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How to unpack an archive in WinRAR. Archivers WinZIP, WinRAR Which is better winzip or winrar

Help menu

It contains all the necessary modes for the user to obtain reference and auxiliary information necessary for mastering the application program or for resolving what has arisen as a result of its application. Menu Help contains only two modes.

Mode content initializes the built-in search and help system from which the user can obtain a wide range of information. Mode About WinRar is designed to display a kind of visiting card of the program on the screen.

winrar latest version fully supports archives rar and zip, and are easily managed with archives of other formats. That is, in addition to full support for archives rar and zip, WinRar supports basic operations for archive formats cab, arj, lzh, tar, gz, ace and uue, created with other archiving programs. These include: extracting files, as well as viewing the contents of the archive, comments and information about the archive. To work with these archives, you do not need any additional programs. And this is an undoubted advantage of the WinRar archiver.

WinRar provides:

Full support for rar and zip archives;

· original high-performance data compression algorithm;

multimedia interface (drag&drop);

management of archives of other formats (cab, arj, lzh, tar, gz, ace, uue);

Creation of self-extracting (SFX) conventional and multi-volume archives using standard or additional SFX modules;

Support for continuous (solid) archives, multi-volume archives; encryption, adding archive comments (supporting ANSI ESC sequences), error logging, etc.

In addition to WinRar, the package includes a file rar.exe. This is also a 32-bit version of Rar for Windows, but it only supports a command line interface and works in text mode. Usually the console version of Rar is used to call from batch files(bat and cmd), to run from the Ms Dos prompt, etc. It supports more commands and switches in command line than WinRar.

WinRar can be used in two ways: in graphical shell mode with a standard Windows interface and in the command line.

Like WinZip, WinRar is fully integrated with Windows environment, allowing you to operate on files and archives using Explorer and context menus.

Both formats - rar and zip - support encryption. To encrypt files, you must specify a password - before archiving on the command line or in the menu. The rar and zip formats use original encryption algorithms, but encryption in WinRar is much more reliable. If you need to encrypt important information, it is better to choose the WinRar archive format. For a reasonable level of security, use passwords that are at least 8 characters long. If you lose your password, you will not be able to restore encrypted files from the archive. True, encryption does not give a 100% guarantee that your information will be protected from prying eyes.

The main advantage of WinZip is its popularity. For example, most archives on the Internet are in zip format. On the other hand, in this case you can send self-extracting SFX archives (SFX, Self-eXtracting). Such archives are slightly larger than usual, but no additional programs are required to unpack them. Self-extracting archive is the archive to which the executable is attached. This module allows you to extract files by simply launching the archive as a normal program. SFX archives, like any other executable files, usually have the extension . exe. True, if you want to create a stf-archive for small files, then the loss in size compared to a regular rar or zip is very significant. Quite large files are another matter. Here the undoubted leader is STF. The difference in size will be about 0.1-5%.

Another benefit of WinZip is speed. WinZip archives are generally faster than WinRar archives. The rar format in most cases provides significantly better compression than zip, especially in the mode of creating continuous archives. Another important feature of WinRar is support for multi-volume archives. They are much more convenient and easier to use than the so-called "span disk" WinZip archives. In addition, the rar format has several important features that zip does not, such as adding recovery information that allows you to recover a physically damaged file, and locking important archives to prevent accidental modification.

A continuous archive is a rar archive packed in a special way, in which all compressed files are treated as one sequential data stream. Continuous archiving increases the compression ratio, especially when adding a significant number of small, similar files. However, it manifests itself only in the absence of some features inherent in conventional archives, as well as in a slightly longer time for archiving them.

Both formats support six archiving methods: No compression, Fast, Fast, Normal, Good, Maximum. Maximum method provides the highest compression ratio, but at the lowest speed. Against, high-speed compresses badly, but very quickly. Method Without compression just puts the files in an archive without packing them. If you're creating an archive for distribution or long-term storage, it might make sense to sacrifice time and choose a method Maximum for the best compression. If you create a daily backup data, it is usually better to use Normal method.

Hello dear readers of my blog. Today I present to you an article about two archivers winzip and winrar. We will find out how they are similar and how they differ. winzip and winrar.

If you have large files, but there is little space left on your computer's hard drive to store them, and it's a pity to throw them away, then you can use the help of special compressor programs. Through a special compression algorithm, the compressor reduces the file size, and you can safely continue to "litter" your computer. Often such programs for reducing the size of files are called “archivers”. Indeed, after compression, the file is not suitable for normal use, but is only suitable for convenient storage on a virtual drive shelf.

The most famous users of the operating Windows systems archivers are considered winzip and winrar. These compressors are among the oldest on the market, and have proven themselves as reliable and trouble-free tools for a long time. Both programs are paid, with a trial period. However, in this case, the concept of “trial period” is so vague that in fact, you can use archivers for years completely free of charge. From time to time (and not very often), the program modestly reminds the user that, they say, it is not Free at all. After that, the user, annoyed, like an annoying fly, closes the pop-up reminder and continues to enjoy the freebie with a calm heart. As you can see, modesty adorns not only a person, but also some programs.

What is the difference between WinZip and WinRar?

Despite the outward similarity, there are still significant differences. First, the creator winrar is a Russian programmer Evgeny Roshal. So winrar more tailored to our users and is mainly popular in the former USSR. It is believed that WinRar has a higher degree of compression, but it works more slowly.

Archiver winzip is the work of the hands and brain of the Western scientist Phil Katz. Accordingly, it is more common to meet winzip in foreign countries. By speed winzip surpasses winrar, but inferior in terms of compression. We can say that this is where all the differences end.

Both programs support many interface languages, so there will be no problems using them. By the way, the question of speed and compression ratio is quite relative. Much depends on the file format and size. In some cases, notice a significant difference in the work of archivers winzip and winrar fail.

Why archivers are needed for modern computers with volume hard drives many gigabytes?

Indeed, the use of an archiver on a desktop is in most cases inappropriate. You only lose quite a lot of time on the compression procedure, and there is enough space anyway. You will need compressed files to transfer files by email, over the Internet. If you try to send a 15 MB photo email, you will have to wait for the transfer for many minutes. In this case, it is more convenient to compress the photo and send it as an archive.

In addition, modern email clients have built-in spam protection and antiviruses. If you try to email the program (the same winrar) with the .exe extension, the mail client or even the server will not let such a file pass because it is suspicious. To bypass the protection of the mail client, the exe file is compressed and sent as a respectable and harmless archive.

The WinRar archiver, like WinZip, is designed to create compressed archive copies of files. The principle of working with the WinRar archiver is the same as with WinZip. The main difference is that WinRar allows you to create more compressed copies.

The appearance of the WinRar window is practically no different from appearance other Windows windows. It has a title bar, main menu, toolbar, window controls, work area, and status bar.

The main menu contains the main commands for working with this program. The toolbar contains the most commonly used commands. On the working area presented file system(as in Explorer or My Computer).

The main menu contains the following items:

· · File (File)




File (File)

Change Drive

· · Password (Password)

· · Select All (Select all)

· · Select Group

· · Unselect Group

· · Invert Selection (Invert selection)


Change Drive - change the current disk. When this command is selected, the disk selection field becomes active on the toolbar.

Password -This command opens a dialog box that prompts you to enter a password and confirm it. If after that you create your own archive, then the system will ask you for the password you entered to unpack it. If other users will extract files from your archive, those who know the password, the system will not allow them to perform the operation of extracting files from the archive.

Select All - selection of all files located in the workspace of the archiver.

Select Group - select a group of files located in the workspace of the archiver. When you select this command, a dialog box opens in which you are prompted to enter a file mask.

File maskis the representation of the file name and extension in common characters. The two main characters used in file masks are* and ? .

* - any number of any characters.

? - any one character.

Therefore, using these characters, you can represent any file. But before moving on to the examples, it should be noted once again that the file name and extension are always written with a dot.

For example:

*.* - file mask denoting all files

*.doc– file mask denoting all files with doc extension.

??. exe– all files with the extension exe and with a name consisting of two characters.

The selection of a group of files can also be done in the usual way, i.e.

· · by clicking on the file name, if you want to select one file;

· · while holding down the mouse button, click on the first and last file of the selected group of files;

· · while holding down the mouse button, click on all selected files.

Unselect Group - deselection of a group is done in the same way as the selection of a group, i.e. using a file mask.

Invert Selection - when this command is selected, all selected files become unselected, and all unselected files become selected.

Exit -exit from the archiver.


· · Add File To Archive

· · RepairArchive (Restore archive)

· · View File

Delete Files

Extract Files From Archive

· · Extract to Specified Directory ( Extract files to a specific folder)

· Test Archived Files

· · Add Archive Comment

· · Protect Archive from Damages

· · Lock Archive

· ·

· · Show Archive Information

Add File To Archive - this command allows you to add files to the archive. To do this, you must first select the files on the archiver's workspace, then call this command, which will open the dialog box for adding files to the archive, where you are prompted to enter the archive name and file compression settings.

RepairArchive (Restore archive) - fixes the errors contained in the archive.

View File - viewing the contents of a file contained in an archive.

Delete Files- deleting one or more files from an archive, and can also be used to delete the archive itself.

Extract Files From Archive - extract files from the archive to the current folder.

Extract to Specified Directory - when you select this command, a dialog box opens in which you select the folder in which you want to place the files extracted from the archive.

Test Archived Files archive files) – archive files are tested.

Add Archive Comment - when you call this command, a dialog box opens, in which you are prompted to enter comments for your archive. After the introduction of comments, the workspace of the archiver is divided into two panels. The first panel contains the files of the archive, and the second contains the comments you entered to it.

Protect Archive from Damages - This command adds additional data to the archive, which will prevent it from being damaged.

Lock Archive - after this command has been selected, the archive becomes blocked from making any changes to it.

Convert Archive to SFX (Convert archive to SFX format)

Show Archive Information - a dialog box opens containing all the basic information about the archive.




· · interface


· · Registration

· · Save Options

Select archiving options

General (Basic) - when this command is selected, the Options dialog box opens, in which the active tab is general.

Compression -when this command is selected, the Options dialog box opens, in which the active tab is compression.

interface – when you select this command, the Options dialog box opens, in which the active tab is Interface.

Font -selection of the font that will be used to represent information in the workspace of the archiver.

Registration - registration of user rights to data ownership software

WinZip archiver

File archiving

When working with a computer, sometimes damage or loss of information on magnetic disks is possible. This may be due to physical damage. magnetic disk, information destruction computer virus or simply due to the sloppy work of another user who accidentally or deliberately deletes the necessary information.

In order to avoid this, it is necessary to make archival copies of documents (for example, on floppy disks). But in most cases, creating archival copies of documents may require many floppy disks, because. documents may have big size or there may be too many required documents. Therefore, to create archive copies are used special programs archiving documents. These programs allow you not only to reduce the size of documents, but also to combine groups of shared documents into a single archive file, which makes it much easier to understand the file archive.

archive file

An archive file is a set of one or more files compressed into a single file, from which they can be extracted in their original form if necessary. An archive file contains a table of contents that lets you know which files are contained in the archive.

Winzip program

There are many programs designed to archive data. One of the simplest and most common of these is WinZip. This program allows you to archive documents and extract them from an archive, view archives, and also archive in other common archive formats (this is done so that a user working with another archiver can extract documents stored in an archive file created in WinZip).

Launching WinZip

To run the WinZip program, you must do the following:

1. On the taskbar, press the main menu button Start (Start);

2. From the Programs menu, select WinZip.

3. After that, a dialog box appears in which the user is warned that this program can only be used for business purposes, but not for sale, etc. If you agree with this, then you must click the button I Agree, which will allow you to work with the program.

4. After all the actions done, you will see the program interface and you can start working directly with it.

WinZip archiver interface

Just like the others Windows programs The WinZip archiver window has a title bar, main menu, toolbar, window control buttons, and so on.

Status bar

Main menu

The main menu of WinZip consists of the following items:

· File (File)

· Actions

· Options

· Help

File (File)

· New Archive (New archive)

· Open Archive

· Favorite Zip Folders

Close Archive

Information (Information)

Create Shortcut

· Move Archive (Cut archive)

· Copy Archive

· Rename Archive

· Delete Archive

Wizard (Wizard)

· Mail Archive (Send archive by e-mail)

· Exit

New archive (New archive) - creating a new archive. Selecting this command opens a dialog box. First, you must enter the name of the archive you want to create, not the name of the file you want to compress. The dialog box looks like a standard one. Windows window, so here you can select the drive and folder where you want to create the archive.

Usually, after creating an archive, you will want to add files to this archive, so make sure that the box next to Add Dialog (Add) is checked to automatically activate the Add Dialod command (Add).

You can add files to an existing archive that you have created in the same way as in the previous step. If the Add Dialog dialog box does not appear, select the Add command from the Actions menu item or click the Add Dialog button on the toolbar.

1. * *.TXT*.DOC


You can also add files to the archive by dragging and dropping them from Explorer out the window winzip.

Attention: When you add files to an archive, the original files on disk are deleted. If you want to automatically delete the original files on disk after adding them to the archive, select Move in the drop down list action (Actions).

Open Archive – opening an existing archive.

In the dialog box that appears, select the archive you want to open. This dialog works in the same mode as the others. dialog boxes opening documents in Windows.

After opening the archive, you can work with the files stored in it. The files in the archive are reflected in the working area of ​​the WinZip window. Here you can see the following information about the files:

1. – names (Name);


Initial size (Size);

Compressed size (Packed);

Compression percentage (Raito);

Date of adding to the archive (Date);

Time of adding to the archive (Time).

2. You can sort the files stored in the archive by clicking on the heading of the corresponding table column. For example, to sort files by name in alphabetical order, you need to click on the name of the corresponding column name.

Favorite Zip Folders - opens a folder with ZIP archives. If such a folder does not exist, then it is created and all archives are placed in it.

Close Archive - closing the archive

Information - a dialog box with information about the archive opens.

Create Shortcut - put a shortcut to the archive on the desktop

Move Archive - move the archive to a location of your choice

Copy Archive - copy the archive to the desired location

Rename Archive- rename archive

Delete Archive - delete archive

Wizard (Wizard) - a tool designed for novice WinZip users that allows you to quickly extract files from an archive. This happens in the dialogue mode, i.e. The wizard asks a question, which the user answers, then the system asks a new question, and so on. After going through a few steps, the operation is completed.

Mail Archive - allows you to send archives to another user

Exit -exit from the program.


· Add (Add)


Extract (Extract)


· Select All

· Deselect All

· Virus scun (Virus scan)

· Make .Exe File (Create .exe file)


Test (test)

check out

Install (installation)

Add -adding files to the archive

In the Add dialog box, you can select dials in two ways:

3. Enter the name(s) of the file(s) you want to add to the archive. If you want to select all files of the same type, then you must use a file mask, i.e. print a symbol instead of the file name * , then put a period and enter the extension of the file type you want. For example, *.TXT(adding all files of the "Text document" type to the archive), *.DOC(adding all files of type " Microsoft document word").

4. Select the required file(s) by clicking on their names in the list.

When you select files, click the button Add.

Delete -deleting files from an archive

WinZip can remove selected files from an archive or delete an entire archive. For this, the command is used Delete menu item Actions (Actions).

There are two ways to delete files from an archive:

1. You can select the files you wish to delete in the archive that you this moment open in winzip and then click the buttonDelete(Delete)on the toolbar or select the command of the same name in the menu itemActions(Actions);

2. Choose a teamDelete(Delete) in the menu item Actions(Actions), and then in the dialog box that opens, select the files or archive you want to

Attention: To delete the entire archive, you must select the command Delete in the menu item Actions (Actions). In the dialog box that appears, select the radio button Entire Archive (Entire archive), and then press the button Delete.

Extract- Extracting a file from an archive.

Selecting this command opens a dialog box. Using this dialog, you can extract files (unzip) from an archive. In this dialog box, you need to do the following:

1. Select the archive and files to be extracted;

2. Select a folder or drive where the extracted files will be placed (if necessary, you can create a new folder by clicking the button New Folder);

3. Push button Extract

View -viewing files stored in the archive

Select All - select all archive files

Deselect All - unselect archive files

Virus scun (Virus scan)

Make .Exe File - creating a self-extracting archive


Test (test) -archive testing



Almost every user knows WinRAR and WinZip applications. These are the most popular paid utilities for processing archives. Despite their name, the programs are able to work not only with their main formats, but also with the rest.

Both of these utilities were released in the 90s. WinRAR was developed by a Russian programmer, and WinZIP was created by PKWare, and since 2006 it has been taken over by Corel Corporation. Recently, archivers have been used less, but sometimes they are simply necessary.

Appointment of archivers

Data compression. The compression level will vary depending on the file. This is used to save disk space and reduce the amount of data sent. you can create self-extracting files. Compared with text files, media content is practically not amenable to compression.

Packing data. In some cases, it is much more convenient to send one large file than several small ones. This is where speed matters. In addition, a password can be inserted into the archive.

Unpacking information. Although archivers have become less in demand, they have not lost their popularity and are quite often used by users.

winrar. Brief information

The WinRAR archiver can work on all versions of the Windows operating system and on many other systems. However, there are 32-bit and 64-bit versions. In addition, there is a portable version of the program. It comes with a desktop version of the archiver. The application is able to create self-extracting archives.

The features and menu of the application have not changed in any way for several years. The trial version of the archiver can be used for 40 days for free, with no restrictions. The program is able to work with RAR and ZIP.

WinRAR 4.20. Main innovations

In this version of the program, the compression algorithm in RAR has undergone changes, which allows
work efficiently with multi-core processes. The number of cores that will be involved in processing depends on the file size. In addition, it became possible to work with multiprocessor systems for the Fastest mode. In addition, the amount of memory required for the application has been tripled.

The unpacking algorithm has undergone minor changes. It should be noted that the number of cores in the processor does not affect the speed of this procedure. In addition, the speed of compressing files in the ZIP format in various systems has been increased. In addition, increased memory for these manipulations. There is a "Find Files" command that
can search data in 7-Zip archives.

winzip. Brief information

This application, like the previous one, can be installed on various operating systems. The program has a new compression format Zipx, which lends itself better to compression. But, since this is a closed format, you can only work with it in WinZIP. Therefore, when sending data to someone in this format, you need to make sure that it will be opened.

The utility constantly improves compression algorithms, and also allows you to work with additional services. The application is distributed in two versions, which differ in functionality. The trial version can be used for three weeks, while the functions are not limited. The program can only work with ZIP and ZIPX.

winzip. Main innovations

The program is able to connect to cloud services, where you can unpack files, archive to save space and encrypt. The ZipShare service allows you to add different files to messages for different social networks.

The application interface has been slightly changed. Toolbars have been added to it, which may change depending on the work being done. The application also provides the ability to convert Microsoft Office to PDF during the packaging process. For this, an integrated PDF converter is used.

Pictures and PDF files can be watermarked. In addition, using the integrated program, you can adjust the size of photographs.

Comparison of WinRAR, WinZip and 7zip programs

All developers praise their own products. To understand which one is better,
it is necessary to lead comparative analysis. To do this, you can take a folder of 1000 MB, which contains 35 directories with 1090 files various types and format. Analysis
will be run on the same computer.

It is necessary to try each program in turn in all modes. It is worth noting that when compressing other file formats, the test time may differ from the main formats. Because for each extension, certain compression methods are applied. At the same time, the version of the operating system will affect the compression time.

The results of the program are average. The “No compression” method let us down a little, since the application should perform the usual packing much faster. It turns out that there is no point in using it. The "fast" method performs compression faster, while reducing the size of the original file.

It is worth noting that there was no difference between the other compression methods, but this should not be. In addition, there is practically no difference in compression time between the "Fast" and "Normal" modes.

The positive aspect of WinRAR is the interface, which remains unchanged for a long time. In addition, the RAR format is very common among domestic users. In Western countries, ZIP is used more.

The test results were quite inconsistent. The archiving time may surprise a little, the spread of which depends on the format used. The Zipx format compresses well, but takes longer than WinRAR. For example, the program took about 8 minutes to compress test data, which is twice as long as the slow WinRAR method. However, the "No compression" method showed twice better time than a competitor.

It is worth noting that this way can be used to send a large number of files in one archive through a file sharing service, etc. in addition, there is a small drawback in this program - it does not display the time remaining until the end of the operations.

If you have the WinZIP program at your disposal and you need to compress the data as much as possible, then you should use the Zipx format. But at the same time, it must be remembered that it will be possible to open it only in the WinZIP archiver.

Another application for archiving and unpacking data. It is distributed free of charge, but at the same time it shows excellent compression performance, however, it spends quite a lot of time. With the "No compression" method, the most time is spent out of all applicants. It turns out that this archiver is the best at compressing data, but at the same time it spends the most time on the process.

The format of this application is not as common as the first two. However, for personal use and getting good compression, it's fine. In addition, you can manually adjust the compression. This can help increase the compression ratio and speed up the whole process.

In general, here is all the information regarding these archivers. Each user must choose the appropriate one for himself. Here you need to decide what is more important: speed or compression ratio.

Hi friends. So, today our topic will be devoted to archived programs, such as winrar and 7-Zip. I am almost 100% sure that each of you uses one of these programs. Let's find out what is an archiver? Archiver is computer program, which combines a number of files together into a single archive file, or a series of archive files, for ease of transport or storage. Archivers can use lossless data compression in their archive format to reduce archive size.

Most Popular Archivers

Top three among file compression programs today:

– winrar

— 7-Zip

All these applications have similar functions, designed to reduce the size of files and then recover them. The question arises, why in the era of terabytes of hard drives, file reduction tasks may be required? If meta is already enough, but the conversion and encryption process is fraught with the risk of damaging digital documents?

When downloading a multi-part movie, a many-hour concert program for storage on a laser disc, it is more convenient to compress it than to break it into several segments. When sending photos High Quality have to wait a very long time for processing. In such cases, it is better to compress the photo and send it as an archive. To protect personal or commercial information, an encrypted archive is created and additionally closed with a password. In order not to mess around with a large number of documents, it is often more convenient to compress entire directories with folders and files. The compressed format is used to sell information products. In this case, the archive is locked with a password and the client gets access to the content only after paying for the purchase. Mail clients have built-in spam and virus filtering and may not allow executable program files such as .EXE to be sent. And in this case archivers help.

As you can see, even in the era of infinite disk space, compressors have enough work to do.

It is the Russian analogue of WinZip, respectively, it is sharpened under the conditions of the harsh domestic climate. The interface of WinRar is obviously more simple and intuitive, easy to manage. WinRar Developers rarely something radically changes in the appearance of the compressor, and this further simplifies the task of manipulating file compression.

WinRar and WinZip support almost the entire list of known compression formats. That is, they will be able to open archives made on most other such programs. Unfortunately, WinZip cannot work with RAR format, while WinRar works just fine. creates ZIP archives. This is not surprising, because ZIP was practically the very first file compression format. The WinZip program is widely used in the West, where there is little interest in Russian developments and therefore there was no problem handling the RAR format.

Comparative analysis of compressor programs

On the other hand, when working with file types such as digital photos, audio and video files, WinRar becomes helpless. When you need to compress videos, music, and photo albums, WinZip is a must-have.

The WinZip interface is somewhat more difficult to understand. But the program is often updated and developers keep up with the times. The archiver now has such a popular and useful integration with cloud services. The created compressed archives can be saved directly from the program to cloud drives and retrieved back.

So, if you don't have to deal with foreign companies and often archive videos, WinRar is the ideal choice. Both programs are paid with a trial period. Full Russification. Basic support operating systems. WinZip has already started working with some mobile platforms.