Computers Windows Internet

The program for creating a professional channel wix com

Today you will not surprise anyone with a website on the Internet, but really high-quality websites, unfortunately, are not often found, and:

  • they were either made by the Aesir in their business for a lot of money;
  • or they were made by the ases in their business for themselves.

Cheap and good is unrealistic! .. This is exactly what people think when they face a problem.

Is it really so problematic to open a website? Open a good resource that will WORK and solve the primary tasks of the owner:

  • Attract visitors;
  • Be pleasant in design;
  • Simple in usability and so on!

Until recently, one could say: no, this option is possible, but for a lot of money. Today, you yourself can bring it all to life!

Yes, yes, by yourself, WITH YOUR OWN hands... Now using online Wix builder(Weeks)- website creation is not difficult! But first things first.

By now, you might be thinking:

  • Yes, it's just such a publicity stunt!
  • It's just another website builder with minimal features and limitations!

You can only convince you by showing a REAL EXAMPLE of creating a website on Vicks with your own hands. It:

  • Very fast;
  • As simple as possible;
  • 100% effective!

So, just look at this instruction, and already in 15 minutes you will create your own resource by simply exploring the online website builder for free!

Create your own website for free!

And, believe me, the result will satisfy you, the resulting site will not be inferior to the resources created by professional studios.

It's time to get down to business!

Stage 1. Registration / authorization

For a full-fledged work, so that you, in the literal sense of the word, feel at home, you need to go through simple registration on the site.

After a quick registration, you will see your username in the upper right corner. Now you can start directly creating your site! An online website builder is at your disposal for free.

Stage 2. Getting started on creating a website!

You will see an invitation from the site administration, in which it will say “Start creating a site”!

Everything is simple and intuitive!

Let's imagine that you are planning to open a website for a company that sells children's clothing. Now we will see step by step how the Internet representation of this company is born.

Attention! Now we are working with you in absolutely free mode!

Stage 3. Choosing a template for the site.

So, by clicking on the button, we will be automatically redirected to the choice of a template for the site. Yes, there is a choice, from what, and it pleases! Free online website builder offers categorization and there are tons of them. That is, you choose what suits the specifics of your activity:

We are just perfect, as part of the selection of a template for a company specializing in the sale of children's clothing, this template:

Please note that there are both free templates and paid ( however, their cost is very symbolic).

Stage 4. We design the site!

And now you can see directly website builder WIX... First, give a name to your resource (you can change it later at any time).

Also, you can at any time link your domain to your site.
You can change ABSOLUTELY ALL items. This feature is offered by the WIX website builder:

As you can see in the illustration, there is a toolbar on the left, where you have the following options:

From here you can at any time:

  • Change the name of the site;
  • Add SEO elements for promotion;
  • Enable mobile version;
  • Add contact form and social media profiles;
  • Examine statistics;
  • Add favicon and more.

Here's an example with SEO padding:

And also there is a very interesting opportunity that provides website builder WIX:

These are very useful applications and applications that can be added to your site in 2 accounts ( a lot of free ones, which is good news).

For example, let's add the ability to follow you on Twitter right now:

You can also simply change the style of the photo:

Add text, tell about yourself, your company, activities. To create a website for free in 5 minutes is real - just click and write:

Write what you like, stretch it as you want, insert it anywhere on the site:

Design a "footer" with copyright:

Creating a business card website for free in 5 minutes becomes a reality, because you do not feel the action in complex editors, but simply assemble all the parts of a single whole.

At any time you can click on "Preview" to evaluate the changes made, on "Save" so that the actions are not lost, and also, when everything is ready, on "Publish", and the site will appear on the network! The "Upgrade" button will enable new features at your chosen tariff!

Before publishing the site, you have to make a few simple settings:

Check the following points:
  • Allow search engines index the site;
  • Show the control panel of the mobile version;
  • Confirm your contact details.

Everything! The creation of the company's business card site is completed! You can always easily make adjustments, supplement, improve, and develop your site!

Benefits of WIX

As you can see, creating a website in WIX is very easy. We can confidently say that Wix is ​​the best website builder that exists on this moment... And here are some of its benefits:

  • You don't need to have any special skills, everything is intuitive! There is no question of programming;
  • WIX is a versatile and one-of-a-kind Drag & Drop builder with HTML5 functionality;
  • In the presence of a huge number of original templates;
  • Many applications that extend the basic functionality;
  • You can customize your site for yourself, for your corporate identity. It's easy and simple. Making a website with your own hands turns into a pleasure. You just collect everything on the screen and IMMEDIATELY see the changes;
  • You also get professional hosting absolutely free of charge - even at the basic plan without a monthly fee! 100% benefit;
  • There is a possibility of integration with social media and SMO marketing;
  • Additional paid Premium plans at more than affordable prices open up new opportunities!

Create your own website for free!

The advantages of the Premium tariff are obvious:

  • No ads;
  • Low cost of 1 month - comparable in cost to 2 cups of coffee;
  • A coupon for 2000r for an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct;
  • Connecting your domain name + favicon;
  • Even more space for your data;
  • Unlimited channel speed;
  • 99.9% uptime + DDOS protection;
  • Quality assurance;
  • VIP support.

And many many others!

That's why this online website builder is the best! You should have been convinced of this on the example of creating a website! Be creative and have fun!

2 votes

Welcome to the pages of my blog. It has become easier to create websites. Constructors are becoming cooler and more correct. Less hassle with them and less pitfalls. The only thing worth worrying about in advance is knowledge. Not every newbie can tell the difference between a service and a product. If you use wiks or another constructor, then this is just a service. Hence all the discontent.

Today I'm going to walk you through all about building a Wix website. I will explain the difference between the product and the service that you are going to use, I will give complete guide to action and explain what to do if later you want to do more professional website development.

Let's talk about everything in order.

Note for beginners

More often than not, the first thing newbies think about is cost savings. I agree, I don’t want to pay for something that you might abandon in two months. I understand you. Nevertheless, it is important for me that you understand where and what prices are coming from.

Don't think blogging is fun completely free. Any hobby comes at a price, be it hunting, woodcarving, fishing, or blogging. The latter, at least, is a payback business.

If you create a website in the classic way, then about 100 rubles a year goes to a domain and 130 rubles a month for hosting. Detailed information about that, you can read in my previous publication.

In addition to these two points, the developer, if he does not know how or does not want to do this on his own, pays for the services of a person who draws the portal and then translates the picture into electronic view... It is not necessary to delve into the nuances now. Just understand that this is money. By the most conservative estimates, the cost of the site is about 10,000 rubles.

By using the constructor, you will bypass all these moments. You are provided free hosting, domain, site templates, pictures, if necessary. In general, everything that is needed for the functioning of this electronic resource without understanding the essence of this issue.

The better the site works, the more you will have to pay. You can do everything for free on the same constructor, but then the site will have a wiks advertisement. Some kind of return for saving those same 10,000. You, as it were, in small, very small portions, contribute to the development of the service and return this money.

In addition, using the free offer, you cannot connect your domain. This means that under no circumstances will you be able to move, that is, you will be forever tied to the Vix.

For all my sites, except this one, I use hosting TimeWeb and I contribute 130 rubles a month. The cheapest fare on Vix is ​​123. The price is fair. It gives you some freedom. There is another hosting.

You can also disable ads. Already for 250 rubles a month. Start-Luck costs me 240 rubles a month. I hosted it on another hosting during the training, as all the lessons in school of bloggers Alexander Borisov , where I have studied and have been studying for about a year now, were based on.

Do not delve into the terms now. Suffice it to see that the tariffs are not so overpriced. Especially if you remember that you do not have to seek help from a layout and designer. You can do everything yourself.

I think it's time to show you exactly how to work in the constructor.


I present to your attention step by step instructions to work with Wix ... If you want to create, then read the other guide. Now we are going to develop a business card and a blog.

First of all, you need to go to the official website and click the "Login" button.

I do not recommend creating your first website from scratch. This can be done through the "Empty" category. To get started, work with ready-made projects. There are a lot of free themes here. Pay attention to whether it is a business card or a blog. There are some minor differences.

If you paid attention, then some pages of any site are created according to the same scheme, for example, all articles, while others are different: "Home", "Categories", "Contacts". Before going to the "Editor" select "View". This will make it easier to find the best design.

In the process, I'll show you how to add a blog to your business card (portfolio site), but it's better if you try to work with the template. It is easier to understand with a ready-made example. By the way, it's easier to find free designs on wix than for money. So there shouldn't be any problems. Unless, of course, you are a discerning gourmet.

When the topic is found, you can click on the "Editor". It's very easy to work with him. The difficulty is only going through the pages that I mentioned. To do this, you click on "Menu". An additional blue page window appears. Clicking on them and you go to the various sections of your new site.

In fact, you can guess how and what you can edit yourself. Move from top to bottom by clicking on the elements. For example, on the menu itself. An additional window appears under it with settings, navigation, the ability to change the design or add animation. You can enlarge and reduce objects using the mouse by dragging. A hint appears next to each button, thanks to which you can understand what and what.

For almost every element, you can choose a template or customize the design to your liking. By the way, in the panel on the right you can write the design in numbers and set elements on all pages (the slider at the very bottom of the panel).

Please note that not all fonts in the panel are displayed in Russian. Some of them are only suitable for English. Lobster, which I personally got tired of, of course, is also suitable for the Cyrillic alphabet.

Rosewood will be displayed as standard.

What else is so special about Vicks? The price can reach 15,000 rubles. This constructor has a bunch of all sorts of icons that you can use absolutely free and at the same time not be afraid of legal prosecution.

A huge number of forms. You can change the size and color.

I completely forgot to say, by opening the menu, you can re-name all pages, as well as delete unwanted ones. Creating your own navigation is no different from how you would create it in the engine. If you want to nest one category in another, just drag it a little further to the right, as in the screenshot below "About Me" is included in the "Blog" category.

If you correct the pattern from top to bottom, then it will be easier for you. Now let's move on to the slider.

There is a whole bunch of animation here: jumping, sliding, rushing. So one picture will replace another. Look at examples while editing. The result will be shown to you immediately upon hovering the mouse cursor. Animation is applicable not only in the slider, but also in the menu to other pictures and wherever you want. I do not recommend using it often, on all elements. The site will slow down.

If you want to replace a picture: it couldn't be easier. To do this, when you click on the "Replace picture" button, all the necessary buttons will appear. You can add a link so that when the reader clicks on the picture, he will be redirected to a specific page or another site.

When you get rid of all the unwanted elements and correct those that you like, you can go to the right menu. The first button allows you to replace the background.

The plus icon adds various forms, buttons, sitemaps, video, audio, image gallery and other elements.

Among others, there are blog pages here. By adding it, you can redesign your business card into a full-fledged site with articles.

The new page will appear in the main menu.

Even now you can edit the main menu.

To connect your URL, you will need to pay for a premium plan. But you can move whenever you want.

Before publishing anything, click Preview. Advertising is quite intrusive.

Video instruction

What's next

As I said, the site, although it is difficult to transfer to another hosting, is real. If you think a little and enlist the support of professionals or learn how to make up sites yourself. Subscribe to the mailing list of my blog, learn how to increase the traffic of the project, get more profit from it. Use it all on the site you recently created on wiks.

This is the first step towards. Not many specialists in this field know the code, but if you know how to make beautiful projects, then this skill can bring you significant profits.

If you find a layout designer who will transfer your image from Wix to a good engine, then such a site can be sold at a higher price. The first step to your studio. In general, do not believe if you are told that only troubles and problems are from the Vicks. Any knowledge, experience and tool can make money. The main thing is to think about how to use it.

Don't be afraid of technology. Start small and grow your knowledge with profits.

Until next time and good luck in your endeavors.

Nowadays, you need to have your own website, especially if we sell something. A huge number of constructors, both on a paid and free basis, allow almost everyone to create their own website online, at a fairly decent level: both in functionality and in appearance.

Consider one of these interesting services, which has recently been very often advertised, it is called Wix. If we talk simple language, then this is a website builder, that is, all you need to do is sit on an armchair and click buttons, and the finished site will create this service for you.

This constructor, like many others, is free, but it has a lot of other advantages that will be available only when purchasing a premium. It should be said right away that, in principle, the service allows you to create a decent landing page even for free - without purchasing a premium package.

You may know that there are tons of others. similar services to create websites online. However, Wix beats them a million times over. What is the trick of this constructor?

If you are a grandmother, musician, student, or a person who is thinking about the need to create a website, but does not have the appropriate technology or knowledge, then you just go to this builder, which is located at, click a huge button "Start Now" or "Create a website" and you can start creating a website online.

In addition to creating the site itself, Wix creates a mobile version for it, although, to be honest, it will not be so easy to customize it for yourself, but in principle it is possible. And, interestingly, you can connect an e-mail with your own domain in Google mail and your own Google Drive, calendar and contacts.

Stages of website creation

Building a website is easy and simple when you use the Wix builder. First of all, you need to go through the registration process, for this:

Wix Website Builder Functionality

The Wix editor is very user-friendly and consists of the main sections:

  1. Chapter "Pages", where you can create the actual site pages themselves, it is also possible to create pages under the pages.
  2. Chapter "Design", where there is simply an incredible number of different personalization settings: background color, and the background can be depicted as any of your own, various colors, fonts, and so on. The designer's personalization settings are very flexible.
  3. Button-shaped section "a plus" allows you to add various elements to the site. Moreover, their number is simply off scale: these are photographs, galleries and even a blog. Despite the fact that Wix positions itself as a website builder for creating one-page sites (business card sites), it will not be a problem to create an online store or blog on it.

The free Wix builder allows you to integrate with various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and even VKontakte.

Wix Pricing Policy

If you go to the "settings" section, then you can change the site address. Initially, the address is your username and the site name you chose. But, if you buy a premium package, then compared to free version constructor, you will get a lot of important functions.

The premium is bought either for a year or for a month, and if you take the cheapest premium, then it allows you to connect your own domain, including changing top level domain (not limited to com). For example, you can create a website called PushistieKotiki com or VasyaBestDesigner com, of course, if these domain names are free. Building a website online on the Wix platform has another main advantage - the ability to use the com domain name, that is, when you go to this address, you will receive a Wix site.

And by paying a little more and buying a premium package for creating a website online, you will receive not only a domain, but also various vouchers for advertising, additional space, and the ability to connect Google Analytics and, in fact, the ability to connect e-mail Google with all calendar features and Google drive, also included in the premium package.

Surely many of you have stumbled upon a promising ad for the rapidly gaining popularity of the service. Reviews and reviews of it appear on the net almost constantly. But what do ordinary users and specialists think of this website builder? Let's find out.

History of creation

Work on the development of the service, reviews of which raised a lot of hype on the network, began back in 2006. After two years of hard work, in the summer of 2008, the world saw a beta version of the constructor. A team of thirty professionals worked on the project. In the first year of its operation, Wix united over a million users under its wing!

There were no more doubts: the designer showed just a huge potential, and the creators of the service seized the moment and simultaneously released Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Polish and other versions.

It's hard to find someone right now who has never heard of Feedback on the project confirms that the results of the team's many years of work were not in vain: the system boasts 41 million users, and the company's offices can be seen in different parts of the world - in New York, San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Vilnius. The company has more than five hundred employees and continues to grow.


What is the main idea behind Wix? User reviews in this regard are not diverse: the service is very similar to most alternative website builders, it is designed to leave all complex technical tasks and questions behind the scenes, providing users with a truly simple and intuitive way to create a website.

Wix is ​​a service that positions itself as a universal website builder. This means that it is equally well suited for the simplest websites and personal pages, and for working with full-fledged online stores.

A quick glance at the suggested templates is enough to determine target audience the project is, first of all, artists, designers and representatives of other creative professions. Undoubtedly, for small businesses, is also a godsend - restaurants and online stores are actively using the services of this system.


What do users get by registering on Reviews posted online say that templates are one of the strongest points of the system. In this constructor, they are divided into different categories: business and services, entertainment, music, restaurants and hotels, online stores, photography, etc. In addition, each category includes several subcategories with dozens of diverse templates - unlike analogs project, Wix offers a truly impressive selection.

Depending on your preference, you can create a website in Flash or HTML5. An important advantage is the ability to simultaneously create mobile versions- for this purpose, the developers have introduced a special editor Wix Mobile into the system, which makes it possible to adapt appearance sites for smartphones. Although it should be noted that this function does not apply to all templates - those that are suitable for working with it are marked with the corresponding mark "Compatible with Mobile".

However, the process of working with templates is not without its pitfalls. The key drawback is the inability to change the template already selected for a particular site. That is, having chosen it once, in the future you will not be able to change your mind and replace it with another option. Given the ever-changing trends, this can be a serious problem. It should be said that changing the template is not an absolutely unrealizable task, however, this will have to be done literally through the stump-deck.


We continue to consider the positive and negative features of the service. User reviews often mention another small flaw in the system - the choice of a domain name. This problem does not in any way apply to those who wish to use their own, pre-purchased and paid domain. But those who want to use a free name from the most Wix systems, may face certain difficulties: the service does not provide its users with a standard third-level subdomain, but a domain of the form Naturally, this negatively affects memorability and makes you think about buying a premium account, which makes it possible to transfer the site to your own, simpler and clearer domain.


And now we got to the fun part. Standard features of the service:

Unfortunately, the fact that Wix hides all the technical details behind the scenes and uses a simple drag-and-drop interface is not only its advantage, but also its disadvantage - the process of creating a new site is invariably tied to the proposed blocks and forms. However, thanks to the dedicated Wix App Market, this problem is not so acute - in the store you can find a huge number of plugins and widgets that can significantly expand the basic functionality of the service.

Every year, millions of people looking to create their own website come to Reviews about this service are quite contradictory - from enthusiastic to disappointed. However, the fact remains: even despite the existing shortcomings, of all the currently existing free website builders, it has no equal neither in terms of simplicity, nor in terms of functionality.

Summing up

So, having examined the main features of the system, we can get a rough idea of ​​it and highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of


Bad read Domain name provided by the system (in the format;
- in order to change the domain, you need to pay for a premium account;
- it is not possible to view the statistics of site visits and user activity;
- advertising on the site, placed by the system (typical for all free constructors);
- limited amount of memory for storing files (up to 500 MB);
- in the process of editing a template, a huge number of random access memory(for example, when working with Firefox, this figure can exceed 1.5 million megabytes).


Truly high quality, stylish modern templates;
- wide functionality (additionally expanded due to the Wix App Market store);
- soil for SEO-optimization and promotion in search engines;
- simplicity and intuitive interface, allowing even those users who do not understand the features of site building, to create a convenient and beautiful site;
- opportunities for integration with social networks;
- a large number of instructions, tutorials and useful training information in Russian;
- detailed F.A.Q. and good, efficient technical support.

Have you created your site on

As you can see, this service has made a real revolution in the world of website builders and simplified the process of creating and launching it as much as possible. If you have already used this service and created sites using http: // ru. wix. com, the reviews left by you will help other people with the choice of a website builder.