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The code is from a personal message from the administration. Login with backup codes

So, the next update was the "Login Confirmation" function and today we will make it full overview... We will tell you how it works, how to enable it, configure it or disable it.

Each user wants to save his personal data, which is used when entering, does not want his personal documents (photos, correspondence, etc.) to become public. That is why the developers social network do everything to prevent this from happening.

What is login confirmation

Login confirmation provides an additional layer of protection against tampering. When using this function, to enter the page from unregistered browsers and devices, in addition to the password, you will need to enter a security code.

The code can be obtained using the phone associated with your page.

Attention! When login confirmation is enabled, the phone number password recovery service becomes unavailable. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you bind a current e-mail to the page, indicate your true first and last name and upload your real photos as the main ones before proceeding with the configuration.

How to connect confirmation of login to VK

To enable this option, you will need to go to the "Settings" menu item and there, on the "General" tab, find the "Security of your page" section.

By clicking on the "Connect" button, a system window will open in front of you, where you will need to click "Go to settings". Further, the system will ask you to confirm your action by entering a password:

By entering your password and clicking on the "Confirm" button, you will run this option. But, do not forget that after connecting it, one mobile number for there will be little. You will need to submit an application for review by the moderators.

If you still have questions - ask them on our website and our moderators will answer you as soon as possible!

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Today, Vkontakte noticed a new item in the security section in the "My Settings" section, which is called "Login Confirmation". And now we will consider in more detail what it is and is it worth including this function?

Login confirmation provides an additional level of protection for your VKontakte page. You can protect your page with your mobile phone.

The bottom line is simple: Turn on the option, set it up. Vkontakte remembers the last browser from which you entered the page, as soon as the browser changes, you will not get to the page until you enter the special codes that you generate or confirm the entry with an SMS code.

Description and stages of connection.

We go to "My settings".

Click the "Connect" button. If we move the cursor to the question mark, then we will see the description of the function:

After clicking on the button, a window with a description will appear, where you can read more about the innovation:

We agree and proceed with the setup. We confirm your mobile phone.

The setup is complete, remember the current browser and go to the next step.

Application passwords. Here we can create our own password for mobile app In contact with. Unfortunately this option so far only available for Android smartphones... On this moment iPhone and Windows Phone they do not have this function, but can be added by hand.

The application password menu looks like this:

Enter the name of the application and create a password.

In order not to get confused what and where to enter - carefully read the text on the forms and write down what they offer.

Everything. Now Vkontakte remembers the browser from which you logged in for the last time. You can also manage sessions as you would with IP addresses.

I would like to point out the fact that when this option is enabled - quick password change does not work... If you lose your password, you will need to do a full recovery, and this is: Confirmation by E-mail and by phone. But this does not play a special role.

Let's check this option in practice. We try to enter through another browser. After entering the data, a window opens where you need to enter the generated codes, which can be taken in the settings if there is no access to the phone (there will be a description below) or you can get the code via SMS and enter it:

We receive the code and log in. Now let's talk about backup codes... You can get them in the security settings, where the option was enabled.

Why and what is needed - everything is written on the form. When the codes run out, you can generate new ones and, preferably, print or save somewhere in a safe place.

In my opinion the function is necessary and desirable turn on. Even if you leave your password somewhere by negligence, they will not be able to use your page without your knowledge.

Each of us, using such a popular social network as In contact with, is afraid for the safety of his data, which can be stolen by vile hackers. Finally, a group of VKontakte developers have created an additional barrier to attackers called "VKontakte Login Confirmation."

VKontakte login confirmation is nothing supernatural: it's simple additional code, which will come to your phone in the form of an SMS message, or as an additional notification in the official application of smartphones based on Android, iOS or Windows Phone... You just need to link your personal phone number to your social network account, after which your profile will be safe and sound.

So, after linking your personal phone number, in addition to the standard logins and passwords at the entrance to the social network, another column will appear: "Enter code"... This notorious code can be obtained by several methods using:

  • SMS message that will come to your phone;
  • Official VK app that can be installed on any of the existing smartphones;
  • Your Email-box, which you specified in the settings of your own profile. A letter will be sent to your Email-box only if none of the above methods is available or if you have any bugs on your phone;
  • Backup password list- valid if neither phone, nor SIM-card, nor e-mail are available. Back at the beginning of the binding phone number you are presented with a list of backup passwords that you must either write down or save separately. With each such password, you can easily restore access to your account.

There is also a critical form of password recovery:

  • Recovery form is the latest and most critical access recovery method. In order to use it, you need to have in your profile: a real photo, a real name, which you will confirm, as well as real data, which will be checked by the support group of the social network.

Fortunately, the VKontakte development team does not force you to enter this confirmation code every time you enter the social network. You have the ability to bind a specific browser to an account, after which the robot will identify you as a permanent user and will not ask for a confirmation code. In any case, you can reset all settings by excluding your old browser from "White list".

So who will benefit from this awesome, fresh and groundbreaking feature? Well, firstly, people who really value their individuality and weight in social network In contact with. Secondly, people who fully work in social networks and value their access to, for example, applications, groups or important pages. Thirdly, people who love everything new and interesting (according to at least, so you can once again surprise your friends and acquaintances). Fourthly, paranoid people who all the time suspect that they are being watched by the special services and think that with additional password they will no longer be able to do this (naive).

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Why is fast password recovery not available for me?

How to enter the VKontakte website if you have forgotten your password and login protection is enabled (login confirmation)? You are trying to regain access, but you receive an error message:

Fast password recovery is not available. Login confirmation is enabled for your page. mobile phone.

Or like this:

Unfortunately, you cannot recover the password for the specified phone number.

This means that once before you yourself turned on the confirmation of entry by mobile phone, when to enter the page you need to enter not only the password, but also the code sent to the phone.

Of course, this increases security and protects against hacking, but now you have forgotten your password. What to do? Now you can't get the recovery code to your phone, because login confirmation- this is when you both know the password and have access to the phone. Both that, and another together. This is the only way to ensure the security that you yourself voluntarily turned on. It is no longer possible to restore a page with only one phone number if you do not know the password.

How now to recover the password, access to the page?

1. Recover by email

If you have an additional login confirmation enabled, then instead of quick recovery password by SMS, password recovery by e-mail is applied ( e-mail). Is your page linked to email? If so, you can request a link to reset your password. (the instruction will open in a new window). It may turn out that the page is attached to the mail, but you cannot enter the mail (you have no access or simply don’t remember it) - in this case, it is better to try to restore access to the mail first, otherwise you will have only one way, it is more complicated and requires much more time. Read on:

2. Restore via support

When login confirmation is enabled, and you have forgotten the password and the page is NOT tied to email (or there is no access to mail, or you don’t remember the address), the only way to restore the page is technical support request... This link will open a form for restoring access, which must be filled out. Better to do this from your computer, not your phone. Look detailed instructions here:

We'll have to prove that the page is yours. If your real photos are not there or your real name and surname are not indicated, then it is almost impossible (or very difficult) to restore the page. After all, you were warned about everything when you turned on the protection of the entrance. You can see why the application might be rejected. Of course, there is an opportunity to contact VK support and try in some way to prove that the page is yours. If they see that you are a normal person and that the page is really yours, they can meet halfway. If even then nothing works out, register a new page in VK. This is a lesson for the future.

There are no other ways to restore access. It is useless to search for them. That is, there is no other way to restore it at all. You just read everything possible ways... Read them again if you don't understand.

Can I turn off login confirmation?

Sure. But to do this, you must first go to the page. And if you can't do this yet, then you can't turn off login confirmation either. Restore access as described above.

« In contact with always cares about your safety "- from the very first days of its existence, this motto has been an integral part of this social. networks. And today another very big and significant step has been taken for the security of your account!

Connection additional way checks

The new login confirmation feature lets you do even more secure your account from "unwanted" visitors. The function was added relatively recently and is available to all users. Let's take a look at the connection steps:

You can activate our function by going to “ My settings", Open the tab" General", A subgroup of settings" Security of your page". Opposite the item " Login confirmation"Click" to plug».

Now we have secured our page and activated the function. From now on, entering the correct login & password pair will not be enough to enter your page. You will need to enter a special code sent to you via SMS. Please note that you need to check the corresponding boxes.

The code sent via SMS is valid only once, which provides maximum protection against selection. That is, even if the code is intercepted or "spied on the phone" it will be impossible to enter. Please note that the function "Application for generating codes" personally does not inspire confidence in me and is not convenient at all. I advise you to turn it off. Moving on, dear readers.

Constant use of proven devices

VKontakte took care of people's nerves and decided to save us from endless verification on trusted devices. Upon authorization, you will have the opportunity to remember this device and rid yourself of a ton of SMS "approx.