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Why can't I go to the mail. Gives out "Invalid username or password"

When you cannot enter mail on, the reasons may be different. We will help you figure it out and solve the problem.

First try to enter through the "Login" (opens in a new window). This is a very simple and easy to use start page. Click on the link below - a window will open and you will see start page login to all sites. There will be too - click "Login" there:

We show them how to do it. Employees are unsure, vacancies have increased significantly. Are they happy for voluntary exits? We don't want to get rid of anyone. It is inevitable that the reorientation of the postal network is causing some uncertainty, although we are openly communicating our plans. It is normal for some employees to decide to take on a new position.

Do they guarantee the preliminary receipt of 800 to 900 messages, but only until a new wave of degradation appears? Our environment is changing faster and faster. Already the forecasts for two years are bold. Do they expect counter and mail cash deposits to be as dramatic as in previous years? Cash deposits have never dropped in the same way as in the first three months of this year. Like letters: customers hardly start writing letters instead of emails. In many cases, we use agencies with many hours of work.

Gives out "Invalid username or password"

If says "The username or password you entered is incorrect", most likely, you were a little mistaken when you entered your username (email address) or password. Understand that even if you make a mistake in one symbol, you will not be able to enter the Mile. After all, this is the meaning of a login with a password - only those who know the name and password for sure can enter the page! So, check in order:

After that, we will look to the future. In the future, the focus should be on general service in general. Often times, this is the only way to survive. Is it true that you want to abolish these positions? No, this is not provided. We talk to everyone. Another alternative to fasting is home service, where a dock arrives at customers' homes. Only they never know if it will be at 10 o'clock or only at 1 o'clock. it good service? Home service is for seniors who only leave a little out of the house.

Plus, you don't make cash every day. The service is little used. Isn't he a fig leaf to counter the criticism of the demolition posts? The demand may not be overwhelming, but for some of our clients the offer is valuable. We only get positive feedback from seniors.

Did you enter your login correctly? Maybe he typed in Russian letters, but in English? Did you choose your domain correctly (the part of the address that comes after the “ @ " - for example, or You have to choose your own domain. The most important thing is whether you typed the password correctly? If your password is in small letters, maybe you enter it in capital letters? A key was not pressed accidentally on the keyboard Caps lock, is the indicator off? Or suddenly the wrong language is turned on - you need English, but you have Russian? Try again.

"The sale of third-party products did not bring hope of compensation." Doesn't the closure of many jobs indicate that the strategy hasn't been able to extend this to the office supply and smartphone mix shop? However, there was also a political front. What do you say? It's about proportionality. There is no household that lives all year round without postal services. We offer alternative delivery anywhere. Parliament's right to work for them too. For me, however, the question arises: is it really done in the right place?

If it doesn't work out, there is a way out - you need to restore access and get New Password(and then you can change it to whatever you want). See further in our instructions on how to recover your password.

Most likely, you are entering your login incorrectly. You will say: “How is it, it was always right, but here it is wrong ?! Why doesn't it exist? " - and here's why: if you made a mistake even in one letter, then will not understand and will say that there is no such address. Take your time, remember your address exactly. Find it somewhere on a piece of paper or ask another person.

And above all: what is it worth? Your reply? This is about several million francs. There are many other claims that also cost several million. Today's message has 95 percent coverage in reachability. We have much more than today's law requires.

Finally, the parliament must decide whether these projects will be delayed taking into account the benefits and costs. But you need a good public service from the post office. Shouldn't 100 percent of households use? The postal service provides the basic supply from own funds without subsidies and High Quality... If the requirements are attached to us, it will also be necessary to talk about the necessary funds. If everyone here and there needs an additional mail service, we have a problem.

First, try logging in from your computer. It means to log in by entering your username and password. If you are already logged in on your computer, it does not count - first click “Exit” in the upper right corner.

So, you open the login page on, enter your username and password and click "Login". Then it all depends on whether it worked on the computer or not. If it works, but it doesn’t work on the phone, then contact the support service through this page: I cannot enter the mailbox from my mobile phone (there you need to choose exactly how you cannot enter - through mobile app or through mobile version website in your phone browser). If it does not work on the computer either, then recover the password - read more about it further:

Doesn't it bother you that the second major federal company is competing with you? In principle, we are open to cooperation, but sometimes the project only slows down. We traveled as usual on public roads for thousands of kilometers with a self-propelled bus. And we transported thousands of people.

We will be happy to provide you with our knowledge. Yes, we and our partners would like to continue the project and expand the stretching network in Zion. We are currently investigating this in detail with the authorities. We have submitted an application to the approval authorities. And in other cities? We can imagine installing additional connections with self-propelled buses. We also have inquiries for shuttles on company premises, more convenient connections to airports or other areas. We would like to check this and agree with the federal authorities.

What if the password does not work, if I do not remember, forgot the password?

You need to restore access and get a new password. Click on the link "Forgot your password" - it is on the screen where you enter your username and password. Or you can just click it here: Start password recovery. A page will open where you need to enter your username and indicate your domain (what goes in the address after the sign “ @ "). For example, if your address is [email protected] then you enter your login vasya and choose a domain Then click the "Restore" button.

Galen, and there will also be an autonomous bus in Freiburg. We talk with various stakeholders. Whether it is possible to achieve something is something else. So you are sure that you can service routes in other cities? Anyone who has experienced this in manners has confidence that it also works elsewhere. In the case of autonomous buses, this is very similar to unmanned buses: the early people were skeptical.

Then we showed the successful denchentests in Ticino that such flights are possible. Are the drones coming now? Yes, there were two hospitals in Lugano that required twice the expensive laboratory infrastructure. Our solution: instead of having expensive laboratories in nearby hospitals, this is done only in the hospital. Blood samples must move quickly from one hospital to another. To avoid congestion in the inner city, we have established a fixed flight plan for unmanned aerial vehicles.

You will be prompted to choose one of the password recovery methods:

  • Answer the security question- if you asked the answer to the secret question in advance, then enter it (and the code from the picture). Click "Recover Password". If the answer is correct, you can immediately change the password. If you can't remember the answer, click "I don't remember the answer." Then you can contact the support service for help (you may have to wait three days).
  • Send a link to reset your password to an additional e-mail address- if you had an additional e-mail address, select it and click "Restore". Then go to that mailbox - a link to reset your password will be sent there. And if you no longer have access to the additional mailbox, click "I do not have access to the specified mailboxes."
  • Send password recovery code to mobile phone number- the most convenient way. If your page is linked to a mobile phone, select its number and click "Get code by SMS". An SMS with a secret code will be sent to the phone. Enter it on the page, and you can immediately set a new password. If the phone no longer exists, click "I do not have access to the specified phones" and choose another method.

There may not be some recovery methods - it all depends on what information you pointed to

So much innovation would not be expected from a post office. We must move, be ahead of the market, otherwise we can do it. Much will succeed, perhaps not. Perhaps there will be a second surprise and shake the business segment. Or if the Amazon suddenly decided to take parcels in Zurich, Bern and Basel - that would be bad for us.

In Germany and the UK, the group has proven it can. Why don't they come to Switzerland? The employer may not even read the contents of the privately labeled or recognizable by e-mail if the private use Email prohibited by the Terms of Use. He must enforce the ban on use, but only because of the addressing. Systematic monitoring of e-mail messages using spyware is not allowed.

When you create a new password, be sure to remember it. And if your page was not linked to a mobile phone, do it right away. Then you can easily restore access via SMS, if necessary.

What if I forgot my login (address, mailbox name)?

How do I find out my username? Its will not tell you. Contact someone you previously corresponded with and ask them for your username (email address). Let them find in their Incoming letters from you or to Sent- letters to you. Only then, having learned your username, you can restore access.

Where is the line between business and personal mail?

Allows employer productivity and financial control. However, a systematic assessment of the business and not explicitly marked as a private e-mail address must be justified and proportionate and the employees informed in advance. Can the employer open a personal letter in case of suspicion of the employee's criminal offense. The private nature of letters, packaging or emails can be composed of various elements that arise: a letter, package or e-mail address can be clearly marked as "private" or be recognizable as such by addressing.

Maybe technical work on

It is very rare, but it happens that such a large site as is unavailable. Check if is working right now: What's with Is it just you don't open or everyone? If you are given "For technical reasons, your mailbox temporarily unavailable ", it means we have to wait: now something is being repaired there.

It is, however, not enough to prefix a letter addressed to individuals before the name of the company to mark it as private. It still needs to be a clear approval. However, if outward signs may indicate that the letter is of a private nature, the Unopened letter is sent to the person concerned. do not open in case of doubt, but go ahead.

V e-mails that it is difficult at all to recognize the private nature of the message easily. Again, this is the rule: When in doubt, do not read, because the private postal service enjoys absolute protection, but also make the recipient aware of the problem and ask him if the post in question is private or not.

Try to solve the problems on your own

Clear cache, cookies (temporary files) in the browser

Go to the settings of your browser (this is the program through which you browse the Internet) and clear the cache and cookies (it can also be called "Delete temporary files"). Maybe they interfere, and you cannot log in normally - but it looks as if is not working.

Conditions under which an employer can email an employee who has left the company to gain access. If an employee leaves the company, then it is necessary to give him the opportunity to take all personal belongings from his mailbox. Business items that are still needed or are still being processed are sent to a deputy or supervisor. At the end of the last working day of the employee, his mailbox is emptied and blocked.

Conditions under which the employer can access the e-mail box of an employee who is absent due to illness or other foreseeable or unforeseen reasons. It is recommended that for each employee an alternate is assigned to a mailbox with limited access... In the absence of the foreseeable affected staff can accept his lack of messages with every incoming message automatically replied. In addition, an automatic redirect rule can be defined that forwards every incoming message to the proxy server.

How do I clear the cache? V different browsers it is done a little differently, but the essence is the same. You need to go to a specific place in the menu and click the button that deletes temporary files.

Most likely your browser is GoogleBot.

Try another browser

The browser is the program you use to browse the Internet. You are currently using the GoogleBot browser. Maybe the problem is in him? If you have another browser on your computer, try entering through it. If there is no other browser, download and install it - it's easy. We recommend that you try Chrome or Firefox.

This measure, however, is problematic, because, firstly, it cannot be ensured without unnecessary words that are not transferred private items, and secondly, because the sender has no way to prevent the transfer. Therefore, it makes sense for an absent message with the representative's email address. Thus, it is up to the sender to send a letter to the MP or not.

Also, whether creating a function associated with an impersonal address would be useful as a complement to personal email should be considered. This solution has several advantages: first, the nature of the business being sent to this email address is immediately visible; on the other hand, staff turnover does not have a negative impact on email traffic, provided that a certain person, but not omitted their function within the company.

Check for viruses

What antivirus do you have? He works? Updating? Everything is fine? Run a full scan of your computer.

If you do not have an antivirus or it has stopped updating, this is very bad. Your computer is not protected from viruses, and if you can't log into, that's not the worst thing that could happen. We recommend that you buy an antivirus. Usually a subscription is purchased for a year, and then renewed.

Conditions in which the Secretariat in the company or the administration must open an employee's mail?

The secretariat must open business mail. Private mail received by an employee at his workplace is absolutely protected. This is, of course, necessary so that the private nature of the letter or package is obvious. The private nature of a letter or package can be the result of various elements: a letter or package may be explicitly marked “private” or be recognized as such by addressing.

Can IT staff easily access your company's email?

The retention period for e-mail messages is not regulated by law. It should be applied subject to the relevant changes according to the same rules as for the preservation of traditional business documents: If they are subject to accounting, a retention period of 10 years. After the purpose of the document is fulfilled, it must be destroyed or archived. Computer science professionals cannot easily remove the right to access private or personal information in the company itself. In other words, even if it is technically possible to access the relevant data does not automatically mean the right can be obtained to do so.

Login to the website

  • Getting an error OCSP response is not yet valid in Firefox
  • I can't log in with my username

    When faced with authorization errors, follow the Yandex.Passport instructions. Below are detailed recommendations for each error.

    Invalid login-password pair! Failed to log in.

    Try to enter your username and password directly on the page. Make sure that you do not have the Caps Lock key pressed and that the keyboard layout is in English (not Russian).

    Note. Type your username and password on the keyboard, and do not copy them from the clipboard: you can accidentally copy an extra space, and you will not be able to log in.

    Both on computers and on mobile phones some programs (for example, Punto Switcher) can automatically change the characters you entered: change the layout, change uppercase letters to lowercase, put a space after periods, etc. Before entering a password, make sure that automatic typo correction and automatic layout change will not work.

    There is no user with this login.

    Account with the entered username does not exist, or it has been deleted.

    Before contacting support, double-check your login spelling:

      Login can only consist of Latin letters, numbers, periods and hyphens.

      If you enter an email address, please enter it correctly:<ваш логин>@

      You can only log in using the Yandex.Mail address - Gmail or addresses will definitely not work.

    Your login has been blocked!

    Make sure you entered your login correctly. If you are sure that the login is correct, contact the support service using the link provided in the error message.

    Cookies error

    Authorization on Yandex is not possible if the processing of cookies is disabled in your browser. This setting is described in detail in the Cookie Help section.

    If all else fails

    I don't remember the answer to the security question

    Try to remember the answer yourself by checking it for. Make sure to enter the answer correctly and in the correct keyboard layout.

    If you can't remember the correct answer, you will be asked to contact the support service through a special form.

    Yandex asks to enter characters from the picture

    If Yandex asks you to enter characters from the picture when logging into your account, this means that the wrong password has been entered too often from your IP address recently.

    This can happen because:

      You entered your Yandex username or password incorrectly several times in a row.

      Other users of your local network(work or home) typed the username and password incorrectly several times in a row. To resolve this issue, contact your network administrator.

      You entered an incorrect username or password in mail program(Outlook, Thunderbird, Mail, Opera mail client, etc.).

      Your computer is infected with a virus that tries to guess the password for your Yandex account. We recommend that you check your computer for viruses free online antivirus software... Many antivirus vendors offer free versions of their programs.

    I get the error "OCSP response is not yet valid" in Firefox

    The system time is set incorrectly on your computer. Make sure the time zone in the OS settings matches your location and check the time against.