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Creation of HTML link starting Skype call. Putting the correct links to ICQ and Skype How to search and add contacts in Skype

Most people use Skype these days, but not everyone knows that we can use an HTML link to initiate Skype calls from our web browsers or emails. Today I'll show you how to add a Skype Call Me button to your website or blog and let people contact you with just one click of a button. Whether they are currently using a computer or mobile device, they will contact you via voice call or instant message.

Here are some examples:

Call me Chat with me

The above examples will use a Skype demo user (echo123) - which will record the call and play it back or return the message entered into the chat back.

Link with phone number

Call me

You can also use another method that is more versatile:

Call me

Call me

Skype username link

First, you need to know your Skype username. You can find it using the Skype instructions.

Call me

The additional part of the call is to make Skype call.

Instead of the text “Call Me” you can use an image:

You can choose the icons of your choice at

We also have a few options to add after? in the href attribute. The syntax is skype: username and additional part... See the examples below to see how to use them.

See information about a Skype user

Additional userinfo part. Example:

skype: username? userinfo

Add a Skype user to your address book

Additional part add. Example:

skype: username? add

Sending a message to the chat

Additional chat part. Example:

skype: username? voicemail

Create a conference call with multiple Skype users

Additional part of call. Separate the list of users you want to connect with a semicolon. Example:

skype: username1; username2? call

Create a conference chat with multiple users

Additional chat part. Separate the list of users you want to connect with a semicolon. Example:

skype: username1; username2? chat

  • Users must have Skype already installed on their devices for the link to work.
  • When testing its own link, it will probably say You cannot call yourself! ... Don't worry, it will work for everyone else.
  • You can get the officially generated Skype button. Skype offers a button that shows your current status.

I will not play around, today I don’t think Skype is a convenient enough tool for communicating with family, friends or colleagues. But I am forced to use it in cases where the addressee on the second side does not offer alternative options - at least the same Whatsapp.

To diversify communication using Skype, use a set of chips that everyone needs to know.

1. Add phonebook contacts to your friends list

To add phonebook contacts to your friends list, go to the settings menu in the profile section and slide the corresponding switch to the active position.

Now you will see in the list of Skype contacts all the phonebook entries that use the service.

And this opportunity appeared only in the latest updates. mobile app for iOS.

2. Submit location to save time

My friends and I actively use this feature through WhatsApp when we are trying to find each other in our hometown or on a trip. And it is in Skype too.

Just click on the corresponding button above the keyboard, adjust the location and confirm the selection. Profit.

3. Mark your favorite interlocutors from the general list

In the contacts menu, click on add to the list of favorites and mark the recipients with whom you communicate or plan to communicate most often.

This way you save time searching for them in the future - your favorites are always displayed at the top of your Skype phone book.

4. View the time of sending messages with a swipe

Swipe from right to left in the chat with someone menu and you will see the sending time of each message in the conversation.

5. Use hidden emoticons from the list of the best below

To send a hidden emoticon, you need to register it with text according to the tables below.

On the left is the image, in the center is the name, on the right is the code ( brackets are also part of the code).


6. Transfer Skype contacts to interlocutors in a couple of taps

To do this, the service's mobile application has a special button that is available during correspondence.

With the help of this opportunity, you can advise your friends on contacts from the phone book to resolve issues or bring close relatives together.

7. Set statuses in Skype according to personal needs

Use service statuses wisely:

  • Online- the user is ready to chat
  • Offline- Skype is off or no network
  • Not here- ready to read messages when he returns
  • Do not disturb- the user is busy and will not receive a notification about your message
  • Invisible- for everyone this status will look like offline

This will make life easier.

8. Try chatting with bots to evaluate them personally

The current list of Skype bots is available on the official website of the service - here is the link. To start chatting with a robot, you just need to add it to your friends list.

The developers already offer virtual assistants, vacation guides, medical consultants, and more.

It's a pity, most bots communicate only on English language... But you can still find something interesting just for yourself.

9. Create group video calls with friends

In one of latest updates Skype now has the ability to group video calls up to 25 users in one such chat.

To activate the opportunity, it is enough to create group chat and press the familiar button to make a video call.

10. Record video messages to send to contacts

Skype Skype Skype creation links.


Call to user Skype-to-Skype or on the phone:


You can put three or more usernames here.

Add a user or number to your contacts list:

Skype Is a popular service that allows you to contact people absolutely free. More and more sites where such links are placed, which allow one click to contact the administration. It's not just some form for sending messages, it's online communication, you can not only hear the voice, you can see the person in the present tense. You can place a link to call through the program in the block with contact information on your website, or in the technical support block. Buttons Skype for the site there are different ones: some start a conference, others send a file, tritiums view information. Consider different options Skype link creation.

Where login is the username in Skype... By default, clicking on such a link will result in a call to the user.

But there are several more call modes that can be enabled by passing parameters in the link.

Call to user Skype-to-Skype or on the phone:

Just like in the first example, a call to the user is login. The second option is a call from Skype to a regular phone (instead of +12345678, change to the desired number).

Calling multiple users (conference):

Text chat and multichat.

Sometimes there is a need to embed in your site (blog, post in social network etc.) a link to your Skype username. Agree, it's convenient: the visitor just clicks or taps on your name to launch the program and immediately write or call you. Let's figure it out how to link to Skype active in HTML code.

Official way

Microsoft is known for its penchant for creating custom tools for the most simple actions... They can be annoying for professionals, but for ordinary users who want to get results faster, they are ideal.

There is such a tool for creating links to a Skype account. It can be found at

Now visitors to your page will be able to call or text you, and your Skype will not reject calls or messages from strangers.

More freedom

Having at hand the code from previous paragraph, you can paste it as is. But modern HTML allows you to write code by hand too. The link should look like this:

(text or image)

Of course, parentheses are included here for convenience and emphasis; they will not be needed in a real link. In the field "your username", in fact, enter your username. In the "action" field, you can substitute one of the following actions:

  • userinfo- viewing a profile.
  • add- adding to the contact list.
  • call- immediate call.
  • chat- sending a message to the chat.
  • voicemail- sending a voice message.

For action call instead of the Skype username, you can enter telephone number... Then the visitor, when pressed, will immediately call a regular phone via

If your activity involves remote work with people, then you probably know Skype program(Skype). And it makes sense to indicate on your web page or blog an active link to your profile, but here's how to do it correctly?

Nothing complicated, especially if you are familiar with the HTML type of hyperlinks. Usually, it looks like
here link / "> Link anchor text
In the case of Skype, you should replace the "http" or "https" protocol with the corresponding "skype" and indicate the username on the network. Well, now more about embedding options.

Insert links to Skype profile

Conference call (between multiple Skype users):

Invite to text chat or multi-chat:

Transferring any files via Skype:

Instead of an afterword

This is how, quite simply, you can form a connection with visitors via Skype. Even if the user clicks on the offline link, the web browser will indicate the need to launch the program.

Sometimes there is a need to embed a link to your Skype-login into your website (blog, post on a social network, etc.). Agree, it's convenient: the visitor just clicks or taps on your name to launch the program and immediately write or call you. Let's figure it out how to link to Skype active in HTML code.

There is one nuance here: in order for the instant transition to work, the visitor must have Skype installed and also have a login (otherwise, anyone could be redirected to the web version of the chat).

Official way

Microsoft is known for its penchant for creating custom tools for the simplest things. They can be annoying for professionals, but for ordinary users who want to get results faster, they are ideal.

There is such a tool for creating links to a Skype account. It can be found at the address in the first field of your username.

Choose what the visitor should do after clicking the button - call you or send a message. It is possible to check both options: then the visitor will see a drop-down menu and will be able to choose himself. Use the drop-down menus below to select the size of the button and its color. Look in the window on the top right, how the link to Skype on the site will look. Change your selection if necessary. Copy the code in the text box at the bottom right to paste it into your page code. Open your Skype and go to the options menu. Select under "Notification settings" receiving messages from everyone. In chapter "Calls" also let the app accept calls from any users.

Now visitors to your page will be able to call or text you, and your Skype will not reject calls or messages from strangers.

More freedom

With the code from the previous paragraph handy, you can paste it as is. But modern HTML allows you to write code by hand too. The link should look like this:

(text or image)

Of course, parentheses are included here for convenience and emphasis; they will not be needed in a real link. In the field "your username", in fact, enter your username. In the "action" field, you can substitute one of the following actions:

  • userinfo- viewing a profile.
  • add- adding to the contact list.
  • call- immediate call.
  • chat- sending a message to the chat.
  • voicemail- sending a voice message.

For action call instead of a Skype username, you can enter a phone number. Then the visitor, when pressed, will immediately call a regular phone via Skype.

Of course, to follow such a link, the visitor must have the Skype client installed. Otherwise, the browser will simply tell him that it would be good to install the program. But now, in the era of transition to Windows 10, few people live without an appropriate application.




Call to user Skype-to-Skype or on the phone:


You can put three or more usernames here.

Add a user or number to your contacts list:

Skype Is a popular service that allows you to contact people absolutely free. More and more sites where such links are placed, which allow one click to contact the administration. After all, this is not just some form for sending messages, this is online communication, you can not just hear a voice, you can see a person in the present tense. You can place a link to call through the program in the block with contact information on your website, or in the technical support block. Buttons Skype for the site there are different ones: some start a conference, others send a file, tritiums view information. Consider different options Skype link creation.

Where login is the username in Skype... By default, clicking on such a link will result in a call to the user.

But there are several more call modes that can be enabled by passing parameters in the link.

Call to user Skype-to-Skype or on the phone:

Just like in the first example, a call to the user is login. The second option is a call from Skype to a regular phone (instead of +12345678, change to the desired number).

Calling multiple users (conference):

Text chat and multichat:

You can start a chat with one or several users.

File transfer:

View Profile Information:

To avoid mistakes:

Greetings! Today I will tell you how with using HTML, you can easily make a link to Skype, phone or mail. If you have your own website or author's blog, then you can leave your contacts in the form of a link, or a clickable picture. For example, here is a link to Skype, with which you can make a request to add to my contacts.

How to link to a phone

The displayed number will look like this 1234567, but if you click on it, dialing will start at +375291234567, and only if you went to the site with mobile phone... Instead of 1234567, you can write any other text.

Such a link can be added not only to the "Contacts" page, or somewhere in the article, but also to insert it into the site template itself, for example, a header, or a footer. By clicking on this link, the mobile phone will display the full number and ask you to confirm the action. Thus, you do not accidentally call another city or country.

  • href - required attribute to create a link
  • tel - HTML5 protocol

After the colon, the number to which the call will be made must be entered.

Such links are not limited only to a call to the phone, but you can also make links to send SMS, call via Skype, or send an email message. In this case, instead of the tel protocol, you can insert sms, skype or mailto. Here is a list of HTML5 protocols:

sms - send sms

Write to the mail;

tel - call a phone number

call the phone;

How to link to Skype

Any text

Skype_Login - username in Skype.

Calling Skype or phone

Text or login

text or phone number

In the first case, a regular call to the user in Skype will be made, and in the second, a call will be made via Skype to a phone number.

Conferencing between multiple users

Add a user or phone number to our contacts:

Add to user

Add room

Invite to text chat or multichat:



User text or username

Transferring any files via Skype

User login

View user profile

User profile

Very often on the site you have to give contact information e.g. phone numbers, Email and skype. Not many people know how to make an active link to phone, skype and e-mail.