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LED bulbs: how they differ from conventional ones and how to choose the best one. What bulbs are better to put at home What is the difference between bulbs

What are the best bulbs for home lighting? LED, fluorescent, halogen or incandescent? What are the advantages of some and what are the disadvantages of others? How economically viable is it to use one type of lamp or another? Let's try to figure it out.

Incandescent lamps

The most common type of lamps in homes still remain. They are still available in various capacities, come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and are suitable for installation in almost any lighting fixture, be it a lamp, night light or chandelier.

An incandescent lamp is the simplest electrical light source. It consists of a sealed transparent evacuated flask, a metal base, and a spiral is installed inside the flask - a tungsten filament.

During the operation of the lamp, an electric current flows through its tungsten filament, just causing the filament to heat up to white. That is, the light in such a light bulb is obtained due to a tungsten filament heated by current, which emits visible light. At the same time, light accounts for only 20% of all energy supplied to the light bulb, the remaining 80% falls on heating. In principle, we can say that an incandescent lamp is a heating device that glows well during operation.

Of course, incandescent lamps are rapidly leaving the market, their production is not as intensive as before, but the cost of incandescent lamps is the lowest compared to other types of lamps.

Other types of lamps are more economical to operate than incandescent lamps, some are up to 10 times more economical, and even more reliable at times, but the cost of incandescent lamps is very low compared to other types. Therefore, those people who do not think about long-term payback continue to buy good old incandescent bulbs for a penny, although in fact they incur losses by overpaying for electricity spent on lighting for many months.

Halogen lamps

Advanced type of incandescent lamp - halogen lamp... Here, the light source is also a tungsten filament incandescent with current, however, it is placed in a flask with halogen vapors. Light output is increased by halogens, and efficiency is slightly increased as a result.

Fluorescent lamps

Energy saving fluorescent lamps- the next step in the evolution of lighting fixtures. It is compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) that are called "energy saving lamps" today. Their consumption is significantly lower than that of incandescent and halogen lamps with a similar luminous flux.

Starting from 2010-2011, active introduction of fluorescent lamps into home lighting systems began. And if earlier fluorescent lamps in the form of tubes were aesthetically suitable for industrial premises and offices equipped with special lamps for such tubes, then fluorescent lamps under a standard base (like a home incandescent lamp) began to be suitable for living quarters - unscrewed an incandescent lamp, put it in this the same cartridge is an energy-saving fluorescent lamp, and no hassle.

The basis of the functioning of a fluorescent lamp is an electrical discharge in mercury vapor. The ultraviolet radiation that occurs in this case is converted into visible light thanks to the phosphor deposited on the inner walls of the bulb. As a phosphor, special compositions such as calcium halophosphate are used as part of a mixture with auxiliary components.

The luminous efficiency of fluorescent lamps is approximately 5 times higher than that of incandescent lamps, and the service life of a quality fluorescent lamp is measurable in thousands of hours. Nevertheless, even fluorescent lamps are not the most efficient light sources for a home today, not to mention the problem of disposing of faulty lamps with mercury vapor inside.

LED lamp

The crown of the evolution of light sources today - LED bulbs, the most energy efficient... Next, we will visually compare the characteristics of different types of lamps, and this will become more obvious. LEDs are used here as light sources, so the design of an LED lamp is somewhat more complicated than that of an incandescent lamp, and its cost is therefore much higher.

Nevertheless, LED lamps quickly pay off during operation, and much earlier than their service life, which is tens of thousands of hours, expires. At the same time, LED lamps are extremely safe. They do not have a glass bulb that can burst, causing harm to human health, for example, by cutting it, just as there is no mercury vapor and no other harmful components, that is, environmental safety is also ensured. Problems with disposal, if anything, will not arise at all.


From the above table, it can be seen that with the same given luminous flux, lamps of different types consume different electrical power, and this power differs at times. Pay particular attention to the fact that an LED lamp, compared to an incandescent lamp, consumes almost 8 times less electricity, and at the same time gives the same amount of light. Imagine how this will affect your electricity bills. As for the compact fluorescent lamp, it is 1.5 times inferior to the LED one.

Do we need heating from a light bulb? Of course not, because there is a heating system to heat the dwelling. It turns out that the more the lamp heats up, the more energy is consumed in a non-targeted way, because we need the lamp for lighting, and not for heating. Meanwhile, an incandescent lamp converts 80% of the power consumption into heat. Halogen heats up to 65%. Luminescent by 15%. LED only 2%.

Hull strength

As for durability, incandescent and halogen lamps have flasks made of fragile thin glass, and if you drop such a lamp, you will immediately have to sweep up small fragments. Fluorescent lamps are equally fragile. They also contain mercury vapors, toxic vapors that will come out if the flask is accidentally broken, and ventilation and sanitization will be required.

LED lamps are in an advantageous position, they are not afraid of shocks, the bulb is usually made of polycarbonate, there are no harmful gases here. If the LED lamp is accidentally dropped, then nothing will most likely happen to it, unless you should drop it from a great height so as not to damage the insides.

Life time

In terms of service life, LED lamps are unambiguously superior to any others: on average, LEDs will last 40 times longer than incandescent lamps, they can be considered eternal in this regard. Some manufacturers directly write on the packaging that the lamp is guaranteed to work for 30 or 40 years. Fluorescent lamps are slightly inferior, their manufacturers are confident that the lamp will last 10 years. As for an incandescent lamp, its average life for the conditions of current electrical networks is 1 year.

Easy to replace

To replace a light bulb, it is enough to unscrew it from the socket and screw in a new one. But halogen lamps cannot be screwed in at random. First of all, you need to understand that a halogen lamp heats up a lot during operation, for example, a 40 watt lamp heats up to 250 ° C. No, we are not talking now about the need to wait for the lamp to cool before unscrewing it, something else is important here.

When you install a new halogen lamp, your hands should be extremely clean, and it is better to use a napkin in general, because any greasy spot on the bulb will necessarily burn out and a burned trace will appear, the light will be spoiled. Still such a trace will lead to local overheating of the flask, and it can crack. LED and fluorescent lamps do not heat up so much, so they can be twisted and twisted even with bare hands.

Security aspects

There are a couple of aspects to consider when talking about security. First, the quality of the light. Light quality is best with incandescent, halogen and LED bulbs. Fluorescent lamps, on the other hand, have harmful flicker that irritates the nervous system, and, as a rule, they are distorted. Secondly, the content of mercury vapor is by no means in favor of fluorescent lamps. That is, in terms of safety, everyone benefits except fluorescent ones.

What is the bottom line

The result is unambiguous. From the point of view of efficiency and safety, LED lamps come first, then incandescent lamps (safe, but gluttonous), and finally fluorescent lamps (flicker, poorly reproduce colors, contain mercury).

Consider the financial side

Let's say there are 15 75-watt incandescent lamps in the apartment, which you want to replace with LED ones. Let the lamps burn for about 4 hours a day. This means that lighting accounts for 15 * 75 * 4 * 30 = 135 kWh per month. Let's say the cost of electricity in your region is 5 rubles per 1 kWh. This means that 675 rubles a month just for electricity.

If you switch to LED lamps with a power of 7.5 times less (as noted above), then the bill will be only 90 rubles. Let the replacement of lamps cost you 3450 rubles, then with a difference in bills of 585 rubles, the lamps will pay off in half a year! And this is with the estimated price of the LED lamp at 230 rubles. The benefits are obvious. If we now consider that LED lamps will last 30 years, then you yourself understand what colossal savings we are talking about.

Three main advantages of LED lamps

    LED bulbs are eternal compared to incandescent bulbs that burn out quickly

    LED bulbs pay off quickly despite their high cost.

    LED bulbs are environmentally friendly and not easy to break.

Best for Home Lighting - LED Bulbs

In conclusion, we can unequivocally say that LED lamps are best suited for home lighting from all points of view. Even if they seem expensive at first glance, consider the ROI. The more lighting fixtures in your home, the faster new bulbs will pay off.

If you leave everything as it is, then it turns out that the bills for electricity spent on inefficient lighting, in total, will eat up much more money than it will take just once to spend on the purchase of new efficient light bulbs.

See also on this topic: and

Andrey Povny

In the past few years, LED lamps have become increasingly popular and this is not surprising, because they can significantly reduce electricity costs without compromising the quality of lighting. In this article, we will look at how LED bulbs differ from conventional incandescent bulbs, how effective they are, and how not to make mistakes when buying them.

What is an LED lamp?

LED bulbs use LEDs as a light source, while conventional bulbs emit light from an incandescence that is heated by an electric current. The inside of the energy-saving lamp is covered with a phosphor (fluorescent dye), which glows under the action of a gas discharge.

Each type of lamp has its own characteristics and disadvantages. The design of an incandescent lamp is quite simple: it consists of a filament (usually made of tungsten or its refractory alloys), enclosed in an evacuated glass bulb. Under the influence of an electric current, the thread heats up and begins to glow. The main advantage of incandescent lamps is their low cost, which, however, is offset by their low efficiency. In reality, only 10% of the consumed electricity is converted into light, the rest is dissipated in the form of heat. In addition, such a light bulb does not last long - only about 1,000 hours.

A compact fluorescent lamp, or CFL (this is what an energy-saving lamp is called), shines almost as brightly, but at the same time consumes five times less electricity. Among the disadvantages of CFLs, one can name a higher price, a long warm-up period after switching on (several minutes), an unaesthetic appearance, as well as flickering of light, which is a strain on the eyes.

An LED lamp consists of several LEDs and a power supply enclosed in a housing. The power supply is a necessary component, since the LEDs require 6 or 12 V DC power supply or 220 V AC power supply in the household power supply.

Most often, the design of the housing of LED lamps resembles a "pear-shaped" shape with a screw base of the usual lamps, which ensures their trouble-free installation. The devices have a number of advantages, including a different color of radiation (depending on the LEDs used), low power consumption (on average, 8 times less compared to incandescent lamps), durability (they last 20-25 times longer than incandescent lamps) , low heating of the case, independence of brightness of illumination from voltage drops.

A significant drawback of such lamps is the price. Their price tag is several times higher than the cost of incandescent lamps. However, the high cost is offset by lower lighting costs, provided the lamp does not burn out prematurely. At the same time, LED lamps of quite decent quality can be purchased on the Internet, not significantly exceeding the cost of conventional bulbs. For example, this link on AliExpress offers standard design LED bulbs at a very attractive price, there are 6 wattage options, over 4,000 orders and many positive reviews.

LED bulbs have other disadvantages as well. In particular, uneven light distribution due to the fact that the built-in power supply impedes the luminous flux. However, some manufacturers work around this limitation by using a special form of construction such as this.

In addition, the opaque lamp body looks unaesthetic in glass fixtures. The disadvantages include the lack of a dimmer (dimmer), as well as unsuitability for use at very high and low temperatures.

What to look for when buying

Due to the many characteristics, choosing the right LED bulb can be a daunting task.

Supply voltage

If the voltage in the house or apartment is unstable, choose lamps that can operate in a wide range of voltages. This characteristic is usually indicated on the packaging. Note that at low voltage, LED lamps emit the same bright glow as normal.

Radiation color

Color temperature characterizes the light intensity of the lighting fixture. Color temperature is measured in Kelvin. As it rises, the color changes from yellow to blue. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the radiation parameters on the packaging and the lamp housing: warm (2,700 K) - approximately comparable to the color of an incandescent lamp; warm white (3,000 K) - ideal for living quarters; cool white (4000 K) - for offices and production, close to the color of daylight.

Some lamp models allow you to adjust the color using special modes. If you do not tolerate the blue spectrum well and cold light seems dim to you, when buying a lamp with a cold spectrum, choose a device with a power reserve.

A separate category should be allocated to RGB lamps, which can shine in different colors, corresponding to the user's preferences. Such lamps can usually be controlled using a smartphone or other Bluetooth-compatible gadget. An example of such an RGB lamp.

For special aesthetes, even lamps are produced that can quite realistically simulate a flame (example).


Among the characteristics on the packaging of LED lamps, their luminous flux and power of incandescent lamps of similar brightness are given. In reality, the power of LED lamps is six to eight times lower. For example, the brightness of a 12-watt light bulb is comparable to the power of a 100-watt incandescent lamp. Please note that the declared wattage is not always true and the lamp may shine less brightly. The luminous power can also decrease due to the decrease in the brightness of the LEDs over time, so there is a possibility that the device will have to be replaced long before the expiration of its service life.

Other essential points

LED bulbs are larger than incandescent bulbs, so they may simply not fit into a small shade.

For lighting devices that are switched on through a dimmer, you need to select suitable lamps - the packaging of the device should contain information that the lamp can be adjusted.

LED bulbs slightly distort the visual perception of colors. In some situations, such as when taking photographs, this can be significant.

Switching to LED lamps

Considering the possibility of switching to more economical light bulbs, pay attention to a number of nuances. Firstly, it is advisable to replace only high-power bulbs (60 W and above), since replacing low-power bulbs will not bring significant savings, but the amount spent on the purchase of an LED lamp may not pay off. Secondly, replace bulbs in frequently used lighting fixtures, such as chandeliers or lamps in living quarters, since it makes no sense to change the lamp in places where you only occasionally turn on the light. Thirdly, do not expect a sharp reduction in electricity consumption after replacing lamps (savings can be 15-25%), since the main consumers of electricity are household appliances (iron, electric kettle, electric stove, washing machine, etc.).

Finally, when choosing LED bulbs, don't buy fixtures from one manufacturer, but try one or two brands first. The fact is that devices from different manufacturers may differ in the emitted light, even if the packaging claims the same color temperature.

Today, LED lamps are no longer an expensive technical novelty and are quite affordable. Considering that LED lamps compare favorably with conventional incandescent lamps, the transition to their use is quite reasonable.

Today there is a huge selection of electric lamps: incandescent lamps, halogen lamps, LED lamps, fluorescent lamps, mercury discharge lamps, xenon arc lamps and sodium discharge lamps. They differ in size, shape, base, technical characteristics and scope.

Types of bulbs for home

For home lighting, 4 types of light bulbs are most popular: incandescent, halogen, energy-saving and LED lamps.

Incandescent lamps- the most inexpensive and affordable. Widely used both in everyday life and at specialized facilities, they are increasingly losing ground due to their low efficiency. Only 20% of the released energy is spent on lighting the room, and the remaining 80% on heating. Due to such a high temperature regime, plafonds, cartridges deteriorate and ceilings are smoked. A dimmer (dimmer) can be connected to the incandescent lamp.

- differs from an incandescent lamp in the content of halagen gases inside the bulb. The service life of such lamps is 4 times longer than that of incandescent lamps, and a stable light output is maintained throughout the entire service life. The disadvantage of halogen lamps is low frequency noise when using a dimmer. The most widely used halogen lamps are in the automotive industry.

- refers to the type of energy-saving lamps. Reduced to the size of an ordinary light bulb, the fluorescent one consumes 5 times less electricity compared to others, but it is not much more expensive. With increased light output (5 times brighter than an incandescent lamp), they are designed for use in favorable room conditions. Energy saving light bulbs differ in size, shape, power consumption and glow color options. They have a long service life and high efficiency. During operation, such lamps do not heat up and are suitable for stretch ceilings. Energy saving lamps contain such harmful substances as mercury vapor and require special disposal conditions.

- the most expensive of the light bulbs. Consuming a minimum of electricity, it has a huge service life - from 3 to 12 years of continuous operation. With almost 100% light output, such bulbs do not heat up and are ideal for stretch ceilings, rooms with high ceilings, as well as large houses and apartments with a high demand for lighting. Unlike luminescent ones, they do not contain harmful substances and are completely environmentally friendly.

Comparative characteristics of bulbs

Price Low Average High
Energy consumption 40W = 40W 7W = 40W 5W = 40W
Life time 1,000 hours up to 25,000 hours up to 50,000 hours
Heat dissipation High The average Low
Surface temperature > 150 0 С > 100 0 С 70 0 C
Impact resistance Glass / fragile Glass / fragile Plastic / durable
Effect ON / OFF Reduces service life Reduces service life Has no effect
Cost effective Low Average High
Environmental friendliness No No Yes
Recyclability No No Yes

Which bulbs are better? Pros and cons of light bulbs

Incandescent and halogen lamps

Low cost;
+ wide range of capacities;
+ instantly lights up when turned on;
- high losses in the form of heat;
- short service life;

Low power consumption;
+ long service life;
+ low heating;
- light up for a long time when turned on;
- contain toxic substances;

Low power consumption;
+ long service life;
+ does not have burning and breakable components;
- high price;
- can not be installed in closed luminaires;

When purchasing lamps for home lighting, proceed from the size of the room - very dim or too bright light has a bad effect on vision. When buying, pay attention to the correspondence between the power of the lamp and the power of the chandelier or lamp into which you will screw them (the maximum power of the lamp used is indicated on each holder). If the maximum power value of the lamp used is exceeded, the cartridge in the lighting device will constantly overheat, which will lead to its destruction and may cause a fire.

Materials related

Today, different types of lighting lamps are used, which differ in the nature of light, basic technical characteristics, and can also be used in various conditions.

Only the right choice of the light source allows you to get optimal lighting efficiency with minimal energy costs. We will consider the types and types of lighting lamps in the article.

What kind of lamps are there for lighting? Depending on the conditions of the intended use, it is necessary to select the most suitable light source.

One of the most important characteristics of a lighting fixture is the lamp wattage indicated by the manufacturer on the base or bulb of the light source. It is from these indicators, calculated in lumens, that the level of luminous flux directly depends.

Of no small importance when choosing a lamp is also such a parameter as light output, which determines the amount of lumens of light per 1W of power:

  • in lamps with incandescent filaments - 7.0-17 lm / W;
  • in krypton lamps - 8.0-19 lm / W;
  • in halogen light sources - 14-30 lm / W;
  • in mercury lamps - 40-60 lm / W;
  • in fluorescent light sources - 40-90 lm / W;
  • in compact fluorescent lighting devices - 40-90 lm / W;
  • in sodium lamps - 90-150 lm / Wt.

Ordinary incandescent light bulbs are the earliest or oldest source of eclectic lighting. Despite the general principle of working with incandescent lamps, the most modern halogen bulbs are distinguished by the presence of a gas composition inside the cylinder, and in any luminescent light sources, the operation is based on the effect of an electric current on mercury vapor.

However, a real breakthrough in the field of lighting technology was the emergence of very compact energy-saving lighting devices that differ not only in power, but also in the shape of the discharge tubes.

The principle of operation of LED lamps is the presence of the most common semiconductor, and when a certain amount of current passes, radiation or light is formed.

Incandescent lamps

This version of artificial lighting is characterized by the formation of light from an incandescent body, which heats up to high temperature indicators under the influence of an electric current.

The design can be very diverse, which directly depends on the purpose or operating conditions, but the mandatory elements are always a glass bulb or a cylinder, a filament body, hook holders, a leg, current inputs and a fuse, as well as a standard case, an insulator and bottom contacts in the basement ...

The advantages of such lamps are presented:

  • high color transmitting index;
  • affordable cost;
  • small size;
  • no need to use ballasts;
  • instant ignition;
  • low sensitivity to voltage interruptions;
  • lack of toxic effects on others.

Nevertheless, the decline in popularity is due to some drawbacks, which can be considered as low light output and a short operational life.


The widespread use of fluorescent lamps is quite justified. Such light sources differ in the spectrum, diameter and shape of the bulb, power, physical characteristics of the base and their number, the need to use a starter or the ability to connect without the use of starting equipment.

The principle of operation, as well as the features of the operation of fluorescent lamps, are of the same type for the entire class of these lamps. Under the influence of an electric discharge in mercury vapor, ultraviolet radiation is generated, which is absorbed by the phosphor and forms light radiation.

Fluorescent lamp options

The disadvantages of such lighting devices include the toxicity of the bulb filler and, as a result, the need for proper disposal of failed lamps. You should also take into account the lack of smooth switching on and the inability to adjust the brightness of the lighting.


Such lighting devices are presented in two types.

In the first case, the operability of the light bulb is ensured by the high voltage of the network of 220V without the use of a transformer.

The second option is represented by devices operating under the conditions of using step-down transformers.

Halogen light sources are in great demand as an additional illumination and, if necessary, to ensure complete safety, therefore they are often used in rooms with high humidity.

The main difference from a standard incandescent lamp is the presence of a gas composition with bromine or iodine in the cylinder, which makes it possible to effectively increase the temperature indicators of the incandescent filament and at the same time reduce the level of evaporation of tungsten.

LED lights

LED-type lighting sources have become known to domestic consumers relatively recently. The area of ​​operation of LED luminaires is very wide, thanks to the following undeniable advantages:

  • high environmental friendliness and absence of emission of carbon dioxide or mercury vapor;
  • energy saving up to 60-70% compared to other light sources;
  • durability and lack of the need for regular maintenance;
  • obtaining uniform illumination;
  • lack of effects represented by color spots, stripes and ripples.

Console models are especially popular, which are distinguished by a high level of power and uniform illumination of a large area of ​​space.

All internal parts are reliably protected by a metal and polycarbonate shockproof housing.

Types of lamp bases

Regardless of the nature of light, all types of lamps have a common structural element - the basement. In everyday life, light sources are used with a small (E14), medium (E27) and large (E40) base, as well as fluorescent and halogen lamps with a pin or G-base.

What kinds of lamps are used for artificial lighting?

According to its main purpose, all artificial lighting is divided into several types:

  • work lighting;
  • emergency lighting;
  • special lighting.
In accordance with the implementation parameters, all artificial lighting can also be classified in the following groups:
  • general lighting;
  • local lighting;
  • accent lighting;
  • combined lighting.

In the direction of the luminous flux, artificial lighting can be direct and indirect, as well as mixed and diffused. In residential premises, it is advisable to use standard lighting devices equipped with incandescent lamps or energy-saving lamps with an increased coefficient of energy-to-light conversion.

Any halogen lamps are very sensitive to voltage surges and often fail at home, and a starting device is required to connect fluorescent lamps.

It is strongly not recommended to use neon, xenon and arc lamps in residential premises, which are characterized by high pressure in the bulb, limited service life, high starting and operating currents, as well as strong heating and fire hazard.


When choosing a light source, you need to focus primarily on the nature and conditions of use, as well as the area of ​​the room.

The most common incandescent lamps with thermal radiation in our country are very convenient and completely undemanding to operate, but it is the fluorescent lamps that are usually used in rooms where it is necessary to create the most favorable lighting conditions.

Video on the topic

Incandescent lamp Is an artificial light source in which light is emitted by an electric-heated spiral of refractory metal.

In 1874, Russian scientist Alexander Lodygin first introduced several light bulbs with a tungsten incandescent body. His samples became the prototype of all modern incandescent lamps.

All incandescent lamps, including halogen ones, operate on the principle of heating the filament (body) of the incandescent to a temperature from 2700 ° K to 3000 ° K, as a result of the flow of electric current through them.

Incandescent lamp design

The main element of any incandescent lamp is a filament, which is usually made of thin, wire, less often a ribbon, of tungsten. In order for the thread to be compact, it is twisted into a spiral, and the twisted thread is twisted into a spiral again, a bispiral is obtained. Thanks to this design, with a long tungsten wire, the filament of the light bulb is compact.

For durability, the filament is placed in a flask, from which air is evacuated. Otherwise, tungsten will quickly oxidize and burn out in the air. To increase the efficiency (efficiency), the bulbs of high-power lamps are filled with a mixture of nitrogen gases with inert argon. If high reliability is required, then the flask is filled with a pure inert gas - argon, krypton or xenon under pressure, for example, halogen bulbs and for car headlights are filled with bromine or iodine halogen vapors. But the cost of such bulbs is several times higher.

To supply electric current and fix the filament in the center of the bulb, current leads are used, in which the filament is crimped or spot-welded on one side, and their other ends are soldered or spot-welded to the base.

GOST R IEC 60238-99 applies to the threads of lamp caps, according to which three types of caps for a 220 V network are available. E27 is the most common. E14 is called a minion in everyday life (usually such bulbs are installed for illumination in refrigerators, microwave ovens). E40 - for street lamps. The number after the letter indicates the outer thread diameter of the base / plinth. Automotive bulbs for the H4 headlight are produced mainly with a British standard base (the base for the headlight bulb in the photo is in the center).

The cap is not installed on capsular halogen incandescent lamps, the supply voltage is supplied directly to the current leads, made in the form of two pins. Sometimes the ends of the pins have a cylindrical thickening, which makes it possible to more reliably fix the light bulb in the luminaire and provide better contact with the contacts of the holder. To remove a light bulb from a socket of this design, you need to turn it a few degrees counterclockwise. The cylinders will disengage and the bulb will be released.

Incandescent light bulb "Ilyich"

Incandescent lamps are quickly being replaced by energy-saving and LED light sources, since their cost has become comparable to the cost of Ilyich's bulbs.

The principle of operation of a light bulb is simple, an electric current passes through the tungsten filament. Since the specific resistance of the filament is hundreds of times higher than that of the current-carrying conductors, it heats up to a temperature of more than 2000 ° and emits thermal and light energy. Unfortunately, light radiation accounts for at best 4% of the power consumption. It would be more accurate to call a light bulb a heating element than a light source. Low efficiency is the main drawback of "Ilyich" bulbs. Average bulb life is 1000 hours.

In Russia, according to the law of 23.11.2009 N261-FZ (as amended on 23.04.2018) "On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", from January 1, 2014, the use of incandescent lamps with a capacity of twenty-five watts and more for lighting in AC circuits.

Of course, the "Ilyich" light bulb, thanks to the appearance of LED light sources, is living out its day and will become history in the near future. The main disadvantages of incandescent lamps include low efficiency, significant heat release, which imposes additional requirements on the thermal stability of the fixture of lamps, a large dependence of the luminous flux and service life on the value of the supply voltage (when the voltage is exceeded by 10%, the service life is reduced by 95%), fragility ... Although the emission spectrum of incandescent lamps differs from that of the sun, the human eye has adapted to such light, since a candle has a yellow-red emission spectrum, the fire of a fire with which a person has lived for thousands of years.

A halogen lamp differs from an incandescent lamp in that it has smaller overall dimensions, higher efficiency and several times longer service life. In fact, this is the same "Ilyich" light bulb, but improved taking into account the latest achievements of science and technology. The bulb of a halogen bulb is made of quartz glass and is filled under pressure with bromine or iodine halogen vapors, thanks to which the service life of halogen bulbs is brought up to 4000 hours, and the filament temperature of the spiral reaches 3000 ° K.

In a halogen light bulb, the tungsten filament also evaporates when heated, but unlike a simple incandescent light bulb, a cloud of tungsten, due to chemical reaction with halogens at high temperatures, returns back to the filament. Thanks to this process, it became possible to produce miniature high-power light bulbs, increase the efficiency up to 15% and increase the service life up to 4000 hours, and with the use of inrush current limiters when a halogen bulb is turned on (the resistance of the filament in a cold state is ten times less than in a heated ) up to 12000 hours.

The emission spectrum of halogen bulbs is more natural than simple incandescent bulbs, and they are ideal artificial light sources for color-related work such as artists. Since the bulb of the light bulb is made of quartz glass, it emits ultraviolet rays when glowing, which allows you to even sunbathe under it.

Halogen bulbs in the car

There is currently no alternative to H4 halogen headlight bulbs. High power, resistance to shaking and vibration, natural light, small dimensions, operation at any ambient temperature, long service life, low price - an almost ideal light bulb. There are, of course, more advanced bulbs for a car headlight - xenon (they do not have a filament, the light emits a discharge between two electrodes in xenon gas), bi-xenon and LED, but their price is quite high.

Such bulbs cannot be installed instead of the standard ones, and the entire headlight unit must be replaced. In addition, the optics of headlights with xenon lamps must be kept in a perfectly clean condition; at the slightest pollution, the light begins to scatter and dazzle the drivers of oncoming vehicles.

In one bulb of a halogen bulb for car headlights, two filaments are mounted at once. This solution made it possible to use one instead of two separate lamps.

The voltage on the filament is applied in turn, depending on the need to turn on the dipped or main beam headlights. In such a light bulb, one terminal for two filaments is common and the lamp base has only three terminals.

Halogen bulbs designed for a voltage of 220 V are connected directly to the electrical network, and since power surges occur in the household network, the bulbs quickly burn out. Therefore, I advise you to use 12 V halogen bulbs with a step-down transformer or ballast.

To prevent premature failure of the halogen bulb, contamination of the bulb is unacceptable, since it heats up to a temperature of 250 ° C, and dirt impairs heat dissipation and the bulb overheats. When installing a halogen bulb in the lamp, touching the bulb with your hands is not allowed, since there are traces of fat and grease on it, which, when burned, violate the uniformity of heating of the bulb, as a result, the glass is stressed and the bulb may collapse. If you accidentally touch it, then the dirt from the bulb must be removed with a solvent or detergent and must be dried before connecting the lamp to the mains.