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How to make a new password in VK. How to change the new version of the password, phone, login, mail in VK.

There is nothing permanent in the world. Everything changes - living and inanimate - it increases, decreases, changes shape, color, structure, structure, in general, is transformed in every possible way. And online - in different parts of the web - this action is taking place. For example, in the accounts of the VK social network: the password is changed for security purposes, and the need to change the VKontakte login arises due to the need to organize convenient authorization on the site; but the data can, of course, be updated for other reasons as well.

From this article you will learn how to change your VKontakte password (change, for example, to a more complex one) and login.

Access to settings

To go to the setting panel in your personal profile on the website:

1. In the account menu, click "My Settings".

2. Use the mouse wheel to scroll down the General tab a little.

Change Password

So, the settings are open, let's figure out how to change the VKontakte password:

1. In the "Change password" block, in the first field, type the current symbolic combination used for authorization.

2. Specify the new key on the next two lines.

3. Click Change .... A message will appear stating that the password has been successfully changed.

A few tips for performing the procedure:

1. If the password does not change, check the correctness of the old combination (clear the field and type it carefully again).

2. If you cannot come up with a complex password, use an online password generator (make a request in a search engine). In it, you can literally put in one or two mouse clicks required settings and create a sustainable combination.

Change of login


If you want to use an e-mail instead of a mobile number as a login, do the following:

1. In the section "Address of your Email»Enter your valid e-mail in the line.

2. Enter your account password to confirm the action.

3. Go to account e-mail. In the letter you received from VKontakte, click the link.

1. Click "Change ..." in the "Your phone number" block.

2. Set the country in the list, enter the mobile number (plus the international code). Click Get Code.

3. Enter the code from the received SMS.

Changing the page address

By default, the created page is assigned to VKontakte an identification number(ID). It is also indicated in the link to the page - \ idxxxxxxxx.

To replace the profile URL:

1. In the block "Address of your page", in the line "Address ...", after "... com /" type in Latin letters new address(you can indicate your surname and first name).

2. Click the button "Borrow address ...".

Enjoy your stay on VKontakte! ...

Please note that so that your account cannot be hacked, you should pay special attention to choosing a password. Therefore, there are some rules that will allow you to safely use your profile and will not require you to recover your password or a hacked page. First of all, you need to know that the longer your password, the more difficult it is to find it. That is why the minimum password length on the vKontakte website is 6 characters. In addition, the password combination should include both numbers and letters and some symbols%, $, =, and in various combinations.

So, in order to change your password, you need to go to the site and log into your account using your username and password, as shown in the picture.

Please note that the characters are not visible when entering the password. Therefore, if you are not sure about the correctness of typing, then in this case it is recommended to type the password in Notepad or in Word, and then simply copy and paste it into the required field. This way you can see what you are typing.

After you have done everything correctly, the main vKontakte window will open in front of you. In principle, the site has a friendly and intuitive interface, so that even a beginner will not be difficult to understand its settings and main menus.

To change the settings of the current profile, select the "My Settings" menu on the left, as shown below:

After that, the settings menu will open, in which, on the "General" tab, you can change your password to a new one. To do this, scroll down the screen and find the Change Password menu.

Then follow these steps:

    In the "Old password" field, enter your Current password, under which you are logged in.

    In the "New password" field, enter New Password and re-enter it in the "Repeat password" field.

    Confirm the changes by clicking on the "Change password" button.

Please note that the new password must not be shorter than six characters and only contain numbers. Otherwise, your password will not be changed, and you will receive a corresponding notification:

If you enter your current password incorrectly, the system will display the following error message:

If you did everything correctly, then your password in the system will be changed to a new one, and you will receive a notification:

After that, you will be able to enter the site only with a new password. If for any reason you have not received such a message, then your system will remain active. Old Password even if you clicked the "Change Password" button.

If you lose your new password, you can use.

It should also be noted that today there are no passwords that cannot be cracked. Any password can be cracked by brute force - a simple password guessing. It all depends on the complexity of the password. The more complex the password, the longer it may take for attackers to guess it. To avoid this, many experts recommend changing passwords to new ones at least once a month. And of course, do not forget about antiviruses, because the presence of a Trojan program on your computer can greatly facilitate access to your VKontakte page. But if someone hacked your page and changed all your data, including your username and password, then even in this case it is possible to restore your previous account.


The VKontakte password can be changed in the settings of your page. This is a link "Settings" in the VK menu at the top right (where is your name and avatar). In the settings, in the "General" section, which will immediately open, there are the following items:

  • site menu
  • Page settings
  • Password- that's what you need. To the right of it is the "Change" link

There are three lines. At the top, you need to type the old password to prove that you remember it and that it is you, and not a stranger who sat down at your computer or took your tablet or phone. In the second and third lines, you need to type a new password, both times the same. You need to type twice, because you can make a mistake in one letter or symbol, and then you will not go to the site - you will not know exactly where you made a mistake! VKontakte checks if the second and third lines match - if not, then it will not let you change the password until you type a new one both times the same way.

Pay attention to which language (keyboard layout) you are typing the password in - Russian or English. It is important. Whichever one I typed, this one will always have to be typed.

When you have typed everything, press "Change Password"- from now on you have a new password. Next time when VK asks him, type a new one. The old one no longer works.

Be sure to remember the new password and do not share it with anyone! You can write it down and hide it where no one can find it but you.

How to come up with a good strong password is described here: VKontakte Security. There are other important and useful tips too.

How to make a new password if you don't remember the old one?

To change the password, if you forgot the old one, you need to restore access to the VKontakte page. You will have to leave the site (the "Exit" button) and start recovery, otherwise there is no way. After all, if you do not remember the password, you must prove that you are the owner of the page, and not a stranger! When you do this, you will be asked to set a new password, with which you will log in in the future.

Why change your VKontakte password?

It is imperative to change your password if someone else finds it out. You should also change your password if your computer has been infected with viruses, if the page has been hacked, and the like. In addition, for security reasons, we recommend that you change all passwords once a year. Provided that you remember the new passwords!

Today we will talk with you about how to change your password in "Contact". The fact is that on this moment there is a lot of spam on the Internet and malware who know how to hack pages. If you have any suspicions that you may be "hacked", you will need me a password. Also, this service will be required when you completely forgot it. For example, after a long absence. Let's try to figure out how to change the password in "Contact" in different ways.

On access

So, the first option that we will consider today is the case when you just wanted to change the password for the page. That is, you have full access to it, no one encroaches on it, and so on. Then it will not be difficult for you to complete this procedure.

If you are wondering how to change the password in "Contact", then the first thing you will need to log in to the site and go to your profile. Then you can start working. Go to settings. There, find the "General" tab. It will open by default after clicking on "My Settings". Find the "Change password" column there. Fill all necessary fields. There are three of them.

In the first one you will have to write the old "pass", and in the other two - the new one. Then click "Change Password". Now you can enjoy the result. You know how to change your password in "Contact" when you have access to your profile.

Maiden memory

But quite often the service of changing the "pass" is used when it is completely forgotten. Or if the user has already been hacked. Then you have to think about how to change the password in "Contact" if you forgot the old one. Let's take a look at a fairly popular swap method.

The fact is that now, in order to create your own page on the site, you are required to enter your mobile phone number. Thus, the profile is linked to the mobile phone. So your phone is an additional tool that will help you with our question today. To change your password, go to home page"VC".

Now let's see what we can do. Put your phone in front of you - it will be useful to you. Click on the inscription "Forgot your password?" Now a window will open in front of you, in which you will have to enter your phone number and fill out a small request for password recovery. Wait a few minutes. You will have to receive a special code, which you will enter in the appropriate window on the page on your computer. After that, all that remains is to come up with a new password and repeat it. Click on the "Change password" button, after which you will be able to successfully enter new data and use the page. True, sometimes the question arises: "How to change the password in" Contact "without a phone number?" Let's see if there is a way out in this situation.


Naturally, no one has canceled the good old "old-fashioned" methods of recovering lost data on the Internet. If you forgot your "pass", and you changed your phone for a long time, but did not attach a page, then there is another recovery secret. With its help, you can easily answer how to change the password in "Contact".

Your email will help you. The fact is that earlier the "Contact" page was tied to it. This feature is still available today. If you have worried in advance about all possible ways to resolve the issue of changing your password, then most likely your account is linked to your e-mail. Let's try to restore the "pass".

To get started, go to the home page of the site. Now find the inscription "Forgot your password?" In the window that opens, find the "e-mail / login" field. You should enter your email address there. If everything is done correctly, then after a while you will receive a letter from the administration with your "password". Now you can log in to the site and, if necessary, change the data through the "settings". That's all. Now you know how to change the password in "Contact" using e-mail. But there is one more scenario.

There is an exit!

But what if you have forgotten absolutely all the data? How to change the password in "Contact" without going to the page and without entering your phone / email? Can this be done at all?

Since we are talking about this, it means that such a function is possible. You will need to make a special request in technical support where you will have to prove your ownership of the profile. You may need to send a scan of your passport.

Find the inscription "form of restoring access to the page" on the site. After that, fill in all the fields that open. Attach data confirming the fact of ownership, and then wait for a response. If you manage to prove your rights, then access will be restored soon. So be patient.

You can often hear a complaint from users of social networks: "I forgot my VKontakte password." At first glance, the problem seems to be global, but the prudent administration of the site made it so that you can restore access to your account in a few minutes. In this article we will tell you how to change your VKontakte password. In particular, how to do it as you wish or because you do not have it.

How to change the password "VKontakte" for security purposes

If you follow the security rules and decide to change your password from the site in order to avoid, then to establish a new one you will need to:

  1. Go to the VKontakte website using your credentials.
  2. On the left side of the page, select the "My Settings" tab.
  3. Find the "Change password" section in the window that opens.
  4. There are three fields in front of you, the first of which involves entering your current password, the second and third - a new password.
  5. Enter all the data and click the "Change password" button. Ready.

How to change your VKontakte password if you've forgotten it

If you just forgot the password for your page, then you will need the mobile number to which you linked it. What do we do next?

  1. We go to the VKontakte website.
  2. Click on the link "Forgot your password".
  3. In the field that opens after clicking the link, we indicate either from social network, or the mail to which the page is registered, or the phone number to which it is attached.
  4. Next, the system will ask you to enter your last name and offer a page for recovery.
  5. As soon as confirmation is received from you, an SMS message will be sent from the site containing a security code to change your password.
  6. We enter the numbers from SMS in the appropriate field and indicate a new password, which we remember so that we do not have to repeat this procedure.

If you do not have the opportunity to use mobile phone, then try to brute force the password "VKontakte". Remember what phrase or combination of letters, numbers you could set as a protection for a page on a social network. Try to enter any combination that you think might be a password. If this method was unsuccessful, the site administration can help you in this matter. To do this, repeat all the actions that need to be performed if there is mobile number.

But at stage 5, when the message should arrive on your phone, on the same page at the very bottom, follow the link "If you do not have access to the number or the code does not come, try clicking here." After that, you will be asked to provide some personal information (available mobile number, old email address, and so on). Having considered the data you entered, the site administration will decide whether to restore your access or not.

Now you know how to change your VKontakte password. The most important condition for this procedure is the presence of a mobile number to which the page is registered. It is a confirmation that you are a real person, and not just another fake.