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Guarantee for iPhone without check. IPhone replacement under warranty with a new one or money back - what to do and where to go. How to return an iPhone purchased from an Apple Official Online Store

Apple is considered a premium technology for a reason, style is present in everything: in the phone, design, advanced technologies, accessories, and, of course, in the service.

In this article, we will explain the principle of servicing Apple warranty devices. How effective and fast it is. And also let's touch on gray phones.

There are two types of Apple devices, officially imported by dealers into Russia with all taxes paid, and imported unofficially, the so-called "gray phones".

So, if the equipment is gray, then in most cases, the guarantee does not apply on the territory of Russia. This means that in fact the seller himself provides the guarantee. With such a guarantee, responsibility falls on the shoulders of the seller, which means that under any pretext they will try to remove him from the guarantee, no one wants to lose money. In fact, get ready for a scandal and a long correspondence, I think you can imagine the attitude.

And now the official option: In this case, you do not need to come to the store, in which part of Russia you would not buy it, you just need to contact the nearest authorized service Apple Center... In Khabarovsk, this is the ASC Integrator, located at 60 Dikopoltseva, in the same place where our company i-Service is located.

You do not need any documents on your phone, just take your passport. All warranty obligations and terms are in the database Apple data, to which the ACC has access. An engineer can immediately determine if your iPhone or other Apple device is eligible for warranty coverage.

Apple pays an authorized service provider only to replace a device, no warranty disclaimer will be charged. This means that it is profitable for the service to accept your device under warranty, and not try to refuse you under any pretext. Quite a different attitude, isn't it?

Did you know that there is even minimal passable damage. Scratches, dents, and even cracks up to a certain size (the so-called natural wear of the device) are acceptable, in which case the device can still be accepted under warranty, and the authorized center Integrator always goes to meet the client. For gray phones, this is 100% de-warranty.

And the most important plus, for the sake of which we recommend immediately going to the ASC Integrator, and not contacting the seller. According to the consumer protection law, the seller is obliged to fulfill the warranty obligations within 45 days, while everything is delivered by Apple so clearly that the device will be replaced in 7 working days, and sometimes even faster. You'll get new phone with a new guarantee.

Buy phones covered by the Apple Russia warranty. Then you will know that the premium service is open for you, and in case of warranty problems, they will definitely go to a meeting.

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Few device owners are interested in the terms of warranty service for their gadgets. Someone initially considers such a possibility a utopia, while someone, on the contrary, has experience in warranty repairs, but only negative experience. However, in the case of Apple appliances, the warranty is not a myth, and it is still worth asking for warranty service. A much bigger myth is the stereotype that "apple" gadgets do not break: break, and how! This is probably why the company provides not only warranty repair devices, but also - don't be surprised - their complete replacement.

Conditions under which it is possible to replace an iPhone under warranty

Indeed, if the device does not function well (there are backlashes, the camera does not work well, the network is lost, etc.), and this is not the owner's fault, the iPhone can be changed to a new one without any problems. You can qualify for such a replacement if:

  • have been using the gadget for less than a year;
  • it has never been repaired;
  • used carefully (the phone has no mechanical damage, signs of flooding, etc.);
  • there is no unlicensed software installed on the phone.
  • the device has Russian certification.

As for the last point, the fact is that only equipment with PCT certification falls under warranty service on the territory of our country. "American" iPhones are unambiguously deprived of the right to warranty service, the situation with "European" devices is not so simple: the service center can take them for service, if it is his good will, but he is not obliged to do this.

Finding out if your iPhone is covered by the warranty is easy and simple: just find the "About this device" item in "Settings" and enter the item specified there serial number on the Apple website. In response, the system will inform you about the warranty and its duration, or about the reasons why it does not apply to your device, for example, if it was purchased outside of Russia.

Possibility of paid warranty replacement

Even if your gadget falls under the specified restrictions, for example, its operation was far from accurate and was accompanied by depressing falls, swims and other extreme adventures, you still have the opportunity to profitably exchange it for a new one for an additional fee. This service from Apple will help out in situations where the cost of repairs is comparable to the cost of a new device. The only requirement is that the gadget should not have been repaired before.

Should I keep a receipt for a purchased iPhone?

The peculiarity of "apple" technology is that when buying any device with the Apple logo, you do not need any receipts or warranty coupons for warranty service - you just need to know the serial number. Nevertheless, it is still worth keeping the cashier's receipt, since it is he who serves as a confirmation of the fact of purchase and a compelling reason for a particular store to accept the device for service. In addition, you will need a receipt to unlock your iPhone if you accidentally forget your password, answers to verification questions, or the information you entered when signing up for iCloud.

Speaking of checks, Apple devices fall into one of two groups by warranty type. For the first, there is a so-called check guarantee (it covers iPad, iPod, Mac, as well as Apple Watch and Apple TV), for the second - a guarantee from the moment of activation (iPhone). At the same time, not only the device itself, but also all its components are covered under the guarantee, which means that junk headphones, for example, can also be safely replaced with new and serviceable ones.

And yet, the main way to avoid problems with Apple equipment warranty service is to choose right place purchases. Only from a trusted seller will you get the most problem-free device, reducing the number of possible "weak points" to a factory defect.

Naturally free. These are the conditions for worldwide Apple guarantees on their products. If your smartphone turns out to be defective and you are not satisfied with its work, you come to Apple service departments and receive a new device in return. To us, people accustomed to the unobtrusive Russian service, such offers seem not so fantastic, but even suspicious. Just want to ask: "Is this a divorce?" No, this is Apple's real working policy - the customer is always right. And this is what competitors are sharpening their teeth for on Cupertino, because they are not ready to take on the same broad warranty obligations to customers.

Is there still a catch, or why does Apple need it?

There is no catch. Apple provides a worldwide one-year warranty on virtually all of its gadgets, including iPhones. The smartphone is buggy or, within 12 months of use, some kind of assembly defects and the like have surfaced, you have the right to come and demand a new iPhone. What will many think after these words? That's right: “Well, yes, I have the right. And then it will begin: prove that it is a marriage, wait 3 months until we send the phone for examination, etc. " Exhale and forget this nightmare.

No expertise and more - not even a box and a receipt needed. The Apple service center will punch the phone by its IMEI number and find out for themselves where and when you bought it, and whether the warranty is still valid. You will not be interrogated and confronted with experts in an attempt to prove that it is not a manufacturer's fault, but your negligence that led to the slowdown of the device. Your complaint will be listened to politely and apologized for the inconvenience. And you will leave the center with a new apparatus. (The only thing that is checked when replacing gadgets is whether the moisture indicators are activated. Recessed Apple devices, as you know, will automatically void the warranty. By the way, the sensor can work even when using iPhone in the rain, keep in mind).

Still can't believe it? But this is true. Here it is in the photo, the same iPhone, exchanged at an Apple service center in Germany in one day. By the way, the warranty for a new device is also given for a year and will be calculated from the moment the gadget is activated.

Why does the company need all this? After all, it won't take long to go broke if you distribute new devices right and left. In the end, there are also unscrupulous buyers who can simply profit from such an unprecedented decency of the seller.

Well, first of all, at Apple, of course, in the end, everything goes into business anyway. So, the defective devices handed over are disassembled into parts, from which they are then assembled new iPhones and sell them for 50 euros less than the standard price.

And secondly, the popular phrase of manufacturers “I am responsible for quality” for Cupertinians is not an empty phrase, but a guide to action. Apple spends a lot of effort, time, and money fighting marriage to ensure that reliable devices come off the assembly line. And the confidence in the perfection of its products allows it to offer such a guarantee. According to statistics, no more than 1% of buyers apply for a guarantee. Cases of applying under the guarantee with the same device more than once were not recorded at all (according to the terms of warranty service, the buyer can choose either to replace the device with a new one, or to repair his device).

Russian service is not yet very service, but still ...

In all fairness, it should be noted that such an approach to customers under a worldwide guarantee has not yet been fully extended. In the USA and Europe, there will be no questions with the exchange of the phone, but in Russia there may be some nuances. So even a couple of years ago, iPhones that were not bought in the Russian Federation and were not intended for our country were not subject to such an exchange at all. Although there were no more than 10% of official devices on the Russian market at that time, it was the “gray” phones brought from the same States that prevailed. But Apple adhered to the following point: for which country the phone was intended, there you can use the warranty.

Cupertino acknowledged that the Russian Apple market is still developing according to some of its own special rules, and changed the terms of warranty service for its products on the territory Russian Federation... Since 2014, authorized service centers (ASCs) have to carry out the repair of "apple" gadgets, regardless of their country of origin. True, it is still not necessary to count on a replacement on the same day, but, according to statistics, it takes no more than 7 days to repair or order a new similar device. And this is very quick by Russian standards. In this case, for the time the product is in the service center, the warranty is extended.

Service to service - discord

And in this case, I'm not talking about the provision of a service, but about the organization. If you are planning to buy or have already bought new Apple equipment, then it will not be superfluous to know which service center you can contact if you have any questions. So, there are 3 types of apple service centers.

one). Apple's own service divisions
They exist at retail Apple Stores. And it is in them that you can count on those miracles of warranty service, which I wrote about above. In such centers, as a rule, nothing is repaired, they just check the device for compliance with the warranty conditions and change the iPhone to another one of the same. Accordingly, there are no such centers in Russia, as well as the Apple Stores themselves.

2). Authorized service centers
They work under a contract with Apple, receive spare parts through official channels, and are obliged to comply with the rules and provisions of the contract. Which in practice means that within 72 hours you should be given an answer about the cause of the breakdown and exchange warranty devices that cannot be repaired for new or refurbished ones. Such service centers are represented in large cities of Russia.

3). Commercial service centers
They are in the majority in Russia. These organizations provide warranty support for the iPhone under contracts with sales organizations, parts are purchased on the open market, and sellers are invoiced for warranty repairs. In addition, commercial service centers provide full set services of paid repair and post-warranty service.

And if the client is really to blame?

And this happens very often. iPhones are drowned, they fall into the hands of jealous passions or simply fall on the asphalt from the not very direct hands of their own owner. The result is twisted displays, broken cases, cameras, antennas, sensors. But you never know what you can do with the unfortunate unrequited gadget.

All these cases, for the most part, do not fall under the warranty. And it also happens that they occur after the expiration of the warranty period. Something cannot be repaired at all, and in some cases the cost of replacing components is so expensive that, willy-nilly, you start thinking about purchasing a new device.

The same feeling that repairs won't help anymore 🙂

Especially for such cases, Apple has developed a service "Authorized Exchange of Assembled Devices", which is extremely simple and attractive to the customer. You hand over your out of order, broken, broken, drowned iPhone, iPad or iPod to an Apple service center and after 3-5 working days you get a completely new device in return with a small surcharge (it is about 1/3 of the cost of a new one). In addition to the new gadget, the customer will receive a one-year warranty on the replaced device.

In order to use the program, you need to meet only 2 requirements:
- the "Find iPhone / iPad" function must be disabled in the device;
- the device must be completely complete, not have traces of unauthorized repairs and not contain non-original spare parts (in this case, “completeness” does not mean charging and headphones for the iPhone, for example, but the integrity of the device itself).

This is how the rule “the client is always right” works in practice at Apple (even when he’s not quite right 😉).

Let's start from the very beginning. We all know (and Apple does not hide it) that the standard warranty period for its iPhone is 1 year. No, of course, you can purchase an extended Apple Care warranty plan, but that's extra money. In the "base" the conversation goes exactly about 1 year. This is reported to us by the official site, and the instruction, and the box. It would seem, what else to talk about here? Yes, but ...

Russian law interferes with the case, namely Article 19, paragraph 5:

In cases where the warranty period provided for by the contract is less than two years and the defects of the goods are discovered by the consumer after the expiration of the guarantee period, but within two years, the consumer has the right to present the seller (manufacturer) the requirements provided for in Article 18 of this Law, if he proves that the defects of the goods have arisen before its transfer to the consumer or for reasons that have arisen up to this moment.

Hello, 2 years warranty for iPhone and iPad! Apple complies with the law of the Russian Federation and even created a special page on its website dedicated to the warranty service of its devices and how they relate to consumer protection law - link. For those who are too lazy to go over and read, I have a screenshot.

So, the main conclusions from it:

  • The warranty period is 2 years.
  • Everything is provided at no extra cost.
  • Repair or replacement outside the country of purchase - we are invited to contact the importer for information.

On the third point. I don't know how to contact the importer, but I know the technical number Apple support... I called and clarified. It was clearly stated that only the PCT iPhone and iPad have such privileges - a 2-year warranty. Which, in principle, is logical - if the device is certified in Russia, then it should be serviced according to Russian legislation. Another thing is how the service centers will find out whether it is a PCT or not?

After all, as we know, in Russia different models(not only purchased in the Russian Federation).

But, probably, for this they have their own ways ...

You ask: “Does it work at all? Or is it just written on paper and the service centers haven’t heard about this and are sending everyone? ”. Judging by the numerous reviews on the forums, it still works!

The truth is not for all repair shops. Some people do not know about this yet and may refuse service if you have an iPhone or iPad between the ages of 1 and 2. In these cases, Apple offers to call the service without leaving the workshop. technical support, and they themselves will figure it out.

An important nuance! To prove eligibility for an extended warranty period, you will most likely need a proof of purchase receipt.

It is from the date of purchase (and not the date of activation!) That the 2-year period of free warranty service of your device in the ASC will be counted.

So, if you have an iPhone or iPad labeled Rostest, know that your official warranty is 2 years. And during this period, you can safely contact any authorized service center of the Russian Federation.

P.S.S. If you have any real life examples and stories about the 2 year warranty Apple devices, then be sure to write in the comments. Personal experience is always interesting! Thanks!

In spite of high quality Apple devices, you still need to know.

Apple is passionate about the quality of its devices. An example of this is not only the increased requirements for suppliers of components, but also the recall of products that have technical problems.

Of course, with the growing popularity of "apple" products, the number has increased. This is understandable, more devices means more, and it is more difficult to monitor the quality of incoming components and production processes.

And now, the trouble happened - this or that device malfunctioned. Primarily, need to decide is it covered by a limited one-year warranty or, in case you purchased the package AppleCare- three years old.

It's quite simple to do this - just go to this address and enter the serial number of the device for which you want to receive support.

1. Warranty expired

Although it is sad, but not critical - help is near! All you have to do is choose quality service with a good reputation. You can find an authorized service.

2. The warranty is valid

First of all, you need to say hurray! On extra money we no longer "get", however, there are some points. Firstly, we have already said that in the event of a breakdown of the warranty device, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, you have the right to replace the defective device or refund the money paid for it.

Secondly, there are restrictions set by Apple for authorized service centers. We are talking about those cases in which you will be denied free warranty service, namely:

  • Damage resulting from accidents, abuse, misuse, contact with water, fire, earthquake or other external influences;
  • Damage is caused by using the device in a manner other than the user's manual, technical specifications, or other published guidelines from Apple;
  • damage resulted from maintenance (including updates and extensions) performed outside of an authorized service center;
  • removed or damaged serial number;
  • the device is stolen.

Life hack. Not many people know about this, but in accordance with the norms of the legislation in force in the territory of the European Union, the minimum allowable warranty period for technically complex devices is 2 years. Thus, if your "Rostest" or "Eurotest" breaks down, you have every right to free warranty repairs on the territory of any EU country. To do this, you just need to apply to the Apple Store. In case of refusal, you have every right to defend your interests in court.

Moreover, according to Apple instructions used by authorized SCs, the device will not be accepted for free warranty repair if it is not certified for use in Russia.

but in fact not accepted only iPhone, and also iPad, the latter starting with iPad 4.

This prohibition does not apply to the so-called "Eurotest" - that is, devices intended for sale on the territory of European states.

Others interesting fact is how it is applied in practice prohibition on unauthorized opening of devices... Due to the fact that authorized SCs have repeatedly recorded the presence of handprints inside completely new devices, this criterion is no longer a reason for denying the warranty. Thanks to our Chinese friends - apparently, there are not enough gloves for everyone.

As for the worn out bolts, worn notches and other traces of opening, then everything, as before - REFUSE WARRANTY.

If your device does not fall under these restrictions, you are fully entitled to warranty service. All that remains to be done is to contact Apple Support or directly to an authorized SC that can be found.

Why contact support? There are several reasons. Firstly, experts will be able to remotely test your device - perhaps this will solve the problem.

Secondly, Apple has a concept “ DIY repair". In this case, instead of the broken one, another component will be sent to you and you can connect it yourself. Do not worry, motherboard they definitely won't. Do It Yourself applies to Magic Mouse, Apple Keyboard and other similar gadgets.

Thirdly If a customer service representative decides that the device needs to be sent to Apple, then the company will send you the shipping waybills that have already been paid, and, if necessary, packing materials. All that remains for you to do is to package the problematic device and call a courier to deliver it to Apple or an authorized service center.

The result of the warranty service

With warranty service provided under a one-year limited warranty (or, as we already know, not quite a one-year warranty), Apple may:

  • repair the device using new or similar components;
  • replace the device with a new one, in which new or used parts are used, equivalent to new ones in performance and reliability;
  • - subject to the return of the gadget.

I hope you never find these tips useful, but it's worth knowing.