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I can not enter the page in VK. What if you can't get in touch? The most complete guide

Can't go to Contact - Contact is blocked. A lot of people periodically face the fact that they cannot get in touch. In some cases, an error is thrown, and sometimes you get to home page social network, but it is impossible to enter for unknown reasons. Most often, the problem lies in the carelessness of the users themselves. In this review, we will look at the most typical situations when users cannot access their page and the question arises - " Doesn't get in touch, what should I do?" or " How to get in touch if access is denied?". One of the most common reasons when users cannot get in touch are viruses that attackers spread in order to take over your finances. The virus works in such a way that the user is redirected to a fake page and prompted to send an SMS to one of the short numbers. I can't go to Contact - viruses! How to get in touch if access is denied. In this case, it is strongly discouraged to send messages, as this is a simple loss of money. At the same time, you will not get to the VKontakte website. This problem easy to fix by doing these.

What if you don't get in touch? 3 steps.

1) step. With the help of any text editor e.g. Notepad, open hosts file located on drive C in the WINDOWS directory - system32 - drivers - etc. If the file cannot be opened, you need to click on it right click mouse and there select the item "Open with the help of ...". In the dialog box, select Notepad. 2) step. After opening, look at the contents of the file and delete all lines containing the entry "" or "". 3) step. Sometimes a virus can block opening or editing of this file... Then you will need to restart the computer and press the F8 key at the time of boot. In the dialog box that appears, select Safe mode... After loading operating system perform the first two points again. Delete all lines containing the entry "" or "" in order to unblock the account in the contact.

What to do if it doesn't get in touch even after fixing or removing "hosts" ...

If this way did not help or everything is fine in the hosts file, then blocked access to the social network "Vkontakte" other types of viruses. To get rid of them, you can try to go to Start and select Search. Enter the phrase "vkontakte.exe" in the search field and delete all found files with this name. Repeat this procedure for the phrase "svc.exe". After deleting the found files, you need to restart your computer. But in any case, the most effective method the fight against viruses are antivirus software... Therefore, it is highly recommended to check your computer for viruses. Moreover, they can affect not only the performance of the VKontakte page, but also all other functions of the computer. In some cases, users do not get in touch due to incorrect browser settings. This is most commonly seen in browsers such as Opera, Safari, and Firefox. Therefore, you can try to go to your page using google browser Chrome that is different simple interface and fast stable performance. If the browser displays a message that the server was not found, then this indicates the impossibility of connecting. The reason for this may be a restart of the VKontakte server. In this case, other users will not be able to enter the site either. This is temporary and you can try to log in again after one or two hours. Another reason is the lack of network connection on the user's computer, which may be caused by a malfunction of the provider's equipment, or technical problems on the user's PC.

It is not possible to display the page. How to unblock a contact to enter your page if it says that the server was not found and does not go into contact. If you can't get in touch, then you should pay attention to the following points... You need to check the availability of an Internet connection, for which you try to go to some other sites. It is also possible that the VKontakte administration has temporarily blocked the user's account due to spam or other reasons. In this case, it is recommended to wait a few days and try to login again. In many community organizations, work offices and classrooms, the system administrator local network artificially blocks access to some sites, including Vkontakte. You need to ask other people working at the computer in this organization whether access to social networks is allowed here, perhaps it does not come into contact due to the blocking of this site at your work.

Why doesn't contact me - just in case, check the following points:

  • Do you have an internet connection. Go to any other site and see if it loads.
  • If you are not at home, find out if access to the "in contact" site is allowed in this organization. Often in schools, institutes, at work, access to social networks is prohibited.
  • Perhaps you were still blocked by the site administrators for sending spam, frequent name changes or something else, although this is extremely rare. But if this does happen, wait a day or two, then try to log in again.
We have analyzed the most common options for why you might not contact. We really hope that this information will help you. Good luck!

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Can't go to the VKontakte website? You tried to download an antivirus, but they also do not go to their sites. How, and it is impossible to enter your "box"? Congratulations! You got caught by a virus Scammers on the network have already bored everyone, and they come up with more and more new ways to get into our wallet. So we got to social networks... And how can we go without it, because they are so common among Internet users. But we will not give them, we will fight back!

So, access to your favorite sites is blocked, and the inscription "send SMS and you will be happy" looms on the monitor. First, do not believe it at all! No SMS will save you from this situation, scammers will only laugh at our naivety. It is also not worth reinstalling Windows, there are simpler and more free methods.

Let's see what happened. It turns out that the scammers have come up with a virus that redirects you to their sites and you cannot get in touch. These sites are very similar to VKontakte and when you enter your username and password there, they are simply stolen.

How does a virus work?

This virus works very simply. Every site on the Internet has its own name, for example,,, and each of them corresponds to an IP address from numbers. The point is that in Windows system 7 / XP has a special file "Hosts", in which the virus enters the names of the sites it wants to block and assigns them the IP addresses of its fake mini-sites. And when you enter address bar browser "" or "" the browser goes exactly to the site that the virus wrote to the file "Hosts".

Now that we know how this all happens, we will determine the ways out of this situation. To check if this is exactly the problem, simply enter its IP address in the address bar of your browser instead of the site name: , this is the address of the contact. If VKontakte has opened, then let's move on.

Let's consider several options, if you don't get in touch in any way, of your choice:

  • We restore the system
  • Manually edit or replace the file "Hosts"- with minimal computer skills, the easiest way without additional programs
  • With a free program AVZ- an easy way, but you need to download the program
  • Via free software Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware or antivirus DrWEB CureIt! scan your computer for viruses (this takes a lot of time)
  • Rule the registry - an additional measure if the above does not help
  • We use special script- if all else fails

To solve the problem, we use the AVZ program

Perhaps this method will help you right away. Download the program and do the following:

We repair the contact manually

If not do not get in touch, in many cases the problem is solved simply:

  • Through the explorer we go to the folder "C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \". If you have Windows installed in a different folder, then we go there accordingly.
  • Open the file in notepad "Hosts"
  • We skip all lines starting with # and we make sure that besides them there is only one more line: “ localhost". If there are other records, delete them and save the file.
  • You can just take the normal hosts and replace it with your own (file in the archive)
  • If there are other files in the folder "Hosts. *"- we delete them, there should be only one without extension.
  • If the file "Hosts" correct, but there is still a problem, then we press "Start -> Run" and introduce Route -f
  • Reboot

It may be that the edited file is not saved, an "Access Denied" error appears. This trick can help: you need to "cut" the file and paste it into any other folder, edit it there and copy it back into place.

But if the virus sits in memory and then it will change the file again. If this happens, then move on.

We treat your computer with the free Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware antivirus

  • Download the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware program, unpack and install.
  • When launching, we agree to the trial period of using the program by clicking "Start free trial"
  • We scan the computer in the mode "Quick Scan" and reboot

  • If it doesn't help, then we do Full Scan, but it is better to immediately complete, though long

If this does not help, and you still cannot get in touch, you can use Kaspersky Antivirus Removal Tool, or better, DrWEB CureIt! This is what I recommend because it works in a protected mode and will cure a virus even if it is hidden in memory. But, however, it takes longer to scan.

Rule the register

The virus may have changed the location of the file "Hosts" default to fix:

  • Push "Start - Run" or hotkeys "Win + R" and enter in the field: regedit
  • Find the section in the tree and click on it "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters"
  • In the right part of the window we find the parameter DataBasePath and check its value. If there is something else not "% SystemRoot% \ System32 \ drivers \ etc", then change to what I wrote
  • In order not to go into the registry, you can simply download the file, unpack and run it
  • Reboot

We use a special script if we don't get in touch in any way:

If all of the above methods did not help, and you cannot get in contact, we try this method:

  • Download the uVS program, unpack the archive, turn off your antivirus, if any, and run the file start.exe(not to be confused with startf.exe)
  • We choose "Run under the current user"

  • Copy the following text with the right mouse button to the clipboard (change "YOUR LOGIN" to your own, which is used to log in to the system, for example, "alex_gk", "vasyan", "administrator"):

; uVS v3.74 script
; Target OS: NTv6.1

regt 13
regt 14
regt 20

  • Go to the menu "Script -> Execute the script in the clipboard ..."

  • The computer restarts, let's see what the problem is.

IMPORTANT: The network offers to download, and sometimes even for money, super-antiviruses specifically to solve the problem with access to contact. Strongly DO NOT RECOMMEND download them and even more so run. Most likely, there will be the same virus, but targeted at the sites of other scammers. And in the worst case, you will be the victim of more sophisticated schemes.

What to do to prevent the problem from recurring?

  • Don't visit suspicious sites
  • Install a normal antivirus for yourself, for example free Antivirus Kaspersky from Yandex
  • After fixing the problem, be sure to do a full check with DrWEB CureIt!
  • Do not forget to follow the daily updates of the anti-virus databases and install the operating system updates
  • Avoid using a vulnerable browser if possible Internet Explorer, use Opera or Google chrome
  • At least sometimes

Very often people ask, I can't get in touch, what should I do? This site is very popular, but the problem continues to be relevant to this day. In this article, you will find out the main reasons why he does not contact, and how to solve this problem yourself.

The most common reasons why does not come in contact:

  1. A very rare reason when the contact "lies" for technical reasons. In this case, it remains only to wait until it becomes possible to go to your page.
  2. Access to the site is blocked by the system (local) administrator. This can happen if at work or in an educational institution you decide to while away the time on the VK website. The explanation for this is as follows: management is interested so that you do not get distracted, but get busy. The usual blocking can be bypassed using the Hosts file, but problems with the director can arise if you are "caught", it all depends on the strictness of the authorities.
  3. Blocking your account by the site administration for violations or by mistake. in this case, you need to write to the Support Service and wait for a solution.
  4. Hacking an account and changing a password. In this case, you need to try to recover the password, go to your page and immediately change the settings, changing the password to a more secure one.
  5. The most common cause is viruses. It is very easy to become their victim, you just need to click on any of the attractive messages or follow the link. Attackers distributing malware, have basically two goals: theft of data and the withdrawal of money from the phone account linked to the VK page.

It so happens that a virus can change the hosts file. You need to find it, C -> Windows -> System32 -> drivers -> etc and change it to normal, you can download it from the link below.

Scammers come up with new hacking methods every day, hone their skills. If you are vigilant, the risk of infecting your PC will be minimized. To do this, you need to know basic things:

  • do not follow unknown links;
  • no need to go to sites, even with a bad reputation, if there is an opportunity to view information elsewhere;
  • do not download programs from unverified suppliers, do not send SMS;
  • you need to learn how to recognize phishing links;
  • do not register on dubious sites, do not leave your data and phone numbers. Install a good antivirus program on your computer, and periodically scan it for malware.

As you can see, the rules are quite simple, you just need to learn how to follow them, now you know why you don't get in touch, and what you need to do in such a situation.