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Google plus - registration, login to your Google plus account and all the features of this social network. Social network Google Plus - registration, login. What are circles, ribbons, how to create a branded page How to create a page on google

Hello my readers! Many may need to create a website in order to organize a business or present their creativity online. You can do it yourself and is completely free.

You can register, choose a template, stylize the design and place it yourself without any help. And you can be sure that your creation will be a cause for pride. Today we will take a closer look at how to create a free website on google.

Google provides a service for free creation Internet projects, which is called "Google Sites". Initially, you need a registered account for this.

Detailed instructions for creating a free website on Google

Initially, go to the page. After that, you will need to enter your account and click on the "Login" button. On the right there will be a button "Create a site". We click on it.

The page that opens will contain tips that will help you figure out how to create a website. We will look at this process step by step.

The page that opens will provide you with a selection of templates from the collection. You need to click on the link "View additional templates".

You will be able to view them one by one on the right side by selecting categories in the left column.

When you have decided on a future template, click on it and you will go to its description. On this page there will be a link "Gadget from template directory", clicking on which will give an opportunity to view the template in real size in a new browser tab.

If you have definitely decided on the type, then click on the "Use this template" button in the upper right corner.

The next step is to choose your project name and URL. When you enter the name, the URL field will be filled in automatically, but you can make your adjustments.

The system may give an error. This happened to me because of a non-unique address. I slightly corrected the url and everything worked

Toolbar and site customization

After completing these steps, you will be presented with the page of your newly created resource. If you don't like something and need to make some edits, the toolbar will be your assistant.

With its help, you can change the font, set its size, color, add effects, load and change images, increase (or decrease) indents, in general, do everything related to editing.

You can undo the last action as well as undo the last undo. The "Insert" button in edit mode allows you to add any object that is in the scoreboard (video, calendar, photos, slideshows, etc.).

Benefits and Limitations

The sites in Google Sites have a major difference. There is access to work on the site by several users. This means that the owner, after creation, can invite other users to working together... You, as the owner, will have the ability to distribute access to the materials.

To get a better understanding of all the features, I recommend visiting the control panel.

I think it would not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the restrictions:

  • CSS and JavaScript are not supported,
  • looks like:,
  • Limited customization in the design and change the color, size and style of the font.
  • Anonymous comments are prohibited at all (I cannot say that this is an existing drawback, since the notes that are left anonymously are very often "abnormal").
  • Absent rss feed where site updates are displayed.
  • Information volume limitation 100 MB

I do not claim that these are disadvantages, but such limitations exist and must be taken into account.

As a conclusion, we can say that you should not limit yourself to working only in the real world. The Internet provides this opportunity. If you are successful in real life, then showcase your achievements in virtual!

Complex programs, or rather work in them, previously frightened off inexperienced users. But, as you have seen, today the process of creating a professional website does not bring many difficulties. Sequential execution of all steps and that's it - your site is ready!

If you liked my blog, then I will reveal a secret - it was created on the popular WordPress platform. Do you want too? If yes, then I recommend free course by wordpress.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

When creating a page for a site, for a company it is primarily a link from Google itself, and secondly, additional visitors to the site.

In this article, we will take a step-by-step look at how to create a page in Google plus for a website what needs to be done for this, and what points to take into account.

If you already have a Google account, then the picture shown above opens. If this is not the case, you need to first register your account.

And let's move on to the design of the page.

After the page is in Google plus created, you need to pump it up a little, and at least ask your friends and acquaintances to add your page to circles.

Important points

- update page news

If you have a blog or have articles, you need to refresh your Google plus page often with the company or brand.

When you add information, then put there a link to your site, thus, you get a good link from Google, but at first, and not only, you need to pump the page itself.

- pulling up Google Places

We can connect a location map that we create through Google Local, read the article about.
There will be many more articles about how to promote a page on Google, so subscribe to blog updates.

- we fill the page with information as much as possible

If you have photos related to the company, for example, certificates, reviews, recommendations, or just a photo from life, then do not forget to fill the company page in Google Plus. The more informative the page becomes, the better.

Moving in the search engine Google system it is worth not forgetting that it is Google that is primarily interested in developing its own social network, and not third-party ones. Therefore, the first step is to create a company page in Google Plus.

Social factors affect website promotion, and the more your website pages and the company page itself on Google + will be plus, the better it will be for promotion in general.

Good afternoon, dear readers of my site. Today we'll talk about a relatively new social network Google Plus... We already remembered about it when, in this review, we will consider this social network from all sides. Let's analyze the registration in Google plus, the entrance and capabilities of this social network, setting up a profile in Google + and what has changed in this social network with the change in the general design of Google products.

Google has been trying to enter the social media market for many years. There was even an attempt to buy the social network Twitter. But this attempt failed, and several years ago Google presented its social google network+.

Over the past years, Google Plus has been in constant development. The company is making a lot of efforts to popularize its brainchild. Most of Google's products are already linked to a Google+ profile, and the process continues. This gives its positive shifts - today, there are more than 200 million registered users of the Google + social network (according to the company). On the other hand, this behavior of Google causes anger on the part of the audience, which does not want to see mandatory registration in all Google products, or dependence on the social network Google Plus.

It is this behavior of the company that leads to disappointing results. According to some sources, the time spent on the Google + social network is calculated in minutes, while in other popular social networks (Facebook, VKontakte), the user can be for several hours.

Registration in Google Plus

To register in Google +, no need to do any complicated manipulations. As mentioned in previous articles, Google has introduced a single account for all of its products for its users. To register with Google, you just need to register and get your mailbox.

By registering a new mailbox, we create an account in Google. You just need to enter the address of your mailbox and write the password for it. That's it, you have your own Google account and access to all its products.

List of possible software products companies can be seen at home page search engine. On it, click on the square in the upper right corner and a list of Google products will open in front of you. Choose Google Plus.

Clicking on the G + icon takes you to the news feed page. Before using all the features of this social network, you need to create your profile in Google Plus. To do this, click " Join to…"And in the drop-down window we check the correctness of your data. Data is taken from your email account

After checking the data or entering new ones, click " Create a profile". In the next window, you can add your profile picture.

This is where the creation of the profile is actually over. Now available to you full list features and services of Google+. We'll talk about this below.

You can customize your Google Plus page. To do this, go to the " Profile».

This is my Google plus page. To change the background photo or profile photo, and make small changes to the profile, you need to click on the button " Change profile". You can create collections - this is a kind of Vkontakte group. It contains records, photographs, links related to a specific topic. She, like a group, a community, may have subscribers. It's easy to create a new collection in Google +:

Enter the name, short description collection and for whom it is intended. By default, your collection is visible to all netizens, you can limit the visibility to your circles, show it only to yourself, or suggest your own version.

Your own version of the visibility of the collection - members of your circles (Friends, Family, Acquaintances) or through the search to find the people you need.

By clicking on the pencil on my Google Plus page, you can leave a note. This is a kind of post on the wall on other social networks. Your subscribers will see it.

Thus, we signed up for Google Plus and set up our profile on this social network.

Google Plus features - feed, collections, communities and people

Now let's move on to the most interesting thing - using social network Google Plus... When you log into your account, you will be taken to the news feed page. It displays all the posts that the users you follow and popular posts have left. This is a kind of RSS feed.

In this feed, you can also leave your entry. This is done simply.

A window opens to add your entry to the feed

In this window, you can not only leave your entry in the feed, but

  1. Share photo, image
  2. Interesting link
  3. Create poll
  4. Leave your coordinates on google maps

When creating a message, you can determine for whom it is intended: For everyone, for a certain circle, or find through a search for the one to whom it is intended.

You can comment on any entry in the Google Plus feed, share a link to it, ignore it, or complain about it.

Collections- these are user materials, collected in one group according to certain criteria, mainly on one topic. Each user of the social network Google Plus may have more than one collection. It all depends on the interests of the user.

You can create collections yourself in your profile or subscribe to others. A large selection of collections can be found on the tab of the same name “ Collections».

In the tab “ My»The collections you created are presented.

If you have not seen the selection you need, then you can find it through the search. After choosing what you were looking for, you can subscribe. This can be done either on the main page of the " compilations»Or directly on the main page of the collection.

After subscribing, you will receive notifications about new content in the collection. They will also be displayed in the " Subscriptions».

Google Plus Communities. By analogy with subscriptions in communities, materials are collected on certain topics. The difference between communities is that the materials published in them can be commented on.

The community section interface is organized similarly to Collections. You can join all communities, but some of them require a request in advance. After that, the community moderator decides on your entry.

People Tab... In the old Google Plus interface, instead of this tab, there was Circles tab... These are your circles on the Google+ social network.

By clicking on this tab, you will see several of your social circles presented by default. In the beginning, one will be empty, but as the communication increases, they will be filled with you. To add a person to any circle, you need to subscribe to him, first find him through the search. By subscribing, the person you choose goes to your circles google plus and is at the top of the page. At this moment, he is not in any of your circles. To add it there, you need to click on the " Subscriptions»At the bottom of the person's avatar. In the proposed list, select in which social circle to define him.

After that, he will appear in your chosen social circle in Google +.

If there is no circle you need, then you can create it by clicking on the button " Create circle».

In the tab “ Whom to add»There are recommendations of other network users to whom you are subscribed.

Tab “ Followers»Contains a list of your subscribers. You can select any of their list of subscribers and add it in the same way to the Google Plus social circle of your choice.

What's changed in the new Google Plus interface

That year, Google rolled out a new interface for all of its products, including Google Plus. Today, there are many instructions on how to work with Google + on the Internet, but they are all based on the old interface of the Google Plus, in the new version of some products and features are no longer there. Let's take a look at what is no longer in the new Google+.


This feature has been removed from Google Plus and made available as a separate Google product, not specifically related to the Plus.

Hangouts- this ability to broadcast live video directly to the network. It used to be, but now it is separate service Google, an analogue of Skype. Thanks to this application, you can arrange video conferencing, make calls with users registered in Google Hangouts, chat.

Google brand page "+ page"

In the new interface, you will no longer find the opportunity to create branded pages, that is, the service + pages moved to the Google software section. And presented under the title " My business". It is located in the same right window where all Google products are presented (shown in the screenshot above).

How to create a + business page

We go to the My Business application. The landing page of the application opens in front of us. Since we have a Google account, we press "Login" and get into the wizard for creating + pages.

A page opens in front of us with a choice of the type of company. There are three types of " Place-bound business», « Outgoing services», « Brand name". Now a little more detail about each type + page

  1. Place-bound businesses are restaurants, shops, all types of businesses that have a fixed address on the map
  2. Offsite services. Services that can be provided at the client's place of residence, that is, this type of business is not tied to a physical address, mobile business (pizza delivery, taxi, flower delivery, etc.)
  3. Brand. This type of + pages is designed to convey to users exactly the name of the company, firm, brand... Needed for brand promotion.

Here you yourself have to make a choice based on the above recommendations. In my case, I chose “ Brand name". In the window that opens, fill in the data about your brand, click " Create + page».

The next step in front of us will open the page created by us + for our brand. I want to say right away that although the + page application has left the Google+ menu, it still remains completely tied to the profile of the G + social network. We will see it now.

What do we see on the brand's business page?

  1. Linking to a Google+ profile. If you click on "Publish update", then it will automatically be created new account in Google + with information from the + page
  2. Google Analytics. It is possible to connect Analytics to your branded page
  3. The Change button will take you to your Google Plus page, where you can change your company information, logo and your profile photo. You can set up a Google Plus profile as described earlier.

As you can see, the + page is completely linked to the Google + profile. This page shows statistics on visits, the number of subscribers.

This is how a branding + page is created. Thanks to it, you can follow the development of your Google Plus profile, keep statistics and attract new admirers of your brand.


Social network Google+ is a kind of network in comparison with other popular social networks. It has its own flavor. But something is still missing for its greater popularization. I think that over time Google will be able to figure this out and fix the flaws.

In terms of website promotion, I want to note that by posting announcements in the Google Plus feed, the search engine indexes your page much faster.

If you missed something or made a mistake, please write in the comments, correct me or supplement.

Greetings friends! Today I will touch on the topic of the social network Google+ for the first time!
Judging by the results this social network achieves, it could become better than Facebook itself! Just think, in a short time of its existence, Google's network has achieved what Facebook has been striving for for 3 years! If this social network is so promising, why not take a place on it, so as not to regret it in the future? Today I'll show you how to make a Google+ page for your site!

Until today, I have not worked with this social network, I have not even really learned anything about it, but the innovation pushed me to register! Now I have my own my blog page on Google+!

You may have a question - "Why should I create such a page?".
The answer is obvious! If a social network from Google+ in a short time has achieved the results that Facebook has achieved in 3 years, this project has a future! Until this network has grown into a mega-network, you should hurry to take your place in order to grow and develop with it. In addition, creating a page for your site is not at all difficult!

Before we start, I want to remind you that you can get additional traffic, take advantage of this!

Create a page for your site on Google+

Go to the address of the social network -
If you are not registered, please do so. Registration does not cause any complications and you should not have any questions about this.

After the registration is successfully completed, go to your account and at the very bottom, in the right column, click on “ Create Google Page+ ”, As in the picture.

After that you will be asked to choose a category, choose “ Product or brand

After filling out the basic information, you need to fill out the profile of your page. Enter a description and upload an image. Naturally, the image should be such that your site is immediately recognized only by looking at the image!

After you click the "Continue" button, you are invited to tell us that you have created a page for your site, what you should do! Although, if you have just registered in the system, there is no one to read you.

After everything is done, you are taken to a page with a proposal to create your own news feed and we, of course, agree!

We publish the entry and you're done! You now have your own Google+ blog page! But that's not all! Since you have your own page, you need to tell your friends about it, right? Of course, you can send out invitations by mail or via Twitter, but then the newcomers will not know about it. Google+ has taken care of this, you can immediately place a button from this social network right on your site and you won't have to suffer!

Google+ icon on your site

On the page where we were offered to create a ribbon, below we can get an icon.

We click on "Get a badge" and select the type of badge on the proposed page.
In the next steps, I am not an advisor to you, everyone has their own taste, choose according to taste and place the badge wherever you like!

I placed this icon like this, without any inscriptions like this:

Here's the code I posted:

114666421707859023529 / posts » style = "text-decoration: none;">

Hello dear readers of the blog site! Creating a Google account gives you the opportunity to take full advantage of all the many features of this search giant. This is very convenient for ordinary users, many of whom use for their own needs, for example,. I'm not even talking about webmasters or Internet entrepreneurs, for whom the availability account in Google is vital.

The system of accounts in Google is built in such a way that once you register, you get access to all services at once, simultaneously purchasing a mailbox on GMail, which I myself use and which I consider to be the most optimal and reliable in every sense. Moreover, Google does not regulate in any way the number of accounts that you can create.

That is, if you have one account, then at any time you can add several more to it, each time registering new mail... By the way, exactly the same mechanism operates when registering with Yandex. Below we will analyze all the necessary details of obtaining a Google profile in detail so that there are no dark spots left, if possible.

How to create a Google account for your needs

So, we start the operation to get a Google account. Registration is carried out on a special page, where you must fill out the form provided there, in the first part of which you must enter your name, surname and login as part of Email:

Naturally, your mailbox will be located on the Gmail server, this service is part of Google applications. However, there should certainly always be an alternative as users will not understand the lack of choice. In this case, if you do not want to create your mail on GMail, then you need to click on the link “Use current email address. mail ". Then the form will take on a slightly different form and you can enter your email, which will further serve as a login for authorization:

It should be borne in mind that in this case, when registering, you will have to confirm the address of such an email. A letter will be sent to the specified mailbox, which will contain a link that you must follow to confirm. But, again, such additional gestures must be done only if you do not want to register mail on GMail.

However, in my opinion, the created Google account presupposes the presence of a GMile mail account, if only because it is much more convenient when using a variety of Google applications and services. In addition, the interface and settings are constantly being updated and, most importantly, Google's mail service is very reliable in terms of security, which I will tell you about in more detail.

So, if, having switched to entering the current email, you suddenly change your mind and still decide to use mail from Google, nothing prevents you from simply clicking on the link “Create new address GMail ". Go ahead and in the next block of the registration form, enter the password twice, as well as your date of birth and gender:

Note that the date of birth will not be publicly available without your consent. It should be especially noted the need to complicate the password as much as possible, since this directly relates to the security of the future account. For my part, I dare to advise in this regard Kipas, which I have been successfully using for quite some time. But let's continue to fill out the Google registration form:

First you need to enter your mobile phone number and, preferably, an additional email. This information will not be superfluous in terms of increasing the level of security. For example, if you forget your password or somehow it is lost, then via SMS you will receive the data necessary to restore access to your Google account. The replacement email address also contributes to the improvement of the level of account security and can serve, among other things, to receive notifications.

Then we enter the captcha in the appropriate line "Enter text" and go to the final part of the registration form, where you need to select a country (the one in which you live will be automatically indicated), and also tick your agreement with the terms of use of Google services and the privacy policy:

However, this offer at this stage can be easily ignored and the photo can be uploaded later. This can be done at any time using the appropriate options in your profile. Therefore, you can immediately click on the "Next" button. The result of this action will be the realization that you have managed to create a Google account:

After clicking "Forward" you will find yourself on the web page, from where you can access all applications, services, settings and other necessary services:

Perhaps for some it will be easier to assimilate the information from the video. Therefore, I provide a video on the topic of creating a Google account:

Well, given the level modern technologies not superfluous, I think there will be a video about creating an account in Google for mobile devices Android based:

Login to Google account and basic settings

So, in the example above, we have determined how to register a Google account. You can enter your UZ immediately by clicking on the silhouette in the upper right corner and then clicking on the corresponding link (in the future, you can enter from the authorization page):

As you know, Google allows you to create as many profiles as you want, corresponding to different mailboxes GMail. If you receive several UZs, then there is the ability to perform multiple logins by logging into them at the same time and switching between different accounts, which is very convenient when working:

After logging into your account, you can go to the settings, thereby defining your preferences. By the way, I really like the interface both in terms of ease of perception and in terms of the breadth of possibilities that are provided. Therefore, I, perhaps, will not describe in detail all possible options, everything is intuitively clear here, I will tell you in general terms and dwell only in more detail on those points that seem to me the most important.

V section "Personal data" first of all, you can add a photo, if you did not do it during the registration process:

All possible editing on the left side of this section is connected in one way or another with the settings of the options of the automatically created profile for you, which is gaining frenzied popularity, which is not surprising, given the powerful wing under whose powerful wing it is. But we will talk about this in more detail in a separate article, since there are many nuances there.

On the right side Basic data that were indicated during the registration process (e-mail address and phone number). To change this information, you just need to click the "Change" button and edit what you need on the newly opened page.

In the "Language" tab choose the main interface language, as well as the languages ​​that should be excluded from the translation when working with text. Here you can also define the keyboard input method. Press the appropriate buttons and immediately get the result, nothing complicated.

How to keep your Google account as secure as possible

I think everyone will agree with me if I say that the most important aspect of any closed systems is their reliable protection from outside encroachments. Therefore, now I will tell you in more detail about the measures that you can take to improve the security of your account and preserve confidential data.

First of all, go to the "Security" section of your account settings. In the first block, one of the options allows you to change your account login password at any time. To do this, you just need to click the "Change password" button:

Connecting two-step authentication which is disabled by default. Click on "Settings" and go to the web page to start activating this option, where the pictures show its advantages:

As you probably understood, in short, the essence of this method is that when you enter the Google account, in addition to the password itself, you will also have to enter a code that will be sent to your mobile phone... So, click on the "Proceed to setup" button and enter your cell phone number as the first step:

You can also choose the method of receiving the code (voice or via SMS). Then ask to send a verification code. When you receive it, enter it on the appropriate line:

Next, make a request "Confirm". In the third step, you will be prompted to count this computer reliable. This is necessary so that the next time you log into your account from this computer, Google will no longer send you a confirmation code every time:

The last step is devoted to the final activation of protection in the form of 2-Step Verification:

After this action, a page will open, where further suggestions for optimizing the security system will be given. I advise you to study them carefully, since these settings not only allow you to strengthen the level of protection, but also make it possible to always have a fallback in case of unforeseen difficulties.

Let's see what else can be done to obtain optimal security and prevent the occurrence of undesirable situations:

  • Create codes in the application - when you try to log into your Google account from another computer, phone or tablet, you will be prompted for a verification code, which can be obtained using the Google Authenticator program. If there are any difficulties, then there is still an alternative to order the code by SMS or voice message... This application can be downloaded from the official Google Play page;
  • Add a phone number - if the main phone is unavailable for some reason (breakdown, theft, etc.), then you can use a backup option in the form of another mobile phone, to which a code will be sent. The more additional numbers you add, the more you insure yourself against force majeure. For each phone number a confirmation operation like the one described above for 2-Step Verification will be performed;
  • Print or download backup codes- this option is intended for those who have been away for a long time and cannot use at some point google app Authenticator or phone. To begin with, 10 codes are given, the codes used cannot be used further, in the future it is possible to generate additional code numbers. All this is on the page that you will be taken to if you click on the link "Show backup codes".

In the same section "Security" there is a block of settings "Account access"... If you click on the link "All list", you will be taken to a page where a list of all web resources and applications that somehow have access to your account will be given:

If you have bad suspicions about their account, then you can easily and simply close their ability to use the data of your UZ by selecting the object on the left side and clicking on the "Deny access" button on the right.

Further. If the section "Recent Activity" follow the link "Entire list", you will get all the necessary information about all actions related to the security of the account (attempts to enter or change the password). If some action seems suspicious, for example, logging in from a browser that you have never used or a time when you could not perform such an operation in any way, you can draw the appropriate conclusions and take the necessary steps to correct the situation. For example, in this case, it is advisable to immediately change the password.

In another subsection "Recovery and Alerts" you can configure the receipt of messages about suspicious activity. Click on the link "Change" opposite the inscription "Send reminders to phone":

We put a checkmark in front of the notification types, as a result of which you will receive SMS from Google to your mobile phone if suspicious actions by third parties with respect to your UZ are detected.

How to manage data, delete and restore your Google account

Tab "Data management" allows you to make a variety of settings that are just for you. For example, the Storage Space subsection provides comprehensive information on the volume of files stored (on Google Disc, GMail, and Google + Photos).

The free plan allows you to use up to 15 GB of disk space. Agree, this is a lot for an ordinary user. Well, if you want to add for a specific purpose free space, you will have to switch to a paid option by clicking on the "Change tariff" link.

In the same tab there is such an interesting option as “Google just in case”. In fact, this is a will in the truest sense of the term. After all, anything can happen in our life, so you can make a list of persons to whom all your “property” will be transferred in the form of photos, files and other data if the account is inactive for a certain period of time, which should be set in the settings.

So, first, we set up the inactivity period, then add the proxies who will receive all account data according to your will. Click on the appropriate link and follow the instructions, which are quite understandable.

Note that it is possible to set up an answering machine for a given GMail mail, which will send the specified message to all recipients who will write to you after the inactivity period expires. If, after a specified period of time, UZ should be liquidated, left-click the empty cell opposite the "Delete account" option, and then click "Enable".

In the subsection of the same name of the "Data Management" tab there is a link "Delete account and data". After clicking on it, carefully read the warning, since deleting an account is a responsible decision.

So, we looked at how to delete a Google account, now is the time to understand what actions need to be taken to restore it. I mentioned this possibility above in the text during the description of registration. This may be necessary if suddenly an unpleasant situation arises associated with the loss of the password or, more desperately, with the seizure of the account and loss of access to it.

Google is concerned about the safety and security of its users' data, therefore, it will be possible to restore the account only when it is one hundred percent sure that you are the owner. That is why, when registering, we indicate the recovery parameters, which in this case are an additional e-mail and phone number.

You can restore access to your Google account. If you cannot figure out something, then you will receive answers to your questions and options for action in a given situation at this and this help pages.

All Google apps and services

Google has a whole bunch of various services and services, as they say, for all occasions. Almost every user will find on this list required application to solve a particular problem. Therefore, when talking about creating an account, I cannot ignore this aspect in any way. I suspect that on this moment, the most complete list of services is located on one of the Wikipedia pages.

Now go to your account and click the icon, which will call the default set of icons, each of which denotes a specific Google service or application:

By clicking on the selected icon, you will be taken to the page of the service indicated by this picture. If you click on the "More" link, you will get a couple of additional icons:

A new link "Other offers from Google" will also appear here, by clicking on which you can go to a new web page, where there is an expanded list, which, however, is also far from complete (you will get a more voluminous one if you visit the Wikipedia page at the link above):

To add a particular application to the initial registry for convenience, which appears when you click on the icon in the account, you need to go to the page of this service, having previously logged into your account:

Now in your UZ you should click on the inscription "Add shortcut", as a result of which the icon of this Google service will be present in the collection along with other pictures.