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How to enable flash player if it is installed but disabled. Adobe Flash Player: how to enable. Detailed instructions.

Dear friends, I am glad to welcome you to my blog. Alexander Melnichuk is in touch, and in this article, I want to tell you how to enable Adobe flash Player in Yandex browser. It would seem a completely trivial question, but many users do not know where and how this add-on is included. As a result, they experience a ton of inconvenience associated with playing videos on different sites.

The algorithm of our work to fix this problem will be as follows. First, launch Yandex browser and in address bar enter the following link (can be copied from the article):

browser: // plugins

Press Enter, and you will see a window with all installed browser add-ons.

In the same window, on the upper right side, there is a More details link, which you need to follow. Will open full information by add-ons, including the Adobe module Flash Player.

There are 2 such modules installed in my browser, most likely you will have a similar situation.

We make sure that at the bottom of each module there is a link with the inscription Disable, if there is no such inscription, then click the Enable link. This is in order to enable two add-ons. Restart the browser and check the video playback. If the problem persists, then we try to disable the add-ons one at a time and restart the browser after each change.

Usually, these procedures are enough and the user already knows how to enable Adobe Flash Player in the Yandex browser. But sometimes there are situations when enabling / disabling add-ons does not solve the video playback problem.

In this case, you need to go to the Control Panel and select the Programs component - Uninstall Programs (item - Add or Remove Programs for Windows XP). In the list that opens, select the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and remove it. Close all browsers on the system before uninstalling!

After removing the module, restart your computer, and go by this link to download the most recent version of the add-on. After downloading, we launch the installation of the application and accept the license agreement. All browsers must be closed!

We are waiting for the completion of the installation process and restart the computer again. The new version is installed.

Now it remains to check if the add-on is enabled in your browser. You already know how to do this.

That's it, now you shouldn't have any problems with playing all kinds of videos on websites.

That's all for me, see you soon!

Found a video on the Internet, but the video is not produced in your Yandex browser? The first probable cause is an unplugged or incorrectly configured flash player. Flash Player is a special software add-on for your computer that opens up wide perspectives when working with Internet resources. Watching colorful animations, video clips, online films, games - all this you can watch on the sites thanks to the flash player. It is easy and simple to launch the module, but many do not know how to do it. How to turn on the flash player in a couple of minutes, read on.

Features of setting up Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser

Every modern person has a computer, laptop, modern phone or tablet from which they access the Internet. For example, young people often watch videos on Yandex, listen to songs, play Online Games... All this is impossible to reproduce without certain modules like Adobe Flash Player. This player has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages are:

  • The add-on is free, no activation required.
  • The ability to play audio, media, flash files in Yandex.
  • Installation of the product does not require any special skills from a person; it is fast, understandable, and easy.
  • Flash is used to play more than 50 percent of all modern Internet resources.

The disadvantages include:

  • Excessive load on the processor of a portable device or computer.
  • Frequent crashes in flash content.
  • The need to constantly update the player.

To properly configure the player in Yandex, consider some features:

  • Always check the relevance of the Yandex version before updating or installing a new module.
  • Do not use two players turned on at the same time.
  • After enabling the module, configure it automatic update.
  • Download the program only from the official site.

Step-by-step instructions for setting up Flash player in Yandex browser

The player is configured differently for each browser. It only takes a minute or two to turn it on, but many people waste a lot of time not knowing how to do it. Before proceeding to step by step setup player, you need to know that this module is built into the default browser engine and is installed automatically with the first Yandex update. But if you are unable to view the video on the site, there is a good chance that the Adobe Flash Player application is disabled. To set it up, follow the instructions below:

  1. Open Yandex, in the address bar write a line without quotation marks "browser: // plugins" (plug-ins).
  2. You will see a page with a list of all downloaded and installed additional modules for the browser. On the same page on the right there is a button "Details", by clicking on which, complete information on all installed applications.
  3. Look carefully at the list, find the line with the name Adobe Flash Player.
  4. Finding required application, first of all, see how many modules are loaded. If there is one, press the "connect" key and reload the browser.
  5. If you have two players installed (old and a new version) and both are enabled, the video may not work, so you should disable the old version, leave the new one working and restart the browser.

How to install the latest free plugin

Another reason why the video does not work in your browser may be an outdated version of the player. Yandex has a setting for automatic updating of the flash player, but if it has been disabled, you need to update it manually. For correct installation, use the following method and instructions:

  1. First of all, you need to check the version of the player and the need to update it. Open Yandex, click on the icon in the upper right corner - "Yandex browser settings".
  2. Go to the "Advanced" menu, select the line "about the Yandex browser".
  3. A page will open in a new window, and a check of the relevance of Yandex and its modules will begin.
  4. If updates are found, they will be executed. automatic installation.
  5. When there are no updates, and the browser says about an outdated version of the player, we install the latest version ourselves. Before that, you need to get rid of all the "tails" of the old player so that there is no unnecessary load on the system and everything works fine.
  6. Close Yandex, go to the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel". We need the item "Programs and Features", open it.
  7. You will see a list with all programs and add-ons installed in the operating system. We are looking for Adobe Flash Player, click on the "Remove" button.
  8. After uninstalling, restart the operating system to avoid possible conflicts software.
  9. We open our browser and go to the official Adobe Flash Player resource. It is recommended to download the product only from the developer's website in order to be sure that the flash player will work properly and viruses will not be downloaded to the computer along with it.
  10. After the Player has finished downloading, close Yandex again and open the downloaded installation file.
  11. Install the program following the instructions in the window that appears, check the box under the license agreement.
  12. Upon completion of the installation, click "Finish", restart the laptop or computer.
  13. Then, go to the Yandex browser and use the already known method to turn on the flash player.

What to do if you can't turn on Flash Player

Sometimes, for a number of different reasons, malfunctions of the flash player are possible: both the version is new, and only one module is loaded for operation, but it cannot be activated. Let's take a look at the common causes of Flash Player crashes and their solutions:

  1. Included other browser modules (ad blockers, firewall) that interfere with the flash player. Try to disable some applications from the list of plugins.
  2. Incorrect installation of the player. Often, due to carelessness, users forget to close the browser or reload after installing the player operating system and the result is an incorrectly installed module. The solution to the problem is to reinstall the plugin, strictly following the instructions step by step instructions.
  3. Outdated browser. If your Yandex has not been updated for a long time, it may not support the new version of the player. First uninstall the plugin, update the browser, then do new installation and setting up Flash Player.
  4. Obsolete Java version platforms. Java powers many online applications if its version is not up-to-date, update it.
  5. Module locked antivirus program... Antivirus often blocks the flash to ensure the security of the system. To solve the problem, add Flash program Player to antivirus exceptions.

Video: how to update plugins flash player for yandex browser

An unforgettable positive impression of a movie or video you watched in Yandex will be ensured by a correctly installed, up-to-date version of the flash player. If you do not know or are not sure that you remember how to update the plugin yourself, study the following video instruction. Here, step by step, the steps that need to be taken for the stable operation of all flash applications in Yandex are described.

Abode Flash Player is used by browsers to play video and audio files online, as well as to run browser games and various interactive web interfaces. V Google chrome By default, its own version of Flash Player is installed, which cannot be updated manually - the browser does it automatically. However, you can use the regular version as well as for other programs. This article describes how to enable or disable the plugin Shockwave Flash Player in Google browser Chrome or update it. It also provides information on resolving conflicts between two different versions of Shockwave.

Unlike most Google Chrome settings, it is impossible to enable or disable Flash Player through the standard configuration menu. To do this, you will need to follow several steps indicated in the instructions:

How to update Flash Player

If, when playing music or video files, Google Chrome gives you a notification that you need to update the current Flash version Player, then for some reason the automatic update does not work. To download the current version of the plugin manually, follow the instructions:

Adobe Shockwave plugin not responding

If the error "Adobe Shockwave is not responding" appears rarely enough, there is no problem. This is just a rare system crash, after which you need to restart your browser and continue working.

Want to watch an interesting video, but your Yandex browser refuses to play video clips? This question is not difficult, but it cannot be called trivial either, because some users do not know how to make settings in a particular browser. Now I will show with an example how to enable Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser so that you can solve this issue on your computer.

I myself have witnessed how the user was poking around in the browser settings for a long time and painfully. Though this setting done in a couple of clicks, to help other users and my readers, I decided to make a small instruction on this issue.

Updating Adobe Flash Player

First, I advise you to delete old version flash player and replace it with a newer one. Attention! If you know how to remove programs by standards Windows tools, then you do not need to read this part of the article, just uninstall Adobe Flash Player and move on.

Before starting this procedure, close all browsers so that the plugin can be removed without any problems. To uninstall this application, you must go to the "Control Panel" and select "Programs and Features" from the list.

After that, a window will open with a list of all programs installed on your system. Select the Adobe Flash Player to uninstall and click on the "Uninstall" button. A window for uninstalling the application you specified opens in front of you. Confirm the deletion by clicking the "Delete" button and wait for the end of this action.

Note: if the program does not want to be removed or the recommendations from the article will not help, then try uninstalling Adobe Flash Player special utility which can be downloaded. This page also describes how to use it, you just need to translate it.

When the uninstallation of the plugin is complete, restart your computer to avoid possible conflicts further. Now go to and download the new version of the player. Open up boot file... This will start the installation of this player on your computer, in which you need to tick the terms of the license agreement. All browsers must be closed! Wait until the installation of the application is completed, then close the window using the "Finish" button. Restart your computer again. The new version is now installed.

Selecting modules in the Yandex browser

To see the required modules, click on the top right "Details".

Find Adobe Flash Player from the entire list. In the screenshot below, you can see two active Shockwave Flash modules. If you have problems with video playback in this browser, then try to disable one of the modules (by clicking on the corresponding link) and restart the browser: close and reopen. If you have both disabled, then click "Enable". It may be that the problem remains, then turn on the module that you just turned off and turn off the other.

Let me remind you, if you did not succeed, then remove the player with a utility from the developers and try the described steps again. Usually this procedure helps in resolving this issue.

Now enjoy watching thrilling movies online or simply fun and entertaining videos. You will no longer have a question on how to enable Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser. After all, you yourself perfectly understand how this is done.

Google Chrome is identical Yandex browser, You can view: