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Similar photos to me. Service for finding similar people. Why are our faces so different

Good day! In today's article, we will focus on finding a double by photo for free online. Finding your double by photography is a very interesting task. Unfortunately, the likelihood of meeting a "twin brother" on the street tends to zero.

Modern information Technology can help us find a double using facial recognition software while sitting on the couch. Someone does not even assume that he looks like a celebrity or just another person. Most of the proposed methods are not effective and do not lead to a positive result. In this case, the use of sites and online service with a proven track record.

Prerequisites for starting a search:

  • laptop or computer with internet connection;
  • the photo to be compared with.

In addition, the direction of a person's gaze in a photograph is the key to a successful search. If a person's gaze is directed to the side, then the result may not be accurate. Looking forward will increase the chance of a successful search. A solid-colored background will also contribute to obtaining a high-quality result. It is enough that the photo contains only a face image, there is no need to upload a full-length photo.

How to find a double among famous people?

It is interesting to find a person among celebrities who will be like you. This question haunts many people. To accomplish this task, there are many free, proven sites with online searches.

  1. is a website that allows you to find 3 star doubles. If I want to use the search on this site, then I must be sure to register. After that, we upload the photo (do not forget about the important conditions when choosing it), indicate the female or male gender. To start the search, you need to mark points in the center of the pupils in the photo. Press the "Send" button and get the result. If the search is unsuccessful, the procedure can be repeated using the "Once again" button.
  2. is a resource containing about 4000 photos of celebrities. The procedure is the same: download the application, register and start searching.

Online services for lookalikes

The most famous online services are:

  1. Twins ( is a popular network program for finding twins. Registration is not required to access the resource. The search process itself takes about 6 minutes. On the loaded image, the program independently determines about 50 significant points and analyzes the similarity based on them.
  2. Strange Twins ( The search takes 5 minutes from the moment the photo is uploaded. The facial features, which will be compared, are offered to be selected independently, unlike Twins. The site also indicates the criteria that the photo must meet.

How to search on

This resource is quite simple and effective. In order to use the search, you need to do the following:

  1. Select a photo to search. Do not forget about the conditions for choosing a photo to get the best search result.
  2. The result will appear literally in 10 seconds. The program will determine the age, gender and names of the stars with which there will be similarities. You can immediately determine how correctly a given resource is working.

The service is popular among people who have recently changed their appearance and want to know the percentage of similarity with some celebrity.

This resource works great with photographs of women. You can see a screenshot of a successful example of such a search below.

Find a double by photo for free online in social networking communities

Websites Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki will help you find twins.

  1. Group "Doubles" ( Users share their photos, opinions, looking for similar people.
  2. Find a double ( - search for doubles in the database, posting your photo.

Search for a double through systems on the Internet

The most accurate result can be obtained using various search engines... The increasing complexity of algorithms and the increase in the amount of uploaded information day by day makes this search option better and more effective. As an example, let's take a look at the Google search order.

  • Open up start page;
  • In the upper right corner, click on "Pictures";

  • You will be able to search by pictures in the search bar. Select the "Camera" icon;

Evaluating their appearance in the mirror, many girls sometimes try to understand which of the stars of world cinema they may look like. Catherine Zeta-Jones or Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts or Angelina Jolie, Kristen Stewart or Nicole Kidman - which celebrity is exactly like you? Suggesting not to guess on the coffee grounds, but to turn to the help of network services, which are based on neural networks and various digital algorithms will give a suitable answer. In this article, I will list the services that can determine your likeness to a celebrity from a photo online. I also suggest using the Yandex People service to search among all people.

How is the procedure for finding a twin among the stars

On the web (especially in the English-speaking segment) there are a number of resources that allow you to determine the similarity with a celebrity online. Working with them is quite simple - you launch such a resource, upload your photo to it (or indicate a link to it on the network), and press the button to activate the check. The verification procedure is performed, and then you get the result in the form of a photo of a celebrity similar to you and the percentage of identified similarities.

At the same time, some of these resources may give out other information on the processed photo (gender of the person in the photo, his age, etc.), which, of course, should not be taken seriously.

Let's move on to a list of services that allow us to figure out what kind of celebrity I look like online. - will select the most similar celebrity to you

The service is the most popular network resource for determining the similarity to a star online. It was created by Microsoft for those users who would like to understand which of the Oscar nominees they might look like.

  1. To start the search procedure, you need to go to
  2. Click on the "USE YOUR OWN PHOTO" button, and upload your photo in full face to the resource.
  3. Literally right away, you will receive a photo of a similar Oscar-nominee celebrity (with a similarity percentage), as well as three more non-nominee celebrities below.

Another Russian-language service that allows you to identify which of the celebrities you look like is A feature of the online resource is finding not only a movie star similar to you, but also determining the gender and age of the person in the photo. Of course, you should not expect the accuracy of the definition from this algorithm, take it as entertainment, in a comic way.

  1. To work with the service, log in to
  2. Click on "Upload image" and upload your photo to the resource (photos are accepted in full face up to 200 kilobytes).
  3. In a few seconds, you will receive information about the found similar celebrities (with the percentage of similarities), the assumed gender and age of the person in the photo. - perfectly identifies photos

The English-language resource was written by the author in the Wolfram programming language, and is designed to search for a celebrity similar to you. Unlike other resources, it gives out only one star similar to you with a percentage of similarity (there are more than 2 thousand stars in the resource base).

  1. To use the resource go to
  2. And click on the button "drop a photo here to find your celebrity match".
  3. Upload your photo to the resource, and in a couple of seconds you will receive the name and photo of the star most similar to you. - determine similarity using a Facebook profile

There are several entertainment services based on the analysis of a user profile on Facebook (for example,, popular on the RuNet). I suggest using another popular service, which will analyze your photo on Facebook and let you know which of the stars you look like online.

  1. Go to and select “Continue with Facebook” (you will need to give the service permission to analyze your public profile).
  2. The service will analyze your photos, if necessary, it will ask which photo to choose from the ones available in the profile, as well as your gender (male - male, female - female).
  3. Then you will get your result.

Search by photo from Facebook profiles "Vonvon" - entertaining search in the form of answers to questions

The Kate Walker test, hosted on, will ask you to answer 6 basic questions about your facial features. Based on your answers, the system will select the celebrity that is most visually close to you.

  1. Go to and click on the "Let’s play" button.
  2. In the first question, choose your eyes, hair color.
  3. Hair style, skin tone, nose, lips, and face.
  4. In the end, you will receive your result.

Supplementary mobile applications

In addition to the network services listed above, it is worth using various mobile applications to determine the similarity with a star. Among such applications, I would highlight the following:


Listed above network resources and mobile apps let you know which celebrity your photo looks like. The results obtained with their help should not be taken too seriously - this is just fun entertainment, and nothing more. Enjoy your coincidences!

Only a few manage to meet their double, facing face to face just on the street. Fortunately, modern possibilities today they allow you to find a "twin brother" using a smartphone or computer, without looking up from the sofa or at a special festival of twins. However, there are many options, but not all of them are safe and effective. Therefore, it is better to use proven services with an impeccable reputation.

How to find your double - choosing a good photo

To get started, you will need your photo in front view, with high definition and a solid background. A passport photo or as close as possible in appearance to it will do just fine. A prerequisite is only your image, without other people or animals. The gaze should be directed directly to the camera. Next, you need to upload the photo to your computer and use the services of one of the sites to find your "mirror image".

Search for a double by photo using online programs on sites

  • Twins ( is social network twins. Without boring registration and passwords via SMS, you upload a good high-quality photo or a link to it, after 5-7 minutes you will be knocked out a photo of possible doubles among the stars of music and cinema. The principle of search is to select more than 40 similar to your facial features control points the alleged double.
  • Twins I don't know ( is an English-language site where you need to upload your photo and choose your facial features from the options offered. Next, the program automatically selects your doubles with their contact details.

Finding Doppelgangers on Social Media

  • Doubles ( - Vkontakte group, where everyone who wants to meet doubles post their photos on the group's wall.
  • Find a double by photo ( - a similar service on the Odnoklassniki network. Here you can place your photo, or view a ready-made base of photos in the hope of seeing a person similar to yourself on one of them.

Finding a doppelganger is a very fun and exciting business, but many scammers take advantage of it. Avoid newly minted sites that require authorization via SMS, ask you for money, or insist on providing your passwords to social media accounts.

The world is full of similar people who are not tied by blood ties. How is it possible that two people, born and raised in different parts of the world, look like two peas in a pod? Is there a clear scientific explanation for this phenomenon?

People who are similar to each other and are not related at the same time - is this possible? It turns out, yes. A French photographer once had a great idea. He found and captured on photographic film similar people, not related to any blood ties. His name is François Brunellet. It took him about twelve years to simplify his idea. The photographer tracked people with terribly similar features around the world and helped them find their doubles. Some photos of similar people from the work of François Brunellet are presented in this article. Carefully study the proposed images and compare how many similarities are completely strangers who have no consanguinity.

Every person in this world has 7 doubles

They say that every person in this world has a at least, seven very similar people. One can easily agree that this assumption is rather frightening and unnatural. It is hardly possible to find two exact copies on our planet, identical as two drops of water. Even blood twins have traits that, at least a little, but allow others to distinguish them, not to mention a stranger who lives on the other side of the Earth.

Not the same, but, nevertheless, incredibly similar people still meet, and not as rare as it might seem. They live in different cities, countries, continents, lead a completely different way of life. They do not have common genes, differ in language and culture, but their similarity really cannot be denied.

The same appearance - the same character?

We all know that there are similar people. Is this a purely superficial resemblance? Can a person and his counterpart from another country have the same character traits and type of activity? It would be strange and surprising at the same time. In fact, it happens in different ways. For example, once upon a time there lived in Rome one emperor named Maximinus (early 4th century AD), and so, looking at his bust, you can see in his features a dictator familiar to everyone from the 20th century - Adolf Hitler. These similar people not only had the same facial features, but both were dictators in their time, and both perished ingloriously.

It is quite difficult to answer this question, modern science does not have exact answers, there are only guesses. One of the most likely versions is the one that explains the external similarity of complete strangers with an identical genetic device. For an unclear reason to date, similar people have identical DNA to the smallest detail.

These twins are also called biogenic. This means that they have the same genetic material, but their biological parents are different. It so happens that people can be similar and live in different places at the same time and be the same age. Some may be separated by years, centuries, and even whole millennia. Natural diversity, it turns out, is not limitless, there are billions of people in the world, and there is always a chance of a random coincidence of genetic sets.

Secret relationship

Scientists believe it is quite possible that similar people are very, very distant relatives. By resorting to an elementary metematic analysis, one can make the following calculations: the average citizen after eight generations will be the descendant of 256 relatives who, in one way or another, are related by blood ties. If we imagine that 40, 50 or more generations have passed, the relatives will number in the millions. And no one knows where the genetic material will coincide, at what generation.

Speaking in card jargon, genes are shuffled like cards in a deck, but at a certain moment the same "hands" fall out with a minimum probability. Then doubles are born, people who are similar to each other, like two drops of water. Perhaps nature has its own plans in this regard, its own secret goals.

Searching for doubles on the web

Today, on the world wide web, there are many sites with which you can find by photograph exact copy themselves among the stars of show business, great emperors and historically significant leaders. They are also looking for their counterparts among the most ordinary people of their different cities and states. you just need to upload your photo in a certain format, and after a while the search engines will be able to pick up a couple of twins for you, or, at least, people who will be very similar to you.

Such sites are quite popular, because in fact it is interesting to know, and even more so to see your counterpart. It's like meeting yourself in a parallel world. Before the advent of the Internet, this was almost impossible to do, but now there are many opportunities for active search, and why not take advantage of them?

Miracles, and only

Doubles are a phenomenon that is interesting in and of itself. People are more or less accustomed to the similarity of blood twins and granddaughters and their grandmothers, but to meet a person who is exactly like another person who is not related to him, and even lives thousands of kilometers away, this is already more interesting.

Who knows, maybe in the future, scientists will figure out how to use this freak of nature. It is likely that the similarity of genomes could open up incredible prospects in the field of medicine such as transplantation. As biologists assure, the chance of exact coincidence of genetic sets tends to zero endlessly. However, partial copying of genes is quite normal, which proves that all of humanity is one big family.

We all have ever noticed the extraordinary similarity of two completely different and strangers to each other people who are similar, like twins. The existence of doubles has often been described in history, literature and cinema, and many of us asked ourselves the question: does my double live somewhere? Let's take a look at how likely it is.

Is it true that every person has a double?

Geneticists say the probability is very high. The fact is that today there are a lot of people in the world who descended from a much smaller number of ancestors, so our arsenal does not have such a large set of genes.

Yes, there are enough of them and they mutate and evolve quite often, which allows us to be so different from each other. However, as rich and diverse as our genes are, their uniqueness is not enough to provide all 7.3 billion people with completely different faces.

Geneticist Michael Sheehan compares the existing gene pool to a huge deck of cards. No matter how great this deck is, if you stir it seven billion times, then there is a high probability that the same layout will fall out twice.

Why are our faces so different?

Today scientists cannot say with certainty how many and which genes are responsible for the human face. According to Dr. Arthur Bode, entire clusters of genes are responsible for eye color, which may be inherited from a distant ancestor, hair color and skin tone.

Our faces are much more diverse than any other part of the body. Say, how many forms of palms or necks are there in the world? Of course, a person's hands are as unique as a face, and only fingerprints are worth it. But let's try to answer the question, how long will it take to list the uniqueness of the hands of 10 people? And how carefully will we have to examine them? And we will complete the same tasks with faces in just a few minutes.

Such a variety of faces is due to evolutionary necessity. People are social beings; we spend a lot of time in each other's company, and our well-being depends on the ability to choose the right company for ourselves. Different, unique faces make it easier for us to remember who is who. If, for example, a person helped us, we will remember his face and recognize him among others as a “useful company”.

Despite the many differences that make our faces so different, we still belong to the same species. We have approximately the same proportions and structure of the body and face, we need the same basic things. It is precisely belonging to the same species, a single DNA, that allows two strangers to suddenly appear alike, like two drops of water.

Today, racial and ethnicity is increasingly being erased, thanks to globalization, a free labor market and emigration. Ethnic groups previously isolated from each other now freely mix their genes. This allows you to increase the opportunity to meet your counterpart. After all, the more people on the planet, the more often nature is forced to repeat itself.

What increases our chances of a doppelganger?

The chance that there are doubles from different races is critically minimal. It is unlikely that we will see a Japanese surprisingly similar to a Norwegian or Nigerian. The likelihood of seeing a second self on the way increases if you belong to the most common ethnic groups, such as Chinese or Hindus.

Also, common facial features are common among mestizos, because there are a limited number of combinations that mix the characteristic features of two races or ethnic groups. Do not forget about the family resemblance. In the Western world, the tradition of the extended family has long since sunk into oblivion, so it is quite possible that a stranger who is very similar to us is actually not such a stranger, but our distant maternal relative.