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Four ways to transfer contacts from iPhone. How to copy contacts from iPhone to computer? IPhone 5 save contacts

Hello everyone! What is the most important and expensive thing about an iPhone besides the phone itself? Quite right - the information that is stored in it. And if you dig a little deeper ... what is the most valuable information? For many, the correct answer is - Notebook and, accordingly, telephone numbers. Losing your saved contacts is scary! Therefore, it is highly recommended to periodically save them, so that at one "fine" moment it would not be excruciatingly painful from the loss of everything at once.

Moreover, copying the "iPhone" phone book to a computer is a fairly simple task, if, of course, you know from which side to proceed with its implementation. Moreover, there are a large number of ways to transfer contacts - for every taste and skill. Choose any! And now is the time to understand these methods in more detail ...

Let's go! :)

Backup copy

The most elementary way is that when you back up your computer, a complete copy of the data from the iPhone is saved. Which, of course, includes contacts. This operation can be done using iTunes (complete and detailed). The method is great if you need (now or in the future) to new iPhone... that's all.

But for those who need to store only phone numbers on a PC, this option is naturally not suitable:

  • It takes up a lot of space - all information is stored.
  • You won't be able to edit them.
  • You cannot pull out the contacts separately from the copy.


First, we turn on the synchronization of contacts on the iPhone with the "cloud". To do this, go to settings - iCloud. Specify the parameters of the Apple ID account (if you have not done so earlier) and move the slider opposite the "contacts" menu item.

We are waiting for some time until the phone book goes to the "cloud". After that, on a computer in any browser, open the address, enter the Apple ID and see all your numbers.

Here you can download them to your computer. For this:

  1. Select the necessary positions, if you need everything, then press Ctrl + A.
  2. In the lower left corner, click on the gear icon - export vCard.

I draw your attention to the fact that if nothing happens when you click on the export, you need to change the browser. There are problems in chrome ...

Now the entire list of contacts from the iPhone is transferred to the computer in vCard format. What it is? it universal format storage of the phone book, which is supported by most devices and programs. Actually, you can already work with it further - transfer it to your android smartphone, open it in Outlook or simply store - all your records will be inside and will not be lost.


Besides creating backup iTunes can sync your phone book with your computer. And to be more precise with two programs - Outlook and Windows Contacts. To do this, you must have installed iTunes latest version and one of the programs indicated above, plus do the following.

  1. Connect iPhone to PC and launch iTunes.
  2. In the upper left corner we see the iPhone or iPad icon - depending on what you connected. We press on it.
  3. Next, select the information - put a checkmark in front of synchronize contacts with ... and indicate with what - Outlook or Windows Contacts. We press to apply.

Please note that if this item is not present, then you need to disable the uploading of phone numbers to iCloud. How to do this is described just above, in the previous section.

Transfer and save contacts to a PC using third-party programs

The most common are iFunbox and CopyTrans. The first one is completely free and more functional - it allows you to work not only with the phone book, but also with other files. A jailbreak is required here.

And the second one is exclusively "sharpened" for working with contacts - saving, transferring to other devices, backups, plus the interface is easier to use and more and more clear and intuitive. Although there are drawbacks - the limitation on the number of free operations. But you don't need to hack the device.

It's up to you, I will briefly write about both. By the way, you still need iTunes installed to use these programs.


Download and install, it is better to download from the official site. Here's a link . I won't tell you a lot, because if you were able to jailbreak, then you can figure it out without any problems.

In the main window on the left we immediately see the file structure of your iPhone. We need a folder called adressbook. It is located at / var / library. This is where all the information about your contacts is contained. We just drop them to our computer.

If necessary, you can always perform the operation in the opposite direction and thereby return the phonebook entries to the iPhone.


Link to download the program. After downloading and launching, the Control Center opens - which offers to install one of the utilities produced by the company, each of them is designed for a specific task - maybe you will find something else useful for yourself? But today we need CopyTrans, and we choose it.

In the main window, everything is quite simple - there is a list of phone numbers that are on your iPhone, you just need to mark the necessary ones and click at the top - export of the selected one.

We choose where exactly to export (you can not only to a computer, but also to smartphones - Android, Windows, even Blackberry!) And that's it! We store, cherish and cherish :)

Long and boring way

There is another option. You can also send contacts to a PC one at a time using e-mail (do not forget before using it) - to transfer a contact, open the required first and last name and select send via Mail.

But it will not be possible to transfer everything in a crowd, so if the phone book is large, then it is better to use one of the above.

A little advice - do the operations indicated in the article periodically, even if there is no special need for this. After all, one "beautiful" iPhone moment maybe or, and if the problem is serious enough, then in service center will not spare the phone's memory and erase everything. Including precious numbers.

P.S. One way helped? Like it"! Nothing succeeded? Write in the comments - we'll figure it out and try to solve the problem all together!

Sometimes it is enough for an Apple fan to be completely happy and learn how to take high-quality photographs; usually, everything is more complicated: time passes, the technique is constantly being improved and sooner or later you have to buy new phone... And not only pictures and videos from the Internet remain on the old one, but also user data, in particular contacts. How to correctly and quickly copy them to a computer - let's try to figure it out.


To transfer contacts from iPhone to computer, you need:

  • Open the "Settings" iPhone and, without scrolling through the page, tap on your avatar - it is much easier to find it at the top than.
  • Go to the iCloud section by clicking on the corresponding heading.

  • Turning on contact sync is the most logical way to update your data in cloud storage.

  • If you cannot synchronize contacts for some reason, allow the process using mobile data in the "Cellular" section.

  • Fabulous! Now you can proceed to work on your computer or laptop. To transfer contacts from iPhone to HDD, you will need to open the official iCloud website - Here, in the first text field, you need to enter the login from your Apple ID account associated with the iPhone.

  • And in the second - the corresponding password, and then log in to the system.

  • Open the "Contacts" section - it is at the beginning of the list.

  • Make sure that after syncing iPhone with iCloud, everything appears here necessary contacts.

  • Select those that you plan to save to your computer.

  • ... And find the "Settings" menu in the lower left corner of the screen - the image of a gear.

  • In the list that opens, select "Export vCard" - the contact card will be saved in the universal VCF format, suitable not only for viewing on a computer, but also for using on the Android OS, as well as for importing to an iPhone.

  • Now the iPhone owner has to choose a way to handle the data. By clicking in the bootloader menu "Open".

  • In a few seconds he will see the cards of all saved contacts on the screen. They can be added to the Windows list - it's easier than.

  • Another option is to download the card to your hard drive and use it at your own discretion; in particular, to synchronize names and numbers with available smartphones and tablets.

  • Fine! Contacts from iPhone are saved on the computer; all manipulations should take the owner no more than ten to fifteen minutes, and with proper skill, even less.

Advice: in exactly the same way, you can transfer contacts from others to the hard disk Apple accounts ID - to do this, you will have to log into iCloud using the appropriate logins and passwords - not forgetting to log out of the first one.

iCloud Drive

Don't want to log into iCloud with your account, but still need to save contacts on your computer? Then you can use any mobile application offered by the developers in App Store such as My Contacts Backup. This will take no more time than mastering the methods; the user needs:

  • Download and install the program on the iPhone, and then open it and click on the Backup button.

  • Wait until the contact card is saved in the already known VCF format in the iPhone's memory.

  • Upload the file to iCloud Drive, not forgetting to first enable synchronization in the "Settings" of the phone.

  • On a computer - log in, as described earlier, to the cloud storage, and open the iCloud Drive section.

  • Find a contact card saved from an iPhone.

  • Select it by clicking the mouse and click on the "Save" icon - a cloud with an arrow going down.

  • As in the first example, choose a data processing method (open or save) and use the card in VCF format in the same order.

Advice: immediately after transferring contacts from the iPhone to the computer, it is recommended to delete the card - the less confidential data the user leaves on the Internet, the better.

iTunes / Google Contacts

Rarely used and not the simplest, however, a fail-safe option, combining the information developments of two giants - Apple and Google. To transfer contacts from iPhone to computer in this way, the owner will need:

  • Launch iTunes on your PC and log in to the application using your account associated with the device.

  • Connect the phone and, if it has not been done earlier, authorize the computer by finding the appropriate option in the "Account" menu.

  • Go to the "Information" tab and start synchronizing contacts with Google Contacts.

  • When the process is complete, go to the site - and log in to the same account in which the contacts were just saved.

  • Open on home page Google menu of modules - for this you need to click on the nine rectangles located in the upper right corner - and find the item "Contacts".

  • Click on it and make sure that all data, names and addresses have been successfully exported from the iPhone.

  • To save them on the computer, you can click on each record separately and copy the data in the pop-up window.

  • Or, by ticking the necessary contacts and selecting the "Export" item in the left side menu.

  • Determine the saving method - CSV format (opens in the Excel spreadsheet editor and similar products) or the already familiar and more convenient VCF - and click on the button of the same name.

  • Contact cards contained on the iPhone will be saved to the computer's hard drive; upon completion of the work, it is recommended to leave the Google account and your iTunes account.


A more convenient and faster option is to send contacts from iPhone to a computer by e-mail; of course, the user will need to use the same virtual box - or at least those that are equally under his control.

Important: Before proceeding with this and all the following methods, the iPhone owner needs to create a contact card in VCF format on the device using any mobile app- how to do this is described in the second section of the material.

  • Login to mobile client for iPhone and click on the "New letter" button.

  • Specify yourself as the addressee - or another available address.

  • Attach a contact card to the letter.

  • And send it from the iPhone.

  • On a computer - open a message.

  • Move the mouse pointer over the attached file icon, click on the "Download" button.

  • And save the card with names and phone numbers to your hard drive.

  • Fabulous! The owner of the iPhone was able to transfer contacts from the device to the computer without any serious waste of time. There are three more ways to save data to hard disk ahead.


To save contacts from iPhone to a computer, you can use any of the popular instant messengers - the main thing is that its versions are installed both on the PC and on the phone. Using Telegram as an example, the process looks like this:

  • The user, having successfully saved a contact card in the iPhone memory, enters the mobile application and opens a dialogue with himself - depending on the version of the messenger, it may be called "My messages", "Saved", "Cloud" and so on - and tap on the stationery icon paper clips; you can find it in the lower right corner just below the message line.

  • Selects the "File" option.

  • And downloads the contact card in VCF format.

  • Now by checking that the data has been successfully uploaded to the cloud.

  • Goes over to the computer and saves contacts to the hard drive.

Important: you can use different accounts for sending, but in this case you will have to log in under one on the iPhone, and under the other on the computer.


Another great option is to transfer contacts from iPhone to computer via cloud storage. This is done (for example, Dropbox) approximately as follows:

  • The owner of the iPhone launches the mobile application, taps on the "Add" icon.

  • And he makes sure that the download of the card with the contacts in the iPhone's phone book has been successfully completed.

  • On a computer, it logs in to the cloud storage, finds the file just uploaded and clicks on the ellipsis to the right of it.

  • Selects "Download" in the opened list and works with a card in VCF format in exactly the same way as described earlier.

Advice: As usual, upon completion, it is strongly recommended to delete the file with contacts - all the more, there is no longer any need to store it on a remote server.

File sharing

Finally, a contact card created using a mobile application can be transferred from an iPhone to a computer using any convenient file sharing service, for example, DropMeFiles:

  • Go to the site page - and click on the "Download" button, then select the newly created card.

  • After a couple of seconds, the file hosting service will give you a link to download contacts. It can be copied and sent to yourself using the messenger.

  • Or use the form below and indicate the phone number or email to which the service should send the link.

  • Then wait for delivery.

  • Now the iPhone owner needs to follow this link and download the contact card to the hard drive of the computer.

Summing up

The easiest way to transfer contacts from iPhone to computer is using Apple's own online service, iCloud. Other ways are to send a VCF card by email, messengers, clouds and file sharing. In addition, you can sync the list of names and numbers via iTunes with Google Contacts, and then download the database to your hard drive.

Today, it is important for every iPhone owner to know how to save contacts from the iPhone to a computer, because in addition to the value of the device itself, it is of particular importance Contact Information... In order not to lose phone numbers, you should transfer contacts from iPhone to your computer in advance. This can be done in different ways.

How to copy contacts from iPhone? There are several ways, and each user will be able to choose the most suitable option in accordance with their own capabilities and skills.

Most easy way copying contacts from a gadget is backup, which saves a complete copy of data from the iPhone, including contacts. Such an operation can be performed using iTunes software... However, saving a backup copy is not suitable for all users, since all information takes up a lot of space, and it will not be possible to edit or separately extract certain contacts in the future.

Another way is to copy using iCloud. First, you need to activate the synchronization of contacts on your phone with the "cloud". To do this, you need to go to the settings, register your Apple ID in your account and activate the "Contacts" item using the slider, as shown in photo 2.

After that, you need to wait a little for all phones to be loaded into the "cloud". Now, in order to see the saved copy of the phone book, it is enough on any computer, in any browser, enter the address, and then the Apple ID.

If you need to transfer contacts directly to your computer, then follow the instructions below:

  1. Select phones, and you can select all of them using the Ctrl + A combination or individual lines by holding down the Ctrl key.
  2. To export contacts from iPhone, activate the vCard gear in the lower left corner, as shown in photo 3.

Now the entire saved list of phones will be on the computer in vCard format, which is a universal format supported by most devices and applications.

In addition to the backup, iTunes can synchronize data from your phone to your computer. Two programs cope with this task - Outlook and Windows Contacts. How to transfer contacts from iPhone to computer in this way? To do this, you need to have the latest version of iTunes and one of these programs. To transfer contacts, you need to do the following:

  1. Connect your smartphone to your computer and turn on iTunes.
  2. Click on the iPhone icon at the top.
  3. After selecting the information - put a checkmark in front of the line indicating the synchronization of contacts with a suitable application.
  4. Click "Apply".

Transfer Contacts from Windows Phone to iPhone

Outlook can help you with the task of transferring phone numbers. If you have an account in this application, you can transfer contacts from windows phone and back.

First of all, you need to go to the settings, then to the accounts. Without this, you won't be able to use Windows Phone. For users, these entries are often clogged, while the phone book is automatically synchronized with them. Therefore, when using an iPhone, you need to take care of adding your own account and activating synchronization. This requires:

The actions taken will lead over time to the synchronization of all contacts.

You need to know not only how to copy contacts from your smartphone, but also how to transfer this information back to the iPhone.

If you have an account in Facebook, Google, or Outlook, the entire phone book is automatically synchronized when the gadget is activated. If it so happened that for some reason the synchronization did not occur, applications such as ExcelContacts Lite or Contacts Sync, which can be downloaded from the App Store, can fix the problem. These programs allow you to save the phone book in the form of an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file, which can then be transferred from a computer by e-mail. After saving, you need to open access to the sheet, click Start Import before finally placing the saved CSV file. After these steps, contacts will be transferred from windows phone to iPhone during activation.

The user who is going to buy a new modification or even a gadget from another manufacturer should think about how to save contacts on a PC. Fortunately, the "apple" smartphone is multifunctional enough not to force its owner to sit with a pencil in his hands and copy numbers into a notebook. There are a lot of ways to transfer contacts from an iPhone to a computer - you can use additional software for this or get by with your own means of the device.

The backup is usually created via ITunes... This option lies “on the surface”, but we refuse it for a number of reasons:

  • BackupiTunes not configurable... The backup will include all iPhone data, so it will take a long time to create and take up a lot of space. Download only contacts via iTunes impossible.
  • Granular recovery is also not available... If you want to use the backup generated in iTunes, you will have to take into account that the copy will be restored all information.

It is recommended to create a backup copy of part of the data stored on the iPhone using the iTools 3 utility(you can download the application). iTools 3 is not only more flexible than iTunes, but also much simpler - there is no need to wait for the synchronization to complete.

The iPhone user needs to follow these instructions:

Step 1... Go to iTools and open the tab " Toolbox».

Step 2... In the block " Data Management"Click on the icon" Super backup».

Step 3... In the next window, you will see a list of data that you can include in the backup. Uncheck all items except " Contacts».

Then press the button " Next».

Step 4... Wait until iTools will find all contacts on iPhone and click on “ Start Backup».

If opposite the icon " Contacts"Indicates 100%, the creation of a backup copy is completed.

Step 5... Click " Backup complete»And go to the folder where you saved the data. By default, this is the folder D: // iToolsBackup.

If the copying was successful, then at the save location you will find a subfolder with a similar name:

In the future, you can restore numbers on another iPhone (or on the same) through the button " Super restore"In the block" Data Management».

For users who "move" to another iPhone, the program iTools is priceless, but for those who want to be able to view the database on a computer, this utility is not an assistant - to open files iTools-backup via desktop Outlook and Excel will not work.

Sync contacts with iCloud

Thanks to iCloud you can export contacts to a file vCard which is opened by email clients (for example, Outlook). You need to transfer the phone book to a PC via the "cloud" as follows:

Step 1... On the menu " Settings"IPhone find the section" iCloud"And go to it.

Step 2... You will see a list of the data that is being synced with.

Switch the toggle switch " Contacts»To the active position and wait a while so that the device has time to send the phone book to iCloud.

Copy contacts to PC via iTunes

Use iTunes for copying numbers, it is appropriate if at least one of the following programs is installed on the PC: Microsoft Outlook or Windows Contacts. « Contacts"Are included in Windows 7 and 8, so problems with transferring the guide through ITunes most users shouldn't.

Download numbers from iPhone via ITunes So:

Step 1... Connect the gadget to the PC with a USB cable, run ITunes and go to the device control menu by clicking on the button with the phone image.

Step 2... In the block " Settings"Click on the item" Intelligence».

Step 3... Check the box next to " Synchronize contacts with: " and in the drop-down menu select the option that suits you: Outlook or Contacts.

iTunes also gives you the option to choose if you want to copy all contacts located on the iPhone, or just some group.

Step 4 . Scroll down to the " Supplements»And make sure there are no ticks in it. A user who neglects such a check runs the risk of losing his telephone directory.

Step 5... Click " Apply”And wait for the sync to complete.

If you've synced contacts with Windows Contacts, you will find your notes by following the path C: // Users / (username) / Contacts.

Copying contacts via additional applications

The easiest and most convenient way to copy the phone book to your computer is offered by the application iBackupBot... Download this useful utility can .

After downloading and installing the program, proceed as follows:

Step 1... In the block " User Information»Click on the link« Contacts».

You will see a list of contacts that are saved on the iPhone.

Step 2... Through the tab " Export»Choose the format in which you want to receive the telephone directory. There are quite a few options - the numbers can be "displayed", for example, in the form of a document vCard(which, as we remember, opens at Outlook), as well as in the form of a document Excel... We will just stop at the last option - click on the button " Export as Excel file».

Step 3... A window will appear warning that you are using a trial version of the application iBackupBot... Feel free to press " Cancel».

Step 4... Across " Conductor»Choose where you want to save the document Excel with numbers, and click " Save". You will start the copying procedure, the successful completion of which will be notified by a similar message:

Step 5... Find Excel-file on your computer disk and open it. The reference should look something like this:

To transfer contacts from iPhone, you can use more than iBackupBot but also others third party applications... The utility is very convenient iMazing but in free version it allows you to copy a total of 10 phonebook entries.

How to copy numbers from jailbreak iPhone?

If your iPhone is jailbroken, it is recommended to use a program called iFunBox- you can download it completely free of charge.

To use this copying method was possible, the PC must have iTunes- otherwise the device will simply not be detected by the system.

Transfer contacts via iFunBox is done as follows:

Step 1... Launch the program, connect the iPhone to the PC with a cable and wait for the utility to recognize the device.

Step 2... In the window " Browse folders"Find the folder" Raw File System» (« Untreated file system ") And open it.

Step 3... Follow the path " var» — « mobile» – « Library» – « Address Book».

Step 4... Copy the contents of the folder " Address Book"On a PC, these are the phone numbers stored in the gadget's memory.

It is important that copy contacts instead of transferring them! In case of transfer, the phone book on the device itself will be empty.

How to transfer contacts from iPhone to computer via mail?

It is long and inconvenient to send phone book entries through the mail, but it is necessary to talk about this method. It can be useful for people who do not want to deal with additional software and cloud storage.

How to transfer contacts by e-mail?

Step 1... Open the built-in application " Contacts"On the iPhone.

Step 2... Find the entry you want to save on your PC and click on it.

Step 3... Below phone number you will see a button " Send contact"- that's what you need.

Step 4... In the menu that appears, select the option " Mail"- iPhone will take you to email.

Important: e-mail must be configured on the gadget before starting the copying procedure.

Step 5... In the form of the letter, fill in the address mailbox recipient - this can be any mailbox that you can check from your computer.

Then click " send».

Step 6... Next, go to the mailbox from your PC and check the list of incoming letters. The subject of the letter you need will be the name of the contact (in our example, "Refilling cartridges"). An attachment will be attached to the message - a document with the extension. vcf which can be opened in Outlook.

Only one contact can be transferred via email- that is why this method is considered the least convenient of the listed ones.


If you are faced with the task of copying phone book entries to your computer, you should use one of the third-party programs- for example, iBackupBot... There is no need to be afraid of additional software: it is very easy to learn, takes up a minimum of disk space and also simplifies the procedure for copying contacts as much as possible. iBackupBot, in particular, allows you to get a book of numbers in the format Excel, which saves the iPhone user from having to deal with mail Outlook.

Transferring contacts via iCloud is also considered a convenient way, because the owner of the gadget does not have to look for a USB cable. However, the export from the "cloud" is performed only in a file of the. vcf(for Outlook) - there are no other options, and this is a minus.

Oddly enough Apple didn't come up with easy way transfer contacts from iPhone to computer, as can be done on other smartphones. Users cannot even save contacts to a SIM card, and this may be required in case of selling their phone. At any time, we may need to copy contacts from iPhone to computer. And, of course, you shouldn't carry them manually - it is quite time-consuming and tedious. There are at least three ways how to copy a phone book from iPhone to computer - via iTunes, via iCloud and using UltData program.

How to Copy Contacts from iPhone to Computer via iCloud

In order to copy contacts from iPhone to computer via iCloud, you need an internet connection. Follow these steps to sync contacts with iCloud:

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone - iCloud (on iOS 11 Settings - Accounts and passwords - iCloud). Next, put the slider in the active state opposite the Contacts item.

2. Now on your computer, open a web browser and go to Enter your Apple ID and password, log in.

4. Click on any contact, highlighting it, then press Ctrl + A to select all contacts in the phone book. Then, in the lower left corner, click on the gear button to get into Settings.

Select "Export vCard". After that, the list of all your contacts will be transferred to Windows Contact, and you can view them on your computer.

How to Transfer Contacts from iPhone to Computer via iTunes

This method will take you a little more time. Required mandatory installation the latest version of iTunes on your computer and connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable.

1. Connect your iPhone to your PC. Launch iTunes. Click on the icon of your device. A window will open with details about your iPhone.

2. In the left pane, click the Details tab. In the window that opens, check the box next to "Synchronize contacts with ..." and select with which program on your computer you want to synchronize your phone book. Click Finish.

How to transfer contacts from iPhone to computer using Ultdata

1. Download the program on the official website. Install it on your computer and run it.

2. Connect your iPhone to your computer with a USB cable. The program will automatically detect it.

3. In the window that opens, in the top panel, select "Recover from iOS device". Then put a tick in front of "Contacts" and click "Start Scan". (You can also restore your contacts from a backup, then save them to your computer.)

4. The program will scan your device and display all phone numbers recorded on the iPhone, including deleted ones, which will be marked in red. Select the necessary numbers or all at once and click on the "Restore" button.

You will be prompted to restore to mobile device or to a computer. We choose to save to a computer in a format convenient for you. Ready!

In addition, the application allows you to find and merge duplicate contacts, as well as delete contacts without a name or without a phone number or address. Email... And UltData can recover,