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Configuring the tp link router to reboot itself. How to reboot a router: how to reboot a router yourself with step-by-step instructions

Over the past few months, the site has published several articles in which I talked about routers. In particular, I talked about and. Today we will analyze a slightly less relevant, but still important question - I will talk about how to reboot the router.

What is it for? There may be several reasons. For example, a router tends to freeze, which is often associated not with the device itself, but with its firmware. The router can cut speed, disconnect and automatically not connect to the network, etc.

Traditionally, let me remind you that this FAQ applies to any models of routers, be it D-Link, ASUS, TP-Link, Zyxel, etc.

Quick reboot

Of course, you should start from the very easy way... On the back of the device, you can find a special on / off button for the router (POWER). As a rule, it can be found only on expensive devices, on inexpensive ones it is rarely or not found at all. So, with its help, you can instantly reboot.

If the button is missing, don't worry. You can see the Reset button recessed into the case. In general, it is necessary for full reset settings, but you can also reboot with it. To do this, take something sharp (a ballpoint pen is ideal), press the button and hold it for no more than one or two seconds. If you hold it down for longer, then simply reset all settings, which is fraught with the lack of the Internet and the installation of new settings. Be careful with this method, it is very tricky. And in general, I advise them to use only in extreme cases.

Finally, if all else fails, then simply unplug the router adapter for 10 seconds. Then plug it back in and the device will automatically connect after a while. It is recommended to use this method as little as possible, since, it is claimed, it can adversely affect the lifespan of the router.

Reboot via interface

You can reboot the router using the web interface. The method is not the most convenient, but reliable.

First of all, you have to get to the device interface by entering a specific address in the address bar of the browser (usually it is or - the exact address can be found from).

After you get into the router's settings panel, you will need to find the virtual restart button. It all depends not so much on the model of your router as on its firmware. Somewhere there is a separate button for restarting, somewhere it is hidden in the menu. For example, in some D-Link firmware it looks like this:

Accordingly, just click on "Restart" and wait a few seconds for the device to reboot. Then exit the settings using the "Exit" button.

Reboot using the command line

It is also possible to reboot the device using the Telnet command line. Telnet is a text-based program, essentially the same one with which you can remotely connect to a computer. In order to use it to reboot the router, it is necessary that the router supports this protocol.

So, start Telnet and write open ip-address of the router without quotes (for example, open If you get a response like “Failed to connect to this node, on port such and such. Connection failure ”, you can forget about this undertaking, since the connection is impossible.

If the connection was successful, then you will need to go through authorization. To do this, write your username and password:

  • admin your login
  • admin your password

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the procedure itself. Do not forget to ask questions and answer on the topic of the article.

As it turned out, the TP-LINK TL-WR1042ND gigabit router does not have console control. But routers, as you know, sometimes hang. More precisely, the router itself continues to work and responds to control commands from the admin panel and the VPN shows that it is connected, but the Internet is not available. Sometimes this happens due to the fault of the device itself, sometimes there are problems from the provider, and a reboot often solves the problem. Moreover, it is desirable that this happens automatically. So the decision was made overload the router using an HTTP GET request ...

After a short research, the following commands were found:

Break VPN connection:

Connect VPN:

Http: // login: [email protected]/userRpm/StatusRpm.htm?Connect=Connect&wan=1

Reboot the router:

Http: // login: [email protected]/userRpm/SysRebootRpm.htm?Reboot=1

But, as it turned out, it is not possible to directly manage these commands by the router. They work only when authorizing in the router admin panel through a browser, and then you can only see their execution using firebug, but directly, when you enter address bar only VPN disconnect / connect commands work. The commands work, but it still throws an error. You cannot reboot the router this way.

Instantly pops up " You have no authority to access this router! " and nothing happens.

The most interesting thing is that:

Http: // login: [email protected]/userRpm/StatusRpm.htm?Disconnect=Disconnect&wan=1

throws the same error, but with some delay, and the request is executed - i.e. wan is disabled.

Reboot from Linux

I was more interested in this, but this command did not work:

Wget --http-user = login --http-password = pass --post-data = "reboot = true"


Connecting to ... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response ... 401 N / A Reusing existing connection to HTTP request sent, awaiting response ... 200 No headers, assuming HTTP / 0.9 Length: unspecified Saving to: `SysRebootRpm.htm"

Plus, wget couldn't even run Disconnect / Connect VPN.

A topic was opened on the Russian TP-LINK forum, but as a result of discussion, no solution could be found.
English technical support for the request "How i can reboot my device by bash script?"
replied the following: "this is not possible to reboot devices in a such way."
Ticket # 2013101610000131

A solution was found, nevertheless. Without going into details, I will say that the router with GET request checks:

  1. Http basic authorization.
  2. User-Agent of the browser.
  3. A valid referrer field, which will always be just http: // the IP address of the router, since the router uses redirects.

The curl command does a great job with this.

Router reboot script

So, here is the script for restarting the router, which I got:

#! / bin / sh WATCHED_IP = "" ROUTER_IP = "" USERNAME = "login" PASSWORD = "pass" # watch for remote host ping -q -c 1 "$ WATCHED_IP"> / dev / null && exit # exit if router is down ping -q -c 1 "$ ROUTER_IP"> / dev / null || exit curl --basic --user "$ USERNAME: $ PASSWORD" -A "Mozilla / 4.73 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.15 i686)" --refer "http: // $ ROUTER_IP" "$ ROUTER_IP / userRpm / SysRebootRpm.htm? Reboot = reboot "

Accordingly, the VPN reconnect script:

#! / bin / sh WATCHED_IP = "" ROUTER_IP = "" USERNAME = "login" PASSWORD = "pass" # watch for remote host ping -q -c 1 "$ WATCHED_IP"> / dev / null && exit # exit if router is down ping -q -c 1 "$ ROUTER_IP"> / dev / null || exit curl --basic --user "$ USERNAME: $ PASSWORD" -A "Mozilla / 4.73 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.15 i686)" --refer "http: // $ ROUTER_IP" "$ ROUTER_IP / userRpm / StatusRpm.htm? Disconnect = Disconnect & wan = 1 "#sleep 1 curl --basic --user" $ USERNAME: $ PASSWORD "-A" Mozilla / 4.73 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.15 i686) "--refer" http : // $ ROUTER_IP "" $ ROUTER_IP / userRpm / StatusRpm.htm? Connect = Connect & wan = 1 "

Put a reconnect script in cron in the absence of Google dns ping - check every 3 minutes.
The reboot script checks for internet every 15 minutes.

login: pass, of course, you will need to put your own. Name the script files, for example, and, save on the server, grant execution rights and add to the scheduler.

on the forum Scorokhod shared his option to reboot the router using WGET, for which many thanks to him:

Wget --http-user =% login% --http-password =% password% --user-agent = "Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 31.0.1650.63 Safari / 537.36 "--referer = http: //%router_ip%/userRpm/SysRebootRpm.htm http: //%router_ip%/userRpm/SysRebootRpm.htm? Reboot = 1

Instead of "Login", "Password" and "Router_ip" substitute accordingly Login: Password and IP router without quotes and percentages 🙂

WGET for Windows can be taken here:, you need to download "Complete package, except sources - Setup".

Reboot from Windows

Ready assembly Wget + Bat script to reload (only reloads):
(fits most Tplink models, not only WR1042ND)

Reboot from Android

(thanks for this code neolead)

The android in this presentation requires root. If there is no root .. then at the end of the checknet replace with step1


Install Busybox ... on.busybox
and Android Terminal emulator ... ndroidterm
—To do list
Remount / system to write "su -c mount rw, remount / system"
Place it in / system / script, "su -c chmod 0777 / system / script /"
Give the script permission to execute "su -c chmod 0755 /system/script/"
Add to autostart in terminal settings.

it works for me in the car as a reconnection, then reboot wifi after three files ... #! / System / bin / sh pingip = login = admin #Username password = admin #Password router_ip = #Ip of router sleep_time = 30 #Time to next check sleep_rbt_time = 70 #Time to waiting of reboot f1 = 10 #First pause in sec f2 = 30 #Second pause in sec increment = 0 b64_auth = $ (echo $ login: $ password | base64 | rev | cut -c 2- | rev) network = toyota #SSID name of wifi while true do function checknet () (ssid = 0 while ["$ ssid"! = "$ network"] do ssid = $ (su -c dumpsys wifi | grep "* ID:" | cut -f 2 -d \ ") echo ssid = $ ssid echo network = $ network if [" $ ssid "=" $ network "]; then echo" Correct Wifi Network "else echo" False Wifi Network, press Enter key "read -rs fi done) function slp () (increment = 0 echo "will sleep $ sleep_time sec" sleep $ sleep_time #check again) function wifi_conn () (echo modem reconnect printf "GET /userRpm/StatusRpm.htm?Disconnect=Disconnect&wan=1 HTTP / 1.0 \ r \ nReferer: \ r \ nUser-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 30.1.1650.63 Sa fari / 537.36 \ r \ nAccept: * / * \ r \ nHost: $ router_ip \ r \ nConnection: Keep-Alive \ r \ nAuthorization: Basic $ b64_auth = \ r \ n \ r \ n "| nc -w 5 - i 1 $ router_ip 80> / dev / nul printf "GET /userRpm/StatusRpm.htm?Connect=Connect&wan=1 HTTP / 1.0 \ r \ nReferer: http: //$router_ip/userRpm/StatusRpm.htm \ r \ nUser- Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 30.1.1650.63 Safari / 537.36 \ r \ nAccept: * / * \ r \ nHost: $ router_ip \ r \ nConnection: Keep-Alive \ r \ nAuthorization: Basic $ b64_auth = \ r \ n \ r \ n "| nc -w 5 -i 1 $ router_ip 80> / dev / nul) function wifi_rst () (#echo LOGIN: $ b64_auth = increment = $ (($ increment +1)) echo Reboot Times = $ increment if ["$ increment" -eq 3]; then echo "We Already Reboot = $ increment times" echo "We Stop Rebooting" read -rs $ "Press any key to continue monitoring ... \ n "-n1 key else printf" GET /userRpm/SysRebootRpm.htm?Reboot=1 HTTP / 1.0 \ r \ nReferer: http: //$router_ip/userRpm/SysRebootRpm.htm \ r \ nUser-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 30.1.1650.63 Safari / 537.36 \ r \ nAccept: * / * \ r \ nHost: $ router_ip \ r \ nConnection: Keep-Alive \ r \ nAuthorization: Basic $ b64_auth = \ r \ n \ r \ n "| nc -w 5 -i 1 $ router_ip 80> / dev / nul echo" Now reboot request was send, will sleep $ sleep_rbt_time sec "sleep $ sleep_rbt_time fi) checknet if ping -c 1 $ pingip> / de v / null then echo "all good step 1" slp else if ping -c 1 $ router_ip> / dev / null then echo Router is pinging - channel is down else echo Router is down - channel is down increment = 3 wifi_rst fi echo Bad Ass step 1 - will wait $ f1 sec! sleep $ f1 #give it a few seconds to complete fi if ping -c 1 $ pingip> / dev / null then echo "all good step 2" slp else echo Bad Ass step 2 - will wait $ f2 sec! sleep $ f2 #give it a few seconds to complete fi if ping -c 1 $ pingip> / dev / null then echo "all good step 3" slp else wifi_conn echo Bad Ass step 3 - Reconnect! wifi_conn fi if ping -c 1 $ pingip> / dev / null then echo "all good step 4" slp else echo Bad Ass step 3 - Reconnect! wifi_rst fi done

What does an average user usually do when they discover a problem with their internet connection or download speed? That's right, - calls technical support. Meanwhile, most of these problems are solved at the very first stage: the reboot of the router helps, which the operator, for example, Rostelecom (and any other provider) asks to perform in the first place.

If a problem occurs, the first step is to reboot.

When the router is constantly working in the network, some of its interfaces, for example, a WAN port or a Wi-Fi transmitter, may sometimes freeze. It can also be a computer, in particular, Network Card... And then it turns out that many users do not even know how to restart the router and computer.

A reboot can be done different ways, the main thing is that the result should lead to the solution of your problem. We provide a description of three options from each of them:

  • power off;
  • restarting through a computer using a telnet client.

And now more about each of them.

The simplest thing that can be done in order for the router to reconnect to the provider's equipment is to temporarily turn off the power. To do this, most routers have an "On / Off" or "Power" button located on the back panel next to the power connector. Turn off the device, pause for about half a minute, and then turn it on again.

Do not confuse it with the "Reset" button! By clicking it, you will reset the router settings to the factory settings, and then you will need to re-configure it.

It should be noted that the "Power" button does not always reset the current connection. In addition, some manufacturers do not provide for the presence of such a button at all. In this case, unplugging the power cord from either the rear panel or wall outlet will help. After the same half a minute, you can turn it back on.

But how to reboot the router if it is located in a different room or access to it is difficult for some reason? Then you can reboot it remotely via the computer: go to the settings page and make a soft restart. This is considered the most correct way in terms of equipment safety.

The scheme is simple: you need to go to the control page by entering the IP address of access to the router settings in the address bar of the browser. In the menu, find the section responsible for the system and reboot. For example, on TP Link N series routers, this function can be found through the menu "System Tools" - "Restart". On this page you will see the button of the same name, it remains to press it and wait for the end of the reboot.

Restart using telnet access

Another option that allows you to remotely reboot the router is to issue a command through the console using the telnet service. Perhaps someone will find it more convenient and faster. V Windows system XP does it really fast:

  1. Run command line: "Start" - "Run" - "cmd" or the keyboard shortcut Win + R.
  2. Enter the telnet command and the IP of the router.
  3. Log in by entering your login and password for management.
  4. Type the reboot command and press Enter.

If your computer is running Windows 7 or 8, then you need a little more movement. These systems do not have a built-in telnet client, so you will need to access the control console using third party program... The simplest is the PuTTy utility. Download and install it, and to reboot the router, follow these steps:

  1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address to access the router.
  2. In the "Connection Type" select "Telnet".
  3. Open the console with the "Open" button (on the left side of the program window under the list of sections).

Further actions in the console without changes: log in and enter the command to restart.


At the first sign of a drop in the speed of the Internet connection or when the network is completely disconnected, the first recommended action is to restart the router and computer. We have described several ways for you to reboot the router, and you just have to choose the most suitable one for yourself and try it in action.

If in the process you have any questions or difficulties, please contact us in the comments.

Is a very common problem, especially on inexpensive router models. As a rule, router freezes are accompanied by such symptoms as a decrease in the speed of the Internet, a decrease in the speed of work wireless network, no connection to a network printer, or just a complete lack of the Internet on all devices connected to the router. But, fortunately, such freezes are very easily treated by restarting the router. In this article, you will learn how to reboot your router.

How to quickly reboot a router

The easiest way to reboot the router is to disconnect it from the power supply for a few seconds. Insofar as this way the simplest, it is also the most popular. All you need to do in order to reboot the router in this way is to pull the adapter out of the router and plug it back in after a few seconds.

Also on some models of routers there is a special button to turn it on and off. If there is such a button on your router, then it is better to use it.

It is very important not to confuse the on / off button with a button. Typically the on / off button is labeled “On / Off,” and is larger and easy to press. Whereas the button for resetting the settings is much smaller and is labeled as "Reset". If there is only one Reset button on the case, then this is a reset button, not a reset button.

How to restart a router from a computer

Almost all routers allow you to reboot through the web interface. This allows you to restart the router from your computer. To do this, you need to use your browser (usually they are available at or and find the "Restart" button.

For example, in the web interface of ASUS routers, the "Restart" button is located at the very top and is available on all pages of the web interface.

And on TP-LINK routers, in order to start a reboot, you need to open the "System Tools" section, and then go to the "Reboot" subsection.

How to reboot a router via Telnet

The last and most difficult reboot method is Telnet reboot. In order to reboot the router via Telnet, you will need a Telnet client (a program for working via Telnet). For example, you can use a program.

After starting the Putty program, a window will appear in which you need to configure a Telnet connection. Here we enter, select the type of Telnet connection and click on the "Open" button.

After that, a window similar to the command window should appear. Windows string... In this window, you work with the router via Telnet. If the window does not appear and the Putty program reports an error, then something is wrong with the connection. Perhaps you entered the wrong IP address of the router or Telnet is disabled in the settings of your router.

But, if everything is done correctly, then the router should ask for a username and password. After entering the username and password, you can enter Reboot command, which will send the router to reboot.