users:

  • a line of consultations for a developer of an industry or specialized solution (hereinafter referred to as the software developer) using: 1C-Connect system, e-mail, telephone and Skype electronic communication system. The coordinates of the consultation line for developers of Solutions supported by the 1C: ITS Industry service, users and partners can find, respectively, in the User's Personal Account (for registered products) and in the Partner's Account;
  • setting up electronic communication tools with the software developer and training in their use;
  • add-on for data exchange with the GIS housing and communal services (State information system of housing and communal services) in the solutions of the company "1C" for housing and communal services;
  • access to the service "Industry solutions 1C via the Internet".


  • Operational user support provided by the developers of Industry-specific software;
  • applying to the personal account of the developer of the Industry Software by any of the listed methods, which is the most familiar and convenient for the user;
  • enhanced control of the 1C company over the quality of support of industry-specific software;
  • the ability to directly influence the development of the functionality of the Industry Software, evaluating the quality of the solution, the quality of its support in the user's personal account, as well as expressing their wishes for development.

Terms of receipt

1C:ITS Industry service can be activated by registered users of Industry software. The service is not an independent type of 1C: ITS support agreement and is considered active only if the user has a valid 1C: ITS agreement (except for the Basic versions of Industry software). Instructions for activating the service by the user are located in the "Additional Information" section.

To support the 1C: ITS Industry service of different-name Industry software, a separate activation of the service is required for each Industry software. For legal entities and organizations that consist of several legal entities (with an extensive branch structure, for retail chains, holdings, etc.), which have acquired several Industry software of the same name, in order to receive service for these Industry software, it is enough to issue one 1C service: ITS Industry.

When activating the 1C: ITS service, the industry user specifies the period in which the service will operate. The start of the service can be specified from any date of any month, but not earlier than the 1st day of the current month.


Service 1C: ITS Industry can be purchased through the partners of the company "1C" and in the online store 1C-Online, please note that the cost of the service depends on the chosen method of purchase.

The cost of support for the 1C: ITS Industry service depends on the complexity of the development and maintenance of the Industry software (price Category of service), one Category is defined for each Industry software. Users and partners can find the list of solutions with the Category of support for the service, respectively, in the User's Personal Account (for registered products) and in the Partner's Account.

The cost of the service (including electronic delivery) when purchased through partners of 1C

12 months
6 months
3 months
1 month
Preferential on
12 months
(scheme 8+4)
1 1C:ITS Industry Basic 6 800 3 600 1 900 900 4 600
2 1C:ITS Industry 1st Category 13 700 7 200 3 800 1 800 9 200
3 1C:ITS Industry 2nd Category 27 400 14 400 7 600 3 600 18 400
4 1C:ITS Industry 3rd Category 54 800 28 800 15 200 7 200 36 800
5 1C:ITS Industry 4th Category 82 200 43 200 22 800 10 800 55 200
6 1C:ITS Industry 5th Category 109 600 57 600 30 400 14 400 73 600

The cost of the service when purchased through the 1C-Online website (prices are in rubles, including 20% ​​VAT):

12 months
6 months
3 months
1 month
1 1C:ITS Industry Basic, Electronic version 7 480 3 960 2 090 990
2 1C:ITS Industry 1st Category, Electronic version 15 070 7 920 4 180 1 980
3 1C:ITS Industry 2nd category, Electronic version 30 140 15 840 8 360 3 960
4 1C:ITS Industry 3rd category, Electronic version 60 280 31 680 16 720 7 920
5 1C:ITS Industry 4th category, Electronic version 90 420 47 520 25 080 11 880
6 1C:ITS Industry 5th category, Electronic version 120 560 63 360 33 440 15 840


For service-related questions, please contact [email protected].

The categories of support and the coordinates of the consultation lines for developers of software products supported by the 1C: ITS Industry service (with the corresponding Information Letters), users and partners can find, respectively, in