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How to turn on the sensor on a packard bell laptop. The touchpad on the laptop is not working.

Let's start with an ordinary question computer literacy: "What is a touchpad in a laptop?"

Laptops, netbooks and other similar portable devices (for example) usually include a built-in computer mouse. This built-in mouse is not at all like the usual computer mouse that you can move around the table and press buttons.

The built-in mouse in portable notebook computers has a completely different design. If an ordinary mouse moves on the table, then the built-in mouse of portable computers stands, as they say, tightly. But you can move it with your fingers, which is completely analogous in response to the movement of an ordinary computer mouse on the table.

Pros of the touchpad or what is the touchpad for?

Such a fixed device of the built-in mouse is convenient for laptop computers, where you need to have as few moving parts as possible. Precisely due to the fact that the computer itself is portable, it is not desirable to have something else moving in it.

On this built-in mouse, you can not only move your finger, but also perform many other actions. For example, you can tap on the built-in mouse, which will be similar to clicking on left button the usual computer mouse... In more advanced computers, especially in MAC production Apple, on the built-in mouse, you can rotate the image, zoom in or out with the movements of several fingers, and perform many other convenient actions.

Also, built-in mice of portable computers have left and right buttons, completely analogous to the left and right buttons of a conventional computer mouse.

Since actions on the built-in computer mouse of portable portable devices are performed most often by touching the fingers on a rectangular platform on the computer case, this mouse got its name "touchpad" from the English words "touch" - to touch and "pad" - a platform. That is, in plain language

"Touchpad" means "touch the pad with your fingers."

And speaking in technical terms, then

"Touchpad" means " Touchpad».

Cons of the touchpad or how the touchpad gets in the way

Any convenience can always have a downside - inconvenience. This "law of harm" has not bypassed the touchpad, touchpad, built-in mouse of laptop computers. The fact is that usually this touch panel is structurally located just below the computer keyboard (laptop, netbook, tablet computer etc.). When working with the keyboard, you can unnoticed by yourself accidentally touch the touchpad, the very panel (pad) located below the keyboard.

The touchpad can perceive any touch not only with a finger, but also, for example, with the cuff of a shirt, as a signal for action. This false signal will send a signal to the computer from the touchpad, for example, to move the mouse cursor up, down, left or right.

And now imagine, for example, that you are typing text. And suddenly, at some point, the mouse cursor "slides" to a completely different place in the text, where you continue, without suspecting anything, to type the text further. Not everyone knows the method, so when typing, all attention is usually directed not to the screen, but to the keyboard. And you simply do not notice that the cursor has already "moved out" for a long time, and the test is printed completely not where it should be.

Unpleasant? Still would. And then you have to edit everything, look for where the text "went". Extract it from there, move it to where this text belongs. It takes a long time and sometimes tedious to fix everything.

Therefore, the developers of portable notebook computers have long been concerned with the problem of temporarily turning off the touchpad, touchpad, and built-in mouse. If, of course, the user needs it. This off function (and, of course, on if the touchpad is again in demand) is very convenient. Therefore, it is always useful to know and be able to use this function.

Conclusions and main question:

The touchpad is analogous to a computer mouse. The appearance of such a touch panel is due to the peculiarity of portable computers.

At home, where a laptop can be placed on a table, many people prefer to use a regular computer mouse. Only then can the included touchpad get in the way.

The question arises: is it possible to disable / enable the touchpad?

Manufacturers have worried about the function of turning off the touchpad: laptops have a special key or key combination. Any special technical or software no need to resort.

Option 1, how to enable or disable the touchpad on a laptop

Modern notebook models have a small indentation in the corner of the touchpad. This is the touchpad on / off button. By pressing it twice, you activate the touchpad or disable it if it was on. This is very convenient, although not all models of portable notebook computers provide such a button.

Option 2, how to enable or disable the touchpad on a laptop

In other laptops, to enable / disable the touchpad, you need to press the Fn key combination and one of the top row F1-F12. The Fn key is usually found in the lower-right corner of your keyboard. Which of the F1-F12 keys to press can be judged by the icons applied on them, which are made in the same color as Fn.

For a Sony Vaio laptop, you can disable / enable the touchpad using the Fn + F1 keys. We pressed Fn + F1 once and thus disabled the touchpad. Pressing Fn + F1 again will re-enable the touchpad.

Rice. 1 For Sony Vaio laptop, you can disable / enable the touchpad using the Fn + F1 keys.

The icon for turning on / off the touch panel usually looks like this touch panel - a rectangle with rounded corners (the image of the "platform"), under which two small rectangles are shown (like buttons, the left and right buttons mouse) and on top of all this there is a cross, like the letter "x", meaning "off." But there may be other mnemonic images of the touch panel, here the computer manufacturers are trying their best.

Option 3, how to enable / disable the touchpad on a laptop

If, for some reason, using the described methods, it is impossible to enable or disable the touchpad with a special button or with the help, then this can be done through the BIOS settings. To access these settings, you need to hold down the F2 or Del key while starting the laptop. As a rule, when turned on, a hint is displayed at the bottom of the screen which key to press. It must be remembered that this prompt appears for a very short time. And you need to press this key exactly at the moment when the prompt is displayed. Otherwise, it will be impossible to enter the BIOS setup program; you will need to restart the laptop.

In the BIOS settings, we find the Pointing Device item (literally "pointing devices"). Change its value to Enabled (literal translation "Enabled") if you want to enable the touchpad, or to Disabled (literal translation "Disabled") to disable the device. Then exit with saving (as a rule, this item in the BIOS setup menu looks like "Save & Exit" or "Exit with Saving") for the changes to take effect.

Remember with BIOS settings you need to be more careful, especially if you do not know what this or that setting is for. You can even damage your computer to such an extent that it cannot be repaired, this is how this BIOS is "insidious".

Option 4, how to enable / disable the touchpad on a laptop

Another way to find information on how to disable / enable the touchpad on a laptop. To do this, you can use the instructions for your laptop, which recently, as a rule, are not in paper, but in in electronic format located on the hard drive C: of the laptop, usually in the “Documentation” folder, but not necessarily there.

When all 4 options don't work

So, the touchpad is easy to turn on and off. But if the touch panel cannot be turned on using the described methods, then the device is probably defective or not installed, for example, as a result of reinstallation operating system(I wanted, say, instead of the "native" XP, to install the seven, or instead of the "native" seven - the eight!). But that, as they say, is another story.

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Although modern mobile and stationary models of computers are very similar in terms of the components used, there are a number of features that make it possible, even from a simple description, to indicate exactly what it is about. For example, such a component as a touchpad is inherent only in portable solutions, while stationary ones use a mouse-type manipulator.

Physically, the touchpad is a small one built into the laptop case in front of the block of alphanumeric keys. To make the cursor move in programs, just slide your finger over it. Accordingly, a simple point touch is treated by the system in the same way as a mouse click. Quite a convenient solution, since there is no need to carry a mouse with you to control. However, sometimes laptop owners wonder why the touchpad does not work. Believe it or not, even this seemingly reliable device can malfunction. So why isn't the touchpad working?

Adjusting settings

Since there are a number of possible reasons, because of which the touchpad does not work, then to determine it, you need to independently perform a simple diagnosis. First of all, it is necessary to determine exactly how the failure manifests itself: the sensor does not react in any way to finger touches, or the cursor moves unstably, as if it "jams".

Both in the first and in the second case, first of all, it is necessary to install the appropriate driver in the system. This control program can be found on the disc that comes with the laptop, or downloaded from the manufacturer's website. The type of touchpad is specified in the specifications for the computer. So, if Asus, then you should find a description of the required model on the company's website in the "Support" section, where the type of touch panel is precisely indicated. After that (if the cursor moves unstably) you need to go to the "Mouse" item and move the slider to change the sensitivity.

Shutdown by standard means

However, much more often users are faced with the fact that the touchpad does not work partially, but completely. Surprisingly, the main reason for this lies in the actions of the person himself, and not in damage to components. The fact is that laptop manufacturers provide for the ability to disable the touchpad by pressing a certain combination of buttons. The peculiarity is that in this way the turned off panel cannot be activated by simply reinstalling the operating system. The computer simply "memorizes" the state, and to restore the operability, you must press the appropriate combination of buttons again. That is, if the touchpad does not work, you need to press the Fn keys and one of the system F (1-12). Usually, the image of the touch panel is applied to the desired one. Note that there are models of portable computers that automatically block the operation of the sensor when a USB mouse is connected.

System BIOS

The program for testing and tuning any computer allows you to make adjustments to the work of many components. Therefore, if the touchpad does not work, then you need to make sure that its work is not prohibited in the BIOS. To do this, immediately after turning on the laptop, you need to press F2 (depending on the manufacturer), select the Advanced section and set the Enabled state opposite the Internal Pointing Device line.

Hardware problems

Since the touchpad is attached to motherboard by means of a loop, sometimes the latter is removed from the connector, causing malfunctions. It is necessary to disassemble the laptop and check the condition of the loop. Also, due to high internal temperatures, a situation may arise when the touchpad controller itself is damaged. In this case, you need to contact the service center.

Touchpad not working on ASUS laptop

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The touchpad performs functions similar to those for which it is intended PC mouse... Although many laptop users would prefer the second option of the pointing device, for some, working with the touch panel has become quite familiar and somewhat even more convenient.

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The touchpad or touchpad on a laptop is a built-in mouse that is designed to make use of laptop more convenient. This device was invented back in 1988, and the popularity of the touch panel came only 6 years later, when it was installed on Apple PowerBook laptops.

And although many users still prefer to use a separate one, disabling the touchpad, we all have at least sometimes, but there are situations when there is no mouse at hand and you need to use the built-in one. What to do if the touchpad on a laptop stops working - we will find out about this below.

Why doesn't the touchpad on my laptop work?

There may be several reasons. Let's start in order with the simplest one. In 90% of cases, everything is solved by simply turning on the touchpad on the keyboard. For this, special combinations are intended, when one key is the Fn function button, and the second is one of the 12 F at the top of the keyboard.

Here are the combination options for different models laptops:

  • Acer - Fn + F7;
  • Asus - Fn + F9;
  • Dell - Fn + F5;
  • Fujitsu - Fn + F4;
  • Gigabyte - Fn + F1;
  • Lenovo - Fn + F6.

But not all manufacturing firms are so simple. For example, when the touchpad on the Asus laptop does not work, then you need to press the appropriate key combination, but if the touchpad on the HP laptop does not work, everything is different.

This and some other companies are moving away from the usual keyboard layout, putting the button for turning on the touchpad on the panel itself, placing it in the upper left corner. It has a light indication for easy recognition of the on / off state of the touchpad. You just need to double tap on the indicator, which is a touch button.

Another reason why the touch panel does not work on may be common contamination of the panel and touching it with wet fingers. You just need to wipe the touchpad with a damp cloth and then wipe the surface dry. Well, or dry your hands.

Software enable touchpad

After reinstalling the OS, sometimes there are problems with correct work touch panel. It has to do with the device driver. You just need to install required driver from the disk that comes with the laptop or download it from the manufacturer's website.

Less common, but still taking place is disabling the touchpad in the laptop BIOS. And to fix the problem, you will have to go into this very BIOS. This can be done at the time of computer boot by pressing a certain button. Depending on the brand of laptop, it can be Del, Esc, F1, F2, F10 and others.

To determine the moment to press, you need to follow the inscriptions - the name of the key to enter the BIOS should appear. After entering, you need to find the menu item that is responsible for managing built-in devices and see its state.

Enabling / disabling the touchpad is determined by the inscriptions Enabled and Disabled, respectively. After selecting the desired state, you must save the changes.

Hardware breakdown of the laptop touchpad

When none of these methods had the desired effect, doubts creep in about the hardware, that is, the physical breakdown of the touchpad. This may be a bad connection of the cable to the motherboard or mechanical damage to the panel. In the first case, it is enough just to fix the connection connector.

It is only necessary to undertake self-elimination of such reasons if you are completely confident in your knowledge and skills in disassembling and assembling a laptop. Otherwise, we recommend that you seek qualified help from a specialist.

Despite the howl of mobility, the touchpad on a laptop is not one of the most popular controls, but rather is perceived as an alternative. But in vain. Conveniences are obvious. Laptops are getting smaller and they can be easily carried along with in one purse, and for "charging" and a mouse you also need, albeit small, but additional compartments. Also, everyone understands perfectly well that working with a mouse when the laptop is on your lap is at least uncomfortable. Personalizing the touchpad allows you to optimize your work as much as possible. And let it be inconvenient to play, of course, but to work is more than enough.

For those who do not understand what kind of "Path" we are talking about, I will clarify. The touchpad is a touchpad, usually with two buttons, which is located exactly under the laptop keyboard. By moving your finger across the panel, you control the cursor. Multi-touch touchpads allow you to zoom in or out on the highlighted work area... But there are malfunctions due to which on a laptop How to solve such a problem, we will try to figure it out.

Most often, people are tormented not so much by the breakdown of the touch panel as by it incorrect work... Either the cursor "jumps" across the screen, then it must be moved in one direction, and it "flies away" in the opposite direction, then slowly, then it moves quickly ... In a word, it behaves unpredictably. It is unlikely that the touchpad setting is knocked down; most likely, you recently had lunch while sitting in front of your computer. A simple greasy spot on the touchpad is full of surprises. The problem is usually solved simply. You need a soapy cotton swab, a wet wipe, and 15 minutes of free time. The procedure, I think, is clear.

The touchpad is clean, but the result is still not positive? Then you may have used the panel with clean but not dry hands. The touchpad does not tolerate water droplets. Of course, it does not absorb moisture, but this is noticeably reflected in the quality of work. Keep your fingers clean and dry. As a last resort, you should go to the settings and run the "Mouse" tab. Adjust the sensitivity. Maybe this is the problem. If the additional functions of the touch panel do not work for you, for example, scrolling, and everything is fine, then this is your software's fault. Download and install from the site produce updated drivers and you will be happy.

It happens that the touchpad does not work on a laptop under any circumstances. No reactions to direct exposure. The option is not excluded that it is simply disabled. How to turn on the touchpad on a laptop is not difficult to find out. Just take a close look at the keyboard. Hold down the Fn key in combination with one of the F5-12. Hotkeys are assigned differently on laptops, but there are not so many options. Try it.

It happens that a simple failure of the standard utilities settings makes the touchpad not work on the laptop. Check the status of the programs in the lower right corner of the desktop, next to the clock. The failure may have occurred due to an improper shutdown of the computer.

Things are worse when you know everything possible ways how to turn on the touchpad on a laptop and everyone tried them, but the problem is its damage. Perhaps you hit him in a fit of anger. Remember! Every blow to your laptop is a serious blow to your pocket. Think twice and write it down.

As a last resort. Touchpad not working on laptop? Buy yourself a portable USB mouse and don't worry about refurbishing your touchpad. This is exactly what they do in most cases. A broken touchpad is often beyond repair. It has to be changed at the service center. This service costs from $ 20. Now decide what is more convenient for you. Probably, knowing the state of affairs, now most of you will prefer to use the technique more and more. Especially this should be taught to children who love to eat near the computer - and you will save the equipment, and you will teach the children a lesson in upbringing, and the question of what to do when the touchpad does not work on the laptop will stop worrying you.