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How to recruit VKontakte subscribers basic recommendations. How to get more VKontakte subscribers: five effective ways Which ads get more VK subscribers

Naturally, when you are just starting to run a group or a page of your brand on social networks, the first question that is worth it is how to promote a group on VKontakte or on another social network, that is, recruit subscribers, an audience, members to a group.

Please note that on Facebook it is better to create a so-called "page" and not a "group". You can read about it.

On Twitter or Instagram, for example, there are no groups or pages, they just have an “account” and that’s it, but for brevity, we will write here "group" everywhere so as not to bother listing these terms every time.

In this article, we only talk about recruiting subscribers, but remember - it is very difficult to recruit subscribers to a group in which there is no content, or the content is weak, uninteresting, stolen.

Prologue - need content

Before you start promoting a group, you need to start filling it with content. You should already have at least 10 posts of good and high-quality posts in the community - read about this. Until you have content in the group, getting there won't actually work or will be very expensive. We need to start with content.

And there is one more thing - imagine two different communities on the same topic and with approximately the same content:

  • There is practically no communication in the first group, and the questions asked by the participants often remain unanswered by the owner
  • In the second group, as soon as a question appears, the owner of the group gives an answer to it, and other participants gradually enter into communication: the group is full of questions and answers in the comments.

Which group do you think is easier to attract people to? Of course, in the second - in which communication takes place.

Until recently, it was difficult to track comments in your communities, now there is a cool service for this - use it to track comments in your community.

And now let's move on to the actual mechanisms of promotion:

We give you a relatively universal way that works in 95% of cases.

What does "group promotion" mean?

As a rule, the word "promotion" of groups means - recruit subscribers to the group, and not just anyone, but those who have a chance to turn into buyers.

Below we list the main methods (both paid and free).

It is important to note the following: it is very difficult for people to join a group where there are few people.

There is such a thing as “social proof”, and so, if your group has 10 subscribers, this is social proof that your group hasn’t given up to anyone. And of course, other people will not seek to join it. Therefore, at the initial stage, quantity may be more important than quality.

So, we tell you how to promote a group in steps:

How to promote a VKontakte group at the very beginning: start with your colleagues or partners

Ask them to join the group. It seems surprising, but this advice is not so easy to follow. Time after time, we are faced with the fact that our customers say “no, our employees will not join, our loyalty is very weak.” Damn it, are you there, are you beating employees with sticks so that they won't join your group?

This is the easiest way to turn 3 subscribers into at least 50-100 (depending on the size of the company), then it will be easier. If this does not help, you need to buy a certain number of paid group memberships (more on this below), but this is still a “crooked way”, the best thing at the start is colleagues, friends, partners.

Standard social media ads

Quite an obvious way to promote a group, its effectiveness depends on the topic in which you work, how much your topic itself and the content you post are of interest to the general public.

Also, the targeting (whom you target your ad at) will matter. Oddly enough, but not in all social networks you can advertise, for example, advertising on Twitter still does not work in Russia. As a sub-variant of this tactic, we should mention retargeting / remarketing - that is, showing a paid advertisement “join our group” to those who have already visited your site.

This is usually a big cost saver because people already know your brand and it's much easier to be willing to join.

The cost of joining groups varies greatly depending on the subject matter and the chosen targeting. In successful cases, it can be less than 5 rubles.

Self-following / invitations to the group

This works well on Twitter or Instagram - you follow someone, they follow you as a "return favor".

On VKontakte or Facebook, it usually looks like such a two-way move - first you friend someone, and then invite him to join the group. However, on your own, "handles", with the help of one or two personal accounts, you will not achieve much.

In Odnoklassniki, there is no need to first friend someone in order to invite them to the group.

However, different networks have different restrictions on such invitations; doing it yourself, with your own hands, will quickly get bored. And then they come to the rescue...

Paid invitations to the group

There is a kind of business.

The guys manage hundreds of accounts that friend people according to the targeting you need, and then offer to join your group. Different people charge differently for this, on average, it costs about 20-30 rubles to enter using this method.

The method is dangerous due to the complexity of control and ease of cheating, so you need to contact trusted providers of such a service.

This method should be used when regular paid advertising (see above) or paid posts (see below) does not work well for you. As a rule, this happens when the subject of your group is narrow enough - not the mass market, or rather rarely used mass services or goods.

Paid posts in popular groups/communities

Another very popular way is to use paid posts in other groups.

You negotiate with the admin of some popular group of the region or topic you need, and he posts something like “join such and such a group ...” and a link to your group in the group.

The final results vary greatly - but in general, 5 rubles for joining is considered a good result, more than 10 rubles - not so much.

The problem is that, as a rule, until you try, you will not know how exactly this group will react to your proposal. As a sub-variant of this tactic - if you are too lazy to negotiate with a bunch of admins, there are a lot of exchanges where you can do the same, we like it the most.


You are playing something with your audience, since your goal is to grow the audience of your group / page, then the rules should be such as to encourage influx into the group.

At a minimum, in order to become a participant in the competition, you need to join a group. Further - according to the situation.

The following contest mechanics are very common - join a group, publish some photo or drawing in the group (of yourself with the company's product, or there is some drawing of your child about the company, and so on). The one whose drawing gets the most likes wins the prize.

The prize must be naturally significant. A certificate for 1000 rubles is unlikely to attract anyone, but for example, an iPad or a laptop is quite.

What is attractive about such a contest mechanic is that, firstly, you do not force people to do something very unnatural. People love to post pictures of themselves or pictures of their children. You just add your brand to the process a little, and people agree to it for the chance to win something meaningful for them.

Secondly, this mechanic "provokes" people to ask for help from their friends, thus increasing the reach. That is, people who decide to take part in the contest, as a rule, then write something like “help me, like my photo there!” In this way, one of their friends really helps them, learns about your brand, and maybe also decides to join the group if it suits their interests.

And one more plus of such mechanics. The current legislation applies differently to contests, lotteries, drawings, where the prize is random or not. If the win is accidental, then such a draw must be registered with a special authority, and this is usually very long and difficult. If the winner is determined in some objective, non-random way that everyone can see and determine - that is, “whoever has the most likes wins”, then such a draw or contest does not need to be registered, you just need to publish its rules, for example , on your site.

Another, perhaps even more commonly used, mechanic is "share a post and we'll randomly pick a winner." In many cases it can work even better, but has the danger of getting into trouble with the law (you need to frame this as a hoax).

Paid joining a group

And finally, it is impossible not to mention such an opportunity as simply buying people who have entered. This is another method of how to promote a VKontakte group at the very beginning.

There are a lot of "exchanges" for such activities, for example - where you can, for quite a bit of money, about 3 rubles, just buy yourself subscribers to the group. When doing this, you need to be aware that naturally, such subscribers will never convert into real buyers.

And this is done just to give the impression that the group is interesting, rock it from the start. It is also important to remember the moderation of appetites - if you get 1000 or more subscribers to a group in one, then with a high probability the group will be blocked.

Therefore, this method is more appropriate in cases where you need to start from scratch and turn your 0 subscribers into at least 500.

It is believed that the more friends and VKontakte subscribers you have, the more popular your page is (see). Having several thousand friends on a social network (see), in a natural way, only people who have a certain popularity in real life, or on the world wide web, succeed. Singers, bloggers, politicians, etc. You can always see a large number of subscribers on their pages.

And what about ordinary users? What needs to be done to wind up a lot of VKontakte subscribers?

In fact, there is no particular difficulty here. And there are quite a few ways. Now I will show you the main ones.

Video lesson: how to make a lot of subscribers in VK

Mutual friend adding

The principle of this method is as follows. We are starting to send people friend requests. Some of them accept and become our friend. After a while, we remove a person from friends, and he becomes our subscriber (see).

It should be noted that in the end, half will unsubscribe. But the method still works well.

You can send friend requests directly, or through special groups.

We send applications directly

We find the page of any person, and go to the list of his friends.

Here we go in turn to each person from the list, and send him a friend request.

We have 40 applications available per day (see). We send and wait.

Mutual applications through groups

There are a large number of groups where people are mutually added as friends.

We go to the search and write "Add to friends". Choose the right group and go to it.

Here we need to find a suitable ad, with an offer to mutually add friends. Like this.

Go to the page to this person, and send him an application.

When you get enough friends, you can move on to the most interesting. We need to convert them to subscribers (see). How to do it?

Open the page of any friend, and open the menu "You're friends". Next, click on the item "Unfriend".

This user will be removed from friends and transferred to subscriber status. And that's exactly what we need!

All of the following methods are aimed at increasing the number of friend requests and subscribers to your page.

Cheating VKontakte subscribers through the turboliker service

We have already met him. Here is an overview -. Let's now use it to gain subscribers in VK.

Let's go to the service:

In your personal account, open the section "Subscribers", and then click "Cheat".

Also select an item, will you cheat for yourself, or for another page. If you chose the second option, you will need to insert a link to the corresponding account (see).

Adjust targeting if necessary. When everything is filled in, click the "Order" button.


As you can see, cheating VKontakte subscribers is not a difficult matter. The most important thing is to be patient. Although no one bothers you to replenish the balance in the service for cash, and just start the task. Then you don't need anything at all.

Today, the VKontakte social network is used not only for communication. Someone found in it a convenient way to search for music and videos, and someone found it a great opportunity to promote themselves or their product by gaining a huge number of subscribers. However, not everyone knows how to get subscribers in VKontakte. Let's figure out how to do it.

Two dialing methods

There are two ways to recruit subscribers - manually and with the help of special cheat services. The first method, as you understand, is more laborious, but when using it, you can not be afraid to catch a virus. Malicious software is often hidden in special services.

How to wind manually?

  1. We go to our page.
  2. We select the tab "My groups" and in the search we score "Add to friends".
  3. The search will give you a lot of groups that specialize in finding followers and friends.
  4. We select all groups in turn and in each we write something like on the wall: "Adding friends! There are a lot of interesting things on my page!".
  5. We are waiting for the effect!

How to wind up using the service?

5 votes

Good day, dear readers of my blog. A promoted Vkontakte group can bring from 1,000 rubles per day if you are its owner. If you work for a customer and run a community for business, you will receive at least 10,000 rubles a month for this. And that is not all.

Entrepreneurs often need consultants who will teach the current administrator to work “correctly”, help create the right opinion among the audience through the group and put the business in a favorable light. Such a consultation costs from 2,000 rubles per visit.

You can receive such money if you know how to get a lot of Vkontakte subscribers. This is what we will talk about today.

His Majesty Content

The most important thing that a novice group administrator needs to realize is the whole! Everything is built on it. You will never get 1000 live followers if you post bullshit.

It is thanks to the posts that you gather an audience, influence it, motivate it to show some kind of activity, create an opinion about the enterprise (if it is a business community).

Frankly, you need to invest in the promotion of Vkontakte. But there is no point in wasting money on likes or reposts from bots whose friends have only dead souls.

All this is called targeting, only the settings in it need to be detailed. It's a bit complicated, but effective and beneficial. If you want to spend only 100 rubles per month on advertising, please. I liked the method and want to increase the amount - for all your will.

I don’t know when I’ll get to writing an article about targeting. It is quite complex and will be very long. Lots of information. Sign up for the newsletter and I'll send you an email when the post is out. By subscribing, you will also start to learn about other new articles about making money from my blog.

Well, if there is no desire to wait and you want to quickly learn and start applying your knowledge in practice, then I can recommend the course “A powerful flow of customers from Vkontakte. Targeted advertising from A to Z» . There are free demo lessons and the option to purchase the full version of the course.

Well, that's all, now you know a little more. I wish you success in your endeavors.

Communities on the VKontakte social network are gaining more and more popularity. The development of groups is an integral part of the business that is in demand on the Internet. This is not necessarily an online service or a product that can only be bought on the Internet. Now any business can develop in the social. networks, at least for advertising purposes. Any person involved in VK publics will say that the success of your public is directly proportional to the number of subscribers in it. In the case when you have a good budget, it is easier to gain an audience. But what if the budget is limited or none at all. The question arises how to recruit VK subscribers for free?

7 working free methods to get subscribers

We have chosen the most simple and effective methods. The article discusses 6 methods to get subscribers for free. You can conditionally divide them into methods, thanks to which active participants and inactive ones will join the community. Active ones will join in methods No. 1, 2, 4, 6, since in these cases people will join of their own free will and based on whether they are interested in your content. Methods 3 and 5 will allow your group to gain weight, but it will not be active.

  1. Group invitations.
    Just send an invite to all your friends and ask them to do the same. Add new friends and invite them. This method is more effective in the initial stages, when there are no people in the public at all. But you should not stop using it, even when, for example, you started to wind up subscribers through special services (method number 5). Since by this method you get live and active participants.
    The disadvantages of this method are the daily limit: no more than 40 invitations to the group; no more than 50 friend invitations.
  2. Self-promotion.
    You need to find groups with an open wall, the ability to leave comments or topics for discussion and write in them about your community. You can also write to people in the LAN.
    This method is a kind of spam. We warn you right away that sometimes you can be temporarily blocked for using this method. Since the VK administration does not welcome spam and advertising your goods or services in this way. You can also add a large number of friends (do not forget about the daily limit) and, in addition to invitations, repost on your wall. The more friends, the more people will see your post.
  3. Use of communities created for the development of other communities.
    Now in VK there are many publics like "Mutual entry" or "PR groups". You can also gain subscribers in them by agreeing on mutual entry, mutual likes, etc. But this is already less effective and people who have joined in this way, as a rule, are not active in the future.
  4. Use of automatic programs/services for account management.
    programs (eg. ) are designed to drive traffic to your page or your community page more efficiently and quickly. You do a task (for example, write to people in a PM), set up search criteria for people and run the program.

    The main advantage is process automation. After starting the program, you can go about your business, the program will do everything for you. Also, the work is carried out without any tasks and registration. The only BUT - you will need to provide accounts (not necessarily your personal account).
  5. Using online services to cheat subscribers. Here we will talk only about those services that can be used for free.
    This is the easiest way to quickly gain the first weight of the community (1000 - 5000 people).
    The essence of such services is to complete tasks and get points for it. For the points received, you can set your task (for example, join a group). All you need to do to get started is to go to their website and log in through one of the social networks. networks. The most famous services are,.
    In addition to the main advantage of such services - free of charge, a large number of users is also a plus, therefore, tasks are completed quickly. Of the minuses, it can be noted - not live subscribers, some subscribers unsubscribe.
    But this is quite enough to gain the first weight of the group (1000 - 5000 people). Of course, you can continue to use the service, but you need to dilute it with other ways to attract people to the community in order to recruit live people into the group who will actively like, repost, etc., since at a certain stage it is live subscribers who will become the driving force behind the promotion of the public.
  6. Mutual advertising. The most efficient way.
    Using this method, you will recruit only active participants who are interested in your content and will continue to be active (likes, reposts).
    The method is to search for publics with your target audience and with approximately the same number of participants. After that, you need to negotiate with the admins of these publics and make mutual reposts with links to each other's publics. Part of their audience will go to you, and part of your audience will go to them.
    You should not constantly use this method with the same group. Search and negotiate with new communities.
    Of the minuses, only the complexity of the search can be distinguished. Since it is not very easy to find the option that suits you, and the admins do not always make contact. But with a little patience and perseverance, you will get the desired result.
  7. Participation in groups with competitions. For example, "Free Russia". In some cases, it will not be a free option, but almost free (if you are promoting handmade goods).
  8. Placing a widget on a group on your site or sites. Posting a link to your community in other social networks.


So, we discussed 8 methods of how to attract people to the VKontakte group for free. Which methods to use is up to you. Use online sites with cheating or download programs and work with them, make 40 invitations daily or promote in groups, or can use them all at once.