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What is a signature? What does the word signature mean? The meaning of the word signature New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T.F. Efremova

Signature(Late Latin signature, literally a signature from Latin - designate, indicate). Signature in Mathematics A numerical characteristic of a quadratic form. Each quadratic form with real coefficients can be reduced using a non-degenerate linear transformation variables with real coefficients to the form
x 1 2 + x 2 2 + ... + x p 2 -y 1 2 -y 2 2 -...- y q 2 (*)
The difference p-q between the number of positive and negative terms in this notation is called the signature of the quadratic form [the numbers p and q do not depend on how the form is reduced to the form (*)].

Signature in printing
1. The number denoting the serial number of the printed sheet in the book or magazine, affixed in Arabic numerals on the 1st and 3rd stripes (in the lower left corner). The signature is used to control the correctness of stitching processes.
2. In the typographic font, the signature is a groove (scar) on the front wall of the letter's leg, which allows the typesetter to feel the correct position of the letter when typing.

Signature in cartography
Symbols for the depiction of various elements of the geographical landscape (forests, meadows, swamps, communication routes, etc.)

Signature in pharmaceuticals
A label on a medicine prepared in a pharmacy, which is a copy of a prescription with an indication of the number, date, method of preparation and use, as well as the names of the patient and the doctor.

Signature in programming
The way of markup, code signing, separation of what is what is already for a more clear and understandable presentation, where are located which procedures, functions, resources, variables, constants, etc. Signatures are the symbolic information of the firmware and are very helpful in the layout of the firmware.

Method signature
Abbreviated notation of method parameters and return types. It should be emphasized that neither the method name nor the parameter names are included in the signature. JNI generates signatures in accordance with the rules presented in Table 1

Signature Sign

JAVA type










Fully qualified class name

[ type of ]

[ type of ]

(Argument types) return type

Complete method signature

Function signature
Part of a generic function declaration that allows broadcasters to identify the function among others. V different languages programming, there are different ideas about the signature of a function, which is also closely related to the possibilities of function overloading in these languages.
Sometimes a distinction is made between the call signature and the function implementation signature. The call signature is usually constructed from the syntactic structure of a function call, taking into account the signature of the scope of the given function, the function name, the sequence of the actual types of the arguments in the call, and the type of the result. The implementation signature usually includes some elements from the syntactic construction of a function declaration: the function's scope specifier, its name, and the sequence of formal argument types.
For example, in the C ++ programming language simple function is unambiguously recognized by the compiler by its name and the sequence of types of its arguments, which constitutes the signature of a function in this language. If the function is a method of some class, then the name of the class will also participate in the signature.

Attack (virus) signature
The telltale signs of an attack or virus used to detect it. Most modern anti-virus invulnerability scanners and intrusion detection systems (IDS) use "syntactic" signatures taken directly from the attack body (the virus file or network package belonging to the exploit). There are also signatures based on behavior or anomalies - for example, too aggressive access to any network port on the computer.

File signature or magic number
A constant used to uniquely identify a resource or data. Such a number in itself does not carry any meaning, and may cause confusion if it appears in the program code without the appropriate context or comment. For this reason, such numbers were ironically called magic. Nowadays, this name is firmly entrenched as a term. For example, any compiled class Java language starts with the "magic number" 0xCAFEBABE. The second well-known example is any executable file OS Microsoft Windows with the extension .exe begins with the byte sequence 0x4D5A.

Sources used:
1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
2. Explanatory dictionary of V. Dahl.
3. Friedland A.Ya., Fridland I.A. Informatics and computer technology. Basic terms.
4. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

Hello friends.

This time let's talk about what a virus signature is. This information will help you learn more about how malware is disguised. And how effectively antiviruses deal with it.

Signature: explanation and types

The Latin word “signature” is translated into Russian as “to indicate”. In our case, the characteristic signs of a virus are indicated by which security programs can detect them on your computer.

Virus signatures are of two types:

  1. Taken from the body malicious file... This can be, for example, his digital signature or code. Therefore, such signatures are also called syntactic.
  2. Based on the aggressive behavior of the infected software, that is, in the attack on a specific port, unusual activity Email etc.

Process of creation

The virus signature is the result of painstaking analysis by antivirus developers. Moreover, it cannot be fully automated.

So programmers manually identify the exceptional properties of a particular virus. After all, it is important that they do not interfere with the behavior or syntax of ordinary programs in order to avoid false alarms of antiviruses.

Effectiveness of signatures

Considering how signatures are created, malware detection based on them is one of the most effective ways... But in order for it to correspond to this rank, it is necessary to update the security software in a timely manner when its databases are out of date (usually, the update function in antiviruses works automatically). After all, each time the developers add new signatures.

Also, detection of viruses by signatures has the following advantages:

  • The search for pests is carried out much faster than when the antivirus performs a byte scan of each file;
  • The signature databases take up little space, so they can be easily updated even with a low Internet connection speed.

Still, there are cases of false alarms. Virus encryptors also work tirelessly to sneak into our computers. So it's good when antiviruses use another method in their work. It is called heuristic analysis (it also takes into account the characteristics of viruses) and proactive protection (prevents them from entering).

This is, in fact, all the information an average user should know about what a virus signature is.

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What is a signature? What does the word signature mean?

    The word signature is applicable in various and completely opposite areas, but in the general sense, the signature implies an indication of the qualitative and various quantitative characteristics of a particular object. These can be labels with descriptions, the order of symbols. And also the signature defines a set of files in relation to viruses in the information environment.

    The word signature denotes certain quantitative and qualitative characteristics of something.

    For example: by the signature of the attack, you can determine the characteristics computer virus... And the features of its impact.

    By the file signature, you can determine the characteristics of the given file type. And determine where or what it refers to.

    In addition, the word signature has other meanings. But close to those indicated.

    If we turn to the Soviet explanatory dictionaries, we get: 1. A signature is a label attached to the recipe and having a copy of the recipe; dispensed at the pharmacy, after the purchase of the medicine. 2. The signature is the ordinal number of the page, which we can see in the book on the first or third page. I hope I helped you!

    signatures, and their number, this designation anti-virus databases, that is, the databases of the library itself, the updated databases of the antivirus itself. These are called signatures!

    In short, the signature is the serial number of something there. For example, some medicine or remedy, even antivirus programs have their own signature, which is constantly updated and downloaded.

    The word signature comes from the Latin word signatura designation. And it is used in various fields in computer science, medicine, military affairs, mathematics. In printing, for example, this word means the serial number of the printed sheet. In ancient times, there was a doctrine of animate and inanimate nature - the Doctrine of Signatures.

    The word signature is of Latin origin (sigbatura) and translates as designation designation.

    For example, in pharmacy, it is customary to call a label to a medicine by a signature, which indicates how to apply a specific medicine to a specific patient, it can also be a copy of a prescription.

    In printing, a signature is the serial number of a printed sheet.

    Nowadays, the word is often used in programming.

    The word signature is used in various fields of knowledge. Basically means any characteristics, properties and records of an item or object. In medical practice, it can represent a label on a drug or part of a prescription. In printing, it defines the sequence of characters. In the sphere information technologies the word signature has found widespread use to denote certain attributes of files or byte sets in relation to viruses.



(lat., from signum - sign). 1) a pharmacy label on glasses and boxes with prescription drugs, on which the prescription itself is written, as well as the name of the patient and the procedure for taking it. 2) a sign, a letter placed at the bottom of the first page of each print. sheet for signs to the binder.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.- Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


1) label, designation; 2) a piece of paper tied to drugs dispensed from the pharmacy and containing a copy of the prescription for cat. the medicine is made.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


lat. signatura, from signum, sign. Pharmacy label on medicines.

An explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


a label attached to or attached to a drug dispensed from a pharmacy, indicating all the constituent parts of this drug, the preparation time, the name of the doctor, according to whose prescription the drug was prepared, the name of the person to whom it is dispensed, the name of the pharmacist under whose supervision it was made, and also the prices.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


Wed-lat. signature lat. signare to indicate, to indicate)

1) a copy of the doctor's prescription attached by the pharmacy to the medicine;

2) the serial number of each printed sheet of the book, placed on its first and third pages to control the correct folding and binding.

New Dictionary of Foreign Words - by EdwART,, 2009 .


[Wed-lat. signatura] - 1) a copy of the doctor's prescription attached by the pharmacy to the medicine; 2) a number (serial number) at the bottom of the first and third pages of each printed sheet of the book for guidance in bookbinding

A large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


NS, f. (Wed-lat. signatura lat. signāre to indicate, indicate).
1. A copy of the doctor's prescription supplied by the pharmacy with the medicine.
2. polygraph. The serial number of each printed sheet of the book, placed on its first and third pages to control the correct folding ( cm. fold) and saddle stitching.
Signature- related to signature 1, 2, signatures.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words L.P. Krysin.- M: Russian language, 1998 .



  • Long-range physics. The nature of space-time, Vladimirov Yu.S. In this book, a relational approach to the nature of classical space-time, alternative to its substantial interpretation used today, is presented. In this approach, space-time ...

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the right word, and we will give you a list of its values. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Also here you can get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word signature

the signature in the crossword dictionary

Dictionary of Medical Terms

signature (signatura; Latin signo, signatum denote, indicate)

    a copy of the prescription given to the patient at the pharmacy instead of the original;

    the part of the prescription that indicates the method of taking the drug.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov



    An indication in the prescription how the patient should take the given medicine (apt.). The name of the medicine is spelled in Latin, and the signature in Russian.

    A paper label with a copy of the doctor's prescription attached to the medicine by the pharmacy (apt.).

    The number at the bottom of the first and third pages of the printed sheet, used to indicate the order of the sheets for binding (typ.).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


S, g. (specialist.). Part of the prescription indicating the method of using the medicine, as well as a copy of the prescription attached by the pharmacy to the manufactured medicine.

umvnsh. signature, -and, well.

adj. sig-full-scale, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. A label on a medicine prepared in a pharmacy, which is a copy of the prescription.

      A tag, a label to attach to smth.

  1. f. The number denoting the serial number of a printed sheet in a book or magazine and is printed in the lower left corner on the first page of each printed sheet (in printing).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


in medicine -

    part of the prescription indicating the method of using the medicine.

    A copy of the prescription that came with the medicine the pharmacy has issued.


SIGNATURE (medieval lat. Signatura - sign, from lat. Signo I indicate, designate) in printing - sequential numbering of a printed sheet, affixed in Arabic numerals on the 1st and 3rd stripes (in the lower left corner).


Signature :

Signature (printing)

Signature in the printing industry - a figure, the serial number of the printed sheet of the publication, affixed in the lower left corner on the first page of each printed sheet. Next to the signature on the first page, there is a norm - the abbreviated title of the book, the number of the printing order, or the surname of the author. Then the signature is repeated on the third page with an asterisk. The signature is never put on the title page.

It is necessary to facilitate the performance of printing operations, namely: printing, folding, assembling blocks, checking finished products.

Typically, the signature is typed in fonts of the same typeface as the main font, in 8 point size numbers, and placed in the left corner of the first and third pages of each printed sheet. The signature is not included in the build page format. It is filled in on the same line with the bottom column or below it with a 4 p.

At the same time, it must be remembered that this is the number of the printed sheet and its placement must correspond to the format, that is, for publications that are printed in / sheet - after 16 pages, in ⅛ sheet - after 8 pages, etc.

In old printed books, signatures were placed in the center of the bottom of the pages, in old Russian editions they were marked with letter designations: _KI_ = 28 notebooks.

A signature is also called a depression on the lower wall of a letter.

Signature (linear algebra)

Signature- a numerical characteristic of a quadratic form or pseudo-Euclidean space, in which the dot product is specified using the corresponding quadratic form.

Signature (mathematical logic)

Signature in mathematical logic and universal algebra, a set of symbols specific to a particular system that define its formal language. Formally, the signature Σ = ( R, F, C, ρ ) is a set of sets:

  • R- a lot of symbols for relationships,
  • F- many functional symbols,
  • C- set of constant symbols
  • and function ρ matching elements R and F their arity.

The signature characterizes an algebraic system (algebra or model), defining what symbols its expressions can consist of and how they can be constructed.

Examples of the use of the word signature in the literature.

Because these programs can be encoded or compressed in many ways, the firewall cannot scan such programs for detection. signatures viruses.

Anyway, it remains signature a whole historical strip and the entire spiritual structure of intellectual heroism, that the ideal of a Christian saint, an ascetic here was replaced by the image of a revolutionary student.

Although polemical methods, built according to the scheme of casuistic logic, could have arisen in those distant times when Dostoevsky turned out to be an interested person in contracts with his father, brothers and guardians, his casuistic signatures Dostoevsky achieved only in the course of the polemic with Shchedrin.