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Keyboard shortcut for selecting multiple items. Useful hotkeys for working with text. Selecting text with mouse and keyboard

Probably everyone is well aware that in operating system Windows and in application programs, there are special combinations of keyboard keys or their combinations with mouse keys that duplicate or expand the capabilities of the standard program menu.

These combinations are called "hot keys" (hot keys), can be easily found in Google search engine or Yandex. Type the query "key combinations in ... (program name)" and you will see how much material - tips and lists - is posted on the network on this topic.

Keyboard shortcut (synonyms: hot key, keyboard shortcut, quick key, access key, hot key) (for software) - a kind of interface for interacting with a computer, which is a keystroke (or key combination) on the keyboard, to which commands (operations) are assigned (programmed).

The operating system comes with many built-in keyboard shortcuts - including new shortcuts for command line- for those who prefer physical keyboard. Tab Tab: Switch between open applications or windows. Shift Delete: Delete the selected item permanently. You can use these keyboard shortcuts to open, close, and otherwise manage the Start menu and taskbar.

These shortcuts control how individual windows act on your desktop, including virtual desktops. Up Arrow: Maximize the selected window. Left Arrow or Right Arrow: Snap the selected window to the left or right half of the screen. Main: Minimize all windows except the currently selected or currently active window. . This advantage becomes a disadvantage, however, when you need to close a dozen open windows - this is where shortcuts can help.

As a rule, it partially duplicates the interface of the menu or buttons. Using keyboard shortcuts greatly speeds up your work and increases the number of possible actions performed using the keyboard.

Keyboard shortcuts are especially widely used in computer games, in which the speed of the player's reaction to the development of events is important - in particular, in strategies ... .

There's just not much like keyboard shortcuts to make you more efficient. This is especially important when you have to perform repetitive actions such as closing empty program windows. While you're wasting your time learning keyboard shortcuts that are critical to getting the job done, ie.

This was supposed to be a keyboard shortcuts tutorial, and here we are again talking about the mouse. It's still a good trick to be aware of, and it will make things more efficient when you need to close the store in one fell swoop. Selecting this option will close all files that are open in the same program. . Now we move on to the important keys for closing the program window.

There are a lot of keys and it is hardly necessary to memorize all their combinations. But there are some key combinations that are used in many programs and mean quite popular and active functions.

I can’t imagine how inconvenient it would be without “hot keys” in or, for example, InDesign. Yes, and in ordinary Word, functional keyboard shortcuts are very convenient.

This will close the window. . If you use your left hand to complete this sequence, you should be able to close about a dozen windows in a matter of seconds. This can be handy if you want to leave work program open, but get rid of all the files you're working on quickly. But what good is using keyboard shortcuts when you already have a hand on the mouse to select a window? Well, here's a keyboard shortcut for that.

Use this shortcut in combination with the window close shortcuts and you will be an effective dynamo. Sometimes you really don't want to close all those windows. What you really want to do is just look at your desktop. To bring back all your windows, just press this key combination again. The delete key works but adds a # every time it moves backwards. It definitely helps if you get the settings right, but if that doesn't work, there are a few utilities that let you change the key assignments.

In the picture on the cup, by the way, are depicted My most used keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl+Z - undo

Ctrl+C - copy

Ctrl+V - Paste

Alt+F4 - close

Unless, I still use it often:

Ctrl+X - cut

Ctrl+A - select all

In addition, with the Ctrl key pressed, you can select several files/folders, and with the Shift key pressed, you can also select files/folders in a folder in a row.

Keyboard shortcuts for working in Explorer

Keys with double quotes and ampersands are also replaced. It's very easy to do this by accident, which is probably why so many people have hit the £ sign and seen # instead. Further problems may occur with extended keyboards that provide keys to open programs or control media events that were not standard key assignments on typewriters or early computer terminals. If not, you can download it from the vendor's website. Most drivers install themselves, but you can install them manually.

I also use this: when dragging a file from a folder to a folder, press Ctrl, and it will not be moved, but copied. If you press Shift, the file will move. When Shift is pressed, the file is not deleted immediately into the trash, but into oblivion.

I don't even know what to add...

Basic Windows hotkeys

Maxim Menshikov, ErgoSolo 24.04.2007

Working in Windows can be made more efficient and faster if you use not only the mouse, but also use "hot keys" - special key combinations designed to simplify and speed up your work. For example, few people know that the very often used Explorer (where without it) is launched by simultaneously pressing Win+E. Agree, it is much more convenient!

As always, don't do what can't be undone. This will allow you to add or remove a keyboard and set the default input language. The other tab is for language bar, which is used to switch between languages. This is usually pinned to the taskbar where you can easily access it.

If you have the location and language set correctly, and the correct driver is installed, the keyboard should work correctly. Maybe your uninstall key was remapped by a program or by accident or some odd registry corruption. The easiest way to change keyboard mappings is, as mentioned, using a free utility that will change your registry.


  • Key Win located between the Ctrl and Alt keys on the left side (the Windows logo is drawn on it).
  • Key Menu is to the left of the right Ctrl.
  • The combination "key" + "key" means that you first need to press the first key, and then, while holding it, the second.

General hotkeys

Select the key you want to change on the left side and then select what you want the key to do on the right. The downside is that it probably doesn't match the keyboard. Also, it does not include special hotkeys, but it does include small advertisements. Not only can it remap keys, it can assign macros to them.

Keyboard shortcuts help simplify and usually more fast way navigation and execution of commands in computer programs. You can also find keyboard shortcuts in your most popular program by looking for underlined letters in your menus. In the same image above, you can see that some of the common features like "Open" and "Save" have keyboard shortcuts assigned to them. When you start memorizing keyboard shortcuts, you will notice that many applications have the same keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard shortcut Description
Ctrl + Esc
Open the Start Menu
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Call "Task Manager"
Win+E Launching Explorer
Win+R Displaying the dialog "Start the program" (Run), analogous to "Start" - "Run"
Win+D Minimize all windows or return to original state (switch)
Win+L Workstation lock
Win+F1 Accessing Windows Help
win+pause Calling the System Properties window
Win+F Open file search window
Win + Ctrl + F Open computer search window
Printscreen Take a screenshot of the entire screen
Alt+printscreen Take a screenshot of the currently active window
Win + Shift + Tab
Switches between buttons on the taskbar
Move between panels. For example, between desktop and Quick Launch
Ctrl+A Select all (objects, text)
Copy to clipboard (objects, text)
Ctrl + X
Cut to clipboard (objects, text)
Paste from clipboard (objects, text)
Ctrl + N Create new document, project or similar action. AT Internet Explorer this results in a new window opening with a copy of the contents of the current window.
ctrl+s Save the current document, project, etc.
Ctrl+O Call a file selection dialog to open a document, project, etc.
ctrl+p Seal
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Shift CD-ROM autorun lock (hold while drive reads newly inserted disc)
Alt+Enter Switching to full screen mode and back (switch; for example, in Windows media player or in a shell window).

Work with text

Working with files

Keyboard shortcut Description
Display context menu current object (similar to pressing right click mice).
Alt+Enter Calling "Object Properties"
F2 Renaming an object
Drag with Ctrl Copying an object
Drag with Shift Moving an object
Drag with Ctrl + Shift Create an object label
Clicks with Ctrl Selecting Multiple Objects in Random Order
Clicks with Shift Selection of several adjacent objects
Enter Same as double click by object
Delete Deleting an object
Shift+Delete Permanently deleting an object without placing it in the trash

Working in Explorer

We have a list of the most common ones in it. It is highly recommended that all users keep a good reference to these keyboard shortcuts or try to remember them. This will greatly increase productivity. In addition to the special character shortcuts listed here, some special characters are also located on number keys. Many special characters can be created using keyboard shortcuts. Below are some of the most common and popular special characters and keyboard shortcuts to create them.

Working with windows

Keyboard shortcut Description
Alt + Tab
Alt + Shift + Tab
Calling the transition menu between windows and moving through it
Alt + Esc
Alt + Shift + Esc
Move between windows (in the order they were launched)
Alt+F6 Switching between multiple windows of the same program (for example, between open windows winword)
Alt+F4 Close the active window ( running application). On the desktop - call the Windows shutdown dialog
Ctrl+F4 Closing the active document in programs that allow multiple documents to be open at the same time
Calling the window menu
Alt + − (minus) Calling the system menu of a child window (for example, a document window)
Esc Exit the window menu or close an open dialog
Alt + letter Calling a menu command or opening a menu column. The corresponding letters in the menu are usually underlined (either initially or become underlined after pressing Alt). If the menu column is already open, then to call desired command you must press the key with the letter that is underlined in this command
Alt+Space Calling the window system menu
F1 Call application help.
Vertical scrolling of text or moving up and down paragraphs of text.

Working with dialog boxes

Using keyboard shortcuts can greatly increase productivity, reduce repetitive workloads, and help you focus. The shortcut is faster than moving your hands from the keyboard, selecting with the mouse, selecting the copy from the file menu, and then returning to the keyboard. Below are the top 10 keyboard shortcuts, which we recommend everyone to remember and use.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Search, Display, and Replace

For further demonstration visit the following link. The selection you choose will move one word at a time in that direction. In each case, highlight the text you want to change and press these keys.

Hot keys for undo and redo

What are your favorite keyboard shortcuts?

Working in Internet Explorer

Keyboard shortcut Description
F4 Displaying a list of the "Address" field
Ctrl + N
Launch another browser instance with the same web address
ctrl+r Refreshing the current web page
ctrl+b Opens the Arrange Favorites dialog box
Ctrl+E Opens the Search panel
ctrl+f Starting the search utility
Ctrl+I Opens the Favorites panel
Ctrl+L Opens the "Open" dialog box
Ctrl+O Opens the Open dialog box, similar to the Ctrl+L action
ctrl+p Opens the Print dialog box
Ctrl+W Close current window
F11 Switch to full screen mode and back (works in some other applications).

Special abilities

Simply turning off the machine may result in file corruption or data loss. But if your mouse isn't working, you'll have to use keyboard commands to turn it off. You can also press the right arrow key to select a button. Alternatively, you can use the down arrow key to select "Restart" from the pop-up menu and then press the "Enter" key. Use the down arrow key to select Restart, and then press the Enter key.

Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select the "Shut Down" option and then press the "Enter" key. Another window will appear with more options. Press the Enter button to restart your computer. It may differ slightly or significantly from other versions or products. Alan Samber began writing for local newspapers in Texas and Louisiana. His professional career includes occupations as computer technology, information editor and income tax preparer.

  • Click SHIFT key five times: Turn Sticky Keys on and off
  • Hold down right key SHIFT eight seconds: Enable or disable input filtering
  • Hold down Num key Lock five seconds: turn on and off the toggle sound
  • Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock: Enable/disable keyboard pointer control
  • Left Alt + Left Shift + PRINT SCREEN: Turn high contrast on and off

There's a lot more on the original page...

Hot keys for navigation

Sambera now writes full-time about business and technology. Just like shortcuts for copying, cutting, and pasting content that work the same way, there are keyboard shortcuts that work the same way in most browsers. However, some shortcuts do not work in all browsers.

Keyboard shortcuts for tabs and windows

Hotkeys for the address bar. Hot keys for history and file. Hot keys for search. Do you know of any other labels that are not included in the list?

Good afternoon! I decided to write this post not so much for the readers as a reminder for myself))

An ordinary user uses the mouse to perform 98% of operations. Advanced user - fifty / fifty. Because if we let's do the translation of the Theme or Plugin, in more than 2 thousand lines, then just the hand will become a wedge from the mouse. opening PHP file in notepad++ there are long lines, and this is especially observed in JS (java scripts). Emphasizing, that is, circling, such a line, the hand leaves the line and the entire document jumps, it’s called - you’ll catch figs. Here you simply cannot do without knowledge of key combinations. You will save time and work more conveniently.

Keyboard shortcuts for managing files and programs

If, however, active programs remain in the foreground all the time, these windows are still displayed.

  • All windows are minimized.
  • All windows are also kept to a minimum.
  • This shortcut works in almost all programs.
In order for you to use them correctly, you must keep in mind that some shortcuts are specific to a particular program.

Hot Keys for Word Processing Programs

There you can see which keystroke is sent when any key on the keyboard is pressed.

It's time to move to the team of advanced users))

So let's go..

List of keyboard shortcuts

Basic key combinations:

Alt+Tab- Switch between windows
Win+Tab- Switch between windows in Flip 3D mode
win+up- maximize window win+down- Restore/Minimize window
win+left- Snap a window to the left edge of the screen
win+right- Snap a window to the right edge of the screen
win+shift+left- Switch to left monitor
Win+Shift+Right- Switch to right monitor
win+home- Minimize/Restore all inactive windows
Win+Break(or Pause)- Launch the System item from the Control Panel (Properties item when you right-click on Computer in the Start menu)
Windows+Space- Show Desktop
Win+B- Go to the notification area (tray)
Win+D- Minimize windows or restore all windows
Win+E- Launch Explorer
Win+F- Launch the built-in Windows search dialog
Win+Ctrl+F- Run Search by computer from the domain
Win+F1- Launch built-in Windows dialog: Help and Support
Win+G- Display gadgets on top of all windows
Win+L- Blocking the workstation (current user session)
Win+M- Minimize all windows
Win+P- Display additional display options (extend the desktop to 2 monitors, etc.)
Win+R- Launch the Run dialog box
Win+T- Select the first item in the taskbar (Pressing again switches to the next item, Win+Shift+T- scrolls in reverse order)
Win+U- Launch the Ease of Access Center
Win+X- Launch Mobility Center
win+number- Launch the application from the taskbar ( win+1 launches the first application on the left, win+2, second, etc.)
Win + "+"- zoom in
Win + "-"- zoom out
Ctrl + mouse wheel (up/down) on the desktop- increase / decrease desktop icons.

Common keyboard shortcuts

Here is a table of many of the most commonly used shortcuts that are always available even if there is no corresponding menu.

Text editing

Hot keys tracking. Terminal hotkeys. If the file does not start with the letters you enter, files that contain the search string anywhere in your name or other display attribute are selected. This search is not case sensitive. The entered letters appear in the lower left corner, where the element list number is usually displayed.

After a second, it returns and you can start a new incremental search. Laptop keyboard issues are somewhat annoying and can give a big headache to the user. We already have reports from users who have tried everything to solve the problem, antivirus, external keyboards, restart the computer, until the laptop is completely formatted.

In Explorer (Explorer):
Alt+P- Show / Hide Preview Area

Task bar:
Shift + click on the icon- Open a new application window
Ctrl + Shift + icon click- Open a new application window with administrator privileges
Shift + right click on the icon- Show application menu
Shift + right click on a group of icons- Show menu, restore all / minimize all / close all
Ctrl + click on a group of icons- Maximize all group windows

However, the most common keyboard issues associated with an unconfigured keyboard are very easy to resolve. The most persistent complaints are letters that change to numbers or symbols, or letters that introduce more than one character when typed.

There are two possible reasons keyboard problems, referred to as "incorrect keyboard configuration". Well, this is the first option. If you can't change using the shortcut, you can access the control panel, select the region and language, and then click on the keyboard. Select the desired option and click OK. On desktop computers, the keyboard usually has numeric keypad, which is extremely useful for those who work with numbers. As with laptops, there is usually no place to have a numeric keypad, the solution was to put the numeric keypad into the keyboard keys themselves.

Key Win located between the keys ctrl and alt on the left side (the emblem is drawn on it Windows).
The Menu key is to the left of the right ctrl.
The combination "key" + "key" means that you first need to press the first key, and then, while holding it, the second.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with text

Keyboard shortcut Description
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl + X
Cut out
Ctrl + ←
ctrl + →
Transition by words in the text. Works not only in text editors. For example, it is very convenient to use address bar browser
Shift + ←
Shift + →
Shift +
Shift + ↓
Text selection
Ctrl + Shift + ←
Ctrl + Shift + →
Selecting text by words
Move to the beginning-end of a line of text
Move to the beginning-end of the document

General hotkeys

Keyboard shortcut Description
Ctrl + Esc
Open the Start Menu
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Call "Task Manager"
Win+E Launching Explorer
Win+R Displaying the dialog "Start the program" (Run), analogous to "Start" - "Run"
Win+D Minimize all windows or return to original state (switch)
Win+L Workstation lock
Win+F1 Accessing Windows Help
win+pause Calling the System Properties window
Win+F Open file search window
Win + Ctrl + F Open computer search window
Printscreen Take a screenshot of the entire screen
Alt+printscreen Take a screenshot of the currently active window
Win + Shift + Tab
Switches between buttons on the taskbar
Move between panels. For example, between desktop and Quick Launch
Ctrl+A Select all (objects, text)
Copy to clipboard (objects, text)
Ctrl + X
Cut to clipboard (objects, text)
Paste from clipboard (objects, text)
Ctrl + N Create a new document, project, or similar action. In Internet Explorer, this results in a new window opening with a copy of the contents of the current window.
ctrl+s Save the current document, project, etc.
Ctrl+O Call a file selection dialog to open a document, project, etc.
ctrl+p Seal
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Shift CD-ROM autorun lock (hold while drive reads newly inserted disc)
Alt+Enter Switching to full screen mode and back (switch; for example, in Windows Media Player or in a shell window).

Keyboard shortcuts for working with files

Keyboard shortcut Description
Display the context menu of the current object (similar to clicking the right mouse button).
Alt+Enter Calling "Object Properties"
F2 Renaming an object
Drag with Ctrl Copying an object
Drag with Shift Moving an object
Drag with Ctrl + Shift Create an object label
Clicks with Ctrl Selecting Multiple Objects in Random Order
Clicks with Shift Selection of several adjacent objects
Enter Same as double clicking on an object
Delete Deleting an object
Shift+Delete Permanently deleting an object without placing it in the trash

Keyboard shortcuts for working in Explorer

Keyboard shortcuts for working with windows

Keyboard shortcut Description
Alt + Tab
Alt + Shift + Tab
Calling the transition menu between windows and moving through it
Alt + Esc
Alt + Shift + Esc
Move between windows (in the order they were launched)
Alt+F6 Switching between multiple windows of the same program (for example, between open WinWord windows)
Alt+F4 Close the active window (running application). On the desktop - call the Windows shutdown dialog
Ctrl+F4 Closing the active document in programs that allow multiple documents to be open at the same time
Calling the window menu
Alt + − (minus) Calling the system menu of a child window (for example, a document window)
Esc Exit the window menu or close an open dialog
Alt + letter Calling a menu command or opening a menu column. The corresponding letters in the menu are usually underlined (either initially or become underlined after pressing Alt). If the menu column is already open, then to call the desired command, you must press the key with the letter that is underlined in this command
Alt+Space Calling the window system menu
F1 Call application help.
Vertical scrolling of text or moving up and down paragraphs of text.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with dialog boxes

Keyboard shortcuts for working in Internet Explorer

What is IE for? To download Google Chrome!))

Keyboard shortcut Description
F4 Displaying a list of the "Address" field
Ctrl + N
Launch another browser instance with the same web address
ctrl+r Refreshing the current web page
ctrl+b Opens the Arrange Favorites dialog box
Ctrl+E Opens the Search panel
ctrl+f Starting the search utility
Ctrl+I Opens the Favorites panel
Ctrl+L Opens the "Open" dialog box
Ctrl+O Opens the Open dialog box, similar to the Ctrl+L action
ctrl+p Opens the Print dialog box
Ctrl+W Close current window
F11 Switch to full screen mode and back (works in some other applications).

Special abilities

  • Press key SHIFT five times: Turn Sticky Keys on and off
  • Hold down the right key SHIFT eight seconds: Enable or disable input filtering
  • Hold down the Num Lock key for five seconds: Toggle toggle sound on and off
  • alt left + Shift left + Num Lock: Enable or disable keyboard pointer control
  • alt left + Shift left + PRINT SCREEN: Turn high contrast on or off