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How to find out how many people use my wifi. Signs of unauthorized connections. How many people are using the WiFi connection

Today Wi-Fi exists in almost every home and office, as well as in various entertainment venues. This will allow users to easily connect to the Internet when the need arises.

Of course, free wireless access is an essential convenience, but router owners are concerned about the following question: "How do you know who has connected to a particular WIFI?" This problem is quite common today, so it's worth understanding all the nuances.

The router may keep a log of operation, depending on the specific model. However, it is quite problematic to find information there that may be useful. The easiest way is to look at the current status and determine how many connected devices there are. Truth, this way not reliable enough, because it displays information in a specific period of time.

What should be a cause for concern?

Router owners should be alert if the following problems appear:

Reducing the data transfer speed (there are many reasons for this, but the most common is the connection with other people's devices);
vigorous blinking of the indicator (as a rule, a similar phenomenon is observed when there is an exchange of data with the Internet).

If the devices in this moment do not work and the indicator is on, this is cause for concern.

Connected equipment table

Users are willing to use many ways to find out who has connected to their WIFI. After all, this reduces the quality of the owner's work. To check whether unscrupulous users are connected to Wi-Fi, you can use the method of viewing the technique table. To implement it, you need to enter the IP address into the browser line, and then start the command interpreter.

Thus, the following actions are performed:

1. Goes to the Start menu.
2. The section "Search" is selected.
3. Enter "cmd" and press "Enter".
4. The "ipconfig" command is executed. Next to the Default Gateway label, you can see the address of the router.

When the login and password are specified, a list of devices connecting to the router will be displayed in the window that appears on the screen. In the event that unfamiliar IP and MAC addresses are observed, it is necessary to block these users. You can also limit their priority for a certain period of time.

How can I find out who is connected to Wi-Fi when using the router settings?

This method is quite simple. When there are suspicions that someone has connected to WIFI, you should check this guess. To do this, you need to go to the settings and specify the appropriate tab, where all the information will be displayed. To visit the settings panel, you need to enter the numbers in the address bar of the browser, which can be found on the back of the router. They may differ, depending on the router model, but mostly they are or In addition, these numbers, as well as the login and password, can be seen in the technical documentation.

After entering all the data, you will need to click on the "OK" button and go to the device settings. First, you need to go to the "Basic Settings" section, and then visit the "Wireless Mode" menu by selecting "Wireless Mode Statistics" there. On the right in the window that opens, you can find the number of stations connected to the wireless Wi-Fi connection.

These statistics also show the MAC addresses of the devices, the total number of packets, and the type of encryption. Owners of routers with enough experience know that it is possible to test the connection of other equipment to their wifi "using a cable. To do this, use the "DHCP" tab, where you need to find the item "DHCP Clients List". If there are connected devices, not only their MAC address will be displayed, but also their IP address.

Blocking someone else's MAC address

When the owner wireless connection detects other people's connections, you should block the MAC address. This is quite simple to do, you just need to filter out foreign devices. To achieve such goals, you should visit the "MAC Address Filtering" section and select the "Enable" item. After that, you need to set the button on the first parameter. Then it is suggested to add someone else's address and save the changes made. This makes it possible to block access to the Internet for unauthorized devices that will no longer be able to use Wi-Fi.

Setting a password for Wi-Fi

To protect your Wi-Fi from other users, you need to set a password. After that, access to the Internet will be limited, and the owner of the router will get rid of various problems associated, for example, with low data rates. It is recommended that you choose your password very carefully. This is necessary so that unauthorized persons cannot figure it out. If you use a simple and predictable cipher, it will not prevent other users from connecting to wireless network... It is advisable to use a combination of capital and small letters, numbers and punctuation marks. It is also recommended to make it longer.

Scanning local network

There is another option, how to find out who has connected to WIFI. It consists of scanning the local network. First you need to enter the IP address of the computer and select the required range. When the check is done, two addresses are displayed:

- connected device;
- modem.

If there are more of them, this indicates that third-party devices are connected to Wi-Fi. Sometimes users set up WEP encryption, but this method is not secure. Today there are programs that allow you to break the protection and connect to the Internet. WPA is a stronger barrier, but not all legacy routers support this protocol.

Wireless Network Watcher

There is a program designed to test third-party WIFI connections. It's called Wireless Network Watcher. Download the program from the official website. This will avoid all kinds of fakes. It is required to launch the program from the device that is connected to the router, otherwise no benefit from Wireless Network Watcher will be obtained.

When the scan is performed, you can see not only the number of connected devices, but also the MAC addresses. In addition, the name of the manufacturer will be visible. However, it will not work to deactivate unscrupulous users when using the program. You need to go to the device settings and block addresses. Experienced users apply special program, which makes it possible to determine the location of the connected device, and the accuracy is maintained up to several meters.

There are many ways to find out who is connected to WIFI. Each user is able to choose the one that suits him best.

I recently wrote an article in which I told you how to view a list of connected devices over Wi-Fi. In this article, we will look at all the devices connected to your Wi-Fi on D-Link routers. I will show using the example of the D-link DIR-615 model, which we configured in. If you wrote in the search something like "how to see who is connected to my wi-fi", then you hardly need to explain what is what, and why it is needed. But, for those who are not in the subject, I will quickly describe everything in a few words.

Here you have a router (in our case D-Link)... He's giving out Wi-Fi. Most likely, your network is under a password, and no one else will connect to it except you. But, at one point you have a question: "what if someone hacked my network and connected to it?". There may be other reasons why you might need a list of connected devices to the wireless network, but in most cases, everything goes something like this.

What you can find out about the connected device:

  • MAC address
  • Device name (computer name)
  • Assigned IP address
  • Connection time
  • The number of bytes sent and received.

It is possible to disable the desired device directly in the router settings. You can also block the desired device, but I will write about this in the next article.

We look at the list of devices connected via Wi-Fi on D-Link

We go to the settings of your D-Link. This is very easy to do. In the browser, we type the address and specify the username and password. The default is admin and admin. If you changed them, then indicate yours. You can.

To view all connected software Wi-Fi devices, there is a special page in the D-Link router settings. Go to the tab Wi-Fi - Wi-Fi Clients List.

You will see a list with all currently connected devices.

To refresh the list, click the button Refresh... It is a pity that the device name is not displayed in the list. But, this information is displayed on the DHCP page. To view this information, go to the tab Status - DHCP... But, there will be displayed devices that are also connected via a network cable.

There is another page in the settings, which displays information about almost all the router in a very cool way, including connected devices. Just go to the settings tab Monitoring.

It displays in detail information about all connected devices, Internet connection, settings Wi-Fi networks, firewall status, etc.

To forcibly disconnect the desired device from the router, then on the tab Wi-Fi - Wi-Fi Clients List just highlight the device you want (you will have to navigate by MAC address, or check the MAC address against the name on the DHCP tab) and click on the button Disconnect.

That's all. If you saw any strange devices, then I advise you to simply reboot the router. After that, all devices will be disconnected, and it will be possible to connect back only with a new password.

If you have a question about how to see who is connected to my Wi-Fi router with the Internet from Rostelecom, you should familiarize yourself with the hardware software. It contains all the modules necessary for checking the list of clients that will help identify unwanted users, and then restrict their access to the network.

How can I check who is connected to my Wi-Fi router from Rostelecom?

Before checking the list of those who are connected to my Wi-Fi router with Internet from Rostelecom, you need to familiarize yourself with the work in the network equipment software. Like any computer, a Wi-Fi hotspot is equipped with an operating system that allows you not only to manage connections in automatic mode but also make changes. Due to the lack of any input and output devices on the router, all work with it is done remotely, using the operating system of the computer located in its network.

The web interface is used to connect to the software of most network routers. You can connect to it through any browser on your computer, such as Google chrome, Mozila Firefox, Internet Explorer v operating system Windows or Safari on Apple Mac OS X.

You can also configure the settings from any portable device, such as a tablet or smartphone, that supports a Wi-Fi connection.

How do I find out who is connected to my Wi-Fi from Rostelecom in the router software?

How to find out who is connected to my Wi-Fi router with a connection from Rostelecom through the device's web interface. To enter software you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the brand and equipment modules. This is due to the fact that Rostelecom does not produce its own routers, but only orders batches of devices under its own brand from various manufacturers.

Attention! Before entering the device software, you will need to study its instructions, since it contains such data as the login address, as well as the login and password for accessing the web interface.

If you have all the necessary data, you can proceed to logging into the web interface to view the clients of the Wi-Fi router from Rostelecom. If there is not enough information, you can try using standard data:

  • login and password - admin;
  • Login IP - or

These parameters are used by default on most equipment from various manufacturers.

How to enter the web interface of the router to view clients connected to Wi-Fi?

In order to enter the device's web interface, you need to:

  • open a browser;
  • enter the device's IP in the address bar;
  • fill in the authorization fields (login and password).

After that we will get to start page web interface. Depending on the manufacturer, model and firmware of the device, the arrangement of elements on it may differ. Using the example of equipment from D-Link, which is most often found when using the Internet from Rostelecom, you need to find the Wi-Fi item, which is responsible for setting up and operating the wireless connection. After clicking on this item, an additional menu will open, in which we will need to select the line with the name "List of Wi-Fi clients".

After that, a table will open in front of us, in which all clients connected to a Wi-Fi access point from Rostelecom will be presented, as well as Additional Information about their activity (session time).

How to disconnect unwanted devices from Wi-Fi Rostelecom?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to simply remove unwanted devices from the list we have opened. And if we have already figured out how to see who is connected to my Wi-Fi router from Rostelecom, then to remove unwanted connections, you will need to study other items on the Wi-Fi tab. There is a special column MAC-filter, which in its very name conveys the effect of the function we need, namely, filtering connections.

Knowing the MAC address of the unwanted device, which can be viewed on the connections page, we can add it to the list of prohibited devices. You can also go in the opposite direction, namely, set the MAC addresses of allowed devices and close access for everyone else. If there is no desire to look for device addresses, then we recommend that you simply strengthen the protection parameters on the appropriate tab.

To view the devices connected to our Wi-Fi network based on the Internet from Rostelecom, you need to enter the equipment web interface, where you can also edit the list of allowed clients and improve the security settings of the router.

On our site, there are already similar instructions for routers from ZyXEL, Asus, and D-Link. But how to see who is connected to Wi-Fi, if the router is from TP-LINK, I have not yet written. It has its own nuances, therefore, now we will consider everything in more detail.

I don't know why, but many are interested in the question of who else is connected to my Wi-Fi, who "steals" the Internet and how to block it. I can tell right away that if you have a good password for the Wi-Fi network, then in the list of connected clients, you are unlikely to see third-party devices. A good password must be set, of course. There is even one on this topic.

So, if you have doubts, and it seems to you that someone else has "picked up" your Wi-Fi, then this can be checked without any problems. And if you have a TP-LINK router, then this manual is for you.

TP-LINK: how to find out who is connected to my Wi-Fi and block the device?

In the settings go to the "Wireless" tab (wireless mode)... If you have a dual-band router, then open the tab with the desired network (2.4 GHz, or 5 GHz). And immediately go to "Wireless Statistics" (wireless statistics).

There, a table will display all devices that are connected to your Wi-Fi. You can click on the "Refresh" button to update the list.

To be honest, the information there is not very informative, therefore, I advise you to go to the "DHCP" tab - "DHCP Client List" (DHCP client list)... At least the name of the device will be indicated there.

If you find some device that is not yours there, you can block it. It is best to block by MAC address. But, there is another way: just change the password for Wi-Fi. And all the devices that were connected to your Wi-Fi will fall off by themselves. And you will connect with a new password.

Blocking Wi-Fi clients by MAC address on a TP-LINK router

From the tables I showed above, copy the MAC address of the device you want to block. Go to the "Wireless" tab (wireless mode)- "Wireless MAC Filtering" (filtering MAC addresses).

Filtering must be enabled (in the Enabled status). And the blocking settings are in the "Deny" status. Click on the "Add New" button to add a new device.

We indicate the MAC address of the desired device, enter an arbitrary description, and save the rule.

Reboot the router. The locked device will be disconnected and will no longer be able to connect. But, I would still change wifi password networks.

How to view the list of Wi-Fi clients if TP-LINK router with a new settings page

Some of the top models of TP-LINK routers have already got a new web interface. Basically, these are devices from the Archer line (But not all) . In the settings, in the new control panel, go to the top in the "Basic" section (basic setup) ... You will see a map of the network. There will be wireless clients. Click on them, and a list of devices that are connected to your Wi-Fi will appear on the side or below.

It's a pity that we didn't make it possible to block devices directly from this table.

To block devices on routers with new firmware, you need to go to the "Advanced" section (additional settings) ... Then open the "Wireless" tab (wireless mode)- "Wireless MAC Filtering", and create a rule as I showed above.

That's all. Now you know how to view a list of all devices that are connected to the wireless network. And, if necessary, block individual devices.

In this manual, I will show you how to quickly find out who is connected to your Wi-Fi network if you suspect that you are not the only one using the Internet. Examples will be given for the most common routers - D-Link (DIR-300, DIR-320, DIR-615, etc.), ASUS (RT-G32, RT-N10, RT-N12, etc.), TP-Link.

I will note in advance that you will be able to establish the very fact of the connection of unauthorized persons to the wireless network, however, it is most likely impossible to establish which of the neighbors is sitting on your Internet, since the available information will only contain the internal IP address, MAC address and, sometimes , the name of the computer on the network. However, even this information will be sufficient to take appropriate action.

What you need to see a list of those who are connected

To begin with, in order to see who is connected to the wireless network, you will need to go to the web interface of the router settings. This is done very easily from any device (not necessarily a computer or laptop) that is connected to Wi-Fi. You will need to enter the IP address of the router in address bar browser, and then - login and password to enter.

For almost all routers, the standard addresses are and, and the login and password are admin. Also, this information is usually marked on a sticker on the bottom or back of the wireless router. It may also happen that you or someone else changed the password when initial setup, in this case you will have to remember it (or reset the router to factory settings). You can read more about all this, if necessary, in the manual.

Find out who is connected to Wi-Fi on the D-Link router

After logging into the web interface D-Link settings, at the bottom of the page, click "Advanced settings". Then, under Status, click on the double arrow to the right until you see the Clients link. Click on it.

You will see a list of devices currently connected to the wireless network. You may not be able to determine which devices are yours and which are not, but you can simply see if the number of Wi-Fi clients matches the number of all your devices on the network (including TVs, phones, game consoles, etc.). If there is some unexplained discrepancy, then it may make sense to change the password for Wi-Fi (or set it if you haven't already) - I have instructions on this on my website in the Configuring the router section.

How to view a list of Wi-Fi clients on Asus

To find out who is connected to Wi-Fi on wireless routers Asus, click the "Network Map" menu item, and then click on "Clients" (even if your web interface looks different from what you see now in the screenshot, all the actions are the same).

In the list of clients, you will see not only the number of devices and their IP address, but also the network names for some of them, which will allow you to more accurately determine what kind of device it is.

Note: Asus displays not only those clients that are currently connected, but in general all that were connected before the last reboot (power loss, reset) of the router. That is, if a friend came to you and went to the Internet from the phone, then he will also be on the list. If you click the Refresh button, you will get a list of those who are currently connected to the network.

List of connected wireless devices on TP-Link

In order to view the list of wireless clients on the TP-Link router, go to the "Wireless mode" menu item and select "Wireless mode statistics" - you will see which devices and how many are connected to your Wi-Fi network.