Computers Windows Internet

Advertising what to do with the captive. Which extension to use. AdClient ad app appears without your permission.

Hello friends If you have noticed an advertising infection that can sit in Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, then today we will figure out how to remove it and return everything back. I will say right away that there are many such advertising viruses today, some are more similar in behavior to a virus, some are less, but all have one task - advertising.

For example, Searchtds, Firstsputnik, Smartsputnik, and others are all viral programs, if you notice something like this on your computer, then it is quite possible that you have an adware virus. There are two pieces of news here, good and bad. The good news is that it is an adware virus, an adware virus, and it is not as dangerous as common viruses, that is, Trojans, worms. For example, a virus is much more dangerous than adware viruses, since it simply encrypts files and often cannot be returned.

Generally, a guide for novice users, but my opinion is that about the simplest mechanisms of work ad virus everyone should know. In this guide, you will learn:

  • how to remove ad viruses from browsers completely;
  • how to manually identify an ad virus infection;
  • what are the best utilities to use to remove ad viruses;

As you already understood, adware viruses advertise something. They have become very active lately, do you know why? Look for yourself - a computer is a rest, and people don't really think about it, but on the contrary they are resting. Without thinking twice, fools (or just hackers) took advantage of this and stamped a bunch of viruses that inject ads .. Do you know what is most interesting? That the impudence has reached the point that advertising is already being shoved directly onto the desktop. That is, even if the browser is not running, you can still have ads. If it is not there today, then it is quite possible that tomorrow one adware virus will download another and it will appear

Can you remove adware viruses yourself? You can, but you have to tinker a little.

But before that, open the Control Panel (for example, through Start) and there find the Programs and Features icon, then see if there are any suspicious programs in the list of installed ones. For example, these can be:

  • Application Extension - a program for changing the set of extensions in the browser, that is, if you find it, then delete it boldly;
  • GamesDesktop is just an adware infection, remove it too;
  • Software Updater or anything that contains the word Updater is devil useful programs that check for new version, they often just sit in processes and consume RAM; due to their uselessness, they can easily download other programs, including adware;
  • embeddable panel in browsers;

How do I know if I have an ad virus?

Basically these are small or significant changes in the browser, you may just notice strange additional ads, for example, even on the start page of the search engine (which was never there). Or it can go so far that all links on sites will change to others, and in fact you will generally use a different Internet

Infection symptoms:

  • when the browser is opened, the left sites can also open simultaneously with it, while the home page can also be changed; in order to change all this on the machine or to prohibit you from changing it, the virus installs an extension on purpose;
  • a little strange ads appear on different sites, which did not exist before; in this case, the browser can load the processor more;
  • some settings cannot be changed (rarely), or the effect of changing is zero, since they will still return to those that the virus installed (often);
  • at the same time, your antivirus, whatever it is, does not report any threats; some antiviruses begin to detect such a threat after a while;
  • passwords to mail, accounts in social networks and another thing, all this is untouched and not hacked, which makes the user think that it is still not a virus and, as a result, no removal measures are taken; many viruses are capable of installing code into the system, which will download new adware from time to time; in theory, only reinstalling the system can help;
  • the appearance of left folders in C: \ Program Files; the appearance of left-handed processes, some may conduct strange activity - sometimes they load the processor, sometimes they don't; also when the computer is idle, the virus often starts its work, this is noticeable in the CPU load;

How to delete correctly?

To remove this evil spirits, as well as to destroy other malicious programs, you need to approach the matter comprehensively. Namely, first carry out a ritual of manual checks and, if possible, remove virus components, and then use the utilities. But, nevertheless, if you have no desire or no time to spend on fiddling with browsers, you can safely go to the point of removing evil spirits using special utilities(at the end of the article).

Chrome browser check

Perhaps I'll start with Google chrome as the most popular browser. What will we do? First, check the shortcut with which you launch the browser. It should only look like this, especially pay attention to the place where the arrow indicates:

You see, at the end of the field the Object is indicated executable file programs, that is, chrome.exe, what else could there be? After the closing quotation mark there may be an advertising site, usually begins with http: //, in any case, everything after the closing quotation mark must be removed, if any.

A more dangerous option is when instead of chrome.exe there is generally another file, for example chrome.bat, what can you do here? In general, it's best not to do anything if you're not sure. If advanced user- you need to find where the chrome.exe itself is located and copy it, and then do not paste it on the desktop, but choose to paste the shortcut. This will create the original Chrome shortcut. In the folder where the original chrome.exe was found, delete all virus files, they may have names such as chrome.bat, chrome.cmd, chrome.exe.exe or something similar.

The second step is checking the extensions. In the Chrome browser, select Additional Tools from the menu, and then Extensions:

Now look at what extensions you have and all the suspicious ones - first turn off and then delete. If you completely remove all the extensions, there will be no tragedy, then it will be possible, if something new, to install the necessary ones. For example, here one extension is already suspicious - this is KMPlayer for Chrome, you can remove it:

Now check if the virus has changed home page in the browser, for this, in the Settings section, see if the opening of a virus site is indicated when the browser starts. It is better to either set the pages yourself (for example, the same search engine) or select the option to restore those tabs that were open before closing the browser:

On the same tab at the bottom, pay attention to the search settings - there may be another search engine there:

If there is a left search engine there, then click on Configure search engines, select the search engine that suits you and then delete the left one (click the cross):

Don't forget to click Finish. This completes the preliminary manual methods for removing an ad virus from Chrome.

Opera browser check

In the Opera browser, everything is almost the same, only here initially there is a slightly different file, not opera.exe, but launcher.exe, what is it? This is a special Opera launcher, just some have a regular Opera, while others have a portable one. But that's not the point. Check carefully, you should also have exactly the same value as in the Object field in the picture below. If there is opera.exe, opera.bat, opera.cmd, or something similar, then something is wrong. Find the location of the launcher.exe file from Opera and create a shortcut from it on your desktop. And delete the file that is specified in the Object field, that is, the dummy file.

I think that you understand that everything that comes after the closing quote should be removed, it has nothing to do with starting the browser. If, for example, at the end there is a space to go (even if there is no http: //), it means that no matter how you change the browser settings, the Google page will always open at startup.

Properties of the original shortcut:

In my case, there are no extensions at all:

What am I doing this for? To what it is with Chrome - even if you remove all the extensions, then nothing terrible will happen. To install an extension is a couple of seconds, just write the name of the extension and your browser in the search bar, then go to official store add-ons and install.

Open the main browser menu, select the Settings item. Check if there are any strange sites that are in the At startup item - the value Open a specific page can be selected there, and a viral site is indicated. If there is such a site, delete it by replacing it with some useful site, or simply select the Continue from the same place option:

As for the search - make sure that there is a normal search engine that you use. If it is viral, then change it here:

I don’t know why, but I didn’t find the option to remove the search engine from Opera, you can only specify a different one:

Click Finish to save your changes.

Mozilla browser check

WITH Mozilla Firefox almost everything is the same, go to the properties of the shortcut and look at the Object field, pay attention to the folder from where the browser is launched. All this should be original, as in this shortcut (only your folder can be just Program Files without x86):

Work folder you should have the same as here, everything that differs from firefox.exe in the Object field should be deleted. That is, find where the file is located, then delete the browser pseudo-launchers there, it can be firefox.cmd, firefox.bat, firefox.exe.exe and the like. And from the original firefox.exe file, make a shortcut and put it in a convenient place, for example, the Desktop.

Then go to the extensions section:

You can remove all extensions, and then, if possible, install only the necessary ones. I don't have a single extension at all:

Now, in the browser menu, select Settings and go to the General tab, see if it is specified so that a website opens at startup. If there is a viral site, delete it, put some useful site instead of it, or even select the Show windows and tabs opened last time option:

On the Search tab, check which search engine is worth, change it if necessary. At the bottom, I also advise you to remove any search engines you don't need and leave one or two:

Yandex Browser check

The situation is the same with Yandex Browser, although security improvements (technology) have been made recently, so in practice it is a little less likely to get infected with ad viruses. Nevertheless, as in the previous versions, we look at its shortcut, here is the original and clean one:

But here, too, as you can see, the browser file is not yandex.exe or something similar, but browser.exe, so if there is something else, replace it with browser.exe, and then check the browser's working folder and remove all fake launchers (you can click the file location in properties).

Then go to add-ons:

And analyze the installed extensions, by default there are some add-ons in Yandex Browser, you can disable them if you don't need them:

If you need an add-on, then it is very easy to download it on the Internet, in the same Yandex type the name of the extension and the name of your browser, as soon as the results in the first positions will be the official sources where you can safely download the extension.

In Yandex Browser, in the main menu, select Settings and see what is in search engines Oh:

If there is a viral search engine, then click Configure search engines and remove the left search, but to do this it should not be selected by default:

Internet Explorer (IE) check

Perhaps Internet Explorer the only browser whose settings are not so difficult to change, but at the same time few viruses do it. This is due to the fact that it is not very popular, it is installed with everyone, but they use it a little

However, there can be some fun here too. Go to the properties of the shortcut, if it is in the Start menu, then check anyway:

Now take a close look at this properties window:

You should also have approximately. Approximately, because the folder may not be Program Files, but Program Files (x86), this is the case if you have a 32-bit system or you use 32-bit Internet Explorer. The working folder should also be in this form.

No iexplore.bat, iexplore.cmd and so on, this all indicates a viral change in Windows.

Now open the Control Panel, there find the Internet Options icon and on the General tab, check if any site is installed in the home page field:

To have a blank window when opening Internet Explorer, set this value:

Usually, only the home page is changed, less often, but toolbars (embeddable panel) are nevertheless installed. This cannot be attributed to viral objects, although they are spread in a viral way. I already wrote about one such, this, which is embedded not only in IE, but also in all other browsers

Internet Explorer extensions are even less popular than the browser itself, but are still worth checking out. They are referred to as Add-ons, to remove or disable them, go to the Programs tab, there will be a Manage Add-ons button:

If there are suspicious elements there, then disable and remove them:

Removing malicious objects using special utilities

This is probably a better option for you than manually checking the browsers. But, I think that it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with this process.

Special utilities check your computer for viral elements, modifications, check the boot area (MBR) and changes in it, browser extensions, services. In general, they check everything, but I must emphasize that I mean the use of a whole complex of utilities in turn. I was just convinced from my own experience that there are two good utilities, one found what the other did not find. At the same time, they are really the best for today.

A list of utilities that I strongly advise you to check your computer:

  • - has established itself as an excellent tool for checking services, extensions and all areas where viruses can be; free, you need an Internet connection to check, since signature databases will be loaded first; requires a reboot, after which a report will be provided;
  • - also a super utility. Here is the first tool and this one - this is, as it seems to me, best utilities to combat ad viruses; HitmanPro will also check cookies, this is the data that sites leave on your computer; registration is required to remove viruses, but you can also drive in a non-existent email address; detection and removal efficiency is excellent, tested on personal experience;
  • - is also a good utility, and I also class it as one of the best, it can check browser extensions; found a malicious extension in Chrome; I recommend checking it out too;
  • - also targets ad viruses; daily update of signature databases; intelligent heuristic analysis of files for suspicious changes; knows how to find even hidden threats that do not even affect the performance of the system; Malwarebytes Chameleon technology is present to counter behavior when a virus tries to block Malwarebytes Anti-Malware;
  • at the last point I would like to advise you two more utilities, but they already specialize in common viruses, that is, Trojans, worms, rootkits and the like; this and, both already contain antivirus databases, find all dangerous viruses, Trojans, file glue programs (this is mainly used for hacker purposes), potential software that may contain viruses, for example, game trainers, program activators (crackers);

If you familiarize yourself with all these programs, then I am sure that if viruses are on your computer, then it will not be difficult for you to get rid of them now. A comprehensive scan for suspected viruses will help to clean your computer from malicious objects as much as possible.

In general, I hope that I fulfilled my mission and introduced you well to the plan of action when you have a suspicion that a virus has settled on your computer, or even more than one. Good luck


They send us questions: advertising pops up everywhere how to remove a virus, how to remove it, what to do; what to do if advertisements pop up everywhere; pop-up ads in Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera browsers how to remove; pop up everywhere advertising windows; banner ads in all browsers and on all sites. This article explains what to do in a similar situation.

Browser ads are a virus

Some users begin to notice that it has become impossible to use the Internet, ads are creeping in from everywhere, advertising windows and banners fly out, ads pops up in a new tab, obscures the content of pages, and are transferred to other sites. This happens in all browsers, removing and installing browsers does not help, the search engines replace the search results. It is clear that the computer is infected with a virus, but scanning with an antivirus does not help and advertising does not disappear. What to do in a similar situation?

As usual, an ad virus infection occurs. Users install a program that pollutes all Internet browsers with ads themselves by installing some kind of program. Free software developers make money by building in their installers a "load" of various additional programs... When installing programs on a computer, you need to be careful and uncheck the boxes and refuse to install unknown, unnecessary and questionable software. There are cases when adware viruses are invisibly embedded and installed with other programs, not giving the user the choice to refuse to install them. Also adware programs are disguised as browser updates, they offer to check the speed of the Internet on the site, speed up the Internet, etc. The user clicks on such an ad on site and installs the malicious application itself. Many (but not all) antivirus programs do not remove them because these adware viruses were installed by the user themselves.

How to remove adware in your browser

How to remove pop-ups and ads in the browser. You need to know the name first malware... How to find the name of the installed adware program of the virus. Almost always this program is displayed in the panel Removing or changing a program... Need to login Start - Control Panel - Programs - Programs and Features and see by date which programs have been installed recently, their purpose is not known and their appearance coincides in time with the appearance of advertisements in browsers. Next, you need to type the name of this program in some search engine and find information about it and how to delete it. It is better to do this on another computer or smartphone, because search results can be altered on an infected computer. Attention! You should not download and run the utilities to remove this program (by the name of the adware), which are offered from search engines on various sites, under the guise of these utilities there may be more serious viruses. Those who have watched the series "Black Mirror" know how it can end.

Some programs can be removed by simply removing them from the panel Programs and Features. This will remove the Treasure Track adware. Sometimes, after removing an adware, you have to remove and reinstall Internet browsers and shortcuts to them. Each such program has specific features for its removal; instructions for removing each program can be found on the Internet if you know the name of the adware.

Not all viruses that display ads in the browser are removed so easily. Some cannot be removed by standard means, sometimes disabling processes and removing an adware program helps. safe mode... Exists free program AdwCleaner, which will help to cope and remove many types (but not all) of ad viruses from your computer. If AdwCleaner didn't help, you can still try to clean your computer with a more powerful program. A more powerful free adware removal tool for professionals is the Junkware Removal Tool. Links to the download pages of the listed programs on the official sites of these programs are located in this section of our site. With these programs, you can remove ad viruses from your computer for free.

The names of some adware programs that are distributed embedded in the installation files of other programs or by deceiving themselves as useful programs: Treasure Track, xilonen,,,, and others.

After you have got rid of the ad virus, you can see the article How to remove ads in your browser, which tells you how to get rid of all the intrusive ads in popular browsers.

Bad advertising

Nevertheless, many sites use other advertising services, which can be not only useless for users, but also very harmful, as it translates to sites of questionable content.

Some advertising also translates to sites with paid content, and the user may not even know about it, but from his mobile communications after that, they begin to withdraw daily rubles for 10-20.

Well, advertising from some sites can lead directly to sites containing various viruses.

So, in any case, especially novice users just need to protect themselves from at least harmful advertising on the Internet. Here we are not talking about protection from harmful sites in general, but only from advertising, which may even be present on some useful sites.

How to remove annoying ads

In order to remove ads when using the Internet, there are several suitable options. Some of the most popular on the web are free browser add-ons such as Adblock, Adblock plus and Adguard ad blocker which we'll cover in this article.

Let's start with the addition Adblock which unfortunately only works with Google Chrome (Chrome) as far as major browsers are concerned.

How to install and use Adblock

Through your browser Chrome go to this add-on at the following link >>>.

Click on the button IS FREE:

Adblock will be installed, it remains only to activate it by clicking on the icon, as shown in the picture:

But, if you need to exclude some site or page of the site from the Adblock check, then click on the Adblock icon (at the top right of the browser) with the left mouse button and select the desired function in the menu that appears:

After that, you need to refresh the page of the required site by clicking on the refresh icon or on function key keyboards F5.

Let's move on to the next extension.

How to install and use Adblock Plus

If you have a different browser (not Google Chrome), in this case, you can use another extension to block ads Adblock plus... This extension contains more settings and is suitable for use in all major browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, and also for smartphones and tablets on the Android platform.

To install Adblock Plus, go through your browser, where you need to install this extension, or through your smartphone or tablet to the Adblockplus website. The system will automatically determine which browser we have and will give you the opportunity to download and install this extension:

Adblock plus1 ).

In addition, if necessary, you can manually additionally block some element on the site that we do not want to see ( 2 ):

And there is the third popular ad blocking extension.

How to install and use Adguard Anti-Banner

At the time of this writing, this extension is available only for the Chrome and Opera browsers.

To install this add-on in google browser Chrome >> "> follow this link >>>

To install this add-on in the Opera browser >> "> follow this link >>>

Click on the button IS FREE:

After that, an extension button will appear in the upper right corner Adguard ad blocker, by left-clicking on which you can, if necessary, Turn off ad blocking on a specific site ( 1 ).

And also, if necessary, you can manually additionally block some element on the site that we do not want to see ( 2 ):

Which extension to use

Each of these ad blocking extensions are good. You can try each of them to determine exactly for yourself which one is preferable to you. The only thing is that when you test the work of these add-ons, there is no need for all of them to be enabled at the same time.

The fact is that since the loaded information passes through the filters of these add-ons, it means that they take some time to load the pages. When one of these extensions is enabled, it is not particularly noticeable, but when all are working, then this is already superfluous.

Therefore, to disable / enable this or that extension in the browser, you can go to Settings— > Instruments-> Extensions:

And use the checkboxes to enable or disable this or that extension:

A program to block ads in ALL browsers

If you like the latest Adguard Anti-Banner extension, you can install a program from the developers of this extension, which allows you to block ads in all browsers installed on your computer.

In addition, the Adguard program provides additional protection against malicious sites and Internet fraud, and also contains built-in protection against porn sites.

This program is paid (100-600 rubles depending on the type of license and term of use). But the developers also provided for its free use instead of 4 recommendations of this program to their friends.

We considered this use of recommendations for paid version antivirus Avast Internet Security, which I already wrote about on a separate page.

Adguard program can also be used for free for 14 days. This is quite enough to understand whether it is worth purchasing it or it will be enough to use free browser extensions.

If the issue of ad blocking is relevant for you, then I recommend that you take some time to test all three free extensions described in the article, and also decide for yourself what to use next.

Many internet users are often faced with the problem of intrusive advertisements on various sites. Such advertisements can distract a person from searching and viewing the necessary information. That is why many Internet users are wondering how to remove ads in Yandex Browser forever, so as not to be distracted and not waste personal time on unnecessary information.

Methods for disabling ads in the Browser

Application developers have come up with some methods to disable ads on sites in Yandex Browser:

  1. Yandex has special built-in extensions that you need to use. One of such extensions is Adguard. Embedded systems are usually automatically enabled, but a check will not hurt. To disable ads on websites using the Adguard extension, you need:
  • go to the main Yandex browser menu;
  • in the upper right corner find "Add-ons";
  • find Adguard function in the list of add-ons and activate it.

Adguard extensions for Yandex Browser

Adguard is a popular antivirus extension installed on your device as a standalone program. Moreover, it has a "Parental Control" function. When you visit one of the potentially dangerous sites, the Adguard application will notify you about this. In the absence of this application, you can download it on the official website and install it on your computer. However, Adguard has a free trial period, after which you must pay for the use of this extension.

  • You can independently install another extension in Yandex browser called AdBlock Plus. It is also designed to remove advertisements on websites. The AdBlock Plus extension is an analogue of Adguard and is very common among Internet users. You can find AdBlock Plus in the same add-ons and install it in a few clicks.

  • If it is not included in the add-ons, you can independently download AdBlock Plus from your browser's online store or use a search engine.

  • In the add-ons, find "Get AdBlock Now" by clicking on it and select the "Add" function. An icon of this application will appear in the upper corner of the Yandex browser. The work of AdBlock can also be configured depending on your wishes, for example, set specific sites on which ads will be blocked.
  • You can disable pop-up ads in the Yandex browser settings. To do this, you need:
    • open a browser;
    • find "Settings" in the upper right corner;
    • select "Additional settings";
    • find the function "Protection of personal data" and set up protection, where you can uncheck the boxes and thereby remove what is superfluous for you. For example, this way you can remove prompts when entering queries;
    • below you need to switch the function from "Allow pop-ups on all sites" to "Block pop-ups on all sites". In the latter case, you will see that the program itself recommends disabling pop-up windows on sites;
    • You can also manage ad blocking by configuring ad blocking for specific sites only.

    Unfortunately, many applications and programs built into the browser system are not as efficient as we would like and therefore have to use other methods. But in any case, after completing these steps, some of the advertisements on the Internet will cease to appear and distract you from watching videos or reading information.

    In addition to Adguard, Yandex Browser has several more add-ons that can also protect you from intrusive ads and spam:

    • Anti-shock. Designed to remove ads with unpleasant images and animations.
    • Blocking flash banners and videos. Designed to remove banners and videos that can slow down your device. However, be careful. Enabling this option may affect the playback of music and videos. If there is no sound, you need to disable this function.
    • Reputation of sites. Marks sites with different reputations with appropriate colors, based on the opinions and reviews of other users. Sites with a positive reputation are highlighted in green, with a negative reputation in red.

    Removing malware

    When you visit various sites, you see advertisements. Following the links, you may find yourself on unknown and suspicious sites, where you may be offered to download some program or application, convincing that it will only benefit you. When using antiviruses on a computer, they may not detect such a program, because in general it is not a virus. However, the following applications exist to solve this problem:

    It will not hurt to use antivirus software such as Dr.Web or Kaspersky.

    Look out for apps you download from suspicious sites. Do not install unknown and unverified applications on your computer.

    Disabling ads using the hosts file in the Yandex browser

    There is another way to disable Yandex advertisements permanently.

    V Windows system there is a hosts file that can prevent the device from visiting absolutely any site on the Internet. In this file, you need to set a specific site by copying the link, and then you can be sure that no application will be downloaded or installed without your permission.

    When specifying the site address in hosts, no user will be able to visit this site from your device, since its IP address will change to an empty one.

    How to use the hosts file

    To customize advertisements using hosts file, you need to follow these steps:

    1. Find hosts on your computer: C:> Windows> System32> drivers> etc
    2. Open hosts via notepad;
    3. Set the blocking address to 0.0.1 and the link of the site you want to ban.

    From time to time it is necessary to monitor the addresses of the sites registered in the file in order to avoid their substitution by viruses. When unknown sites appear in the hosts, they need to be deleted.

    Removing ads with AdBlock

    AdBlock is a widespread and popular extension that blocks and removes browser ads. This application is able to remove advertisements even from sites such as YouTube, Vkontakte, etc.

    AdBlock is able to block various spyware, viruses, ad blocks, pop-up ads, including while watching a video. Optionally, you can customize the application so that suitable banner ads remain visible to you.

    AdBlock can be downloaded and installed for free in any browser.

    How to install AdBlock to block ads

    In order to disable unwanted ads using AdBlock, you need to download the program in the following ways:

    1. Download the extension on the official website and install it. It takes a little time. The application will be ready to work immediately.
    2. You can find and download the AdBlock application using your browser's online store.

    Removing self-opening ads in Yandex browser

    If you have ever installed programs from unknown sites, then you may encounter such a problem as self-opening advertising in the Yandex browser. For example, when you access the Internet, an advertisement or unknown sites are automatically opened on the start page of your browser every 10 seconds.

    In order to remedy this situation, you need to:

    1. Click on the Yandex browser icon on the desktop and select "Properties";
    2. Find the word "Object" in the parameters and check how the line with the name of the application ends. There should be ".exe" at the end and no other additions. Also, this field should not contain other links to sites;
    3. If there are any additions at the end, they need to be removed.

    Anti-adware programs for Yandex browser

    There are also several programs to remove pop-up ads on websites. These programs are not as common as the previous ones, however, they are also designed to remove unnecessary ads on your computer:

    • Ad Muncher - blocks advertisements not only in the Yandex browser, but also in the programs installed on the device.
    • AdFender - designed to block pop-up advertisements in the Yandex browser, is a free application.
    • SpywareBlasret is a program capable of taking pictures of the state of your system on your computer so that you can later restore the previous settings.

    So, all of the above methods are able to disable, remove or block ads not only on unknown and dubious sites, but also on such popular sites as Facebook, Vkontakte, etc.

    It is not advisable to install several applications at once, as this may load your computer. For example, if you want to remove spam, you can use the AdBlock Plus or Adguard applications. For more effective protection, do not forget to use antivirus computer programs... Try not to visit questionable sites or download unknown files.

    Advantages of disabling ads in Yandex browser

    After completing the above steps, pop-up ads on sites will be disabled, which in turn is a great convenience for those who are greatly distracted by them. The advantages in this case will also be the following points:

    1. When visiting a site, advertisements very often pop up, which can be closed only after a certain time has elapsed, usually 20-30 seconds. When you turn off ads, you don't have to wait for the timer to turn on and waste your personal time.
    2. Viewing information on some sites is accompanied by musical or voice advertisement... This behavior can not only distract the user, but also scare if the sound on the computer is set to maximum. By turning off advertisements, you also don't have to hear the background music.
    3. Pop-up ads of various kinds can load some computers, especially ads with video content. Disabling ad units will reduce the load on your device.

    tell friends

    Almost every Internet user wants to get rid of ads on websites - intrusive, useless, distracting. Someone partially, and someone completely. Admirers of the relatively new Internet browser Yandex Browser are also puzzled by this pressing problem.

    What settings need to be enabled and extensions installed to block pop-ups in the browser, remove banner ads. How to remove viruses (adware modules and browser hijackers), read this article.

    Blocking affiliate ads

    (scripts installed by site owners)

    Enabling standard settings

    1. Launch the Yandex browser. Open a new tab (click the "+" icon) in the top bar.

    2. Go to the "Add-ons" section.

    3. Click on the "Safe Internet" settings block (it contains modules that allow you to get rid of ads).

    4. With a mouse click, switch the sliders to the "Enabled" state in the options:

    "Blocking flash banners and ..."... On browser startup, automatically filters out pop-up ads (animated frames) that slow down page loading and consume resources random access memory in relatively large quantities.

    Attention! If you are unable to launch an audio or video player on the site, temporarily disable this browser add-on.

    "WOT"(website trust indicator). Indirectly participates in ad blocking. It does not filter, but only warns the user that there may be viruses and pop-up windows on the site in large numbers. In the search results, next to each resource, it displays in the form of an icon the degree of trust in it (if it is red, it is dangerous; green is a good site).

    "Adguard"- browser version of the popular ad blocker (connects to the browser for free). When the page is opened, it removes "affiliate programs" and viral advertisements at the stage of network requests. Allows the user to visit websites in incognito mode. And thereby reduces the likelihood of viruses entering the system.

    Additional settings

    When you launch the built-in filters, their panels with options will open in new tabs. You can customize them if desired (but not required).

    1. Click to set the protection level ("Standard", "Light", "Parental Control"). Click Continue.

    2. To use the extended functionality of WOT, register in its online community (fill in the form fields and click save).

    3. To complete the configuration, click on the top bar "Done!"

    By clicking on the switch, activate the necessary additional filters (a "checkmark" will appear on a green background) to help get rid of:

    • counters and integrated analytical systems;
    • social media widgets;
    • phishing links and viral advertising.

    Note. You can track the work of the Adguard add-on by clicking on its icon in the upper right corner of the browser (an additional panel opens).

    Using addons

    If you cannot remove ads regular means browser (see settings above) on any sites or if you want to make more flexible blocking settings (for example, to clear only the Youtube frame from ads), use additional extensions. Their choice for the Yandex browser is quite large. After installation, when you start the browser, they are automatically activated.

    To go to the directory, open: New tab → Add-ons → Safe Internet. Click on the "Add-ons catalog ..." link (at the bottom of the page).

    Attention! The browser will redirect to the site - the official portal of extensions for Opera. But don't let that confuse you. They are fully compatible with Yandex Browser.


    Removes pop-up ads in the YouTube video hosting player (including in frames on third-party resources).


    Performs both global filtering of pop-ups and banners, and selective. The user himself indicates which element should be blocked. Supports settings for hiding CSS rules (style sheets) and blocking JavaScript scripts. Partially mitigates server-side virus attacks.

    Extensions from well-known antivirus companies (Dr.Web, Avast, Avira) enhance web protection. And they help the main antivirus to repel virus attacks on the browser (for example, when a window pops up from which malware automatically starts downloading).


    Allows you to clear web pages from pop-ups with pornographic and erotic advertisements, blocks adult sites and web resources that promote drug use. Protects the user from fraudulent tricks on the network (phishing, spam, social engineering). It is an excellent tool for organizing parental control on your computer.


    When the page starts, it turns off all banners, frames, audio and video players created on the basis of the technology Adobe flash(including trusted ones). This addon will be useful for users who are not interested in interactive content on sites (they only read and view photos). When activated, pages with flash frames are loaded almost 2 times faster.

    How to deal with viral ads?

    Hijackers start page, Adware modules, spyware, malicious add-ons and other malware that secretly inject ad scripts on web pages, did not pass by Yandex. Browser.

    To clean it from this scourge, you need to use special anti-virus scanners: AdwCleaner, Dr.Web, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. Unfortunately, blocking add-ons and standard browser functions in most cases are powerless in front of this "digital infection".

    As an example, let's take a look at how to get rid of viral ads (adware) using the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware utility.

    1. On the official website of the developer - - in the top panel, click on the "Downloads" section.

    2. In the Products directory, in the first block of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, click on the Free Download button.

    3. When the download is complete, run the installer with administrator rights.

    4. Double click on the utility shortcut on the desktop.

    5. On the first tab "Dashboard", in the line "Database version", click the option "Check for updates".

    6. When the update of the signature databases of the anti-virus utility is completed, go to the "Scan" tab.

    7. Click on the "Custom check" block. And then click the Customize Scan button.

    8. In the "Custom scan settings" panel, click on the "Check for rootkits" option.

    9. In the next block, in the list of scanned partitions, be sure to check the box next to drive C.

    10. Click on "Start Scan".

    11. Upon completion of the analysis, remove all viruses and potentially dangerous elements (files and registry keys).

    Comfortable surfing in Yandex. Browser!