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Hacks for product variations in WooCommerce. Crazy Shapes Exhaustion II - Head and Shoulders

I just love to trade pivot points when the Forex pair goes from an uptrend to a downtrend or a downtrend to an uptrend. These pivot points are very difficult to trade, but at the same time, once you understand how to read them, you will move on to the next level and understand almost any price chart.

Two very important principles in this trading context are "attrition" and "rejection", and these price action concepts can always be found at pivot points. In my trading, and in the area in which I work (teach students), I am talking about pivot points throughout the day, because once you can identify transition points, your trade will transform. And whether you are a trend-following, change-following, or range-following trader, knowing about the transition points will improve your trading.

Exhaustion types

After strong trend phases, it is quite easy to observe exhaustion steps. Exhaustion patterns show a gradual trend change in sentiment and a slow transition.

Exhaustion I - Loss of momentum

First, let's start with a bare price chart. On the left, we see a strong bullish trend with long green candles and momentum. Then, all of a sudden, we have one long wick, and then the candles get smaller and smaller, and finally we start to see red candles. It is like a ball that you throw into the air: at first it flies quickly, and then slowly loses momentum until it stops moving upward. Trends often behave like a ball.

Exhaustion II - Head and Shoulders

The Head and Shoulders are by far my favorite model, and they show exhaustion beautifully. We have a head at the top, and then when we see the right shoulder, we know that this trend is exhausted because price is unable to move as high and then makes lower highs. This means that buyers have lost interest and sellers have intervened earlier. When the neckline is finally broken, the pattern is confirmed and the market reverses.

Exhaustion III - Momentum Divergence

Finally, we can also use RSI divergence to find weary Forex pairs. Divergence means that the trend waves are getting shorter and less strong, which means that the market is drained. While this move may still look like a downtrend (lower lows), price action loses momentum when we compare the trend waves and the size and number of bearish candles.

Deviation types

Rejection patterns, or trap patterns, are common at the end of a trend and are more volatile and impulsive than drained moves. While exhaustion shows a gradual transition from one trend direction to another, rejection can occur in only one or more candles.

Deviation I - hitting resistance / support

The figure below shows the classic deviation at the support / resistance level. At the time the candle was forming, it probably looked like a breakout and a continuation down, but once the candle was completed, all premature sellers were trapped and the price began to trade up. Rejection bars usually have long wicks piercing the previous low or high. But engulfing candles can also occur with general rejection patterns.

Deviation II - Double Bottom

The screenshot below shows the deviation in a double day. The price pierced it, and then immediately rolled over and moved up. Many traders use previous items fluctuations as a benchmark in their trading violations and rejections, and thus have good trades.

A FOMO trader who missed a downtrend is looking to get into a downtrend and thinks a break in support is a good signal. He enters prematurely and then falls into Deviation. If this happens to you, be sure to read one of my last articles, in which I share very important trading principles that I use in all my trades:.

Deviation III - Bollinger Bands® Volatility Spikes

Finally, the Bollinger Bands® volatility spike can also be a rejection pattern. Bollinger Bands measure the strength of a trend and provide us with information about the likely price movement in a channel, while breaking the bands shows extreme behavior after a long trend.

In the screenshot below, we see that after a long trend, the price makes one last attempt to move down, but the smart money unloads the shorts and then brings the price back up.

Tip: I set the Bollinger Bands at 2.5-degree deviations to only catch the absolute extremes and avoid a lot of false signals. Without going into details, a 2.5-degree deviation means that 99% of all price movements will occur between the two bands. Thus, a spike is a rare and important signal.

The attrition and deflection patterns are useful for everyone. Trend traders can use this information to follow a trend or exit a trade when a reversal is likely; And as a reversal trader, I use them when opening new orders and enter a trend early on.

Translation: Vlad Merzhevich

Everyone knows about web forms, right? Insert the tag

, several , may be , we finish it all with the button and you're done.

You don't even know half about it. HTML5 defines over a dozen new field types that you can use in your forms. And when I say use, I mean they can be used right now - without any shims, hacks, or workarounds. Don't worry too much, I don't mean to say that all these exciting new features are actually supported in any browser. Absolutely not, I do not mean that by everyone. V modern browsers, yes, your forms will show everything they are capable of. But in older browsers, your forms will still work, albeit not fully. That is, these capabilities degrade elegantly in every browser. Even in IE6.

Prompt text

Help text support
IE Firefox Safari Chrome Opera iPhone Android
- 4.0+ 4.0+ 4.0+ 11.0+ 4.0+ -

The first HTML5 improvement with regard to forms is the ability to set a text prompt in an input field. Such text is displayed in the input field if the field is empty and has no focus. As soon as you click in the input field (or go to it via Tab), the hint text disappears.

You've probably seen the hint text earlier. For example, Mozilla Firefox includes hint text in address bar with the caption "Search in bookmarks and log".

When you click on the address bar, the hint text disappears.

This is how you can include hint text in your forms.

placeholder = "(! LANG: Search in bookmarks and history" !}>

Browsers that don't support the placeholder attribute simply ignore it. No harm or violation.

Ask Professor Markup

☞ Q. Can I use HTML markup for the placeholder attribute? I want to insert a picture or maybe change colors.

A. The placeholder attribute can only contain text, no HTML code. However, there are special CSS extensions that allow you to set the style of the text in some browsers.

Autofocus fields

Autofocus support
IE Firefox Safari Chrome Opera iPhone Android
- - 4.0+ 3.0+ 10.0+ - -

Sites can use JavaScript to automatically get focus on the first form field. For example, on the home page the field for entering search engines has autofocus keywords... While this is convenient for most people, it can be annoying for power users and people with special needs. If you press space while waiting for the page to scroll, there will be no scrolling because the focus is on the form input field (a space will be typed in the field instead of scrolling). If you move focus to another input field while the page is loading, the site's autofocus script can "helpfully" move focus back to the original input field, interrupting your typing and causing you to type in the wrong place.

Because autofocus works through JavaScript, it can be tricky to handle these edge cases and little opportunity for people who don't want a web page to steal their focus.

To address these issues, HTML5 introduces the autofocus attribute on all form elements. The autofocus attribute does exactly what it sounds like: as soon as the page loads, it moves focus to the specified field. But since this is just markup and not script, the behavior will be consistent across all sites. In addition, browser manufacturers (or extension authors) may offer users a way to disable autofocus.

This is how you can set an autofocus form field.

Browsers that do not support the autofocus attribute will ignore it.

What? Say you want autofocus to work everywhere, not just in fancy HTML5 browsers? You can leave the current script with autofocus, just make two small changes:

  • add the autofocus attribute to your HTML code;
  • check if the browser supports the autofocus attribute, and if not, run your own script.

Autofocus with alternative

Set focus as early as possible

Many web pages wait for window.onload to fire and set focus. But the window.onload event won't fire until all the images have loaded. If your page has a lot of images, such naive scripts will potentially change focus after the user has started interacting with another part of your page. That's why experienced users hate autofocus scripts.

For example, in the previous section, the autofocus script was placed immediately after the form field it refers to. This is the optimal solution, but it may offend your senses to put a block of JavaScript code in the middle of the page (or more mundane, your system may not be that flexible). If you cannot insert the script in the middle of the page, you must set focus via a custom event like $ (document) .ready () in jQuery instead of window.onload.

Autofocus via jQuery

The jQuery custom event fires as soon as the DOM is available - that is, it waits for the page text to load, but does not wait for all the images to load. This is not the best approach - if the page is unusually large or network connection slow, the user can still interact with the page before the focused script is executed. Still, it's much better than waiting for the window.onload event to occur.

If you agree and are ready to insert a script with one operator into your page code, this is a compromise that is less nasty than the first option and better than the second. You can use jQuery custom events to set your own events, say autofocus_ready. Then you can trigger this event manually, as soon as the autofocus field is available. Thanks to EM Shtenberg for teaching me this technique.

Autofocus with alternate custom event

This solution is optimal, like the first approach. The focus will be set on the form field as soon as technically possible, while the page text is still loading. Part of the application logic (focus in the form field) has been moved from the body of the page to the section ... This example is based on jQuery, but the concept of custom events is not unique to jQuery. Other JavaScript libraries like YUI and Dojo offer similar capabilities.

Let's summarize.

  • Correct focus setting is important.
  • If possible, have the browser use the autofocus attribute on the field where you want focus.
  • If you are using alternate code for older browsers, define support for the autofocus attribute so that the script only runs on older browsers.
  • Set focus as early as possible. Insert the focus script into the code right after the form field. If that doesn't bother you, embed a JavaScript library that supports custom events and call the event in your code immediately after the form field. If that's not possible, use an event like $ (document) .ready () from jQuery.
  • Do not under any circumstances wait for window.onload to set focus.

Email addresses

For over a decade, forms have only contained a few types of fields. The most common are the following.

All of these field types still work in HTML5. If you "upgrade to HTML5" (possibly by changing the! DOCTYPE), you don't have to make a single change to your forms. Hooray for backward compatibility!

However, HTML5 defines 13 new field types and there is no reason not to start using them.

The first of these new types of address Email... It looks something like this.

I was about to write a sentence that started "in browsers that don't support type =" email "..." but stopped. Why? Because I'm not sure if browsers don't support type = "email". All browsers "support" type = "email". They might not do something special, but browsers that don't recognize type = "email" will treat it as type = "text" and display it as a regular text field.

I will emphasize how important this is. There are millions of forms on the Internet that ask you to enter an email address and all of them use ... You see a text box, enter your email address into it and that's it. And here comes HTML5, which defines type = "email". Are browsers going crazy? No. Every browser on Earth treats the unknown type attribute as type = "text" - even IE6. So you can "update" your forms using type = "email" right now.

What happens if, say, the browser supports type = "email"? Well, that could mean anything. The HTML5 specification does not require any specific user interface for new types of fields. Opera complements the form field with a small icon. Other HTML5 browsers like Safari and Chrome render as a text field - the same as type = "text" - so your users won't notice the difference (until they look at the source code).

And then there's the iPhone.

iPhone has no physical keyboard... All "typing" is done by clicking on the on-screen keyboard that pops up at the appropriate time, for example, when you navigate to a form field on a web page. Apple has done something tricky in the iPhone's browser. It recognizes some new HTML5 fields and changes dynamically onscreen keyboard to optimize input.

For example, an email address is text, right? Sure, but this is a special kind of text. For example, almost all email addresses contain the @ symbol and at least one period (.), But they are unlikely to contain a space. So when you use iPhone and go to item , you get an on-screen keyboard that contains less space than usual, as well as dedicated keys for characters. and @.

Let me summarize. There is no downside to immediately translating all of your fields from email addresses in type = "email". Almost no one will notice this, except iPhone users who probably won't notice it either. But those who notice will smile quietly and thank you for making their job a little easier.

Web addresses

A web address - which the cramps of standards called URLs, with the exception of a few pedants who called URIs - is another type of specialized text. The syntax of a web address is limited by the relevant Internet standard. If someone asks you to enter a web address into a form, they expect something like "" and not "125 Farwood Road". The oblique lines are common - even for the main google pages there are three of them. Periods are also common, but spaces are not allowed. And each web address has a domain suffix like ".com" or ".org".

And so ... (drum roll, please) ... ... On the iPhone, it looks like this.

iPhone changed its virtual keyboard as I did for an email address, but now optimized it for typing a web address. The space is completely replaced by three virtual keys: oblique line, period and “.com” (you can hold down the “.com” key to select a different suffix like “.org” or “.net”).

Browsers that do not support HTML5 will treat type = "url" as type = "text", so there is no downside to using this type for all fields where you need to enter a web address.

Numbers as counters

Next step: numbers. Asking for a number is more complex than asking for an email or web address. First of all, numbers are harder than you think. Pick a number quickly. -1? No, I meant a number between 1 and 10.7 ½? No, no, not a fraction, dumbass. π? Now you've just picked an irrational number.

I want to point out that you are not often asked “just a number”. It is more likely that they will ask for a number in a certain range. You might only want certain types of numbers within that range — maybe integers, but not fractions or decimals, or something more exotic like multiples of 10. HTML5 covers it all.

Choose a number, almost any

min = "0"
max = "10"
step = "2"
value = "6">

Let's look at one attribute at a time.

  • type = "number" means this is a numeric field.
  • min = "0" indicates the minimum allowed value for this field.
  • max = "10" is the maximum allowed value.
  • step = "2" in combination with the minimum value defines the allowed numbers in the range: 0, 2, 4, and so on, up to the maximum value.
  • value = "6" default value. It should look familiar, this same attribute is always used to define values ​​for form fields. I mention this here as a starting point that HTML5 builds on previous versions of HTML. You don't need to relearn to do what you've already done.

This is a numeric field code. Keep in mind that all of these attributes are optional. If you have a minimum but not a maximum, you can specify the min attribute, but not max. By default, the step value is 1 and you can omit the step attribute until you need a different step value. If there is no default, then the value attribute can be an empty string, or even omitted altogether.

But HTML5 doesn't stop there. For the same low low price freedom you get these handy JavaScript methods.

  • input.stepUp (n) increases the value of the field by n.
  • input.stepDown (n) decreases the value of the field by n.
  • input.valueAsNumber returns the current value as a floating point number (the input.value property is always a string).

Display problems? Well, the correct interface for manipulating numbers in browsers is implemented differently. On iPhones, where typing is difficult, the browser again optimizes the virtual keyboard for entering numbers.

On the desktop version of Opera, the type = "number" field appears as a counter with small up and down arrows that you can click to change values.

Opera respects the min, max and step attributes, so you will always achieve an acceptable numeric value. If you increase the value to the maximum, the up arrow in the counter turns gray.

As with all other input fields I've discussed in this chapter, browsers that don't support type = "number" will treat it as type = "text". The default value will appear in the field (since it is stored in the value attribute), but other attributes such as min and max will be ignored. You can freely implement them yourself, or use a JavaScript framework that already implements counter management. First check how it is here.

if (! .inputtypes.number) (
// no built-in support for type = number field
// can try Dojo or another JavaScript framework

Slider numbers

The counter is not the only way to represent the input of numbers. You've probably also seen a slider that looks like this.

You can now also have a slider in the shape. The code looks oddly like a spin box.

min = "0"
max = "10"
step = "2"
value = "6">

All available attributes are the same as type = "number" - min, max, step, value - and mean the same thing. The only difference is the user interface. Instead of an input field, browsers are expected to display type = "range" as a slider. At the time of writing, the latest versions of Safari, Chrome, and Opera have worked with this. Unfortunately, the iPhone displays as a simple text box, it doesn't even optimize its on-screen keyboard for entering numbers. All other browsers just think of a field as type = "text", so there is no reason to start using this type immediately.

HTML 4 does not include date selection via calendar. JavaScript frameworks allow you to get around this (Dojo, jQuery UI, YUI, Closure Library), but of course, each of these solutions requires an "embed" framework for any built-in calendar.

HTML5 finally defines a way to enable inline date picker without any scripting. There are actually six of them: date, month, week, time, date + time and date + time with time zone.

So far, support is ... sparse.

Date picker support
Type of Opera Other browsers
type = "date" 9.0+ -
type = "month" 9.0+ -
type = "week" 9.0+ -
type = "time" 9.0+ -
type = "datetime" 9.0+ -
type = "datetime-local" 9.0+ -

This is how Opera displays :

If you need a time along with a date, Opera also supports :

If you need a month plus a year (e.g. credit card expiration date), Opera can display :

Less common but affordable is the choice of a week of the year through :

Last but not least is the timing with :

Date picker with alternative


It is likely that other browsers will eventually support these types. Like type = "email" and other types, these form fields will render as plain text in browsers that do not recognize type = "date" and its variants. If you want you can simply use than make Opera users happy, and wait for other browsers to catch up. It is more realistic to use it but check if the browser has built-in date picker support and include an alternative script solution of your choice (Dojo, jQuery UI, YUI, Closure Library or other options).

Search box

So, search. Not just searches from Google or Yahoo (well, those too). Think of any search box, on any page, on any site. Amazon has a search box, Yandex has a search box, and most blogs do too. How are they made? like any other text box on the net. Let's fix this.

Searching for the next generation

In some browsers, you won't notice any difference from a regular text field. But if you are using Safari on Mac OS X it will look like this.

Did you find the difference? The input field has rounded corners! I know, I know, you can hardly contain your feelings. But wait, that's not all! When you start typing in the type = "search" field, Safari will insert a small "x" button on the right side of the window. Clicking on "x" clears the contents of the field. Google chrome which has the same technology under the hood behaves the same way. Both of these little tweaks look and behave similarly to native search in iTunes and other Mac OS X client applications. uses to search your site to help the site convey a macho feel. But there is nothing Mac-specific here. It's just code, so every browser on any platform can choose how to display according to platform conventions. As with all other new types, browsers that don't recognize type = "search" will treat it as type = "text", so there's absolutely no reason not to start using type = "search" for all your search boxes today. ...

Professor Markup says

By default, Safari does not apply to most styles. If you want Safari to treat the search box as a regular text box (so you can apply your own styles), add this rule to your stylesheet.

input (
-webkit-appearance: textfield;

Thanks to John Lane for teaching me this trick.

Color selection

HTML5 also defines a field which allows you to select a color and returns it in hexadecimal notation. No browser supports color picker, which is a shame because I've always loved Mac OS palettes. Maybe one day.

Approx. translator. Opera 11 supports this feature.

Form validation

In this chapter, I've talked about new form elements and new features like autofocus, but I haven't mentioned perhaps the most exciting part of HTML5 forms: automatic input validation. Let's take a look at the common problems of entering an email address in a form. You probably have client-side validation through JavaScript followed by server-side validation through PHP, Python, or another server-side language. HTML5 can never replace server-side validation, but it may someday replace client-side validation.

There are two big problems related to validating email address in JavaScript:

  1. Some of your visitors (probably around 10%) do not include JavaScript.
  2. You will receive the address incorrectly.

Seriously, you get the address wrong. Determining whether a set of random characters is a valid email address is incredibly difficult. The harder you look, the harder it gets. Did I mention that this is very, very difficult? Wouldn't it be easier to hang this headache on your browser?

Opera checks for type = "email"

Here is a screenshot from Opera 11, although the functionality has been present since Opera 9. The code involves setting the email value for the type attribute. When an Opera user tries to submit a form with , the browser automatically checks the email address even if scripts are disabled.

HTML5 also offers field validation for web addresses and numbers with ... Validation for numbers takes into account the values ​​of the min and max attributes, so browsers will not allow you to submit the form if you enter a number that is too large.

There is no code to enable HTML5 form validation, this is done by default. To disable validation, use the novalidate attribute.

Don't test me

Browsers are slow to enable HTML5 form validation support. Firefox 4 will have full support. Unfortunately, Safari and Chrome only partially implement: they validate form elements but do not display any visible messages when form fields fail validation. In other words, if you enter an incorrect (or misspelled) date in type = "date", Safari and Chrome won't submit the form, but they won't tell you why they didn't. They will set focus to a field that contains an invalid value, but not display an error message like Opera or Firefox 4.

Required fields

IE Firefox Safari Chrome Opera iPhone Android
- 4.0+ - - 9.0+ - -

Form validation in HTML5 is not limited to the type of each field. You can also specify that some fields are required, such fields must be valid before you can submit the form.

The code for the required fields is as simple as possible.

Browsers can change the original appearance of a required field. For example, this is how it looks in Mozilla Firefox 4.0.

Additionally, if you try to submit a form without filling in a required value, Firefox will display an information bar telling you that the field is required and cannot be empty.

I think the dropdown is not The best way choosing variations on the WooCommerce store page. At a minimum, the user has to take an additional action to view the available attribute values, plus not everyone will be able to figure out right away where to click, etc. Therefore, the solution with checkboxes (Radio Buttons) looks much more user-friendly.

On the net you will find different hacks for this task. However, I like the implementation with the help of the module most of all - it is implemented as simply and quickly as possible. The most trusted plugin available is WC Variations Radio Buttons.

At the time of this writing latest version module had just over 3 thousand downloads and a good grade. In some templates, the solution may work immediately after installation and activation. If the developers have made their own edits to the store's WooCommerce file single-product / add-to-cart / variable.php then you will need:

  1. Create a child theme (if it doesn't exist).
  2. Copy file from module directory plugins / wc-variations-radio-buttons / templates / single-product / add-to-cart / variable.php into your template here - themes / THEME_NAME / woocommerce / single-product / add-to-cart / variable.php... If there is already such a file, replace it.

As a rule, everything is implemented through child themes, so there shouldn't be any difficulties with the first item. In the future, I will try to consider this moment in more detail.

If you have questions about the post, how to display product variations inWooCommerce, write below.

In this article, we will look at best HTML/ CSS price templates that can be easily integrated into the site. If you have already thought about creating your own unique price list, then the templates below will help you with this. We also list tutorials to help you create your own CSS tables.

Free HTML / CSS Price List Templates

Simple responsive pricing tables

If simplicity is your credo, then this set of three pricing templates might be helpful. With its help, it is possible to create monthly and annual tariff plans, animation is supported. In addition, the template is responsive.


Flat Pricing Tables Design

Another flat pricing table template with all the basic functions.


Minimal Pricing Table

The most compact price list template that allows you to add data about services and their cost.


Responsive Flip Pricing Table

Similar to one of the templates we have already listed, almost a complete copy, differing only in the colors used. But it's still a great pretty CSS pricing table.


Cool price tables

Simple and beautiful pricing tables for your website with added animation.


Cool Pricing Table

A cool price-list template with a nice header, a button at the bottom and a description area.


Flat Pricing Table

A flat template that implements a drop-down price list with an animation effect. Cascading CSS style sheets are used for this.


Single Price Tags

A beautiful pricing template that you can use on your website to display information about the cost of monthly plans and ongoing subscriptions.


Product Preview Slider

Compact and simple price list template with image slider to showcase your product gallery.


Price Table Template

This is a free template. You can use it however you like, this template works great with the Bootstrap framework.


Colored CSS pricing table is displayed in a modern minimalist style using a combination of three colors.

Simple pricing table


CSS Price Tags

Simple rectangular price blocks for any section of your site.


Unique Price Template

Clean flat design with neatly placed elements and in bold that is readable on any device.


Mini Pricing Table

A mini version of a responsive CSS pricing table that can be used to sell extensions or add-ons.


Standard Table Showcase

A minimalistic and flat layout that supports responsive features.


Cool table

A pricing template that resembles WordPress. The default width is set to 80%, which makes the whole table too wide, so the screenshot was taken with a width of 50%.


Plans & Pricing Table

A simple price list to demonstrate the available tariff plans. Comes with a highlighted "popular" layout using a CSS table layout.


CSS3 styling for price listings - tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to use some of the new CSS3 properties to create a beautiful price template. Its essence is to style the columns of blocks and lists, and get a beautiful and unique design.


Checkout Pricing Table HTML Template

Simple price list template. Each tariff plan contains title, price, list of features and purple registration button.


CSS3 Pricing Table UI Element (tutorial)

After completing this tutorial, you will be able to create amazing custom pricing table elements using CSS3 table properties. The templates already contain beautiful hover effects created with CSS3 transitions. You can easily add them to your online store.


How to Create a Simple Price Chart Using SaaS (HTML / CSS)

On this moment I am working on a premium WordPress site and am faced with the need to create a decent SaaS style pricing table.


Orange CSS3 Pricing Tables effect

In this tutorial, you will learn how to code and style CSS3 price lists from the Impressionist user interface.


Creating a modern pricing table with HTML and CSS

This tutorial will show you how to create a modern pricing table in Photoshop. After the design is ready, we will implement its code with using HTML and cascading CSS style sheets.