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Google Toolbar - From Creation to Modern Situation. Adding Information to the Google Chrome Express Bar: Visualizing Bookmarks Google Search Bar

Hello site readers! It was decided to dedicate this post, in my opinion, to the most significant toolbar of foreign google search engine, because it is so important to add it to Google Webmaster from the very first day of the site's appearance.

Below I will go over all the settings and sections of this panel in more detail, give a couple of useful tricks and tell you about its purpose.

So the post will turn out from a series of overviews, where its main task is to show the capabilities and useful gadgets of the Google Toolbar for a novice webmaster.

I will not take the advanced site builders into account, since I am sure that they have already studied it from cover to cover.

I will say right away that the article was not small, so make yourself comfortable, enjoy your reading ...

What features does Google provide for a webmaster?

Which owner of a web resource does not want to see four-digit numbers in the statistics of visits (for this I use the counter from), and promoted queries are in the first places in Google search results?

I am sure there are no such people, and therefore it is important to constantly monitor all the ins and outs of the site: errors, transitions, indexing, links, microdata and other elements in order to be at an acceptable level for search engine robots and to take worthy places in the SERP (issue).

At the initial stage of this blog, I thought that my main task was only to inform the search engine robot about the existence of my project and nothing else needs to be done. Then the site should live its own life, and all I have to do is write interesting and useful content and buy links.

Alas, I was mistaken, because every day the construction of the wordpress engine (the site runs on this cms) automatically created hundreds of duplicate pages, and illiterate methods of obtaining external link mass led to the fact that hundreds of low-quality external links began to link to the blog, often with a direct occurrence of the forwarded request.

All this resulted in a number of filters and pessimization of the site in foreign search.

In order to timely identify all the problems in terms of promotion and site structure, there are a number of special services that allow you to analyze these parameters.

But why resort to them, especially half of them will also be paid when Google search went to a meeting with optimizers and created its own tool called.

Since this search engine itself dictates the rules for ranking and indexing sites, then why not use its arsenal of tools for a webmaster, which will show 100% how Google's PS robots see the content of analyzed sites and indicate errors, if any.

With the help of the list of tools, it will be possible to set and correct which elements should be paid attention to and what should be excluded from them. Below you will see and understand the power of this panel for yourself.

Just do not think that thanks to the tools in Google Webmaster, the site will receive any privileges in terms of the top positions it occupies.

All that can be done is to constantly monitor the development of the project, eliminating errors and helping the algorithms to correctly rank the content of the pages.

Google Toolbar Features:

  • Checking bans in robots.txt;
  • Correct spelling of Title and Description for articles;
  • Error reporting;
  • Working with page micro-markup;
  • Determination of the main site mirror;
  • Fast indexing of pages by means of Googlebot;
  • Messages about the presence of viruses and measures taken manually;
  • Search query statistics;
  • Prohibition of accounting for external links.
  • Of course, this is not the whole list, you will learn more about the rest by reading the post to the end.

    How to add a website to Google Webmaster

    I hope you understand the importance of these free tools for a webmaster, which is provided by almost every advanced search engine and now it's time to add your site to this panel.

    The first thing you need to do is get an account from Google, especially since you still have to use at least one of their services sooner or later, be it:

    1) Online albums in Picasa;

    2) Gmail mail (detailed manual on work with this mail client is);

    4) Analytics;

    5) Free magazine Blogger and others.

    You can create an account and activate in it by this link.

    After that, a window will appear in which all previously added sites will be displayed, and under each of them an informational message about errors and comments will be displayed.

    If you decide to add a new site to this list, then click on the "Add Site" button and follow the usual instructions for confirming the rights to own the site.

    Specify the URL address of the added site, click "Continue" and confirm the ownership.

    For those who have already dealt with the Yandex Webmaster panel, you will not see anything new. The system will offer, as in the Russian search engine, a choice of one of the ways to confirm the ownership of the site.

    First . Recommended... Its essence lies in the fact that you download a special html file containing the code, then upload it to the site folder, check if it opens from your browser, and if everything is ok, press the "Confirm" button.

    For those who this way not acceptable, there is an alternative.

    Second . Alternative... Here you can confirm the rights to the site by writing meta tags in the template file, usually in header.php, or use the DNS records of the domain name provider, as well as the Google Analytics account. For me personally, the first option is acceptable.

    If everything is correct, then the right to manage the site will be confirmed, and you will be taken to the main page of the Google Webmaster panel.

    In order for statistics to start to be displayed there, a little time must pass until the algorithms get to the site and collect data.

    Therefore, let's see what elements are rendered on the main page of Google Webmaster using my site as an example.

    On the left side there are tabs for all sections of the panel, right in the center are the latest notifications about critical errors, viruses and other alerts.

    Even to the right, the developers have placed a button to quickly navigate to other sites that were added to the same account of the Webmaster's panel, then a button from the Help (FAQ) area, and the latter is designed to configure the current site.

    The central area of ​​the window is occupied by several tabs from the tools, most likely programmers considered them the most important for optimizers, so that the latter could see the current parameters without going deep into the system. These are crawl errors, search queries, and sitemap indexing data.

    Description of Google Webmaster Tools settings

    In order to set up notifications of sent messages, bind other site owners, change the site address, and more, just click on the gear stash in the upper right corner.

    Settings for webmasters- will allow you to choose the language of messages, and if you want to receive a separate notification about any problems with the site, it is recommended to enable mail notifications and select the e-mail address where the letters will be sent.

    Site settings- here it is necessary to indicate the main Domain name for a site with or without www.

    This is necessary so that Google understands which URL to use to index pages.

    Change of address- if you decide to change the domain name and for this you set up a redirect from the old site to the new one using a 301 redirect, then it would be useful to inform Google about this search using this tool.

    Google Analytics resource- this section is used to link your Google Analytics account with Webmaster Tools, which will allow you to view reports and data on the site directly from Analytics.

    Users and site owners- the functions of this setting are designed to add new users who will be given full or limited access to the site panel.

    Confirmation information- this page displays information about the latest confirmations of the site owners.

    The most important thing about sections of the Google bar

    I hope we figured out the settings, now let's move on to the capabilities of the panel itself, because for the sake of its functions it is worth adding web resources.

    The panel consists of 6 sections, of which four have several subsections.

    All notifications related to the operation of the site will be displayed in this section. I recommend that you periodically look here, suddenly your files are attacked by malicious code. Pah - pah - pah three times.

    Search view

    This section consists of several subsections related to micro-markup (structured data), optimization HTML pages and other elements that affect the display and better understanding of the site's content in the SERP.

    If you have implemented micro-markup on your project, in my case this is the voting rating at the end of the article, you can read how to create it in the post "How to create a vote in the form of stars."

    In my example, the picture turned out that on those pages where there is no rating yet and the rating has not been determined, additional errors began to appear, since there is no minimum or maximum rating. Gradually, old articles acquire stars and elements with errors become less and less, which is clearly visible on the graph.

    Marker... Few people use this subsection, due to the fact that bloggers still do not fully understand the importance of structured data, but they better help the robot to understand the content on the page where the date, category, article, comments and other data are located.

    Thanks to the marker, you independently select any element on the page in order to assign micro data to it, gradually Google will re-index the site and take them into account.

    Optimizing HTML... If comments are found on the writing of titles, tags, descriptions and other metadata, a notification will be displayed in the subsection. This is done in order to increase the attractiveness in the search results of Google and increase its click-through rate.

    Site links... If you do not want additional site links that Google generates automatically in the SERP under the main site name, you can lower the rating of this link in this subsection by adding its address to a special field.

    Search traffic

    One of the useful sections that will clearly show how many people make a request to the site using the search tools, and how many external and internal links the resource has acquired.

    Here is the curve of the change in the number of hits to the site. It is very convenient to visually determine on what day the collapse occurred or, on the contrary, a sharp increase in traffic, and to understand what this could be connected with.

    Below is a list of the queries themselves, the number of their impressions, clicks, CTR and average positions that they occupy in the search. The same applies to the "Popular Pages" tab, where statistics on all pages of the web resource is collected by a similar method.

    This subsection will be very useful for those who do not yet want to pay money to special services for collecting data on the positions of promoted queries, which I described in this one.

    Based on this data, a list of low-quality links is formed that can harm the project in order to exclude their impact on the ranking of the site using the link blocking tool.

    Manual measures... If any sanctions are applied to the site, a notification will be displayed in this subsection with full description detected problem.

    In most cases, webmasters receive messages that they are leading to the site external links in order to artificially inflate its authority in the eyes of Google search. In common people, such messages mean that you fell under the distribution of the Penguin filter, which was applied manually.

    Geo targeting... I do not use this tab, but its direct purpose is to make the site available to the user in his native language, and for this it is necessary to determine from which region of residence the visitor is moving.

    Google Index

    From this section, the site owners will know exactly how robots index the site's pages and what keywords prevail in the content.

    In this subsection, go directly to the "Advanced Data" tab, which will show the total number of all pages known to the crawler robots, how many of them were blocked in the robots.txt file and how many were removed.

    As you can see, with duplicate pages, everything is more or less going well for me, despite the fact that I practically do not prohibit anything in robots. You will learn about why webmasters do this from the article "".

    Keywords in content... A special report that shows how many words prevail in the content of all pages. For detailed information click on keyword, as a result of which you will be displayed full list detected word forms.

    Remove urls... This toolbar menu allows the webmaster to remove unnecessary page URLs. It is enough to create a new delete request.


    One of the main sections that contains statistics on crawling all website files and other tools to help the optimizer influence the significance individual pages and the entire site as a whole in the eyes of Google search robots.

    This subsection displays in the form of graphs and statistics all errors that occur on the server side, the impossibility of the robot entering the page due to its ban, as well as those pages that have been deleted and the algorithms cannot access them due to the 404 error.

    The report is generated separately, both for PCs and Smartphones.

    Scan statistics... A list of graphs and diagrams for a detailed analysis of the robots visiting the site's resources in order to scan pages, the time and memory spent on this.

    View as Googlebot... A useful subsection for a webmaster that allows you to drive new articles into the index or inform robots about changes in the content of old posts.

    I examined this item in detail in the article "".

    The robots file is automatically uploaded to this page and the toolbar periodically checks it.

    If suddenly there is something wrong with your file, that is, it will be written with errors or directives that do not work are indicated, you will receive under the error warning form.

    To make it easier for the Google robot to access all the pages of your project, there is a special sitemap.xml file.

    In this subsection, you set what rules, how robots should scan this or that parameter on the site.

    When I had thousands of duplicate pages created by tree-like comments on my blog because of the constructive feature of the wordpress engine, in addition to the redirect, I indicated on this page that Google would not take into account pages with the replytocom parameter.

    Security concerns... Anything related to data security threats will be displayed on this page. If you catch a virus or even worse malware software then Google will let you know so you can fix the problem.


    This concludes my story. I would like to believe that the time I spent on writing this article was not in vain and you can endure a piece useful information for yourself and your projects, because the Google Webmaster toolbar is one of the important components correct work any site.

    If you have questions, I will be glad to answer them in the comments to this article, in the near future I will make a detailed analysis of an equally useful tool, but from Yandex, so don't miss it. subscribe to page updates blog post by mail.

    Google chrome does not contain beautiful visual bookmarks, the standard of which was set by the Opera browser based on the Presto engine. And which can be found today in Chromium-based Opera, as well as in Vivaldi browsers and Yandex Browser. Instead of visual bookmarks, Google Chrome is equipped with another tool for quick access to your favorite sites - the services bar, also known as the application launcher (Chrome Apps Launcher).

    Below we will consider its specifics and subtleties of setting.

    Specifics of the Chrome Services Panel

    The Chrome services panel is a separate standard browser page at chrome: // apps designed in the style of mobile desktops operating systems where your favorite sites are displayed as compact shortcuts. You can get into it using the browser bookmarks bar, if in context menu the latter is not disabled (initially active) option "Show the button" Services ".

    Playing the main role of a guide to the world of the Internet, Chrome is also a platform for the operation of applications - simple programs tailored for the operation of web services, but more often than ordinary websites, with the only difference that they can potentially be launched in a separate window based on Chrome cleaned of browser tools. The services panel is used to launch Chrome applications. Previously, it could also integrate into Windows or Mac OS. The panel was launched in a small system window using a shortcut separate from the browser. But now this feature has been left only for Chrome OS, and removed from the browser.

    The Chrome services bar is not a familiar tool for quick access to your favorite sites like visual bookmarks, but it can be used as such a tool. It, alas, is not customizable simply and flexibly, like the "native" panels of visual bookmarks. Opera browsers and Vivaldi. Nevertheless, the Chrome services panel can be a good alternative to visual bookmarks when working with low-power computers. It is minimalistic and, accordingly, does not burden the browser, as most extensions do for the implementation of colorful and functional quick access pages.

    On the Chrome services panel, you can create any desktops with a thematic selection of shortcuts and, while holding down the left mouse button, move these shortcuts from one desktop to another. The new desktop will appear automatically if the shortcut is pulled to the maximum to the right, to the very edge of the screen. You can move between desktops either using the stripes on the sides of the screen, or using the keys Ctrl + → / ←, or by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the Shift key.

    In terms of organizing the Chrome services panel, we will get only such a minimum of possibilities. Well, maybe more options for each individual shortcut. In the context menu of shortcuts, you can delete them from the Chrome services panel, create system launch shortcuts for them, and also configure them to open in a regular browser tab or in your own separate window. Parameter setting will be available only for individual shortcuts.

    Alas, the shortcut cannot even be renamed. To correct the name, you will have to delete and recreate the shortcut, but with a different name.

    Now let's talk about how to place shortcuts of the necessary sites on the Chrome services panel. Those get there in several ways - when downloading unpacked extensions in developer mode, when installing applications from the browser store, and when turning regular sites into Chrome applications. Consider the last two paths.

    You can search for shortcuts for individual sites in the Chrome Store by selecting the Apps search filter.

    My favorite sites

    Naturally, the Chrome Store does not offer all possible Internet sites. In order for the shortcut of your favorite site to appear on the services panel, first open it in the Chrome window, then click the browser menu, select "Additional tools", then - "Add to Desktop".

    A dialog box will appear at the top where you can change the automatically generated name of the site, as well as, if necessary, assign it to open not in the general browser tabs, but in a separate window. Press the button "Add".

    The site shortcut will appear both in the Chrome services panel and on the desktop. Windows desktop, from where it can be deleted if desired.

    The advantage of creating shortcuts in the Chrome services bar by installing apps from the browser store is the customization of their icons. The icons of such labels will be with the required resolution and aspect ratio. And here are the site shortcuts created as described in previous paragraph unfortunately, not in every case will the articles be with a clear, blurry and neat picture. In this case, Chrome has its own solution: the browser will replace the original blurry shortcut icons with icons of its own automatic production in the form of capital letters of the site names against the background of their themed color.

    But this will happen only after a new connection. Google account to the local browser profile and data synchronization.

    Access to the services panel can be configured separately from the bookmarks panel. For example, by setting chrome: // apps as home page browser to open the services panel when you click the house button.

    An alternative service bar format offers an extension for Chrome - Apps Launcher... It embeds a button for its appearance in a small drop-down window right on the browser toolbar. The drop-down box is configured in the extension parameters.

    Another extension is Show Apps in new tab- Chrome services bar replaces the quick access page when opening a new tab.

    By setting Internet Explorer, some users are not satisfied with the set of functions that is included in the composition. To expand its capabilities, you can download additional applications.

    The Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer is a dedicated toolbar that includes various settings for the browser. Replaces the standard search engine with Google. Allows you to customize autocomplete, block pop-ups, and more.

    How to download and install Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer

    This plugin is downloaded from the official Google site.

    You will be asked to agree to the terms and the installation process will begin.

    After that, you need to restart all active browsers for the changes to take effect.

    Setting up Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer

    In order to configure this panel, you need to go to the section "Settings" by clicking on the corresponding icon.

    In the tab "General" languages ​​are installed search engine and which site is taken as a basis. In my case, it is Russian. Here you can also configure saving history and make additional settings.

    "Confidentiality"- is responsible for sending information to Google.

    Use dedicated buttons to customize the panel interface. They can be added, removed and swapped. To change the settings after saving, you must restart Explorer.

    The built-in Google Toolbar lets you customize pop-up blockers, access bookmarks from any computer, check spelling, highlight and search for words on open pages.

    With the autocomplete feature, you can spend less time entering the same information. All you have to do is create a profile and an autocomplete form, and Google Toolbar will do everything for you. However, use this function costs only on verified sites.

    Also, this program supports most of the popular social. networks. By adding dedicated buttons, you can quickly share information with your friends.

    After reviewing the Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer, it is a really useful addition to the standard browser functionality.

    We have released a new book “Content Marketing in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand. "

    Google Webmaster tools - what is it?

    Google Webmaster is a toolbar for website promotion

    Tool for webmasters Google is an excellent assistant in website promotion within the framework of this search service. The system keeps statistics of user requests, notifies the owner of the web resource about critical errors and problems on the site.

    More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

    Google Webmaster tools are intended for website owners and promoting other people's web projects. This is a set useful services allowing to solve the following tasks:

    • analyze search traffic;
    • detect scanning errors;
    • identify problems with page indexing;
    • hand over sitemaps a robot;
    • check the operability of the robots.txt file;
    • forced indexing of pages (quota of 500 items per month);
    • detect security problems;
    • browse the site like Googlebot.

    Configuring Google Webmaster

    To use Google tools, you need to have mailbox Gmail. It can be registered. Upon completion of the procedure, go to Google webmaster panel... Then it will be possible to add a website to Google webmaster, after which the system will offer to confirm access rights in two ways:

    1. download text file with the code and put it in root folder site;
    2. add meta tag to code home page(useful if there is no FTP access).

    After confirmation, Google's webmaster tools become available. At first, the system collects statistics, so information about the indexing status and search queries will not be available.

    How to add a Sitemap to Google Webmaster

    A sitemap is an xml document that contains a list of the addresses of all pages on a site. It helps the search robot to index the Internet resource faster. Using Google Webmaster Tools , you can manually transfer the sitemap to Google. To do this, follow these steps:

    • create a Sitemap using one of the special services;
    • upload the map to the root folder of the site;
    • open tools for google webmasters;
    • go to the "crawl" tab >> "sitemaps";
    • press the button "add / check Sitemap";
    • specify the address of the sitemap.

    The Google Webmaster Toolbar will alert you to the progress of the file upload. If in the course of document processing you find problems, then you will learn how to fix them (for example, you may need to correct an incorrectly compiled robots.txt file).

    We look like Googlebot

    This is a useful feature of Google webmaster that allows you to see your site through the eyes of a robot. This makes it possible to identify and correct code errors. To activate the option, you need to go to Google Webmaster Tools, open the "scan" tab >> "view as Googlebot". V address bar enter the URL of the required page, and then press the "get and display" button.

    By clicking on the line "display request", you can visually evaluate how a regular visitor sees the site page, and how the Google robot perceives it. Also, the Google toolbar will display a list of resources (scripts, stylesheets, frames) that the robot could not read.

    Optimizing HTML in Google webmaster tools

    Through the Google webmaster's panel, you can track optimization problems. To do this, you need to go to the section "view in search" >> "html optimization". The system will indicate the following problems:

    • long or repetitive meta descriptions;
    • missing headers;
    • short Title tags;
    • uninformative headings;
    • the presence of non-indexed content.

    Using wisely Google capabilities for webmasters, you can improve the position of your site without financial costs.

    In this tutorial I will show you how you can add express panel for Google Chrome.

    In the last lesson, we talked about how to export and import bookmarks in the google chrome browser. Now, as promised, I will tell you how you can add to google browser chrome express panel with visual bookmarks. Let's consider two ways.

    Express panel from Yandex

    After you went to the site in the search engine for extensions, we hammer search query"Visual Bookmarks" and select the type "Extensions". In the results, you will have an extension from Yandex. This is what we need to establish. To install, you must click on the "Free" button.

    After that, a new window will jump out in which you need to click on the "Add" button.

    A message will jump out that the extension has been successfully installed.

    Now when you start the browser or open a new tab, you will have visual bookmarks.

    Now let's go in and see what settings the express panel from Yandex has. To do this, follow the link in the lower right corner. A list with settings will open in front of you, where you can choose the number of bookmarks to display on the screen, the ability to change the background of the express panel.

    If you click on the "Other parameters" button, you can customize the type of headers, display the search bar, an additional bookmark bar and agree to sending anonymous statistics about the extension's work to Yandex.

    If you look closely at those bookmarks that have already been added, you can see the last sites you visited. Thus, Yandex filled the void that would have formed if there were no bookmarks. Therefore, first we need to learn how to delete bookmarks. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the bookmark you want to delete and click on the cross that appears in the upper right corner of the bookmark. Then confirm the deletion of the bookmark.

    Now a void has formed at the place of the bookmark, which you can fill with a new one. To do this, just move the mouse cursor over this place and you will have a button to add a bookmark.

    By clicking on the button, you will see several fields that you just need to fill out. The first field for the site address, in which you can simply start entering the site and the extension itself will prompt a further link and a name for a future bookmark. At the end, you just need to click on the "Save" button. That's it, the bookmark has been added.

    Also, you can correct the data that you entered when adding a bookmark. To do this, hover your mouse over the bookmark you want to edit and just click the gear-shaped icon.

    Well, at the end it is worth saying that you can change bookmarks with each other in places. To do this, just hold down the bookmark with the left mouse button and drag it to another place.

    Speed ​​Dial 2 Extension

    You can install it in exactly the same way. Enter the query into the search and click the "Install" button.

    Now let's open a new blank tab. You will be presented with a greeting that you can either skip, or click "Continue" to familiarize yourself with all the features of the add-on.

    After watching the presentation, you will be prompted to register, which is not necessary, so you can safely click on the "Continue outside of your account" link.

    When opened for the first time, the panel looks like this.

    To add a bookmark, click on the plus icon. Next, in the fields, enter the site address and the name of the bookmark. Below you can add your own sketch visual bookmarks... At the end, click "Save".

    After saving, you will have a new bookmark. By clicking on it right key mouse, you can open it, edit, delete or update the sketch. There will be a special icon next to it, through which you can add another bookmark. This way you can add a large number of visual tabs.

    Now let's take a look at the special icon that appeared in the panel in the upper right corner. You can use it to customize the panel. To do this, follow the link "Options".

    There are tons of options here that should be easy to configure. If you have created an account for yourself and logged into it, then here you can create backups saved bookmarks so that if something happens they can be restored at any time.

    That's all for me, see you in the next lessons. Be sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel.

    Below you can watch the video version of the lesson.