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Spilled tea on the MacBook. Repair flooded MacBook, Pro, Air. The combination of a hair dryer and a towel is a great combination

If the laptop has been in the pool, river, bath or took a shower, it is unlikely that anything will help it. This article can be useful only if there was little liquid, and contact with it was short-lived.

1. If the laptop is plugged in, unplug it immediately.

Unplug the charging cable from the outlet and from your computer, and then all other cables connected to the laptop. Water and electricity are not the safest combination for both technology and you.

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Turn the device over with the keyboard facing downward so that any water that might have gotten in will drain out.

Press and hold the power button at the same time until the screen turns off. This is the fastest way to turn off your device. Now is not the time to worry about unsaved documents. The main thing is to stop the movement of electricity through the interior of the laptop to prevent short circuits.

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3. Disconnect all devices

Disconnect all external devices from the laptop. Flash drives, memory cards, USB-modem, even - all down! If the computer comes into contact with water, not only it can be damaged, but also these accessories.

4. Wipe the laptop

Now completely dry your laptop without turning it over. A cotton towel is ideal for this purpose: it perfectly absorbs any liquid. You can also use paper napkins.

If none of this is there, save the device with everything that comes to hand.

Pay special attention to the keyboard: water flows easily under the keys. Remember to wipe down the ports and cooling hole.

5. Build a funny structure

Place the fan on the floor first. Then cover it with a cardboard or plastic box and make large holes in the top and side walls for ventilation. Cover the box with a towel and place the laptop on top of it, keyboard side down. Turn on the fan for two days to let the device dry completely.

To avoid starting a fire, do not leave the fan unattended for a long time. Turn it off at night and when you leave the house.

6. Check device operation after 48 hours

If after two days the laptop can be turned on, on third-party media. The fact is that damage may not manifest itself immediately. Perhaps the consequences of contact with water will remind of themselves after a few days or even weeks and the computer will fail. Hope for the best, but don't relax.

What to do if coffee, wine or tea gets inside the laptop

Liquids with additives are more dangerous to the innards of a laptop than water. Coffee grounds, sugar, and other impurities in these beverages can clog and oxidize components, causing additional damage. Eventually, laptop keys can become sticky and even refuse to work.

To avoid problems, it is best to clean the inside of the laptop before drying it. You can do this yourself by disassembling the machine and removing all dirt with paper towels or cotton swabs dipped in a little alcohol. Please be aware that disassembling yourself will void your warranty.

Cases of different laptops can vary greatly in design and order of disassembly. If you have never opened your device, look on the Web for the instruction manual of the same model.

If the dried laptop is larger or you do not want to clean it yourself, you can seek professional help from the service center.

No user wants to spill tea, coffee or water on an expensive MacBook. Unfortunately, this happens quite often. Therefore, you need to know the rules of first aid in such an unpleasant situation. It is important to understand that any liquid is a serious threat to your laptop. For this reason, one cannot hesitate.

The first thing to do is to unplug the device. This is a basic safety rule, because water has excellent electrical conductivity. It is also necessary to disconnect all cables, flash drives and other peripheral devices connected to the device. Next, turn off the gadget by pressing the power button on the panel and holding it for a few seconds until the screen turns off completely. It is advisable to remove the battery from the laptop, if possible.

Now, without hesitation, so that the liquid does not have time to seep deep into the body, we turn the device with the keyboard down at right angles to the floor and go for a terry towel. It will be needed in order to wipe all visible moisture from the keyboard and ports. It is better to use a terry towel as it has a higher absorbency. Microfiber cloths are a good alternative, but in an emergency you can arm yourself with any other cloth and even toilet paper. After that, it is worth putting the laptop upside down on a towel.

To achieve a greater effect on restoring the performance of a laptop at home, experts recommend building a simple drying device. You will need a cold fan or hair dryer, cotton towel, and a drawer with grates. All you need to do is install the fan so that the air flow is directed upwards, place the drawer on top, put a towel on it, and then open the laptop with the keyboard down. It should be understood that this procedure should be carried out for a long time. On average, it is recommended to dry the device for at least 48 hours.

After the specified manipulations, you can try to turn on the MacBook, while not connecting it to the network. If it turns on and works, we can assume that the user is very lucky. However, this can only be counted on if there was little spilled liquid. Also, do not forget that a working laptop is not a 100% guarantee of a solution to the problem. There is always the potential for corrosion to form on the internal circuit boards of the device. The Notex service center recommends that you seek professional help. We have repeatedly encountered flooded Apple devices and fixed problems of any complexity.

With an abundant ingress of moisture, the actions to save an expensive device should be somewhat different. You also need to turn it off, turn it over with the keyboard down, lay it on a towel, and then immediately go to the service center. It is important to know that the probability of saving the device is the higher, the sooner the appeal to specialists followed.

MacBook Pro / Air refurbishment prices after flooding:

In this case, it is very difficult to determine the price without diagnostics.

If your MacBook comes in contact with liquid, in one case, simply drying and cleaning the contacts will be sufficient. The cost of this service will be 2,990 rubles.

In another case, it may be necessary to replace one or several components (keyboard, battery, etc.). In this case, the price for the service may differ. We advise you to call our manager at the phone number indicated on the website and describe the situation in more detail. The manager, with the help of leading questions, will be able to estimate the approximate cost of restoring your MacBook.

Also in our service center there is a service: Free courier departure, who will be able to pick up your device in the shortest possible time and return it to your home after repair.

11 questions to “ Filled up Macbook - what to do?

  1. Diamond

    Take care of your dear Macs. Repairs usually cost half the cost….

  2. Ivan

    How much does it cost to make a touchpad on the retina 15 A1398, flooded with something, it is either pressed or not. or replacement?
    that is, the point itself works, it is the punching of the plate that does not work

  3. Yuri

    macbook pro 13, 2010 bay and the keyboard floor does not work, everything else works. repair price interests

The most common reason for the failure of a MacBook is the ingress of liquid into it. Fortunately, in most cases, a flooded Macbook Pro can be repaired, but this directly depends on the subsequent actions of its owner. In this article, I will talk about what damage liquid can cause to a Macbook and what to do after it gets inside your Macbook Pro. How can liquid end up in a MacBook? Sometimes the rain that hit the Apple laptop or the user's unwillingness to part with it while taking a bath is to blame for this. The most common cause of liquid getting into the Macbook Pro is the tipping of various drinks onto its keyboard, so I will dwell on this in more detail.

If you spill any liquid on your Macbook Pro while it is running, it must be unplugged immediately, and the sooner the better. Do not waste precious seconds on the standard procedure for shutting down the operating system, even if it threatens with the loss of important documents - if necessary, the data can be restored, but as a result of delay, you can lose your Macbook Pro forever. After the Macbook Pro is turned off, you need to remove the battery from it. In the latest Macbook Pro models, the battery is hidden under an aluminum cover and requires a star screwdriver to open it.

Now the injured Macbook Pro needs to be turned upside down and placed on a flat surface (it is advisable to open it slightly so that water does not get onto the matrix). If moisture is visible on the outside of the MacBook, it should be gently wiped with a soft cloth or sponge, but after the Macbook Pro is turned upside down, otherwise some of the liquid can be driven into the MacBook keyboard.
It is important to remember that the keyboard buttons are made of very thin plastic, in no case should you dry the keyboard with a hair dryer to avoid thermal deformation of the buttons.

The next step is arguably the most important, as failure to do so is the most common cause of liquid-drenched MacBooks. This step is to seek immediate help from an Apple Service Center. Unfortunately, many users do not do this, which usually leads to the loss of the MacBook or much more expensive repairs.

Common misconceptions when liquid gets inside an electronic device

A common misconception is that if the Macbook Pro turns on after the liquid dries, then the trouble is over. Alas, this is not the case. If the Macbook Pro is flooded with water, juice, coffee or other liquid, then it gets inside its case and begins its destructive work. Usually, tea or coffee is spilled on the keyboard, under which the motherboard is located - the main (and most expensive) part of the MacBook.

Even if immediately after the MacBook has been flooded, remove the liquid from the case and turn the Macbook Pro upside down to dry, some of the liquid still gets onto its motherboard. Liquid quickly evaporates from the MacBook's body, but inside the MacBook, the process of electro-chemical corrosion begins. That is why it is very important to return a flooded Macbook Pro to a service center as soon as possible, since with each passing hour, corrosion takes over an increasing surface of the motherboard. The chips on the motherboard, like sponges, suck in moisture under themselves, and if you do not take action quickly, then repairing the MacBook will become impossible.

Repair of a flooded MacBook cannot be delayed

Often, MacBook owners drop it into the pool or douse it with a drink during their vacation or vacation, while postponing the visit to specialists for several days, or even weeks - after all, Macbook Pro is not yet required for work, so why waste time and money for a computer service? And then it usually turns out that the entire motherboard is corroded, and sometimes other parts are destroyed, which means that there can be no talk of restoring the MacBook. Perhaps such an outcome cannot be considered a successful end of the vacation - therefore, it is necessary to contact the master immediately after the MacBook has been flooded.

If it is not possible to contact the service center immediately after spilling tea on the Macbook Pro - for example, if the trouble happened at night outside the city, you need to leave the Macbook Pro upside down to dry and try to find a way to contact a specialist within the next hours.

The main thing is not to try to turn on the MacBook, no matter how much you want to. Turning on can cause a short circuit, which will require more expensive repairs to the MacBook. By the way, it is not uncommon for the Macbook Pro to function normally for several days after being exposed to liquid, which makes you think the problem has been resolved. However, after two or three weeks, the computer will not be turned on. After contacting the service center, its owner learns that the insides of the MacBook are corroded and cannot be restored.


So, we hope that this information will be useful to all those who spilled tea or something stronger;) on a Macbook Pro or bathed their Mac in the pool - no one is immune from this accident. But if such a situation cannot be predicted (you can avoid eating near the MacBook, not take it with you to the bathroom and to the beach, but unexpectedly become a victim of flooding from the neighbors from above), then everyone can increase the chances of a successful repair of a flooded MacBook: for this you need to clearly follow the above rules and run your Macbook Pro to the service center, and surely in a day or two you will be able to work again with your MacBook as if nothing had happened!

Repairs after spills: Spilled tea, coffee, juice, beer, or even the most common water on the MacBook can cause the laptop to simply stop turning on. But even if obvious problems are not observed, over time, hidden defects may appear, the elimination of which will cost a pretty penny. Many users postpone the repair of their MacBook after flooding or do not contact the service center at all, thinking that everything will dry up on its own. But such negligence can result in even more expensive repairs.

What to do if onMacBook spilled liquid

The first thing that laptop owners need to remember once and for all is that you should never turn on the device after water, tea or alcohol has spilled on it. If the laptop was working at this time, it must be turned off immediately, disconnected from the mains and removed the battery.

In no case should you dry the equipment with a hairdryer - it is better to let the water evaporate on its own. Using a hair dryer can cause droplets pushed by the air flow to penetrate even deeper. Plus, even at the lowest temperature setting, a household hairdryer can melt keyboard keys, plastic parts, and MacBook mounts.

Before starting repairs after flooding, you need to turn the laptop upside down. In this position, the liquid will not be able to penetrate deeply and will flow out. This will help prevent it from getting on the motherboard. Then, at the first opportunity, contact the service center for the master to clean after flooding. If you follow all the recommendations and do not delay the trip to the repair shop, the chances of getting your MacBook back to work are very high.

The main symptoms of a laptop flooding with liquid:

  • keyboard and / or trackpad not working;
  • Keys are sticky or incorrect characters are displayed when pressed;
  • the device does not charge, the battery is discharged too quickly, or the battery does not charge at all;
  • performance deteriorates, the laptop starts to freeze;
  • does not turn on or turns on, but there is no image on the Mac's screen.

The extent of damage, cost and necessary repairs after flooding will be determined by the following factors:

  • The type of fluid.

Ordinary water will do the least harm to the MacBook, but even it can cause corrosion and rotting of elements on the motherboard, if not cleaned in time. Sugary juices, solvents, adhesives and paints pose a much greater threat. increase the rate of failure of laptop elements.

  • The degree of its penetration.

Minimal repairs after flooding include cleaning the keyboard and treating metal surfaces that have been in contact with the liquid to prevent corrosion. If the liquid has managed to penetrate deeply, a complete cleaning will be required, which involves disassembling the laptop and removing all parts, followed by their repair and restoration, if necessary.

Why you shouldn't clean your MacBook after filling it yourself

1. Difficult disassembly.

A liquid-filled laptop will need to be disassembled and inspected to make sure no water, tea, or juice has penetrated deeper. For this, the master uses special tools. Carrying out such a manipulation at home, you risk damaging the case mounts, tearing component cables and causing even more damage to the MacBook.

2. Use of special tools.

Today, special formulations are available in the form of liquids and sprays for cleaning after flooding. In this case, you need to choose the right solution that is suitable for a specific repair. It is better to entrust this work to the master of the service center.

3. Equipment and spare parts.

If cleaning the MacBook did not help, then you will have to repair and restore the damaged elements, and this will require special equipment, such as a microscope, oscilloscope and a soldering station. Of course, the repair will not do without the use of spare parts and the necessary microcircuits. In the process of repairing a laptop after flooding, craftsmen often have to replace the north and south bridges, the video card chip, and restore the power circuits on the motherboard.

4. Sterile conditions.

Repairs after flooding, as in the case of other types of work, must be done in a dust-free room. In service centers, a special level of humidity is maintained, and the air is purified from small particles. It is almost impossible to create such conditions at home.

If you have filled your MacBook with liquid - contact us! We will help you restore your laptop to work quickly and efficiently.

Service cost:

Replacing the motherboard on the MacBook Pro 2017 ~ Ilya ~ 03/21/2019

After pouring tea, the MacBook does not turn on. The service said that it was necessary to change the motherboard.

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, replacing the board on your laptop on average 45000r, repairs are possible, but this is only after diagnostics

Cleaning ~ Alexander ~ 10-06-2018

Hello! Alcohol got on a part of the screen and now there are stains under the glass of the screen. What to do?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, in this case it is necessary to change the display

Soda ~ Sofia ~ 13-01-2018

Hello, I spilled soda on 4 keys: left shift, control, option and fn, after that I removed all the liquid from under the keys, everything except fn works fine, fn sticks a little, but it works. There are no other problems. Will just cleaning be enough?

Macsave Center's answer: Sophia, good afternoon!
In this case, it is necessary to change the keyboard.

MacBook Air ~ Anna ~ 11-18-2017

I spilled some sweet milk on the touchpad, immediately wiped it off with a napkin, after that, the touchpad stopped clicking well, but it worked, in the morning pressing the touchpad a couple of times in some places emits a normal click, in others a soft click, what would you advise?

Macsave Center's answer: Anna, good afternoon!
Initially, you need to disassemble the laptop and carry out diagnostics. Cleaning may be enough to fix the problem. Bring, we'll see, diagnostics are free.

Poppy pouring ~ AS ~ 10/23/2017

Good night, I poured the poppy about, immediately turned it over, maybe I didn't know what to do, I didn't turn it off (I used the old trick with rice), it seemed that I absorbed something, after I wiped it, the screen floated and the poppy turned off, made sounds (three beeps ), but did not turn on, maybe I do not live in Moscow, I can only apply tomorrow, tell me, will he live? Or is it easier to buy a new one?

Macsave Center's answer: Good day!
There are always chances. It all depends on how quickly you contact the service center and carry out the cleaning.

Spilled juice ~ Maxim ~ 06/25/2017

Spilled juice on the keyboard, did not know the instructions for rescue, just turned the MacBook over and wiped the keys right away. Then I continued to work with him again, the keys gradually stopped working, then only the off button worked, I turned it off, closed it by putting a towel on the keyboard and turned it over. It didn't even turn on in the morning. How serious can the problem be, and how much will the repair cost?

Macsave Center's answer: Maxim, good afternoon!
Initially, it is necessary to clean after flooding. Moisture is most likely on the motherboard. The keyboard is not cleaned, it only changes. Bring it in and see. Diagnostics is free.

Tea ~ Anastasia Cheremisina ~ 04-04-2017

Good afternoon. What if, after tea and an instant flip and drying, the poppy AIR sees the keyboard when you turn it on and enter the password and loses it after it is fully launched ???

Macsave Center's answer: Anastasia, good afternoon!
The keyboard needs to be changed. Unfortunately, there is no post-flood cleaning for it.

Breakdown ~ Light ~ 03/14/2017

I poured the MacBook with tea, immediately turned it off, put it with the keyboard down on a towel. He then turned on and worked. But before turning on, a black screen was burning, and on it was a folder with a question. Then everything worked fine. I closed it for the night, and in the morning there were drops of water on the keyboard and after the poppy did not turn on, the indicator was on that the battery was dead. I turned it on, then turned it off, nothing happened. And right now, when you turn it on, there is a system startup sound, but a black screen is on. Is it possible to fix it?

Macsave Center's answer: Svetlana, good afternoon!
Oh sure. First of all, it is necessary to clean after flooding. the cost is 3500 rubles. Next, look at which elements on the board are damaged, which ones require replacement. Bring it, we'll see. Diagnostics is free.

Filled macbook ~ Vladislava ~ 06-03-2017

Hello, I poured some tea. It hit the touchpad and space bar. She did not turn it off right away, because she did not know what was needed, but turned it over for a while. After 20 minutes, the touchpad and keyboard stopped working, except for one button. We turned it off and put it on to dry. How serious is it?

Macsave Center's answer: Vladislava, good afternoon!
It is necessary to clean it as soon as possible (complete disassembly of the laptop). The consequence of moisture getting on the board may be a complete or partial inoperability of the device (keyboard, tapad, display, as well as elements of the power circuit). Over time, it may stop turning on.

Topic of the question ~ anton ~ 07-01-2017

kind, flooded, everything turns on, but the screen does not work, how serious is it?

Macsave Center's answer: Anton, good afternoon!
First of all, it is necessary to clean after flooding (wash, dry). If you have not done this yet, moisture could get on the parts of the board that are responsible for the operation of the display, and corrosion of the board elements could begin. Bring it, we'll see. Diagnostics is free. The cost of cleaning after flooding is 3500 rubles.

Matrix replacement ~ Vladimir ~ 03-11-2016

Does the cost of replacing the matrix include the cost of the (new or bush) matrix itself?

Macsave Center's answer: Vladimir, good afternoon!
We put only new original spare parts, respectively, we provide a guarantee for both spare parts and work. The price already includes the work of the replacement wizard.

Flooding ~ Ekaterina ~ 10-15-2016

Hello! I accidentally touched nail degreaser and it spilled onto the left side of the MacBook Pro keyboard.
I immediately turned it off and wiped it off, then left it to dry overnight. I turned it on not long ago, I could hardly enter the password, Half of the keyboard does not enter letters, so I decided to remove the password so that if the numbers do not work, I can enter. But in the end, having removed the password, he writes to me enter the password, but it is not there, and I cannot enter. Tell everyone what to do with it.

Macsave Center's answer: Catherine, good afternoon!
It is necessary to clean it after flooding, and then change the keyboard and see what other zones are damaged.

Filling ~ Nina ~ 09/11/2016

Hello, I spilled tea on the right side of the Macbook Air keyboard. After that, WiFi stopped working. Writes that there is no working. What should I do?

Macsave Center's answer: Nina, good afternoon!
Maybe the wifi adapter is out of order, and it may be necessary to clean it after flooding, the cost is 2500 rubles. Replacing the adapter, depending on the model, 3500-4000 rubles.

Flooding ~ Ekaterina ~ 08/31/2016

Spilled coffee on my MacBook. On the one hand, you can clearly limit the area where this happens, dots appeared on the image, as if the inversion of color, or like pixels or something. Everything is as it should be on the white screen, no damage is noticeable.
What to do?

Macsave Center's answer: Catherine, good afternoon!
The matrix may need to be replaced. For more accurate information, it is necessary to clarify the equipment model.

repair ~ aaaa ~ 08/25/2016

spilled water under the poppy beech now the screen has faded, nothing is visible, but the poppy turns on, what should I do?

Macsave Center's answer: Good evening!
Difficulties in the motherboard. Bring it for diagnostics, we'll see. Diagnostics is free.

I accidentally put my laptop on a damp table and now it won't turn on! what to do ?? m ~ Ekaterina Gupta ~ 08/15/2016

I accidentally put my laptop on a wet table and now it won't even turn on!

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon. The problem is presumably in the power circuit on the motherboard, cleaning and diagnostics of the device is necessary

MacBook repair ~ Sergey ~ 07/15/2016

Hello, please tell me ...., I have such a problem: - I ran my wet fingers over the touchpad, after which the cursor began to hang, so I rebooted the Mac, but it does not turn on (the monitor lights up as usual after pressing the network button, the download line goes and before reaching the end, the poppy turns off) .... what could it be, and in general is it a serious problem?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, you need to look / diagnose, bring to us
Diagnostics with us is free!

Water in the headphone jack ~ Ksenia ~ 04/16/2016

Sea water got into the headphone jack, a couple of days ago, the phone was new, I turned it off right away. Do you only work with MacBooks?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, bring it to the repair, we'll see

cidr on pro ~ Irina ~ 03/23/2016

good day! about six months ago, spilled cider on poppy pro (11.1), immediately wiped it off, turned it over, let it dry, turned off by itself.
after a couple of days they tried to turn it on - it turned on. Now I got my hands on it, but I won't be able to take it to the service for a couple of weeks, everything seems to be working properly, the keyboard does not sink, it makes noise at times ... question: tell me honestly, do you think everything inside is already completely sad? Is it even possible that I can restore it without selling my last socks?))
thank you in advance.

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, bring it and see, we will diagnose it for free with us

Filled the MacBook with water ~ Olesya ~ 02/26/2016

Good afternoon. The laptop was on the bed, a glass of water spilled, the water itself did not seem to get on the poppy itself, but apparently flowed under the bottom like something from which the laptop turned off and does not turn on yet. I tried to charge it - the indicator is on normally.
What do you advise? Do not touch it yet and do not charge it, let it dry for a day?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, the cost of the repair will be clear after the diagnosis, if it is not on, it is better not to turn it on, otherwise it will completely fail.

Pouring poppy beech (~ Ilez ~ 12/29/2015

Good evening! Please tell me this is a problem. Poppy beech stood on the table, and the child released water on the table, which was in the air freshener in the flask, and water spilled over the entire table and on the bottom of the poppy beech. When I picked up the poppy beech, there was water under it. I wiped it from the bottom and put it on. An hour later, I saw that the poppy beech was sitting down and put it on charge, the MAC itself was working, but I noticed that it was buggy and that the charging did not charge. As a result, the charger did not charge, the small point on the charging did not turn on and the poppy beech sat down. I can't understand what the problem is in charging or the MAC has broken down? ((We don't have the nearest repair center. I don't know what to do? Tell me pliz!

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon and Happy New Year, take you to the diagnostics if you do not come to life, since while the battery is connected, the power supply quickly rot and fail

water spilled ~ Anastasia ~ 11/29/2015

spilled water a month ago on a macbook pro, all flew out and dried a couple of days on a towel. At the moment, everything is working quite well, only 3-4 buttons do not work, or rather shift, fn, ctrl and viola. The problem is that I am abroad and there is nowhere to be referred for diagnostics in the next couple of months. Will it hurt the system a lot? and would it be very expensive to fix this problem? thank you in advance

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, if the keys do not work, then you need to change the keyboard, there are no other options

Filled macbook pro ~ Chinggis ~ 09/29/2015

I have a macbook pro "15 2012. About two months ago I spilled a drop of juice on the touchpad.
I didn’t think of turning off the computer right away. played an online game.
In general, after a while, the touchpad began to run all over the screen and click on everything.
I read a lot of advice on the Internet and did, so to speak, home cleaning. I wiped the touchpad with rubbing alcohol (the Mac was turned off at this time).
It helped a little. In general, after two weeks, the poppy began to turn off when starting games. It's just that a black screen appears in front of me. And so far. What could be the problem?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, either you have corrosion on the motherboard, or the video chip is out of order.

Water got into Sony Xperia ultrabook ~ Elena ~ 08/30/2015

Yesterday my son accidentally knocked over a glass of ordinary (still) water on the keyboard. I turned it off immediately, but the battery cannot be removed from this model by ourselves. The power cord was not plugged in, lay in a different place.
Wipe it with napkins (it was in the hotel restaurant, there wifi works). It seemed that there was not a lot of water, the glass was not full.
After a while, I turned it on again, everything worked, but after 5-10 minutes the computer turned off and did not turn on again. And he did not react to the charger (usually the indicator lights up when the charger is connected).
Then they dried it for a long time with a non-hot hairdryer, left it open overnight under an air conditioner, until they turned it on.

1) Can the computer be saved / repaired?
2) Is it possible to save the data?
3) How much can it cost?
4) What are your opening hours?

Thank you in advance.

Macsave Center's answer: Good evening, bring it for diagnostics, as a rule, everything is being repaired.

flooded macbook ~ Aza ~ 08/17/2015

A year and a half ago, water got into the MacBook, can it be repaired?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, you need to diagnose, it is quite possible that we will repair it.

Cost after filling with coffee ~ Vladislav ~ 05-08-2015

Good afternoon, poured coffee into the MacBook, the touch panel works fine, the keyboard half of the buttons works half of it, when the laptop is lifted and tilted, the image is distorted .. How much does it cost to return the computer's robustness as on the day of purchase?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, you need to carry out diagnostics, replacing the keyboard on average 5000r, according to the image it is possible for you

Filled with Mac ~ Anya ~ 07-07-2015

Hello! I poured tequila on Mac Air, but I didn't immediately realize it and kept it turned on for a while (about 10-15 minutes). Truth immediately wiped Mack with napkins. After a while, he passed out and I put him in my bag. Now it doesn't turn on at all. :(What to do?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, you need to clean the entire system from flooding, including the board, the faster the better, because the decay process is fast enough. The cost of such cleaning in our service is 3500r, diagnostics are free.

Filled poppy air with mineral water ~ Yura ~ 05/14/2015

Turned on everything works fine, whether it is necessary to include diagnostics.
If you need to take the laptop apart for diagnostics?
How is the diagnosis done in general?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, if a lot of liquid has been spilled, then you need to give it to clean it from flooding, first we disassemble it, look at the traces of flooding and corrosion. If we clean a lot of liquid, dry it.

sound does not work ~ maria ~ 04-24-2015

Good evening! I flooded the MacBook with water, now everything works, but the sound disappeared. At the same time, when you reboot the MacBook, there is sound, but only when you reboot. What to do? wait? dry?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, you need to clean the motherboard, perhaps the problem is in the connectors or the microcontroller, the cost of repair is from 2000r, you need to diagnose your MacBook, it is free.

Filled the keyboard with mac air ~ Maria ~ 07-04-2015

I accidentally splashed a sweet protein shake on the poppy, quite a bit: it hit the screen and the right side of the keyboard. Everything works, everything shows, nothing is buggy, BUT, those buttons that have been flooded are on the right side, lift there is no backlight! the rest of the keyboard is lit, and those buttons are barely.

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, in your case you need to clean or change the keyboard backlight, the cost is 2500r, cleaning the shopping mall you need to remove the board, and if you need to change it - 3500r replace the backlight of the MacBook keyboard.

MacBook keyboard is flooded ~ Christina ~ 02/25/2015

After flooding the laptop keyboard with water: The delete key does not work for me. Instead of it, other symbols are highlighted. Can you fix it? You just need to clean it?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, you need to change the entire keyboard of your macbook.

liquid got inside MacBook Air ~ Lily ~ 02/10/2015

Good afternoon. spilled wine on the keyboard, tried to dry it (sucked out the liquid with a vacuum cleaner, turned it over ..) turned it on after 2 days: the keyboard works, the keyboard backlight works, the backlight brightness on the screen can also be adjusted, but the screen is in gray, green and blue stripes. please tell me so that it could be? and how much can such a repair cost? Thanks.

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, apparently hit either on the matrix or on the screen loop, you need to do detailed diagnostics

MacBook Pro got water. ~ Maria ~ 01/26/2015

Hello. A small amount of water has entered the touchpad area. After that, he stopped responding to pressing. The night has passed, the water has apparently dried up, and now everything is working fine. Is it worth taking a laptop to service after such an incident?

Macsave Center's answer: Good day, it's a good idea to refer to diagnostics in any case, for many it is free. There is often a slight flooding of the MacBook, which manifests itself later and with more serious consequences.

water got inside the MacBookAir display ~ Elena ~ 12/26/2014

Good day! The computer and I got caught in a light rain, and now I see dark wet spots on the display. The rest of the computer seems to be working fine. Is it possible to remove these stains? Can the laptop dry on its own over time? Thanks!

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, if the display does not dry out, then you need to disassemble the top cover and clean the matrix or change the films on your MacBook Air.

flooded poppy beech retina ~ Anna ~ 09/26/2014

Good afternoon. I have such a situation. the poppy beech was filled with a 15-inch retina, it completely works except for the screen, but the image is visible through the apple, that is, the backlight does not work. I gave it to a service center and was told that I needed to change the entire display module. is such a situation possible or is it just a divorce for money?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, Anna, first you need to make diagnostics (we have it for free), often the problem of backlight failure on the MacBook Retina is on the motherboard, but the motherboard also fails (Very rarely). We usually change only the matrix and the lid remains native, the cost of such work is 13500R. But in the beginning, be sure to make the correct diagnosis.

macbook ~ Irina ~ 09/16/2014

Good day! I spilled unsweetened tea on the MacBook, shook out the water, everything works well, except for wi-fi, writes that there is no hardware. Can my MacBook be repaired within a day and how much will such a repair cost? If it's under warranty, how will your repair affect it?

Macsave Center's answer: Good afternoon, if your MacBook is flooded, then you usually lose the warranty, because there are special indicators on the MacBooks. On your problem with Weifai: first of all, you need to inspect the transmitter itself, perhaps it will only be enough to clean it from being flooded with liquid, or you may have to replace it.
Drive up to see everything with you, diagnostics are free of charge.

No matter how doctors and other smart people admonish us - next to our Mac every day there is a mug of coffee or tea. If something goes wrong and you spill some liquid - or even pour the whole cup - on the bottom of your MacBook, do not despair. Can still be fixed!

In contact with

Bad news first: the damage caused MacBook Air or MacBook Pro liquid, are not included in the warranty - in special documents Apple separately stipulates this point. Even if the laptop itself looks perfect after the "douche", the Cupertinians will not take responsibility for repairing any damaged parts. Engineers Apple even gave the MacBook keyboard and trackpad special sensors... They immediately change their color upon contact with any liquid, and the service center technician, as soon as he saw the change, will not do anything and recognizes the case as out of warranty. So we will have to rely on ourselves - especially since something can still be done.

If your keyboard is external, immediately disconnect it from your Apple computer. If it contains batteries, remove them. Wipe the keyboard with a microfiber cloth, then flip it upside down to drain the liquid.

Your next steps depend on whether what you spilled on the keyboard, and how many liquid turned out to be on it. If you have spilled some water or other liquid without added sugar, rinse the surface with clean water and let it dry. If a lot of liquid has been poured out, open the keyboard (for example, with a knife or screwdriver) and clean any parts you see.

If the composition of the liquid eat sugar, you will have to remove the keys, and then rinse both them and the fastening mechanism with clean water. Be careful - the mechanism is very vulnerable! It is worth looking on the Internet for information on how the keys are removed (if there is no other keyboard, search using the virtual keyboard from the main page of the same Yandex). After removing the keys, further cleaning is done with a clean cloth or a soft brush using distilled water.

The laptop keyboard needs to be dried. Unplug the laptop from the power outlet and place the laptop so that the fan grilles are facing downward so liquid can drain. Leave it in this position for a couple of days - there will be more chances that everything will dry out as it should. Then try turning on your MacBook.

And the last thing. Do not use for drying MacBook keyboard hairdryer! All he will do is blow air, dust and all the same liquid into the laptop! Better to use a vacuum cleaner (low power).