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A program that removes copies. Find and remove duplicate files in Windows using five free programs. Find and remove duplicate files with the program - Auslogics Duplicate File Finder

Good day.

Statistics are an unforgiving thing - many users have no hard drives sometimes there are dozens of copies of the same file (for example, a picture, or a music track). Each of these copies, of course, takes up space on the hard drive. And if your disk is already "crammed" to capacity, then there can be quite a lot of such copies!

Cleaning duplicate files manually is not a gratifying thing, which is why I want to collect in this article programs for finding and removing duplicate files (moreover, even those that differ in file format and size from each other - and this is a rather difficult task !). So…

List of programs for finding duplicates

1. Universal (for any files)

Search identical files by their size (checksums).

Under universal programs, I understand, those that are suitable for finding and deleting duplicates of any type of files: music, movies, pictures, etc. (below in the article for each type will be given "their" more accurate utilities). Most of them work according to the same type: they simply compare the file sizes (and their checksum), if there are files that are the same in this characteristic among all files, they show you!

Those. thanks to them, you can quickly find full copies (i.e. one to one) of files on the disk. By the way, I also note that these utilities work faster than those specialized for a specific file type (for example, image search).


I put this program in first place for a number of reasons:

  • supports just a huge number of different formats in which it can conduct searches;
  • high speed of work;
  • free and with Russian language support;
  • very flexible setting of duplicate search (search by name, size, type, date, content (limited)).

Duplicate Finder

This utility, in addition to searching for copies, also sorts them as you please (which is very convenient when there are an incredible amount of copies!). Also add to the search capabilities byte comparison, checksum matching, deleting files with zero size (and empty folders too). In general, this program does a pretty good job of finding duplicates (both quickly and efficiently!).

Those users who are new to English will feel a little uncomfortable: there is no Russian in the program (it may be added after).

Glary utilites

In general, this is not one utility, but a whole collection: it will help to remove "junk" files, set optimal settings on Windows, defragment and clean up your hard drive, etc. In particular, this collection contains a utility for finding duplicates. It works relatively well, so I will recommend this collection (as one of the most convenient and universal - as they say for all occasions!) Once again on the pages of the site.

2. Programs for finding duplicate music

These utilities will be useful to all music lovers who have a decent collection of music on their disk. I draw a fairly typical situation: you download various collections of music (100 best songs of October, November, etc.), some of the compositions are repeated in them. Not surprisingly, having accumulated 100 GB of music (for example), 10-20 GB can be copies. Moreover, if the size of these files in different collections were the same, then they could be deleted by the first category of programs (see above in the article), but since this is not so, then these duplicates are not found by anything other than your "hearing" and special utilities (which are presented below).

M usic Duplicate Remover

The result of the utility.

This program differs from the rest, first of all, its quick search... She searches for duplicate tracks by their ID3 tags and sound. Those. she will, as it were, listen to the composition for you, remember it, and then compare it with others (thus, she does a huge amount of work!).

The screenshot above shows her work result. She will present her found copies in front of you in the form of a small plate, in which a number in percentage of similarity will be assigned to each track. In general, it is quite convenient!


Found duplicate MP3 files ...

This utility is similar to the above, but it has one definite plus: the presence of the most convenient wizard who will guide you through the steps! Those. the person who first launched this program will easily figure out where to click and what to do.

For example, in my 5000 tracks in a couple of hours, I managed to find and delete several hundred copies. An example of the utility's operation is shown in the screenshot above.

3. To search for copies of pictures, images

If we analyze the popularity of certain files, then the pictures, perhaps, will not lag behind the music (and for some users they will be overtaken!). It is generally difficult to imagine working on a PC (and other devices) without pictures! But finding pictures with the same image on them is quite difficult (and time-consuming). And, I must admit, there are relatively few programs of this kind ...


A relatively small utility with fairly good search and removal rates for duplicate images. The program scans all the images in the folder and then compares them with each other. As a result, you will see a list of pictures that are similar to each other and will be able to draw a conclusion about which one to keep and which one to delete. It is very useful, sometimes, to thin out your photo archives.

An example of ImageDupeless working

By the way, here's a small example of a personal test:

  • experimental files: 8997 files in 95 directories, 785MB (archive of pictures on a flash drive (USB 2.0) - gif and jpg formats)
  • gallery space: 71.4Mb
  • creation time: 26 min. 54 sec.
  • time of comparison and output of results: 6 min. 31 sec.
  • Result: 961 similar images in 219 groups.

Image Comparer

I have already mentioned this program on the pages of the site. Represents the same small program, but with pretty good image scanning algorithms. There is step by step wizard, launched when you first open the utility, which will guide you through all the "thorns" of the first setup of the program to search for duplicates.

By the way, below is a screenshot of the utility's operation: in the reports you can view even small details, where the pictures are slightly different. In general, it is convenient!

4. To search for duplicate films, video clips

Well, the last popular file type that I would like to focus on is video (movies, videos, etc.). If sometime before, having a 30-50 GB disk, I knew in which folder where and which movie it takes how much (and they were all in abundance), then, for example, now (when the disks became 2000-3000 GB and more), they are often found the same videos and films, but in different quality (which can take up a lot of hard disk space).

For most users (yes, in general, for me 🙂), this state of affairs is not necessary: ​​it just takes up space on the hard drive. Thanks to a couple of utilities below, you can clean up duplicate videos from your disk ...

A very handy feature in CCleaner is the duplicate file search. Very often on a computer there are files that are identical in date, size and name. Of course, some of them are needed, and some could have been created by accident or downloaded several times from the Internet. All these files eventually accumulate, free space becomes less and less, and, as a result, the computer starts to slow down. Therefore, from time to time, you need to get rid of such files. If you are an advanced PC user, then it will not be difficult for you to find which duplicate CCleaner files to delete, but if you are new to this business, then we will help you figure it out.

What files do not need to be deleted

Before we start looking for duplicates and delete them, let's consider whether it is possible to delete Sickliner duplicate files? To begin with, I would like to note that the program will not allow you to delete absolutely all copies of the file. One of them must definitely remain intact. Further, we do not recommend deleting system files. It is normal for them to have duplicates. Typically, system files are located on drive C in the Windows folder.

Files that can be deleted

Typically, a computer consists of several partitions (disks). The amount of information that is stored on each of them is most likely impressive. There are pictures, music, videos, photographs, and much more. Some of the duplicate files could have been duplicated by the user by mistake, for example, due to forgetfulness, the file was saved in different sections. Some files may have been downloaded from the Internet several times, etc. And when the program finds such files, you can safely delete them from your computer.

Find duplicates

In the tab “ Service"There is a section" Search for duplicates».

In this section, at the discretion of the user, you can set the search criteria. You can set a search for duplicates by any one search parameter: by size, by date, by name and by content, or by several parameters at the same time, by marking them with checkmarks.

You can also define which files you want to skip. There are several options here:

  • Files of zero size;
  • Files that are read-only;
  • Hidden files;
  • System files;
  • Files, the size of which does not exceed the size of megabytes specified by you;
  • Files larger than the specified megabyte size.

In the tab “ Inclusions»You can specify the places in which the search will be carried out. To check a specific folder, you must select " Add". The following window will appear

Click on the button " Overview"And select the desired folder, indicating the path to it.

In the tab “ Exceptions»You can specify those folders that should not be affected by the search.

You can add them in the same way as in the “ Inclusions". Click " Overview"And select this folder.

After setting all the search parameters, click on the button " Find».

Duplicate search results

After searching, the results will be shown in a table.

It will contain the names of the files, the locations where they are located, their sizes and creation dates.

To remove duplicates, put a checkmark in front of them. If you click right click mouse on any file, it will appear context menu.

Select all Ability to mark all found duplicates. All files will have only one copy - the bottom one.
Remove selection Ability to uncheck all found duplicates, if selected.
Select type / Unmark type Ability to mark (uncheck) all files of the same type.
Exclude / Limit / Select Duplicates The ability to perform the selected action in relation to one of the folders in which the file is located.
Save report ... Ability to save the report in a text document.
Open folder Opens the folder where the file is located.

After you have selected all the duplicates that you want to delete, click on the button " Delete».

Hello Dear Friend.

When working with files and documents, we often do backups important data. In one folder in another in the third ... And then we even forget how many copies of this or that file we made and where they are stored on the disk.

As a result, free disk space is eaten away by unnecessary copies of files and folders. How can you find duplicate files on all your drives and delete them?

Everything is very simple, we will use a small free utility with Russian language support - Soft4Boost Dup File Finder.

You can download the program here:

After installing the program, the main window will open:

If we check the box next to "Ignore file names", then the search will not use the match of file names, the search will be performed by the internal content of the file. This is very important because the same files can be named differently. Fortunately, all the tips in the program are in Russian.

Below you can select the type of files to find duplicates.

We choose required disks or separate folders (by clicking on the plus signs). Then you need to click on the image of the folder with the arrow to the right to add desired list folders to be scanned by the program.

In this window, select the method for deleting files. The first option is in the trash can with the possibility of recovery. Remember that the basket is limited in size. To increase the size of the recycle bin, go to the properties of the recycle bin icon on your desktop and set the size in megabytes.

You can also choose the option permanently, but I recommend deleting it to the trash first. If something goes wrong, you can always restore the file.

Press the button "Search".

After the scan is over, a window with the found duplicate files will open in front of you.

Select the files you want to delete with the checkboxes and click the button at the top of the "Fix problems" window, the selected duplicates will be deleted.

Like this in a simple way you can get rid of numerous duplicate files on your disks.

Of the minuses of the program, I would note the impossibility of viewing the found files by double-clicking the mouse. It would be very convenient to immediately view the file and remember what kind of file it is.

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Hello, friends! In this article we will figure out how you can implement find duplicate files on our computers. I confess that I don't have such a problem. There are usually three partitions on my computer. The first system partition is from 50 to 100 GB, the second is for documents from 100 to 200 GB, and the third partition is for everything else. I have one folder for photos, one for music, and so on. Everything is transparent. The parents' computer is another matter. The hard drive is divided into three parts there. On the 3rd section, there are two or three folders with photos + in each folder there are a bunch of subfolders. On disk D, a photo folder was also later formed. It's hard to go through everything manually, and here programs for finding duplicate files will help us.

I don't want to install a separate program for some function, since there are many functions (for example, defragmentation or the same search for the same files). Accordingly, many programs will have to be installed on a computer. My position is as follows. The less you install, the more reliable and stable your computer is.

There are solutions. Find a program that is practically necessary in computer maintenance (that is, it will most likely be installed) and that would be able to search for duplicate files. It didn't take long to search. This is the familiar and proven CCleaner from Piriform. Starting from the 4th version in CCleaner they screwed this function and below we will see how it works.

Download the program from the official website


At the first start, the window below will pop up. If you select Yes, then when you clean up your computer by default, authorization to the above mail services may not fail. Click Yes

Go, on the left, to the Service tab

Click on the button Search for files

To search for identical files, it remains only to specify the necessary settings

There are not many settings and they are divided into three groups:

  • Coincidence
  • Skip
  • Where to look and where to exclude

Let's dwell on each group in more detail


You can set the search for duplicate files by Name, Size, and Date modified. You can also combine these criteria by setting more than one checkbox. When organizing photos on the parents' computer, the first thing I do is search with a match by Name. Most likely there are a bunch of files saved in various places. Then, the search with a match by Size will be interesting. Since the photo can be renamed, but the size should not change.

How to effectively use the duplicate search with the Changed checkbox on has not occurred to me yet. If you have options, please unsubscribe in the comments. Perhaps, if you took and completed something in the photo, without changing the name. But, in this case, with a high probability, the size will change.


What files should be skipped when searching for duplicates. The following options are possible here:

  • Bytes with size 0
  • Read-only files
  • Size less than x MB
  • System files
  • Hidden files

Where to look and where to exclude

Here, using the Add button on the Inclusions tab, specify where to search for duplicate files. On the Exclusions tab, add space on your hard drive, flash drive or external hard drive, where you do not search.

In principle, everything is simple. To reset the settings, press the corresponding button.

When the filter is configured, click Find.

Sorting search results for duplicate files

The result is an easy-to-view table with search results. Moreover, the table is formed immediately upon detection of any duplicate.

Supposed duplicates are split among themselves. The only thing that I would like to see in this table is sorting by clicking on any column.

When you click on the file with the right mouse button, a context menu appears, which allows you to conveniently sort the search results. This is especially true if there are many results.

The Exclude item allows you to remove all files from the folder you selected. For example C: \ Program Files. The Limit item will leave in the search results only files from the folder you selected. The Select Duplicates option allows you to select all files located in the folder of your choice. The rest of the points seem to be clear.

The Open folder item is very useful. With it, you can quickly go in and see where the file is located and whether there are still identical files that have not been included in the results table or have been eliminated by sorting.

It remains to figure out which of the files you need to leave, and delete the rest using the button at the bottom right.


This is how I am going to search for duplicate files on my and not only computers with the help of the good old CCleaner. For my purposes, the functionality of the program is sufficient. If you need more then DupKiller is worth a look. This free program, you can read about it and download it from the official site DupKiller has much wider possibilities to customize the search. The view is also implemented there. graphic files and listening to audio. An interesting feature is the ability to set not an exact match of files, but up to a certain level (percentage).

Thank you for sharing this article on social media. All the best!

Duplicate file(in the comp. sense) is a copy of a file that is located on the computer in another directory - folder, disk and has the same name, extension and "weight" as its original.

Even if you did not specifically duplicate files, in case of loss, system failures or for another purpose, they are still available on almost every computer. You ask where do the duplicates come from? Everything is very simple, for example, you downloaded two albums of songs by the same artist from the Internet, often the songs in the collections are repeated, i.e. the same. This is usually the case with photographs - there are identical photos in different folders. Over time, there are more duplicate files and they take up space on your computer's hard drive or flash drive. By deleting these useless, duplicate files - you can increase and sometimes significantly, free place on PC hard drives -

How to remove duplicate files

To remove duplicates, you first need to find them. The previous article covered. If you know the names of the files, just type them into the search and you will see the originals and their duplicates, of course, if they exist. But such way will fit for a specific file, if you do not know the file names, it is better to use special programs to find and remove duplicates.

The most famous and widespread of them is perhaps the free one. Auslogics Duplicate File Finder... The program interface is in Russian, simple and straightforward, even a child can handle it. It searches for files quite "smartly", in less than a minute I found 200 files on the disk I selected, most of which can be deleted and 500 MB free on the hard disk.

Auslogics Duplicate File Finder can search and remove duplicates among all types of files, or by mask - music, video files, images, archives and applications. Most users don't need more. In addition, the program is part of the Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​"combine", which many have. If you don't have Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​installed, you can download Auslogics Duplicate File Finder separately and use it for free.

You can also find duplicates using

The program is also free with a Russian-English interface. On the same disk, this program, when scanning, has already found 9,908 duplicate files with a total size of 2.14 GB

There are a lot of search settings in DupKiller. You can search for duplicates not only on hard, virtual and CD / DVD disks, in selected directories, by date of creation, file name and size, but also by the percentage of similarity. In addition, the program can search for files with similar names. Most of the found duplicates of text and graphic files can be viewed in the program window.

If you want to get rid of the same photos, images, drawings - you can use a free program AntiDupl.NET... In addition to searching for duplicates, it can find and remove defective photos, drawings and similar images.

AntiDupl.NET is easy to use, in Russian and does not require installation on your hard drive.

If you are friends with English language- you can download Duplicate File Remover, which finds duplicates of all types of files using a byte file analysis algorithm. The program can be used free of charge for 30 days

Hopefully with these free software, You can get rid of unnecessary "garbage" and increase free space on the hard disk of your computer

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