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Page promotion classmates. Promotion of a group in Odnoklassniki - effective methods. How to promote a page on Odnoklassniki yourself

How to promote a page on Odnoklassniki: cheat friends and subscribers.

Each user who makes money on their page or group in social network(or those who want to start earning) first of all should think about how to promote their page or group in Odnoklassniki, recruit friends and subscribers.


  1. Self free promotion groups or pages in Odnoklassniki;
  2. Using special online services, cheat sites that attract users to groups;
  3. Using programs that are automatic mode recruit friends and subscribers.

Let's consider each of them in detail.

Independent free promotion of groups and pages

This method involves manually adding friends who add you in response. The method is long, tedious, but, nevertheless, with painstaking work, gives the result.

What do we have to do:

Online services to attract subscribers to Odnoklassniki

There is a much easier way to recruit friends or subscribers to a group, but there is a drawback - it is paid. Namely - online services promotion of groups and pages in Odnoklassniki.

There is no need to describe them, all the information is on the pages of these services:

P.S. While climbing in search engines, I found one service that provides cheat services for free -

Promotion in Odnoklassniki today is a rather complicated and interesting process that will require either some effort and patience, or money injections. That is why there are two main ways to increase the popularity of a user page or group on this social network:

  • Self-promotion, which implies working with users, creating interesting and unique content, etc.;
  • An appeal to professionals who, for a certain fee, promote pages on social networks.

Before you promote a page on Odnoklassniki yourself for free, you need to know something about the features of this service today. If earlier (several years ago) you could easily send an unlimited number of messages to friends and strangers, make friendship requests and invite familiar users to join your group, now, after such actions, the portal administration may suspect you of spam, as a result of which the page will be blocked until the circumstances are clarified.

Viral content

If you do not want to contact dubious firms and hackers, then page promotion in Odnoklassniki can be done by hand. To do this, you can shoot an interesting video with your pets, children, etc., which will interest other users and friends. Interest will be expressed in "Classes" and comments. After the video is published, other people will add it to their profile, and when you view the file, you will see who the author is.

Creation of fakes

With some effort, you can create a lot of "left" pages - fakes. They can be added to friends, put with their help "Class" under certain photographs and videos, thereby popularizing them, fill groups with them. The main disadvantage of this method is time. In addition, the administration of the service closely monitors suspicious activity from user accounts, so it will not work out on a large scale using this method.

Creating intriguing posts

To draw the attention of a large number of users to your group or page, you can post intriguing posts in the comments to videos or photos. In these posts, for example, you can offer to join a group or add to friends, and in exchange promise a gift from the administration. In fact, of course, no one will send any gifts, but not every user will be removed from the group or from friends because of such an injustice.

Page promotion

We have released a new book, “Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand”.

Setting up publicity

If you don't know how to promote a group to your classmates, you need to start by making it public. Publicity settings allow you to stimulate the audience to join the community. So, we go into the settings and do the following: if the focus of the group is thematic and its purpose is to communicate with people of the same interests, then it is necessary to allow participants to create separate topics, upload photos and videos, open albums.

Be sure to turn on post validation before posting so that there is no suspicious content on the page. Also disable the ability to leave comments for people who are not subscribers.

Recruiting subscribers

The easiest way is to send invitations. We go to "Participants" and select "Invite". The social network has set a limit - no more than 30 invitations / day. However, this is not enough effective method... More results can be achieved by improving the quality of content.

Promotion of a group in classmates using high-quality content

You can only arouse the interest of your audience and get them to subscribe to you if the posted content is relevant and useful to it. So post valuable life hacks, small quick guides, expert opinions / ratings, compare and review products.

It is important to pay attention to the time of publication. It is necessary to regularly update the content and try to make the publication interesting, original and unique every time. During the day, the highest user activity is recorded in the time interval from 13:00 to 16:00 and in the evening from 17:00 to 19:00. Therefore, it is best to launch posts during this period of time. Try not to post advertisements hidden behind useful posts. This will teach subscribers to ignore messages, skip them in the feed.

How to promote a group in classmates on your own using the correct design of posts

Make your notes descriptive so that they grab the attention of your audience and are memorable. To do this, supply posts with images, useful info graphics, photographs. If you announce an article and attach a link to it, the image from the article will be automatically attached. You can also add a picture yourself. To do this, select "Create new topic", Then" Add a photo ", upload a photo and insert information, a link to the material and other content. We place the publication. It is best to use pictures in 640 * 480 pix format, they look impressive in the news feed.

Insert hashtags

Hashtags are a common tool that allows users to conveniently search for posts of interest to them. They can also be used to draw attention to published material. It is quite simple to put a hashtag: we expand the publications and look for "Keywords". Next, we prescribe keywords in the form of hashtags and click "Finish".

Increasing subscriber activity

Paid advertising

Promotion of a group in classmates is inextricably linked with advertising, which opens up access to target consumers and makes it possible to convey the announcement / message to a wide range. OK allows you to target audiences by criteria such as gender, age, geography, and so on. To configure advertising, open the "Advertising" section, which is located in the page footer.

Use the MyTarget service to develop and publish your ad. Here you need to register, then the functionality for creating ads and targeting will open.

First, select "What to Advertise" - our community. Next, we indicate a link to it and select the desired ad unit. Picture: .. Now we register the title and text for the future announcement and attach the picture.

And the fun part: we start to configure target audience... Here you need to take into account the specifics and topics of the group you created, the profile. Draw a portrait of your average subscriber, who you work for. Next, load these criteria into the program and select an audience. Enter age, gender.

To increase coverage, you can select “Reach an audience of close ages”, but as practice shows, this does not always work. To create an audience, open the "Audience" section and select "Create". Next, we select the data source, that is, where users will view your ad and indicate the topics of interest.

After that, it becomes possible to more selectively select the audience based on specific criteria. In the end, put a tick in front of the item "All conditions have been reached."

And we also choose an extension to other devices, which will allow us to reach the audience that enters the social network from smartphones / tablets and other gadgets. As a result, OK users will see your ad from any modern device in an adapted form. When we have configured the basic parameters for audience selection, we need to save these parameters.

Let's go directly to the task of the target audience, our core. We configure when the ad will start showing for a specific user and when it will end. For example, it could be the week before summer, or June 1st if you are trading seasonal goods. This option is especially useful for sending notifications about a promo / discount that has begun, just do not forget to write the appropriate text.

Another option is the ability to target TV. That is, the service will show advertising messages for an audience that watches TV for less than 2 hours every day, for 2-4 hours, and over 4 hours. Narrowing a goal of this kind limits the target audience and narrows the focus. Experts recommend using the option only when necessary.

It will be useful to choose target audience based on such parameters as "Employment" and "Education". For example, you are the owner of a page dedicated to the services of professional nannies in Moscow and you are promoting a group in Odnoklassniki. The Employed and Higher Education setting increases the chances that your ad is shown to women who are in this moment work and cannot sit with children. Here you can also choose people who are married. However, most often it is better not to indicate marital status, since most of the users do not indicate it on their pages.

Be sure to define the geography. If you are targeting a specific region, be sure to set it in the settings so that your advertising campaign budget is not wasted. If you work all over Russia, then choose a macroregion.

And be sure to indicate the payment method: for clicks made or for impressions. The first option is optimal if you only want to pay for the result, and the second - if you strive to reach the audience as much as possible. If you plan to pay for impressions, set a limit for each user, which will save you from unnecessary repeated impressions to the same person.

If the goal is to achieve maximum coverage - choose the first strategy, if the competition in the chosen area is low - it is quite possible to limit yourself to the second or third strategy.

Let's summarize

Promotion of publics in classmates for free or for a fee is an important component of success if you want to commercialize in further work groups. We looked at how to promote a group in classmates on your own for free, as well as how to do it using advertising attachments. Which option to choose is up to you.

More than 25 million people view Odnoklassniki per day. A significant part of them are people over 35 years old. Thanks to Odnoklassniki, there is an opportunity not only to communicate easily, but also to earn money.

If you have been using Odnoklassniki for a long time, and also skillfully understand them, then in order to earn money, you need to know how to properly promote Odnoklassniki.

Promotion in the Odnoklassniki group, as well as the page, is carried out in different ways. If you're just learning the basics of advertising, it's best to start with the free ones.

How to promote a group on Odnoklassniki for free

To promote a group in classmates for free, you will need more than one free hour of time, as well as your perseverance. An easy way to promote a group on Odnoklassniki is to invite friends. Go to the group and under the main photo click on the invite button.

Select the people to whom you intend to send an invitation from the list. In addition to friends, you can open the pages of various communities, the topics of which are similar to yours, knock on the people of this community as friends, then send them data about your community. This method is quite simple - no additional services or applications are needed here, however, there are limitations.

In one day, you can add 30 people to a group. Based on this fact, before promoting the group, it is a good idea to think about creating 1-2 other pages or ask your friends for help.

The next way to promote the group is mutual PR. Find pages that have the same number of people as you. Send a letter to those who lead the group, inviting them to post. Replace with their stuff. It is important to find interesting and catchy material here.

For example, come up with a story, not write it completely. Only those people who subscribe will be able to recognize it all. Or, give a discount on goods to everyone who subscribes. You should use this method no more than 1-2 times a week, otherwise you will simply spam the community.

If you do not have the desire to periodically ask other people, and you also do not intend to observe other people's posts on your wall, then it is possible to promote the group in Odnoklassniki by laying out the data on those pages where the wall is open for people. This is most often acceptable on a bulletin board. Leave comments with links to interesting posts in your community, under the most popular posts. Be sure to indicate how people will benefit from subscribing.

Another modern way of promoting a group on Odnoklassniki is free posting of topical, even shocking, material. Write a post - a story that will inspire or surprise your subscribers. Put the link on your page, ask your friends to create a repost. To find out what the people in your group are passionate about, you can post a poll. Search the internet for discussion forums as in your community. Find out which ones have a lot of views. Based on this, come up with a record.

Promote the page on Odnoklassniki

If you are actively running your business or providing services, then you can promote your page on Odnoklassniki without creating your own group.

You can increase the popularity of your page by cheating friends and cheating classes on your photos. For this, there are special services where people, professionals in their field, for a moderate fee and in a short time will bring your page to the first place.

If you are not yet ready to pay money for the opportunity to promote the page, then you can use this method, which will allow you to draw attention to your page.

First, define a goal, why do you want people to go to your page? What do you offer them there? For example, you are the administrator of a coffee shop and you want to tell people about discounts and new products from your establishment. Then on your page it is best to post as many photos with relevant topics as possible, and in the status write a call to action and a phone number.

After you accurately describe your services or products, you can proceed to page promotion:

  • Go to the games section in classmates and find the game "Moderator". The essence of this game is to rate users' photos.

Before you promote a page on Odnoklassniki yourself for free, you need to know something about the features of this service today. If earlier (several years ago) you could easily send an unlimited number of messages to friends and strangers, make friendship requests and invite familiar users to join your group, now, after such actions, the portal administration may suspect you of spam, as a result of which the page will be blocked until the circumstances are clarified.

Also check out the article on how to promote a group on the OK social network.

Viral content

If you do not want to contact dubious firms and hackers, then page promotion in Odnoklassniki can be done by hand. To do this, you can shoot an interesting video with your pets, children, etc., which will interest other users and friends. Interest will be expressed in "Classes" and comments. After the video is published, other people will add it to their profile, and when you view the file, you will see who the author is.

Creation of fakes

With some effort, you can create a lot of "left" pages - fakes. They can be added to friends, put with their help "Class" under certain photographs and videos, thereby popularizing them, fill groups with them. The main disadvantage of this method is time. In addition, the administration of the service closely monitors suspicious activity from user accounts, so it will not work out on a large scale using this method.

See also: How to delete a profile

Creating intriguing posts

To draw the attention of a large number of users to your group or page, you can post intriguing posts in the comments to videos or photos. In these posts, for example, you can offer to join a group or add to friends, and in exchange promise a gift from the administration. In fact, of course, no one will send any gifts, but not every user will be removed from the group or from friends because of such an injustice.

How to promote a page in classmates

Odnoklassniki is a good old network, not so long ago united in a line under the flashy brand. The audience of the Odnoklassniki social network is on average 50,000,000 people, which is about 10-12 million a day. The site has huge differences from such well-known and popular social networks as Vkontakte and Facebook. Classmates are poorly adapted to the promotion of groups and pages, but they still have good functional advantages in their arsenal.

Let's say you present brand new clothes, have created an account and do not know how to promote a page in classmates. First, as mentioned above, these pages are not adapted for banal promotion, but, for example, people who subscribe to your page in 97% of cases will never leave there. And you can add many more friends to the page per day than in the same social network Vkontakte. This means that if you gain an audience, even a relatively small one, it will never leave you.

The second step is to use the functionality. In classmates, if you write something on your page, all friends will definitely see it, and if you compose competent messages using images and audio recordings (content), this will attract fans to your group.

If at least one user likes your product (let's say you posted a picture of women's jeans with a description), and he clicks "I like", then his entire list of contacts will surely see your jeans. This is not only a great advertisement, but also an effective way to get users to your page.

Middle-aged people are registered in classmates and 60% of users are top-level specialists, that is, these people are very solvent. But they have a complex to always leave everything in reserve, so if you actively throw out topics, pictures and offers, your group in classmates will quickly gain popularity, and sales will go up rapidly.

Promotion of a group in Odnoklassniki - effective methods

Fast and effective promotion on Odnoklassniki allows you to attract a very wide target audience to your goods, services or educational materials. As you know, Odnoklassniki is the second most popular social network on Runet, after VKontakte. There are more Runet users here every day than, for example, on Facebook, and the age of most of the Odnoklassniki audience is the most interesting group for commercial purposes - from 18 to 50 years old.

At the same time, Odnoklassniki is a network where automated options for cheating are very ineffective, which, along with erroneous stereotypes associated with this social. network, reduces competition and allows you to optimize the costs of promoting a group in Odnoklassniki and get the maximum effect.

So, you have created a group, beautifully designed it, you already have interesting and useful content for users. How do I get subscribers? Let's figure it out together.

Invites to Odnoklassniki

Invites (user invitations) in Odnoklassniki is a traditional and well-known method of attracting users to a group. It is important to understand that sending invitations to people who are not your friends on the social network is highly undesirable and is considered spam. And therefore, almost always, the promotion of a group in Odnoklassniki begins with the fact that the administrator invites his friends to the community.

Every day you can send no more than 30 invites from one account. At the same time, it is important not to get too carried away with this opportunity, so that you are not considered a spammer by OK administrators.

How to get around the limitation:

  1. Create several fake accounts in advance and try to make as many friends as possible for each. It is desirable that each of them have a photo, preferably a unique one. Accounts with pictures instead of photos are much less credible. Each of the created "users" can also invite friends to the group. They are suitable for other purposes, but more on that later.
  2. Invite people to the group using other sources. For example, send a link to your friends in messengers and other social media. networks, substitute a link to your photo in your signature Email, include buttons and a group invite popup on your site, and so on.

Important: Do not forget to change the link to the group after receiving the first 30 subscribers, indicating there a short and well-remembered name.

More recently, promotion on OK with the help of invites gave excellent results. Now it will help to get the first subscribers, but in the future its effectiveness will not be so great. Our experience and the experience of many colleagues say the same thing: the effectiveness of invitations has decreased several times in recent years. People have become much more likely to ignore or decline invitations. But as an auxiliary method, invites remain relevant.

Promotion of the group in OK "classes"

In this social network, "classes" (analogous to "likes") are not only an indicator of the popularity of a post, but also the method of its distribution. How it works? The user likes the post, and he puts "class", after which this post is displayed in the feed of all friends.

If your posts are really interesting to subscribers and collect many classes, they will be seen by all kinds of people. Practice shows that many of them move from curiosity to the group where the post is posted, some of them become subscribers. In addition, the high popularity of the entries increases the group's ratings in the search on Odnoklassniki, which also helps to attract new people.

In addition, if you are interested in page promotion in classmates for free, you can remember about the fake pages you prepared in advance, and you yourself can also put likes on behalf of these users on this or that post. But this must be done very carefully so that the activity of these users does not seem suspicious to spam bots.

Viral content: fun, touching, provoking

Viral content is information that users share with others simply because they find it interesting, funny, controversial, or even scandalous. Viral content can be either positive (here, traditionally, photos that cause affection and admiration are in the lead), and negative (controversial and outrageous).

We have seen in practice more than once that controversial (negative) content causes a much greater resonance than positive and even very funny pictures or video. The reason lies in the plane of psychology, because people react much more actively to negativity. But here it is very important not to overdo it, otherwise such a promotion of the group on Odnoklassniki will give the opposite effect - outraged people will begin to unsubscribe.

The rest of the viral content differs little in its result from the "classes". Unless - in this case, users are even more active in sharing information with their friends. Of course, if you managed to make a real "virus".

Another effective method of promotion on Odnoklassniki for free is polls and tests. Why did we decide to combine them? The attractiveness of both the first and the second lies in the general plane - people like to answer questions, express their opinion.

The tests and polls you like will collect "classes", as a result, will be displayed on the pages of people who are not your subscribers. Therefore, if your polls have a noticeable resonance, it makes sense to allow only subscribers to vote or comment on them. But keep in mind that limiting will only have a positive effect if the survey is really high-profile. Otherwise, people who are not members of your group will simply scroll through it in frustration. With tests, it also makes sense to make a part of the capabilities non-public. For example, allow only subscribers of the group to see the results.

Asking the question “how to promote a page on Odnoklassniki?”, You should also not forget about the opportunity to advertise yourself in other groups. Here everything is the same as in any social network: you need to get in touch with the owner popular group whose audience you are interested in, and discuss the possibility of placing your advertising post.

Some group owners demand money for such placement, moreover, the amount may differ several times even with other things being equal, others are ready for mutual free PR, i.e. in response to your posting to someone else's group, you advertise them in yours.

Freebie: gifts, promotions and more

We all know that our people are traditionally greedy for "free cheese". And therefore, the offer of any freebie will find a response in the hearts of a significant number of people, including Odnoklassniki.

What is usually offered in exchange for the fact that the user will send invites to the group to his friends:

  • Free cards and gifts to friends. A popular method, but the groups that use it especially diligently often get banned without explaining the reasons, and therefore very carefully with this option!
  • Discounts for the purchase of goods or payment for services that are presented in the group.
  • Participation in the drawing of gifts and prizes, etc.

Hidden subscriptions

Here we are talking about methods that are not entirely correct. Although Odnoklassniki themselves are not pursuing the hidden subscription option, it still raises some doubts. The point is that people are subscribing to your group without even knowing it. This is usually done using your own blog or website (this method does not work in Odnoklassniki themselves).

For example, on your site, a person closes an ad popup, and special script on this button in parallel subscribes it to your group. A similar script can be attached to any button, including right on the page. So, a person clicks on "Next" to finish reading an interesting article, and - that's it, he has already subscribed to the group.

On the one hand, it is ugly to get subscribers in this way, and people may start to resent if they reveal your fraud. On the other hand, almost no one notices this, and if you do not receive 20-30 thousand subscriptions a day, then Odnoklassniki, perhaps, will not mind. And with certain knowledge and a well-promoted site, such free promotion of groups in classmates can become both quick and profitable. The question is, what are you going to do with a group filled with random people? It's up to you to decide.

Where and how to promote a page in classmates cheaply or completely free - advice from the best experts

How to promote a page on Odnoklassniki yourself

Until now, most users write off such a social network as Odnoklassniki, preferring to choose other platforms for development and gaining popularity. However, this is a misconception. It is the Odnoklassniki audience that is capable of raising your positions in the rating at a very fast pace. But for this, of course, it is necessary to try and win the public's favor. This is what will be discussed in this article.

In order for you to achieve PR in Odnoklassniki, you need to make sure that your account is recognizable. This can be achieved different ways... And we'll start, perhaps, with an answer to the question: how to promote a page on Odnoklassniki on your own? Namely, without anyone's help.

Who may need to promote a personal page on Odnoklassniki

Reading our article, some of you will probably think that this whole topic with promotion is definitely not for them. If so, let's try to determine who might need knowledge of how to promote a page on Odnoklassniki? You are probably one of these people.

We hope that you have found yourself in one of these categories and are seriously thinking about how to promote a page on Odnoklassniki. Therefore, it is for you that we will continue to analyze the ways of how to do this.

What is the difference between a personal page and a public one on Odnoklassniki?

We talk a lot about how to promote and who needs page promotion on Odnoklassniki. However, in this social network, another definition of "page" has appeared relatively recently. Now we should distinguish between personal and public pages in Odnoklassniki. Accordingly, we decided to analyze what are the similarities and differences between these concepts.

You can see the similarities with the naked eye. Until you look at the signature under the name of the page owner, you will never guess that it is public. Here is absolutely the same design as on the personal page: the same avatar, the same menu, the same event feed. You begin to recognize small distinctive details only after a long stay in public. From the point of view of maintaining a public page, it is also no different from maintaining a personal account, with the exception of some peculiarities.

Differences are also present, otherwise the pages simply would not separate. And the huge distinguishing feature of the public page is the unlimited number of subscriptions. That is, unlike a personal account, where the number of friends cannot exceed 5000 people. (for the stars they made an exception of 10,000), anyone and as many people can subscribe to the public. Also, the public page has much more opportunities in the management and analytics of statistical data. You can always see where your subscribers came from, and which category, in percentage terms, prevails on the page. This is very convenient for those who wish to see the progress of the public and the direction of its development. Public pages are mainly created for the purpose of disseminating information, since they are one large feed of events. But here there are both photographs and videos. Since the public, in terms of functionality, resembles a group, you can use the same means for development as when promoting a group in Odnoklassniki. Basically, publics are suitable for stars and famous personalities who are used to separating personal and public life, even on social networks.

Accordingly, you can also determine for yourself what you prefer: creating and developing a personal account or a public page in Odnoklassniki.

Promotion of the page on Odnoklassniki for free and faster

Let's return all the same to one of the main questions of this article, which worries most of the users, namely: how to get page promotion on Odnoklassniki for free? We have already examined the methods of independent work, which, both indirectly and directly, can relate to investing money in promotion. Now we’ll figure out how you can do without a budget and take advantage of the help of third-party resources.

You have probably heard about various bots that can help promote a page on a social network at an automatic level. So Odnoklassniki also has such a bot. It looks like an ordinary software downloaded to a PC and is called "BotOD".

One of the main advantages of this program is that you practically do not have to do anything on your own - the application will do the work for you. The functionality of the program is simply wonderful: there is parsing, auto-posting and much more. So, for example, a useful thing is an inviter who sends invitations to a group or messages about adding to friends, which very effectively helps in the development of the page. With the help of a poster from VK to Odnoklassniki, you can fill the page with high-quality content in a matter of days. And we, in turn, will help you get likes on Odnoklassniki for these publications. This is especially beneficial for those who have just started promoting.

We have considered the advantages, but does this program have a disadvantage? Where can we go without it. The main problem with BotOD is that it is quite difficult to find it in the public domain without viruses. You can search thematic forums - maybe someone posted it. And so, the program is most likely to be bought from the developer. It will not cost so much, but costs will be beaten off already in the first month of use.

Another option to achieve page promotion on Odnoklassniki for free can be independent use manual exchange services... What is this beast? These are quite popular sites with ads on every corner.

To use the services of this service, you have to register on it and start performing simple tasks, for which you will be charged the internal currency of the site. And all this is needed in order to place your order, because without payment with this very internal currency, you will not succeed. The concept of the site is based on mutually beneficial relationships between users, such as “you - me, I - you”. With the exception of this moment with earning points, points or bonuses, the method is considered absolutely free, since it does not require you to invest real money (only at your personal request).

And again, do not forget about the small nuances and disadvantages of using such sites. They consist mainly in the fact that you definitely risk the safety of your page, since when registering, you will have to provide the site with access to your personal account. This means that the service will be able to use the page at any time for its own (probably insidious) purposes. As a result, your account may be blocked social network for active participation in spam or any similar activity.

Thus, you can independently check the provided methods and make sure of their effectiveness, but be extremely careful and careful. So you can promote your page without the risk of losing it.

How to promote your page on Odnoklassniki quickly with us

You probably already guessed that our site, the site you are currently visiting, also provides services for the development of accounts in Odnoklassniki. We do not seek to persuade you to run and order something from us, but we are simply obliged to inform you about our activities.

So, you can really find out how to promote your page on Odnoklassniki quickly using our website. Since we offer our clients only high-quality promotion with the shortest possible time. In addition, you can make sure that the service has a very important parameters for successful and effective work in this direction, namely:

  • We do not force users to register to place an order, and even more so we do not ask to provide personal data from the page on the social network;
  • You can watch video reviews of real clients about working with us;
  • We clearly describe all aspects of cooperation with us and discuss all possible nuances;
  • Our site gives guarantees to users, which you can also familiarize yourself with;
  • We work only with the most reliable payment systems, such as Pay Pal, which check all documentation and information about the activities of the site and its owner;
  • Take a look at our prices - you are unlikely to find cheaper services anywhere;
  • For any question that may arise, you can instantly receive an answer from highly qualified specialists from those support.

Also, you can make a trial order right now to be convinced by your own experience in our words. It is enough to choose the minimum amount of resources and evaluate the performance of the work. Thus, you will easily understand how to promote your page on Odnoklassniki quickly and efficiently without time and labor costs, on your part. We will do all the work for you!