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Hydroacoustic systems pl in anti-submarine warfare. The Navy will purchase hydroacoustic complexes of the Mallard family Recommended list of dissertations

Soviet diesel-electric submarines of post-war construction Gagin Vladimir Vladimirovich


Diesel-electric boats of the first post-war projects "paved the way" for the crews of modern submarines, gaining experience in operating military equipment on ocean voyages, mastering the techniques of under-ice navigation, studying the hydrological and hydrographic situation of strategically important areas of the ocean, practicing anti-submarine search and anti-ship combat tactics.

Tactics anti-submarine warfare often comes down to searching for and detecting enemy submarines using hydroacoustic means before the enemy does.

At the same time, the state of the environment surrounding the submarine becomes of paramount importance, especially such parameters as acoustic convergence zones and the position of the submarine relative to the "thermocline".

Convergence zones are ring-shaped areas around the submarine. Sound heading down from the convergence point located in the convergence zone is refracted depending on the pressure and temperature of the water, moving up and down in relation to the surface in a spiral at irregular intervals, which also depend on the state of the environment surrounding the submarine.

The commander of the ship, trying not to get into these areas - relative to where, in his opinion, the target is, can evade detection. To do this, he needs to be within those areas where sound propagates from its source simply radially.

The easiest way is to take a position above or below the temperature jump layer (thermocline) or below it so that it separates the submarines - then the sounds emitted by its engine will most likely be reflected from the layer and the enemy boat will not detect it.

A temperature jump is a boundary layer of the underwater space that separates warm surface waters from colder deep areas.

Diesel submarines, along with nuclear submarines, occupy a prominent place in the aggressive plans of the leadership of the navies of the countries of the NATO bloc. According to Jane's handbook, in mid-1980, there were 186 diesel boats in the fleets of the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance.

Diesel submarines have certain advantages over nuclear submarines. These include, in particular, less noise, which improves the operating conditions of hydroacoustic stations (GAS) in solving problems of anti-submarine warfare.

At present, according to the foreign press, there has been an integration of hydroacoustic equipment with the CICS and weapon control systems, which is based on the widespread use of computers. As a result, the tactical capabilities of hydroacoustic equipment have changed qualitatively. The probability of detecting targets and classifying the received contact has increased. In addition, it became possible to simultaneously monitor several (up to six) targets and quickly detect changes in their maneuvering, automatically receive information and continuously issue it to all associated systems and visually, in a form convenient for direct use, display on screens and scoreboards, and register if necessary.

Digital signal processing allowed the passive location systems of the submarine to accurately determine the bearing and distance to it only from the noise of the target.

Finally, the integration of various computer-based systems simplified the control over the operation and maintenance of the GAS and made it possible to reduce the maintenance personnel, which is of no small importance for diesel submarines of relatively small displacement.

The main path of the acoustic station is the direction-finding one with a range of several tens of kilometers. In the low-frequency (220 Hz - 7 kHz) range, signals are received on a conformal (combined with the contours of the bow of the hull) acoustic antenna consisting of piezoceramic hydrophones, and in the high-frequency (8 kHz) range, on a cylindrical antenna with hydrophones made of lead zirconate, located near the keel . The cylindrical antenna also serves to track several (up to four) targets. Both noise direction finding channels complement each other. The surrounding area is surveyed by quickly sequentially interrogating a large number of 360° transmitting statically formed directional lobes. Detected noisy targets are bearing-located with high accuracy using the equal-signal method.

The active path made it possible to conduct an all-round view with omnidirectional radiation of one package or with the radiation of a series of packages in successively changing directions, as well as emit single packages in a certain direction. The received echoes are displayed on the indicator screen and can be recorded to measure the Doppler frequency shift.

The passive location path has three receiving antennas on each side of the submarine, mounted flush with the hull in the bow, middle and stern parts. They receive target noises, which are subjected to correlation processing, which makes it possible to determine the target location with sufficient accuracy using three lines of position. Path antennas can be used as additional ones for the noise direction finding path.

The station provides directional and non-directional underwater communication.

The sonar signal detection path makes it possible to detect impulse signals of various origins at a distance of several tens of kilometers, to determine their frequency, duration, and direction to the signal source.

Integrated circuits are widely used in the design of the station, due to this, its dimensions and weight are reduced, and reliability is increased. Target data is displayed on two screens and is automatically sent to the computer autoplotter of the torpedo firing control system, where firing commands are generated.

A simpler hydroacoustic station has also been developed. It includes paths for noise direction finding, echo direction finding and passive location. The search and detection of targets is carried out in the noise direction finding mode using the correlation method of signal processing. After detecting the target, the distance to it is measured by radiation of a directed single message or by the method of passive location.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the use of hydroacoustic surveillance equipment, submarines also have instruments for measuring the speed of sound propagation in water and for signaling the onset of cavitation of propellers, and instruments for monitoring the level of intrinsic noise.

To improve the efficiency of using the HAS, there is a device for constructing ray patterns based on the input data on the actual distribution of sound propagation velocity with increasing depth. The system is capable of functioning in the simulator mode with imitation of signals coming to its input from various targets. All current information entered into the system in the course of its combat work and produced by it can be recorded for subsequent reproduction and analysis. The system is operated by one or two operators.

Other types of GAS have cylindrical sectioned antennas. For a circular view of space, 96 beams of the radiation pattern are statically formed.

Determining the coordinates of detected targets and tracking several targets simultaneously is carried out in all modes with the help of a computer. In the active mode, in order to obtain the maximum range, it is provided for the coordination of radiation parameters (radiated power, frequency, type of burst modulation) with the actual hydrological conditions in the observation area.

In the sonar signal detection mode, the bearing to the signal source, its frequency and amplitude, the duration of the pulses, their repetition rate are determined, and the radiation sources are classified according to the totality of all these signs.

The station can also operate in auxiliary modes: simulator, beam graph and automatic technical condition monitoring, which ensures the detection of faulty modules.

On the GAS console are all the controls and two screens. One of them with a three-color display, which is a circular view indicator, simultaneously displays in the central part the full situation with its own ship in the center and the bearings dial, and along the edges - the full text information about tracked targets (distances, bearings, Doppler frequency shifts, courses, speeds), data about the course and speed of your ship, about the mode and parameters of the GAS. On the second screen, text hierarchical matrices are displayed, the processing of which allows optimizing the process of equipment control. This presentation of information greatly simplifies the maintenance and operation of the station and allows it to be done by a single operator.

In November 1983, the VICTOR-III class nuclear submarine was tasked with recording the noise and other characteristics of the fourth American Ohio-class missile carrier.

According to the crew, the young ambitious captain of our submarine, inspired by the examples of submarine heroes Patriotic War, I decided to almost go into the bay of the adversary's base.

For acoustic camouflage, K-324 in the Sargasso Sea dived under a small boat, following a suitable course. Everything was going fine, when suddenly the speed of our submarine began to drop rapidly, despite the increase in turbine speed to the maximum.

No tricks and guesses of the crew led to positive results - the speed dropped to three knots.

Nothing to be done - had to emerge. To emerge almost in sight of the American shores, in the very "lair", so to speak.

To inspect the main screw, the bow tanks were filled, the boat acquired a decent trim on the bow, and the emergency team, armed with two Kalashnikovs and two PMs (the entire arsenal available on the Soviet nuclear submarine), examined the stern. So it is, some kind of cable turned out to be wound on the shaft, very durable, not amenable to either crowbar or automatic bursts: all efforts were in vain.

The commander decided to go to Cuba on the surface. It was then that American pilots, sailors and tourists on pleasure yachts captured it.

With grief in half crawled to Cuba. The commander was immediately called to the "carpet". But, contrary to the sad assumptions about his fate, the captain returned “on horseback” - the ill-fated cable, wound around the screw by a desperate submariner, turned out to be nothing more than the latest American sonar antenna, which was tested on a nondescript boat by careless Americans.

Our scientists and technologists have received invaluable materials to study…

Emergency submarine K-324 in the Sargasso Sea

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1.1. Statement of the problem of developing a hydroacoustic navigation complex.

1.1.1. IPMT experience in the development of rangefinder navigation systems.

1.1.2. Tasks for the development of GANS-UKB.

1.2. Amplitude methods for determining goniometric information by small-sized (ultra-short-baseline) antennas.

1.2.1. Linear equidistant antenna.

1.2.2. Circular equidistant antenna.

1.2.3. Potential accuracy of amplitude direction finders.

1.3. About measuring the phase shift between two tones distorted by noise.

1.4. Calculation formulas for phase direction finding in systems with antennas of a simple configuration.

1.4.1. Dual Receiver.

1.4.2. Four element receiver.

1.4.3. Six-channel phase direction finder.

1.5. Method for direction finding of a source of navigation signals using circular discrete antennas with a large number of elements.

1.5.1. Derivation of calculation formulas and estimation of the error of the UKB direction finder with a circular base.

1.5.2. Direction finding algorithms for a direction finder with a circular base, taking into account changes in the angular orientation of the antenna.

1.6. Conclusions.


2.1. Solution of the direction finding problem based on statistical processing methods.

2.2. Direction finding equations for multi-element antennas of various configurations.

2.2.1. Linear multi-element antenna.

2.2.2. Antenna with an arbitrary number of elements on a circular base.

2.2.3. Four element antenna.

2.2.4. Circular antenna with an additional element in the center.

2.2.5. Dual antenna.

2.2.6. Conclusions.

2.3. Features of processing a multi-frequency navigation signal.

2.4. Antenna configuration and estimation of potential accuracy.

2.4.1. Antennas with half-wave spacing between elements.

2.4.2. sparse antennas.

2.4.3. Sector selection based on antenna phasing.

2.5. Conclusions.


3.1. Evaluation of the systematic component of the error in determining the bearing.

3.1.1. Phase function of an imperfect multi-element receiving antenna.

3.1.2. Development of equipment for metrological certification of receiving multi-element antennas.

3.1.3. Experimental studies of antenna accuracy in laboratory conditions.

3.2. Estimates of the accuracy of a broadband direction finder (study of the characteristics of an antenna for processing a multi-frequency navigation signal).

3.3. Experimental studies of the main characteristics of an ultra-short baseline navigation system in shallow sea conditions.

3.3.1. System certification method by comparison with the data of a certified navigation system (on the example of GANS-DB).

3.3.2. Method for Estimating the Accuracy of Angular Measurements Based on Range Finding Data.

3.3.3. A method for calibrating an ultrashort baseline navigation system in natural conditions using a reference transponder beacon.

3.3.4. Metrological substantiation of ultrashort baseline navigation system calibration according to GANS DB and GPS data.

3.4. Estimation of metrological characteristics of GANS-UKB in deep sea conditions.

3.5. Conclusions.


4.1.1. General information.

4.1.2. On the structure of the information symbol.

4.1.3. About synchronization.

4.1.4. On the choice of an impulse for estimating the characteristics of a communication channel.

4.1.5. Data block processing.

4.1.6. Numerical modeling of a communication channel. 153 4.2.0 development of broadband piezoelectric transducers and antennas for GASS.

4.2.1. Broadband cylindrical piezoelectric transducers.

4.2.2. Cylindrical piezoelectric transducers with controlled characteristics

4.2.3. Broadband piston-type piezoelectric transducers.

4.2.4. On the electrical matching of piezoelectric transducers in a wide frequency band.

4.2.5. On the energy efficiency of broadband converters.

4.2.6. Characteristics of the developed antennas.

4.3. Multi-element receiver of GASS signals with adaptive control of XH according to the direction finder of the navigation system.

4.3.1. Data processing.

4.3.2. Characteristics of the UKB antenna when receiving signals from the communication system.

4.4. Experimental study of an incoherent multi-frequency communication system with amplitude correction transfer characteristic channel.

4.4.1. Multifrequency signal processing algorithm.

4.4.2. Structural scheme communication systems.

4.4.3. Experimental studies of the elements of the hydroacoustic communication system in shallow sea conditions.

4.5. Conclusions.


5.1. Antennas.

5.2. Spectral processing of short impulse signals.

5.3. Structure and circuitry.

5.4. Field studies of the characteristics of the lag as part of the AUV.

5.5. Conclusions.

CHAPTER 6. TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION AND EXPERIENCE OF PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF HYDRO-ACOUSTIC NAVIGATION AIDS OF THE UNDERWATER ROBOT. 207 6.1. Technical implementation of a hydroacoustic navigation system with an ultrashort baseline.

6.1.1. Structural diagram of GANS-UKB.

6.1.2. Features of building hardware.

6.1.3. Receiving antenna of the navigation system.

6.1.4. Data processing.

6.1.5. User interface.

6.1.6. Software.

6.1.7. Full-scale tests and practical operation of GANS-UKB.

6.2. Specifications set of GASS equipment.

6.2.1. Main characteristics.

6.2.2. Principle of operation.

6.2.3. Block diagram of the receiver.

6.2.4. The structure of the GASS signal.

6.2.5. Results of sea trials in the deep sea.

6.3. Hydroacoustic navigation complex.

6.3.1. Composition and purpose of the ship's navigation complex.

6.3.2. Technical proposals for the development of a combined navigation and control system.

6.4. Comprehensive testing of hydroacoustic navigation aids and experience of their use in real work.

6.4.1. Comprehensive testing of navigation aids.

6.4.2. Experience in the practical application of hydroacoustic navigation aids in real search operations.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Development of methods and algorithms for single-beacon navigation of autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles 2013, candidate of technical sciences Dubrovin, Fedor Sergeevich

  • Methods for processing hydroacoustic signals received in the Fresnel zone of receiving and emitting systems 2010, Doctor of Technical Sciences Kolmogorov, Vladimir Stepanovich

  • Underwater communication and navigation using the electromagnetic field 2006, doctor of technical sciences Shibkov, Anatoly Nikolaevich

  • Methods and systems for improving navigation safety based on hydroacoustic navigation devices with a linear base of directional receivers 2006, Doctor of Technical Sciences Zavyalov, Viktor Valentinovich

  • Autonomous underwater vehicle navigation using a gimballess inertial navigation system 2017, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Filatova, Guzel Amirovna

Similar theses in the specialty "Acoustics", 01.04.06 VAK code

  • Development of a method for improving the positioning accuracy of underwater objects 2013, Ph.D. Golov, Alexander Alexandrovich

  • Parametric method of controlled conversion of hydroacoustic noise emission fields of research and fishing vessels, methods and systems for their measurement based on the laws of nonlinear acoustics 2002, candidate of technical sciences Khaliulov, Fargat Amershanovich

  • Development of information processing algorithms in multiposition goniometric systems using fast spectral analysis of signals 2005, candidate of technical sciences Davletkaliev, Roman Kuanyshevich

  • Methods and means of navigation support for aircraft and air traffic control based on satellite technologies 2004, Doctor of Technical Sciences Slepchenko, Petr Mikhailovich

  • Theory and methods for designing ultra-wideband antenna systems for radio direction finding equipment for stationary and mobile basing 2011, doctor of technical sciences Rembovsky, Yuri Anatolyevich

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Acoustics", Matvienko, Yuri Viktorovich

The main results of the work:

1. The principles of constructing ultrashort-baseline systems have been studied and the analysis of the main methods for determining the angular position of the source of tonal and broadband navigation signals in the processing of information from small-sized receiving antennas has been carried out.

Calculation expressions are obtained and the direction finding characteristics of amplitude direction finders with total and difference data processing are investigated.

The low potential accuracy of systems of the simplest configuration containing one, two or three pairs of orthogonal receivers with phase data processing methods is noted, and the need to complicate systems to increase accuracy is noted.

A method for direction finding of a source of tonal signals is proposed and justified, based on the use of antennas with a large number of receivers densely placed on a circular base with the determination of the cumulative phase, the error of which can potentially be reduced to 0.1 degrees.

Calculation formulas are obtained and, using the example of circular antennas with a large number of elements, the connection between the data of the heading, roll and trim sensors and their errors on the value of the measured navigation parameters and their errors is shown.

Based on the maximum likelihood method, the problem of statistical processing of navigation data is solved using discrete antennas of arbitrary configuration. In this case, the estimate of the desired parameters is determined by joint processing of all pairs of channels taken with different weights. The weight coefficients contain both a geometric component, equal to the derivative of the phase function with respect to the measured parameter, and an energy component, equal to the signal-to-noise ratio operating in the channel in terms of energy.

Calculation relations are derived for determining the bearing and direction finding error for a number of the most common antenna configurations: linear, circular, combined.

A phase direction finder based on the use of circular antennas of large wave size with a limited number of elements has been developed.

The technology for reducing the number of processing channels while maintaining the angular resolution is substantiated by dividing the direction finding procedure into two stages: coarse direction finding to determine the viewing sector and exact solution of the bearing equation with a given initial approximation.

The possibility of resolving phase ambiguities arising during the operation of sparse antennas by methods of amplitude direction finding is substantiated.

It is theoretically justified to achieve an angular resolution of 0.1-0.2 degrees with the number of channels 6-8 and the wave size of the antenna 3-5 wavelengths of the navigation frequency.

Relationships are obtained for calculating the bearing by a small-sized discrete antenna, the propagation time of an acoustic signal on the aperture of which is comparable to the period of the average frequency of the received spectrum.

2. Researches of methods for assessing the accuracy of GANS UKB have been carried out and methods for measuring their characteristics in laboratory and field conditions have been developed.

To describe a discrete multi-element antenna, a vector function is proposed, each component of which describes for a selected antenna element the dependence of the phase of the received acoustic signal on the direction of its arrival. An exact (experimental) definition of the function is essential when solving the problem of finding a navigation object.

A stand for certification of multi-element antennas has been developed, which is installed in a specialized hydroacoustic basin and includes a source of regulated signals and a receiving system with a precision turntable and multichannel phase measurement equipment for signals such as radio pulses.

An antenna certification technology has been developed, which consists in experimental measurement of the antenna phase function, determination of analytical functions that approximate the obtained data and their use in solving direction finding equations, with tabulation of the difference between the obtained bearing estimate and its true (setting) value in the form of an estimate of the systematic component of the error.

Multi-element receiving antennas for operating samples of systems have been developed and investigated, which provide a systematic error of about 0.5 degrees.

A comparative analysis of the operation of the GANS DB and UKB in shallow sea conditions with a fixed installation of the UKB receiving antenna has been carried out.

A method for estimating relative angular measurements based on the processing of ranging data is analyzed.

The method of certification of the UKB system in shallow seas with the use of a reference beacon-responder based on the processing of ranging data is substantiated. It is shown that with a relative range measurement error of a few tenths of a percent, the error in the calculated bearing value for the AUV moving around the UKB - antenna and beacon along a closed trajectory does not exceed one degree.

The analysis was carried out and the accuracy characteristics of the UKB system were determined based on the results of operation in deep sea conditions. Data from the GANS DB, data from the onboard navigation system and depth sensor, and rangefinding data were used as reference data. The expediency of analyzing the differential variability of ranging data for identifying individual fragments of the AUV trajectory and the possibility of reasonable averaging of the angular data during trajectory processing are shown. As a result of the analysis, the conclusion about the error of angular measurements of about 0.5 deg is substantiated.

A technique for eliminating phase ambiguities arising from an increase in the size of the measuring base by statistical processing of multifrequency signals is substantiated and experimentally verified.

A multi-element receiving antenna and equipment for emitting (receiving) complex signals have been developed and experimentally investigated, estimates of the system error have been made, which are tenths of a deg.

3. Methods have been researched and means have been developed for a high-speed system for transmitting information via a hydroacoustic channel from an AUV to a support vessel.

Methods for constructing broadband piezoelectric transducers have been studied and specialized cylindrical and rod transducers with special directivity characteristics designed for operation in communication system equipment have been developed: a highly efficient cylindrical transducer with a bandwidth of up to three octaves using thin matching layers of a horn configuration, the XH of which meets the requirements for operation in the shallow sea; a multi-resonant transducer for emitting and receiving multi-frequency signals is proposed, made in the form of a set of coaxial piezocylinders; Piston piezoelectric transducers with CV of one-sided type are proposed for operation in conditions of a vertical signal propagation channel.

The structure of the data transmission system for multipath channel connection with the adaptation of the processing scheme for a data block of finite length. The transmission of an information block is preceded by a procedure for setting the parameters of the receiver, the temporary size of the block is determined by the current state of the communication channel. Using numerical simulation methods, the features of the choice of connected signals are analyzed and the expediency of using a signal by combined phase and frequency shift keying is shown.

A methodology for assessing impulse response communication channel and refinement of the synchronization moment by transmitting and processing a series of pulses of alternating phase.

A scheme for receiving signals from a communication system by a multi-element navigation antenna with the implementation of spatial filtering of a direct beam under multipath conditions based on data on the angular position of the source of signals and interference obtained during the operation of the GANS UKB is proposed and justified.

Research has been carried out and the possibility of transmitting information in a multi-frequency communication channel with preliminary equalization of the end-to-end amplitude frequency response of the channel and the choice of the current message based on comparative analysis energy in each frequency channel. Experimental studies of such a processing system in a very shallow sea confirmed the possibility of using equipment for transmitting graphic images at a speed of about 3000 bps with a low probability of errors.

4. For onboard navigation of an underwater robot, a Doppler log was developed and integrated into the complex.

Research has been carried out and specialized lag antennas with high echo sensitivity obtained due to the optimal acoustic-mechanical matching of the antenna piezoelectric transducers with the working environment have been developed.

To increase the speed of the lag, a method of spectral processing of short pulse signals is proposed and implemented, which provides a high frequency resolution due to the formation of long quasi-coherent realizations of the reflected signals. The method makes it possible to determine the velocity components with the minimum dispersion in one second.

An experimental sample of the Doppler log has been developed and is being used as part of the AUV

A technique for calibrating the lag in natural conditions has been developed by calculating the speed of the AUV according to the rangefinding data of the GANS.

5. A hydroacoustic navigation system was developed, tested and tested in real operations, which provides the formation of a navigation information picture of the progress of the mission on board the support vessel and AUV, consisting of hydroacoustic navigation, information transmission and absolute speed measurement.

Developed, tested in shallow and deep seas and integrated into the GANS UKB navigation complex, which includes: a synchronized navigation signal source at the facility, a ship processing complex with a receiving antenna on a cable-rope, a GPS receiver. The system has the following characteristics: range - 6-10 km; bearing measurement error - less than 1 degree; range measurement error - 0.5%. The possibility of the system operation in the position control mode of an AUV making a long transition along an extended object with the movement of the support vessel and the towing of the receiving antenna at a speed of up to 5 knots has been experimentally confirmed.

A high-frequency UKB navigation system has been developed, tested and used as part of a tethered vehicle with the source placed on board the ship, and the receiver - on the vehicle.

Information transmission equipment was developed and tested as part of hydroacoustic means of navigation and information support for AUVs for operational monitoring of the state of survey and search operations in deep sea conditions and a vertical communication channel. The equipment provides data transmission at a speed of 4000bps, with an error probability of about one percent, which ensures the transmission of TV image frames in 45s.

A Doppler log was developed, tested and integrated into the onboard navigation system, which ensures the measurement of the AUV absolute velocity vector in the speed range of 0-2m/s with an error of 1-2cm/s.

The technology of using the navigation complex is proposed:

GANS DB - for multiple AUV launches in selected areas with search by area with increased accuracy requirements.

GANS UKB in case of need for long transitions when tracking extended objects or moving targets, in case of emergency AUV launches, in case of covert launches.<

DL with calculation of trajectories by dead reckoning - when the AUV reaches a given point, during additional examination using TV systems.

The successful operation of the complex as part of the AUV during real search operations in the Ocean has been demonstrated.


In conclusion, I want to express my deep gratitude to all IPMT employees who took part in the development and testing of sonar systems for underwater vehicles. Special thanks to academician Ageev M.D., heads of departments Kasatkin B.A. and Rylov N.I.


List of references for dissertation research Doctor of Technical Sciences Matvienko, Yuri Viktorovich, 2004

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4. R.Babb. AUV Navigation for Underwater Scientific Surveys. Sea Technology, 1990, December, p.25-32.

6. J. Romeo, G. Lester. Navigation Is Key to AUV Missions. Sea Technology, 2001, December, p.24-29.

7. Borodin V.I., Smirnov G.E., Tolstyakova N.A., Yakovlev G.V. Hydroacoustic navigation aids. L., Shipbuilding, 1983, 262p.

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171. Zolotarev V.V., Kasatkin B.A., Kosarev G.V., Kulinchenko S.I., Matvienko Yu.V. Hydroacoustic complex for a deep-sea autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle. Sat. Proceedings of the X session of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, 2000. pp.59-62.

172. Ageev M.D., Kasatkin B.A., Matvienko Yu.V., Rylov R.N., Rylov N.I. Hydroacoustic navigation aids for an underwater robot. VIII Intl. Scientific-technical conf. "Modern methods and means of oceanological research", Moscow, 2003, part 2, pp. 40-41.

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Russian underwater hydroacoustics at the turn of the XXI century

Military hydroacoustics is an elite science, the development of which can only be afforded by a strong state


Possessing the highest scientific and technical potential (13 doctors and more than 60 candidates of sciences work at the enterprise), the concern develops the following priority areas of domestic hydroacoustics:

Multifunctional passive and active sonar systems (HAC) and systems (GAS) for lighting the underwater situation in the ocean, including for submarines, surface ships, aircraft, diver detection systems;

Systems with flexible extended towed antennas for operation in a wide frequency range for surface ships and submarines, as well as stationary ones;

Active, passive and active-passive stationary sonar systems to protect the shelf zone from unauthorized penetration of surface ships and submarines;

Hydroacoustic navigation and search and survey systems”;

Hydroacoustic transducers, antennas, complex-shaped phased antenna arrays with up to several thousand receiving channels;

Acoustic screens and sound-transparent fairings;

Systems for transmitting information through a hydroacoustic channel;

adaptive systems for processing hydroacoustic information under conditions of complex hydrological acoustic and signal-interference conditions;

Classifiers of targets by their signatures and by the fine structure of the sound field;

Sound velocity meters for surface ships and submarines.

The Concern today consists of ten enterprises located in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Taganrog, Volgograd, Severodvinsk, the Republic of Karelia, including research institutes, plants for the serial production of hydroacoustic equipment, specialized enterprises for servicing equipment at facilities, landfills. These are five thousand highly qualified specialists - engineers, workers, scientists, more than 25% of whom are young people.

The team of the enterprise has developed almost all mass-produced GAK pl ("Rubin", "Ocean", "Rubicon", "Skat", "Skat-BDRM", "Skat-3"), a number of hydroacoustic complexes and systems for surface ships ("Platinum ”, “Polynom”, station for detecting divers “Pallada”), stationary systems “Liman”, “Volkhov”, “Agam”, “Dniester”.

Hydroacoustic complexes for submarines created by the enterprise are unique technical means, the creation of which requires the highest knowledge and vast experience in hydroacoustics. As one wit put it, the task of detecting a submarine with a noise direction finder is similar in complexity to the task of detecting a candle flame at a distance of several kilometers on a bright sunny day, and yet for a submarine that is submerged, the SAC is practically the only source of information about the environment. . The main tasks solved by the submarine's hydroacoustic complex are the detection of submarines, surface ships, torpedoes in the noise direction finding mode, automatic tracking of targets, determination of their coordinates, target classification, detection and direction finding of targets in the sonar mode, interception of hydroacoustic signals in a wide frequency range, providing sound underwater communications over long distances, providing an overview of the near situation and navigation safety, lighting the ice situation when sailing under ice, providing mine and torpedo protection for the ship, solving navigation problems - measuring speed, depth, etc. In addition to these tasks, the complex must have a powerful automated control system, a system for monitoring its own noise, must continuously perform the most complex hydrological calculations to ensure the functioning of all systems and to predict the situation in the submarine's area of ​​operations. The complex has simulators for all systems of the hydroacoustic complex, providing training and training of personnel.

The basis of any hydroacoustic complex is antennas, phased discrete arrays of complex shape, consisting of piezoceramic transducers, which should ensure the reception of signals from the aquatic environment on a boat that is experiencing huge loads due to hydrostatic pressure. The task of the HAC is to detect these signals against the background of their own noise, flow noise when the boat is moving, sea noise, interfering targets, and a host of other factors that mask the useful signal.

The modern HAC is the most complex digital complex that processes huge information flows in real time (each antenna of the complex consists of thousands or even tens of thousands of individual elements, each of which must be processed synchronously with all the others). Its operation is possible only when using the latest multiprocessor systems that provide the task of simultaneous, in space, and multi-range, in frequency, observation of the surrounding acoustic fields.

The most important and most responsible element of the complex is the devices for displaying the received information. When creating these devices, not only scientific and technical, but also ergonomic, psychological problems are solved - it is not enough to receive a signal from the external environment, it is necessary that the operators of the complex (and this is the minimum number of people) at any given time have a complete picture of the environment, controlling and actually the safety of the ship, and the movement of a variety of targets, surface, underwater, air, representing a potential threat or interest to the submarine. And the developers are constantly balancing on the brink of a problem - on the one hand, to display the maximum amount of information processed by the complex and needed by the operator, on the other hand, not to violate the "Miller's rule", which limits the amount of information that can be assimilated simultaneously by a person.

An important feature of hydroacoustic systems, especially antennas, is the requirements for their strength, durability, and the ability to work without repair and replacement for a very long time - as a rule, it is impossible to repair a hydroacoustic antenna in combat service conditions.

A modern HAC cannot be considered as a self-sufficient, closed system, but only as an element of an integrated submarine surveillance system that receives and uses continuously updated a priori information about targets from non-acoustic detection systems, reconnaissance, etc., and issues information about a changing underwater situation into the system , which analyzes tactical situations and issues recommendations on the use of various HAC modes in a given situation.

The development of sonar systems for a submarine is a continuous competition with the developers of a potential enemy, on the one hand, since the most important task of the SAC is to ensure at least parity in a duel situation (the enemy hears and recognizes you, and you are at the same distance), and it is necessary by all means and means to increase the range of the SAC, and mainly in the passive noise direction finding mode, which allows you to detect targets without unmasking your own location, and with shipbuilders, designers of submarines, on the other hand, since the noise of submarines decreases with each new generation, with each new project , even with each new built ship, and you need to detect a signal that is orders of magnitude lower in level than the surrounding noises of the sea. And it is obvious that the creation of a modern hydroacoustic complex for submarines of the 21st century is a joint work of the developers of the complex and the developers of the boat, who jointly design and place elements of the HAC on the ship in such a way that its operation under these conditions is most effective.

The experience of designing the SJSC pl, available at our institute, allows us to identify the main problem areas from which we can expect a significant increase in efficiency in the near future.

1. HAC with conformal and conformal cover antenna

The reduction in the noise level of the submarine, associated with the efforts of the designers to optimize the technical solutions for the structures of its hull and mechanisms, has led to a noticeable decrease in the range of the SJC along modern squares. The increase in the aperture of traditional antennas (spherical or cylindrical) is limited by the geometry of the nose of the hull. The obvious solution in this situation was the creation of a conformal (combined with the contours of the pl) antenna, the total area, and hence the energy potential of which significantly exceeds those for traditional antennas. The first experience in creating such antennas turned out to be quite successful.

An even more promising direction is the creation of conformal cover antennas located along the side of the square. The length of such antennas can be tens of meters, and the area - more than a hundred square meters. The creation of such systems is associated with the need to resolve a number of technical problems.

The conformal cover antenna is located in the area of ​​predominant influence of inhomogeneous waves caused by structural interference, as well as interference of hydrodynamic origin, including that arising due to excitation of the body by the oncoming flow. Acoustic shields, traditionally used to reduce the effect of interference on the antenna, are not effective enough in the low-frequency range of on-board antennas. Possible ways to ensure the effective operation of onboard antennas, judging by foreign experience, are, firstly, the constructive placement of the most noisy machines and mechanisms of submarines in such a way that their effect on onboard systems is minimal, and secondly, the use of algorithmic methods to reduce the influence of structural interference on the SJC path (adaptive methods for compensating for structural interference, including using vibration sensors located in close proximity to the antenna). It seems very promising to use the so-called "vector-phase" methods of information processing, which make it possible to increase the efficiency of the complex due to the joint processing of pressure fields and vibrational velocity. Another way to reduce the effect of hydrodynamic interference, which affects the efficiency of conformal cover antennas, is the use of film converters (PVDF plates), which, due to averaging over an area of ​​1.0x0.5 m, significantly (according to data in the literature - up to 20 dB) reduce the influence of hydrodynamic interference on the path of the HJC.

2. Adaptive algorithms for processing hydroacoustic information, consistent with the propagation environment

By "adaptation" is traditionally understood the ability of a system to change its parameters depending on changing environmental conditions in order to maintain its efficiency. With regard to processing algorithms, the term "adaptation" means the coordination (in space and time) of the processing path with the characteristics of signals and noise. Adaptive algorithms are widely used in modern complexes, and their efficiency is determined mainly by the hardware resources of the complex. More modern are algorithms that take into account the spatio-temporal variability of the signal propagation channel. The use of such algorithms makes it possible to simultaneously solve the problems of detection, target designation and classification using a priori information about the signal propagation channel. The source of such information can be adaptive dynamic oceanographic models that predict, with sufficient reliability, the distribution of temperature, density, salinity, and some other environmental parameters in the area of ​​operation of the pl. Such models exist and are widely used abroad. The use of sufficiently reliable estimates of the propagation channel parameters makes it possible, judging by theoretical estimates, to significantly increase the accuracy of determining the target coordinates.

3. Acoustic systems placed on controlled unmanned underwater vehicles, solving the problems of polystatic detection in the active mode, as well as the tasks of searching for silty bottom objects

The submarine itself is a huge structure, more than a hundred meters long, and not all tasks that need to be solved to ensure one's own safety can be solved by placing hydroacoustic systems on the ship itself. One of these tasks is the detection of near-bottom and silty objects that pose a danger to the ship. To view an object, you need to approach it as close as possible without creating a threat to your own safety. One of the possible ways to solve this problem is to create a controlled underwater unmanned vehicle, placed on a submarine, capable of approaching the object of interest and classifying it, and, if necessary, destroy it, independently or by control over a wire or sound underwater communication. In fact, the task is similar to the creation of the hydroacoustic complex itself, but miniature, having a battery propulsion unit, placed on a small self-propelled device capable of undocking from a submerged submarine and then docking back, while providing constant two-way communication. In the United States, such devices have been created and are part of the weapons of the latest generation of submarines (of the Virginia type).

4. Development and creation of new materials for hydroacoustic transducers, characterized by lower weight and cost

The piezoceramic transducers that make up submarine antennas are extremely complex designs, the piezoceramic itself is a very brittle material, and considerable effort is required to make it strong while maintaining efficiency. And for quite a long time, searches have been conducted for a material that has the same properties of converting vibrational energy into electrical energy, but which is a polymer, durable, lightweight, and technologically advanced.

Technological efforts abroad have led to the creation of PVDF-type polymer films, which have a piezoelectric effect and are convenient for use in the construction of surface antennas (placed on board a boat). The problem here is primarily in the technology of creating thick films that provide sufficient antenna efficiency. Even more promising is the idea of ​​creating a material that has the properties of piezoceramics, on the one hand, and the properties of a protective screen that muffles (or scatters) enemy sonar signals and reduces the ship's own noise. Such a material (piezoresin) deposited on the hull of a submarine actually makes the entire hull of the ship a hydroacoustic antenna, providing a significant increase in the efficiency of hydroacoustic means. An analysis of foreign publications shows that in the United States such developments have already passed into the stage of prototypes, while in our country there has been no progress in this direction in recent decades.

5. Classification of goals

The task of classification in hydroacoustics is the most difficult problem associated with the need to determine the class of a target from information obtained in the noise direction finding mode (to a lesser extent, from the data of the active mode). At first glance, the problem is easily solved - it is enough to register the spectrum of a noisy object, compare it with the database, and get an answer - what kind of object is it, up to the name of the commander. In fact, the spectrum of the target depends on the speed, the angle of the target, the spectrum observed by the hydroacoustic complex contains distortions due to the passage of the signal through a randomly inhomogeneous propagation channel (aquatic environment), and therefore depends on distance, weather, area of ​​​​action and many other reasons , which make the problem of recognition by the spectrum practically unsolvable. Therefore, in the domestic classification, other approaches are used related to the analysis of characteristic features inherent in a particular class of targets. Another problem that requires serious scientific research, but is urgently needed is the classification of near-bottom and silty objects associated with the recognition of mines. It is known and experimentally confirmed that dolphins quite confidently recognize air- and water-filled objects made of metal, plastic, and wood. The task of researchers is to develop methods and algorithms that implement the same procedure that a dolphin performs when solving a similar problem.

6. The task of self-defense

Self-defense is a complex task of ensuring the safety of a ship (including anti-torpedo protection), which includes detection, classification, target designation, and the issuance of initial data for the use of weapons and (or) countermeasures. The peculiarity of this task is the integrated use of data from various subsystems of the SAC, the identification of data coming from various sources, and the provision of information interaction with other ship systems that provide the use of weapons.

The above is only a small part of those promising areas of research that need to be done in order to increase the effectiveness of the created hydroacoustic weapons. But from an idea to a product is a long way, requiring advanced technologies, a modern research and experimental base, a developed infrastructure for the production of the necessary materials for hydroacoustic transducers and antennas, etc. It should be noted that recent years have been characterized for our enterprise by a serious technical re-equipment of the production and testing base, which became possible thanks to funding from a number of federal targeted programs, both civil and special, conducted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Thanks to this financial support, over the past five years, it has been possible to completely repair and significantly modernize Europe's largest hydroacoustic experimental pool, located on the territory of OAO Concern Okeanpribor, to radically upgrade the production capacities of serial plants that are part of the concern, thanks to which the Taganrog plant "Priboy" has become the most advanced instrument-making enterprise in the south of Russia. We are creating new productions - piezomaterials, printed circuit boards, in the future - the construction of new production and scientific areas, stands for setting up and commissioning equipment. In 2 - 3 years, the production and scientific capacities of the enterprise, supported by a "data bank" of new ideas and developments, will allow us to start creating fifth-generation hydroacoustic weapons, so necessary for the Navy.