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User accounts and parental controls

In today's instructions, we will consider how to create a new user on Windows 10 using all methods available in the operating system. We will also look at ways to give it administrator privileges, or to do the opposite - turn an account into an account with limited rights.

Most likely, all Windows 10 users are familiar with both types of accounts, from under which you can work in the tens environment. The first are local user accounts, which are no different from the accounts of previous editions of the operating system. The second are Microsoft accounts that require registration on the operating system developer's site. With such an account, all parameters will be regularly synchronized with those stored on the software giant's server.

If you don't want Microsoft to store all of your account data, or vice versa, if you want to take advantage of the privileges of a Microsoft account, in Windows 10 there is the possibility of converting one type of account to another in any direction.

Create an account using the "Options" menu

Unlike previous OS editions, where accounts were created and edited through a special Control Panel applet, in the top ten its functionality actually replaces the "Settings" section of the menu called "Accounts".

1. To gain access to the "Parameters" menu, use the "Win + I" hotkey combination.

2. Go to the "Accounts" section.

3. Activate the tab "Family and other users" located in the vertical menu.

The first section, "Your Family", if you have a Microsoft account, will allow you to create accounts with limited rights for other family members, such as children.

The next section provides options for creating a local account with administrator or normal privileges. We will consider this option below.

4. Go down to the bottom of the right frame and click on the icon for adding a new user for this computer, located in the "Other users" section.

5. If you do not intend to create a Microsoft account (or want to get one, but do not yet have an email address for it), click on the link located at the bottom of the window "I do not have login information for this user."

After that, a new window will open with a proposal to create a Microsoft account.

6. If you want to create it, fill out all the forms and click "Next", otherwise click on the link "Add a user without a Microsoft account", which is located at the bottom of the window.

In Windows 10, any new user has normal (limited) privileges. To obtain administrator rights on a computer, you need to take several steps.

  1. We go to the subsection "Family and other users" located in the "Accounts" section of the "Options" menu.
  2. In the lower part of the right frame of the window, we find the desired user and click on his icon or name.
  3. Click on the "Change account type" button.
  4. In the drop-down list with account types, select "Administrator" and click "OK" to save the new parameters.

Creating a new account via the command line

There is an easier way to get an account in Windows 10. To do this, we will use text commands executed through the command line.

Note that all actions will be similar to the first option, with the only difference that the commands will be executed in text mode.

To be able to create and edit existing accounts, you will need administrator privileges.

1. Run the command line with extended privileges, for example, through the search bar.

2. Enter a command of the form "net user UserName Pass / add" and run it by clicking "Enter".

Here UserName is the name of the new account, Pass is the password for authorization in the system.

After completing all the steps in the Windows 10 environment, a new account with limited privileges will appear. To give it administrator rights, run the following command in the command prompt window: "net localgroup Administrators UserName / add".

For people using an unactivated or unlicensed copy of Windows 10, it is recommended to replace the word "administrators" with its English equivalent "administrators" in case of an error.

Creating a new account through the MMC snap-in

Back in XP there was a system console with many snap-ins for creating system management consoles. One of them is the Local Users and Groups item.

1. Launch the tool by means of the "lusrmgr.msc" command, executed in the search bar or in the "Run" window (run by means of "Win + R").

2. Open the "Users" directory.

3. Call the context menu of the free area of ​​the right frame and select the "New user" command.

4. Fill in all the forms and click "Create".

5. We call the "Properties" of the newly created account through the context menu of its icon / name.

6. Go to the "Group Membership" tab and click "Add".

7. In the field for entering object names, enter "Administrators" and save the parameters.

The selected User now has administrator privileges.

Command "control userpasswords2"

The last method to get an account in Windows 10 is to run the command "control userpasswords2" in the "Run" window.

Click "Add".

All further operations will be similar to the first of the considered methods of adding an account in Windows 10.

Personal Microsoft accounts and Office 365 work or school accounts cannot be merged, but they can be used side-by-side.

Choose one of the options below for the best way to share your personal and work or school account.

Add work or school OneDrive to your personal computer

You can use OneDrive to sync work, school, and personal files to your computer. You can work with files right on your computer and access them even when you are offline. Any changes you make will be synced as soon as you reconnect.


    You can also use this approach to add your personal OneDrive to your existing OneDrive for Business account.

    Your personal and work or school OneDrive edits are saved separately.

Add shared work or school folders to your personal OneDrive

When someone grants you access to a folder and permission to change it, you can add the shared folder to your own OneDrive to make it easier to work with the folder and edit its contents. If you're syncing a folder on Windows or Mac computers that are running OneDrive, you can work with the folder offline.

Advice: Shared folders added to your OneDrive don't use up space on OneDrive. Only the folder owner's disk space is used to store data.

Add work or school email to

If you want to use a new email address with your existing account, follow the instructions in this article to create an alias. This will give you an alternate email address that uses the same account settings, inbox, and contact list as your primary email address. You can decide which address to send emails from, or you can sign in to your account using any of your aliases - they all have the same password.


    You cannot add an alias that is already associated with another Microsoft account.

    You cannot add an email address that is already associated with a work or school account as an alias. See below for more details.

    The alias and email address can only contain letters, numbers, periods (.), Underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Spaces and other special characters are not allowed.

) decided to put things in order in my laptop and "pull up" a couple of dangling inconveniences in the operating system for some time.

About a month ago, for some reason, they began to meet me two accounts when logging into Windows 10, both with my username, but one without my avatar, and the second with it. There was also an inscription “Invalid username or password. Try again." ... I had to press "Enter" on the keyboard and after entering my password, I was safely in the operating system.

It was clear that this was not a computer hacking (by evil hackers), but just some kind of glitch in Windows 10 (in the system parameters, as before, one admin account is displayed, without other users). So I decided to finally deal with this annoying inconvenience.

I'll tell you below how I easily defeated this trouble and, at the same time, about how it is more convenient and faster to enter my operating system without compromising the level of security.

The reason for the appearance of two accounts at the entrance

The nature of this phenomenon is not fully understood by British scientists, but on the Internet there are two main reasons for this behavior of Windows, if you log in without entering a password (it was disabled by you earlier):

  1. when changing the computer name
  2. after installing some important system updates

At the same time, two users with the same logins will be displayed on the lock screen on the left, but one usually does not have an avatar ...

For both of them, you can log into the system - I have already described this above.

How to remove the second account when logging into Windows

It is very easy, quick and simple to remove an extra second account when logging into Windows. To do this, if you previously disabled (deleted it), you need to add it to your account again and then enable the request when logging in as a user (administrator).

To activate the password request when entering Windows 10, you need to press "Win + R" on the keyboard ...

... and in the window that appears, drive in (or from here) netplwiz

After that, you just need to opposite "Require the username and password." ...

... and after applying the changes, restart the computer (completely,). After this procedure, you can uncheck the "netplwiz" box again and even completely delete your login password.

I draw your attention - it is not the shutdown of the work that needs to be done and the subsequent inclusion, namely, a continuous reboot.

Congratulations, now you have not two identical accounts when logging into Windows 10, but one.

PIN-code or speed up the login to Windows 10

Now I will share with you information on how you can speed up and facilitate the logon to Windows 10 a little with virtually no compromise in security.

The fact is that I am the only user on my laptop and, in theory, I could not bother with the login password at all (delete it and log into the system at full speed when the computer starts).

But sometimes I take this laptop with me to work and I would like to be sure that in my short-term absence, someone curious did not get into it by doing any trouble, even if unintentionally. Helped me out PIN instead of password account.

How a PIN is different from a Windows login password

  • no need to invent a complex password (with mandatory numbers and letters, and even in different registers
  • it has only four characters
  • only numbers can be used
  • after entering it, an instant login to the Windows system occurs (you don't even need to poke on "Enter")
  • The PIN code is bound only to the specific device on which it was assigned
  • this code is stored locally on the device (the password is transmitted to the server and theoretically can be intercepted)

Thus, using a PIN code instead of a password when logging in, we kill two birds with one stone - we maintain relatively reliable protection and, at the same time, speed up and facilitate the procedure for logging into the operating system under our account.

How to set a PIN to sign in to Windows

You must have a preset password for your account... In the system parameters, go to the "Login parameters" section ...

... and just add the PIN ...

The easiest way to access two different Dropbox accounts is to download the app for the main account, and log into the secondary account through a browser. The web version of Dropbox gives you access to all the files in your secondary account, and lets you use basic features of the service such as uploading files and creating folders.

Of course, this method is not very convenient. In addition, you are out of sync in the background. But if you need to use an additional account only occasionally, then this is the simplest solution.

Use shared folders

The downside to this approach is that Dropbox does not allow root folder sharing. You will need to put all files in a shared folder, which will take up space on both accounts. In this case, you will not be able to get additional space, but you can avoid troubles with your personal and business account.

1. Create a second Windows user (if you don't already have one). If you're creating this account just to bypass Dropbox restrictions, don't link it to a Microsoft account.

2. Log in to your secondary Windows account without leaving your primary account. To do this quickly, simply press the Windows + L buttons.

3. Download and install the Dropbox Windows app. To enter, use the username and password from the second account.

4. Return to your primary Windows account and navigate to the Users folder. By default, it is located on the same disk as the operating system.

5. Then go to the folder of the user you just created. In the window that appears, click "Continue" to access your files with administrator rights.

6. Go to your Dropbox folder. For convenience, you can create a shortcut to this folder and place it on your desktop.

Please note that to sync your account with the Dropbox server, you will need to sign in to your secondary Windows account each time and then switch back to your primary account.

1. First, make sure you've downloaded, installed Dropbox and signed in to your main account.

2. Next, create a new Dropbox folder in your personal Home folder. For example, let's call it Dropbox2.

3. Open the program (use Spotlight in the upper right corner if you cannot find it). Click Process, then Select.

4. In the "Library" submenu, scroll down the page until you see the entry "Run shell script". Drag the entry to the right window.

5. Copy the script below and paste it into the text box. Replace Dropbox2 with the name of the folder you created earlier.

HOME = $ HOME / Dropbox2 /Applications/ &

6. Now click "Run". A new copy of the Dropbox program will appear, allowing you to sign in to your additional account and set it up.

Anonymity and safety on the Internet. From the "teapot" to the user Kolisnichenko Denis Nikolaevich

10.2. User accounts in Windows 7

For security reasons, it is recommended that you set a password for your account, if you did not do this when installing the system. For a home stationary computer, a password is not required (unless, of course, you want to block access to the computer for your relatives). But for a corporate (office) computer and laptop - a password is required.

To set (or change) a user password, run the command Control Panel | User Accounts and Family Safety | Change Windows password(fig.10.1).

Rice. 10.1. User accounts and family safety

Do you need relatives or colleagues to use a computer too? Then one password is not enough for your account. You must create a separate account for each user who needs to use the computer. There are at least three reasons to create additional accounts.

Differentiation of access to files and folders- other users will not be able to view your custom directory. Look at fig. 10.2. Working under an uncomplicated name User, I tried to access the user's custom directory Denis... In response, the system reported that I do not yet have permission to access this folder. If you press the button Continue, the system will offer to get access to this folder, but in exchange for the password of its owner (Fig. 10.3). If the user does not know the directory owner password, he will not have access to it.

Rice. 10.2. Access denied

Rice. 10.3. Entering a password to gain access

Naturally, other users will not know your password, and you will not tell them it (why then start up access control if other users know your password?). And what should other users in your personal directory do? That's right - there is nothing. If there is a need to exchange files between users, then you can use the folder Are common(C: UsersPublic or C: UsersPublic). In this folder (Fig.10.4) you can put movies, music, pictures, shared documents, etc.

Rice. 10.4. a shared folder

Restricting user rights- you will be an administrator on this computer, and everyone else will be regular users. Users have access to already installed programs, and also have the right to change system settings that do not affect the security of the computer and do not affect the settings of other users. But the administrator has full access to the computer, can install programs and can change any settings.

Personal settings- each user will be able to choose their own desktop theme, set desktop background images, etc.

So, to create a new account, run the command Control Panel | User Accounts and Family Safety | Adding or Removing User Accounts | Creating an account (fig. 10.5). Next, you need to enter your username and select the type of account ( Normal access or Administrator).

Rice. 10.5. Create user account

After that, you will see a window with already created user accounts (Fig. 10.6). Select the account you just created. You can change the account password, account name, picture, set parental controls (relevant for children's accounts) and change other parameters (Fig. 10.7).

Rice. 10.6. Account List

Rice. 10.7. Change account settings

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