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How to make square brackets in a Word. How to put square brackets, quotes and other signs in Word.

Almost everyone who uses a computer has repeatedly encountered work in Microsoft Word... And despite the fact that the experience of using this program can be very large, sometimes there are situations when it is impossible to find, just like that, from a raid how to solve a particular problem. Stress, degree, and even square brackets often become such a problem. And then questions arise as to how to put an emphasis in a Word or how to put a degree in a Word. This article will show you how to do this.

And then a boolean condition followed by an executable statement. It is quite obvious that if the logical condition is initially satisfied and no evaluation is performed in the expression executed in the loop, which can lead to a change in the logical condition, then the loop will continue indefinitely.

The following block diagram follows. This allows you to use a character and enter the next character. This type of loop consists of a keyword to which the statement is to be executed, followed by a key and a boolean condition enclosed in parentheses.

How to put stress in a Word

Method 1- Using a special paste.

Place the cursor immediately after the letter you want to emphasize. At the top of the screen, open the "Insert" tab and click on the Symbols menu (if your screen is of small resolution, an additional Equation / Symbols menu will open). At the bottom of the window, click on the "More Symbols" link.

In the above code, the user is prompted to enter a character. The character entered by the user is re-exported to the screen. This loop is often used to perform certain operations on arrays because, in its typical form, it contains an index variable that, at run time, takes values ​​from a range that might match the range of the array. There is a statement in her body that needs to be made. A typical, typical cycle is shown below.

A typical loop is executed as follows: first, the index variable is assigned the value of the first range, then the value of the variable is compared with the value of the second range, and if it is less, the statement that is its body is executed. After executing this instruction, the index variable is incremented by 1 and re-compared to the upper range.

Adding stress through special characters

In the symbols window that opens, select a set called “combined diacr. signs ". Find the appropriate symbol, select it and click on the "Insert" button. The letter that was located to the left of the cursor will receive an accent mark on top. Stress can be either with the left tilt or with the right. Pay attention to the character code that corresponds to the selected character. Any character has this code and can be used to quickly add to text.

In general, the initial expression is executed at the beginning, then the loop continuation condition is checked, then the loop body is executed, and after it the loop expression is evaluated. If the loop continuation condition is still met, the loop body and step are repeated again.

A typical cycle follows the following block diagram. To reverse the direction of the loop, instead of increasing the index at the loop step, it can be decremented. It is necessary to change the condition for continuing the cycle. In the above example, the user is initially prompted to enter 5 integers, which are then displayed in reverse order.

This is how the added stress with the right tilt on the letter "e" should look like.

Method 2- Replacing a character code with a character using the Alt + X keyboard shortcut.

When creating complex algorithms, it often happens that some of the tasks they perform are repeated in many places. If this is a sequence of simple operations, then, of course, you can use a loop in which the algorithm will be repeated. This is not always the case - a typical repetitive piece of code is found in different places in the algorithm, and using the previously described constructs does not solve this problem.

Therefore, one of the main tools provided by programming languages ​​are subroutines, which are separate algorithms that can be called repeatedly. However, using only built-in procedures will not solve the problem discussed here, since the need for a mechanism to define them is also necessary for efficient use of subroutines outside the framework of their design mechanism. Subroutines would not be very useful if they could not be called with various parameters that change the behavior of the subroutine.

In the previous method, I drew your attention to the hexadecimal code of the added character. And if you look at the image above, you can see that the accent mark with the left tilt corresponds to the code "0300", and with the right tilt the code 0301. These codes can be used to add characters. To do this, enter the appropriate character code to the right of the character you want to emphasize. Without moving the cursor to another location, press the Alt + X keyboard shortcut. After clicking, the code should be converted to the character it corresponds to. In my example, I added code 0300 and after pressing the combination Word keys converted it to a left-tilted accent and 0301 to a right-tilted. The result is visible on the line below.

Subroutine parameters can also be thought of as input for processing. They differ from each other because functions, unlike procedures, return value. Their action is similar to mathematical functions, which lead to a specific result for specific arguments. A function definition consists of a header and a procedure body. A function header consists of the type of the value returned by the function, its name, and a comma-separated list of arguments of type parameter_name.

Below is the general form function definitions. All global variables of the program, as well as variables that are its parameters, are available in the body of the function. These last variables take on values ​​such as arguments passed in a function call.

Method 3- Using the code entered on additional keyboard.

And finally, the most quick way adding stress over the letter. Place the cursor after the letter and, with the Alt key pressed, enter the numeric code on the additional numeric keypad... Accents with the left incline correspond to the code "0768", and with the right incline the code "0769". When entering a code on the keyboard, the Alt key is not released.

The name of the function, along with its parameter list, is the signature of the function. If we want to call a predefined function, we must provide its name and nested round arguments. The arguments can be constants or variables, the number and type of which correspond exactly to the number and type of arguments that appear in the function signature.

This is a prerequisite for the correct function to return a value for every possible path of the function execution. A typical common function call is as follows. It is necessary that the type of the variable to which we assign the value of the function call matches the type returned by this function. If these types are not compatible, the program will not compile.

How to put a degree in a Word

Unlike stress, the degree is used much more often and especially in technical documents. And the developers naturally took into account the need for frequent use and made a special button to convert a character or group of characters to upper or lower case. Upper case and used as a degree in a Word.

An example of using the function. The execution of the above program looks like this: The third cardinality 2 is equal to: 8 The fourth cardinality is 3: 81. It is worth noting that the program itself is defined as a function that also returns a value. Unlike a typical function, it doesn't have to return any value. The value returned by the program is accessible from the outside, and if it is not equal to zero, then the program execution ends with an error. The return value is an execution error code.

A procedure definition is not very different from a function definition. The general form of the procedure definition is as follows. All variables listed in the function description are available in the body of the procedure. A procedure call must follow the same assumptions as a function call. Note, however, that since the procedure does not return a value, it cannot appear to the right of the assignment operator.

For example, to create a degree of square meters, select the number “2” and find the “X” with a two above it on the “Home” tab. This button converts the number 2 to a power of two. You can see the transformation result in the image below.

An example of using the procedure. The two calls in the program are wrong. The first has a different number of arguments than the signature of the procedure, and the second does not match the type of the argument in the signature. After removing the invalid calls, the program execution will look like this: the number has a value of 5. The number has a value of 10.

Keyword match types help you control which search terms your ad is triggering. For example, you can use broad match to show your ad to a wide audience or focus on specific customer groups.

You can put the degree in another way (albeit less used). Through the font settings window. To convert, select a symbol and click on the small square with an arrow in the "Fonts" section on the main tab. Instead of clicking on the square, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D. In the "Modify" section, check the box next to "superscript".

This article describes the available match types. Learn more about adding keywords. The wider your keyword matching parameter is, the more traffic it can generate. Conversely, the narrower the match, the better the keyword will match the search query the client is looking for.

Knowing these differences will allow you to choose the right options that can improve your return on investment. When choosing the right type of keyword match, we generally recommend starting with broad match to maximize the likelihood of your ads appearing for relevant search results. You can use the report on search queries to see what keyword variations your ads have triggered.

How to put square brackets in a Word

Square brackets are hard not to find on the keyboard, but if you suddenly couldn't find them, here they are:

Each match type displays your ad in search results performed by a customer. Learn more about each type of match. Keywords are matched regardless of the case. You don't need to type the words "womens hats" and "womens hats" as keywords, just enter "womens hats".

Approximate match

Keyword match types can be used in campaigns targeting the search network. The keywords to display are treated as keywords with broad match. Broad match is the default match type for all keywords. Ads can appear in search results for synonyms, similar searches, spelling errors and other relevant variations.

They are entered in English layout keyboard. When the Russian layout is enabled, you will not be able to put square brackets.

You can go a very complicated way and insert them through inserting special characters in the same way as when adding stress. Open the Symbols menu in the Insert tab and select Other Symbols. Find the square brackets in the table and click insert.

Widescreen modifier

Example keyword: womens hats Search example: Buy womens hats. ... Ads can appear in search results with a changed password in any order. Symbol: keyword Examples of keywords: women's hats Search example: hats for women.

Matching an expression

Ads can appear in search results for the expression and its related variants.

Negative match

Symbols: "keyword" Example of a keyword: "womens hats" Search example: Buy womens hats. Ads can appear in search results for the exact keyword and its related variants. Ads may appear in search results that do not include a password.

You can use the character code to add to the text in the same way. Enter the code 005B for the opening bracket and 005B for the closing one and immediately after entering the character press the Alt + X key combination. You should get a result similar to the one in the image below.

Related keyword variations

Symbol: - keyword Example of a keyword: - ladies Example of search: caps. ... We'll show your ads for close variants of your keywords with exact match and phrase match to make the most of your ads' search capabilities for relevant searches so that all potential customers can see them. Such variations include misspellings, singular and plural forms, acronyms, inflected and related expressions, abbreviations, and accented forms.

And of course, you can add square brackets by entering their code on the additional numeric keypad. Hold down the Alt key and without releasing it, on the additional keyboard on the right, type code 91 to open brackets and code 93 to close.

Therefore, you do not need to add these variations separately as keywords. As long as we show close variants of your keywords with exact match and phrase match, these match types give you more control than broad match. This is because broad match keywords also show ads for synonyms and similar searches that are not considered close matches.

In Poland, the de facto standard is a keyboard with an American keyboard layout. At that time, no one could even come to the idea that a computer would be the standard equipment in every home, used by people who speak many languages, often not even Latin.

Square brackets mean special character, which has its own individual purpose, and it can be used in completely different areas. For example, it can be physics, mathematics and even literature. It is worth knowing that these signs are paired, and accordingly, we can say that they complement each other. If you set one parenthesis, for example, closing or opening, then an error will be made, which can be corrected by adding a second element. Today we decided to talk about how to do it on the keyboard. After reading the article, you can insert such characters into any text.

Aside from the further part of this turbulent history, its consequences are still visible today. The keyboards we use are capable of entering a very limited number of characters, which are not even sufficient for the Polish language. The standard Polish keyboard does not have the ability to enter Polish quotes and angle words, and the four horizontal stripes degrade to one minus sign.

The simplest solution is to use symbol tables, which are special applications that provide multiple symbols ready to be copied. Therefore, it is better to use special applications. Both programs have a similar set of functions, such as searching, sorting by function group, or symbol detailing. While symbol tables are simple and intuitive to use, they are also ineffective in the long run. Character tables are useful when you need to insert some unusual character at a time, but they won't work if you need to write longer text in a foreign language with multiple diacritics.


If you are using a standard keyboard adapted for the Cyrillic alphabet, these characters will be in the places of the "X" and "b" buttons. In order to place a square bracket in the text, you should change the layout so that the text is printed in English. You can use the Alt + Shift hotkeys or another combination, it all depends first of all on the settings of your personal computer, as well as from By the way, if you want to know how to put square brackets and, for example, you have the ability to switch not only to English, then you should be aware that you can install these symbols in different layouts, except for Russian. This is done in a similar way.

Control Panel

It also happens: you just started working with hotkeys, but you just don't like using them, in which case, if you really want to, you can change them at your discretion. In order to replace the combinations, you need to go to the control panel of your operating system. There you can find a special menu called "Change layout and input methods", you should go to it. Surely now you figured out how to make a square bracket on the keyboard by changing the keyboard layout. But this is just one of the options. Of course, the question is how to make square brackets on the keyboard, for experienced users seems very simple. At the same time, newbies definitely need additional help, since in fact it is not so easy to understand the entire installation process.

Additional feature

You can also solve the question of how to make square brackets on the keyboard using a special symbol table, which, by the way, is present in all operating systems... Few users know how to call this tool, and therefore we will now describe the whole process for you. First you need to go to "Start", then find the "All Programs" section, and from there go to the "Standard" tab in the list that opens, where you can find "System Tools".

In fact, the solution to the question of how to make square brackets on the keyboard is not so difficult, and if you show maximum care, in this case you should not have any difficulties.