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How to create the perfect LinkedIn profile. What is Linkedin, its version in Russian, why is it needed and reviews about it. LinkedIn is an important step on your professional journey

Thinking about the time to update your LinkedIn profile? Good idea! We think you understand that LinkedIn is not just another job search site, but good opportunity declare yourself as a professional, meet colleagues and drive traffic to.

Find the right photo

The first impression depends very much on how you look. That's why your profile should have a good, moderately "official" photo.

It is possible that you will have to take a new photo. And great, the main thing is to follow a few simple rules:

    Dress properly If a dress code were introduced on LinkedIn, it would be business casual: not too relaxed, not too formal. Suits and ties are overkill. The most suitable clothing for photography is the one you can actually wear to work.

    Smile It is a known fact: people prefer to work with those they like. It is difficult to evoke sympathy on the Internet, but you can: just add a photo to your profile where you smile affably.

    Don't hide your face A profile photo is needed so that the potential interlocutor has an idea of ​​what kind of person you are. This means that your face in the photo should be clearly visible and occupy more than half of the entire image.

Re-read your resume

Is it not too formal in your opinion? Unlike an official resume, writing for LinkedIn can sound more natural. This is still a social network, so it would be appropriate to show here that you are not a faceless “applicant”, but a living person.

Write a good headline: Try to describe your activity in 120 characters. Don't waste space on meaningless words and job listing, focus on skills and strengths so that people can immediately understand who you are.

Conduct an SEO audit of your page

Recruiters and headhunters are looking for suitable candidates not only on Google and Yandex, but also on LinkedIn itself. You can turn this to your advantage - think about what keywords people might be looking for someone like you, and add them to your profile.

Yes, in fact it is very similar to. Reread the article from our blog , if you forgot,.

Replace the url

LinkedIn has the ability to replace your page's web address. If you don't like the current address, which looks like a bunch of letters and numbers combined with a first and last name, change it. It's not difficult, here's a guide to action. The plus is that such an address looks more solid, and it is much easier to remember it.

Swap sections

Let's say you don't have impressive work experience yet, but you graduated from a good university, volunteered, and you have publications in serious publications. In your LinkedIn profile, you can swap all sections and drag and drop important information to the very top so your potential employer can see your strengths right away.

Are you a cool specialist? Prove it!

Finished working on an interesting project? We advise you not only to tell about it, but also to show it: attach a video, links, photographs or a presentation to the recording. And be sure to add a link to your

The first step towards getting your dream job starts with LnkedIn. Today we will focus on completing your LinkedIn profile correctly.

LinkedIn has roughly 500 million registered users and research shows that recruiters are increasingly choosing LinkedIn for finding employees. Consider this network as a platform for finding the people you need to expand professional contacts and find work.

There is a specific set of steps to be taken:

  1. Register and create a profile on LinkedIn.
  2. Find people you know or have worked with in the past. Make contacts.
  3. Join professional groups that are relevant to your specialization; add members of these groups to your contacts, acquaintance with whom you can find mutually beneficial.
  4. Join groups related to finding a job, where you can get advice, help and support.
  5. Contact me personally by adding me to your LinkedIn network.

How to complete your LinkedIn profile

1. Photography
The first thing a recruiter or anyone else who walks in to look at your LinkedIn profile sees the photo in the upper left corner. In addition, 90% of HR managers say they check social pages candidates, especially on LinkedIn and before inviting them for an interview. Therefore, a photo on a web page is your brand. This means that and serve as the reason for the refusal. Therefore, before uploading a photo, make sure that the photo meets the following criteria:

  • topical (not older than 5 years)
  • colored
  • background neutral / plain light
  • full face / upper torso
  • business style clothing
  • benevolent smile

Remember : The first impression you make on a recruiter is the choice of your photo!

2. Title
The next thing recruiters see after the photo is your last name, first name, profession and field of activity. The title is limited to 120 characters, so it is very important to write not only the title of the position held, but also keywords describing your skills.

What are keywords you will learn in the article:.

3. General information
In this section, you can write in more detail about yourself, your skills and achievements. There are also restrictions on the number of characters here, and you must make good use of this space. Your job is to provide full information about yourself to the recruiter and draw his attention to your profile. Your goal is to give only what is needed and avoid what the recruiter should not know about.

4. Work experience
You can move your resume with a description of the companies you worked for and the responsibilities you performed in this section right after the General Information section. Be sure to include your accomplishments as well. Try to keep your work experience from looking like a biography with dry dates, a list of firms and positions.

5. Skills
Adding skills makes your profile more visible when searching. You can select up to 50 skills from the list related to your professional career. The list of skills is available to your friends and colleagues, who can optionally confirm that you own them. The more such confirmation you get for each skill, the better.

6. Education
Start your listing with a college degree and work your way back. You can add the school you attended, educational institutions you attended. But again, remember - as in the section "Work experience" and in the section "Education" you should not only list the names of educational institutions with dates, but also describe in detail what you specialized in.

7. Courses
If you have taken any trainings or courses, be sure to add them to your profile.

8. Awards
If you received awards, diplomas, prizes, then you can include them in this section.

9. Tracked content and groups
Make sure you subscribe to groups and materials that are specific to your profession, because your main the target audience Are the recruiters and HR managers you want to make a good impression on.

10. Recommendations
LinkedIn doesn't recognize a profile as complete until you have at least 3 references from colleagues, coworkers, or friends. The more recommendations you have, the easier it will be to find your profile. The easiest way to get a recommendation is the following:

  • First, write a recommendation to one of your LinkedIn contacts, and then ask them to respond in kind. It is in your best interest to have as many recommendations as possible, as they make your account look more professional.

11. Add contacts
LinkedIn doesn't consider your profile complete until you have at least 50 contacts. Therefore, you need to add all your acquaintances and friends, colleagues and co-workers, classmates to make your profile complete. Almost every contact, regardless of title or work experience, can be useful to you. However, of most interest are people who fall into the following two categories:

  • People who are higher than you in position.
  • People who have the same job title as you.

The contacts listed above can either offer you cooperation, that is, hire you; or they can advise those who do it.

12. Publications
With the help of publications and reposts, you can increase your authority among your contacts. Subscribe to newsletters related to topics that interest you, from job search to your line of business. But the most important thing is not just to share links, but also to express your opinion on professional issues.

Remember the public posting rule on this network: do not discuss politics, religion or personal relationships.

Other LinkedIn Resources

LinkedIn offers a wide range of professional engagement tools:

  • Selection of vacancies from employers
  • Special interest groups
  • Links to job search sites

If you want to find Good work and build a successful career, it will be difficult to do this without a LinkedIn profile.

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Coach-consultant for job search and career building. The only coach-interviewer in Russia who prepares for all types of interviews. Expert in resume writing. The author of the books: "I'm afraid of job interviews!"

It is difficult to find a person who is not registered in any social network... It is clear that today it is one of the most important components of constant communication with friends, acquaintances, comrades of interest. However, for the most part, all this concerns social life, but what about professional? After all, it is equally important to be aware of what is happening in your professional field, to communicate with colleagues, to exchange knowledge and experience, to build up For someone it will be a real discovery that there is a network created specifically for these purposes. It's called LinkedIn. Few people in Russia know about it yet, but those who do not quite understand how it can be useful. Therefore, in this article, we will fill that gap and tell you, LinkedIn, how to use it and why.

Why is LinkedIn needed?

Tell me what you do to find your old friend or former classmate? Obviously, go to your account in one of the social networks - in Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook. What do you think recruiters in America (and many of them are already doing in Europe) do in order to find a good professional for a vacancy in the company? No, they don't go to job sites, they go straight to LinkedIn. Why? Because they know - there they can find the one they need, having received about him detailed information and recommendations to guarantee the professionalism of the candidate. Do you want the job to look for you and not you? Then you need a professional LinkedIn network - waste no time and sign up soon!

LinkedIn Code of Conduct

How does this resource work? Its meaning is to make professional contacts, gain experience and share knowledge with colleagues and, of course, find a job. But not everything is so simple. Let's go in order.

Creating and filling out a profile

The first thing you do is register and fill out your profile on the network. This is analogous to a resume, but more detailed and useful. Try to fill it as completely as possible (not 20-30%, but 100%). What information do you need to provide? To begin with, it would be nice to enter the following information:

1. Full name and name of your specialization / profession.

4. something like a cover letter. Write down your aspirations and goals here. Write down what you like about your profession and what development plans you have.

5. Contacts. Moreover, the more of them, the better. This and mobile connection, and mail, and Skype.

6. Awards, certificates, tests, etc. If you have any of this, do not forget to write about it.

All this information should be filled out carefully and deliberately, because what is a LinkedIn profile? This is your professional face, which means that you need to treat him accordingly.

Professional Activity: First Steps

Your work does not end with filling out a resume profile, but only begins. Now you need to get the first contacts. Add your friends, colleagues. One day, one of them may help you get to know the right person. Join professional interest groups, the maximum number is 50 (it is better to use the entire maximum allowed). What to do in groups? Receive new knowledge, follow the development and news in their field of activity, acquire new useful contacts.

By the way, about skills. Go to the pages of your colleagues and put confirmation of their skills, they will answer you in kind. This will make them more significant, because they have been confirmed by other people.

Building professional ties and communication

Now you need to actively build up your contacts and make yourself known. What is LinkedIn? This is the place to find a professional. Recruiters post interesting vacancies here, as well as independently search for candidates by looking through groups and assessing participants. That is why it is very important to be active - not to neglect participation in discussions, give advice and answer questions on the forums (of course, if you know the answer for sure). This will make you visible. Believe me, soon you will begin to receive job offers that you will not have time to dismiss (or maybe you will find your dream job in this way).

In addition, add leaders and managers of companies that you are interested in, recruiters and specialists working in your professional field to your contacts. The more connections you have, the faster they will grow, the more chances you will find interesting offers, develop your career.

Contacts: careful selection

However, be selective in your contacts - add people who connect you with professional and business interests, colleagues and simply useful personalities. But a neighbor on the landing, for example, or a friend from a vacation in Turkey should not be added. This can sometimes work against you. If you already have someone you don't like on your list of professional connections, it will be useful for you to know how to delete a contact on LinkedIn. It's easy to do: in the "Network" menu, select the "Address Book" item, in the "Contacts" tab, find the "Delete contacts" link, select the people you want to remove, then click on the corresponding button. Those users who have been removed from your contact list will receive a notification about this.

LinkedIn is an important step on your professional journey

Even if on this moment you are not looking for a job, update your information regularly professional experience skills acquired, keep in touch. One day, when you want to change jobs, it will not be difficult to do this.

This resource is not yet very popular in Russia. Few people know what LinkedIn is. There are different reviews about this professional network, and all because people do not understand its importance and benefits for their professional development. However, there is no doubt that there is benefit. Just think - today it has more than 200 million registered users, of which about half are in America. The network is popular in Europe and even in India. Therefore, if you plan to build a career abroad in the future, you must register on LinkedIn - and the sooner the better.

Deleting a LinkedIn account: instructions

While this professional social network is very useful, there may be reasons why you might want to delete your account. Well, this is everyone's business and right. If that's your decision, read on for how to leave LinkedIn. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Go to your profile and click on the button with your name located in the upper right corner.

2. It will open in which you need to select "Settings". Under the "Account" tab, you will see the item "Delete account".

3. Go to it and select the reason why you want to be removed from the network.

4. Confirm the information about account by clicking "Account Verification".

5. On the next page, take the final step - click "Delete account". It will be closed within 72 hours.

It's so easy to delete your profile on a professional network, not just open and fill out. If you already have a large network of contacts, and you were an active user, a member of groups, then think well before you say goodbye to LinkedIn. Reviews of many professionals and recruiters say that sooner or later this resource can be very useful for everyone. Therefore, if you have not yet experienced the usefulness of the network, you should not give up its capabilities. Surely there will be a case when she will help you move up the career ladder or make useful contacts.

Based on everything we've covered, what is LinkedIn in a nutshell? This is "VKontakte", only not for friendly, but for professional communication and growth.

We promised to come up with something! Don't worry, all your contacts will stay with you and you can continue to use your base even after LinkedIn is mercilessly blocked. We have collected 7 tools that will help you to always be in touch with your circle of acquaintances.

UPD:Method 1
An extension that unblocks LinkedIn for Russian users

Found another extension that will allow you to continue working with Linkedin. It was created immediately after the decision was made to block the social network in Russia. That is, you can safely use it. You need to install it, turn it on once. And that's it, you don't have to install or configure anything else.

Heat it better? We've noticed the following benefits:
- free (and there are no paid features at all),
- security (some extensions sin by leaking data),
- other sites will open as well - the speed of work will not change

Method 2
Browser installation

Some browsers already have the ability to change VPN, that is, "virtual private network", in the settings. Knowing in detail what it is and how it works is not at all necessary. Just be aware that this kind of connection allows you to bypass resource blocking. Seriously, you don't need to rack your brains. We have tried to collect the most secure methods so that your data will not be used against you.


If you are already using Opera, just update it. The rest is simple. Open the browser settings, turn on "Opera turbo", put a checkmark in front of "Enable VPN":

We took screenshots from the Opera blog. In the same place you can read more about how to work with VPN switching.

Tor browser

One more free browser, which provides "absolute anonymity on the network through the use of a distributed network of servers, which is organized by volunteers from all over the world."

After installation, you can immediately start using the browser. We do not recommend changing the settings.

Method 3
Installing the browser extension

You can install the plugin in literally two steps:

1 / Find the version for your browser.
Versions: for google chrome,for Firefox,for Safari, for Internet Explorer(yes, even so).

2 / Download / go to the online store, install the extension.

The icon appears in the upper right corner. Click, select the country through which you would like to view LinkedIn. For example, through the USA or Great Britain, or simply through Belarus.


Everything is completely identical, but this extension does not have a version for Internet Explorer... You can find the version you want right on the Zendesk website.


Another extension, which, however, at some point will require you to pay for further use - the amount of traffic transmitted is limited. But it is definitely 100% safe. (there are rumors that Hola is sinning by leaking data)

Method 4
Simplest ways to bypass blocking
Hidemyass/ Hideme

Go to one of the above-mentioned resources, enter the address of the page you want to visit ( and view everything that interests you. You can also configure the country through which the page will be displayed.

Method 5
View from a mobile device

And again they come to help you Hola and Zendesk... You can install it on both ios and Android. Is free. And through them, you can calmly browse LinkedIn at any time convenient for you.

Whether you are employed, just starting your career, or are more interested in non-profit activities, LinkedIn is a great network that can be invaluable in helping you achieve your professional goals.

This is where HR managers and new companies look for partners and employees. If you want to have access to this kind of information, then you need to create your professional LinkedIn profile.

Unlike Facebook, which focuses on private interpersonal relationships, LinkedIn occupies the niche of professional interaction, so the resume you submit must be well-written and clear. So, here are 10 tips on how to give your LinkedIn profile a more professional look.

1. Detail and detail are the strength

A LinkedIn profile resembles a resume, which provides information about your previous place of work, skills and abilities, position held and photograph. By the way, you can use the Tips for Creating a Profile on LinkedIn.

To make a good impression, remember to caption your profile and add a resume.

Thanks to the headline, you kind of identify and mark yourself. In your personal information in addition to your CV, you tell a little about yourself.

It is also very important to use keywords in the title, resume and in general in your profile. It could be your hobbies or profession and will help your LinkedIn profile appear more frequently in various search results.

2. Turn off the broadcast of your activity for a while

If you've been on LinkedIn for a while and have established relationships with many users, your profile updates will be reflected in their news feed. This means that if you decide to update your LinkedIn with "old details", other users may think that you, as a HR manager, for example, just recently found a job.

By temporarily turning off the broadcast of your activity, you can update your profile unnoticed by other users.

To do this, go to "Settings", and in the "Privacy Management" category, find the "Enable / Disable broadcast of activity" column.

Click on this option and the screen will display transparent window where you can disable it.

After the changes are saved, other users will not be able to see the transformations taking place with your profile. Subsequently, this option can be left disabled, or enabled after editing is complete.

3. Carefully study your entire profile for errors

You hardly want your profile to contain grammatical or spelling mistakes. The style of your resume and other important information should be appropriate: clear and understandable.

Try to look at your text through the eyes of the reader and understand what it is about. It will also not be superfluous if someone else reads your resume, gives their opinion on it and corrects mistakes that you might not have noticed. Overall, treat your profile like a serious work resume.

4. Don't lie in any way

We don’t want to lecture you, but lying is unacceptable in the professional world, especially when it is easy to calculate. The same applies to your information on LinkedIn, in particular education items and previous jobs.

The point is not only that you can check the reliability of such information via the Internet, but also in the issue of ethics. Earning trust is an important step towards professional success.

5. Change your profile URL

By default, your LinkedIn profile URL will be a random set of characters. However, you can change your URL by going to Settings> Edit Public Profile> Change Public Profile URL.

Choose a name to appear in your URL (something like ‘’). You can go ahead and make the URLs on LinkedIn, Facebook, and GooglePlus the same.

6. Choose the correct photo for your profile

Do not under any circumstances put the photo in Instagram style or with pets as your LinkedIn profile picture. You can easily use them for Facebook or GooglePlus to have some fun. However, in this case, it is worth settling down and thinking about how you want to appear in the eyes of your potential customers.

Your best bet is to use a high-quality, recent photograph that makes it clear what role you play in your field.

7. Use LinkedIn Badges on Your Site

LinkedIn has several different designs for profile icons that can help you promote your resume.

To find them, go to "Settings" and click on "Edit Public Profile". On the left you will see the "Profile Badges" category, after entering which you need to select "Create a Profile Badge". After that, a large number of available designs will appear to your attention, you just have to decide.

you can use HTML codes of these icons on your blog, website, or other forums you visit frequently. Users who click on these icons will be automatically redirected to your LinkedIn Page.

8. Be active in LinkedIn groups

Is a place where users from one area of ​​interest or one professional area communicate and interact. Here, job seekers can join a group of graduates of their university, representatives of a particular profession and various associations around the world.

Active participation in the life of such groups will help to acquire new connections and, possibly, find the desired job, since almost every community has a list of vacancies.

9. Personalize LinkedIn Email Requests

To connect with a professional colleague, you need to send him a request by e-mail... There is a standard form for this request, but making it more personalized will only work in your favor. The recipient will at least have an idea of ​​who you are and whether you are of any interest to him.

You can also get right down to business and invite him to meet in a business setting.

10. Use LinkedIn Apps

LinkedIn has ones that you can add to your profile and thus improve its performance in many ways. For example, if you are a full-time blogger, then the WordPress application will be relevant to you. It will help you sync posts from your blog to your LinkedIn profile.

If you create great videos and want to post them on your profile, use SlideShare or

And a couple more useful tips

1. Add LinkedIn to your email signature

A great way to connect with clients or colleagues is by adding a link to your LinkedIn profile in working signature... This way, you draw more attention to your profile and find more useful connections without actively doing it.

2. Link LinkedIn to Twitter

Using your LinkedIn settings, you can link your Twitter account to tweet your LinkedIn page or share LinkedIn posts on Twitter.