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How much does it cost to calculate a person by ip. How to calculate an address from an IP address is a proven method.

Today, there is nothing more free and at the same time dangerous than the Internet. It is with the help of it that people receive all the necessary information in a matter of seconds. Most contemporaries cannot imagine life without this interesting invention. They spend hours here chatting with like-minded people, reading books, listening to music, getting an education and looking at pictures. Initially, the Internet was available to everyone and everyone. Various information merged here. This is being done now, but over the years, the accumulated garbage in it becomes more and more, but worthy, and most importantly, reliable information is less and less. Many dissidents have resorted to the Internet and shared their thoughts and their views on life here.

They were convinced that no one could ever prove that this information was disseminated by a specific person, so the freedom of thought was complete. Now, with the development of technology, it became clear that even on the Internet we cannot remain free. Using a regular ip address, you can safely calculate the person or the place where the computer or other device is located, where the information came from. You can find a person anywhere in the world. There are cases when special services connected to personal computers and watched a person and his whole life through a webcam, and he did not even know about it. For an ordinary person who wants to know how to calculate an ip address, special devices and programs are not needed, and the purpose of such a search is usually quite simple.

With the help of access to the network, you can easily calculate if not a person, but the location of a computer is accurate. Since visiting any information resource, a person involuntarily leaves a trace - the ip address, at which they find the necessary information. There are no two computers in the world with the same address. Of course, there are ways to hide your address and thus complicate the task of finding a person. This method is used by hackers. They know most of the computer tricks and hardly see any obstacles to obtaining this or that information. The easiest way to hide your IP address is to connect to the Internet through a proxy server. How to calculate the ip address of this or that person? This procedure is not complicated. In general, there are several calculation options. It all depends on the specific situation that has developed.

So, for example, if a person received a e-mail letter then calculate email address you can use the email header. Only the word "heading" is used here in a different context in which everyone is used to understanding it. The email header is the service information that is intended for programmers. Every mail service has such a function as "other actions". Here you need to select the item headers of the letter and then information about the ip address of the sender will open. A computer that has correct setting, will never enter a network incomprehensible to him without the user's permission. This helps not to leave traces on various sites, thereby reducing the possibility of sending viruses and other things from the Internet to a personal computer.

If a person begins to notice that his connection icon in the tray is becoming more and more active, then it is necessary to check the network connections. To do this, in the command line, type the words - netstat-aon in English letters. Then you need to press enter. In order to open the command line, you need to go to the "start" menu, then to "all programs", then to "standard" and there you can see the section " command line". Column" external address"helps to see all the connections that were made by the computer. Other methods have been developed how to calculate a person by ip address. There are special sites that help to identify suspicious addresses. But in most cases they just indicate the provider with which this or that works a computer.

If the address is really suspicious, then you can throw a link to this site with this address and the calculated provider and leave a complaint. It is also necessary to describe in detail the situation why this complaint arose. Although the sites can calculate the ip address and give some information on it only by order of law enforcement agencies. For ordinary people, this information is closed. More accurate information can only be obtained by hacking personal computer... Such actions are considered illegal. Of course, they can be justified both from the point of view of morality and the point of view of the law, but this will require special documents proving the guilt of a person with a suspicious address. if he committed illegal acts, then you can protect yourself.

When the IP address of a person is already known, it is not difficult to find it. To do this, you need to go to any Internet browser and enter RIPE Database Query in the search box. A special form will be displayed there, where you must enter the address. Then comes the receipt of all the necessary information about the person you are interested in. Of course, such actions are considered illegal, but if it comes to the health or life of a person, then it is not a shame to use them. Complicated searches for a person who does not want to expose his address and uses a proxy server are carried out by hackers. Each of them has its own special system, so there is no specific scheme. It is best to contact a specialist who will help resolve any problem related to the ip address.

Using the Internet to communicate, many people naively believe that no one will ever be able to figure them out.

In fact, locating a person is not at all difficult, and no software helps to hide. Of course, we will not be able to do this if we do not know the IP address or if the interlocutor uses programs, but law enforcement agencies have such opportunities.

What will your IP tell you? If someone becomes aware of your IP address, then it will be possible to easily determine your location, and no programs are required and you do not need to be a hacker for this. The statement "I will figure you out by IP" is no longer funny, it is quite real.

How to calculate by IP?

There are a lot of services in which you can get information about the user's location, as well as what service provider he uses.

Don't believe me? Try to use it on the page After you enter the address, a detailed information about internet user:

We chose an arbitrary address and identified a Ukrainian user from the Dnipropetrovsk region. The image highlighted information that shows the service provider, and this is already enough (for law enforcement agencies) to find a person.

When you connect to the Internet, passport data is required, so you won't be able to hide. All providers by law store information for six months and, by court order, are obliged to provide it to police officers.

How to locate by IP?

Now comes the fun part. Using the same tool, you can see on the map exactly where the owner of the IP address is.

There is a separate Show on Map tab for this:

As you can see, the accuracy is indicated up to a certain house, so do not be surprised if in your yard you meet strangers who are negative towards you after you allow yourself offensive comments on the Internet.

Unfortunately, some IP addresses are not tracked, but this is a primitive system that is in the public domain. If you use better technology, then you can determine the location.

Now you know that it is really possible to calculate by IP, and this says one thing - be restrained and more often use the Internet in order to read, and not for harsh statements to someone's address.

I advise you to visit the following pages:

In our century information technologies The web takes a serious place in the life of virtually any person. And it so happened that the global network has become a haven for all sorts of crooks, hooligans and other cyber criminals.

Maybe the reader received dangers in social networks or by e-mail, which boil down to the fact that the opponent will calculate him by the IP address and apply various sanctions against him, starting with “stuffing” his face and ending with physical elimination.

Or another option, you are offended on the Web, using the complete anonymity provided by the global network. And very eager to find the offender. Alternatively, you have become a victim of online scams and may wonder how to find the crook. How to calculate the address by IP address? To begin with, a little theory.

Network protocol and IP address

The term "ip" is of British origin. Stands for Internet Protocol, which literally means "Internet Protocol".

Let's introduce some definitions and definitions.

A network protocol is a specific set of rules, a criterion and actions (sequence of actions) for the implementation of the connection and data exchange between 2 or more devices connected to the network.

And where does "ah-pee"? Specifically, he connected computer networks (CS) into a worldwide network. In "LAN", along with it, other protocols can be used.

IPishnikunique identificator node of the network, which is built on the basis of the protocol in question. Moreover, the COP can be global (for example, the Web) and local (within the boundaries of a company, institution, etc.). Obviously, the uniqueness of the address on the Web should be global, and in the case of local network- exclusively within its borders.

Under knot KS in the general case is understood not only as a laptop or a stationary computer, but also a pocket computer, as well mobile phone and special devices (hub, router, etc.).

IP protocol versions and types of addresses

Information technology is constantly evolving. The more widely used version in current time is the fourth (IPv4). IPishnik is represented in it as four numbers in the range from 0 to 255, separated by a dot, for example But using a set of numbers is awkward, because, for example, for websites, the address is tied to domain name... And the user types in the browser line, not Although, if you enter these numbers, you can also get to the Mail.Ru website. The sixth version of the protocol (IPv6) is also in use, but we will not dwell on it.

There are 2 types of IP address:

  • static(unchanged, unchangeable) - assigned to a certain device in the COP and cannot be assigned to another;
  • dynamic(volatile, changeable) - assigned by the machine when the node is connected to the network and used by it for the time specified in a special service.

If you look at the contract with the provider, then, most likely, it is noted there that you have a dynamic "ip". What does it give us? Each time a user with such an address goes to the Web under a new IP. You can check this on the resources indicated below. With the theory, we go further.

Receiving an "ip" network device

Since each computer in the COP is assigned a unique address, the question arises as to whether it is possible to calculate the IP address. The usual answer is: you can. And painfully simple, but only the address of your own computer. To do this, you can use, for example, two resources of the Web: and SpeedTester.Info.

On the first one, you will see information about the current address, browser, operating system of your computer, whether you use a proxy or not, and some other data. On SpeedTester.Info - actually the same, also the placement of this "ai-pi" on the map of the area. Hooray! The problem of how to calculate the address by IP address is solved! But it's not that simple. The map shows the provider that gave you access to the Web, not the location of your computer.

So, it's clear with your own. How to calculate someone else's IPishnik?

Receiving an "ip" of another computer

To do this, you need to work a little. Speed-Tester.Info has a special service - "find out someone else's IP". Just click on the pt menu and go to the page with this service.

And now, in order to calculate the IP address of someone else's computer, we proceed simply: we enter our own email address and the name of the user we are interested in (instead of the name, there can be a nickname, e-mail). The service generates a small link, and we send it to the interlocutor. As he runs across it, we receive his "ai-wee" in the mail.

The accepted address can be checked on the mentioned resources or on any of the "whois" services, of which there are many on the Web. If you have UNIX-like operating system, and you need to get information, for example, about the address, then just type the command "~ $ whois" in the terminal and you see on the display everything about the provider that provided it.

So, we figured out how to calculate the IP address of a computer.

Proxies, Tor and more ...

To ensure anonymization on the Web, it is often used proxy-servers, that is, servers that accept the client's request, receive the necessary information and transmit it to the user. In this case, you will receive an IP address for this node, which can be located anywhere, even in Zimbabwe. There is also corrupting proxy servers that transmit incorrect information about a real user. Then everything is much worse.

But in the near future, the sphere of using proxies has shifted more from anonymization to the area of ​​providing access to legally limited resources, which have a filter by "ip". For example, Russian computers cannot connect to them, while Zimbabwean computers are easy.

Also, a fairly good protection is provided by a system of so-called "onion routing" Tor... It is a collection of proxy servers for establishing anonymous network connection, protected from eavesdropping by encrypting the transmitted information.

Thus, if your opponent works through the Tor browser, then you will not get his real IP address without being a cracker or an employee of the technical department of special services.


There is a commercial organization that provides access to the Web. It is referred to as "Internet Service Provider" or simply "Provider". Such a company has a license to provide this type of service issued by Roskomnadzor (for Russia). Naturally, her database contains all the necessary information.

Each computer connected through a provider has a unique name, internal IP address, MAC address. Obviously, the database also reflects where the device is specifically installed.

And even if you have a dynamic address, in special electrical logs ( log-files) reflects which computer is assigned one or the other "ai-pi", which pages the user of this device entered, etc. In other words, there is complete compromising evidence for everyone.

All this information is stored by the provider for three to five years.

Cellular operators

As many people understand, the operators cellular communication(OSS) also provide Internet access services. Here we will consider the implementation for access to the worldwide network of technologies mobile communications, such as EDGE or CDMA.

In this case, too, everything is pretty easy. It is not important whether a mobile phone is used as a modem for communication stationary computer either a laptop with a WAN or is itself a device for accessing the Web. The main thing is that he also gets an IP address, which can be static or dynamic, depending on the connected services.

When a person buys a SIM card, he almost always provides passport data that is stored by the OSS. And the operator's servers also have log-files containing information about which SIM-card was assigned to one or the other "ai-pi".

And if the subscriber's IP address is determined by the methods indicated above, we will receive the address of the cellular operator.

Definition of the user by "ai-pi"

So, we learned how to calculate the address by IP address. But in this case, we get the point of location of the provider or its subdivision. For example, if you inspect your own "ip-address", then, being in Moscow, you can find that you are somewhere near Krasnoyarsk.

It is clear that most of the readers are interested in another question: "How to calculate a person by IP address?"

Legitimate methods - no way. Internet service providers and cellular operators are not allowed to disclose such information. And if you contact them and ask for such information under any pretext, you will receive a refusal, in most cases courteous.

If the reader has enough hacking ability to get log-files of providers or OSS, then you can test it. Just do not be surprised if employees of the Office "K" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or their colleagues in another country knock on his door.


We learned how to calculate the address by IP address. An ordinary person, using various services, including online, can only find out the location of the provider. So if you are threatened that they will find you by IP and apply various punitive measures, all this is nonsense. The provider, if he does not want to lose the license, will not provide such information. But in any case, while online, be courteous and correct. Fortune.