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Why is my Apple ID not being created? Major mistakes! What index should I enter into the form when creating an account with Apple ID and how do I find it? What is an index in an iPhone

It would seem that no one should have any problems with registering an Apple ID account - the forms for filling out are quite standard, and the procedure itself takes only a few minutes. And nevertheless, questions regularly come to us in the editorial office of, in particular, many novice users find it difficult to indicate their postal code and telephone area code.

What is the postcode when registering an Apple ID?

This is how the question sounds in most cases, the essence of which is to indicate the zip code on the page for filling in billing information when registering an Apple ID. This is a digital (for some countries alphanumeric) code assigned to specific geographic regions, up to microdistricts of cities, as well as to some large organizations with a large volume of correspondence.

These indices are recorded in the database of the Universal Postal Union and most of the Internet services that make money transactions use them for additional identification of users. PayPal, Amazon, Google and other companies that accept funds require you to enter a zip code when registering, Apple, of course, is no exception.

How many digits does the index consist of?

The number of digits in the index depends on the country, for example, in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan the postal code consists of six characters, while in Ukraine it is five characters.

What zip code should I enter when registering an Apple ID?

At first glance, the answer is obvious - in order to avoid misunderstandings, you should enter a real index corresponding to your city and street. For example, in Moscow, hundreds of different postal codes are registered, but it is necessary to indicate in accordance with the street and house number.

At the same time, many residents of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries also register Apple IDs to Russian addresses (so that the App Store is in Russian), but they indicate the postal codes of their settlements, which is an error. If you indicate in the "City" column, for example, Voronezh, then you should find the index of Voronezh, and also indicate the phone number (albeit non-existent) with the corresponding city code or local cellular operator.

Where can I find the postcode for my city?

There is no single database of indexes in the public domain, however, you can find the postal code of almost any locality using a search engine. google systems quite simply - enter a query into the search box, for example, “postal code of Moscow, st. Znamenka ".

In addition, the indices of almost all major cities in the world can be found on the website, and the cities and regional centers of Russia are mostly presented on the website.

Based on materials from yablyk

Investors are used to using the Big Mac Index to determine if a given currency is cheap or expensive. But now they may have to change those perceptions. New iPhone Index Nomura Holdings Inc. suggests that the dollar is the most undervalued currency among the world's 23 peers, based on the value of Apple Inc. v different countries... This is the opposite conclusion to what can be drawn about current purchasing power, for example, by indicators such as The Economist's Big Mac Index, which states that the dollar is the fourth most overvalued currency in the world. This week, traders are awaiting the Fed's decision. They will be looking for clues to how soon the regulator plans to raise interest rates again. Rising borrowing costs are likely to drive the dollar higher, which is heading towards its first year of decline versus its major counterparts after four years of growth. "The iPhone index should be a little more reliable than the Big Mac index - no one will fly to another country to buy a Big Mac, while people can fly to another country to buy an iPhone," says Bilal Hafiz Said, head of foreign exchange market research at Nomura in London. The new benchmark suggests that the Federal Reserve, which is concerned about a stronger dollar and its impact on curbing inflation, may be more inclined to hike rates if it considers the US dollar to be undervalued.

The Bloomberg Dollar Index, which measures the value of the U.S. currency against 10 other major currencies, has dropped 2.8 percent this year after the Fed cut its forecast number of rate hikes in 2016 after a lackluster first quarter for the economy. Signs of the economic backdrop are changing - employment in June, retail sales and housing - are all starting to exceed analysts' forecasts. This triggered a reevaluation in the futures market of the chances of a Fed rate hike, which could push the dollar higher and prove that the iPhone index has a place to live. While traders see only an 8 percent chance of a rate hike at the Fed meeting on Wednesday, there is now an almost 50 percent chance of a rate hike by the end of the year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That's a sharp rise from 15 percent on June 24, the day after Britain voted to leave the European Union. Hafiz expects the dollar to strengthen to $ 1.05 per euro by the end of the year, from $ 1.1001 at 7 a.m. in New York. That's more than the $ 1.08 average estimate of economists in a Bloomberg poll. At the same time, he sees the weakening of the US currency to 104 yen from 104.42 now and up from the average estimate of 105 by economists.

For years, many traders have used the Big Mac Index - which is based on the McDonald's hamburger price - along with the OECD indicator and other measures based on consumer and producer prices to determine the relative value of currencies. They all show that the dollar is widely overvalued. Index iPhone is better than its traditional counterparts because it uses "the defining product of the digital age," Hafiz said. “The iPhone is a high-tech product,” he says. "It claims to be a more important factor in the future." Where the iPhone is more expensive in dollars - and these are countries such as Russia - this will mean that the dollar is relatively undervalued compared to the local currency, and vice versa. Typical prices for the device range from $ 649 in the US to $ 705 in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and $ 1,213 in Brazil, according to Nomura. The index will never be a perfect yardstick, as prices can also reflect local taxes and other costs, Hafiz said. Apple says it sold 231 million iPhones worldwide in the past fiscal year ending September 2015.

Part of the reason for the difference between the iPhone and the Big Mac is the difference in labor costs, Hafiz said. Hamburger production involves a significant portion of the cost of local labor, which is cheaper in developing countries, making their currencies relatively undervalued. Esoteric purchasing power indices are nothing new. Keith Jax of Juckesof Societe Generale SA says he came up with his own iPad index, as well as measures based on the cost of lattes and martinis. They all represent "a light-hearted way of looking at the fair value of a currency to support other benchmarks such as fundamental exchange rates," said Jax, a strategist in London. The Jax is a "moderate bull" on the dollar, predicting it will strengthen to $ 1.08 per euro by the end of this year. An unofficial study gleaned from his travels suggests that a martini is worth more in dollar terms in Paris than in New York, he says, but he hasn't seen a rebound in Europe's single currency, which has fallen more than 3 percent since Brexit. “It keeps me from thinking that we will get a big rally in euros,” Jax said.

The old excitement after the release of the new one iPhone models in Russia has now been replaced by sluggish interest. The reason for this is the price of gadgets, which jumped sharply last fall due to the fall of the ruble. The Village decided to find out how much the purchasing power of Russians in iPhones will change at different exchange rates.

For calculations, we used data on the average salaries of residents of different regions from Rosstat and Eurostat for 2014, as well as the average price for an iPhone from a study by ABI Research and WSJ. The euro exchange rate can be changed by moving the slider at the bottom of the map: the salaries of Russians are automatically converted into euros at the set rate, and the purchasing power picture expressed in Apple gadgets changes dramatically. For example, on the map you can see that with the euro exchange rate of 75 rubles, the Volga region and the North Caucasus are poorer than the Eastern European countries. And when the euro rate approaches 100 rubles, high purchasing power remains only in Moscow and several northern regions of Russia.

What do these numbers say?

Denis Sokolov

partner of Cushman & Wakefield

iPhone is a product that is sold all over the world under the same pricing policy. The price in euros for the iPhone is fixed, and if we convert the national currency - rubles - into euros, then we can talk about the purchasing power of Russian citizens in relation to imported products. The basket is more like a basket of expenses of modern wealthy citizens who traveled abroad, used modern technologies, wore branded clothing, had dinner and breakfast in a cafe. But the card does not apply to essential goods. It shows how much the middle class has suffered and is suffering because of the depreciation of the ruble. At the same time, of all regions, the biggest blow fell on Moscow, although it is colored green, and almost all other areas - red.

Alexander Burnasov

expert of the Ural-Eurasia club

The purchasing power map of Russians, expressed in the possibility of buying an iPhone, resembles the "Big Mac index" ... The trends shown on the map can be safely applied when analyzing the spread of foreign companies and the global economy. But with a big margin of error, since the average salary is the average temperature in the hospital. For example, one billionaire registered in a regional tax territory, and the salary will immediately rise sharply. In Russia, both super-wealth and poverty live side by side.

The global economy is associated with an open public circulation of funds, as well as an urban lifestyle. It is no coincidence that regions with a predominantly urban population are shown in green on the map. The local population is not actively engaged in farming and depends mainly on wages, which overestimates its average. People with high incomes gravitate towards such urban centers: they need infrastructure. High Quality that they are willing to pay for. For example, high-speed internet access. Also, residents of regions with a difficult climate, which do not allow for independent farming, and who have allowances for place of residence, have a higher income. Large mining centers are concentrated there. However, higher wages do not affect real purchasing power, since it is necessary to pay more for utilities and other services.

The economy of the regions, which turn red at a rate of 75 rubles per euro, relies on private farms - it is difficult to take them into account in official statistics. There are more barter schemes, neglect, which is not reflected in statistics and underestimates the average wage. The statistics do not take into account the exchanged fruits and vegetables grown on a private farm. In fact, the product is changed, not sold. In this regard, there is a hidden purchasing power tied to the autumn period.

Infographic note: The Russian Federation believes that “in accordance with the free and voluntary expression of the will of the peoples of Crimea at the all-Crimean referendum on March 16, 2014 and the treaty on the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation of March 18, 2014,” the Crimean peninsula is an integral part of Russia. The UN does not recognize the results of this referendum.

Worked on the material: Kuba Snopek, Natalia Shavkunova

Cover: Alexander Shalgin / TASS

One of the most popular and discussed articles on "Makovod" for almost three years is on free creation account in the App Store without a credit card. However, not everyone knows that the same can be done right in iOS, without connecting your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch to your computer. Welcome to .

For starters, it's worth saying that you can create an Apple ID when you first set up your mobile gadget... After choosing the localization of the system and turning on the geolocation services, you will be prompted to log in with an existing account or create one. We press the second button, select the date of birth, name, email, question to verify your identity and agree to the terms of the user agreement.

But during the initial setup of the smartphone, not everyone cared about this issue, and some may need to create new apple ID on your iPhone or iPad for family members or friends. Therefore, I will tell you how to be in this case.

To get started, go to> Store and check which Apple ID you have selected. You can click on this field and tap on the "Exit" button. Now open App App Store on your device, find and try downloading any free program(this must be done, otherwise in the future you will be asked for a credit card).

The system will prompt you to create a new Apple ID and verify your country or region. You also, as well as in the case of initial setup, you will need to read and agree to the iTunes Store terms of service by clicking Agree.

Next, fill in the address Email, password and password confirmation, secret question and answer, and date of birth. You can also sign up for a newsletter from Apple and the iTunes Store. Please note that the chosen password must meet the following requirements:

  • be at least 8 characters long;
  • include at least one capital letter and one number;
  • not contain spaces or three identical characters in a row;
  • also, you cannot use your Apple ID (email address) as a password, or Old Password that you have been using for a year.

Be sure to include a normal security question and date of birth, as Apple employees may ask you to send this information to verify your identity when contacting support.

Only after that, it will be possible to select "None" as a means of payment - this means that you do not need to enter your credit card details and you will be able to download without any problems. free apps and games. Fill in the fields Address (Mr.) and Full name, Address, City, State, ZIP and Phone number - for finding such information, for example, Google Maps is best suited:

It only remains to confirm new account: go to the specified mailbox, follow the link in the email and enter your account name and password in the mobile Safari window.

That's all - new Account created, activated and ready to use. If you have any problems, please contact us in the comments.

Apple provides users of their devices with a large number of free and paid services that make it easier to access files and sync your phone or tablet with your laptop. But to use them, you need to create your own unique account. Many people have problems with this. Here's how to create a new Apple ID and register correctly in the App Store.

What is Apple ID for?

Apple ID is your unique username and password that allows you to use many features and services. Also, account holders have the opportunity to attach a credit card to it or use another payment method, after which they will be able to make purchases of applications, music and game currency in just a couple of steps. If you are logged into your account with the IPhone, you can download special program and set up the "Find IPhone" function so that in the event of a lost or stolen device, you can quickly find it. Another reason to create an account is the ability to create or join a "Family Sharing" group in order to get some discounts and always have information about what actions were performed on the device of your family members.

How to create a new Apple ID and register in the App Store (no card)

There are several ways to create an account with Apple, which one to choose depends on which device you want to register from. Also, a separate paragraph will be devoted to how to get an Apple ID without entering a bank card number. When registering a new account, remember that the account and the App Store are one and the same.

Using an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad

If it is more convenient for you to register through a phone, tablet or player, with access to iTunes, then follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Settings" application.
  2. Open iTunes & App Store.
  3. Click the Create New Apple ID tab.
  4. Scroll through the list that opens and mark the required country. Remember that the interface of applications linked to Apple ID will change to the language of the country you select the main one.
  5. Read the instructions and confirm that you agree to the terms.
  6. Confirm the action again.
  7. Write down the required data: mail, password, security questions and date of birth. Indicate real mail, to which you really have access, as it will be needed to complete registration, and later, to confirm many transactions with the account. In the "Security Questions" section, select a question and come up with an answer to it that only you can know. Write all the data in such a storage where you can always view it, but only you should have access to it.
  8. Choose one of several payment methods and enter your details.

If for some reason you cannot start the registration process through the settings, then follow these steps:

You can also create an account through your browser:

If this is your first time launching your device or performing a factory reset, then the Settings Assistant will open, in which you have to go through several steps (select a region, activate the device, set up Touch ID, restore settings), and then, at the “Sign in with with your Apple ID ”, click“ Don't have an Apple ID, or have you forgotten it? ” and go through steps 4-10 of the first instruction.

Via Mac OS or Windows

In the event that it is more convenient for you to create an account through your laptop or computer, follow these steps:

  1. Open the iTunes app.
  2. On the left side of the quick access line, click the "Login" button.
  3. Click on the "Create Apple ID" button to proceed to registration.
  4. Read the terms and conditions and confirm that you agree with them by checking the box and clicking the "Accept" button.
  5. Enter all the requested information. Indicate real mail, to which you really have access, as it will be needed to complete registration, and later, to confirm many transactions with the account. In the "Security Questions" section, select a question and come up with an answer to it that only you can know. Write all the data in such a storage where you can always view it, but only you should have access to it.
  6. Now choose one of the payment methods and enter your details.
  7. Click the Create Apple ID button.
  8. Go to the mail you indicated during registration and confirm that it is you who want to create an account on it.

Registration without entering a bank card number using an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad

If you are not going to make purchases through Apple services ID or do not have on this moment a card issued by the bank of the country you want to select during registration.

  1. Open the App Store on your device.
  2. Go to the Top Charts section.
  3. In the section that opens, go to the "Free" subsection.
  4. Select any application from the list and click the Download button next to it.
  5. In the window that opens, select the "Create Apple ID" section.

Registration without entering a bank card number using Mac OS or Windows

If it is more convenient for you to register an account, without entering a credit card number, through a computer or laptop, go through the following steps:

  1. Open the iTunes app.
  2. Click on the iTunesStore button.
  3. On the page that opens, click the AppStore button to go to the app store.
  4. Pick one from the Best Free Apps list and start downloading it.
  5. In the window that opens, click on "Create AppleID".
  6. Go through the standard registration process to the "Payment method" section and select the "No" item in it, which appears only if you start registration by installing a free application.
  7. Click on the "Create Apple ID" button, and follow the instructions received in the letter to complete the registration process.

Video Tutorial: Create an Apple ID Account

Possible problems

When you log in to the iCloud service, you may receive a notification "This iPhone has a limit on the number of free accounts activated." This means that with this device the limit on the number of free accounts was activated - three. If you have exceeded this limit, there is only one way out - link to your account bank card, since after that he will receive the status of "Paid account".

If you have not received a letter with a link to the end of the registration process, then the first step is to go to the mail and check such sections as "Spam", "Deleted", "Archive", etc. In the event that you do not find in them the desired letter, go to your account, open the Manage your Apple ID section and click on the Resend button opposite the name entered during registration of the mail. After that, instructions for confirming your account will be sent to your mail again.

In the event that you have any unique problems that are not described above, or have any questions, you can write a letter to the support service by clicking on the link and by clicking the "Contact support" button. Fill out the form using exclusively English, and submit your request, then expect a response within a few business days.

After purchasing a new device, the first step is to register a unique Apple ID in order to use special services. This can be done through a tablet, phone, computer or player, with support for iTunes. If you do not want to initially attach a bank card to your account, you will have to start registration by installing free software from the App Store. Until you set a payment method for your Apple ID, it will remain a free account.