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Learning the java programming language from scratch. Resources to broaden your horizons. Essential Resources for Initial Learning


Java is a modern object-oriented programming language. A program written in Java can run on almost any computer. Knowing Java, you can create powerful multimedia applications for any platform. Tens of thousands of programmers have started learning Java using previous editions of this book. Now you! No matter what language you've programmed in before (and even if you've never programmed before), you'll quickly learn how to create modern cross-platform applications.

Java Libraries Everyone Should Know

In this case, you need to follow the instructions in this article. The idea is to expose the student with programming concepts without bothering them with tedious things like text input, spelling, and precise syntax. So why do we need an introduction to it?

They expect to sit down and use it without wasting time learning it. The fact of the matter is that programmers often learn their skill, and do not often spend hours thinking deeply about what is fundamentally lagging behind what they are doing. This is not an introduction that should be useful for beginners, but an introduction that can allow the programmer to introduce all beginners to the art, craft, and science of programming. It's really new way thinking.

  • Java world. Get to know the Java platform, new tools Java versions 7 and modern development tools.
  • Building blocks. Learn to create powerful programs from classes - well-isolated blocks of code.
  • Do not repeat, but repeat. Learn to use existing code snippets in new programs.
  • Don't get stuck, but keep on looping. Learn to use loops and conditional constructions for branching programs.
  • Be classy and stylish. Master the correct coding style using classes and principles of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Experiment. Apply variables and methods, arrays and collections. Program your event handling. Create exception handlers.

Java is a wonderful language! I have been programming in it for many years. I especially like Java syntax- neat and well structured. Almost everything in it obeys simple rules. True, some of the rules may seem daunting at first glance, but this book is intended to help you understand them. So if you plan on programming in Java but don't want to read boring fat tutorials, read this book and you will find everything you need to get comfortable with a new programming language.

No need to talk about installation - it just works. First, we need to specify when the script should run. Instead, you bind scripts to various start events. This is the only way to run the script, but it is the one that meets the expectations of the programmers when there is a "Run" button.

Essential Resources for Initial Learning

To do this, select the Block Control Palette. Then we need a block that makes the sprite do something. The program should now look something like this. It will now be easy for you to explore the blocks that are available to create more complex scenarios. There are a few points to clarify. First, you link the script to a specific sprite by selecting it from the sprite list. You can have multiple sprites, and scripts define the behavior of each of them. You can think of sprite-owned scripts as your methods if you want to emphasize object-oriented programming.

How to work with this book

I would love to say, “Open any page in the book at random and start writing Java code. Don't look back; you just need to fill in the blank fields of the form ”. In some cases, this is true. You won't ruin anything if you start writing code in Java without knowing how to do it, so feel free to experiment with any examples.

Basics of programming

When you first encounter a scratch, the very standard answer is to think that this is not programming. Part of the problem is that programmers often do not explain the basic principles of what they are doing. Instead, they learn how to express fundamentals using a specific programming language rather than what actually underlies.

Programming is about writing instructions to do a specific job. The default instructions are obeyed one by one, and this is what brings the blocks together in a chain. Programming default orders requires two other ways to work with instruction lists. With these three things - sequential, conditional, and looping by default - you can write any program that can be written. Scratches have three forms of control. You can write a sequential flow of control simply by concatenating blocks.

However, we must honestly admit that the above statement is incorrect in most cases. If you don't see the whole picture, it will be too difficult to write the correct program. This is true not only for Java, but for any programming language. If you enter a code without knowing what it does, and then that code doesn't work, you will be stumped.

If you look at the control pallet, you will also find blocks that allow for legends and looping. If you're looking for a way to expand your students or provide a link to another programming language, here is a list of some of the more popular third-party alternatives.

View all posts on this site. Extensive documentation and online support available. There are other languages ​​as well. The next two tabs change the content below. It is the language of millions of software developers. Does such a programming language with so many attractive qualities have a place on your resume? If not, then it is time that your encryption credentials need a major transformation.

Therefore, I have divided the material of the book into small portions. Each serving is approximately one chapter. You can start reading from any chapter, and sometimes even from the middle of a chapter. I have worked hard to make the examples clear without referring to other chapters and to make the chapters as independent of each other as possible. If a chapter introduces a complex concept that is explained in another chapter, I always link to the other chapter.

The mandatory attendance required for live courses can mean the difference between a successful learning experience and a complete loss of time for some people. So, check the timetable for this course and mark your calendar. By exploring data types, loop, conventions, and other concepts, create an interactive game. In Module 1, you will be given a briefing on workspaces and variables. Module 2 allows you to create a game prototype and test how to debug your code.

You do not need to have prior programming experience to join the course. However, there are two free and highly rated options that you can check out. The first one is intended for beginners and consists of 75 multimedia lectures with an estimated learning time of more than 16 hours. This course is incredibly fun and has an optimistic approach to learning. It also has some soft and moderate shouting words here and there that seem to connect with much of its target market.

In general, as you read this book, use the following tips.

  • If you already know something, you don't have to read about it.
  • If you're curious, don't be afraid to get ahead of yourself. You can always go back to the previous chapter to resume reading where you left off, or find an explanation for an incomprehensible concept.

In some cases, making a decision can be difficult, so below are some tips on this matter.

In addition, lesson concepts are taught in a way that is easy, understandable, and memorable for learners. Bring your funny side when you take this free course... In addition to videos, the package also includes code snippets and slideshows. Explore and apply advanced concepts such as sorting techniques, sequential and associative data structures, multithreading, and exception handling. What the best way start work? Programming is a highly valued skill in modern world and we think it is very fun to learn.

  • If you already know what Java is and what this language is for.
  • If you can run a Java program for execution and you don't care.
  • If you make a living programming, but in some other language (like C ++ or C #). If you have successfully made it to Chapter 7, then you can already be considered a Java developer.
  • If you are familiar with the C language (but not C ++).
  • If you are working in C ++. Java differs slightly from C ++ in its treatment of classes and objects.
  • If you are a Java developer for a living, please contact me and help me write the 6th edition of this book.

This book is about the Java programming language, but a few words still need to be said about you, the reader of this book.

In this function, we will cover the following. Make sure that Update 8 version 8 is installed. In the Exit window below, you will see the following. If you see anything else, go back and check the code. As an aside, some people prefer to write code directly in Terminal.

  • Open terminal.
  • This is a classic course with over 12 hours of video to learn.
  • It can be expensive, but it is almost always sold.
Web technologies are becoming more and more important. Companies and end users can access applications over the Internet without having to install software on their computers.

I am assuming that you have unhindered access to your computer. The codes shown in this book as examples can run on almost any computer on which you can install operating system Windows, Mac, Linux or Unix. Even a 10-year-old computer (give or take a few years) will do, as long as it has a monitor, keyboard, mouse and, of course, a mouse pad.

This leads to some benefits. It is also a big advantage that all data is stored centrally on the network, and data silos that are difficult to drain are eliminated. In this article, we describe the most important technologies for developing such online applications.

Basically one can speak between server and client programming. There are different technologies for both. The following are used for server programming. This is programming that is not visible to the end user. For example, information is retrieved from a database and provided, this is achieved through server side coding.

I assume that you know how to work with standard elements.user interface such as menus and dialog boxes. You don't have to be experienced user Windows, Linux or Mac, but you must be able to run a program, find a file, create a directory,
copy the file to the directory i.e. perform elementary operations. Most of the time you use the examples in this book, you will be typing and clicking.

This means that most of the codes available on the Internet can be purchased for free and without a license. However, this has changed in recent years. Security: Because the code can be viewed by everyone, applications in this software language are more vulnerable to online attacks. This has changed in recent years, of course with new frameworks. ... Many software companies also use it to write business applications. For small businesses, agencies, and freelancers, the software is pretty cheap. It also allows you to create error-free code as well as speed up programming. Therefore, experts will find even more complex documentation: even if the language is easy to learn. It's hard to find good documentation for them.

  • It doesn't matter if you don't find developers for it.
  • As written in the first flaw, it is difficult to find programmers in this area.
That's why the experts have been found.

On the rare occasion when you have to perform more complex operations, such as drag and drop or copy to the clipboard, I'll show you how. However, keep in mind that your computer can be configured in the millions different ways, and my instructions may not be entirely accurate in all cases. Therefore, I recommend using the following technique: first of all, follow my instructions exactly; if something did not work out, try to correct them in accordance with the specifics of your system; if in this case it is not possible to achieve desired results, see the instructions for your system.

However, one has to look more decisively and definitely also with higher costs due to higher salaries in this area. However, anyone who finds good developers can program very large, complex, and high-performance web applications this way. Startups especially have a focus as it can be programmed relatively quickly. For all these programs, there are so-called frameworks, which makes it easier to work with these languages. Basically, these are code libraries in which many or most of the functions can already be found.

I assume that you are good at thinking logically. Logical thinking is the main element of programming in any language, including Java. I hope this book will help you uncover previously unknown logical abilities.

I make no assumptions about your previous experience with the software.ming (or lack thereof). While working on this book, I tried to do the impossible - to create a book that would be interesting for an experienced programmer and at the same time accessible to a person with no programming experience. This means that I am not assuming you have any programming experience or knowledge.

These frameworks are especially suitable for medium to large-scale applications that need to develop quickly, remain scalable, and be used by many users. The most important framework at a glance. It is used to write fast and simple online applications.

Objects and Classes

Lightweight: It is suitable for small businesses with a programmer or multiple to write simple applications which are also used as business applications. Very new: since this is a very new structure, there are not many programmers with it. Security: Since this is a very new structure, the security aspect is not yet one hundred percent in fact high level This will definitely improve significantly in the coming months and years. However, there are currently security gaps.

  • This is also partly dangerous.
  • What if it doesn't continue with the framework?
  • In this case, the continuation will not be clarified.
This structure has also gained popularity in recent years.

If you have never encountered the concepts of a loop or an array before this point, you can safely start reading this book. On the other hand, if you have seen them in other languages ​​(perhaps Visual Basic, C ++, or COBOL), you will find some interesting features of their implementation in Java.

Java developers have taken the best ideas from the concept of object-oriented programming, simplified them, and built on them a powerful technology for solving algorithmic problems. Java has many new tools that encourage creative programming. Many of them will seem rather difficult to you at first, but over time they will become quite natural for you. You will love programming in Java anyway.

It is especially suitable for startups that want to program very quickly and want to keep this structure at a later date. This means it is scalable. Great Community: There is a large community that uses the framework and contributes further to it. This means that the framework focuses on getting as much code as possible.

  • This is Django's philosophy.
  • Speed.
In web development, not only functions should be performed, but they should also be displayed to the user as a result online in the browser.

For this, client-side web technologies are used. The most important ones are. Colors, fonts, hyperlinks, etc. can be displayed and changed. The layout can be changed here. It is used so that the client side can interact with server applications. For example, a user clicks on an item on a site.

Object Oriented Programming

One night at three o'clock in the morning, I had a dream about a history exam that I had failed in college. The teacher spoke to me in a hypnotizing tone: “You have two days to prepare for the exam, but you will forget to prepare. You will feel guilty, but you won't remember why. Guilt will oppress you, oppress, oppress ... "

This makes it easier to create client-side web applications. Once called by the user through the browser, he does not need to contact the server again. This makes the application run faster. Database: This is a collection of organized data. This is a collection of tables, search queries, reports, views and other objects.

Many of these tools will remain the same in the future, so it makes sense to adapt them. What are your impressions? Format: Paperback Verified Purchase. You might not expect an easy introduction to the topic of programming if you really bring in a little knowledge, but the book didn't challenge me.

Suddenly the phone rang and I woke up abruptly. I don't like dreams about a history exam, but I don't like waking up from a phone call even more. At the first moment, I wanted to sharply remind the caller to first ask what time it is in my time zone, but I dropped my phone on the floor and forgot to do it. When I finally found the phone and picked it up, the person on the other end of the line said he was a reporter for a newspaper. He got an assignment to write an article about Java and wants me to tell him in a nutshell what it is.

I told him a few words about Java (deciding that I would get rid of him so sooner than if I was going to make trouble) and again fell asleep. In the morning I could no longer remember what I said to him and whether I had dreamed it. But, as it turned out, I did not dream, because a few days later I received a copy of the newspaper, in which I was struck by the headline written in large letters: “Barry Bird claims Java is a wonderful object-oriented language”.

Objects and Classes

An object-oriented language uses objects and classes to organize data.

Suppose you need to write a program to accompany the construction of cottages for a new housing association. The cottages are slightly different from each other. Parameters such as facade color, interior decoration, kitchen style, etc. can be different. In your object oriented computer program each cottage is an object.

However, the cottages are not only different from each other. They have the same set of variable parameters, for example, each cottage is characterized by the color of the facade, interior design, style of the kitchen, etc. In an object-oriented program, you need a master list containing all the characteristics of the cottages, i.e. objects. Such a list is called a class.

Perhaps it would be better to call this style of programming not object-oriented, but programming based on classes and objects. I put the word "classes" in the first place for a reason, because the concept of a class is more important than the concept of an object. Imagine a construction site. In its corner, in the middle of a large puddle, there is a trailer containing the foreman's office and a blueprint for the cottage. A drawing is a class because it contains comprehensive information about each cottage and a list of modifiable parameters.

The analogy between a drawing and a class is not limited to a list of parameters. The similarity between them is much deeper. The drawing is created once. On its basis, the contractor builds, for example, ten cottages ...

I've been programming in Java for 7 years now. But at work, it is often necessary to train a new generation. In this regard, I decided to make some cheat sheet, which, I hope, will be useful for habrchan. If someone can help add something to the information from this article, then write! So:

Essential Resources for Initial Learning

  • - site with articles and tutorials on Java, mostly in Russian.
  • is a very useful resource that contains short examples of using classes for certain packages
  • - you can't do without the primary source. For any Java programmer, JavaDoc should be the ultimate truth. Also here you can find a series of tutorials on all possible topics.

Basic Java packages

Below is a list Java packages in which the programmer must be fluent. It is recommended to get acquainted with them both by JavaDoc "s and with the help of All packages are arranged in the recommended order for study. So:
  1. java.lang is the backbone of the basics. Each class in this package needs separate attention.
  2. - no program can do without I / O operations.
  3. java.util - the package basically contains everything you need to work with collections: Collection, Enumeration, Set, List, Map, etc. etc.
  4. - Contains basic networking classes.
  5. java.text - everything you need to format your text
  6. java.lang.reflect - Java would not be Java "oh if not for Reflection. Reflection blurs the line between data and code.
  7. javax.sql - everything you need to work with databases
  8. javax.xml. *, org.w3c.dom. *, org.xml.sax. * - working with XML is simply unthinkable without these packages

Resources to broaden your horizons

  • - sooner or later, all the news from the Java world gets here
  • - the resource is useful for both beginners and advanced programmers, as it contains many articles on the intricacies of working with Java.
  • - It is recommended to subscribe to RSS, as there are often very interesting things skipping through in Java.

Java Libraries Everyone Should Know

Java does not end with knowledge of just the JSDK's capabilities. To feel comfortable, you need to know two dozen more third-party libraries used by Java programmers everywhere. So let's start with the main ones:
  • Commons Lang - something that "forgot" to include in the JDK
  • Commons Math is a great addition to java.math
  • Commons Logging - logging must be competent. For System.out.println to display logs, novice programmers should cut off their hands after a week of training.