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Why photos are not loaded from the computer. Why photos are not uploaded to VK - reasons and what to do? Reason # 1: Overflowing cache and cookies

On the VKontakte social network, literally every user may encounter problems when uploading certain photos to the site. In the event of problems of this kind, it is extremely important to diagnose the source of the malfunction in time, guided by extremely effective methods that allow you to achieve a positive result.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying that on this resource, problems with uploading photos can be of two types at once:

  • photos are not uploaded to the site;
  • photos on the site are not loaded.

Depending on the type of problem that occurs, the troubleshooting methods can vary significantly. Thus, first of all, decide on the type of your problem and only then proceed to the main part of this article.

Please note that, as is the case with the vast majority of other malfunctions on the site related to music or video, photo problems can be triggered by several factors. In this regard, the problem can be solved in several ways at once, independent of each other.

Method 1: site diagnostics

Earlier, in a special article on our website, we already mentioned a service that in real time fixes all existing problems that occur on the user side. It is to him that you should first turn to if you have difficulties uploading photos directly on the VK website.

If there are malfunctions for all factors on the site, then the only optimal solution is to wait. Usually, VKontakte failures are eliminated by the administration in a matter of minutes.

Method 2: Contacting technical support

As soon as you notice a malfunction, it is recommended to immediately contact technical support social network VK. This method of troubleshooting is the most important, as specialists are able to resolve almost any local problem with the site.

When writing an appeal, it is recommended to adhere to the most accurate description of the malfunction that has occurred. Also, remember to provide additional files that indicate the problem and some technical information such as browser type and operating system version.

Method 3: Change Browser

Often, when uploading new photos to VK from a computer, the problem may not be on the site, but directly in the Internet browser itself. Under such circumstances, you will have to download and install one or more browsers and repeat all the previously performed steps for uploading a photo to the site.

The social network Odnoklassniki has achieved incredible popularity. This is due to the fact that the functionality of the site is not limited only to the exchange of messages between users. By registering a page on Odnoklassniki, you create a full-fledged profile, thanks to which friends and acquaintances will be able to follow your life. But here's the problem: it is impossible to upload a photo on the tablet to the album, or it gives an error that does not explain in any way how to fix it. Don't be upset! In this article, we will provide answers to the main questions: why photos in Odnoklassniki are not uploaded and what to do about it?

Deleting cookies

Cookies are small data files that are generated after visiting a particular page on the Internet. They are stored in the browser, and if you do not clean them for a long time, the program starts to slow down. Perhaps this was the reason for the problem of uploading photos on Odnoklassniki.

The process for clearing cookies differs depending on which browser you are using.

  • Internet Explorer: Service - Delete browsing history - Delete cookies - Delete;
  • Opera: Tools - Advanced - Manage cookies - Delete;
  • Mozilla Firefox: Tools - Options - Show cookies - Delete.

Important! Clearing cookies will delete all "remembered" passwords and logins.

Reinstall Adobe Flash Player

Flash Player is responsible for playing all media files in the browser. If it is not installed or the update fails, then there may be problems with uploading photos or pictures to Odnoklassniki.

The system automatically detects which browser is used and which OS is installed. Download Flash Player for free and install it on your computer. After installation, you need to restart your browser.

Do not forget to uncheck the box for installing additional software

Internet connection speed

Check your internet speed at Perhaps the problem with uploading photos is related to slow internet. If so, contact your ISP.

Change browser

If none of previous paragraphs did not help, then try logging into Odnoklassniki through a different browser.


A situation is possible when the problem is not with you, but on the Odnoklassniki website. In this case, you should wait 1-2 hours. The administration of the resource instantly responds to any breakdowns. If after a couple of hours no changes have occurred, then write a letter to the Support Service. For this on home page profile, click on the avatar in the upper right corner, and the pull-down menu - on the "Help" button.

We are looking for the tab " Useful information"(It is in the bottom row on the left) and click on it.

The social network VKontakte is, first of all, communication. However, in order for this communication to be even more intense and interesting, you need to pay attention to some nuances. For example, ideally, there should be photographs on your page, because looking at pictures of another person with whom you have friendship, and maybe love, is always interesting! I think the absolute majority of VK users will agree with me on this issue.

Since we are talking about photographs, it will also be useful to note the problem that many have encountered: when for some reason the photos are not uploaded to VK. With what it can be connected? What to do in this case? This and much more will be discussed in this material.

Wrong format

If your VKontakte photos are not loading, most likely, the reason lies in a banal way in your carelessness. The fact is that the VK developers have established certain requirements for uploaded photos, which absolutely everyone must follow. So, the photo should be jpg format, png or gif, and its size should not exceed 5 MB. If the picture you are trying to download does not meet these requirements, then you need to either resave it in the required format, or reduce it. There are also restrictions on.

Web browser problem

It often happens that the problem lies in the browser you are using. Usually this problem is common for Opera and Internet Explorer, so if you are using the first browser, check if your answer is yes, disable it and try uploading the photo again. In case of repeated unsuccessful attempt, I suggest you still resort to the services of another browser, say, Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

By the way, this problem may also occur if you have on your computer outdated version browser. Update, check just in case if JavaScript is enabled, if not, enable it.

Other reasons

There are a number of other reasons why it is not possible to upload photos to VKontakte, namely:

Well, I told you about the most likely reasons for the impossibility of uploading photos to VK. Eliminate them all - and the procedure will be crowned with success for you!

Video to help

The day of an ordinary man in the street today begins not with a cup of coffee, but with scrolling through the VKontakte news feed. But, empty page without pictures is unlikely to cheer up in the morning. In this article we will try to figure out why VKontakte does not load photos and how you can fix this situation.

Why pictures are not uploaded to VK and how to fix the situation

If your photos are not loaded in the application on the phone, and instead of colorful pictures you are greeted with a blank page, then it is quite simple to fix this situation.

  • Technical details. First, check the technical data of the photo. VKontakte allows you to upload pictures of no more than 5 megabytes in size and with extension JPG, PNG, GIF. If the picture does not meet the requirements, then it will not be displayed.
  • Availability and speed of the Internet. If there is no internet connection, then images will not be loaded either. Therefore, the next step is to check network access.
  • Cache. In some cases, a problem with displaying information can cause an overloaded cache and the working platform simply cannot cope with processing the data.

It is worth dwelling on this issue in more detail. The cache is a system section that stores information about all operations on the phone. When it fills up, the system starts to slow down and does not always cope with the load. To clear the cache, you can use special applications or use a built-in function on your phone.

On phones with operating system The Android option to clear the cache is found in general settings. You need to open the Application Manager folder, find VKontakte and clear the cache by clicking on a special button.

What to do if you cannot upload photos to VK album

Sometimes you can face the opposite problem, when you simply cannot upload photos to the album in the application. In this case, also start by checking the technical data. If everything is in order, then use the following instruction:

  • Browser problems. First, you should check for an update for the browser, because the program may in this moment download data packets and can't handle the load. The next step is to clear the cache. As in the case of the phone, the cache gets clogged and slows down the system. Cleaning procedures can be carried out using special programs from a third party developer.

  • Adobe flash Player. Without going into technical details, this program provides graphical reproduction of information in the browser. Check for updates and download if necessary new version ON.
  • Insecure connection. Quite often, uploading photos is accompanied by the introduction of viruses and the VK administration restricts the actions of users who use an unsecured connection.

In order to create a secure connection, go to "Settings", in the "Security" tab you will see the item "Establish a secure connection". Here you just need to check the box.

Of course, the workload of the VK servers may also be the cause of such a problem. In this case, the possibilities of users are limited, and the feed is often replete with unloaded photos.

Man buried in network cables, low section, elevated view

Messages in the Vkontakte feed are not loaded

If you do not load messages in the feed and in messages, then the reason for such a problem may be the following:

  • Lack of communication or low speed the Internet. In order to check the connection speed, you can use the service All you need to do is to click the "Start" button and the portal will check the work of your provider.

  • Problems with software applications... Try using a different browser, update the software and establish a secure connection. An overly zealous antivirus can become the cause of the conflict, disable it for a while and try to send the picture again.
  • Technical work on the VK server. In this case, it remains only to wait, since on your part you will not be able to do anything.
  • Download restriction. Check Resolution graphic file and its size, if necessary, the photo can be converted and reduced in size.

In addition to standard advice, completely unusual and original solutions can also help. For example, synchronize the time on your computer with the network. To do this, click on the clock icon, which is located in the lower right corner. A settings window will appear in front of you, in which you need to find the "Internet time" tab. In this dialog box, check the box next to "Synchronize with time server". Now click "OK" and try to upload the photo again.

Today Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular social networks on the Runet. Its users can not only exchange messages, but also upload, rate photos, share statuses, discuss topics in groups, etc. Actually, social network has become a full-fledged questionnaire, thanks to which friends and family can follow your life. It is difficult to find a person who would not share a photo that captures a bright moment from his life. However, there may be problems in the process of uploading media files to the page. But don't despair! Below we will answer the main questions: why photos are not uploaded to Odnoklassniki and how to fix it?

Problems when uploading photos may arise due to problems both on the part of the user and on the part of the resource. There are several ways to solve them:


Cookies are files that are automatically created when users visit pages and store information about their actions on these pages. They are stored in the browser and can cause "bugs" in the site. Therefore, for normal and uninterrupted use of the resource, they must be periodically deleted. In each browser, the delete function is in different sections:

  1. in Mozilla Firefox: Tools - Options - Show Cookies - Delete
  2. in Opera: Tools - Advanced - Manage Cookies - Delete
  3. in Internet Explorer: Tools - Delete Browsing History - Delete Cookies - Delete

Remember! Deleting cookies will reset all "remembered" logins and passwords.

Reinstall Adobe Flash Player.

Adobe Flash Player is a program that allows you to view media files in a browser.

If it is not installed, or installed old version or if the update fails, you may have problems uploading your photos. For installation latest version programs follow the link: The system will automatically detect your OS, browser type and offer the recommended program version. After installing it, do not forget to restart your browser.

Internet connection speed

It is likely that your connection speed may not be sufficient to download photos. You can check the baud rate at If so, check with your ISP.

Change browser

If none of the above methods helped, then try changing the browser, for example, there is a special browser for classmates, which can be downloaded from the link. Open Odnoklassniki and try to upload photos again. If the problem is fixed, then the problem is in this program.

Contacting support

It is possible that loading problems may arise due to site malfunctions. In this case, wait 1-2 hours and repeat the procedure again. The Odnoklassniki administration always responds promptly to technical problems with the site. If nothing has changed, please contact support. To do this, click on the thumbnail of your main profile photo (in the upper right corner) and select "Help" from the drop-down list.