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Where to start in learning a programming language. How to learn a programming language. Independent and secure Java

Programming is the art of thinking logically!

What is the best language to start learning programming?

Every day I get asked this question. And I constantly explain, your first language should be the most understandable and not cause absolutely no questions and bewilderment. What is this language?

Yes, yes, this is not a typo, if you are starting to learn programming for the first time, it is your native great and mighty that will suit you the most.

It opens up a whole new world of possibilities in terms of creating interactive web applications, offline software and third party plugins. Programming is one of the best skills you can have in modern world. Bookmark this page for reference. We've put together a vital list of resources worth saving.

If you are new to coding then you will probably have a lot of questions. Luckily, these guides will help you get started. There are many things that surround programming that are not considered programming languages. Don't listen to coding snobs who tell you what to eat and don't code. All of these technologies are interconnected and a good coder will recognize them all.

A programming language is just a convention, a rule, if you like, for recording and explaining to the computer what you want from it. But the programming process itself takes place in the programmer's head. And the form of the record does not really matter.

Since you are a beginner programmer and speak Russian at the level of secondary educational institutions, it will be easiest to write your first programs simply on a piece of paper using words!

Luckily, it's a lot easier than you might think. These resources will help you get started. Which linguistic metaphors are explicitly rejected. The comments on the post are interesting because they point to the strengths of the metaphor. One user quotes famous software engineer Martin Fowler: Any idiot can write code that a computer understands. Good programmers write code that people can understand.

This doesn't mean that good programmers should use talking labels, not just that they put comments behind their lines. But you need to be able to read their programs like a prose writer. Provided that the reader masters the language. Basically, this requirement is a subset of another, namely: write for people! So for other programmers, and also for people you want to explain to your program, and especially for users. They do not need to understand the code, but the behavior of the machine must be understandable and believable.

Did you think that programming is when you sit at a computer day and night? Don't worry, there's still time
they sit so that their eyes pop out =)

In any case, we will not dwell on this form of programming for a long time. But such a stage is very important for you to understand the basics. And understand quickly.

So, what are we going to write on paper? The answer is commands. Commands that a computer (well, or a human) must execute
century, if you are doing neuro-linguistic programming and programming people, otherwise this is unlikely =)

Learning languages ​​means understanding cultures

Therefore, programming is communication between people. The machine is only an intermediate step. In this respect, speech metaphors, if they are not exaggerated, are already good enough. Of course, it makes no sense to see programming lessons as a kind of teaching a foreign language. And it would be even more wrong to want to replace one with the other. What's right about the comparison is that learning a foreign language means understanding a culture - and this also applies to programming languages.

Roughly it should look like this:
0) the beginning of the program;
1) display a picture from such and such a file;
2) process it in a certain way;
3) save in a certain format;
4) the end of the program.

Everything is trite and simple. The most important thing that you will get after this exercise is the ideal concept of the algorithm. An algorithm is a sequence of commands.

That's why they should be mandatory. It is very beneficial for us journalists to have a complex program from the inside before writing about computers, algorithms and the Internet. And for online journalism, it is necessary to gradually overcome the organizational division between colleagues in writing and programming.

Independent and secure Java

Of course, there are different types of activities. But as we writers have gradually learned to work hand in hand with layouts and graphic artists who place their own and equally demanding demands on a printed page or website, we must learn that programmers don't just provide the receptacles in which we place our Pouring out texts. Writing, designing and programming are connected to each other not only after the completion of the text. In an ideal world, writers, designers, and programmers work together to build one or two or three prototypes until the product is worth it.

Such a sequence, which we described above, is an algorithm; you cannot rearrange the commands in it, otherwise the program will lose all meaning.

That's all, when you have learned what an algorithm is, you can proceed to programming in any computer language.

The ideal computer language for you right now is the one that will cause the least amount of trouble.

Pardon my last paragraph. It slipped, but because it was written with Herzblut, it remains in it now. And also because it reflects the mantra of this column: technique is not a collection of things, but a sequence of actions. Therefore, you have decided to dive into the world of programming. So, you have taken the first step on an exciting journey. You may have already done some research. Tried to find out what programming languages ​​exist and what you can do with it. There are countless possibilities that cannot be ignored so quickly.

Here is a list of the most relevant teaching languages ​​today:
1) QBasic
2) TurboPascal
3) PascalABC.NET

There are not so many opportunities for them now, but just right for training. It would be wiser not to be a hero, but to take on exactly one of them, which is closer to you in spirit. Although the first two may have problems starting.

Personally, I studied QBasic. In my opinion this is the most ideal option.
The best place to find some tutorial on programming in the language of your choice is at in electronic format. A video course is even better, as it will be more clear and visual. By the way, on my site there are a lot of video tutorials for beginners.

Here's how you can get started

To get to the point: getting into the world of programming is not easy because there is just incredible information about it - a real luxury issue. And where are we talking about books: Libraries are a huge pool of current literature - also on programming. And the library should be a very familiar place for you, as a mother.

And then there is e-learning, in my opinion one of the better ways programming training. There are many suggestions here. It's free, but also offers intensive training for a fee. Behind many online courses on the net, by the way, universities are well known, especially in English-language offerings. There are countless languages, frameworks and technologies in jungle programming these days. As a beginner, you can easily lose sight. We recommend that you first define a clear goal and then choose a programming language.

IMPORTANT: Do not take on other languages ​​that I have not described here, on the advice of any "gurus". At a minimum, you run the risk of earning a brain explosion, and at the maximum, delay training for several years or completely abandon this venture. The most painless way is to move from simple to complex.

By the way, our education system is not at all thought out in this regard, I often observed how students were trying to explain the C language on the move. It all ends very badly - the students look just like little puppies, poke at everything they see and can't do anything. However, it happens that there are individuals who capture the essence, but such people are one in a thousand. The rest are simply completely discouraged from becoming programmers.

Decide for the project

Last but not least, stay tuned for updates. Once you are fluent in writing a programming language, you can easily learn another one. Many who come to us have already tried online tutorials, but have always left some time. However, if you want to stay, it will take more than good lessons and discipline. He needs a specific goal to stay motivated. Here are some examples of our projects.

Idea 1: Choose an everyday problem you want to solve

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Chapter 2: What is a computer language?

Video: What is a computer language?

What is the essence of computer language? Why do computers need it? Why are there so many computer languages ​​in the world?

Just as you don't need to drive to understand how an engine works, you don't need to program to understand the answers to these questions. But in order to improve your knowledge of the topic, you need to understand how a computer works. Here is a brief explanation.

Computer programming has been key to the technological development of our world. Today everything is programmed and we can work, consume and download programs or applications thanks to famous and famous programmers. In this article, we want to emphasize the importance of programming as more and more, this profession is more in demand in the labor market. Also, let's explain three simple tricks.

How do you think? There are alternatives with much better performance. Let's do that! This will help us better understand the syntax rules that we need to use and understand. Think that in most programming languages ​​the syntax is very, but very similar. If we want to program in this language, we must document the concept of this type of programming well. Once we clearly understand what it is, everything will be much easier to understand. We just need to open our minds to the world of programming and think more about how to write our programs in terms of objects, properties and methods. This is a way of programming closer to how we would express things in real life than in other types of programming. Purpose: Before we get "crazy" to code, we must be clear about the purpose of what we want to program. A simple recommendation that even the best programmers in the world use is to take paper and pencil to draw up a plan for the program we want to develop. Does it seem obvious, doesn't it? In programming, organization is fundamental. Making time for this will make our work easier in the future. However, these three simple tricks are good for any programming language.

2.1 Brief history of programming

Computers are digital electronics. Their perception of data is the presence or absence of voltage in the wires. The absence of voltage looks like a zero to the computer, the presence - like a unit. In fact, computers don't know other numbers, so he ends up having to combine 0 and 1 to make numbers.

If you are just starting out in programming or this is the first time you are visiting a page, don't worry because this tutorial will display content in an organized way. The purpose of this introduction to programming guide is to help you choose where to start and which path to follow in your overall development.

If you learn how to program correctly, you can develop mobile applications, web systems, video games and any type of software in general, using different technologies. In fact, once you learn how to program, your imagination will be your only limit.

Previously, special switches were used to load ones and zeros into computer memory. This image, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, is of an Altair 8800. The switches on the front were used to load the program. The lights showed results. There was no monitor. Figure 2.1: Altair 8800

Why learn to program?

To this day, thousands of articles have been written giving reasons why you should learn to code. Let me briefly touch on some of these reasons. If a task involves human time and effort, we should optimize that task by automating it. How is this achieved? Programming involves the development of algorithms for solving problems of all kinds. Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Therefore, programming is an activity that makes us feel alive and shows that we are sentient beings. Programming is not a mechanical activity. Possibly coding some software features. But that's why more and more sophisticated tools are being developed for programmers.

  • The world is moving fast.
  • There will come a time when most jobs can be replaced by computers.
  • Do you know what the mission of man will be in such a world?
  • Keep researching and programming ever smarter artifacts.
  • Have you noticed that every day many processes are repeated mechanically?
This is why many people fall in love with programming.

Each set of switches represents a number. Each number represents data or an instruction that the computer should do with it. This system, which uses only zeros and ones to represent numbers, is called the binary number system. This type of computer language is called 1GL, or First Generation Programming Language.

For everything you see and hear about it. However, the vast majority do not decide when to start learning. Or they don't know where to start and they end up leaving. It is important that you are clearly aware of what you want to develop in the beginning. Remember that you can program everything. But you have to start with a certain technology.

Programming Fundamentals: how to declare variables, how to assign values, how to perform repetitive tasks using loops, how to use conditionals and more general concepts. Pseudocode and Algorithms: These exercises allow us to develop our programming logic. And this phase will be very defining for the next phases, because the basis of everything is practice and a full understanding of what you are doing. That's right, black screen with white letters. Data Structures: It's not important, but it's important to understand how computer memory works. Understand how forms work, what vulnerabilities they have and how to deal with them. The alternative is to use the native language typical of the platform. Now you can develop your own applications with other languages ​​and technologies. Complicated in the sense that understanding them requires knowledge of the basic concepts. This has its advantages and disadvantages.

Numbers in the binary system are most often represented in combinations of four digits. For example:

1010 0010 0011

An improvement to switch input was the introduction of hexadecimal codes. Decimal numbers used in everyday life consist of the digits 0-9. The hexadecimal system consists of the digits 0-9, as well as the characters A through F to represent a set of four switches, with possible values ​​0-15.

0 0 0
1 1 1
10 2 2
11 3 3
100 4 4
101 5 5
110 6 6
111 7 7
1000 8 8
1001 9 9
1010 10 A
1011 11 B
1100 12 C
1101 13 D
1110 14 E
1111 15 F
1 0000 16 10
1 0001 17 11

The following video explains in a little more detail how the number system works: Video: Decimal, binary, and hexadecimal systems

To facilitate program entry, later computers allowed programs to be entered using the assembly language. Each command used a mnemonic, and a program called a compiler turned the mnemonics into numbers representing the commands. This type of language is called 2GL, or second generation language.

The following is a portion of the program in assembly language, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Figure 2.2: Assembly language example

Although this was an improvement, it was still not enough to make programming easy. The next generation of languages ​​provided more abstractions high level. The first third generation languages: (COBOL, FORTRAN and LISP) were much easier to understand and program.

The second and third generation languages ​​used a program called compiler. The compiler takes the program entered by the user (so-called source ) and turns it into machine code. The programmer runs machine code. The original source code does not run.

If a program uses source code from different sources, they can be linked together into one using a program called linker (linker, link editor, linker). The linker works with the native code generated by the compiler to create the final version of the program. This final version is what the user runs. You don't need source code for this. Figure 2.3: Compilers and linkers

The disadvantage of machine language is that the program will only run on certain types of computer. Programs compiled for Windows computers will most likely not run on Apple Macintosh computers and vice versa.

Because the whole process of compiling and linking can be difficult for novice programmers, some languages ​​have come to be used interpreters. These programs will look at the source code and convert it to machine code on the go. It also allows the same programs to run on Windows, Mac, Unix computers, as long as each of these platforms has access to an interpreter.

The disadvantage of using an interpreter is that it is slower than the original, machine language. Figure 2.4: Interpreter

Python is an example of an interpreted language. It's easier to write in Python than in C, but Python is slower and requires an interpreter to run successfully.

  1. Give an example of a number in the binary system. (Although the number "1" can be binary, decimal, or hexadecimal, try to come up with an example that shows the difference between the number systems.)
  2. Give an example of a number in the decimal system.
  3. Give an example of a number in hexadecimal.
  4. Convert the numbers 1, 10, 100, 1000 and 10000 from binary to decimal.
  5. What is a compiler?
  6. What is source code?
  7. What is machine language?
  8. What is a first generation programming language?
  9. What is a second generation programming language?
  10. What is a third generation programming language?
  11. What is an interpreter?

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