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How to enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer: practical tips. Internet Explorer. Turn on JavaScript Java does not work in internet explorer 11

Legacy ActiveX Control Blocking has been disabled for the Local Intranet Zone and Trusted Sites Zone so that intranet websites and trusted line-of-business applications can continue to use ActiveX controls without disruption. Some customers may need more granular control over how this component works on managed systems. IT pros may need to enable ActiveX control logging, enforce blocking, allow certain domains to use legacy ActiveX controls, or, although not recommended, disable the feature entirely. For best practices in corporate environments, see article 2991000 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

To support these scenarios, Internet Explorer includes four new options group policies that can be used to control blocking of legacy ActiveX controls.

  • Keeping journals helps you know which ActiveX controls will be allowed or marked for warning or blocking and for what reason. ActiveX Control Inventory also helps you determine which ActiveX controls are compatible with the Enhanced Protected Mode (EPM) component Internet security Explorer 11, providing additional protection against browser exploits. However, not all ActiveX controls support this mode, so this feature helps you assess your organization's readiness to block outdated ActiveX controls and enable EPM. This group policy is called "Enable ActiveX Control Logging in Internet Explorer" and can be used separately or in conjunction with the other three policies.
  • Forced blocking prevents users from ignoring the warning about deprecated ActiveX controls. Users will not see the (Run once) button. This Group Policy is called "Remove One-Time Button for Legacy ActiveX Controls in Internet Explorer".
  • Favorite domains Allows you to selectively manage blocking and warnings for legacy ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer. This policy is called "Disable blocking of obsolete Internet Explorer ActiveX controls on specific domains" and includes a list of domains top level, hostnames or file names.
  • This component can disable by using the "Disable blocking of obsolete Internet Explorer ActiveX controls" policy. This feature can be temporarily used in conjunction with logging to evaluate ActiveX controls before re-enabling the feature. Like all four Group Policies, it can be enabled using a registry key — in this case, REG_DWORD "HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Ext \ VersionCheckEnabled" with a value of zero.

Full technical documentation is available. You can also download updated Internet Explorer Administrative Templates that include these new settings from the Internet Explorer Administrative Templates page.

Keeping up to date with Internet Explorer

We know that many organizations still rely on the capabilities of ActiveX controls, although legacy ActiveX controls now pose a significant risk. By helping users stay up-to-date and by enabling IT professionals to better manage ActiveX controls, including those compatible with Enhanced Protected Mode, Microsoft improves network security. This is another example of loyalty to these promises to improve the security of Internet Explorer.

Finally, we would like to thank the Java Engineering Department for their help in developing this component. This collaboration has shown that Java and Internet Explorer share the same goals of keeping users' tools up-to-date and secure.

Application dated August 10, 2014

We have received several questions regarding this update and want to answer them, as well as make a small statement.

Based on customer feedback, we decided to wait 30 days before blocking outdated ActiveX controls. Customers can use the new logging feature to evaluate ActiveX controls in their environment and deploy Group Policies to enforce blocking, disable blocking of ActiveX controls for specific domains, or disable the feature entirely, based on their needs. This component and its associated Group Policies will be available from August 12th, but obsolete ActiveX controls will only be blocked from Tuesday September 9th. Microsoft will continue to work towards a more secure browser and encourages all customers to install updates and new Internet versions Explorer.

Below are answers to some common questions regarding this update.

Questions and answers

What legacy ActiveX controls are covered in this update?

When initially released in August, this component will not affect any ActiveX controls. In September, it will only affect the legacy Oracle Java ActiveX controls. All other ActiveX controls will continue to work as before.

Will this update affect applications running legacy Java outside of Internet Explorer?

No. This component will only notify users when deprecated Java version loaded into Internet Explorer as an ActiveX control.

Will this update apply to Internet Explorer on both server and client SKUs?

Will this feature be included in the August Cumulative Update, or will it be released as a separate fix?

This component will be included in the August Update Rollup for Internet Explorer, but no obsolete ActiveX controls will be blocked for 30 days to give customers time to test and adjust their environments.

Does this component help protect against active attacks targeting legacy Java controls?

Can end users override the request if a trusted application requires outdated version Java?

Yes, users can select (Run once) for websites that require legacy ActiveX controls.

My organization has business sites that rely on legacy Java ActiveX controls in the Local Intranet Zone or Trusted Sites Zone, will they be affected by this update?

No, after applying this update, sites in the Local Intranet Zone or Trusted Sites Zone will continue to operate as usual. Intranet websites that are fully accessible domain name or IP address are considered to be in the Internet zone and are therefore affected by this update. Check out this Knowledge Base article for Full description recommended workarounds. It should also be noted that no legacy ActiveX controls will be affected for 30 days to give customers time to test and adjust their environments.

My organization has business sites that rely on legacy Internet Zone Java ActiveX controls, will they be affected by this update?

The legacy Java ActiveX controls will be unaffected by default to give customers 30 days to test and tweak their environments. After September 9th, when end users try to download the legacy Java ActiveX control, they will be prompted (as described earlier in this article). The user will be able to select the (Run Once) option to download this legacy Java ActiveX control. Once downloaded, this ActiveX control will continue to run normally.

Is it possible to disable this component if my organization needs more old version Java runtime environments?

Yes, this component can be disabled in several ways. Microsoft provides updated Internet Explorer Group Policy Administrative Templates that contain 4 new Group Policies to manage this component *. Two of them can be used to completely or partially (for individual domains) disable this component.

If you do not want to use the administrative templates of Group Policy to disable the component, you can use the following registry keys, the values ​​of which can be set using Group Policy (this procedure is described in more detail and). All sections can be set in HKLM and HKCU (HKLM takes precedence over HKCU).

If none of the above options work, you can add the site address that uses the legacy Java ActiveX control to the Trusted Sites zone.

Can I disable this component without administrator rights?

Yes. You can remove the previously downloaded versionlist.xml files and prevent Internet Explorer from updating this XML file. To do this, run the following commands in a command window:

  1. reg add "HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ VersionManager" / v DownloadVersionList / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f
  2. del “% LOCALAPPDATA% \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ VersionManager \ versionlist.xml”

How does Internet Explorer get, update, and use the versionlist.xml file?

Supported versions of Internet Explorer download the initial version of the versionlist.xml file within 12 hours of installing the August Update Rollup and launching Internet Explorer. The versionlist.xml file is downloaded from here to the folder:% LOCALAPPDATA% \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ VersionManager \ versionlist.xml.

After downloading the file, the component is enabled and Internet Explorer begins blocking outdated Java ActiveX controls as specified in this versionlist.xml file. Subsequently, Internet Explorer will regularly check for updates. of this file... If Microsoft has updated this file, Internet Explorer downloads it new version... Note that for the first 30 days, this file does not block legacy ActiveX controls to give customers time to test and adjust their environments.

Can an organization disable or redefine the URL that it navigates to when the Refresh button is clicked in a request for a legacy ActiveX control?

The URL that is navigated to when the Update button is clicked is stored in the versionlist.xml file, and although this URL can be changed, a subsequent update of the versionlist.xml file will override this change.

Will only legacy Java ActiveX controls be blocked in September?

Yes, in September this component will only block legacy Oracle Java ActiveX controls. However, future updates to Internet Explorer will block other outdated, albeit common, ActiveX controls.

* Where can I find additional documentation about this component and Group Policy Administrative Templates?

Additional TechNet documentation and Group Policy Administrative Templates will be available on TechNet and Download Center, respectively, from August 12th.

- Fred Pullen, Senior Product Manager, Internet Explorer

- Jasika Bawa, Program Manager, Security

JavaScript is a special scripting language. It is used, for the most part, to create scenarios for the behavior of the Internet browser. If scripts are disabled in the browser, then not every web page will be able to view correctly. By disabling JavaScript, the user inconveniences himself, since after that some functions may not work, work on certain tasks becomes more complicated, and so on.

Enabling JavaScript in internet explorer

If for any reason JavaScript has been disabled, then I recommend activating it. For browser internet explorer Like other Internet browsers, this is not difficult to do. And as a result, as you understand, you will receive a huge number of additional features.

The described steps are intended for those users who have internet explorer 6 or later browser. If you have the earliest versions of the browser, it is best to update them to the latest modification. Moreover, manufacturers have significantly improved the characteristics of the Internet browser and functionality. Well, as a last resort, you can do everything at any time.

Problems that may arise

Keep in mind that JavaScript settings may get lost after updating applications. In addition, these options are affected by changes to security settings and the installation of a new security program on the device. Problems with the display of Google ads may indicate that you are having problems with JavaScript.

If a similar situation occurs, additionally make sure that JavaScript is enabled. When the function is not disabled, and the problem with viewing ads still remains, you should check the firewall or security software installed on your computer. It should also be noted that there is such a technology as Java. It differs from JavaScript, as it is designed to solve completely different problems. Therefore, these two concepts should not be confused.

As you can see, enabling JavaScript in a browser is an absolutely simple operation. At the same time, almost any user will undoubtedly appreciate the opportunities that they will receive after that. Disabling JavaScript does the opposite and produces certain errors when browsing the web. Do not forget that after installing add-ons, the parameters may change, and you will most likely have to do all the above steps again. This will also be needed for those who, for any reason, changed the security settings of the computer.

JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to manipulate the elements (html tags) contained in source code web pages (move, load, hide, open). Sometimes, when opening a page of a site, an error may appear stating that the active content of the page cannot be executed. This problem most often occurs if javascript support is not enabled in your browser.

Let's take a closer look at the instructions on how to enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer. Demonstration of solving the problem will be done in Explorer 9, but in versions 8, 10, 11 it will be no different.

First, you need to launch the Internet Explorer browser itself by clicking on the icon located on the desktop, or the icon located in the menu "Start-> All Programs-> Internet Explorer":

  1. In the top right panel, select the icon “ Service"Or press the hot keys Alt + X:

  1. After clicking, the following drop-down menu will appear:

  1. In this window you need to find and click on the item " Internet options". By clicking, the following dialog box will appear:

  1. Next, you need to go to the tab " Security". By switching to which, the following content will open:

  1. Then we left-click, hovering over the cursor, on the button " Another…". As a result, another window will open:

  1. Find the subsection “ Scripts", In which you must select the item" Active scripts -> Turn on", And then click the" OK "button:

  1. By clicking "OK" in the parent window, you need to click the "Apply" button, and then "OK":

After the described actions, all active scripts on the opened pages of the sites should become operational and perform the functional tasks assigned to them.

From time to time, users wonder how to enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer. A similar question arises when problems appear with the display of information in the Internet browser. Fortunately, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. And working with Java is a minimum of hassle. Even a novice PC user will be able to cope with the task in a few minutes.


When thinking about how to enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer, some users figure out which application they are talking about. It is possible that the browser can work without Java.

Actually this is not true. JavaScript is a module that connects to a web browser to display information correctly. It is used when working with 2D and 3D graphics. Graphic data without Java will not be displayed normally.


Before enabling JavaScript in Internet Explorer, the user must install the appropriate utility. Otherwise, there will be nothing to activate. This is completely normal. By default, Java is not initialized anywhere.

The algorithm of actions in this case will be approximately as follows:

  1. Launch an Internet browser, having previously established a connection to the Network.
  2. Go to the official website of "Java".
  3. Click on the "All downloads" hyperlink.
  4. Select in the upper left menu the type of used operating system... For example, Windows.
  5. Click in the window that appears on the line that describes the downloaded file as accurately as possible.
  6. Click on the "Download" button.
  7. At the end of the procedure, start the installation wizard. At this point, it is advisable to exit the Internet browser.
  8. Follow the instructions shown on the monitor display.

Typically, the application installation process takes only a few minutes. After completing the operation, it is recommended to restart your computer.

Enabling in older versions

How to enable JavaScript in It all depends on which version software installed by the user. First, let's look at the old Explorer assemblies. Some users still use them.

We will talk about the browser up to version 9. How do I enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer? To do this, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Log in to your Internet browser. To do this, you will have to double-click on the "Explorer" icon on your desktop or select the appropriate utility from the list of applications installed on your computer.
  2. Go to the "Service" tab.
  3. Select the line "Explorer Options".
  4. Open the "Security" section.
  5. Click on "Other".
  6. Look at the "Scripting" field.
  7. Set the value "Enabled" in the "Active
  8. Confirm the process.
  9. Click on the "Ok" button.
  10. Reload the browser page.

As practice shows, this will be enough. After the steps taken in Internet Explorer.

Important: until the browser is restarted, the changes will not take effect.

New versions

How do I enable new versions of Internet Explorer? The algorithm of actions as a whole will be similar.

As a rule, the user can use the instructions above. It will help you activate Java in Explorer 9 and newer.

The difference is that to enter the "Service" section, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Go to the Internet browser you are using.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the gear image. This button is responsible for opening the main functional menu of the program.
  3. Go to "Browser Options".
  4. Repeat the instructions in the manual above.

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. And even a novice Internet user can activate Java without much hassle.

About the update

We've figured out how to enable Java Script in Internet Explorer. But what if the program needs to be updated? Sometimes the old version of the software does not work. And even following the suggested guidelines does not give any result.