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How it works. What is phone IMEI and how to check it. Other options for determining the identification number

When discussing phones, smartphones or other mobile devices a term such as IMEI often pops up. In many materials, the authors recommend checking or changing the IMEI, while explaining what it is. Now we will try to close this knowledge gap by telling you what IMEI is in a phone and what it is for.

IMEI is a unique number that is issued to any mobile equipment operating in such mobile networks as GSM, IDEN or. For example, mobile phones, satellite phones, smartphones, tablets and laptops with support for mobile internet, 3G modems and other similar devices. The number of received IMEI corresponds to the number of SIM-cards with which it can work this device... For example, if the phone supports work with two SIM cards, then it receives two IMEIs.

The abbreviation IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity, which can be translated into Russian as the international identifier of mobile equipment. Manufacturers of phones and other mobile devices receive these identifiers from special international organizations that are authorized to issue them. For example, such identifiers are issued by BABT (British Approvals Board for Telecommunications). In the future, manufacturers distribute the received identifiers to specific phones that they release, thus achieving the uniqueness of each IMEI.

As for the structure of the IMEI, it consists of 14 or 16 digits (in this case, it is called IMEISV). The first 8 digits indicate the phone model and its origin, the rest of the digits include the one specified by the manufacturer serial number and check number. In the case of IMEISV, which consists of 16 digits, the version is also indicated software.

What is the IMEI of the phone for?

As already mentioned, IMEI is a unique phone number, so it is convenient to use it to identify phones in a mobile operator's network. The mobile operator can use the IMEI to determine your phone model and the communication technologies that they support. It also allows mobile operators to blacklist the phone and not serve it again.

Due to its uniqueness, IMEI can be used to track the phone even if its owner changes SIM cards. In addition, IMEI can be used by customs officers to determine the legality of the phone.

It should be noted that IMEI is the identifier of the phone, and not of its subscriber. To identify a subscriber in mobile networks, another unique international number is used, which is called IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) and is recorded on the user's SIM card.

How to find out the IMEI of the phone

After assigning IMEI to the phone, it is recorded in several ways that duplicate each other. Any of these methods can be used to find out the IMEI of the phone.

First, the IMEI is written into the phone's firmware, that is, into its software. This information can be obtained at any time by means of a request *#06# to be typed on the device keyboard. Code *#06# works equally well as on push-button telephones and on modern smartphones with touch screen.

After entering this code, the IMEI immediately appears on the screen, which was assigned this phone... If several IMEIs have been assigned to the phone, then all will appear on the screen at once.

Secondly, the IMEI is indicated on the phone itself, usually on a special sticker located under the battery. And thirdly, IMEI is always indicated in warranty documents and on the phone box. Thus, the user always has several ways to view the IMEI of his phone.

Is it possible to change IMEI

In older phone models, the IMEI changed quite simply. In particular, this could be done using a terminal program and several commands. But, now everything is much more complicated, because manufacturers are increasingly writing IMEI into a special memory area that cannot be rewritten programmatically.

However, on some phones it is still possible to change the IMEI. For example, this is done through engineering menu apparatus or by obtaining ROOT rights(if this Android smartphone). If you need to change the IMEI on the phone, then you need to look for information on your specific device. Universal instructions to change the IMEI, which would work on any device, simply not.

It should be noted that in some countries, changing the IMEI is prohibited and is a criminal offense. Therefore, before doing something like this, you need to clarify whether this will violate the laws of your country.

How to find out the phone model by IMEI

If you know the IMEI of the phone, then you can find out its model, specifications, date of manufacture, as well as the country of manufacture. To get this information, you just need to go to one of the sites that have a database and enter your IMEI there. For example, you can search for information on sites such as.

Many of you probably know that any mobile phone has its own unique equipment identifier, the so-called IMEI number... Apple iPhone mobile phones are no exception, each of them also has its own unique identification number - IMEI.

Most users, most likely, will never even need this number, but there are situations when you need to find out if you have your iPhone. For example, to check if it is blocked by operators cellular communication.

Briefly about what IMEI is and what it is for, as well as in detail about where to look and how to find out the IMEI of the iPhone several different ways we will tell you in this article.

The article, unexpectedly for us, turned out to be quite large, since we tried to describe all the methods in detail, with pictures and screenshots, so for faster and more convenient navigation, we made content with quick links.

What is IMEI

To begin with, it is worth briefly describing what an IMEI number is, why it is needed and how it is used.

IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identifier) ​​- an international identifier of mobile equipment, which is unique for each device using it. It is used in all mobile phones operating in cellular networks of the GSM, CDMA and IDEN standards, as well as in some satellite phones. Any modern phone, smartphone and even a tablet with a 3G / 4G module (that is, any that supports work with a SIM card) has its own unique "have".

This number is assigned to each device with the ability to work in the networks listed above at the factory and is stored in the memory of the gadget, and it is used to identify your device in mobile networks. IMEI is always a 15-digit number.

Thus, according to the rules, two mobile devices with the same IMEI cannot exist, although such situations occur in the event of an illegal change of this number (it is a criminal offense in many countries), but this is quite difficult for a simple user to do.

We have decided on the concept, now let's figure it out, how and where IMEI iPhone you can see.

How to find out IMEI iPhone

In fact, there are many ways. Some of them can be useful in certain situations (when the device itself is not nearby, or when for some reason it is not possible to turn it on), so we decided to list them all. And you use the one that will be the easiest and fastest for you. So, let's begin.

The surest place where you can see the IMEI iPhone is information about your device in the smartphone settings. To do this, find and open the menu item "About this device"... It is very easy to do this:

As you can see, everything is simple, but you can also look at it and even faster.

Command to display IMEI

If you have done this, then follow the following instructions:

So finding out the IMEI of your Apple smartphone is not a problem even without the physical presence of the phone and the box next to it.

But what if you have a phone, but for some reason you cannot turn it on? For example, it is blocked, or the battery is dead. And even this is not a problem. In this case, you can determine it in one of the ways listed below.

View IMEI on the phone case

If the smartphone is at your fingertips, then you can see its IMEI without even turning it on. The number you are looking for is located on the back of your smartphone. However, this is not true for all iPhone models, but to be precise, for the following:

  • iPhone
  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 5C
  • iPhone 5S
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus

If your phone is not included in this list, IMEI can still be seen without including the iPhone. How? Look elsewhere.

View IMEI in the SIM card tray

This is perhaps the last way to find out the name of a popular smartphone in this manual, but in some situations it may be the only working one.

In those iPhone models where the number we need is not engraved on the back of the phone, IMEI is written in the SIM card tray (sim tray), just take it out and look closely (the font is small, people with poor eyesight will need glasses or a magnifying glass).

The owners of one of the following gadget models will be able to find the IMEI of their iPhone in this place:

  • iPhone 3G
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 4s
  • iPhone 6S
  • iPhone 6S Plus
  • iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 Plus

Perhaps we can stop at this. At least one of the above methods will surely help anyone trying to find out the IMEI number of their apple smartphone. Also you can refer to some other useful articles on our site, for example, if you want or.

Conclusion (or "why should I know IMEI?")

In some situations, knowing the IMEI number of your smartphone can be very useful.

For example, when buying a used iPhone, you must first of all make sure that the number on the box of the device, on the case (or in the SIM tray) and in the phone settings is the same. If this is not the case, then most likely they are trying to sell you a repaired or illegally obtained device.

If it happened that your phone was stolen, then you can always contact your cellular operator (through the police) to block your phone by IMEI. In addition, with the proper desire and perseverance, if your stolen phone is registered in the network with a new SIM card, then the operator will be able to inform the police not only the passport data of the person on whom it is issued, but also its location with an accuracy of several tens of meters , which significantly increases the likelihood of iPhone'a returning to its rightful owner.

Have you heard of locked iPhones? By the IMEI number, you can check if the smartphone is tied to any telecom operator (otherwise it will not work for others), as well as find out about the warranty for the device.

Quite often you can hear that your phone's IMEI is required to register at the radio frequency center, but not everyone knows what it is and where to find it, although this is quite useful and important information that may help you in life. Below we will analyze this issue in detail.

First, let's figure out what is IMEY?

IMEI is a unique number of the communication module of your device, by which it can be personalized among millions of other gadgets. In other words, this is an identification code that is given to the device when it is created at the factory.

Why is it needed?

Specifically for the owner of the phone, IMEI can be useful in case of loss and drawing up a statement to the police about the loss (theft) of the device. In this case, law enforcement officers can submit a request to mobile network operators to search for a device with this identifier in the vastness of the country, based on data received from cell towers.

How to find out IMEY?

Method 1

In order to find out imei, you need to enter the combination * # 06 # in your phone

If the phone has support for 2 SIM cards, then there will also be two IMEI numbers.

Method 2

Go to the "Settings" menu and select the "About phone" section.

In the window that appears, click on the "General Information" button and then go to the "Information about IMEI" section.

Method 3

One of the simplest ways is to look under the phone cover (if it is removable), the number should be written under the battery or on a non-removable (as is done on the Lenovo P780) battery. Also, the name should be indicated on the box with the phone, therefore, when buying from hand, you should check the correspondence of the information on the box with the information displayed in the device itself.

Why shouldn't you especially advertise your IMEI?

Theoretically, your IMEI can be used by cybercriminals to create clones with subsequent sabotage, which include: sending spam, making calls of an unwanted nature. Therefore, this identifier should be kept secret and made backup when reflashing the communication module of your Lenovo phone.

In contact with

The standard IMEI contains a 15-digit code. Mobile device manufacturers never release two gadgets with the same IMEI serial numbers. This combination of characters is initially programmed in the software of a mobile device, the so-called "firmware", regardless of what model and brand of phone you have (Samsung, Nokia, HTC, Acer, etc.).

This code is designed to uniquely identify the cellular device in the GSM network. In other words, if the user turns on the device without a SIM card, it will appear in the operator's network. Decoding the IMEI code

The IMEI combination stands for the following:

  • the first 6 characters in the international classifier indicate the Type Approval Code (TAC) - an approved type coding that is assigned to a specific phone model. In this case, the first 2 characters are the code of the country where the gadget was released;
  • the next 2 characters are the identifier of the country code that made the final assembly of the device. It is called Final Assembly Code (FAC);
  • the next 6 characters are directly the unique serial number of the phone, which is denoted by the abbreviation SNR (Serial Number);
  • the trailing 1 digit is a reserve number called SP (Spare) and is almost always 0.

Scope of IMEI

  1. Checking the IMEI code is the most efficient and easy way obtaining information about a mobile gadget before you pay for its purchase at the point of sale. Just one simple combination will allow you to instantly check the compliance of the "embedded" IMEI with the number printed on the body of the device.
  2. Also, checking the code allows you to protect yourself from the risk of buying a stolen phone. Each user who has become a victim of theft or loss of his gadget can leave the serial number of the lost device in the IMEI database.
  3. This serial number will also help you find your lost or stolen phone. To do this, you need to add the combination of the missing gadget to the IMEI database in order to increase the chances of finding the lost device.
  4. By blocking access to the device, which can be carried out by the mobile network operator after confirming the ownership of the phone, the user will be able to restrict the access of attackers to the network in different regions of coverage.
  5. Finally, the presence of the IMEI code indicates the good faith of the manufacturer, the quality of the assembly and the security guarantee for each client.

How to find out your IMEI

Checking the code is not difficult at all. The vast majority of mobile gadgets, regardless of the model and type of operating system, respond to a simple combination. Usually it is enough to identify a serial number that works on both old and new gadgets.

So, to check your IMEI code, you need to do the following manipulations:

It is also permissible to use other methods.

We provide several methods for checking IMEI for different manufacturers:

  • for old Sony or Sony Ericsson mobile phones, press the "* Right * Left Left * Left *" combination on the keyboard;
  • for gadgets on the Android platform, just go to the phone's Settings menu and go to the About phone category;
  • for Blackberry mobile devices or latest Sony models Ericsson should go to the "Options" menu and open the "Status" section;
  • for gadgets based on iOS, just go to the "Settings" menu, then click on "General" and select the "About phone" category.

Thus, we reviewed the basic provisions on the concept of the IMEI code, gave the most common reasons for its use and how to check this serial number.

Abbreviation IMEI- International Mobile Equipment Identifier - can be decoded as "international mobile equipment identifier". Simply put, IMEI is a unique number for any GSM phone. To quickly remember this term, learn for yourself: IMEI is the NAME of your phone, only 100% unique!

The IMEI code is fifteen digits long. The first six digits - TAC (Type Approval Code) are the type approval code indicating the model of the machine, of which the first two digits will be the country code. The next two digits represent the country code - FAC (Final Assembly Code), where the final assembly of your phone was made. Next comes the six-digit SNR (Serial Number) and the last SP (Spare) - spare. For "single-digit" devices, this is the number "zero". For phones with two or more SIM cards, this figure may be different. Moreover, phones with two SIM-cards have 2 IMEIs.

Enter the key combination * # 06 # on the keyboard and you will see your phone's IMEI on the screen. Write down this number (just not in the same phone, since in case of theft or loss, this number will not be available to you). The IMEI must be indicated both on the product box, usually under the barcode, and on the phone itself under the back cover of the device. When buying, do not be lazy to compare the IMEI shown on the phone screen and the IMEI indicated on the package and on the device itself. It is especially recommended to do this when the phone or smartphone is purchased by hand, in stalls or on the market. This will allow you to avoid cheating or buying a used device under the guise of a new one.

Although there is a possibility of changing the IMEI with special programs, manufacturers are constantly improving their products and improving the protection of products, therefore changing the IMEI is becoming an increasingly difficult task and in practice it is extremely unlikely to meet a device with a similar IMEI.

Therefore, if for some reason you have lost your mobile phone, in the statement of loss it is necessary to indicate its IMEI. Then the law enforcement agencies will be able to require the telecom operator to give them information if someone else is using the phone with the specified IMEI at the moment.

This was supposed to be so in theory, but almost everything is a little more complicated ...

  1. In Dublin, Ireland, there is an organization that maintains a blacklist of IMEI phones throughout Europe. But to "connect" to this database, you need to invest about $ 1 million in software.
  2. If any Russian mobile operator is connected to this base, then gray phones and phones from the list of missing phones will be automatically disconnected from this network. For example, if MTS connects to such a network, then about one million subscribers of this operator will be blocked, which they are waiting for - they will not wait in Beeline and MegaFon. It is unlikely that any of these or other companies will want to say goodbye to so many of their subscribers, so all operators need to connect to the described database at the same time.
  3. It is possible to track IMEI only in Russia, the corresponding equipment exists for this, but all operators need to connect to it at the same time, which presents certain difficulties for them, but already of a technical nature.
  4. Besides, operators just don't want to do this. They believe that their task is to provide communication, and if something happened to the phone, it is either the owner's problem or the police's problem. Do not look for firms that install anti-theft alarms on cars, these cars when they are stolen!
  5. There is also an economic aspect in this problem. Many experts believe that it is simply unprofitable to do all this, since it is not so difficult to "reflash" IMEI (though not on all devices), and this pleasure is not so expensive - in some cases the price for this service starts from 400 rubles.

How to get operators to do all this?

  1. Globally: The GSM Association is to issue a special order that will oblige all its members to do this.
  2. Locally: the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia should oblige operators mobile networks go to the cost of millions or overcome technical difficulties and begin to provide the Ministry of Internal Affairs with all the necessary information.

IMEY is a special code that is assigned to the device by the manufacturer before it goes on sale. This unique number is a guarantee that the equipment was produced at the official manufacturer's plant and has the declared quality characteristics. Special online services allow you to find out all detailed information about a particular device by its IMEI. If, for example, you have not registered your phone, you may need to refuse to purchase it.

What do you need a phone for?

The identification number of the mobile equipment is required so that the operator can identify and identify the device on the network. It is impossible to change or delete this code during operation, so if you use an official product, it will forever be assigned to its number. But how does having an IMEI help in real life? In addition to the fact that before buying a phone, it is advisable to know it and check for authenticity, this number also allows you to find your mobile in case of loss or theft. There are special services and databases that help you quickly calculate the status of the device and its location by name. For example, if you lost your phone, the person who found it can enter your name in the database and find out your contact information to return the device. To do this, when entering the number, it is recommended to indicate the maximum of your data and do not forget to correct them in case of any changes (changed the phone number, live at a different address, etc.). Some of the most popular services for finding mobile phones by name are and Below we will tell you how to find out the name of your phone and try to find it through one of the services.

How to know have

You can find out your phone number in several ways. The simplest of these is a visual inspection of the box from under the phone. The required number must be indicated next to the barcode. To find out the IMEI of your mobile phone, dial * # 06 #. After that, the unique number will be displayed on the screen. In this case, the phone has two imei numbers at once, since it is designed to work with two SIM cards. You can also see the name of the phone on the body itself, or rather, inside it. Take off back cover phone, remove the battery and look for the barcode sticker underneath. IMEI will be written next to it. How to find information about the phone by name using the SNDeepInfo service:

In this case, the check showed that the code belongs to the Samsung phone Galaxy ace 3 (GT-S7272), which is not listed as lost or stolen. You can immediately add it to this list, and if someone finds a phone, he can contact the owner. These services help people find their mobile phones by name on a daily basis. Some of them work not only with area codes, but also with serial numbers. household appliances, allowing you to learn about it as much useful information as possible.

The abbreviation IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identifier, which means "international mobile equipment identifier". In other words, IMEI is a unique serial number of each GSM phone, which is automatically transmitted by the device to the operator's network when connected. That is, if in your stolen cellular telephone someone will insert their SIM card and make at least one call, the power structures through the telecom operator can find out who the SIM card is issued to and confiscate the phone. However, before that, he can gather dust in the windows of a store for months.

IMEI code consists of 15 digits

First 6 digits
TAC = Type Approval Code - approved type code, phone model (first 2 digits - country code).
further 2 digits
FAC = Final Assembly Code:
6 numbers
SNR = Serial Number.
and one number
SP = Spare - spare, almost always = 0.

You can find out the IMEI of your phone by typing the key combination * # 06 # on the keyboard. In this case, a 15-digit number will be displayed on the screen, which must be memorized or written down. Also, the IMEI is indicated on the box under the barcode and under the battery on the phone case. Therefore, when buying a hundred square meters, it is always recommended to compare these numbers so as not to get into a mess.

The IMEI code is assigned to all mobile devices. It is used to identify devices, but it is most convenient for finding missing digital equipment. You can find out the IMEI of your phone in several ways. The code has 15 digits, their sequence and division into groups also has a certain meaning.

What is phone IMEI

The IMEI code is assigned to the device at the factory during production. The combination of numbers is recorded both on the device itself and in its memory, it appears in the manufacturer's company. As soon as the phone is turned on for the first time with a SIM card installed, the IMEI is registered in the operator's network to identify a specific device. At the same time, data about the owner or the SIM card is not saved, it is important to recognize the phone directly.

The code is assigned to a specific device forever. It is officially impossible to replace it, but some scammers change it programmatically. Therefore, IMEI is stored not only in the phone's memory, but also printed on it. In Russia and the CIS countries, counterfeiting or replacing the IMEI code is a criminal offense.

Why is it needed

The IMEI code is used in various cases:

  • Revealing complete information about the device upon purchase, especially if the phone is used;
  • Recognition of a stolen or lost phone, search for the owner;
  • Finding the location of the device;
  • Compulsory blocking of the phone through a mobile operator if it fell into the hands of thieves;
  • Confirmation of quality assurance from the manufacturer.

The IMEI code base is kept by government law enforcement agencies in most countries.

How to find out IMEI

Depending on the situation, you can find out the current IMEI code from a specific phone in different ways.

USSD command input

Since the code is stored in the memory of any phone, you can enter a USSD request * # 006 #, press the call button. In the response message, the IMEI is displayed on the device screen.

In phone settings

On modern smartphones, basic information is contained in the settings.


Enter the desired section of settings on devices with operating system Android can be done like this:

  1. Enter the "Settings" section;
  2. Go to the "About phone" menu;
  3. Item "Device indicators".

It displays general information about the smartphone, including the IMEI.


Algorithm for mobile Apple products next:

On the phone itself

On devices of different generations, the IMEI code is printed in different places:

Finding it is quite simple, the combination is marked with the name IMEI.

On the phone box

The code is located next to the barcode assigned to the device. When purchasing, you can check the combinations on the battery and the box for additional verification of the smartphone's authenticity.

On the warranty card

According to the established standards, in communication salons and licensed stores, IMEI fits into the warranty card.


The iTunes settings section, opened from the phone, contains information about the IMEI. If the login is made from a computer synchronized with a smartphone, the necessary information will be displayed in the program settings.

AT&T account

This company supplies blocked phones from the USA. You can also order a block removal service from them or find out the IMEI code.

IMEI number structure

The meaning of the digits of the code:

  • First 6 digits - coding according to the international standard;
  • The next 2 are the generally accepted code of the state where the device was manufactured;
  • Another 6 digits - a unique serial phone number;
  • The last digit is the control number of the device.

If the device implies the installation of 2 SIM cards, the device is assigned 2 codes.

How to check the authenticity of IMEI

The combination is authenticated using a check digit. Additionally, you can use one of the databases of IMEI numbers.

Information in databases

Databases with IMEI numbers provide free services search for registered device information. Unfortunately, the missing phone cannot be found this way. Among the popular bases in Russia it can be noted.

You may have heard about the abbreviation "IMEI" and you know that it refers to your phone's identifier, but are you sure that you know what this function is used for?

Each sold new phone must have a unique number "IMEI", which remains with the device throughout its life.

Since it has recently become a major target for thefts all over the world, do not underestimate the importance of the IMEI number, and especially the recorded number of your device in a safe place. In this article, we will explain why our mobile devices need to have an "IMEI" and list the main methods that will allow you to find and record your unique number.

What is "IMEI"

Translated from English "IMEI" means: international identifier of mobile equipment ". As the name suggests, each device should have its own unique "IMEI" that will distinguish it from the rest. When you buy a new phone, you may notice the "IMEI" on the box or even on the store receipt. If you ever carry a mobile phone for repair, chances are that service center will mark your "IMEI" on the warranty card for identification purposes.

The standard "IMEI" number is a 14-digit string, which is additionally accompanied by a special verification number, and now there is also IMEI / SV (SV - for software) with a 16-digit string, which is present only on new devices. The main purpose of "IMEI" goes beyond simple identification, this number can be used to block the device from accessing the cellular network.

If your cell phone is stolen and you report it to your supplier mobile services, then it blocks the device from accessing its network and may even block access to other networks and the ability to use in other regions. The police keep a record of all stolen phones and use IMEI numbers to identify devices.

Since 2004, the format for unique phone identifiers has been AA-BBBBBB-CCCCCC-D. The first two parts of the code, labeled A and B, are known as the Location Type Code (TAC) and are directly related to the phone manufacturer and model.

For example, the current one has a TAC with numbers 01-332700, and Samsung Galaxy S2 uses 35-853704. The section of the code, marked with the letter C, is unique to the serial production and is affixed exclusively by the manufacturer. The last digit is the check digit and is used to check the entire string.

"IMEI" is sewn into the device and has nothing to do with the SIM card. If your phone is stolen, the settings are reset, and the SIM card is replaced, the "IMEI" number will not change without outside interference. If your phone is stolen and you want to block it using "IMEI", do not forget to ask your mobile operator to extend the blocking to other networks.

If he does not do this, then you can contact other operators in your region and ask them to activate the blocking by the "IMEI" number. In some regions, changing the "IMEI" number is illegal and usually requires a very good reason.

Although illegal, changing the "IMEI" of the device sometimes occurs. Thieves find numbers that are not blacklisted and install them on stolen devices so they can be used again.

By the way, in the interests of a criminal investigation, "IMEI" can be used to eavesdrop on the device.

How to check your "IMEI"

Most mobile devices will display their "IMEI" if you enter * # 06 # from the keyboard. This is usually enough to reveal a device code that works on both old and new devices. Other methods can be used. Here are some options for different manufacturers:

  • iOS (iPhone, LTE / 3G iPad): Go to Settings> General> About Phone.
  • Android: Find the About Phone section in the Settings menu.
  • Old Sony or Sony Ericsson: press on the keyboard "* Right * Left Left * Left *"
  • Blackberry or new sony Ericsson: Find the Status section in the Options menu.

If you want to know what exactly your "IMEI" phone number means, then you can check it on the website


"IMEI" numbers of mobile devices are important and unique identifiers which you should find out right now if you don't already know.

If your phone gets stolen, "IMEI" won't help you get it back, but you will get some comfort in knowing that you have made a brick out of a mobile phone that has fallen into the hands of thieves and is unusable.