Computers Windows Internet

Windows what versions are there. The history of the development of Windows operating systems. In Windows, we found a file that collects passwords and e-mail messages

In 1975, Gates and Allen form a company with the name Microsoft... Like most start-up businesses, Microsoft begins its history small, but has a global purpose - a computer for every desktop and every home. Over the next years, Microsoft begins to change the way it works in society.

In June 1980, Gates and Allen hire Steve Ballmer ( Steve ballmer), with whom Gates attended Harvard University, to help run the company. IBM is reaching out to Microsoft next month for a project codenamed Chess... As a result, Microsoft is focusing its efforts on a new operating system - software that controls the operation of computer hardware and acts as a link between hardware and programs, such as a word processor. It is a platform on which programs can run. The company named its new operating system MS ‑ DOS.

When the IBM PC running MS ‑ DOS was released in 1981, the public was presented with absolutely new language... Typing various intricate commands after the "C:" combination is gradually becoming a part of daily work. Users discover the backslash key (\).

Operating system MS ‑ DOS proved to be effective, but difficult for many people to understand. Therefore, a better way of creating an operating system is required.

Windows was probably the first operating system that no one ordered Gates, and he took it on his own to develop it. What's so special about her? First, the graphical interface. At that time, only the notorious MacOS... Secondly, multitasking. Of course, some operating systems allowed an additional task to be launched in the background, but it was too painful for them to work hemorrhoids. In general, in November 1985 came out Windows 1.0.

The windows in it did not overlap; on 8086 processors, the kernel was terribly buggy due to the obvious lack of optimization for this pebble. The main platform was used for 286 vehicles. Exactly two years later, in November 87th came out Windows 2.0, after a year and a half came 2.10. There was nothing special about them, except that the windows had learned to overlap.

May 1990, a time of great accomplishments and overthrows. In short, came out Windows 3.0... There was so much more: and DOS applications were executed in a separate window on full screen, and Copy-Paste worked to exchange data with DOS applications, and Windows themselves worked in several memory modes: in real ( basic 640 KB), in protected ( version 80286) and extended ( 80386 ). At the same time, it was possible to run applications that were larger than the size of physical memory. There was also a dynamic data exchange ( DDE A couple of years later, Windows 3.1 was released, in which hemorrhoids with base memory were no longer available ( if someone launched old toys, he remembers how they demanded either 560 kb or some more, although RAM could have been 16 Mb). A new-fangled gadget that supports True Type fonts has also been introduced. Normal operation in the local network is ensured. Drag & Drop appeared ( drag and drop files and directories). OLE appeared ( Object Linking & Embedding). In Windows 3.11, networking has been improved and a few more minor tweaks have been introduced. Windows came out in parallel NT 3.5, which at that time was a collection of basic network gadgets taken from OS / 2.

In June 1995, the entire computer community was agitated by Microsoft's announcement of the release in August of a new operating system, significantly different from Windows 3.11, but at the same time following the canons of MS - windows and windows again. August 24 - the date of the official release Windows-95 (other names: Windows 4.0, Windows Chicago). Now it was not just an operating environment - it was a full-fledged operating system that did not require a disk operating system to boot. The 32-bit kernel allowed for better access to files and network chips. 32-bit applications were better protected from each other's errors, there was also support for multi-user mode on one computer with one system. Many differences in the interface, a bunch of settings and improvements "for the user" - just one Start button, which came as a byword, which was worth ...

There was also an update specifically for Windows 3.1x - OSR1, which was not installed from under DOS, but simply upgraded the "three-eleven" ones. By the way, the delivery included the so-called DOS 7.0, which, unfortunately, had strong differences from DOS 6.22 and, alas, not for the better.

In 1996 came out Windows-95 OSR2 ( if I'm not mistaken, this stands for Open Service Release). The distribution included Internet Explorer 3.0 and some ancient version of Outlook'a ( then simply called Exchange). The main features are FAT32 support, an improved hardware and driver initializer. Some settings (including video) can be changed without rebooting. There was also built-in DOS 7.10 with FAT32 support


Codename Blackcomb belonged to Windows NT 6.0, the operating system planned to be next after Windows XP... Blackcomb was supposed to be the successor to this OS for both desktop and server workstations. Blackcomb was slated for release in late 2001 in 2005, and in August 2002, it was announced that an interim release would be Windows Longhorn, which would be an update to the Windows NT 5.x kernel.

During development Windows Longhorn some Blackcomb features were added to it and assigned the number 6.0. Blackcomb was surrounded by confusion surrounding some reports that the marketing plans were heavily overhauled and that it should be Windows 6.x server OS but with improvements.

In January 2006, Microsoft announced that the new client OS would be Vienna, which was slated for release in 2010.

In March 2006, it became known that the heir to Windows Vista will be Fiji, which was scheduled for release in 2008.

In 2008, Fiji became aware of new information about Fiji as a result of complaints from Fijians that the new OS would be named after their country. According to Fijians, Ben Green said Fiji will add new TV formats, support for interactive services, and improve the user experience for Windows Media Center. Most likely included with Windows 7 Windows program Media Center has already added changes that should have been in Fiji.

Windows 7

Windows 7 is an operating system of the Windows NT family, following Windows Vista. In the Windows NT line, the system is version 6.1 (Windows 2000 - 5.0, Windows XP - 5.1, Windows Server 2003 - 5.2, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 - 6.0). Server version is Windows Server 2008 R2, version for integrated systems is Windows Embedded Standard 2011 (Quebec), mobile version is Windows Embedded Compact 2011 (Chelan, Windows CE 7.0)

The operating system went on sale on October 22, 2009, less than three years after the release of the previous operating system, Windows Vista. Volume Licensing partners and customers were granted access to RTM on July 24, 2009. The final (copy from the discs, which later went on sale), the pirated version was available to everyone from the first days of August 2009.

Windows 7 included some of the developments excluded from Windows Vista and innovations in the interface and built-in programs. Inkball, Ultimate Extras were excluded from Windows 7; applications that have analogues in Windows Live (Windows Mail, Windows Calendar, etc..), Microsoft Agent technology, Windows Meeting Space; the ability to return to the classic menu and automatic docking of the browser and e-mail client disappeared from the Start menu.

Microsoft Corporation officially changed its code name on July 24, 2007 Vienna on Windows 7. Windows 7 number in the NT line, in which it will be located - 6.1 ( at one time the systems of this family received numbers: Windows 2000 - 5.0, Windows XP - 5.1, Windows Server 2003 - 5.2, Windows Vista - 6.0, Windows Server 2008 - 6.0).

On October 13, 2008, Microsoft Vice President Mike Nash announced that the code Windows name 7 and will become the official name of the new version. Windows 7 Starter) will be distributed exclusively with new computers, it will not include the functional part for playing H.264, AAC, MPEG-2.

Released the first Windows version which replaced MS-DOS. This marked a milestone and set the stage for modern versions of Windows. We recall how the versions of the Windows operating system looked in the entire history of its existence.

Despite the fact that Windows 10 is not at all like Windows 1.0, it still has a lot of the original elements: for example, scrollbars, a drop-down menu, icons, dialog boxes, applications like Notepad, MS paint.

Windows 1.0 laid the foundations for the mouse. On MS-DOS, commands could be given only from the keyboard; with Windows 1.0, using the mouse, it was possible to move windows by hovering over them and clicking The history of the Apple MacBook Pro on them. Along with the original, the mouse has completely changed the way consumers interact with computers. At the time, many complained that Windows 1.0 placed too much emphasis on using the mouse to execute commands compared to the keyboard. Perhaps the first version of Windows from Microsoft was not well received, but it was because of it that the struggle began between, Microsoft, who wanted to supply masses of people with computers.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates holds a copy of Windows in his hands. Photo: Carol Halebian.

Back in 1985, Windows 1.0. provided for two floppy disks, 256 kilobytes of memory and a graphics adapter. If you were going to run multiple programs, you needed a PC with a hard drive and 512 KB of memory. With 256KB memory, nothing could be run on modern machines, but those basic specs were just the beginning. While Apple was at the forefront of mouse-driven graphical user interfaces back then, it still emphasized the combination of hardware and software. Microsoft had already created a cheap operating system for IBM computers, and also positioned itself as a company specializing only in software.

Windows 1.0 made important step focusing on applications and basic software. IBM has adhered to the foundations of PC architecture for several years, and Microsoft has made it easier for competitors and software developers to create applications. The company made sure that Windows was relatively open and flexible to configuration changes and amendments. PC makers flocked to Windows in droves, and the operating system enlisted the support of other important software companies. The software delivery approach for hardware partners who sold their own machines created a vast platform for Microsoft — a platform that allows each new version of Windows to be updated, as the classic Youtube video demonstrates.

Windows has been at the forefront of personal computing for 30 years, and no Mac campaign has come close to changing that. Microsoft has continued to make changes to Windows and bring in new users through devices, business, and today through the move to the cloud. Only now, with the popularity of smartphones and tablets, Windows is faced with solving its most difficult task. Perhaps Microsoft will only survive the mobile boom if it goes back to its roots, remembering that it is primarily a software company. In 2045, we're not likely to celebrate Windows 30 the same way we do today, so let's take a look at how the operating system has changed since its humble beginnings.

How it all began: Windows 1.0 introduced a GUI (graphical interface), a mouse and useful applications:

Windows 2.0 continued 16-bit computing with VGA graphics and the first versions of Word and Excel.

Windows 3.0 included an improved user interface with new program and a file manager. In addition, with Update 3.1, the Minesweeper game appeared:

Windows NT 3.5 was the second release of NT and truly marked the emergence of Microsoft in the computer business with robust security and file sharing:

Windows 95 was one of the most significant Windows updates. Microsoft switched to 32-bit architecture and introduced the start menu. A new era of apps has arrived, in Windows update 95 Internet Explorer appeared:

Windows 98 owes the success of Windows 95. It only improves hardware support and performance. Microsoft was Internet-centric at launch and bundled applications and features like Active Desktop, Outlook Express, Frontpage Express, Microsoft Chat, and NetMeeting.

Windows ME focused on multimedia and home users, but was unstable and had a lot of bugs. First Microsoft program Movie Maker appeared in ME, along with improved versions of Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer.

Windows 2000 was designed for client and server computers as well as business. It was developed on the basis of Windows NT in order to create a new reliable file protection, DLL cache, as well as for plug and play hardware:

Windows XP perfectly combined Microsoft's efforts to make the system convenient for both home and business use. Based on Windows NT, it was designed for client and office computers. It was developed on the basis of Windows NT to create a robust file protection system, DLL cache and hardware ready to go:

Windows Vista underestimated as ME. Although Vista offered a new Aero interface and improved security features, Microsoft spent six years building Windows Vista, which only worked well on new hardware. User Account Control has been criticized to smithereens, Windows Vista has remained an unfortunate opus in the line of Windows releases.

Windows 7 appeared in 2009 to fill in Vista's gaps. Microsoft has done a good job on system performance, making changes, improving the user interface and making management accounts more convenient. Windows 7 is one of the most popular versions of Windows.

Windows 8 has become a major overhaul of the familiar Windows interface. Microsoft has removed the Start Start menu and replaced it with a full screen Start window. New metro-style apps have been developed to replace legacy desktop apps. In addition, Microsoft has focused on touchscreens and tablets. For most users, the measure was too drastic, and Microsoft had to rethink the future of Windows.

Back to basics: in Windows 10 brought back the familiar start menu, introduced new features like Cortana, Microsoft Edge and streaming with Xbox one on a PC. The system was developed for hybrid laptops and tablets. Microsoft has now switched to Windows as a service model with a view to updating it regularly in the future.

Welcome to the Windows universe! Microsoft's Windows operating system has undoubtedly become a milestone in the development of not only the information industry, but all of humanity. Largely thanks to Windows, personal computers and laptops are installed on the tables of hundreds of millions of people around the world. Thanks to Windows work with a computer has become available to absolutely everyone, from preschool children to venerable retirees. The most complex computer systems, once used only by engineers and scientists, are now used for a wide variety of tasks, work and entertainment, study and knowledge of the world.

For many years Windows has occupied the overwhelming market share in the world operating systems... As of February 2009, the Windows share was over 88.41%. Its closest competitor, the Mac OS operating system installed on computers Apple, got 9.61%, and the Linux operating system got a measly 0.88%. In other words, when we say "home" or "work" computer, we clearly mean the computer on which one or another version of Windows is installed.

But Windows is not only an environment for playing solitaire or working with Word. In parallel with the operating system for home computers, Microsoft was developing a server version of Windows intended for companies and corporations. This version was named Windows NT, and then Windows Server. This family of operating systems has gained significant popularity and seriously supplanted the former king of servers - the UNIX operating system.

The history of Windows is reminiscent of the victorious march that began back in 1985, when the first Windows 1.01 was released. However, the history of Microsoft begins even earlier, already in 1975, when a young student Bill Gates created the version program language BASIC for one of the first personal computers, the Altair 8800 model.

In general, the history of one of the richest people on the planet (and for many years he headed this pedestal) is undoubtedly of great interest and is described in many books. Several films have been filmed, tens of thousands of articles have been written, and all these are attempts to explain the phenomenon of Microsoft in general and Windows in particular.

We will not delve into the affairs of distant days. If you're wondering how Bill Gates went from being a shy nerd student to what he is now, just start your computer, go online and find all the information you need. It is significant that you will most likely be using a personal computer with one of the versions of Windows to complete this step.

And the Internet itself has become so popular, not least because personal computers have become as much a part of our life as kettles, cars and sneakers. This is the undisputed merit of Windows.

The history of the development of Windows versions is undoubtedly an interesting topic that deserves a separate book. Therefore, we will not carefully turn over the dusty tomes of history and will only briefly acquaint ourselves with the key events in the life of Microsoft Windows.

Contrary to popular belief, the first version of Windows was not at all a stand-alone operating system. In reality, Windows was a graphical "add-on" to the DOS operating system and was intended to make it easier to work with a dark and gloomy command line. Many DOS users did not understand this innovation.

The famous excerpt from the book of Soviet engineers, published in 1989, is still circulating on the Internet. The book is called “Personal Computers in Engineering Practice,” and tough engineers said the following about the Microsoft product.

« One example of a cumbersome and, in the opinion of the authors, useless add-on is Microsoft's integrated WINDOWS system. This system takes up almost 1 MB of disk memory and is designed for preferential use in conjunction with a device like "mouse" ... Thus, the reader has already understood that among the add-ons over DOS there are quite useless systems that only look beautiful, but in fact take the user's time , disk memory and RAM COMPUTER. The deceptive beauty of such systems, however, has a profound effect on inexperienced users who have not had any experience with the machine. The inertia of thinking can be so strong that the authors had to observe how people who started working with such a setting later hardly force themselves to study DOS commands. I would like to warn the reader against this mistake. ».

A brief history of Windows

The history of Windows begins in November 1985, when the first version of the system appeared. Windows 1.0... It was a set of programs that extend the capabilities of existing operating systems for greater ease of use. A few years later, the second version was released ( Windows 2.0), but did not gain much popularity.

Time passed, and in 1990 another version came out - Windows 3.0, which began to be used on many personal computers.

The popularity of the new version of Windows was due to several reasons. The graphical interface made it possible to work with data not with the help of commands entered in the command line, but with the help of visual and understandable actions on graphical objects denoting this data. The ability to work with several programs at the same time has also significantly increased the convenience and efficiency of work.

Moreover, the convenience and ease of writing programs for Windows has led to the emergence of more and more variety of programs running under Windows. Work with a variety of people was better organized. computer equipment which ultimately also determined the popularity of the system.

Subsequent versions of Windows provided improved reliability as well as multimedia support (in Windows 3.1) and work in computer networks (version).

In parallel with the development of Windows, Microsoft began work in 1988 on a new operating system called Windows NT... The main task was to create a system that provides high level reliability and efficient network support. At the same time, the Windows NT interface did not differ from the Windows 3.0 interface. In 1992, Windows NT 3.1 was released, and in 1994, Windows NT 3.5.

In 1995, the famous appeared, which became a new stage in the history of Windows and personal computers in general. Compared to Windows 3.1, the interface has changed significantly, the speed of programs has increased. The new operating system made it possible to automatically configure additional computer devices to eliminate conflicts in the interaction between them. In addition, Windows 95 took the first steps to provide support for the then nascent Internet.

The Windows 95 interface became the main one for the entire Windows family, and in 1996 a redesigned version of the server operating system appears. Windows NT 4.0 which has the same interface as Windows 95.

In 1998 appeared Windows 98 with a significantly redesigned structure compared to Windows 95. In the new version, much attention was paid to working with the Internet, as well as supporting modern network protocols... There is also support for working with multiple monitors.

The next stage in the development of Windows was the emergence and Windows Me(Millenium Edition). Windows 2000 was developed on the basis of Windows NT and inherited from it high reliability and information security from outside interference. Two versions were released: Windows 2000 Server for servers and Windows 2000 Professional for workstations, which many have installed on home computers.

The Windows Me operating system is essentially an enhanced version of Windows 98 with improved multimedia support. It is believed that Windows Me has become one of the most unsuccessful versions of Windows, characterized by unstable work, often "freezes" and crashes.

As a result, just a year after its release, a new operating system appeared. Windows XP... It happened in 2001.

The Windows XP operating system was based on the Windows NT kernel and therefore was extremely stable and efficient compared to previous versions of Windows. It also seriously redesigned the graphical interface, introduced support for new functions and programs.

Surprisingly, Windows XP was so successful that even at the end of 2008 it had almost 70% of the operating system market. Three Service Packs have been released for Windows XP, the last of which was released in April 2008. Each of the packages expanded the capabilities of the operating system, eliminated errors, and made the system more reliable and secure. This system was and remains popular and rightfully became the most successful and long-lived OS from Microsoft.

In 2003 a new version was released Windows Server 2003, which came to replace Windows 2000. After a while, an update called Windows Server 2003 R2 was released. Windows Server 2003 operating system installed new standard reliability and performance, becoming one of the most successful Microsoft server systems.

Even before the release of Windows XP, Microsoft was actively developing a new version of the operating system, codenamed Windows Longhorn. Then the name was changed to Windows Vista.

New operating system Windows Vista appeared in 2007. Traditionally, the home operating system was based on the powerful and reliable Windows Server 2003 SP1 kernel (just as Windows XP was based on the Windows NT kernel).

In Windows Vista, the user interface has been radically changed, the security system has been significantly improved, and a lot of new features and functions have appeared. However, despite its excellent makings, the system was received coolly, and some have dubbed Windows Vista a "failure" altogether.

The reasons for such a warm welcome are described in. Note that despite the excellent kernel, Windows Vista turned out to be too slow and demanding on system resources. After Windows XP, Vista's system requirements shocked many, and old computers were simply unable to ensure the smooth operation of this system. Added troubles and extremely poor compatibility with device drivers. Gradually the situation improved and Windows Vista became usable - but its reputation was destroyed forever.

In 2009, another version was released - a remarkable Windows 7... How did she distinguish herself? Let's start with the fact that in this operating system, key Windows errors Vista. As a result, the "seven" turned out to be very fast, reliable and efficient. In fact, she became what was expected from Vista from the very beginning.

With the release of Service Pack 1, its position only strengthened. By 2012, Windows 7 had become the most popular OS in the world, finally overtaking the old Windows XP. In fact, the “seven” became what XP was for many years - the main operating system that coped with all the tasks. She did not "slow down", she almost had no problems with the drivers. This is a system from the category delivered - and it works, without reinstalling, as much as you need. This is the true successor to Windows XP.

But, Microsoft was small. Losing the race in the tablet and smartphone markets, the company desperately needed a new product that would unite all devices at once within a single Metro interface - smartphones, laptops, desktops and tablets.

And the result is the operating system Windows 8 that came out in October 2012. For the first time, Microsoft decided on a radical change in the interface, which shocked much more than the changes in Vista. Instead of the usual desktop, the user was greeted with strange tiles, and the Start button was completely absent. The interface intrigued some, frightened others.

For technical Windows capabilities 8 is an optimized version of Windows 7. The new system boots up much faster, however, again there are some problems with drivers and launching games - but this is clearly a temporary situation.

In 2013, the market acceptance of the new system is in full swing. It's too early to say how successful it has become - time will tell. We can only say unequivocally that the fate of Windows 8 will not be easy. Some experts predict the fate of Windows Vista - a system that never recovered from its negative image.

Meanwhile, in 2014 the release is expected Windows 9... But that's not all - plans have been announced to release new OS versions every ... year! Why, why, does this mean the rejection of the Service Pack - we will find out all this very soon.

Differences between Windows versions of operating systems and basic differences between Windows editions. This is what this article will be about.

Each subsequent version of Windows differs from the previous one in features and functionality. Let's take a closer look at the fundamental differences between all major versions of the operating system. Review the corporation's most popular products in order of market launch.

Windows XP
Windows XP is now considered obsolete. Since mid-2016, Microsoft has not released an update for this operating system. That's why modern programs and applications are incompatible with this version. In addition, the algorithm itself differs in the operation of the software.

First of all, it should be noted that the search is not very convenient. The system does not start looking for the required document before you enter keyword fully. Because of this, the time spent on the operation increases significantly. In addition, it does not differ in ergonomics and launching programs. In order to find the required application, you need to know exactly where it is. Otherwise, you can spend many minutes exploring the pop-up menus, flipping through the pages, and you may not find the required program.

In terms of playing files, Windows XP is also inferior to its modern counterparts. For example, when viewing videos and photos, they are projected only onto the monitor. In other words, the user does not have the ability to connect other devices, for example, plasma TV, for broadcasting the signal.

Windows 7
Unlike Windows XP, this version of the software has more sophisticated search and control algorithms. For example, there is an interactive form in the Start menu to search for files. To use it, you just need to start entering the name of the file and application you are looking for. After that, the system itself will offer you several materials suitable for the description.

The network settings have also changed. So in Windows 7, when creating a network, the settings occur automatically, while the user is only asked to select additional options. For example, saving a password. TO personal computer with the presented OS, you can connect additional equipment. For example, TVs with built-in or additional tuners.

File and folder management deserves special attention. Consider a situation where you need to find and play music from the same artist, which, however, is actually located in different folders. In this case, you can sort the entire library according to the specified characteristics and enjoy listening.

These are by no means all the functional features of Windows 7, because this excellent operating system is loved by users due to its impressive functionality and compatibility with most applications. In addition, the OS is compatible even with low technical capabilities of computers.

Windows 10
Windows 10's design is dominated by the flat trend. Recently, this design trick has been especially popular with major developers and publishers around the world. However, let's look at functionality and navigation, leaving out the aesthetic side of things.

So, Windows 10 has been updated with a new field for system messages and notifications. Here the user will be able to see important notifications in chronological order, as well as application messages (new letters, completion of download, etc.). The OS can implement several desktops at once, which is extremely convenient. Imagine having different sets of applications and folders on your PC for work and play. It is very convenient.

The presence of a visual assistant is also an advantage of this version. With its help, you can keep a journal, quickly search for the necessary information. Other updates include the absence of the familiar Internet Explorer. Instead, a new Spartan browser is installed, which is excluded by much more impressive functionality.

The user has extensive opportunities to synchronize data not only between browsers, but also in applications. From the point of view of installing games and add-ons, this version is preferable, because it is compatible with all new game developments. According to analysts' forecasts, Windows 10 will become the most popular operating system in the world over the next year.

Differences between Windows editions
Along with differences between versions, there are multiple differences between editions of the same operating system. Let's discuss these differences in more detail using the example of Windows 10 and Windows 7.

Windows 7 editions:
Starter is the simplest edition for non-demanding users.
Home - there is a minimum range of settings required for comfortable work.
Professional (Professional) - the edition contains a sufficient set of tools for managing the content and functionality of the OS.
Corporate (Enterprise) - the operating system is intended for corporate use, compatible with office programs and applications. Optimally adapted for efficient work.
Maximum (Ultimate) - combines everything functionality previous editions and is fully consistent with its name.
Windows tenth editions:
Windows 10 Home - designed for home use and contains only basic functions.
Windows 10 Professional - has advanced customization tools and has a list of business features.
Windows 10 Enterprise - software for large corporations and holdings.

Hello dear readers, Denis Trishkin is with you.
I try to share with you interesting information that is related to the tools of the Windows operating system. Today I wanted to tell you directly about the shell itself. From the article you can find out where the story began Windows creation and also about its rapid evolution. I think it will be interesting for everyone.

Windows is an operating system from Microsoft, which undoubtedly has become one of the key factors in the development of not only computer technology, but of all mankind. It is thanks to it that millions of people around the world use laptops and desktop machines.

"Windows (windows)" are installed on almost 90% of all computers in the world, while the closest rival - Mac OS - boasts only 9%.

Windows 1.0

So where did it all start? In short, the first version of Windows was a graphical add-on for MS-DOS. It was designed to make your work easier command line... And many users at first could not understand such changes.

It is generally accepted that Windows history started in November 1985. It was then that the world saw the first version with an index of 1.0. She had a small set of different programs that helped expand the available capabilities in DOS. In addition, as conceived by the creators, it was supposed to simplify the work of users.




The next stages of development( )

Windows 2.0

After a while, appeared updated version – 2.0.

But it was not accepted by clients at all, and completely passed by the computer world.



Windows 3.0

Already five years after the release, in 1990, modification 3.0 was released, which was positively received by many users, and therefore was installed on a large number of machines. Its popularity was due to several key factors at once:




    The interface made it possible for people to work with information not with the help of special commands that had to be entered in a line, but using intuitive actions on familiar objects expressed graphically.

    So, for example, to delete a folder, you just had to drag it to the trash.

    Ability to work simultaneously with several applications.

    The simplicity and ease of writing programs for this OS led to their massive appearance.

    Better organized work with various peripheral equipment.

    The revised version (3.1) improved security and included support for multimedia devices... And in 3.11, support for computer networks has already appeared.

Windows NT

Along with the first developments, Microsoft began to create a version of Windows NT. Its main tasks were to ensure efficient network operation and high security. At the same time, the interface did not differ at all from the 3.0 model. And by 1992, NT 3.1 was released, and a little later - 3.5.


First global success( )

Windows 95

Windows 95 can be called a real breakthrough in the computer industry. It appeared just in 1995. The operating system marked a new stage in the development of the history of the company and all computers in the world as a whole. Compared to its predecessor, the interface has noticeably changed.




Most of the programs worked faster. It provided for automatic installation new devices - this helped to eliminate possible conflicts between them. Well, and most importantly, the developers began to take the first steps to support the work on the Internet, which was just emerging. The interface of this version became the main one for all future modifications.

The following year, the company pleased with the updated server system NT 4.0, which received the same interface as Win 95. In addition, it significantly improved security tools and improved interaction between users.

00's operating systems( )

Windows 98

Microsoft Corporation decided not to stop there and continued to work. The result was Windows 98, which came out that year. Compared to its predecessor, the new product has received a significantly redesigned structure.




In addition to all the advantages of the previous OS, it was decided to introduce full-fledged tools for working with the Internet in it, as well as support for modern protocols for the functioning of the network. In addition, it became possible to display information on several monitors at once.

Windows Millenium and 2000

The next significant event was the release of "axes" with indices 2000 and Me (Millenium). They were presented almost simultaneously. The first was developed based on NT. This gave it high reliability and data security. There were two versions: Server - for servers, and Professional - for user computers.


OS under Windows name Me in fact became an extension 98. At the same time, it received improved support for working with multimedia information. It is believed that the product turned out to be the most underdeveloped in the history of the corporation and even a failure. It featured constant freezes, unstable operation and frequent crashes.



Breakthrough( )

Windows XP

After many improvements, Windows XP was released a year later. The operating system was based on the NT kernel. That is why it clearly stood out among its predecessors in terms of efficiency and high stability of work. Support for many programs has appeared, additional functions have been added. But the most important achievement can be safely called a redesigned attractive interface. It has become softer and more rounded.




It is believed that this product has proven to be successful in the history of the corporation. Even at the end of 2008, it was used by almost 70% of all computers in the world. Even in spite of the fact that by this time there were already new operating systems.

After that, three major updates were presented in addition, the last of which was released in the spring of 2008. Each of them was aimed at expanding capabilities, eliminating errors. They also helped to "close" inaccuracies in the security system. XP can rightfully be called the longest-lived in the entire history of Microsoft.

Windows Server 2003

In 2003, the corporation presented the OS with the Server 2003 index, which replaced 2000. After that, the R2 update was released. It is believed that this system has "set a new bar" in terms of performance and reliability. It has long been considered one of the most sought-after and successful server products from the Redmond-based company.



New approach( )

Windows Vista

Even before XP was released, the company was actively working on yet another project. Its code name was Windows Longhorn. Before the release, it was decided to change it to Vista.

The OS was released in 2007. The efficient and reliable core of Server 2003 was taken as a basis. The developers added new functions, and most importantly - changed the interface, which many did not like.




But despite all this, the product received a lot of negative reviews due to the lack of support for most third-party programs and poor performance in general. It was even called a "failure."

Just imagine, many users were happy with XP's performance (compared to previous versions), and suddenly a system appears that requires a lot more resources. The old machines simply could not handle the new software. In addition, the company simply failed to implement normal compatibility with multiple device drivers.