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Ok social network my login page. Login to my page in classmates. Full version at a glance

My page on classmates (OK), where can it be?

First, you need to try to go to the site itself using the link below, there may be several scenarios when you go:

  • You got to your page, and in a moment you became a happy person;
  • The page of classmates did not load, a blank sheet or it is written that access is closed - in this case, you can try to use - anomizer (follow the link);
  • A page has opened where you need to enter a username and password, which you most likely forgot (about this a little later);
  • You have a window opened where it says that you must enter your phone number and then confirm the unblocking of your account (be careful here - these are most likely scammers!)

Instructions for recovering a password in in pictures:

On the main page of "OOO" Odnoklassniki, we are looking for a link near the button enter - " Forgot your password?"And boldly click on it.

The following page should appear:

Recovery using "Personal data"

To do this, enter your First Name Last Name Age (numbers) City (the data must match your account). Once you find yourself, click "This is me" and confirm the password recovery via SMS. An example is in the picture below.

We will not consider methods of recovery via phone, mail and login, since everything is simple there and you should not have any difficulties.

Recovering with Profile Links

If you do not remember your link to your profile, then you need to ask your friends to go to your profile in classmates and copy the link and send you SMS, WhatsApp, Viber in any convenient way for you. Next, enter or paste this link into the field that appears when you click on the "Link to profile" recovery method and continue the recovery procedure.

How to enter Odnoklassniki without a password?

You can enter classmates without a password, but only if you have already logged in to them earlier, for this you just need to go to classmates, if you see a login form, then you are not authorized. In this case, you need to log in with your username and password, or restore them, there is no other way.

You must understand that the login and password are created for your safety, so take your data seriously and always write them down on a separate piece of paper so that such situations do not arise.

What if you are asked to send an SMS?

It is advisable to begin with you need to try to log into classmates from another computer or from a mobile phone, in order to check if your account is really blocked or is it still a virus on your computer?

If you are also asked to send SMS, then most likely you were hacked and SPAM was actually sent from your account. To unlock, you need to - do as it says there, that is, enter your phone number and confirm it, but in no case do not send a reply SMS, you just need to enter the code that will come to your phone.

If you successfully entered your page from another computer or mobile device, then we can confidently say that this is a virus that can be cured.

We remove the virus with our own hands:


  1. Go to the folder with the installed operating system, usually this C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc
  2. We open the hosts file with notepad, and if we find lines where the or address is used, then we can safely delete these lines and save our file.
  3. Next, we just restart the browser and just in case we clear the cache, this is done by pressing the ctrl + shift + del keys in the new Opera and Google Chrome browser.

How not to lose your access to classmates?

There are a huge number of sites on the Internet that promise you to enter your classmates without a password, somewhere they ask you to send SMS and pay for this service, somewhere I promise to hack your account, again for money.

It happens that the site is very similar to classmates, and you enter and do not suspect that your data will be stolen and used for other purposes, not excluding fraud and sending spam to your friends and family. But in no case, do not see these tricks of scammers. Be vigilant and attentive, be sure to look at which site you are on, you can enter data only on the site of classmates

What to do if pictures, videos, recordings and messages are not displayed?

This is a very common problem, for this you can try:

  • First, restart your browser, just close it and restart it.
  • If that doesn't help, download and open classmates through another browser - for example, Opera, Google Chrome, Amigo, if you don't have such browsers, then look in Google or Yandex.

If you still did not manage to get to your classmates page, then write in the comments or ask questions using our button at the top

Go to page «

Our site was created to help people solve problems that some users may find unsolvable. And so today we will consider the topic "Entering your page on Odnoklassniki" which was very interesting for many of our readers.

Each registered user on the Odnoklassniki social network site has his own personal page, which he can access using the login form located on the website, which looks like this in the browser:

In the login form, enter your login (email or mobile phone number) and the password that you set. Use the "Login" button to log in.

Check carefully that it is displayed correctly in the address bar of your browser. It should look this way and not otherwise:

The administration of the social network will never ask you to send an SMS to a short number to receive any code. If you nevertheless ended up on a site that asks you to enter your phone number and then send an SMS - these are scammers, leave it! In the vastness of the Internet, such sites are now very popular, which are created only for the purpose of profit and do not carry any useful information.

Why do you need your own page on Odnoklassniki

Each user of the site has a personal page, which is often called my page in classmates. On this page, a person can communicate with his friends and acquaintances, exchange comments and likes, vote for photos of his friends, give gifts and receive OK.

This social network provides an excellent opportunity to communicate with people who are far from you, helps you find your friends, acquaintances, classmates, relatives and other people close to you. But, it is worth noting that you can carry out a search without going through registration - through a special one.

A special, advanced search with which you can search for your loved ones by first name, last name, city, country, age and many other important criteria.

The resource is constantly evolving, the functionality is constantly being updated on it, various innovations are being introduced. The only thing that has remained unchanged on this site for many years is user registration. This procedure is very simple and everyone can register by creating their own profile, fill in information about themselves and proudly call it "My page on the Odnoklassniki website", which in fact is the main page in Odnoklassniki!


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Social network Odnoklassniki is the most popular site for communication and dating on the Russian-speaking Internet. It is also briefly called OK, OD or ODD. You can get into this social network through the address or

Social network Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki (OK) is a free entertainment site for finding friends and relatives. Here they are looking for classmates, classmates, army friends, work colleagues. They also correspond, exchange photos, make video calls.

Immediately after registration, the user is assigned a personal page. Information about the places of study is added there: school, college, university. From this data, you can find people who studied in the same place and at the same time.

An example of a personal page on Odnoklassniki

How to open my page (login OK)

Logging into Odnoklassniki on a computer (laptop) is performed through a program for the Internet. It can be Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari.

In the upper line of the program, in a new tab, we print the address in English letters

Then press the Enter key on your keyboard. After that, either the main page of the site or your personal profile will open.

Note: many people enter Odnoklassniki not through the official website, but from the search engine Yandex or Google. This is wrong, because in this way you can accidentally get to a fraudulent site.

If the main page opens, then to go to my page, you need to enter your login and password in the upper right square and click on the "Login" button.

Login and password are the data that were assigned during registration. The login usually coincides with the cell phone number to which the profile was opened. And a password is a set of English letters and numbers. When registering, the user assigned it to himself.

If these data are entered correctly, the personal page in Odnoklassniki will load. This is the entrance to the social network - now the site can be used fully.

If you can't access your profile... Then the site will give an error that the login and / or password is incorrect. The simplest solution is to recover your password. To do this, click on the inscription "Forgot your password?" and follow the instructions.

You can enter your page not only by login and password, but also through Google mail, or a page on the social network Facebook. But this is only possible if you registered it on this account.

★ That is, if the page was registered through Google, then you need to enter it through Google. And if it was opened via login / password, then you can enter it only by login and password.

What to do if you have trouble signing in... Problems are different: someone cannot get to their page, while others have another person's profile instead. And for the third, the site does not open at all. Each of these problems has its own reasons and solutions. To understand them, please read the instructions.

How to register a new profile

You need to register a new profile if you are not yet on Odnoklassniki. That is, you do not have and never had your own page on the site.

If you already have an account, but you simply cannot get into it, you do not need to register again. Otherwise, you will lose all downloaded photos, correspondence, achievements in games and other data. It is better to try to restore the old profile through the support service.

1 . To register a new profile, open the website and click on the word "Registration" in the window on the right side.

2. We print our mobile phone number with the operator code and click "Next".

3. An SMS message with an authorization code comes to the specified phone. We print this code on the site.

If the code is typed correctly, the site assigns a login. This is such a unique number to enter. It matches the phone number.

4 . We assign ourselves a password to enter. It must be composed of English letters and numbers. Not less than six characters.

It is advisable to write down both the login and password in a safe place. This is your data from the page and it may come in handy in the future - if you suddenly have problems with the entrance.

Immediately after assigning a password, a new page opens, where after a second or two a window pops up. There you need to indicate your first name, last name, date of birth and gender.

How to use the site

Now I'll show you how to fill out a page - add places of study, upload photos, find friends and relatives. But first, briefly about what is on the site.

Full version at a glance

The main menu is the orange bar at the top of the site.

The most important sections have been added to the main menu of the computer version of the site:

  • Messages - all personal correspondence is saved here.
  • Discussions - public correspondence goes here. For example, if you commented on something on a friend's page, then your message and replies to it will be stored here.
  • Notifications - notifications from the site go here. For example, if someone sent you a gift or invited you to a group.
  • Friends - a list of people you have added as friends.
  • Guests - a list of people who visited your page.
  • Events - likes and reposts of your posts are shown here, that is, positive ratings of your photos and notes.
  • Music - through this button you can listen to music.
  • Video - popular video clips are published here.
  • Search is a special part for finding people in Odnoklassniki.

When something new happens on your page, for example, a message arrives or a friend request arrives, the buttons are marked with a green circle.

You can always return to your page through the menu. To do this, just click on the inscription "Classmates".

Extra menu- a small white strip above the main menu.

On the left side of this menu there are sections of the site. Main page, mail, My world, Dating and other projects of Mail.

On the right side there is a change of language, help on the site and exit from your page.

Filling in the profile

A profile or personal page is your place on the Odnoklassniki website, your personal account. Here they indicate information about themselves, upload photos. The profile stores all correspondence, games, gifts and everything else that is on the site.

Filling out a profile is an important and responsible business. Indeed, according to the information that you enter, people will look for you on the site. Now I will show you how to set up your profile correctly.

1 . Click on your first and last name.

2. Click on "Edit Personal Information".

3. Click on "Edit personal details" again.

A window will appear where the basic information is indicated. Check if everything is entered correctly, and correct if something is wrong.

If you had a different last name before, please enter it in parentheses.

4 . Click on "Add a place of study".

A window will appear to indicate the places of study and work. Through this window, add the information by which you want to search for acquaintances or be found by them.

For example, I studied at two schools in different cities. I did not study in one for long and I don’t want to communicate with any of it. So, I just do not indicate this school in the window.

Please note that when choosing a place of study, additional fields appear. They need to add the years of study and the year of graduation. This is the important part, try not to be wrong.

Click "Join" and the window will change - the site will inform you that everything went well.

In the same way, add the rest of the places where you studied, served or worked.

Exactly the same window appears if you click on "Add a job" and "Add a military unit". It is no different - just different tabs are open.

It happens that the place of study appears on the list several times. You can add each of them in turn - then the likelihood of finding friends is higher.

After adding all places of study, work and service, click on your name and surname on the left side of the questionnaire.

This will exit the profile edit mode and return to your personal page.

Note: It is highly advisable to add your real photos. Without them, many people simply will not communicate with you on the site - they will think that you are a scammer.

Adding photos

To add photos, click on the "Add photo" block on your page on the left side.

Let me remind you that to go to your page, you can simply click on the inscription "Odnoklassniki" at the top left (on the orange stripe).

A window for selecting a photo will be loaded. In it, click on the place on the computer where the photo is located.

For example, my photo is on Local Disk D. So, in the window I click on the inscription "Computer" on the left and in the center I double-click on Local Disk D.

Now I choose a photo from the list. To make it easier to do, I change the presentation of the photos. To do this, I press one or more times on a special button in the upper right part of the window.

And I double-click the left mouse button on the photo that I want to add.

After uploading, the snapshot is added to the profile.

Usually, this photo immediately becomes the title of the page. To change it, move the cursor inside and open the "Change photo" item.

To manage all the photos on the page there is a special part - "Photos".

Through it, you can update photos: upload, delete, create photo albums.

People search

Search by place of study, work or service... If you want to find people with whom you studied, worked or served together, then it is easier to do this through your profile.

1 . Click on your first / last name.

2. At the top of the page, there will be schools, universities, and other places that you added when. Select the one you want.

3. A page with profiles of people with the same data will be loaded. It remains to find acquaintances and add them as friends.

Search by first and last name... In Odnoklassniki, you can search by different criteria: name / surname, age, city / country, school, university and others. This means that you can find any person on the site, not just those with whom you studied together.

1 . On your page, under the title photo, click on the words "Find Friends".

2. A form for searching people on the site will open. At the top, type the first and last name, and on the right, select the known data about the person.

Note: Finding a person by last name is easier if you know how old they are.

Adding to friends

By adding a person as a friend, you will be aware of what is happening on his page. See new photos, notes, ratings. All this will be reflected in your feed - in the general news list (magazine).

To add a friend, you just need to click the "Add as friend" button under the person's title photo.

A friend request will be sent to the user. It looks something like this:

If a person confirms the application, then you are added to him in "Friends". And it is also added to you - it happens automatically.

You can see the added friends in the special part of the profile:

Through this list, you can send a message or call a person. To do this, just hover the cursor over his photo.

By the way, here you can also indicate who this person is to you: a friend, relative or colleague.


Almost any user of the site can write a message. Cannot only be written to those who specifically restrict this feature.

To start the correspondence, click on the "Write a message" button under the main photo on the person's page.

A window will open, at the very bottom of which there will be a strip for entering text. This is where you need to type a message, and to send it, press the orange button with an arrow.

The message will be published inside the window and the recipient will receive a notification. But this does not mean that he will immediately read the message and respond to it. After all, a person may not be on the Internet at the moment or it is simply inconvenient for him to correspond right now.

Therefore, after sending the message, the window can be closed. As soon as the person answers, you will immediately know about it. A special mark will appear on the top orange bar next to the Messages button. In addition, the site will notify you with other signs.

All your correspondence can be opened at any time through the "Messages" button. There they can be continued.

mobile version

The Odnoklassniki website is accessible not only through a computer, but also through a telephone. To do this, he has a separate mobile version at

It's very easy to enter it: open the program in which you usually browse sites, type the address at the top and go to the site.

But this is the same page, it's just simplified to make it easier to use on a small screen.

Phone app

Odnoklassniki also has a smartphone app. This is a separate program that is built into the phone. After installing it, a special icon appears on the screen, which immediately opens the social network.

Not everyone likes this app. There are no many functions, and it often freezes. But thanks to him, you will be almost constantly online. This means that you can quickly receive a new message and respond to it.

How to delete a page on Odnoklassniki

You can permanently delete your personal page from the OK site. This is done as follows:

  1. We open the License Agreement (regulations).
  2. We go down to the very bottom and click on the link "Refuse services".
  3. We indicate the reason why we decided to delete the page.
  4. We print our password and click "Delete".

After that, the main page of the OK site will appear. This means that your profile has already been deleted. But it will finally disappear from the system only after 90 days. You can read more about this.

Frequently asked questions

If I go to another person's page, will he see that I visited him?

Yes, he will. The site has a "Guests" button, which shows all the people who visited the page.

Only the paid function "Invisible" will help you not to get into this list.

Are classmates really free? Wouldn't it be that money will be debited from me later?

Yes, Odnoklassniki is free. If you use the basic functions of the site, then the money will not be debited from anywhere.

But the site also has paid features: gifts, stickers, 5+ ratings, vip status and others. In addition, you can make purchases in games - get resources or complete difficult levels for money. For this, the internal currency of the OKi site is used. Here they can be bought only for real money: 1 OK = 1 ruble.

How to download Odnoklassniki to your desktop?

The Odnoklassniki website can be installed as a shortcut to the Desktop. Then an icon will appear on the screen, which will immediately open the social network.

  • Right-click on an empty space on the Desktop;
  • Select New - Shortcut from the list;
  • In the window, type in English letters without spaces and click the "Next" button;
  • Enter any name for the shortcut and click "Done".

After that, a new icon will appear on the screen for quickly entering Odnoklassniki.

Can I open my page on someone else's computer?

Oh sure. To do this, you also need to go to and enter your page.

If, when you go to the site, another (someone else's) page opens, then you need to exit from it. To do this, click on the small photo in the upper right corner and select "Log in to another profile".

Then in the window click on "Add profile" and enter your username / password.

How do I remove my profile from my computer?

If you want to close the page on a specific computer, then you need to log out of the profile. To do this, click on the small icon with your photo in the upper right corner of the site and click on "Log out".

After that, your profile will not automatically open on this computer, but it will remain on the social network.

I can't get to my page - what should I do?

There are several reasons why Odnoklassniki does not open. For example, the site may not work because it is blocked on the computer. Or because of a virus. And it also happens that a person accidentally left his page and cannot get back into it. You can find out why Odnoklassniki does not open for you and what to do in

My page on Odnoklassniki is your personal page on the ( social network site Odnoklassniki is one of the largest social networks in Russia and many CIS countries. Entrance to Odnoklassniki carried out through the official website. It is also worth noting that the site can be accessed at once at two addresses - the standard and the new short There is no difference between them - your favorite social network will be there and there.

Odnoklassniki entrance

Registration: how to quickly register your page on Odnoklassniki

If for some reason you still do not have a profile on Odnoklassniki, this can be fixed very quickly. Registration in the network is simple and will not cause you any difficulties.

My page on Odnoklassniki

When we go to our page in Odnoklassniki, we get to the main page of our profile. What is there? The whole page is very bright and has rich features. Let's start about everything in detail and in order. In the upper right corner, on an orange background, there is an inscription “Odnoklassniki” and next to it there is a man drawn in the form of letters “ok” written from top to bottom. When you click on it, you will always return to your main profile page. Below the inscription there is a place for a profile photo or any picture of your choice. This image will always appear next to your name.

If you hover the mouse cursor over the photo, then two options for actions will be displayed:

  • Edit photo. When you click on this feature, a pop-up window will appear showing your profile photo, with dotted lines in the form of a square. You can drag this square to any part of the image. Make it smaller or maximize it. To do this, place the mouse cursor on the white dots in the corners of the square and drag. Thus, you choose the area of ​​your "avatar" or just a photo. When you have selected the part you want, just click "Done".
  • Change photo. When you click on this inscription, you will be taken to the page of your photos, where you will be offered to select one of the previously uploaded photos or click on "Select a photo from a computer." When you click on this inscription, the system will open your desktop for you. On it, you can select the file with the photo you want to install. Click "Open" and see the new photo and the area highlighted with a dotted line. After selecting the required fragment, click "Install".

Below the photo are the lines:

  • Find new friends. If you want to find friends in the open spaces of Odnoklassniki, just click on this inscription.
  • Close profile. By clicking on this inscription, a window will appear in which you will be offered to configure a closed profile. That is, to set certain access rights to your page for other users. Click on the "Close Profile" icon. The system will display a pop-up window where it will offer to activate the "Closed Profile" service. Please note that this service is paid! To return to your page, simply click the cross in the upper right corner of the pop-up page.
  • Change settings. With this button you can customize the information for your page. For example, change personal data, view the blacklist, set up notifications, set the settings for photos and videos.
  • Money transfers. Here you can transfer money to your friends and family using your bank card.
  • Buy OK. This is the monetary unit of the Odnoklassniki website. It is with the help of it that any purchases and calculations are carried out here. By clicking on this button, you will see a list of possible options to replenish your balance on the site.
  • Free gifts. This is a paid option. Allows you to give gifts to friends within the site
  • Turn on invisibility. An additional paid option that allows you to hide your presence on the site and not show you in the guest list on the user's pages.
  • VIP status. Also a paid option that allows you to access various functions of the system for a certain number of days.

Below are rectangular areas, they display the stocks and the time until their end. In the second, holidays are shown - for example, the birthdays of your friends.

Top of the page in Odnoklassniki

Above, across the entire page, there is an orange stripe, which depicts various icons and captions to them.

Let's see what functions are displayed here:

  • Messages. By clicking on this icon, a pop-up window will appear in which you can write messages to your friends. Or read the ones written to you. If you have received a message, a green circle with a number will light up next to this icon (the number means how many messages you have received).
  • Discussions. In this tab you will be able to see comments - yours and those of your friends. And also the groups or photos to which these comments refer will be displayed.
  • Alerts. Requests for accepting (or rejecting) gifts given to you from friends will be displayed here. Friendship proposals. Messages about the acceptance of your gifts by friends and more.
  • Friends. When you click on a tab, you will be taken to a page where all your friends are displayed.
  • Guests. On the guests page, all users who have visited your page are displayed. Regardless of whether they are your friends or not.
  • Developments. A pop-up window displays the actions of all users on your page (for example, if they comment on photos or rate them).
  • Music. By clicking on this tab, a pop-up window will open in which you can collect your own collection of music. There is also an audio player here.
  • Video. A pop-up window will open a list of videos. Here you can watch clips, programs and films. Save your favorite entries or add your own.
  • Search line. If you click on the "Magnifier" icon, the system will take you to the page for finding friends.

News feed on the personal page of Odnoklassniki

In the central part of the Odnoklassniki profile page, your name and surname, as well as your age and city of residence, are written. If this data is enabled by the privacy settings. If you did not enable their display, then only the first and last name (or nickname) are indicated.
Next we see a line with the listed tabs.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Ribbon. The feed displays all the actions of your friends. Any notes, pictures, videos or photos they like. If they added something new to their page. Your page updates. All these actions will be shown in the feed.
  • Friends. If you select this tab, a page with your friends will open.
  • Photo. When you click on this tab, the system will open you a page where all your uploaded photos are located. Created photo albums and saved pictures. Here you can also set up the privacy of albums, that is, create certain settings for each album.
  • Groups. In the group section, there are communities of interest. With the help of the search, you can find something interesting just for you.
  • Games. By clicking on this link, you can play browser games within the Odnoklassniki project.
  • Notes. The notes show all the posts you've ever shared on the site.
  • Present. When you click on the tab, a page with gifts will open. Here you can choose and present pictures for your friends or yourself. Pictures are animated and ordinary. There are also video postcards.
  • Yet. This tab contains the following sections - forum, holidays, bookmarks, about yourself, "Blacklist", auctions, achievements and settings.
    Below is a rectangle with the words "What are you thinking about?" Here you can write whatever you want, or insert a picture, music, video. This entry will appear as your status with friends, along with your name and your photo.

Decorating your page

Any gifts you receive will appear in the lower right corner of your profile photo. has a special function - to decorate the page. To do this, you need to move your mouse cursor over the colored circle just above your name. The inscription "Decorate your page" will open. By clicking on it, the system will take you to a page where you can choose the theme of the page design you like. When you click on the image you like, a pop-up window will appear showing how this background will look on your page. Click "Install" and this background is installed on your page.
In general, the site interface is very user-friendly. It will not be difficult for a user who visits the site for the first time to figure out how to use the Odnoklassniki site.

Useful video - how to upload a catalog to Odnoklassniki Video can’t be loaded: How to upload a catalog to classmates (

Odnoklassniki my page: how to open my page in search engines

Here's a quick guide for the biggest search engines:

Odnoklassniki website in Yandex... If you use Yandex browser, enter the name of the social network in the field for entering queries and click "search". The Yandex search engine will give you a search result. As a rule, the official site of Odnoklassniki is in the very first positions. It is also worth noting that Yandex search can be used in other browsers, but even in this case, the algorithm does not change.

Classmates in Google... Open Google Chrome browser. If you have another browser - Opera, Mozila or some other - open it. Enter the name of the social network in the search field. Google will give you results for your request. The official site of Odnoklassniki is most likely in the top positions.

Classmates in Maila... If your browser is configured to search through Mile, do the same as in the two options above (for Yandex and Google). Enter the request and in the search results go to the official website of the social network (odnoklassniki ru or ok ru)

Odnoklassniki site in Bing (Bing)... If you use Bing's search (usually in the Edge browser), follow the same algorithm as for other search engines and browsers.

As you can see, the search principle is the same for most of the most common search engines and browsers, and there is nothing difficult about it.

How to enter Odnoklassniki with a username and password

In order to enter the Odnoklassniki website through your username and password, you need to do just a few steps:

  1. Go to the official website of Odnoklassniki
  2. On the official website of Odnoklassniki in a special form, you need to enter your username and password
  3. Login is usually your phone number, but if you registered a few years ago or even earlier, the login can be an email or a special login in the form of a nickname.
  4. Password - enter your password after entering your login. At the same time, in order not to enter the wrong password - check if the correct keyboard layout is enabled. Also watch out for the capslock (switching between upper and lower case)

How to enter Odnoklassniki without a username and password

Users often ask how to enter Odnoklassniki without a username and password. In fact, the answer to this question is quite laconic - you cannot enter Odnoklassniki without a username and password. This is dictated primarily by safety rules. However, there are several ways how to enter the site without entering them. Logging into the social network without entering a username and password can be done by storing them in the social network and using the browser's auto-input. Both methods are similar and based on the same principle.

The first method is to log into Odnoklassniki without a username and password using the social network itself. To implement this option, when entering your login and password on the start page, click on the "remember me" checkbox. And the next time you enter, you just need to click on the Login button - all the data will already be entered for you by the system itself.

The second way - Logging into Odnoklassniki without a username and password by remembering the passwords of the browser itself. When you enter a social network, the browser will prompt you to remember your login and password and, on subsequent logins, make a quick login through autocomplete.

As you can see, there are still ways to enter Odnoklassniki without directly entering a password and login. However, despite the seeming convenience of these methods, we do not recommend all such methods to use them - but enters everything with his own hand at each call. Why such advice? It's all about security. If memorization and automatic input are configured, anyone who has access to your computer can simply click on the Login button (and in the case of automatic input from the browser, your page will appear immediately upon entering the site) and get to your personal page, which is undesirable.

But in any case - the choice is yours!

Odnoklassniki: full and mobile versions

Odnoklassniki have three access options - through the full version of the site (the so-called desktop version), through the mobile version of the social network, and through a mobile application for the most common OS - Android and iOS.

In this case, you need to note again - you can enter and use Odnoklassniki immediately through two addresses on the Internet:

  1. is the original domain of the social network
  2. is a shortened domain for a more convenient transition to the site

Note: now in fact one address is in effect - short ok ru. Long automatically converts all users to short.

What is the full version of Odnoklassniki? This is a variant of a social network site that is most conveniently displayed on desktops - screens of personal computers and laptops

Mobile version of Odnoklassniki on the contrary, it is specially designed so that each user can use the social network as conveniently as possible on the small screens of mobile phones.

Domains of the mobile version of Odnoklassniki have the prefix m. and this view:

What to do if you can't go to your page - how to restore access to your Odnoklassniki page

Sometimes it happens that you can't go to your Odnoklassniki page. This is a bit worrying, but you really don't need to worry.

Here are the most common reasons why you can't go to Odnoklassniki:

  • user forgot password
  • the user enters the password with enabled (or disabled) capslock - register switch
  • The user missed a password or entered it incorrectly
  • The user's page is blocked by the administration of the social network
  • The user cannot access his social network page through problems with the Internet connection, problems with the browser or some kind of computer settings

How to restore access to the Odnoklassniki page - for each of these reasons?

  • If you have forgotten your password, click on the "forgot your username or password" link under the input fields. After that, follow the instructions of the social network - and after a while you will restore access to your Od page.
  • When entering a password, check if the capslock is enabled (when needed)
  • enter your password and login again - only this time be careful not to miss anything
  • if the page is blocked by the administration of the social network, you need to contact the administration of the social network and ask to unblock your page. This method works only if the profile was blocked by mistake and you did not violate any rules.
  • also check if there is an Internet connection, restart the browser and try to access the site again, you can also try to restart the operating system.

Interesting video - how you can register in Odnoklassniki without a phone number Video can’t be loaded: CLASSMATS. Account registration WITHOUT PHONE !!! (

The social network "Odnoklassniki" has existed for over 10 years, and every year it is gaining more and more popularity. It is understandable, because it is site (aka is the most convenient social network in Russia, where you can find your acquaintances, friends, comrades and acquaintances, even if you have not communicated with them for decades. Millions of registered users on the Odnoklassniki social network are competently structured by education, place of work and various other parameters. Through the network, it is easy to find friends from school, colleagues, a specific person by name and surname. As part of this article, we will look at how to enter my page on Odnoklassniki, what to do if the social network does not open, as well as its main functions.

How to enter my page on Odnoklassniki

The above are simple ways to go to classmates, but there is another option that is suitable for users who want to visit a social network, for example, at work. Employers often prohibit employees from logging into classmates, VKontakte and other social networks in order to reduce the amount of time wasted. If the Odnoklassniki site is blocked at your work by the system administrator, you can use special anonymizer services and log in through them.

The point of anonymizers is to broadcast sites to the user, in fact, launching them "on the side". In other words, the blocked resource "Odnoklassniki" through the anonymizer will open for you without any problems with all sorts of restrictions on the part of the system administrator.

Important: Please note that when entering the Odnoklassniki social network through an anonymizer, you will need to enter your username and password. That is why we recommend using only trusted services of this kind, so as not to lose data from your account due to the actions of intruders.

How to enter classmates without a username and password

To fully use the Odnoklassniki social network, you need to have your own profile in it, in other words, your own page. By creating this page, you specify a username and password, by which you can subsequently log in. You cannot enter classmates without a username and password unless the previous social network login session is saved in the browser profile.

How to create a page in classmates

Anyone can create their own page on the social network. After completing the necessary steps to register with classmates, you will have your own page. Registering with classmates is very simple by following these steps:

After completing all the steps described above, you will have your own page on the Odnoklassniki social network. Immediately after registration, you will be asked to enter basic information - name, surname, date of birth and gender. After that, you will be able to fully use the functions of the social network.

How to find friends in classmates

The social network Odnoklassniki is very multifunctional, and it was created not only for communication between users. It features interest groups, hundreds of thousands of different videos, millions of songs and photos, thousands of games and much more. Everyone can find interesting information for themselves in Odnoklassniki, but for this you first need to create your own page, and then correctly design it so that the social network can pick up your potential friends, as well as content by interests.

"My page" in classmates contains blocks with information that may be of interest to the user. The first thing it is recommended to start designing the page with is directly from the search for acquaintances at school, university, work. In the central part of your social network page there is a block "Find your friends and relatives on classmates", which offers several search options:

Please note: Not only can you search for acquaintances on a social network, but you can also be found. For this to happen, be sure to fill out your Odnoklassniki profile. The role of "My profile" in classmates is extremely high, because the social network is aimed precisely at finding acquaintances with whom all contacts have been lost, and you can find them in Odnoklassniki by information about the place of work, study, and other indirect signs (date of birth, city, etc. Further).

How to delete my page on Odnoklassniki

What to do if my page on Odnoklassniki is blocked

Any social network is, first of all, people. If your page on Odnoklassniki offends people: it contains content defaming someone else's honor, you send unpleasant messages or conduct various fraudulent actions, it is likely that the administration of the social network will decide to block you at the request of other users.

If your page in Odnoklassniki was blocked, it is enough to send an SMS to your phone number for validation.

In a situation where you do not have access to the phone to which the page is registered, withcontact the support of the social network. Describe to the support staff why you think the blockage occurred. The most common reason for blocking is hacking of the user's page by hackers. If your pages on Odnoklassniki have been hacked, it is enough to write to the support service that you are its real owner by sending confirmation information, most often a photo is enough against the background of a dialogue with technical support or a copy of your passport.

Important: If to unblock a page on Odnoklassniki you are asked to send an SMS to a certain number, in no case do this!

We strongly recommend that you check your computer for viruses before or after unlocking the page. If you had a complex password on a social network, but the page still ended up in the hands of cybercriminals, this is most likely due to the presence of viruses on your computer. Check your computer with a regular anti-virus (you can free it, for example, Avast or Dr.Web).

We recommend reading:

Login to Odnoklassniki: how not to get caught by scammers

There are many sites on the Internet that are created to steal your data (login and password) from Odnoklassniki. Even if you write the query “My page on Odnoklassniki” in the search engine Google or Yandex, it is possible that already in the second ten results there will be links to fraudulent sites. If you enter the login and password for your profile on a social network on such sites, then they will be in the hands of intruders. These sites are called "phishing" sites, and most often they offer various bonuses for entering your details into them. These bonuses may include:

  • The ability to be "offline" in Odnoklassniki, that is, to hide your presence on the network from other users;
  • Free receipt of Odnoklassniki currency in unlimited quantities;
  • Access to "special" functions, for example, often such services offer to show who visited your page or promise to provide an opportunity to read other people's correspondence.

These and other tricks are used by scammers to get your page on Odnoklassniki. Remember that the address of the real social network Odnoklassniki is, do not enter your profile data on other resources, even if you are promised various bonuses and benefits.