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Google keep extension for yandex. Google Keep what is this program and is it needed? Change the color of a note

In the modern "seething information flow", a situation often arises when you need to quickly record certain information. It can be some ideas, thoughts, personal or work notes, the need to make a to-do list, remember important data, links to useful sites, recipes, and the like. Also, sometimes you want to save your favorite picture or recorded video for future use. For many users, all this probably reminds. And in general, now on the network there is more than one solution of this kind (both paid and free).

Google decided to show that it is not a bastard, and wedged itself into this niche. At the end of March, another service of the web giant called. It is completely free and available to all network users who have a Google account. Before proceeding to the review, I would like to remember that once the company had a project similar in functionality - Google Notebook, where you could easily and quickly save notes. Actually, a few years ago I brought it up as an alternative to Evernote, a beginner at that time. And then they just closed it. A quite reasonable question arises - will not the same fate befall Google Keep, because records can be made in + lately Google has been actively getting rid of ballast, and not all of the company's undertakings have become successful (Google Wave, Google Buzz).

I think Google Keep can save him from this sad fate mobile version and active development of the smartphone market. Moreover, I think it is Android version(now and other OSs later) will be more popular than the browser option. Is that for the latter they will come up with an interesting and functional plugin(for now, you need to use Google Keep on a separate page).

Of course, at the same time, a big plus is the synchronization of Google Keep information between all devices.

The guys from Google decided that it would be convenient for me and you, as ordinary network users, to make text or notes from a photo in two clicks, create simple lists. For the same few clicks "sort" them by color scheme, edit, move to archive or delete. Yes, Google Keep does not yet provide any tags, tags or other similar identifiers. Filtration of all notes is possible only with the help of colors and flawless search. You decide for yourself, for example, that red is “something urgent,” yellow is “work ideas,” and so on. Note search is another big plus for Google Keep. Notes and lists can be deleted or archived. Notes that were in the archive will be available when searching.

Working with notes in Google Keep gives a double impression. On the one hand, adding records or lists is very simple. Enter the title of the note (optional), the text of the note itself and click "Finish". We want to edit an element - just click on it. A to-do or shopping list is created in the same way. After clicking on the square next to the case, it is crossed out (becomes completed). To highlight a note with color, you just need to select one of the proposed options for it. Everything happens in a few clicks (Google's new style - Gmail now has a similar interface) and that's cool.

Highlighting is now the only way to separate work notes from family tasks and other things. Maybe that's enough, maybe Google will add more tags further - it's hard to say. In principle, colors do not really help me in the Todoist task planner, although I don't use tags there (only categories). It all depends on how you organize your notes.

Another sensation arising from Google Keep is that somehow it's all "damp". To add a picture to a note, you need to upload it from your computer. Although drag and drop works fine in Gmail. If the picture is small, then it will be "stretched" to the larger size of the note. To save a link to some sites, you will have to manually copy the link from address bar browser. Definitely missing some module (plugin) that makes these tasks simpler and "modern". The advantage of the same Google Notebook was the ability to select some text on the site and save it in the service with one click. Continuously navigating to the Google Keep page is too hassle.

GoogleKeep forAndroid

The situation here is a little better than in a browser application - more thoughtful moments, more sense in certain functions, so to speak. When you add a photo note, the camera of your gadget is immediately activated. Also happens with the microphone if you want to take a voice note. Voice memos are a great solution for those who like to dictate reminders to themselves instead of texts.

Adding notes, voice and lists here is also quite simple - you don't need to save anything, just write what you need and go to the main page with notes. Notes are saved automatically. Links in mobile application for android will be active, and when you click on them, you will be prompted to open them in one of the installed browsers.

If you want to add a photo not from the camera, then you must first open the gallery (this is one of the problems). Also, Google Keep does not provide any image correction. Added, signed and free. It is possible that it is not needed here - I would not want to lose the simplicity for such a service.

When you create a new note, the post appears on top of the last - it looks all in the style of a blog. You can also display your notes in columns. Do not forget that if there are several photos in your notes or lists, then only the first one will be displayed as a preview.

In conclusion about Google Keep

In general, the service takes place, although so far it is a little "damp". In principle, I read that users have received this project warmly enough, so it is possible that it has a good future ahead of it. The largest niche (focus) of the service, as I see it, is smartphone users - the web application is more for viewing ready-made notes, processing them, and more will be created from phones. Users who spend more time in browsers for stationary computer, it would not hurt to have some kind of dedicated plugin for Google Keep. V this moment it loses slightly to similar browser-based note services.

This note is not about the prospect of shutting down the service, although here I completely agree with Marko Arment. The user has little or no influence on large companies like Twitter, Facebook or Google. They can make any changes that users will not like (solid redesigns, API changes, shutting down entire services), but users still cannot stop using the products of these companies. And this is one of the reasons why I will stay at Evernote, taking notes is their only direction. Closing the service of notes = closing the company. And for this reason, Evernote is still actively responding to user feedback.

Remember, at least, the story with Skitch. After purchasing the service, Evernote spoiled it a lot, but due to a large number of negative reviews and users' refusal from Skitch, the application was promptly updated, and the main reason for the update was “We listened to you”.

But this is a more psychological reason, because my common sense prevents me from believing that Google will beat Keep. Nevertheless, there are smart people everywhere and Google understands that a certain taste of fragility is already present in the company's services. Therefore, the closure of the next +/- useful project will entail much greater consequences than after. The main reason is that Google Keep is not good enough. I understand why he appeared - in a huge corporation that already has more than one of its own operating system, there is no own service for notes. Not necessarily a service, Apple has one simple application that differs from a piece of paper only in search and synchronization between devices. But Google needs a service, especially since a database has already been formed for it - Google Drive. Actually, because of this, Keep is indirectly monetized. Need more storage space? Buy extra space.

It so happened that notes are one of the most important functionalities of a smartphone / tablet for me, and this has been the case since the first Nokia on Symbian that I used. In Symbian, before version 9, the standard note-taking application was extremely dysfunctional, but, for lack of alternatives, I used it. Not a normal search, not the slightest hint of cataloging records, not even headings. As a result, when switching to the ninth version of Symbian, I formed a thousandth list of notes, which was no easier to navigate than in two paper notebooks full of information. I was separated from analog recordings only by the smartphone battery, when it sat down, the recordings became inaccessible.

But Symbian 9 has Active Notes. This is a new application that made working with notes much more convenient. True, exactly until the moment I needed to switch from Symbian to Android, since all the records were stored in .html files and it was not possible to import them into the existing Evernote. However, the new app had the ability to create folders, format text, and even add images to notes. In these active notes, I collected a huge library of notes and later I still had to manually transfer them to Evernote.

Symbian taught me to write down any thoughts and ideas, so as not to forget about them later. And the Active Notes application itself set a certain level of functionality for the note-taking. With Android, I tried many applications and services, since there was no native one (still not). Among the services I've used are Catch, Springpad, and Evernote. I was on Catch for about two years before it got too overwhelmed by my recordings. Convenient sorting never appeared there. Springpad hasn't caught on, and Evernote has been an encyclopedia of all my materials and thoughts for several years now. And here we turn to the question, is the Kip Evernot competitor?

I'll just go over the four most important features I use in Evernote and compare them to Google Keep. Yes, some people need a simple note-book, so these points are for those who use Evernote as intended, and not as notes on their knees.

1. Any interesting information from the network I save to Evernote using a clipper. Using it, I immediately choose which notebook to save the page, or a separate part of it, and add labels, if necessary. Only the essentials are saved - text and graphics.

This is very convenient, then I go through the notebooks and read the necessary information. The Google Keep clipper may also appear, but in functionality it will be similar to that in Catch - instead of all content, only the link to the page will be saved. Or just text.

2. The notes I write contain pictures and text. Both pictures and text can be added to Keep. But there is a big difference between Evernote and Keep (Catch). In the case of the first, I write the text, then add the image to the right place according to the content. How could it be otherwise? Why then add images at all so that they can be attached to the note in one bulk, like attachments? Namely, adding pictures is implemented in Keep. If pictures are not added to the note in the place I indicated, then I simply do not look towards this note. Why? One of my notebooks is Keddr, it has a notebook called “Ceddr Letters”. Here I made instructions for the editor and authors, which, logically, look like this: text - screen - text - screen and so on.

I would not be able to use Keer as a collection of instructions, because pictures are attached to a note only from above, in one bulk.

3. After creating a note-instruction, I send a link to it to the authors / editor. They open the link and see the content in Evernote's beautifully designed interface, like a separate web page.

4. Quite a commonplace point - notepads. Separating notes by color won't save Keep if you start using it. Hundreds of unordered notes await you in the coming weeks. Here's my Evernote:

Only one Keddr notebook contains 16 notebooks. Why? Here I write all my scripts for video blogs, reviews, sketches, I share some of the notebooks with the editor so that he can see the script during editing, and so on. I have a notebook "Home", where all ideas for future construction are collected, there is a travel notebook where we plan trips, and so on.

I can write many more less important functions like text formatting, offline PC client and so on. The bottom line is that switching from one memory expansion service to another is more difficult for me than switching from one mobile OS to another, even taking into account the heap of purchased software. But despite all this, I would give it a try if Keep's functionality wasn't so meager. My opinion is for simple records there is Catch, which is much more convenient and well thought out than Keep, for hardcore use - Evernote and there are practically no alternatives for it.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl + Enter.

To use Google Keep, you first need to visit the service's website. Sign in with your account Google will greet you too Homepage service filled with notes.

Here you will see examples of notes in a grid layout. List layout is also available. You can switch the layout mode using the switch located in the upper right corner.

At the top of the page is the line search where you can search for your notes. Google Keep web page reacts on requests is normal. The service adjusts its size according to the browser window. So if you shrink the window, the page automatically adjusts to the change and displays the notes in a list style.

Create a note with Google Keep

Create a note on home google page Keep takes only a few seconds. Click on the "Add a note" field, which is located at the top of the page, below the search bar.

This will activate the process of creating a new note.

First enter the title, and then the text of the note itself. At the bottom of the note creation window are options for adding a reminder to the note, changing the note color, creating a list, and adding an image. To use one of the options, just click on it. Service does not offer funds formatting text such as thumbnail, italic, underlined, and so on. Google Keep also lacks the hyperlink parameter. Although, you can insert a hyperactive link. Adding audio possibly in the version of the service for Android devices.

Adding a reminder

To add a reminder to your Keep note, click on the bell icon. Set the time and date for sending the notification. You can also set a reminder about the location with using google Keep.

V set time a card-style reminder will appear on the screen.

Change the color of a note

You cannot change the color here font, but you can change the color of the note itself. That is, the background color of the note can be made more colorful. To choose a color for the note, click on the palette icon and select the one you want.

You need to choose a color from the available ones. The service does not offer color mixing or self-shade creation. By default, the note color is white.

List creation

You can create a list to manage your daily activities. To do this, simply click on the list icon to the right of the palette icon. The to-do list editor appears on the note.

Each item in the list can be moved using drag and drop. If you check one of the list items, it will automatically go to the bottom of the note and its status will change to completed.

Adding an image

If you want to add an image to your note, just click on the photo icon below text editor and provide the path to the required image file. Then upload the image to your note.

Remember you cannot download video files to notes created with Google service Keep. The service only supports formats such as JPEG, PNG and GIF, the size of which does not exceed 10 Mb... Google Keep offers a feature to extract text from an image. To do this, click on the More option in the note that contains the image.

Managing notes

After creating and filling a note on the Keep service, click on the "Finish" button. The note will be saved and will be displayed on the Keep service home page. Recent notes appear at the top of the home page.

Click on a note to open it.

If the note has already fulfilled its purpose, then you can send it to the archive to clear up some space on the home page.

To open additional options for a note, open the note itself and click on the "More" button (see the screenshot below).

Here you will see options for deleting a note, copying, showing / hiding checkboxes, checking / unchecking list items, and list settings options.

With the list settings, you can define the properties and functions of the list.

When you're on the Keep home page, click on the ellipsis (More) and more options will appear on the screen. Other editing options are also available on this toolbar.

There is a menu button in the upper left corner of the Keep window.

Click on it to open the Keep service menu. Here you will see the categories of notes.

The "Notes" category displays all of your current notes, or in other words, your home page. The "Reminders" category displays all your notes with reminders set. The Archive and Trash categories display all your archived and deleted notes, respectively.

Google Keep extension for Chrome

You can also use google extension Keep for Chrome browser... I tested it on my desktop computer. After installing the extension, the corresponding icon will appear in the Start menu.

After the initial installation, the Google Keep extension will ask you for permission to access.

After confirming the permission, the Keep home page will appear on the screen.

Keep extension for Chrome browser does not display service notification bar Google plus and your profile information. All other elements are almost the same as in the web version of the service.

The biggest obvious expansion difference is the ability work offline... Yes, the Google Keep Chrome extension allows you to take notes offline. And when an internet connection is available, offline notes are synced to the server.

Oops ... I stumbled upon a mistake Google Keep service. After checking the information about the error with the help of the same Google, I realized that I was not the only one, others also faced a similar problem.

While Google Keep is a note-taking service, it offers the most basic features and tools. Perhaps he will seem to you something more than just notebook... Nevertheless, the Keep service somehow does not seem to me as replacements such giant in a note-taking area such as Evernote. However, we can always expect more from Google. Now let's move on to looking at the pros and cons of Google Keep.


  • It's free.
  • Google Keep is a fast and easy note-taking service.
  • The service offers an extension for the Chrome browser that can be used offline.


  • Google Keep does not offer additional formatting tools.
  • Lack of parameters for hyperlinks.
  • Users cannot post video files. Keep for the web only supports images.
  • Lack of function for sharing notes.
  • Notes cannot be distributed according to the content.
  • Keep does not support rich text.


As I said before, Google Keep is a note-taking service that can help you solve basic tasks to create notes. If your tasks go beyond the Keep service, then you can use other options at any time.

This is my experience of using the web version of the Google Keep service. Have you already used this tool? What are your feelings? Share your experience with us in the comments section. Thank you for attention!