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Doesn't catch the Internet what to do. Internet in the country - We create a Wi-Fi network in the country

Summer has come and many of us have "opened the summer cottage season." But, many of us, even at the dacha, cannot do without modern and convenient means of communication. Today we will talk about organizing network access internet in the country, as well as its further distribution throughout the country house and the site via the Wi-Fi network.

We will organize a communication channel at a speed of 2-3 Mbit / second, which will be available from any device with Wi-Fi on the territory of your country house, as well as the site. When using this method, you can use high-speed Internet on a laptop, without any wires, rocking on a rocking chair or lying on a sun lounger.

What is required to create a suburban Wi-Fi network?

You will need a Wi-Fi router, in our case a fairly cheap option with all the necessary functionality - Dlink DIR-320, which has a USB port.

You will also need a USB 3G modem, a removable Wi-Fi antenna of higher gain than the standard one. The price of a set of equipment will not exceed 5 thousand rubles.

What will we get from such a network?

We'll get high speed internet in the country, with an incoming speed of up to 3-4 Mbps. We will also receive a wireless network between all devices located on your site and in the house, access to the Internet without any wires throughout the site.

Having created a wireless network at your summer cottage, you will forget for the whole summer about the need for wires that you usually connect to your laptops and computers at home.

How to create a Wi-Fi network in the country with the Internet?

It is required to install a router, which we have already bought in a place where there is a direct line of sight to most of the site (the Balcony would be the best option). Next, install the antenna on the router, which we purchased separately from the router.

After connecting the router to the electrical network, you need to connect to it using a cable (the cable comes with the router). Before connecting to the router, you need to download from FTP server Dlink specialized firmware that supports 3G modems.

After updating the firmware via the web interface, we connect the 3G modem to the router, having installed a SIM card in it in advance and checking the Internet connection on the laptop (directly: laptop modem). If the Internet on the laptop worked without problems, then after connecting the modem to the router, you only need to perform the final settings. Going to the web-interface for managing the router and going to the modem settings tab - select the network, select the operation mode: 3G Only. Next, establish a connection or it will be established automatically - if all parameters are configured, it is correct.

After the Internet on the router is connected and the devices connected to the router begin to access the Internet, you need to protect your network from unauthorized access and use of your network by other users. To protect your network, set up the WEP2 network security and set the key, after entering which the devices can connect to your network.

After completing all the manipulations, your network is ready for use - you need to reconnect all devices to your network, having previously entered the access key you have set.

Now internet in the country will work stably and wirelessly. In case of connection failures - you need to restart the router - just by turning off the power and plugging it back in, breaks are quite rare, if the communication quality of the mobile operator that provides access to the Internet at the installation site of the router is low, buy a USB extension cable 1.8-3 meters and connect the modem to the router by means of an extension cord. Install the modem in the place where the connection is more stable, in this case the speed and reliability of your Internet at the dacha will be several times higher.

One way or another, but every modern person is addicted to the Internet to some extent. Until recently, access to the global network was necessary only at work in the office, then it was no longer possible to do without it in a city apartment. Today the situation has changed - the Internet is needed everywhere, including in places of rest, outside the city, in summer cottages. For those who want to visit their favorite social networks, watch movies online in a country house, we will consider how to make the Internet in the country. To do this, there are five of the best options for providing quick access to the World Wide Web.

And if in urban conditions the issues of connecting to the Internet are solved practically by one call to the nearest provider, then in suburban settlements everything is a little more complicated. The way out is often found in very non-trivial ways. We will consider in detail how to conduct the Internet to the country.

Cable internet

This is the first, most familiar and familiar way of connecting to the Internet for every city dweller. But the possibilities of implementing it in a summer cottage village are reduced to almost zero. Naturally, if the house is located in a prestigious area, then there is a high probability that the developer has already started a fiber-optic line in the village and the question of how to make the Internet in the country will be quickly resolved. If the dacha is not on Rublevka, then it will be very expensive to lay a cable to the village. A good and relatively inexpensive solution would be to use an ordinary copper telephone cable. In large settlements, there are technical possibilities for this. Even 120 km from large cities in villages and towns there are telephone lines that are connected to the nearest automatic telephone exchange. If the wire goes to the nearest pole, but does not go anywhere further, it does not matter either. For two thousand rubles, special people will connect it wherever needed.

But do not rejoice ahead of time, even if a telephone cable was found in the house. It is far from always that there are automatic telephone exchanges in the dacha villages that have the necessary ADSL complex. If there is no equipment, then all that remains is to go back to the 90s and get the dial-up modem out of the old chest. In villages close to large regional centers, you can get an unlimited channel at an acceptable speed. And it will be an inexpensive Internet for a dacha - the cost can reach several hundred rubles a month.

Among the advantages of this option in the case of a fiber-optic channel are high speeds, stable connection, and affordable prices.

Among the disadvantages is the need to pay a year-round subscription fee, and the low probability of having a technical capability. In case of damage to a line or channel, a low rate of recovery and repair.


In some dacha villages, there may be local networks (like those that are available in every apartment building). These are often Wi-Fi based wireless networks. This is implemented as follows. An industrial access point is installed on one of the pillars in the center of the village. A server performing authorization is connected to this point. The main canal can be implemented in any way, depending on the characteristics of the village. The access point has enough capacity to cover the entire village.

These networks also provide wireless Internet services, among other services. It is enough to bring a laptop, tablet, smartphone from the city with you to the dacha - whatever. Prices for services may be different and depend on a specific point on the map. But on average, the cost is kept at the level of 500 to 1 thousand rubles. Providers can limit speed and traffic.

Any modern gadget supports Wi-Fi, so no additional devices are needed. An old desktop PC or multiple users may need an adapter or router.

The advantage of this method is that there is no need for any additional equipment.

Among the disadvantages of wireless Internet at the dacha is the ability to work with only one device at a time. You cannot use two devices at the same time.


There are a lot of providers in the Moscow region that provide services of wireless fixed radio access to the Internet. Unfortunately, in most regions the situation with this service is worse. But if you search, you can find.

An antenna is mounted on the roof of the country house. Its dimensions resemble a standard terrestrial television antenna. The house has a specially designed modem to which you can connect a router or computer.

Such wireless access over a radio channel makes it possible to organize a symmetric channel, the data transfer rate in which will reach 10 Mbps or more. Often, many providers offer summer residents an inexpensive Internet to the dacha, while the traffic is not limited. Only speed is limited.

It would seem that a solution has been found, but there are significant limitations. So, a set of necessary equipment, which users do not buy, but rent for a long time, paying at the same time its price in the format of "connection cost", will cost 15 thousand rubles and more. This is provided if you need a fast country Internet.

The second problem is the range. For the complex to work normally, it is necessary to create a line of sight from the base station to the antenna on the roof. The base station is located in the regional center. So, in a particular village, it may be corny that there are no technical possibilities for connecting such an Internet.

Also, WiMAX is quite expensive. For example, the size of the subscription fee from the provider "Infoseti" will be from 12,000 rubles / m for belimite access at a speed of 5 Mbit / s. Cheap and affordable dacha Internet based on this technology at a speed of 1 Mbps will cost 3300 rubles. Provider "Credo-Telecom" offers Internet from 600 rubles per month. The speed is only 512 Kbps. 20 Mbps will cost from 6 thousand rubles.

Most other providers offer a completely non-transparent pricing system - the contract promises that there will be an individual approach to each situation. And it seems that this approach somehow correlates with the size of the dacha.

Among the advantages of WiMAX are stability, good unlimited access to the Internet without any traffic accounting. But the cons - too expensive tariff and limited coverage.

Satellite Internet to the country

The main advantage of this method is complete independence from the presence of any infrastructure. You can make such an Internet anywhere - even on a distant farm in the deepest forest with the nearest settlement several hundred kilometers away.

Satellite Internet to the dacha can be either one-way or two-way. The first system is now considered obsolete. It was relevant several years ago, when its operation provided cost advantages. In rare cases, such a connection is still relevant now, if an inexpensive channel is available along with the satellite.

Features of one-way satellite Internet

The principle is very simple. The direct channel, through which the subscriber receives data, is implemented through the Return channel, through which requests leave, is carried out through terrestrial networks. These can be cellular networks or wired ones.

The plus is that the equipment of the Internet for the dacha according to this scheme will come out cheaper - there is no need to create a return channel to the satellite. There is only a receiver, no transmitter.

Two-way satellite internet

It is a completely autonomous system that eliminates the need to think about where to get a ground connection. Such two-way connections have already become available - the price for a complex is comparable to the cost of an average smartphone. The kit can be installed for some 20 thousand rubles. The exact price depends on which satellite you will be working with.

The average speed is 4 to 6 Mbps with direct links. In the opposite direction - 0.5-2 Mbit / s. It is impossible to get a higher speed due to technological limitations.

Features of tariffication of satellite access

But you have to pay for autonomy. Operators dealing with satellite access often practice different forms of payment for the consumed megabytes. Traffic in the required volume is bought immediately up to one ruble per megabyte, or packages are purchased where the price of one megabyte, depending on certain volumes, will be up to 50 kopecks.

There are also so-called conditionally unlimited tariff plans. The Allergo Sky company for 8 thousand rubles offers up to two megabits per second and 1600 megabytes every day. If we consider other providers, then such a pleasure will still cost at least several thousand every month.

There are also cheaper tariffs. However, providers impose serious restrictions there. For example, only HTML pages can be loaded. You won't be able to watch your favorite bloggers on YouTube, listen new track v social networks will not work either. But for use by e-mail and a news reader is fine. As an example - “Social” tariff plan from “Rainbow-Internet”. Some tariffs may include the Internet and television to the dacha via satellite.

Mobile Internet

This method of access has recently become much more accessible and is the most popular. In the networks of third generation mobile operators supporting 3G, it is already possible to receive information at a speed of 10 to 15 megabits. In a 4G network, you can count on 30-40 Mbps, depending on the quality of the signal.

However, which one to choose mobile Internet for the dacha (or rather, which specifications connection)? It depends on where this dacha is located. With the approach to cities and federal highways, there are more chances to get high-quality coverage with third and fourth generation networks. In various remote areas, you can only rely on GPRS at a speed of 10-20 Kbps. This is no good at all. Impossible at this speed download is elementary Google search page.

But don't forget about Sky Link. For remote areas, this operator offers the most extensive coverage. And even if the technology is outdated, but its capabilities are enough for a maximum of 3 Mbps. It's better if there is nothing.

However, various cellular operators are constantly evolving - the coverage is improving, the available speeds are increasing. And if earlier the Internet did not catch, then it is quite possible that now there is both coverage and speed.

About choosing an operator

In such a problem of how to make the Internet in the country, it is recommended to choose operators not according to tariff plans, but according to the real opportunities that the provider provides. It's easy to check - just take a few SIM cards with you to the dacha and test them one by one. You also need to remember that the mobile operator sells an encrypted modem.

Features of distribution of mobile Internet

The easiest way to distribute the Internet to other devices is from a smartphone using wireless networks... Operators now allow enabling the modem option on any tariff plan and do not prohibit distribution. This function is supported by any smartphone. You can buy it for a small amount and keep it on charge at all times.

USB modems are good for their affordability and low prices. But they are encoded and can only connect to a PC or laptop. To connect other devices, you need to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. There are problems due to a weak signal. But not everyone knows how to strengthen the Internet signal in the country. You can use an external antenna, and then the Internet will be enough for everyone. It is attached to the highest point of the roof. An important condition for its work is the absence of obstacles in the form of trees or other, higher houses. This is the only way to really amplify the signal.

An alternative solution is a 3G modem / router. They can be very different - plugged into an outlet, connected via USB. The cost of such equipment is not more than 5 thousand rubles. The second option is a regular stationary router with the ability to connect a USB modem.

There are a lot of advantages to such a solution, and most importantly, it is low prices for equipment, the ability to deploy a full-fledged network. This is the most affordable way of how to make the Internet in the country.

If no cellular operator can provide a signal of adequate quality, then this problem can be solved. The operators themselves tell you how to strengthen the Internet signal in the country. It is enough to use special amplifiers or reflectors.

What to choose?

So, we need the Internet to the dacha. What to choose? Most actual solution is still the mobile Internet. Opportunities of modern cellular networks allow a lot. This is high speed, unlimited access, minimal equipment cost. But you don't need to buy minimum rates. They are for those who are going to work in the country or will not often go to the computer. For everyone else, you need at least 2 GB per day or more.

That's all the ways of how to spend the Internet in the country. Many of them are no longer relevant, but they are, and in some cases this is the only way out of the situation for Internet addicts and those who like to work in the fresh air.


Now you can connect to the Internet everywhere, including in a summer cottage village. But outside the city it is better to take a break from all the hustle and bustle. After all, this is why she is a dacha, to sit with a fishing rod by the lake, ride a bicycle in the area, plow through the local mud in an SUV. Sometimes you also need to surf the Internet in the country. What to choose to connect? Something that suits the money and technical capabilities.

As soon as the summer cottage season arrives, many people move from cities to their backyards. However, having plunged headlong into gardening affairs, few of the summer residents are ready to deprive themselves of the opportunity to enter world wide web... This urban habit remains unchanged. Our information age allows you to connect the network anywhere, including at dachas. If you have a question about how to do this, read this article to the end.

No problems with the network will arise with the most "chic" option: an optical fiber cable is installed in your holiday village to distribute broadband access to the network. The costs here are minimal, you just pay for the service of connecting the cable to your home, plus a monthly fee under an agreement with a telecom operator. As a rule, the first option is quite rare. But you should not worry about this, since there are other ways to connect to the network. For example, via USB modems.

These devices are quite cheap and easy to install. It is enough to buy a USB modem, insert a SIM card into it, and it will be immediately ready for use. No additional programs you do not need to install on your computer at all. The speed of receiving and transmitting data through these modern devices in 3G networks is quite high. The choice of mobile operators is also not small. In the financial aspect, the most profitable offers of modems from Beeline, Megafon and MTS.

Another option is to purchase a satellite TV kit and install it at your dacha. Large operators of such TV will offer you additional satellite Internet. To do this, you will have to buy a special modem. It is better to entrust the communication setup to the specialists who will install the equipment and the receiving "dish". Satellite Internet has a high speed and is accessible from almost anywhere in the country. This is his undoubted plus. The only drawback is the high price of the equipment.

Access to the network can be organized at the dacha using a mobile phone. To do this, an Internet connection must be configured in it. The phone connects to the computer using a Bluetooth adapter or USB cable... On the PC you need to install the corresponding phone software... Then, following the instructions of the connection wizard, configure the network to provide Internet access. The main advantage of this connection is obvious - almost everyone has cellular telephone... The disadvantages are quality and low speed the Internet.

In general, the connection topic wireless internet very extensive. But within the framework of this article, we tried to describe in general terms the most basic options for a communication device with the outside world for summer cottages. We hope this information was useful to you. Enjoy surfing the net!

Hello dear readers. Read this article to the end and you will find out how you can get maximum quality mobile Internet while relaxing in the country. First of all, I recommend looking at the article about which ones exist in general, in order to be aware of what I will be writing about in this article. In the last article, I talked about five ways to amplify a signal. mobile internet operators big three or Tele2, since for most subscribers this is the most affordable way to bring the Internet to the country.

In general, I'll tell you why I decided to write this article. Today I went to the dacha myself, but I don’t spend much time at the dacha to organize some serious solutions for high-quality Internet, but using the Internet that is obtained without amplification is practically impossible. EDGE catches only three divisions, I want to note that if EDGE is on two divisions it is the same as without the Internet at all. The page will load for 15-20 minutes and in half of the cases it will not load. This is what I had on my phone when I arrived at the dacha:

In fact, with such a signal, you can "dry the oars", there will be no Internet today, but I have achieved the following result with handy means:

My actions allowed me to write this article while at the dacha and I did not spend a single ruble on the purchase of additional equipment, but, as you can see, there are a lot of pictures in the article.

So, to the point, what I did to strengthen the signal of the Internet in the country.

I have a laptop and two phones with me, an iphone and an android. In fact, I could start the Internet through any phone, but I chose Android, since I use my iphone more for calls than for the Internet. As an option for unlimited internet, I took

The smartphone is configured as an access point. How to do this, I told in this and placed it on the second floor of the cottage under the very roof. Additional food I did not spend it for the phone, I only pre-charged it 100%, because I was sure that I would write an article in a couple of hours, and that was how much the smartphone's battery should have sufficed. By the way, if I used an iPhone as an access point, the speeds would be higher, since these phones themselves pick up the signal better than competing smartphones. For example, at the point where my iPhone showed three divisions on the android, only one and then the signal may be lost. In general, I made myself a router, placed it high enough and worked normally on the Internet.

I would like to give some more advice, you need to position the phone so that it does not come into direct sunlight, since Internet access heats up very much mobile phone+ heating from the sun and as a result the equipment starts to glitch badly. It may turn off altogether and then not turn on. In general, it would be wrong like this:

But this is correct:

Best regards, Bolshakov Alexander.

If you spend a lot of time in the summer at the dacha, choose the best way to connect to the Network outside the city.

Connection via local Wi-Fi network
In some areas of compact habitat of summer residents, there are local wireless networks built on Wi-Fi technologies... To put it simply, an industrial access point hangs on a pole in the middle of the village, an authorization server is bolted to it; The main canal can be implemented as you like, depending on local realities. The main thing is that the power of the access point is sufficient to cover gardening (for this there may be several of them).

The cost of services and the conditions for their provision vary in each specific place, but the order of prices is usually at the level of 500-1000 rubles per month. However, do not forget that speed and traffic limitation may apply.

All modern laptops, tablets and smartphones support Wi-Fi, so no additional hardware is required. If you took an old desktop computer to the dacha, then you will need a Wi-Fi adapter that connects to a USB port. It almost does not take up space, and it is quite inexpensive.

Connection via cellular network
If you do not yet have such a luxury at your dacha as the local network Wi-Fi, then the easiest way to connect to the Internet is to use the services of a mobile operator. But the further from the city, the usually weaker the signal of the Network. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth finding out which of the operators in the area of ​​your favorite vacation spot works best.

It is not only the signal level (the number of "sticks" on the phone screen) that is important, but also the generation of the Network. If LTE or 4G appears on the smartphone screen, you're in luck - these are fourth-generation networks, and the Internet speed in them does not actually differ from a home wired one. If the screen says "3G", everything is fine too: these are third-generation networks, which are enough for visiting websites, video calls and even watching movies online. If the lone letter "E" is highlighted, this is the so-called 2.5-generation: you can only count on reading news and text correspondence. Finally, the letter "G" means that things are really bad and each page will take a few minutes to open. It is useful to check all the operators - for example, ask the neighbors around.

If none of the operators pleases, remember Skylink. Sometimes he “finishes off” in places where the “big three” do not work.

Operators are rapidly evolving networks. The one who was the fastest last year may become the worst this year. Check it out!

Wi-Fi do it yourself
If the telephone network is slow, it makes sense to buy a USB modem at your dacha (pictured above). It is inexpensive (about 1-2 thousand rubles), it is easy to set up. However, the modem has drawbacks. You can work with him on the Web only through a laptop - from a phone, tablet, e-book, the game console will not go online. If you need it, you will have to buy a mobile router (pictured below).

A mobile router is a small box where you can insert a modem and then connect to this design via your usual Wi-Fi. The router can handle up to 8-10 connections simultaneously. It is also useful that such a router can be located in the zone of the most confident reception, and you can sit at the other end of the site and have fun.

Inexpensive models of mobile routers (up to 1000 rubles) can be purchased from Asus, Huawei, TP-Link. If your budget allows, you can buy routers with SIM card slots and a built-in battery. They cost more - from 2000 rubles. By the way, many apartment routers also work with modems. Therefore, before buying, check the device in your home - you may need to take it with you. In extreme cases, you can use a regular smartphone as a router-modem. Most modern models have such a function, but you shouldn't abuse it - the smartphone gets very hot and quickly drains the battery.

Choice tariff
Regardless of which connection method you choose, use the tariff with unlimited Internet. Now all operators have to pay 150-200 rubles for it. per month. But there is a limitation: on maximum speed you can use only 50-100 megabytes per day, after which it decreases to unsuitable for work and rest. And considering that loading one page of a popular site "eats up" 1-1.5 megabytes at once, it is very easy to run into the limitation.

On expensive tariffs, the rates are higher, but you should not immediately spend money on them. To get started, connect a "package" of 500 megabytes or 1 gigabyte and track the real consumption within a week. personal account on the operator's website, and then decide which unlimited tariff is optimal for you.