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Windows operating systems in order. History of the Windows operating system. A brief history of Windows

Hello dear readers, this is Trishkin Denis.
I try to share with you interesting information related to tools operating system Windows. Today I wanted to tell you directly about the shell itself. From the article you can find out how the history of the creation of Windows began, as well as its rapid evolution. I think it will be interesting for everyone.

Windows is an operating system from Microsoft, which undoubtedly has become one of the key factors in the development not only of computer technology, but of all mankind. It is thanks to it that millions of people around the world use laptops and desktop machines.

"Windows (windows)" are installed on almost 90% of all computers in the world, while the closest rival - Mac OS - boasts only 9%.

Windows 1.0

So where did it all start? In short, the first version of Windows was a graphical add-on for MS-DOS. It was designed to make your work easier command line... And many users at first could not understand such changes.

It is generally accepted that the history of Windows began in November 1985. It was then that the world saw the first version with an index of 1.0. She had a small set of different programs that helped expand the existing capabilities in DOS. In addition, as conceived by the creators, it was supposed to simplify the work of users.




The next stages of development( )

Windows 2.0

After a while, appeared updated version – 2.0.

But it was not accepted by clients at all, and completely passed by the computer world.



Windows 3.0

Already five years after the release, in 1990, modification 3.0 was released, which was positively received by many users, and therefore was installed on a large number of machines. Its popularity was due to several key factors at once:




    The interface made it possible for people to work with information not using special commands that had to be entered in a line, but using intuitive actions on familiar objects, expressed graphically.

    So, for example, to delete a folder, you just had to drag it to the trash.

    Ability to work simultaneously with several applications.

    The simplicity and ease of writing programs for this OS led to their massive appearance.

    Better organized work with various peripheral equipment.

    The revised version (3.1) improved security and included support for multimedia devices... And in 3.11, support for computer networks has already appeared.

Windows NT

Along with the first developments, Microsoft began to create a version of Windows NT. Its main tasks were to ensure efficient network operation and high security. At the same time, the interface did not differ at all from the 3.0 model. And by 1992, NT 3.1 was released, and a little later - 3.5.


First global success( )

Windows 95

Windows 95 can be called a real breakthrough in the computer industry. It appeared just in 1995. The operating system marked a new stage in the development of the history of the company and all computers in the world as a whole. Compared to its predecessor, the interface has noticeably changed.




Most of the programs worked faster. It provided automatic installation new devices - this helped to eliminate possible conflicts between them. Well, and most importantly, the developers began to take the first steps to support the work on the Internet, which was just emerging. The interface of this version became the main one for all future modifications.

The following year, the company pleased with the updated server system NT 4.0, which received the same interface as Win 95. In addition, it significantly improved security tools and improved interaction between users.

00's operating systems( )

Windows 98

Microsoft Corporation decided not to stop there and continued to work. The result was Windows 98, which came out that year. Compared to its predecessor, the novelty has received a significantly redesigned structure.




In addition to all the advantages of the previous OS, it was decided to introduce full-fledged tools for working with the Internet, as well as support for modern protocols for the functioning of the network. In addition, it became possible to display information on several monitors at once.

Windows Millenium and 2000

The next significant event was the release of "axes" with indices 2000 and Me (Millenium). They were presented almost simultaneously. The first was developed based on NT. This gave it high reliability and data security. Two versions appeared: Server - for servers, and Professional - for user computers.


OS under Windows name Me in fact became an extension 98. At the same time, it received improved support for working with multimedia information. It is believed that the product turned out to be the most underdeveloped in the history of the corporation and even a failure. It featured constant freezes, unstable operation and frequent crashes.



Breakthrough( )

Windows XP

After many improvements, Windows XP was released a year later. The operating system was based on the NT kernel. That is why it clearly stood out among its predecessors in terms of efficiency and high stability of work. Support for many programs has appeared, additional functions have been added. But the most important achievement can be safely called a redesigned attractive interface. It has become softer and more rounded.




It is believed that this product has proven to be successful in the history of the corporation. Even at the end of 2008, it was used by almost 70% of all computers in the world. Even despite the fact that by this time there were already new operating systems.

After that, three major updates were introduced in addition, the last of which was released in the spring of 2008. Each of them was aimed at expanding capabilities, eliminating errors. They also helped to "close" inaccuracies in the security system. XP can rightfully be called the longest-lived in the entire history of Microsoft.

Windows Server 2003

In 2003, the corporation presented the OS with the Server 2003 index, which replaced 2000. After that, the R2 update was released. It is believed that this system has "set a new bar" in terms of performance and reliability. It has long been considered one of the most sought-after and successful server products from the Redmond-based company.



New approach( )

Windows Vista

Even before XP was released, the company was actively working on another project. Its code name was Windows Longhorn. Before the release, it was decided to change it to Vista.

The OS was released in 2007. The efficient and reliable core of Server 2003 was taken as a basis. The developers added new functions, and most importantly - changed the interface, which many did not like.




But despite all this, the product received a lot of negative reviews due to the lack of support for most third-party programs and poor performance in general. It was even called a "failure."

Just imagine, many users were happy with XP's performance (compared to previous versions), and suddenly a system appears that requires a lot more resources. The old machines simply couldn't handle the new software. In addition, the company simply failed to implement normal compatibility with multiple device drivers.

(June 25, 1998) - Windows 98 was the first system designed specifically for home users. It contained improved search for information on PC and the Internet, support for DVD and USB, panel quick launch programs. Remarkably, this was the last MS-DOS based system.

  • Windows 98 SE (Second Edition) (May 9, 1999)
  • In 2000, at the turn of the new millennium, Windows ME (Millennium) was released with improved video and music playback, increased reliability and System Restore, with Windows Media Player and Windows Movie Maker.
  • Windows NT family

    Windows Embedded family

    Windows Security



    Availability of commercial support for OpenJDK on the Microsoft Windows platform

    In Windows, we found a file that collects passwords and e-mail messages

    In September 2018, it became known about the existence of a secret file in Windows that stores passwords and correspondence for e-mail... The problem is relevant for users of devices with touch screens.

    Windows has ceased to be Microsoft's main business

    In April 2018, Bloomberg released an article titled "Microsoft is officially no longer a Windows company." The journalists drew attention to the fact that operating systems bring far from the greatest income to the American company in comparison with other products, and the software giant itself is increasingly focusing on cloud technologies.

    In 2012, then-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said that "nothing is more important to the company than Windows." During one of the conferences he chanted emotionally: “Windows! Windows! Windows! ".

    Microsoft has become less likely to release regular updates and has also made them part of the cost of buying a new computer or contract to supply a batch of PCs for companies, instead of customers paying for new hardware or updating the operating system when the next version is released.

    Every year, no more than 15% of sales of smartphones, tablets and computers taken together come from devices under Windows control and the OS is not penetrating new areas like self-driving cars or smart home systems.


    Windows XP leads in number of installations in enterprises

    Windows 10 release

    Windows 10 will support various types of devices:

    • desktop PCs,
    • laptops,
    • tablets,
    • TVs.

    Windows 3.0 had a nice graphical user interface(in comparison with what has appeared for the IBM PC until now), provided a significant range of services, operated with all the memory addressable by the microprocessor 80286, 80386 and higher. With 32-bit microprocessors (80386 and above) and with at least 2 MB Windows memory 3.0 could use virtual memory, this mode of operation was called extended (386 Enhanced Mode).

    1988-1993: Apple trial over visual interface

    1983: Beginning of development and prototype of the graphic OS

    On November 10, 1983, Microsoft announced the development of the Windows graphical operating shell, although as early as late 1982 Microsoft programmers began to create a universal set of graphics routines called the Computer Graphic Interface (CGI).

    By November 1983 COMDEX, the first Windows prototype was ready. At the presentation of the first version of Windows, it was promised that commercial sales would begin in May 1984. In the spring of 1984, the sales start date was pushed back to November. In November 1984, this date was pushed back to June 1985.

    Windows and piracy

    In 2007, Microsoft published some interesting statistics. According to the data obtained from the results of the work Windows programs Genuine Advantage, one in five (22%) Windows worldwide is unlicensed. At the same time, according to the analytical company Business Software Alliance, the percentage of pirated copies of the OS is much higher, and amounts to about 35%.

    Microsoft is actively fighting illegal use of its operating system. So, in 2007, Microsoft provided corporate users with the opportunity to switch from pirated Windows to licensed, while paying only for the "license". By participating in this action, organizations were exempted from penalties for using pirated Windows.

    In December 2008, Microsoft filed 63 lawsuits against sellers of counterfeit software from 12 countries. They were accused of selling pirated copies of the operating room Windows systems XP. By Microsoft data, sellers offered the Windows XP Blue Edition operating system at online auctions. Buyers have been told that the Blue Edition is a special licensed version of Windows XP with a low price tag.

    Around the same time, the Frunzensky District Court of Vladivostok sentenced a local resident to one year of suspended imprisonment and a fine of 117 thousand rubles for the illegal installation of the Windows XP operating system and the package office applications Microsoft. Then, the investigation established that the defendant installed counterfeit programs on four computers for 2 thousand rubles. Microsoft Windows XP Professional and Microsoft Office XP.

    Initially, the MS-DOS graphics add-on project was called Interface Manager. Roland Hanson, the company's chief marketing officer, suggested changing the name to Windows.

    The first officially released version of Windows was Windows 1.01. Version 1.0 was never released due to a major bug.

    Many people prefer to see their computers as Windows operating system. Now more and more new versions are constantly appearing, but after all, everything was once for the first time. Have you ever wondered how windows came to be? Or, for example, what was the very first Windows? Especially for this, we wrote an article that covers all these issues, and also consider the chronology of the appearance of versions of this operating system.

    It all started in 1975. Bill Gates and Paul Allen decide to start Microsoft. The company sets itself a global goal - to every home!

    The emergence of "MS-DOS".

    The appearance of the Windows OS was preceded by the appearance of the no less famous MS-DOS OS. In 1980, Microsoft received an order from IBM and began work on the creation of software that was supposed to control the operation of the PC and be the link between equipment and programs. This is how "MS-DOS" was born.

    The emergence of "Windows 1.0".

    MS-DOS was an efficient but difficult to learn operating system. It was necessary to improve the process of interaction between the user and the OS.
    In 1982, work began on the creation of a new OS - "Windows". Interesting fact- Initially, the name “Interface Manager” was proposed, but this name did not describe what the user saw on the screen, so the final version of the name was “Windows”. The announcement of the new system took place in 1983. Skeptics criticized it, with the result that the market version of "Windows 1.0" was released only on November 20, 1985.
    The new OS has a lot of unique elements:
    1) navigation through the interface using the mouse cursor;
    2) drop-down menus;
    3) scroll bars;
    4) dialog boxes;
    It became possible to work with several programs at the same time. A number of programs have been included in the "Windows 1.0" structure: "MS DOS" (file management), "Paint" ( graphics editor), "Windows Writer", "Notepad" (notepad), calendar, calculator, clock. For entertainment, the game "Reversi" appeared.

    The emergence of "Windows 2.0".

    December 9, 1987 "Windows 2.0" is released.
    It has increased memory and desktop icons. It becomes possible to move windows and change appearance screen. Windows 2.0 was targeted at the Intel 286 processor.

    The appearance of "Windows 3.0" - "Windows NT".

    Windows 3.0 was released on May 22, 1990, and two years later, Windows 3.1 (32-bit OS) appeared.
    In this release, a lot of attention has been paid to system performance and graphics. This version was "sharpened" for the Intel 386 processor. In "Windows 3.0" file, print and program managers have been created, the list of mini-games has been increased. New development tools for programmers specializing in creating programs for "Windows" also come out with the OS.
    On July 27, 1993, "Windows NT" appears.

    The emergence of "Windows 95".

    "Windows 95" appears on August 24, 1995.
    It has implemented support for the Internet and support for dial-up networks. The "Plug and Play" function (quick installation of hardware and software) has received new opportunities. There are improved technologies for working with video files and mobile devices... For the first time appear in the new OS:
    1) Start menu;
    2) the taskbar;
    3) window control buttons;
    For Windows 95 to work, at least 4 MB of memory and an Intel 386DX processor were required.

    The appearance of "Windows 98", "Windows 2000", "Windows Me".

    On June 25, 1998, "Windows 98" appears.
    This system was specially developed for the consumer, since the speed of working with the Internet has been increased, it has become easier to find the necessary information. The innovations include support for DVDs and support for USB devices, a quick launch panel has appeared.
    Windows Me was designed specifically for home PCs. It has become more convenient to work with video and music. A useful function "System Restore" has appeared, thanks to which you can return the OS state to the moment of a certain date.
    When creating "Windows 2000" they took "Windows NT Workstation 4.0" as a basis. This OS simplifies hardware installation by supporting self-configuring devices.

    The emergence of "Windows XP".

    Windows XP was introduced on October 25, 2001.
    The design of this OS is aimed at user-friendliness during work. This version has become one of the most stable in the Windows product line. Increased attention was paid to the safety of the Internet.

    The advent of "Windows Vista".

    Windows Vista went on sale in 2006.
    It introduced user account control, which increased the level of security. Updates of the Windows Media program have appeared, the design of the OS has changed.

    Today, many people use the operating system from Microsoft and do not really think about how this interesting product was invented. In fact, there are many interesting things in the history of the emergence of the most popular OS. It is only worth mentioning that the history of Windows goes back several decades. During this time, the OS has gone through a number of metamorphoses: from an inconvenient graphical shell for MS-DOS to a full-fledged and very convenient operating system. Everyone knows that Bill Gates came up with Windows, but few people know how he did it. Let's try to consider all the stages of development of Windows. For the history of the Windows operating system is very interesting and fascinating.


    The history of Windows began in 1985, when Bill Gates, a young and unknown student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, created a graphical environment for the operating system of the time. He called his brainchild Windows 1.0. However, this version did not take root, as it contained serious errors. But version 1.01 was already devoid of flaws. However, many computer technology gurus saw Windows as a useless add-on with no future. They felt they were distracting users from learning MS-DOS. And who was right?

    Windows 95

    In 1995, Microsoft released an operating system called Windows 95. It was the first full-fledged operating system. Both the graphical interface and data protection were all up to the mark for that time. However, the system did not live long, since it was discovered critical vulnerability in her code. Nevertheless, under Windows 95 at that time, 80% worked personal computers... The history of Windows development dates back to 1995.

    Around the same time, the first versions of the kit appeared. Microsoft programs Office, which provides work with documents. From this point on, Windows becomes a complete and versatile system. They begin to use it for all tasks. And this is the first sign of the popularity of the operating system. However, version 95 did not become a truly "popular" system. The reason for this is a lot of errors in the structure of the OS. This is why Microsoft decided to radically change the structure of Windows.

    Windows 98

    This is a revised version of 1995. Win 98 has already taken into account and fixed all the errors of the previous version. It was she who became "popular". Now the company started talking about Microsoft as the geniuses of the computer world. The system combined simplicity of control, high reliability and almost complete absence of freezes. After unsuccessful "miscarriages" in the face previous versions the company managed to release something really good and workable. All versions of the 90s can only work with 32-bit processors.

    The 98th version of "Windows" has made a real revolution in the world of operating systems. Now work on the computer has become available to everyone. And not like at the dawn of technology, when only a select few could work with a PC. In any case, the history of Windows does not end there. There are many interesting and incredible things ahead of us.

    Windows 2000

    This is the first system based on the NT engine. This system opened a new milestone in the development of Windows. Version 2000 was positioned as a system for home and office. Among its innovations were very interesting functions. For example, support for multimedia functions out of the box. This option has since become the hallmark of any OS from Microsoft.

    Windows 2000 also implemented recent achievements in the field of computer security. The system has become very popular with both ordinary users and those who are engaged in business. For security coupled with functionality is what is needed for this area. The professional version has been adopted by many organizations.

    Windows ME

    Perhaps the most disastrous version of Windows after Vista. It was released as an update to version 2000. Multimedia capabilities have been enhanced. But the stability of the system left much to be desired. Constant freezes and reboots did not add to the popularity of the OS. As a result, Microsoft decided to close the project and not embarrass itself. Well, a very reasonable decision.

    The most interesting thing is that ME was also based on NT. But something went wrong. And it turned out that ME is the most unpopular version of Windows. The history of the NT-based system does not end there, but only begins. For after the failed version, the developers managed to release a real masterpiece. It was a generous gift to users. Probably for their patience.

    Windows XP

    The legendary "pig" is still considered the most successful operating system from Microsoft. And it's not even about the beautiful interface. Much more valuable, the system has amazing multimedia capabilities, stability and security. And after the release of all three Service Packs, it became very pleasant to work with it. No glitches, freezes or sudden reboots, plus support for text anti-aliasing for a more comfortable work - this is the recipe for an ideal operating system. Until now, many "oldfags" categorically do not want to change XP for something new.

    The legendary OS managed to become such thanks to the successful combination of an updated interface, stability and security. But it would be wrong not to mention that the era begins with XP. convenient Internet... Sitting online with XP turned out to be far more comfortable than with the 2000 version. And all the games were launched with a bang. Despite the fact that Microsoft has not supported XP for three years now, few dare to move to something new. Since the XP version, the history of Windows takes a new round and gives us access to new technologies.

    Windows Vista

    The most disastrous OS from Microsoft. Moreover, both users and serious critics think so. The fact is that there were many flaws in Vista. This is the biggest reason for failure. The secondary reason is that the world was not ready for such an OS. Too many graphical bells and whistles. Not all computers of that time were able to provide smooth operation on Vista. This is another reason for its unpopularity.

    The rest of the punctures should be attributed frankly no stability and a problem with the drivers. Manufacturers did not really try to release drivers for this OS, because they did not believe in its success. And they were right. Another infamous page on the Redmond company track record. By the way, the "micro-soft" tried to fix this "jamb" as soon as possible. The history of Windows operating systems continues.

    Windows 7

    Perhaps the most popular operating system on this moment... It represents what, according to the developers' ideas, Vista was supposed to be. The seventh version became a kind of work on errors. And programmers from Microsoft succeeded quite well. It turned out quite sane Windows 7. The history of its creation is simple. New technologies required a new system. And the developers had nothing else to do.

    The system improvements include deep optimization in working with computer hardware. "Seven" works with the processor and RAM many times better than the legendary XP. And she looks several times better than "piggy". However, there is a problem that frightened off users at the initial stage - gluttony. It was problematic to run the "seven" on old PCs. This is due to the graphical interface. However, everything settled down, and now the majority of users use Windows 7. History has surprised us once again.

    Windows 8 and 8.1

    The advent of the tablet era forced Microsoft to urgently do something in order not to lose the leadership in the operating system market. The technical features of the new devices did not allow the use of a desktop OS. This is how it appeared a new version Windows. It is based on the same properties of the NT engine, but since then the OS has been adapted for devices with a touchscreen display. This is how Windows 8 appeared. The history of its popularity (or unpopularity) is ambiguous and requires some explanation.

    The first thing that shocked users who had "moved" from the "seven" was the welcome screen with an incomprehensible Metro tiled interface. It was a shock. Undoubtedly, the interface is very user-friendly for touch screens... But he throws the average PC user into a panic. Even more alarmism was caused by the absence of the familiar "Start" button. That is, the button itself is there, but it opens the same tiled interface. Everything became very strange. This is the reason for the failure of the G8 at the initial stage.

    Windows 10. Latest OS

    Yes, that's exactly what Microsoft said. There will be no more serial number for operating systems. All the innovations will be implemented in the course of the planned update of the top ten. The controversy over the latter system has not subsided to this day. Some admire its unmatched optimizations and DirectX version 12. Others in every way scold the spy "tricks" of the new system. And they are absolutely right. A controversial thing - Windows 10. Its history is just beginning. So it is impossible to say anything objectively yet.

    It is worth noting what sets this version apart from all previous Windows. The history of files is hidden in it so deep that it is very difficult to find it. According to the official statement, this is due to the best privacy policy. What kind of confidentiality, if "ten" regularly sends all data about users to Microsoft? And that, in turn, provides this information to the NSA and the FBI upon request. Even text entered from the keyboard is intercepted.

    But the clear advantages of the new OS should not be denied. So, we can note the reduced loading time, better job with iron and power saving mode. The latter option is only relevant for laptops, but that doesn't make it unnecessary. It's easy to see the history of Windows in version 10 - this is also a plus. In addition, it supports all the innovations in the world of IT technologies. Including virtual reality helmets.

    Mobile segment

    Together with desktop operating systems, Microsoft also developed a mobile platform. For these purposes, the company even bought out the legendary Finnish brand Nokia. But Bill Gates' brainchild did not achieve much success in this field. The history of Windows Mobile is full of tragic mistakes. Whatever version of the system is a failure. Why is that? Perhaps this is because everyone should mind their own business and not climb where he does not understand anything? Be that as it may, Microsoft's mobile segment failed.

    Mobile versions of "Windows" are extremely buggy and unstable. They do not know how to work normally with the hardware of a smartphone, and the Windows Store (analogue of "Market" on "Android") cannot boast of a wide range of applications and games. Developers are in no hurry to create versions for the Windows platform. This is due to the fact that the share of devices on this platform is negligible. So it makes no sense for developers to be diffused.


    Microsoft's Windows operating system has had it all: ups and downs, successes and failures. But hardly anyone would undertake to deny that Windows is the most popular OS in the world. Yes, Linux-like systems are gaining momentum now. And Mac OS has also increased its market share. But they can't get to Microsoft's level in the operating system market. At least for now. Windows is truly a "folk" system. Most manufacturers support this particular OS. Others have a form of disgrace with the presence of device drivers. Be that as it may, if you want a fast, efficient and stable system - buy Windows. So far nothing has been invented better than her.

    There are, of course, security problems, but this is the specificity of a particular OS. Linux is, of course, much safer, but very inconvenient. Therefore, feel free to put "Vidovs" - and you will be happy. Just don't forget that the pirated version will be of little use. It is better to spend a certain amount of rubles and forget about all the problems associated with pirated software and operating systems.

    Hello dear friends! Today we will touch upon the question - the history of the development of Windows and I will try to highlight the most interesting points. By doing so, we will also find out what Windows operating systems are.

    In 1985, the first version of Windows appeared, which was not appreciated by users and was ignored. Perhaps because it only supplemented the capabilities of DOS, being in fact a graphical shell and add-on over the MS-DOS suite. Naturally enough experienced users rated Windows as a fashionable toy.

    The emergence of the new Windows Vista system after Widows XP is considered the most unfortunate option after all previous releases of the OS. It is presented as a "dress rehearsal" for Windows 7. It would seem that the good qualities of the new system should have interested users. Such as the built-in search, the three-dimensionality of the Aero interface with beautiful screensavers, good protection, did not help, everything was done extremely poorly, the system did not work. This failure ruined all plans of the developers, counting on a timeout until 2012, allowing the development of a completely new Windows model, having put all the effort into it, but had to urgently modify Windows Vista, keeping the best practices, eliminate at least some of Vista's shortcomings.

    There are 5 variants of Windows 7: "Starter Edition", Home Basic, Home Advanced, Professional, Maximum. They can be switched to 40 languages. In addition, 2 modifications of 32 and 64-bit were released, taking into account the release of more modern processors, at least dual-core and video cards not older than 2010 release.

    The next version of Windows 8, which was released in October 2012. It should be noted that this OS uses a new program interface called Metro. It is loaded after the system starts and looks like tiles with links to applications.

    The desktop has not disappeared anywhere, it is also present in Windows 8. It can be opened by clicking on a tile in the Metro interface. The biggest indignation that aroused among users after the release of this version is that the "Start" button is missing on the desktop, which was previously in all Windows versions... Yes, the button itself is there, but the usual functions for the user are absent. This case can be corrected by installing a program that will return "Start" and everything will fall into place.

    I will make a small list of innovations:

    • The Application Store has been added.
    • There are two methods for user login.
    • Explorer has changed.
    • Added new functions for system recovery.
    • Made a new task manager.
    • Family Safety function.
    • Added support for USB 3.0, DirectX 11.1, Net.Framework 4.5, Bluetooth 4.0.
    • Finding files and apps just got a lot better.
    • Changing the keyboard layout is now possible with the Win + Space keyboard shortcuts.
    • A number of other innovations were made that were not in other versions of operating systems.