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When you turn on the computer, endless beeps. Bios beeps long repetitive or long beeps

It starts with diagnostics. You can often use the diagnostic tools of the PC itself, or rather the BIOS. If everything is in order, 1 signal is sent to the speaker. If earlier, during normal operation, you also did not hear any signals from the speaker, then you need to check whether it is in the system unit at all. In most cases, it looks like this:

If you hear multiple sounds, then there is most likely a hardware error. A specific error is indicated by a combination of speaker signals. Depending on the BIOS manufacturer "and they may differ from each other. Before decrypting the signals, you need to find out which BIOS on your motherboard... This can be done in several ways:

  1. View the documentation for the computer, namely the instructions for the motherboard.
  2. View the name at boot time or by going into the BIOS setup.
  3. Open the lid system unit and read the name of the BIOS chip.

When the manufacturer finds you can check the combination of the speaker published with the data in the tables below:

When the computer boots, at least one signal should be heard, if there is no such signal, either the speaker is disconnected or faulty, or your motherboard has burned out.

One signal - there is a good. Like everything means OK. If the image on the monitor does not appear, check if the monitor is connected to the video card (video card to the motherboard). Connected? If so, try to get the boards random access memory, put them back in place and reboot. If that doesn't work, follow the new mother.

DRAM check failed. Memory problems. Let's check the video first. If it works, you will see an error message on the screen. Check the RAM cards. Take them out and put them back. Try swapping the RAM card into an adjacent slot. If memory tests well, go get a new mother.

DRAM recognition error. Basically the same as 2 beeps. Follow the instructions above.

Basically the same as 2 beeps. Follow the instructions above. The timer may also be defective.

Processor error.

Keyboard controller error. The microcircuit responsible for the keyboard is not functioning properly. See if the keyboard is connected. Try changing your keyboard. If the keyboard controller chip is removable, try replacing it. Nothing helped? Follow your new mother!

Processor error. Your processor is burnt out. Change the processor. If that doesn't work, follow the new mother.

Video card error. Your vidyuha burned out. Try to get it out and then install it properly in the slot. Doesn't hesitate? Go for a new vidyuha.

ROM error. Your BIOS burned out. Go for a new BIOS.

SMOS error. Your problem is in SMOS. All chips connected to SMOS must be replaced. In short, do not worry, and go for a new mother.

Your CACHE memory is out of order and has been disabled by the computer. Replace cache memory.

Decryption, remedies

BIOS needs to be replaced.

The timer does not work on the mother. Replace the mother.

Mother is out of order. Guess what to do?

Mother is out of order.

Have to replace the mother

Same as two signals in AMI BIOS

Mother is out of line

Mother is out of line

Memory is not functioning

Any set of two short beeps means that the memory is defective.

One of the chips on the motherboard is not functioning. The mother will probably have to be replaced.

The computer cannot find the video card. Make sure it is in place and securely installed. If possible, put the vidyuhu in a different slot. Try to replace vidyuhu.

Video card error. Replace it.

Defective microcircuit on the motherboard. Replace the mother.

Check your keyboard. If everything is in order with it, the motherboard is faulty.

Same as 4-2-2

One of the boards in the computer is not working. Take out all the boards from the PC and insert them one by one and try to boot the computer. Eventually, you will find the culprit. As a last resort, replace the mother.

Replace the mother.

See 4-3-1.

See 4-3-1.

Date and time counter error. Go to Setup and set the time on a new one. If the error persists, replace the battery.

Serial port (COM) error

See 4-4-1

Math coprocessor error.

Decryption, remedies

1 short

2 short

SMOS error. Go to Setup and reinstall everything. Try replacing the battery.

1 long - 1 short

DRAM error. Check memory.

1 long - 2 short

Video card error. Check the quality of the video card connection to the slot, check the connection of the monitor to the video card.

1 long - three short

Keyboard controller error. Check if the keyboard is connected.

1 long - 9 short

ROM (BIOS) error.

Looped long

The memory card is not installed correctly.

Looped short

Power supply error.

An attentive user may notice that the computer emits sounds when turned on. Usually this is one short squeak from the speaker (device on the motherboard). But in the process of work, other signals may also be emitted. Read about what they mean and how to find out what to do with them in this article.

The first step is to find out which one you have. You can find out about this when you turn on the computer, when letters appear on a black background. Look for abbreviations above or below AMI or AWARD BIOS.

Learned? Let's go then!


  • Two short beeps from the speaker mean some malfunction in the computer's RAM.
    How to solve the problem: remove the memory module from the slot, wipe it with a dry brush and insert it into place. If after starting the PC the signals are repeated, then further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • Three consecutive short beeps from the speaker mean an error in reading the first 64 KB of the PC main memory.
    How to solve the problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the bar with a dry brush and insert it into place, if the signals repeat, you may need to further test the memory or replace it completely;
  • Four consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction. system timer.
    How to solve the problem: reboot the PC, and if the signals are repeated, then repair or replace the motherboard;
  • Five consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a CPU malfunction.
    How to solve the problem: reboot the PC, if the signals repeat, replace the processor;
  • Six consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunctioning keyboard controller.
    How to solve the problem: check the cable and connection of the keyboard to the system unit, check the keyboard on another computer. If, after checking, it turns out that the keyboard is in good working order, then there remains the option of repairing the motherboard, or replacing it;
  • Seven consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a faulty motherboard.
    How to solve the problem: we reboot and if the signals are repeated, then repair or purchase of a new motherboard will be required;
  • Eight consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the graphics card memory.
    How to solve the problem: reboot. If the signals are repeated after a reboot, either the repair of the old one or the purchase of a new video card will be required;
  • Nine consecutive short beeps indicate a malfunction of the BIOS chip itself.
    How to solve the problem
  • Ten consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate the impossibility of recording to the CMOS memory.
    How to solve the problem: Clears CMOS memory. If after setting BIOS defaults the signals are repeated, then the CMOS memory module needs to be replaced;
  • Eleven consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the RAM.
    How to solve the problem

  • How to solve the problem: we check the cable going from the video card to the monitor, if the cable is in order, you need to remove the video card from the slot, wipe it, if necessary, from dust and insert it back. If these actions do not work, then you may need to repair or purchase a new video card;
  • One long and three short beeps from the speaker, as well as one long and eight short beeps, again indicate a malfunction of the video card.
    Correct in the same way as in the previous case.

  • How to solve the problem: we check the attachment of the power supply plugs to the connectors on the motherboard, we clean the power supply from dust. If these actions do not work, if possible, we try to test the power supply unit on another computer. With such symptoms, either its repair or the purchase of a new power supply unit will be required.


  • One short signal from the speaker means that there are no errors in the system and the computer is in a fully functional state;
  • Two consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate the detection of "insignificant" errors.
    How to fix the problem: we check the reliability of fastening the components and cables to motherboard PC, then set BIOS defaults;
  • A short repetitive beep from the speaker indicates a power supply malfunction.
    How to fix the problem: we check the plugs of the power supply to the connectors on the motherboard, clean the power supply from dust. If these actions do not work, if possible, we test the power supply on another computer. With such symptoms, either its repair or the purchase of a new power supply unit will be required;
  • A long repetitive beep from the speaker indicates a malfunction of the RAM.
    How to fix the problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the bar with a dry brush and insert it into place, if the signals repeat, you may need to further test the memory or replace it completely;
  • Three long beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunctioning keyboard controller.
    How to fix the problem
  • One long and one short speaker beeps indicate a malfunction of the RAM.
    How to fix the problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the bar with a dry brush and insert it into place, if the signals repeat, you may need to further test the memory or replace it completely;
  • One long and two short speaker beeps indicate a malfunction of the video card.
    How to fix the problem: we check the cable going from the video card to the monitor, if the cable is in order, remove the video card from the slot, wipe it, if necessary, from dust and insert it back. If these actions do not work, then you may need to repair or purchase a new video card;
  • One long and three short speaker beeps indicate a malfunctioning keyboard controller.
    How to fix the problem: we check the cable and the connection of the keyboard to the system unit, we check the keyboard on another computer. If, after checking, it turns out that the keyboard is in good working order, then there remains the option of repairing the motherboard, or replacing it;
  • One long and nine consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the BIOS chip itself.
    How to fix the problem: flashing the microcircuit or completely replacing it;
  • The absence of speaker signals may indicate a malfunction of the power supply.
    How to fix the problem: we check the attachment of the power supply plugs to the connectors on the motherboard, we clean the power supply from dust. If, as a result of the actions taken, when you try to turn the computer back on, the power supply needs to be repaired.

    Separately, it should be noted continuous sound signals BIOS. This can be caused either by a faulty Power Supply or by overheating of the PC.

    Now you know about the sounds of BIOS and how to decode them.

  • Very often they ask me what they mean BIOS beeps when turning on the PC... In this article, we will take a closer look at the BIOS sounds depending on the manufacturer, the most likely errors and how to fix them. As a separate item, I will tell you 4 easy ways how to find out the manufacturer of BIOS, and also remind basic principles work with "hardware".

    1. What are BIOS beeps for?

    Every time you turn it on, you hear the computer beeping. Often it is, which is heard from the speaker of the system unit. It means that the POST self-test diagnostic program has completed the test successfully and did not find any malfunctions. Then the download of the installed operating system.

    If your computer does not have a system speaker, then you will not hear any sounds. This is not an indicator of an error, it is just that your device manufacturer decided to save some money.

    Most often, I observed this situation with laptops and DNS stations (now they release their products under the DEXP brand). "What is the threat of the lack of dynamics?" - you ask. It seems like this is such a trifle, and the computer works fine without it. But if it is impossible to initialize the video card, it will not be possible to identify and fix the problem.

    If a problem is detected, the computer will emit a corresponding sound signal - a certain sequence of long or short squeaks... Using the instructions for the motherboard, you can decrypt it, but which of us stores such instructions? Therefore, in this article, I have prepared tables with decoding of BIOS beeps for you to help you identify the problem and fix it.

    In modern motherboards, the system speaker is built-in

    Attention! All manipulations with the hardware configuration of the computer should be carried out if it is completely disconnected from the mains. Before opening the case, be sure to disconnect the power plug from the socket.

    2. How to find out the BIOS manufacturer

    Before looking for a decryption of computer sounds, you need to find out the BIOS manufacturer, since their sound signals differ significantly.

    2.1. Method 1

    You can make "identification" different ways, simplest - look at the screen at the time of loading... The manufacturer and version of the BIOS are usually indicated at the top. To have time to fix this moment, press the Pause key on your keyboard... If instead of the necessary information you only see the splash screen of the motherboard manufacturer, press Tab.

    The two most popular BIOS manufacturers are AWARD and AMI

    2.2. Method 2

    Go to BIOS... Browse the sections and find the item - System Information. The current BIOS version should be indicated there. And at the bottom (or top) of the screen, the manufacturer will be indicated - American Megatrends Inc. (AMI), AWARD, DELL, etc.

    2.3. Method 3

    One of the most quick ways find out the manufacturer of the BIOS - use the hotkeys Windows + R and in the "Run" line that opens, enter the command MSINFO32. Thus will be launched System Information utility, with which you can get all the information about the hardware configuration of the computer.

    Launching the System Information Utility

    It can also be launched from the menu: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information

    You can find out the manufacturer of the BIOS through the "System Information"

    2.4. Method 4

    Use third party programs... Most often used CPU-Z, it is absolutely free and very simple (you can download it on the official website). After starting the program, go to the "Board" tab and in the BIOS section you will see all the information about the manufacturer:

    How to find out the BIOS manufacturer using CPU-Z

    3. Decoding of BIOS signals

    After we have figured out the type of BIOS, you can start decoding the audio signals depending on the manufacturer. Let's consider the main ones in the tables.

    3.1. AMI BIOS - beeps

    AMI BIOS (American Megatrends Inc.) since 2002 is the most popular manufacturer in the world. In all versions, the successful completion of the self-test is one short beep, after which the installed operating system is loaded. Other AMI BIOS beeps are listed in the table:

    Signal type Decoding
    2 shortRAM parity error.
    3 shortError of the first 64 KB of RAM.
    4 short
    5 shortDefective CPU.
    6 shortKeyboard controller error.
    7 shortFaulty motherboard.
    8 shortMalfunction of the video card memory.
    9 shortBIOS checksum error.
    10 shortUnable to write to CMOS.
    11 shortRAM error.
    1 dl + 1 boxDefective computer power supply.
    1 dl + 2 box
    1 dl + 3 boxVideo card operation error, RAM malfunction.
    1 dl + 4 boxThere is no video card.
    1 dl + 8 boxThe monitor is not connected, or there is a problem with the video card.
    3 longRAM problem, test failed.
    5 box + 1 dlThere is no RAM.
    ContinuousProblems with the power supply or overheating of the PC.

    No matter how trite it may sound, but I advise my friends and clients in most cases turn off and turn on the computer... Yes, this is a typical phrase of the guys from your provider's technical support, but it helps! However, if, after the next reboot, squeaks are heard from the speaker, which are different from the usual one short beep, then you need to eliminate the malfunction. I will talk about this at the end of the article.

    3.2. AWARD BIOS - signals

    Along with AMI, AWARD is also one of the most popular BIOS manufacturers. Many motherboards now have version 6.0PG Phoenix Award BIOS. The interface is familiar, you can even call it classic, because it has not changed for more than ten years.

    Like AMI, one short beep AWARD BIOS signals a successful self-test and the start of the operating system. What do the other sounds mean? We look at the table:

    Signal type Decoding
    1 repetitive shortProblems with the power supply.
    1 repeating longRAM problems.
    1 long + 1 shortDefective RAM.
    1 long + 2 shortVideo card error.
    1 long + 3 shortKeyboard problems.
    1 long + 9 shortError reading data from ROM.
    2 shortMinor malfunctions
    3 longKeyboard controller error
    Continuous soundPower supply defective.

    3.3. Phoenix BIOS

    PHOENIX has very characteristic "beeps", in the table they are written differently from AMI or AWARD. In the table, they are indicated as combinations of sounds and pauses. For example, 1-1-2 will sound like one beep, a pause, another beep, another pause, and two beeps.

    Signal type Decoding
    1-1-2 CPU error.
    1-1-3 Unable to write to CMOS. The battery on the motherboard is probably dead. Faulty motherboard.
    1-1-4 Invalid BIOS ROM checksum.
    1-2-1 Faulty programmable interrupt timer.
    1-2-2 DMA controller error.
    1-2-3 DMA controller read or write error.
    1-3-1 Memory regeneration error.
    1-3-2 RAM test does not start.
    1-3-3 Defective RAM controller.
    1-3-4 Defective RAM controller.
    1-4-1 RAM address bar error.
    1-4-2 RAM parity error.
    3-2-4 Keyboard initialization error.
    3-3-1 The battery on the motherboard has run out.
    3-3-4 Malfunction of the video card.
    3-4-1 Malfunction of the video adapter.
    4-2-1 System timer malfunction.
    4-2-2 CMOS termination error.
    4-2-3 Faulty keyboard controller.
    4-2-4 CPU operation error.
    4-3-1 RAM test error.
    4-3-3 Timer error
    4-3-4 Error in the RTC.
    4-4-1 Serial port malfunction.
    4-4-2 Faulty parallel port.
    4-4-3 Coprocessor malfunctions.

    4. The most popular BIOS sounds and their meaning

    I could make for you a dozen more different tables with decoding of beeps, but I decided that it would be much more useful to pay attention to the most popular BIOS sound signals. So, what users are most often looking for:

    • one long two short BIOS beeps - almost certainly this sound does not bode well, namely, problems with the video card. The first step is to check if the video card is fully inserted into the motherboard. Oh, by the way, how long have you been cleaning your computer? After all, one of the reasons for problems with loading may be commonplace dust that clogs into the cooler. But back to the problems with the video card. Try pulling it out and cleaning the contacts with an eraser. It is a good idea to make sure there are no debris or foreign objects in the connectors. Still getting an error? Then the situation is more complicated, you will have to try to boot the computer with an integrated "vidyuha" (provided that it is on the motherboard). If it boots, then the problem is in the removed video card and you cannot do without replacing it.
    • one long beep BIOS at startup - possibly a problem with the RAM.
    • 3 short BIOS beeps - RAM error. What can be done? Remove the RAM modules and clean the contacts with an eraser, wipe with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol, try to swap the modules. You can also reset the BIOS. If the RAM modules are working, the computer will boot.
    • 5 short BIOS signals - the processor is faulty. A very unpleasant sound, isn't it? If the processor was installed for the first time, check its compatibility with motherboard... If everything worked before, but now the computer beeps like a cut, then you need to check whether the contacts are clean and whether they are even.
    • 4 long BIOS beeps - low RPM or CPU fan stop. It is necessary to either clean it or replace it.
    • 1 long 2 short BIOS beeps - problems with the video card or malfunction of the RAM connectors.
    • 1 long 3 short BIOS beeps - either problems with the video card, or RAM problems, or keyboard errors.
    • two short BIOS beeps - see the manufacturer to clarify the error.
    • three long BIOS beeps - problems with the RAM (the solution to the problem is described above), or problems with the keyboard.
    • BIOS signals are many short - you need to count exactly how many short signals.
    • the computer does not boot and there is no BIOS signal - the power supply is faulty, the processor has a problem, or the system speaker is missing (see above).

    From my own experience, I can say that quite often all problems with loading a computer consist in poor contact of various modules, for example, RAM or a video card. And, as I wrote above, in some cases a regular reboot helps. Sometimes you can solve the problem by resetting the BIOS settings to the factory settings, reflashing it, or resetting the system board settings.

    Attention! If you doubt your abilities, it is better to entrust diagnostics and repairs to professionals. You should not risk it, and then blame the author of the article for what he is not to blame :)

    1. To solve the problem, you need pull out the module from the connector, remove the dust and insert it back. The contacts can be gently cleaned and rubbed with alcohol. It is convenient to use a dry toothbrush to clean the connector from dirt.
    2. Don't forget to spend visual inspection... If some elements are deformed, have black bloom or streaks, the cause of problems with loading the computer will be in full view.
    3. Let me also remind you that any manipulations with the system unit should be performed only when the power is off... Remember to discharge static electricity. To do this, it will be enough to take hold of the computer system unit with both hands.
    4. Dont touch to the conclusions of the microcircuits.
    5. Do not use metal and abrasive materials to clean the contacts of the RAM or video card. For this purpose, you can use a soft eraser.
    6. Soberly evaluate your capabilities... If your computer is under warranty, it is better to use the services of specialists. service center than digging into the "brains" of the machine on your own.

    If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to this article, we will figure it out!

    Not everyone will think about what they mean BIOS sound signals when we press the PC power button. It is the BIOS that causes these sounds, which can be short or long. Different types of BIOS have different sound signals, in this article I will try to talk about all of them, as well as solve some of the problems that accompany them.

    Purpose of BIOS beeps

    When you turn on your computer, you hear a squeak. Usually it is short and comes out of the speaker inside the system unit. Such a signal does not bode well and indicates that the program has successfully diagnosed the POST self-test, which is responsible for checking the components for serviceability. If everything is fine, there will be just such a signal.

    On some PC models, you may not hear anything at all, but this is only thanks to the manufacturer who has not built the speaker into the computer. Unfortunately, the lack of a speaker is not good decision, since it will not be possible to determine the malfunction, for example, of the video card.

    If any malfunction occurs, you will hear a sound when you turn on the computer. There can be several of them, and they can be long, depending on what is wrong. Usually, the manual already contains all the necessary information about BIOS signals, but if you do not already have this manual, then read this article and, perhaps, you will find the definition of certain BIOS signals.

    Recommendation! If you decide to look inside the system unit, for example, to check the presence of the speaker, then be sure to disconnect the PC, and climb not immediately, but a few minutes after disconnecting.

    How do you know who made the BIOS?

    In this section, I'll show you how to find out who made the BIOS on your motherboard. You need to know this, because in different models sound signals indicate different violations.

    First option

    The easiest thing to do is turn on the PC and for a couple of seconds you will notice a window in which the BIOS manufacturer and some other parameters are already indicated. The most popular manufacturers are AMI and AWARD... There are others, of course.

    Second option

    To do this, you need to find the item showing information about the computer and the BIOS firmware itself. Usually the tab is called System Information.

    The third option

    Boot into Windows andOpen the window "Run" using the keys Win + R... Enter the command there msinfo32... On the left you should be in the section "System Information"... On the right we look at the item "BIOS version».

    Fourth option

    You can also use various utilities, for example, AIDA64 or CPU-Z. Free software CPU-Z has a tab "Pay" where you go. There is a subsection "BIOS" and all the necessary information about him.

    Using the AIDA64 program, go to the section "Motherboard" on the left and click on the item there "BIOS", all information about Bios will be indicated there.

    How to decode BIOS sound signals?

    So, we figured out the manufacturer of the BIOS, now I will show the designation of sound signals, but only for a few versions.

    BIOS AMI beeps

    One of the most famous companies American Megatrends Inc... Abbreviated AMI BIOS. In 2002, it was already such. So the normal beep is a short beep. It means that everything is fine, after which the OS will start loading. Now let's look at other sounds.

    Signal Designation
    Long continuous Power supply failure, computer overheating.
    Two short RAM parity error.
    Three short Error in the first 64 KB of RAM.
    Four short
    Five short
    Six short Error in the keyboard controller.
    Seven short Problems with the motherboard.
    Eight short Video card memory problems.
    Nine short BIOS checksum error.
    Ten short CMOS recording is not possible.
    Eleven short RAM error.
    1 long and 1 short Something with the power supply.
    1 long and 2 short Problems with RAM or video card.
    1 long and 3 short Problems with the video card or RAM.
    1 long and 4 short There is no graphics card in the slot.
    1 long and 8 short Lack of monitor connection, something with a video card.
    Three long Test terminated with an error, RAM problems.
    5 short and 1 long There is no RAM module.

    Sometimes, the sounds are false, if you turn off the PC again and then turn it on, then there is a possibility that such a signal will no longer be present. If you hear more than one short sound, but such as shown in the table, then you need to solve the problem.

    Sound signals AWARD

    The next popular manufacturer is AWARD... Let's consider its sound signals as well. Then one day I will write about all the existing types of BIOS, as well as recommend a book in which everything is described in great detail.

    The normal sound signal, indicating the health of all computer components, is the same as in the first version - a short signal. The rest of the sounds are listed in the table below.

    Signal Designation
    Continuous signal Power supply failure.
    One short, repeated Something with the power supply.
    One long, repetitive RAM problems.
    One long and one short Defective RAM.
    One long and two short Problems in the video card.
    One long and three short Something with the keyboard.
    One long and nine short Error reading data from ROM.
    Two long There are no critical faults.
    Three long

    Phoenix beeps

    In this type of BIOS, sounds are accompanied by pauses, that is, if 1 sound is heard, then there is a pause, then another sound, and another pause, and then two sounds, then the signal is recorded, in the form of these very sequences of pauses and sounds - 1-1-2 ... Now I will show it in the table.

    Signal Designation
    1-1-2 Problems with the central processor.
    1-1-3 CMOS recording is not possible. The CMOS battery has run out, so you need to replace it. Problems with the system pay.
    1-1-4 Invalid BIOS ROM checksum.
    1-2-1 The programmable interrupt timer is defective.
    1-2-2 There is an error in the DMA controller.
    1-2-3 There is an error in reading / writing the DMA controller.
    1-3-1 Memory regeneration problems.
    1-3-2 The RAM test does not start.
    1-3-4 The RAM controller is damaged.
    1-4-1 V address bar RAM problem.
    1-4-2 RAM parity error.
    3-2-4 There were problems with initializing the keyboard.
    3-3-1 The CMOS battery has run out.
    3-3-4 Problems with the video card.
    3-4-1 Problems with the video adapter.
    4-2-1 Problems with the system timer.
    4-2-2 CMOS termination problems.
    4-2-3 Keyboard controller problems.
    4-2-4 Error in the work of the central processor.
    4-3-1 RAM test ended with an error.
    4-3-3 Timer errors.
    4-3-4 Problems with the RTC.
    4-4-1 Serial port problems.
    4-4-2 Parallel port problems.
    4-4-3 Coprocessor problems.

    It is interesting:

    Most frequent BIOS beeps

    Of course, there are many more sound sequences for different types BIOS, and there would be much more tables here. Therefore, I decided to consider the most popular signals that are found among most users.

    • 1 long and 2 short beeps- usually this signal indicates problems with the video card. Check if the video card is well inserted into its slot, also do not forget that due to dust and dirt there may be problems with connecting devices, so it is better to clean everything. Pull out the video cards, wipe the contact tracks with an eraser, and very carefully. Then put it back in. If the difficulty persists, then you can try to insert the video card into another slot or switch to the built-in one, provided that it is on the motherboard. It's about integrated.
    • 1 long beep- speaks of malfunctions with RAM.
    • 3 short beeps- Again errors in the random access memory. There is the following option - pull out the RAM modules and clean the contacts, as well as the slots from dust and dirt, swap them, replace them with other RAM modules. Alternatively, you can reset the BIOS.
    • 5 short beeps- this signal indicates a processor malfunction. It is possible that you have purchased new processor which is not compatible with your motherboard. Also check all contacts and clean dust.
    • 4 long beeps- the signal indicates problems with the cooling system, that is, with the coolers. Perhaps they are generally faulty, or they work slowly. There are two options, clean them from dust, or change them.
    • 1 long + 2 short beeps- malfunction of the video card, or from the RAM connectors.
    • 1 long + 3 short beeps- may also indicate problems with the video card and RAM, or something with the keyboard. We'll have to check everything.
    • 2 short beeps- I can't say for sure, check your documentation. There may be a problem with the RAM.
    • Several short sounds- just count how many sounds and see if there is such a combination in the table.
    • No PC boot and BIOS sound- if there is no sound, then most likely you do not have a speaker, or it is faulty. If the computer does not boot, then check the power supply.

    Tips for Troubleshooting BIOS Beeping Computer Issues

    I almost never had any components out of order, and sound signals appeared only due to poor contact of some components. For example, poorly inserted RAM modules or video card. Sometimes there just happened some kind of glitch and a simple restart of the computer helps. Sometimes it can help in solving problems at all.

    I want to say that not knowledgeable people do not take any action. If you have friends who can help, then contact them, or go to the service.

    1. Sometimes you can fix the situation like this: take out any component and wipe its contact from dust, also blow out the connector. Then put everything back in. You can clean the contacts with alcohol and a dry cloth, or with an eraser.
    2. Look at all the components and elements inside the system unit. Is there a smell of burnt components, swollen capacitors, oxide and other bad phenomena.
    3. Before climbing inside the system unit, disconnect it from the power supply, and also remove static electricity from yourself. You can simply touch the power supply itself with your hands.
    4. Do not touch the board leads.
    5. Never use metal tools to clean the modules.
    6. Assess the situation before starting work. Is your computer under warranty and you don't even have any work experience? Then give it back under warranty, or ask a knowledgeable friend to help.

    Please ask any questions in the comments. I hope this article helped you in solving your problems.

    http: //site/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/zvukovye-signaly-bios-6-700x393.pnghttp: //site/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/zvukovye-signaly-bios-6-150x150.png 2016-11-30T15: 59: 43 + 00: 00 EvilSin225 PC ami bios beeps, award bios beeps, beeps bios, sound signals bios when you turn on the pc, which manufacturer biosNot everyone will think about what the BIOS beeps mean when we press the PC power button. It is the BIOS that causes these sounds, which can be short or long. Different types of BIOS have different sound signals, in this article I will try to talk about all of them, as well as solve some of the problems that accompany them. It...EvilSin225 Andrey Terekhov [email protected] Administrator Computer techologies

    When the computer is turned on, the computer performs a self-test using special programs which are located in the BIOS of the motherboard. In case of breakdown computer BIOS the motherboard, having made a self-test of the computer, reproduces through the speaker (built-in speaker) special sound signals by which you can determine the cause of the breakdown of the computer.

    Speaker issues BIOS error beep codes

    BIOS sound signals, depending on the manufacturer, may differ in duration, pitch, and combinations of these signals. The BIOS sound signals indicate which unit (motherboard, video card, power supply, keyboard, memory) is out of order. Having learned with the help of BIOS sounds which block is out of order, you can move it yourself and perhaps this will be enough to make the computer work again.

    Decoding BIOS signals

    IBM BIOS signals

    IBM motherboards produce the following BIOS sounds:

    • A short 1 indicates a successful computer self-test.
    • 1 short and black screen or two short beeps from the BIOS indicate a breakdown of the video system.
    • BIOS signals 1 long 2 short indicate a malfunction of the Mono / CGA video system, and 1 long and 1 short indicate a malfunction of the EGA / VGA video system.
    • 3 long BIOS beeps indicate an error in the keyboard controller in the motherboard or a poor connection between the motherboard and the RAM bar.
    • 1 long and 1 short indicate a broken motherboard.
    • Continuous or repeated short BIOS beeps indicate a breakdown of the power supply or motherboard.
    • No sound indicates a malfunction in the power supply, motherboard, no power to the central processor, or the speaker is not working.

    Award BIOS signals

    Award motherboards issue the following BIOS beeps:

    • 1 short beep indicates a successful computer self-test.
    • BIOS 2 beeps are short and the screen prompts you to enter the CMOS Setup Utility program means minor errors.
    • Three long BIOS beeps indicate a keyboard controller error.
    • 1 short and 1 long indicate a random access memory (RAM) error.
    • BIOS signals one long two short indicate a malfunction of the video card.
    • BIOS signals 1 long 3 short mean a video memory error or lack of a video card.
    • 1 long and 9 short indicate a problem when reading from read-only memory.
    • Repeated short beeps indicate a problem with the power supply or RAM.
    • Repeated long BIOS beeps indicate a problem with the RAM.
    • A continuous beep indicates a problem with the power supply.
    • Cyclically alternating two beep tones indicate a processor (CPU) problem.

    AMI BIOS signals

    AMI motherboards issue the following BIOS beep codes:

    • 1 short beep indicates a successful computer self-test.
    • 2 short beeps means you have a scanner or printer turned on, and perhaps an error has occurred in the parity of the random access memory.
    • 3 short BIOS beeps indicates an error in the first 64 KB of RAM.
    • 4 short beeps indicate a breakdown of the system timer on the motherboard.
    • 5 short beeps means the processor is broken.
    • 6 short beeps indicate keyboard controller initialization error.
    • 7 short beeps indicate a faulty motherboard.
    • 8 short beeps indicate a video card memory error.
    • Short 9 means the BIOS checksum is incorrect.
    • 10 short ones indicate a write error in the CMOS dynamic memory chip.
    • 11 short beeps indicate a motherboard cache error.
    • 1 long and 1 short beep indicates a power supply failure.
    • 1 long and 2 short indicate a problem with the RAM connectors or a video card error (Mono-CGA).
    • 1 long and 3 short indicates incorrect memory installation by type or a video card error (EGA-VGA).
    • 1 long and 4 short beeps indicate no video card.
    • 1 long and 8 short ones indicate a problem with the video card or no monitor connected.
    • BIOS beeps 3 long indicate a problem in the RAM module.
    • 5 short and 1 long beeps indicate lack of RAM.
    • Continuous AMI BIOS beeps indicate a problem with the power supply, memory, or overheating of the computer.

    AST BIOS signals

    AST motherboards issue the following BIOS beep codes:

    • One short beep indicates a processor malfunction.
    • BIOS two short beeps indicate a malfunction of the keyboard controller.
    • Three short BIOS beeps indicate a malfunction of the keyboard controller or a malfunction of the motherboard.
    • Four short beeps indicate a keyboard connection error.
    • Five short beeps indicate a keyboard input error.
    • Six short beeps indicate damage to the motherboard.
    • Nine short beeps indicate damage BIOS chips permanent storage device.
    • Ten short beeps indicate damage to the motherboard timer chip.
    • One long BIOS signal indicates damage to the channel 0 DMA controller chip.
    • One long and one short indicate damage to the channel 1 DMA controller chip.
    • One long and two short ones indicate an error in the frame backscatter blanking in the video adapter.
    • One long and three short beeps indicate memory corruption in the video adapter.
    • One long and four short ones indicate a problem with the video adapter.
    • One long and five short beeps indicate a 64K memory error.
    • One long and six short ones means that the BIOS cannot load interrupt vectors into memory.
    • One long and seven short ones indicate that the video subsystem failed to initialize.
    • One long and eight short indicate a video memory problem.