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Features of the programming language java. Installation of the software environment. Link duplication and cloning

Java tutorial

Fundamentals of Java Programming

General information about programming

Programming is the process of creating code in a programming language that is translated into files different types using a special program - a translator. There are two types of translators: compilers and interpreters. A compiler is a program that translates text written in a programming language into a file. An interpreter is a program capable of translating the text of a program into machine code and simultaneously executing it.

In both cases, the gap between blocks of work is one week or two weeks. A break is necessary for home study, newsgathering, and exercises. You will receive well-prepared home study materials and tasks from your trainer to complete. A large number of exercises will force you to gain knowledge and quickly master the technology.

Are you a programmer?

If you have a problem with a task, you can always contact the trainer. We always answer: no, you don't have to be good at math to program. Thousands of developers have no IT education and code better than IT graduates. Skills and practice are more important than a college degree. Programming is a way of thinking - the first few hours of the course and the first line of code - so you know that the developer needs to have a very clear and straightforward approach to solving every problem that needs to be collected and have the ability to think analytically.

Java programming(it is a compiling language) has the advantage that the code written in a given programming language is translated using an appropriate translator program into the so-called bytecode, and this, in turn, is translated into machine code using the Java virtual machine ( Java Virtual Machine, or just JVM). Therefore, a program written in Java is executable on any computer with any system, as long as it has virtual machine Java. Thus, one of the main advantages is provided Java language- portability of programs created on it to computers of different types.

The web has been spinning for years - you may have seen it more than once - programmers in plaid shirts, orthodontists on teeth, and facial acne. But if you can attribute one feature to them - one thing is for sure - programmers are work tasks - and it best captures that joke.

Who should come to this course?

The wife is speaking on the husband's computer. Do you know the person in the photograph? This course is intended for beginners who have no programming experience and want to start a career as a junior programmer. Most of the graduates of this course are people with no technical background. Just use your computer - copy files, create folders, write on your keyboard - we'll do the rest!

There are two types of programming: systemic and applied.
System Programming allows us to program in the system, for example in Windows, in order to solve global problems.
Applied programming is aimed at creating application programs, i.e. programs that perform some specific function, for example Microsoft Word, WordPad, Calculator, etc. In this book, we will deal with application programming.

Autorun managers and owners - learn how to write and read code

We are addicted to technology, computers surround us, but almost none of us can write or read code! Fundamentals of programming are slowly entering various industries, and code readability and editing will be gold! This course is a great offer for those working with their own internet business, startups, and project managers.

Course program - what will you learn?

Be sure to watch this movie. The course is divided into modules and is designed so that you and your specialists know what you need in the labor market. The course will give you a solid foundation for any programmer. The knowledge gained can be expanded in any direction: game programming, mobile applications, databases, web applications and more.

Operating system developer's eye

You will learn what a development environment looks like and you will learn how to move around.

From the author: This programming language is used by approximately 3 billion smartphones, 125 million televisions and every single Blu-ray player in the world. This language regularly takes prizes in the ratings of software developers and is the most popular among the largest IT companies. It is a technical phenomenon and works on absolutely any device, which corresponds to its principle of "write once, run anywhere" (WORA - "write once, run anywhere"). Who guessed it, raise your hands! Of course, this is the Java language. And today I will reveal all the cards to you and tell you the whole truth about how to become a Java programmer from scratch! Make yourself comfortable!

You will learn how to build projects, use version control systems, use ready-made components. We spend a lot of time on this with a good understanding of the basic questions: the idea of ​​variables, the communication of basic instructions, the creation of our own functions.

You will learn how to model and store data. It deals with what the user does not see - databases, application architecture, computing, security, and performance. For the focus, it doesn't matter what it looks like, only the logic of action and purpose - “it must work and be ready for any possible scenarios and cases. "

A few facts about Java

In order not to tire you with long theoretical sermons, I have grouped some information about Java into a list, after reading which you will get an insight into what kind of language it is and what its role in the wild nature of programming is:

Java is a trendy and cross-platform programming language. It works on any device with any operating system. All Google and Android apps are written in it. In no other language can you find so much information and learning materials;

Trainers - knowledge combined with practice

He is responsible for what the user sees on the monitor. The trainer who will be leading this course is an instructor and computer scientist all rolled into one. Every day they work in the profession, which gives them the opportunity to conduct ultra interesting events filled with examples from real projects.

Trainers - professional programmers

Even the best prepared course syllabus will not work without a good, open and experienced instructor. This is why our trainers are the best. They have years of teaching, learning and development experience software... These are practitioners - leading people who live replete with realistic examples of attachment.

the official release date of the language is May 23, 1995. Initially, it was conceived for an interactive cable TV, but "did not grow together." The inventor of Java is Sun Microsystems, which was acquired by Oracle in 2010;

many people confuse Java and JavaScript. If you want to practice (websites, web applications), then choose the second option. Java is the back-end, that is, the development of the filling of applications;

Programmer and trainer with a wide range of competencies. Dear lecturer at the University of Warsaw. He has worked as a programmer and analyst and database developer for commercial and academic projects. Currently, as a “freelancer”, he acts as a programmer, expert and trainer.

He conducts classes in Poland and the UK. He has participated in IT projects in many languages ​​and technologies. Master of Science at the Maritime University of Szczecin. He graduated in Engineering and Computer Engineering at the University of Szczecin. For many years he has been involved in IT projects commissioned by many European companies. Peter is a very demanding trainer, committed to ensuring that everyone who finishes their training pulls out as much as they can!

Modern web development technologies

AngularJS, Webpack, NodeJS, ReactJS, TypeScript, Gulp, Git, Github ...
Find out all about modern technologies in web development

it is an object-oriented programming language whose code is executed by a special java virtual machine (JVM). In the US, about 9 out of 10 computers have this JVM installed;

Piotr also holds a master's degree from the Maritime University of Szczecin. She loves to study foreign languages ​​such as Spanish, Arabic and Papiamento. Experienced software developer and designer. Graduated in Computer Science with a degree in Programming and Administration in a Networked Environment at the Polish-Japanese College of Computer Technicians. Associated with "Internet Magazine", "Computer World" and "Computer World Expert". Practical course.

He has professionally completed projects in the implementation of extensive web services supporting heavy traffic and workloads. He made a popular service that gives discount codes to Internet users. Distribute it yourself in installments - at no additional cost.

The language got its name from the coffee brand, which is why the official emblem depicts an inspiring cup.

Are you still here or ran to make yourself a cup of aromatic coffee? Then let's continue talking about how to become a Java programmer.

Installing the software environment

Oddly enough, some have problems already at the stage of installing the software Java environments... To do this, you need to go to the official website of the developer company - Oracle. Link to current version you will see at the very top of the site. You need Java SE (Standard Edition) and Java Development Kit - a set of development tools. Please note that there are different distributions for different operating systems.

We are aware of this and therefore we offer convenient installment fees for our bot cameras - at no additional cost. You pay as much as the course costs. The procedure is very simple - you do not need to contact any bank, you do not need to go through a complex check, you only need an identification document - everything that you do with our company.

Our course program is focused on the job market - we train so that you can work in the profession later, and not as it was in books or scripts 5 years ago. Technology is advancing at a fast pace and only professionals who are still in the profession can teach you what your employer demands. Even best program course and the best coach will not force anyone to work intensively in a stuffy dark room without a laptop window on their lap! Our courses are held in our premises - in the very center of Warsaw, in comfortable air-conditioned rooms equipped with modern computers. Of course, with a lattice free of charge!

  • Our trainers are outstanding specialists with extensive experience - not random.
  • And finally, the most important thing!
Weekends - Saturday and Sunday, every 2 weeks, between 9-17.

Let's say we have Windows. We go to "System Properties" and see what kind of system we have - 32-bit or 64-bit. Download the file that suits us in terms of bit depth. If you choose the wrong distribution, you will get an error when compiling the code. After confirming the Accept License Agreement, click the download button.

What is the Java developer toolkit?

The programmer spends most of his time in the IDE (IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, WebStorm, NetBeans). IDE is an integrated development environment, a dedicated programming interface. It not only helps with coding, but also makes it easier to use other programming tools. Some advise those who want to become a Java programmer from scratch to write their first programs in a regular notepad or Notepad ++.

Daily - training in the form of three blocks, 8 hours a day, including a lunch break and two coffee breaks. There is a gap between class blocks, which usually lasts a week. In both versions, the entire course is 80 hours in total. On the distance course, the course lasts about 2 months, the daily regimen is more intensive - the course ends in a month.

As part of the course, we offer drinks - sweets and warm and cold drinks. Information about whether the group can buy lunches from us is on the online application form; Our secretariat will also provide it to her. As a rule, lunches in our country can be ordered in day groups; On weekends it depends on the city. Accommodation. Due to the fact that a large group of students come to classes, usually on weekends, we provide some information on possible overnight stays, if necessary.

Maybe elementary programs are worth writing in an editor. But in the future, I still strongly recommend using the IDE. It has code completion, syntax control, jump to method definition, and many others. And intelligent prompts save you the trouble of remembering all the names of functions and their parameters, which is simply physically impossible.

Register: complete the online form or download, complete it manually and send us the traditional application form. Make a deposit of 500 PLN or the full amount of the fee into our account within 7 days from the date of submission. The final confirmation of the application is made after the transfer to our account of the advance payment or the full course fee. Please note that the booking form is completed in advance. ... It is worth making a decision and declaring your presence as soon as possible! Sign up for the course at least 30 days before the start of the course, we will give you a 3% discount on the full price.

When working in a team, when several people are working on one program at once, it is imperative to use the so-called version control system (Perforce, Git, Subversion, etc.). However, version control systems are very convenient when working alone.

An example algorithm for learning Java

Learning the basics of the Java language. The first step is to develop your logical thinking skills and learn the fundamental concepts of the syntax of a programming language. Armed with a book, article, or video tutorial, learn how to use an IDE or text editor to create simple Java objects that have different behaviors based on the input.

It is also good to register quickly because it guarantees a place in the group. 7% - permanent discount for all courses and training; For: an employee or employee of the company who previously posted on at least one employee for any of our courses or training. For: applications at least 30 days before the start of the course. ... For individuals enrolled in the course, it is possible to distribute a fee for interest-free contributions. However, installment payments do not apply to discounts or promotions.

Closed and outbound trainings

If you send a group of employees for training, you can start training in closed mode, regardless of the planned training schedule.

What is a programming language

Language is a kind of communication that is understandable for a certain group of people. Polish, English, Italian, etc. are well known to people who know the structure of statements, words, definitions, etc. these languages.

Analysis of advanced features of the Java language. In this step, learn the syntax, libraries, and frameworks that will help you build more complex, hands-on applications. A good programmer not only knows how to use various libraries, but also knows how they work internally. In addition, concepts such as I / O operations, inheritance and abstraction, serialization, generic types, and regular expressions should not be an empty phrase to you.

What is the program itself?

Semantics deals with the analysis of the meanings of words, that is, it simply determines, describes what makes sense. As far as programming is concerned, this means that semantic rules define individual symbols and their functions in our program. You will need these rules. The phrase means the kind of plan of proposed actions that need to be performed.

In our computer program, we define our intentions to execute some instructions designed for our computer. That is computer programs are instructions to be executed by our computer, taking into account that these instructions are written in a programming language.

The subtleties of programming. Do not under any circumstances disdain to study the documentation and Java programming jargon thoroughly. At this stage, you should already "mutate" into a mature programmer. Chat with the Java gurus you find in forums and other networking environments where programmers gather. Show them your code, consult and advise others - "accumulate karma." You can even start a blog, post snippets of your own code, and see what more experienced programmers have to say about it.

How can we see that a programming language is understood or understood by someone? Therefore, we need something that will handle what is understandable and easy for us to make this kind of meaningless zero and one. For a computer, of course, the opposite is true. He doesn't understand us: "What do all these birds mean, what does this guy mean on the computer?" The computer always does what it orders if something goes wrong. For him, all these stamps, written in a text editor, are just numbers, which later turn into symbols.

Knows nothing more about it. It is what interprets, verifies, processes stamps written with a programming language into a computer understandable language or a machine language called a compiler. Therefore, we answered the question: what is a compiler?

How to start programming?

For those who are going to become a Java programmer from scratch, I will show you how to write your first program.
So, open any text editor and write:

Class HelloWorld (public static void main (String args) (System.out.println ("Hello World!");))

We save the file under the name Please note that Java is case sensitive, so the words "helloworld" and "HelloWorld" are different. If the names of the file and class in the code are different, then the program simply will not start. In addition, it is important that the encoding is ANSI.

Now we have to compile the program using the javac compiler from the JDK. Until we have installed the development environment, we will compile with command line cmd by invoking it from the Start menu. In the window that appears, type cmd and press Enter.

If we saved to the Proga folder on the C drive, then we enter the command:

Cd C: \ Proga

and press Enter. Thus, we changed the directory to the one where our program is located. Then we enter:


Press Enter again. If the system does not give an error, then the compilation was successful, and in the Prog folder you will find the HelloWorld.class file. Let me explain what it is for. A file with the .java extension is just a "sketch" of the code, not containing the "technical part" that affects not the functions, but the launch of the program. And the .class file contains bytecodes that allow you to execute the written code through the Java interpreter.

If you did everything correctly, you will see your creation on the screen, an emerging electronic mind that will greet you: "Hello World!"

Well, that's all for today, dear friends. I hope you figured out how you can become a Java programmer from scratch. In my next article I will talk about how to make money for Java programmer. So stay tuned, or better yet, subscribe to our blog updates. Bye everyone!