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Stylish plugin for Yandex browser. Yandex Browser - extensions and themes come from Chrome, and the functionality even surpasses it. My ranking of important browser extensions

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Imagine the situation: you use a website every day, it makes you happy, but there is some kind of flaw in the design that interferes with the perception of content or even annoys. And then you ask yourself: “What if you could set your own styles for sites? After all, the display of the site is generated by the browser from source code, how can I get into this display generation process and make my own changes? "

To be honest, I don’t remember why I had this question for the first time, but it sounded about the same. Then I even wanted to poke around in the browser files, but I was too lazy - and I did the right thing. There is no need to poke around in the files (besides, after updating the browser version, you will have to poke around again), because an element has already been invented to influence the styles of all or certain sites: - addon for Firefox.

But first, a concrete example. For some reason, for some reason, Nadyusha has recently displayed a crooked display of results. Either the search engine is at odds with new version cool Firefox browser, or the plugin spoils some picture, but the output looks like this:

It takes a long time to find out who is to blame, but what to do - the answer is obvious. Just don't write in Yandex. "Stylish free download"- you will pump more viruses. We take this plugin on the official repository:

By clicking on the link, you will see the same thing that I have in the picture at the beginning of the post. There you need to click "Add to Firefox", perform a few more intuitive clicks and restart the browser (the addon will offer this itself after installation).

Now you need to create a new style on the Yandex issue page. In the picture on the left, I showed how I clicked on the Stylish icon at the bottom of the browser and selected "Create a new style for".

After that, a window will open where you need to enter a new style. By the way, what was the design problem, I was helped to find out another FF plugin - FireBug. Oddly enough, I haven't written about him on this blog yet. (Fixed:.) And here is the window of the style being created:

For correction, I entered the following styles into this window:

B-serp-item (padding-left: 60px! Important;) b-serp-item__favicon, .b-wizard-icon (left: 30px! Important;)

The rest of the code was already pre-filled. He indicates that the design will be applied only to the site Save and see the result:

Beautiful? By the way, this is not my first experience with the Stylish plugin. I can show you one more option. Zusiks once complained that on the blog, under the articles, the subscription buttons do not look adequate, namely like this:

I can fix this in the styles of the site, but the reason for this display is that the RDS plugin, in order to highlight the noindex (in which I have placed the subscription text), puts this text in the container so that inline elements become elements of block type.

In general, I created a special style for the pageNoIndex_hilite class block, which RDS creates. Now it looks like the picture on the right for me.

Such is the beauty now. Of course, I made this style not only to make look beautiful for me. I did this so that all the elements of all sites that are inside the noindex at the first nesting level are highlighted with a translucent background with checkers - so I will definitely not miss the noindex now. And the text in this non-indexed block will no longer merge with the background of the noindex highlighting, as it sometimes happened before. Plus, the "inline / block" jamb that I've seen on some other sites won't bother you anymore. Otherwise, I had to turn off this SEO highlight before in order to look at the site normally. And here I applied the following styles:

PageNoIndex_hilite (display: inline! Important;) .pageNoIndex_hilite * (background: url ("");) .pageNoIndex_hilite * * ( background: transparent;)

Of course, it would be more correct to encode the picture in base64 and paste it in the form of text, otherwise it's a little lame ... But the main thing is that it works!

That's it, now you yourself are responsible for ensuring that the sites you displayed beautifully. And now I will also make you rich. Use Yeisk discounts if you shop in Yeisk. The Couponator will help you with this. As some guy said with a dollar bill: "A cent saved is a cent earned."

Among the useful functions of the browser, developed by the domestic corporation Yandex, special attention should be paid to the possibility of its modification in order to expand the functionality available to the user.

This became possible thanks to the use in the development of another browser -Opera, as a basis for a future program. While you won't be surprised by the new theme change extension nowadays, the stylish add-on seems to be unique.

Application for themes

The change seems to be a familiar and even routine operation for the user that does not require any additions or extensions. However, if you install the stylish add-on for the Yandex browser, you can edit the appearance not of the web surfing program itself, but of the sites visited, which opens up unprecedented opportunities.

The user can choose the theme he likes for a number of popular portals, such as:

  • Search aggregators like Yandex, Google, Yahu and others;
  • Popular social networks including facebook, twitter, instagram;
  • Most other sites.

This application, in itself, is a kind of theme manager for sites that allows you to easily download new ones and delete old ones, as well as edit animation, font size, color schemes and a number of other parameters of web pages available in the settings.

Due to the fact that the Yandex browser is based on the popular Opera, as well as Chrome, add-ons for them work flawlessly in all three programs.

Installation process

In order for the user to have the opportunity to create their own unique Facebook design for further use, you will need to install the application. The installation process is completely standard and assumes the following sequence of actions. First, the user goes to the extension page either in the corresponding service, or on the official website of the style, after which he should press the download button.

Upon completion, the user will be prompted to install the extension, to which he should agree and wait for the end of the process. Then, you will need to go to the installed add-ons by clicking first on the icon of three horizontal stripes located in the upper right corner, and then in the list that appears, selecting the desired item.

Having found the installed extension, you will need to enable it by clicking the corresponding button, after which the user will have full access to its functionality.

Video to help

Now there are many extensions that make the work in the browser more comfortable, and certain tasks can be completed faster. But similar software products not only give us additional functions, but also can visually change the site by installing themes. One of these extensions is called Stylish. But some users notice that it does not work in Yandex Browser. Let's deal with possible reasons problems and consider options for solving them.

Immediately you need to pay attention that the add-on may not work in different ways - for someone it is not installed, and someone cannot put a theme for the site. The solutions will also be different. Therefore, you need to find the corresponding problem and see how to solve it.

Stylish is not installed

In this case, most likely, the problem does not apply to one extension, but to all at once. If you see a similar window with an error when installing an extension, then the methods given below should help solve this problem.

Method 1: workaround

If you very rarely use the installation of extensions and do not want to waste time on a complete solution to this problem, then there is an opportunity to use a third-party site with which you can install the add-on. This installation can be done as follows:

Now you can use the installed extension.

Method 2: Complete solution to the problem

If you plan to install any additional add-ons, then it is better to solve the problem immediately so that no errors arise in the future. This can be done by changing hosts file... For this:

Now you have a clean hosts file settings and can install extensions.

Stylish doesn't work

If you have installed the add-on, but cannot use it, then the following instructions and solutions to this problem will help you.

Method 1: enable the extension

If the installation was successful, but you do not see the add-on in the browser bar at the top right, as shown in the screenshot below, then it is disabled.

You can enable Stylish as follows:

Now you can install themes for popular sites.

Method 2: setting a different style

If you installed a theme on the site, and its appearance remained the same even after refreshing the page, then this style is no longer supported. You need to deactivate it and install a new style you like. You can do it like this:

These are the main solutions to problems that may arise with the Stylish add-on in Yandex Browser. If these methods did not help solve your problem, then contact the developer through the Stylish download window in the Google store in the tab "Support".

Stylish - addon for Firefox browsers, Chrome and Opera, which allows you to change the display styles of sites. After installing the add-on, in order to install the style, select it and click on "Install" in the green box. In order to activate, deactivate, edit or delete styles, you can use the "Manage" dialog. In the web browser menu, click on "Tools" - "Add-ons" - "User Styles". You can also perform certain operations from the Stylish extension icon in the status bar at the bottom of the browser screen.

It is sometimes useful to turn off all styles in order to see if Stylish is causing any display problems. Instead of deleting all styles, or deactivating the plugin completely, you can use the "Turn all styles off" option, which can be found in the menu that opens when you click on the program icon. There is also an item "Turn all styles on", which will turn all styles on again.