Computers Windows Internet

Navigation bar control (virtual keys) on Huawei smartphones and tablets. Reassigning keys - we make it convenient How to move a window without using a mouse

Brief summary: For non-mouse visitors, you need to create affordable keyboard navigation solutions.

Many people use the Internet with a keyboard rather than a mouse for a variety of reasons. Geeks and power users alike prefer keyboard commands for speed and efficiency. But there are people with disabilities for whom the keyboard is the only one available device entering information.

For example, people with motor impairments have difficulty with the fine motor skills required to use a mouse, while people with visual impairments find it difficult to use a mouse due to small elements on the page and the use of assistive software.

The biggest difference between keyboard navigation and mouse navigation is that links are accessed from the keyboard. consistent- that is, to go to the desired link, you need to scroll through all the elements to it, and mouse users can move the cursor directly to the desired link. Thus, the mouse provides direct access to interactive elements landing page or site.

Even the most beautiful and modern design is completely useless if it is impossible to interact with it. Therefore, optimization of navigation for the keyboard will allow working with the resource and those who, for a number of reasons, cannot use the mouse.

And it is quite possible that this particular target group is solvent target audience your business.

How do I check if a site is accessible for keyboard navigation?

If you are reading this article on a PC or laptop in Firefox browser, IE, Chrome or Safari, then follow this algorithm:

  • Press address bar browser;
  • remove your hand from the mouse;
  • use the Tab key to move forward through the links (or Shift + Tab to move backward).

You may have noticed 3 things:

  • when navigating with the keyboard, the focus moves to the active object on the page;
  • using the keyboard, you can select any link on the page;
  • links are scrolled according to the page layout: from left to right and from top to bottom in columns.

Keyboard navigation might be slow and a little annoying, but at least it exists.

Focus indicator during keyboard navigation

Imagine that you are using a mouse while surfing the web, but you cannot see the cursor on the screen. Is it convenient? Rather awful. The same feeling is experienced by keyboard users when the selected item is not highlighted in any way.

Sites should provide an equivalent feedback for both mouse and keyboard. Keyboard focusing is built into all major browsers by default. Some of them highlight the selected elements with a gray dotted line, others - with a blue line, it doesn't matter - in any case, the user can see which element of the page is currently being used.

Sometimes this built-in functionality is deliberately removed during website development - such an initiative leads to dire consequences. As a rule, the reason for this is adherence to the principles of usability and inconsistency with the design of the page. In this case, do not remove the selection from the keyboard, but simply change it to fit the overall design of the site. uses default highlighting. The screenshot clearly shows that the user has selected the "Email Designer" link, which can be followed by pressing Enter.

All interactive elements are available

Keyboard users should be able to access all of the interactive elements on the page, not just the main navigation and internal links. This means that dropdown menus, buttons, dialog boxes, and other web elements must be Tab active.

The most big problem call JavaScript widgets with tags

or - access to them from the keyboard can be configured through tabindex. In addition, using only HTML links ensures that all elements are accessible to the keyboard.

The ticket booking form on the San Francisco Zoo website is keyboard accessible. In the screenshot, the user has selected the "First Name" field. Pressing Tab will move focus to the "Last Name" field, allowing users to quickly and easily fill out a lead form.

The big problem is that many of the navigation controls are not keyboard accessible. However, they can be customized, as shown in the Bath, and Beyond example. The visitor uses the keyboard to select a slide in the interactive menu and navigate to it by pressing Enter.

Using a dropdown menu from the keyboard can be difficult, especially if users cannot scroll through a list and select a list item at the same time. That is, if the keyboard functionality allows you to select only the first item in the list, instead of scrolling through it, this reduces the user's experience on the site. shows good example keyboard navigation through the drop-down lists. Press Tab to highlight a list, arrow keys to select a sub-item, and Enter to follow a link.

Consider the navigation paths on pages

There is one significant drawback of keyboard navigation behind this: in order to reach the desired link, the user is forced to scroll through dozens of links, tabs and forms. Mouse users do not encounter such difficulties and can interact with any element of the page directly. But you can make it easier for keyboard users by offering a "skip navigation" link.


  • Android App Key Remap, Version: 1.12.0, Price: Free

It so happened historically that on smartphones it is more convenient for me to have the navigation button "Back" on the right. And on my BQ Aquaris U Plus it is just on the left and it is "oh, how uncomfortable" to reach for it. It's not a problem to get used to it, but it's too late for my fingers to grow in length, and the inconvenience of getting used to it hasn't gone away. Unfortunately, the smartphone manufacturer BQ Aquaris did not provide a tool to change the functionality of the navigation buttons, even on-screen ones, so they had to turn to third-party applications.

The most preferred application - GravityBox - did not cope with the task assigned to it. On pressing the "Back" and "Home" buttons, it allowed you to hang any action, but somehow it could not influence the "Recent" button. It was a wild idea to block both the "Back" and "Recents" buttons altogether, leaving all responsibilities to the remaining "Home" button, but GravityBox could not simply disable the "Recents" button. The Spaniards in general somehow protected their smartphones "from the fool", and, as far as I know, so far no one has been able to get system root rights on the stock firmware of these smartphones.

Leaving GravityBox alone, I turned to other softinks, whose specialization was precisely the reassignment of the functionality of the navigation buttons. In the battle with the software of the Spanish-Chinese gadget, only one softphone with the original name "Key remapping" was able to win. I use it.

Developers mobile software it has become popular to divide your functionality into two unequal parts. The first part - free - allows you to use the softphone for its intended purpose quite normally. The second - paid - brings some additional features and convenience. And this, in my opinion, is correct. Likewise, the "Reassign Keys" application has both basic functions (reassignment of single short and long presses on navigation buttons in the amount of no more than two pieces) and premium features (assigning actions to button combinations, removing the restriction on the number of reassignments). By the way, latest version the application got rid of ads even in the free version.

What should be mentioned without fail is that root-rights are not needed for the functioning of the softinka. Recently, I began to notice that proprietary firmware has become more functional and customizable (we are not talking about AOSP), so root rights have become less and less required ... And various payment services do not really like ROOT, although it can be hide. But that is another story...

The application interface is minimalistic.

V free version there are only four controls. These are the three points under which settings are usually hidden. This is a switch for activating and deactivating the service. This is the "Quick Disconnect" checkbox for displaying the application status on the notification panel (with the ability to pause / resume the service by tapping). And it's a round button with a plus sign for adding a new remapping. In fact, there are no settings in this application, and when you click on the button with three dots, only one item appears - "About the program".

To activate the service, you need to enable these very special features for the application in the gadget settings in the "Accessibility" section.

To disable the service, you need to do exactly the same steps, only the special features for the "Key remapping" application should be disabled. It makes sense, isn't it? It's great that you don't have to manually search for the aforementioned "special" features in the jungle of system settings: the software itself will guide you to the necessary points.

The ability to quickly deactivate the action of the application (without going to system settings) appeared only in the latest version. Do you really need it? I don't, but maybe it will be useful to someone (needed). When the "Quick Disconnect" checkbox is activated, a tile (strip?) Appears in the notification panel, dedicated to the "Key remapping" softphone. By tapping on it, you can quickly turn off and turn back on the active reassignment of the softphone.

The informational part of the main and only application window is represented by two sections: "Premium Features" and "Active Reassignments". For now, let's not touch the first and pay attention to the second. Active reassignments is a list of reassignments made from our filing. In the free version, as already mentioned, there may be only two reassignments, but that was enough for me. On the "Recent Applications" button (in the application it is called " Latest Apps", but the meaning is the same) assigned the action" Back ", that is, the functionality of the button" Back. " The "recent apps" on my smartphone have swapped places.

By the way, I learned about the softphone almost a year ago, but I started using it only two months ago. Why is that? Because on the sixth Android, not all the functionality of the buttons was transferred. That is, all, but only stock. Let me explain. A function such as going to the previous application by double-tapping on the "Recent Applications" button was implemented by the Google team only in Android Nougat. And the Spanish developers from the BQ team have implemented this in their smartphones and in Android Marshmallow. But when transferring the functionality of the "Recent Applications" button on the sixth Android using the described softinka, the processing of the doubletap was lost (it was not transferred to the new button, but disappeared on the old one), since it was, as it were, brought in from the outside. I didn’t want to lose such a convenient "feature", so the "Reassign keys" softka did not take root for me then. But I never got used to the "Back" button on the left, so after switching to Nugu I tried to use the softphone again. And I tried it for a reason. Now the transition to the previous application by doubletap is also transferred to the new button along with the main action ("Recent applications").

The procedure for adding a new remapping is simple and straightforward; I think a couple of screenshots will be enough. I delete one of my overrides (for the Recent Apps button) and add it again. After clicking on the add reassignment button, you need to choose a free or premium action. In the second case, you will be prompted to pay the money, if it has not already been done.

I choose "Short and long press". In the form that appears, select the "Recent_Apps" button from the drop-down list, and the action for it is "Back". I put the checkbox "Replaces the standard action", and the checkbox "Long press", on the contrary, I do not (after all, I need a reaction to the usual quick tap on the button). Everything, you can press "Ok".

When you tap on an active reassignment, a completely similar form for changing the action (reassignment) opens, supplemented with only one button - "Delete" - to delete the selected reassignment. With a long tap on the active reassignment, the context menu "Edit" and "Delete" is called.

The lists of buttons and actions are truly overwhelming. First, when you select, for example, a button, you see a list of seven buttons and the "Other" item. So, under this item there is a huge additional list, in which the buttons are represented by both the official names (used in the code by the developers) and numerical and alphabetic representations.

You can connect an adult external keyboard(if your gadget is able to do this) and reassign all its keys to your taste. The same applies to possible actions, although here everything is a little different: the initial list consists of a little more than 20 actions, and the additional one (hidden under the "Other ..." item) consists of only two lines ("Open application" and "Shortcut" ). As they say, the spool is small, but expensive: in these two points you can cram almost all the functionality of your gadget.

There is also a limitation: when the screen is locked, button presses by the softphone are not tracked. There are pros and cons here. The disadvantages include the impossibility of unlocking the screen with the selected button while simultaneously launching an application (Phone, for example). And the plus is that the softphone will not constantly consume battery power while monitoring the state of the buttons.

The cost of the software (the cost of unlocking premium features) is $ 0.99, that is, just under sixty rubles of ours.

After purchase, the "Show application icon" checkbox becomes available, which allows you to hide the application icon from the list of all applications installed in the system (and even from the list of recent applications). To return the icon, you must press the "Back" button ten times in a row (the system button, not the one assigned by the application).

And the most important thing, but not everyone needs, is the ability to use button combinations. This term hides three concepts: "Double click", "Triple click" and "Two buttons".

We are not interested in double and triple clicks, because they differ from fast and long clicks insignificantly. But the use of two buttons increases the number of all kinds of reassignments. I think this is already pampering, but the idea of ​​swapping "Back" and "Recent" may also seem wild to someone.

In addition, premium reassignments have one significant drawback - they do not replace system actions. That is, if I assign any action I need to a double tap on the volume up button, then the sound volume will first increase, and only then the action I specified will be performed. No, it is clear that double tap should not completely cancel the system action (otherwise how can the volume be adjusted?), But the developer needs to do something in this direction.

And one more thing: I have never worked an action assigned to simultaneously pressing any two of the three touch buttons(Home, Back, Recent Apps). Mechanical - no problem, sensory - no problem. Either there is something in the application, or in my phone.

As a result, I can and recommend using the softphone on your smartphones, especially if you need to change the functionality of short clicks to the buttons available on the gadget. The software works great here. If you, like me, wanted to swap "Back" and "Recents", then you don't even have to buy the softphone: the free option is enough for your eyes. If you wanted to make more than two reassignments, then you can already sponsor the developer. But the rest of the premium functionality is not even worth the money that is asked for it, IMHO.

That's all, good luck and health to you. Read Helpix.

Are you an Honor smartphone owner and want to know what the navigation button is for? In this article, you will find information about the navigation button on Honor 9 and similar Android smartphones and tablets. The navigation button on Android can be enabled in two ways, the first through the Quick Access Toolbar, and the second through Settings. In our example, we'll take a look at the navigation button on Honor and what it is. This function It will also be useful for those who have stopped working the control buttons under the screen.

To enable the navigation button on Honor, open the quick access panel to useful Android functions by pulling your finger down from the top edge of the screen. In the panel that opens, click on the "Navigation button" icon. If your panel does not have such an icon, then you can look in the settings, below we will write the path of how to enable this button. After you activate the "Navigation button" a semi-transparent round button will appear on the screen as shown in the attached screenshot below. Previously, when the smartphone had an operating room Android system 7, then this button was semicircular and was attached to the side of the screen, but after the OS was updated to Android 8, the button became round and now it can be moved around the screen wherever you want.

The navigation button on Android 7 performed slightly different functions than on Android 8. About the navigation button: one press - means backward, hold and release - home screen, hold and swipe - browse, drag - move. Look below at the attached picture, where you will see in more detail about the possibilities. If there is no "Navigation button" icon in the quick access panel, then perhaps this function is still provided on your smartphone. You can view and activate the navigation button on Android through the settings. Open the quick access panel by pulling your finger down from the top screen and click on the gear icon. In the opened settings, select the "System" item, you may have to scroll down the list of settings, then select "System navigation", then "Navigation button" and turn it on. The navigation button is disabled as well as enabled.

  • We will be glad if you leave a review, useful advice or additional information. information.
  • Thank you for your responsiveness, mutual assistance and useful tips on the topic of the article !!!

11 hours 00 minutes
Good afternoon. I have Honor 8 light. When working with the mobile navigation key, vibration is present. How to get rid of it? please, help. I do not have TalkBack and SwitchAccess services either in the settings or in the applications. No where.

21 hours 09 minutes
Hello! I have such a problem, why the curtain does not go down on nonor10 and the navigation buttons disappear, then after a while what is the reason?

11 hours 26 minutes
Hello. I found a solution to the problem described below. Notification sound and vibration feedback when pressing the navigation key. I got this problem too. It is connected with the service of the operator of the SIM card "live balance". It is in setting up this notification that you need to turn off sounds and vibration feedback.

20 hours 18 minutes
On Honor 9, the vibration of the navigation button is disabled so settings - sound - other sound settings - vibration of the navigation button. There are no problems with sound and vibration on my phone.

17 hours 04 minutes
Yes, also - while the sound is present, you will definitely need to restart the phone (!) Please write to whom this information became useful.

17 hours 00 minutes
Hello! For a long time I was tormented by attempts to turn off the sound and vibration of the navigation buttons on honor 8x, and I succeeded. Settings - system - accessibility (at the very bottom of the screen, in small print) - there will be in the TalkBack and SwitchAccess menus, I went to each of them, there is a settings icon in the upper right corner, it has speech, sound effects - turn off the sound and vibration feedback ...

06 hours 55 minutes
Vladimir, Natalya, did you manage to solve the problem? After the update, a sound also appeared, terribly annoying, the sound was turned off throughout the phone, there is still vibration

09 hours 01 minutes
I have the same problem with sound after updating honor10. Vladimir, tell me please, have you got rid of this misfortune?

20 hours 25 minutes
After updating, when you press the navigation button, back or when you exit the application, a notification sound appears but there is no notification itself. Disable honor10 fails

For a large number of smartphone owners, Huawei delivers certain inconveniences with the navigation buttons on the smartphone screen. In today's article, I will tell you O two ways, using which you can easily remove the annoying system navigation buttons on the screen of your smartphoneHuawei Honor any model.

The navigation button on Huawei can be turned on and off in two ways, the first through the quick access bar, the second through the settings. In our example, we'll take a look at the navigation button on Honor and what it is. This function will also be useful for those who have stopped working the control buttons under the screen.

How to remove navigation button from Huawei Honor screen in system settings

To remove the navigation button from the screen Huawei Honor you will need to perform the following procedure:

  1. Open the quick access panel to useful Android functions by pulling your finger down from the top edge of the screen.
  2. In the panel that opens, click on the "Navigation button" icon. If your panel does not have such an icon, then you can look in the settings, below we will write the path of how to enable this button.
  3. After you activate the “Navigation button”, a semi-transparent round button will appear on the screen as shown in the attached screenshot below.
  4. Previously, when the smartphone was operating system Android 7, then this button was semicircular and was attached to the side of the screen, but after the OS was updated to Android 8, the button became round and now it can be moved around the screen wherever you want.

In some models of Huawei smartphones, it is impossible to remove the navigation bar from the screen. The second method is suitable for this - with the help of special utilities that you can easily find in Play Market.

Video: How to hide the navigation bar from the screen onHuawei

How to remove navigation button from Huawei Honor screen using utilities

In order to remove the navigation bar from the screens of the Huawei smartphone, we need:

  1. Download from Play Market special utilityActivity Launcher
  2. Run the utility and select all actions at the top.
  3. You should see a download bar for applications. After that, go down to the setting point.
  4. After that, a list of settings will open in which you must select the Navigation panel item.
  5. We go into it and set it in the upper corner to activate it with the switch.
  6. You will have a button with which you can hide and show the navigation bar.

Well, that's basically all! Now I think you yourself can easily manage the navigation bar on your Huawei smartphone Honor

Video: How to hide the navigation bar from the screen on Huawei using utilities

We have already learned. Now it's time to explore the keyboard. In order to write a letter, or a request to search engine the Internet, we cannot do without a keyboard. Plus, if your mouse doesn't work, you can use the keyboard. It is enough to know a few simple commands. Real programmers and hackers don't use a mouse at all. For them, the main tool is the keyboard. Perhaps you will also work like this someday, but for now we will learn the basics of working on the keyboard.

Key layout

The entire keyboard, depending on its functions, can be visually divided into several groups:

  • Function keys (F1-F12)- are used for special tasks. If you press the same key again, the action is canceled. F1 key - calls the help of the program in which you are at the moment;
  • Alphanumeric- these are keys with letters, numbers, punctuation marks and symbols.
  • Control keys- These include keys HOME,END,PAGEUP,PAGEDOWN,DELETE and INSERT.
  • Cursor keys- are used to move the cursor through documents, web pages, edit text, etc. Control keys (modifiers) (Ctrl,Alt,CapsLock,Win,Fn) - used in various combinations and separately.
  • Numeric keys- to quickly enter numbers.
  • Editing keysBackspace, Delete.

The keyboard layouts may vary slightly. Often, modern keyboards also have multimedia keys. Such as mute / unmute, volume control, go to mailbox etc.

Keyboard Key Assignments

Each key performs a specific action:

  • Space bar is the longest key on the keyboard. Located at the very bottom in the middle. Apart from its main function, doing
    space between words, it also removes the "selected" object.
  • Esc- cancels the last action (closes unnecessary windows).
  • Print screen- takes a "screenshot" of the screen. This screenshot can be pasted into Word or Paint. This screen shot is called a "screenshot". And also this key prints out the contents of the screen.
  • Scroll Lock- serves for scrolling information up and down, but not on all computers this button works.
  • Pause / Break- suspends an active computer process, but also - does not work on all computers.
  • Insert- serves to print text over the already printed. If you press this key, then new text will be printed erasing the old one. To undo this action, you must press the Insert key again.
  • Delete(often abbreviated on the keyboard Del) - delete. Deletes characters on the right side of the blinking cursor. Deletes "selected" objects (lines of text, folders, files).
  • Home- go to the beginning of the filled line.
  • End- jump to the end of the filled line.
  • Page Up- turns the page forward.
  • Page Down- turns the page back.
  • Backspase- deletes characters to the left of the blinking cursor while typing text. And it returns to the previous page in browsers and in Windows Explorer, replacing the "back" arrow in the upper left corner.
  • Tab- tabulation fixes the cursor at a certain place in the line.
  • Caps lock - toggle between uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Shift- short pressing of this key - gives a capital letter. In order to print the capital letter, you must first press Shift key and while holding it press the desired letter. The Shift key can be pressed both to the right and to the left, as you prefer.
  • Alt- to switch to the opposite language (from English to Russian and vice versa) - press the Alt key and keep the Shift key pressed. Pressing and holding the AltGr key (right Alt) is used to go to the second level of the keyboard.
  • Ctrl- right and left. Opens additional features programs.
  • Nut look- includes an additional numeric keypad.
  • Enter- key for entering information, confirms the command "yes", or go to the next line.
    Cursor keys - (up), (down), (right),
    (to the left). With the help of these arrows, you can move not only through the text that you are typing, but also open pages sites and programs.


You've probably heard this expression. " Hot"They are called because when you press a combination of these keys, you can quickly call some program or menu.

Each program has its own set of these keys. You don't need to memorize them. If you are constantly working in a program, then it makes sense to memorize them. Gradually, we will study many of these combinations.

In many program windows, when you open any menu, in front of a particular command, shortcuts are indicated for calling the same command.

Keyboard shortcuts

Usually such combinations are indicated with the sign + (plus). For example, Win + E... This means that you must first press the key Win and then the key E.

Letters mean Latin, no matter what layout you have at the moment.

Essential keyboard actions

  • To switch to another language, it is necessary to press simultaneously the key Shift + Alt or Shift + Ctrl.
  • To print capital (capital) letter, you must hold down the key Shift and click on the desired letter.
  • To print all text only in large letters, press Caps Lock and let it go. And to switch to small letters again, press this key again.
  • In order to print a comma, you must press the key Shift and a semicolon key. They are usually located next to each other on the right.
  • Point in English layout located next to, to the left of the point of the Russian layout.