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How to calculate the load on a computer's power supply. Determination of the required power of the computer power supply. Performance analysis of installed equipment

Choose the right power supply !!

To avoid system instability, reset and power outage problems caused by insufficient power supply, we suggest that you use our calculator to calculate the power supply that will best fit your system. This will give you the recommended wattage figure based on the optional components you choose, and we recommend that you purchase a PSU with a higher wattage.

One residence consumed 820 kWh of electricity in one month. If the rate is 6 cents per kilowatt hour, what was the monthly electricity bill? A useful formula for calculating the total cost is. Here we are using the average unit cost. Most tariffs increase by the number of kilowatt-hours used plus minimum costs, not to mention adjustment fees and taxes.

Electricity bills data

The data shown on the electricity bill for each distributor varies, but in general they all include at least the following. Active power is also often referred to as “demand” and because it is an instantaneous value, an invoice usually indicates the maximum period in a period. The consumption of reactive energy and active energy is also included in the bill. It is important to know if there are already installed capacitors in the installation when you are faced with a project in order to improve the power factor.

0 Watt!

The power listed is the sum of the peak powers of each component. The total power is measured based on the power of the devices at peak load. It should be borne in mind that this power will never be reached during normal operation of the equipment.

Graphic cards

Additional PCI Express Cards:

PCI-e x1 X 0 1 2 3 4
PCI-e x4 X 0 1 2 3 4
PCI-e x8 X 0 1 2 3 4
PCI-e x16 X 0 1 2 3 4

Add. PCI cards:

Sound Blaster
IDE card (RAID)
TV tuner card
SCSI card (RAID)
Modem card

More recently, I asked the price of system units in online stores. Having weighed all the pros and cons, I came to the conclusion that it is better to buy the components separately and to freely assemble the system unit on our own and at the same time save a pretty decent amount of money. I had not yet fully decided on the components, but I had already picked up some set of components and I needed to calculate the power of the power supply for the computer. Knowing the power consumption parameters of all components, you can roughly calculate the power of the PSU on paper.

Performance analysis of installed equipment

Subscript 2 represents the values ​​after the correction has been applied with the corresponding capacitors. This calculation will only determine the capacitive power needed to perform the correction. Certain criteria must then be applied to determine whether the correction should be automatic, how the equipment should be configured, whether it should have any harmonic filtering and, depending on the rate of change of the load, may require switching to via thyristors.

What parameters do you need to know in order to calculate the power of the power supply for system unit? First, you need to know the power consumption of the processor and video card, the physical amount of memory, the type and frequency. Secondly, the number, volume and type of storage ( HDD or SSD), as well as the availability and type of drives. In addition, it is important to know the class of the motherboard and its power consumption, as well as the type of cooling system. I listed all the components for an example. Indeed, in the configuration of a computer, different internal components, expansion cards (for example, a TV tuner or sound card), and then it will be necessary to take into account their presence when calculating energy consumption.

In the case of installations under construction, where it is impossible to measure or calculate electricity bills, it is necessary to estimate the capacity of the capacitive power, taking into account the installed active power and the type of load. In addition, the equipment must be automatic, and since this is a significant number of variable speed drives, partial harmonic filtering of the fifth harmonic will be required. Correction factor table for calculating the capacitive power required for power factor correction.

Examples of static electricity

Radiation exposure to radiation exposure. As children, and sometimes in adulthood, we are afraid of thunder, although thunder itself is harmless and is simply a “sound effect” of nature for lightning - a fascinating manifestation caused by static electricity in the atmosphere. It's just that our instinct is afraid of thunder - this fear makes us aware of the dangers of lightning. Lightning is not the only phenomenon that creates fear and charm. In the past, when sailing ships were common, sailors were hit by the fire of St.

It is not a problem for a specialist to calculate exactly the consumption of a system unit, and sometimes it is not easy for a beginner geek. Therefore, always in the calculations, you should take what is called with a margin. Suddenly you will decide to install a second video card, if, of course, the motherboard will allow it.

Elmo on the masts of their sailboats, caused by static electricity in the atmosphere. Electricity also occupied a place in mythology - people associated lightning with ancient gods: Greek Zeus, Roman Jupiter, Scandinavian Thor or Slavic Perun.

Static electricity and weather

In general, the mechanism by which a thundercloud collects electrical charge is very similar to the electrification of a hairbrush: charge in both cases is due to friction. In a cloud, ice particles form from water droplets as they move from the lower and warmest layers of the atmosphere to the colder ones. These glacial particles collide as they evolve. Large particles are negatively charged while smaller particles are positively charged. The difference in weight between the particles causes the particles to move within the cloud; the heavier ones are grouped at the bottom of the cloud, while the smaller and lighter ones are at the top.

If you buy a power supply unit with insufficient power or make a mistake in the calculations, then due to a lack of power supply to all computer components, it will turn off when the system is fully loaded. You will have to make a refund or keep it for yourself. If you are still on the way to becoming a specialist, then I recommend using a specialized power supply power calculator for calculations.

Additional PCI Express Cards

This movement is called upstream. Although the cloud as a whole has a neutral charge, the lower part of the cloud is negatively charged and the upper part is positively charged. Just as an electrified hairbrush attracts a balloon, because the electric charge is concentrated on the side of the balloon closest to the hand, just like a storm cloud, it creates a positive charge on the Earth's surface. When a cloud becomes a storm cloud, the load increases and the field density increases. As soon as this density reaches a critical point for the given atmospheric conditions, electrostatic discharge occurs, i.e. Ray.

Power consumption calculator for calculating the power of the PSU.

It doesn't matter what you decide to build, upgrade or overclock. Well balanced home HTPC media server or modern and powerful gaming computer, or maybe you decided to replace the video card and add second hard disk. In any case, I recommend you take advantage of online calculator to calculate the power of the power supply.

Humanity owes the invention of the lightning rod to Benjamin Franklin. Since his invention, the number of fires caused by lightning buildings that have been largely eradicated, Franklin decided not to patent his invention and made it available to all people on the planet.

Power consumption calculator for calculating the power of the PSU

Sometimes zippers can be helpful. For example, historically, iron and copper miners working at mines in the Urals in Russia determined the presence of these ores by the frequency of lightning strikes in a given area. Speaking about scientists who studied electrostatic phenomena, it is important to remember the English physicist Michael Faraday, the father of electrodynamics, as well as the Dutch scientist Peter van Mussenbrook, the inventor of the prototype of the capacitor - the famous Leiden jar.

Looking ahead, I want to say that with prolonged loads (24/7) of the computer, the power of the PSU begins to fall after a year. This is due to the loss of capacitance of the capacitors and subsequently the PSU weakens. Therefore, be sure to consider how many hours a computer will work per day. Fortunately, this calculator has such a parameter on the "Expert" tab, and on the "Basic" tab, the standard keyboard, mouse and 8 hours of using the machine per day are already included in the calculations.

This data, in turn, is based on electrical characteristics clouds over the area. Static electricity is both our friend and our enemy. Electrical engineers must work around this. Lightning can damage printed circuit boards located near the strike - usually their input stages, which were damaged in this case. Engineers must use grounding straps when installing these PCBs. When grounding equipment does not perform as expected, it can lead to serious accidents and even fatal disasters, from fires to entire factories exploding.

  • Motherboard - Motherboard. Several types are available. Desktop is a desktop form factor.
  • CPU - Processor. Here you need to choose one of two well-known brands AMD or Intel.
  • Socket - Socket. Seat on motherboard under the processor. Multiple selection is activated after determining the processor manufacturer.
  • CPU count applies only if the system has more than 1 physical CPU - The number of physical processors. This parameter should only be changed if you plan (and can) use more than one processor in the system.
  • CPU Utilization. How efficiently the cooling system removes heat.
  • Memory - Memory. Select the required type and number of memory modules here. On the Expert tab, there is an FB DIMMs option. It is a standard for improving the reliability, speed, and density of the memory subsystem.
  • Video Cards - Video card. Select the desired type from the drop-down list. The SLI / CF parameter must be activated if you plan to use multiple video cards
  • Storage - Drive. For example, I chose the first SATA hard drive with a spindle speed of 10,000 RPM, and the second solid state drive SSD.
  • Optical Drives - Optical drive. Recently, I have used it quite rarely, but I chose it in the calculator as an example.

After you click on the "Calculate" button, the calculation of the minimum and recommended power supply unit will be performed. Here you will also receive offers from Amazon, which you can use or use it as a guide to buy the desired model in another store. It should be said that in the "Expert" mode, you can also add expansion cards (TV tuner, sound card, controllers, etc.), Bitcoin modules, coolers, etc. into the calculation.

Static electricity in medicine

Despite the many problems caused by static electricity, it helps people with life-threatening ventricular fibrillation, a condition in which the heart muscle contracts erratically. The heart can be restored to normal by subjecting it to a small electrostatic charge. This is done using a device called a defibrillator. It is important to note that this device does not restart the heart, but stops the irregular rhythm and is used in conjunction with other treatments.

I recommend paying attention to the PSUs on which it is written from 80PLUS Gold, 80PLUS Platinum or 80 PLUS Titanium. This is a certification and classification of the efficiency levels of power supplies according to the 80 PLUS standard. I would be grateful for the additions. Bye!

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The scene depicting the "return to life" of a patient with heart failure using a defibrillator is a classic for a particular genre. Movies often make the mistake of reviving a heart attack patient using a defibrillator. This is not true — the defibrillator cannot “restart” the heart.

We must not forget about the need to connect all the individual components of the aircraft together by gluing the strips to protect them from static electricity. To do this, all the metal parts in the aircraft, including the engine, are connected to each other to create an electrically complete structure. All trailing edges of the wings, valves, ailerons, elevator and rudder of the aircraft are equipped with static dischargers to ensure that static electricity generated during flight due to friction between the aircraft and the air is discharged into the air.This reduces static interference from the operation of onboard electronic devices. ...