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Analysis of software for the preparation of a cadastral plan. Software. Vi. Working programm

The introduction of modern technologies into our life is reflected in various fields of activity, including the land registry. In the article, we will offer a list of programs that are necessary for the work of cadastral engineers, and also tell you how computerization affected the land market and government inspection bodies.


Along with simple accounting by means of electronic computing devices, innovative proposals appear, including:

  • The use of electronic accounting, the transition to a digital format, simplified file sharing, signatures on a digitized medium - this ensures the convenience and speed of cooperation with specialized companies.
  • A three-dimensional process of displaying a map, or a 3D cadastre, is a three-dimensional image of any real estate, including those with a complex configuration - with hinged balconies, difficult road junctions, etc.
  • The principle of "one window", that is, one-time services for cadastral registration in the work program and for registration of the site. The peculiarity is the simplification of formalities and bureaucratic costs.
  • Automated collection and filling of all related documentation. Tables, certificates, summaries, electronic interaction with Rosreestr and others text files thanks to modern software, they will appear almost automatically - they are synchronized with each other, so once entered data will be displayed on other pages.

So, the main task of software systems is to facilitate the work of engineers and collect in a short time the most complete package of papers that are drawn up in accordance with modern requirements and norms.

Documentation when working in the program for planning and drawing up a plot of land

Any project consists of two parts:

  • text design;
  • graphic content.

They can be presented both on paper and in in electronic format... When the work is completed, the customer receives the following package from the executing company:

  • boundary plan;
  • map of land management objects;
  • land surveying project;
  • the layout of the land plot on the territory cadastre (CPT);
  • inspection report;
  • technical plan.

Boundary plan

This is one of the main documents, which is decisive when registering land, and also contains information from the State Property Committee. Requirements for the design of this file are in order No. 921 dated 08.12.2015. The main stages of filling are also reflected here. They can be divided into:

  • Graphic - the boundaries of the sites, characteristic points, boundaries of adjacent land uses are clearly delineated.
  • Text - characteristics of land plots, their coordinates, acts of agreement with adjacent land users.

It is created in the following cases:

  • when dividing one section into two or more;
  • when combining several sections into one common;
  • when redistributing borders, incl. with lands of municipal or state property;
  • during allocation of a share;
  • at the time of the formation of a new land plot;
  • when correcting boundaries;
  • to clarify the boundaries of land plots.

The document in paper form is certified by the signature and seal of the engineer, it consists of:

  • title page;
  • initial data;
  • information about measurements and calculations;
  • coordinates of areas and their characteristics;
  • a graphic diagram of the location of sites and their parts;
  • drawings;
  • expert opinion;
  • applications.

Technical plan

The technical plan is also drawn up in programs for land management and land cadastre, it is prepared for:

  • residential or non-residential building;
  • apartment building;
  • structures;
  • residential and non-residential premises;
  • construction in progress;
  • parking spaces;
  • a single real estate complex.

The document is drawn up in the following cases:

  • when it is required to register a real estate object or part of it with Rosreestr;
  • additional information has appeared that needs to be entered into the real estate register.
  • real estate drawing;
  • the layout of the object within the site;
  • schematic designation of geodetic constructions;
  • floor plans;
  • description of the characteristics of the building;
  • accompanying documentation;
  • a declaration drawn up by the owner of the real estate.

All listed documents in paper or electronic form are signed by a cadastral engineer.

Inspection report

Required to deregister a property. It is convenient to compile it using inventory software. Automation helps to arrange the type of documentation in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 861 of November 20, 2015.

Such a document must be made after a personal inspection of the site by an engineer and fixing the termination of the operation of the property, due to the demolition or complete destruction.

It is most convenient to conduct all activities and preparation of documents in conditions of optimal computer equipment. This facilitates both the work of engineers and the speed of service delivery.

Benefits of using programs for design and planning of land plots for cadastre purposes

By computerizing the event, you can:

  • facilitate and accelerate file exchange between the executing company, the customer and the inspection authorities;
  • comply with all regularly updated design standards;
  • to eliminate possible mistakes with manual calculations;
  • make the process of filling out all documents fast;
  • make it easier to make edits to an already finished file;
  • create drawings and diagrams of land plots, capital construction objects or individual premises;
  • combine the design of construction with the simultaneous filling of the cadastre papers.

What program do cadastral engineers work in?

List of simple and convenient software products to draw up a project for the site:

  • TechnoCad-Express;
  • "ARGO";
  • "PKZO";
  • "Polygon";
  • "ProGeo".


The software differs in that it is possible to carry out the entire cycle of engineering work from requesting data to registering property rights.


  • Consists of five modules: "Professional", "Landing plan", "Technical plan", "Registration of rights", "Request for information". This division expands the capabilities of the basic package. You can buy the whole package, or you can choose only a few of them. This broadens the user base - some individual functions cater to the needs of real estate agents or designers and builders.
  • Three-level documentation check.
  • Active technical support.
  • Data transmission to Rosreestr via the Internet and receiving feedback with support e-help, payment for the service by credit method.
  • Low price.


  • You can form only the text part, for graphic elements you need a third-party program.
  • Not all processes are fully automated and linked - some of the data must be re-entered manually.
  • There are not enough templates in the library, so it takes quite a lot of time.
  • Work with only two permissions: .mif and .txt.
  • Annual paid renewal of the software license.
  • The separate cost of each type of accounting and submission of documents via the Internet.

The program for the preparation and creation of a landline plan - ARGO

Announced as an inexpensive yet fully featured tool for cadastral engineers and surveying.


  • Complex both text and graphic work.
  • Schemes and drawings are uploaded to XML with signed lines and printable.
  • Electronic document management.
  • A complete package of related papers for a cadastral engineer.
  • Open access to the cadastral map - you can not only see the boundaries of the plots, but also read the characteristics, and also import the necessary drawing from there.
  • Wide range of supported extensions: dxf, mif, xml, rtf, xls and pdf.
  • Multilayer version of graphic schemes.
  • The ability to work remotely from different personal computers subject to open access - this helps to make comments and adjustments, to check against Rosreestr tables.


  • A rather difficult interface for quick mastering - a long training is required in order to understand the tools.
  • Inability to edit a text block - this is especially difficult in non-standard situations when additional notes are needed that go beyond the sample.
  • Difficulty scaling circuits.
  • Paid updates every year.

Program for creating a plan of a land plot and land surveying - PKZO

This software is an improved continuation of the ObjectLand GIS.


  • Working with formats: dxf, mif, csv and shp.
  • The ability to purchase one license for several specialists and their PCs.
  • Accessible interface.
  • Extensive possibilities of graphic design of papers.
  • Checking the intersection of the boundaries of sites.


  • Difficulties in installing and configuring the program for the first time.
  • Obligatory purchase of a separate GIS-system, the capabilities of which are often not used.
  • The need to purchase software for setting up work on parallel workstations.
  • There is no direct interaction with Rosreestr.

A series of complexes "Polygon"

This is one name for several disparate products that can be used in a complex or in stages, in isolation. This will reduce the cost of purchasing utilities, but will increase the number of possible problems due to the need to install each individual module.


  • Simple interface.
  • A wide range of templates and the ability to create your own.
  • Wide access of formats: dxf, mif, doc, xls, csv, txt.


  • No graphical support.
  • Each type of work requires the purchase of a separate module, which ultimately increases the cost of ownership.
  • No Windows support XP.

The best software for the activity of a cadastral engineer - ProGeo

This is a product of the ZVSOFT company, which is suitable for work with the cadastre, for the design of landscape design and for research studies. Is a program that works in tandem with the main basic CAD system.


  • The CAD system enables the creation of detailed, detailed and easy-to-use drawings and diagrams.
  • All modules in one program - no need to overpay for each add-on separately or to install something additionally.
  • Convenient work in text and graphic format - preparation of a complete package of all related documents.
  • You can start development from scratch, or you can import ready-made files of any extension, including xml, dxf, mif, mid, top, kat, met, csv, txt, kml, kmz.
  • Import of a cadastral extract, passport, KPT, USRR, USRN, boundary or technical plan into the project.
  • Checking geometry and intersections of contours.
  • Preparation of xml files and sending them to Rosreestr.
  • Integration with public cadastral map and files from other suppliers.
  • Free upgrade to the current one regardless of the version.
  • Extended functionality in ProGeo.Online, available with an annual subscription.
  • Fast and qualified technical support from a cadastral engineer.
  • Regular updates after changes in orders and legislation.

The considered programs are auxiliary tools for the work of a cadastral engineer. With the software complex, the entire cycle of activities for collecting data, surveying and registering buildings and land plots is quickly and efficiently carried out.

Choose the best software together with ZVSOFT.

In accordance with clause 10 of part 2 of article 29.1 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ "On the State Real Estate Cadastre" (Collected Legislation Russian Federation, 2007, no. 31, art. 4017; 2008, no. 30, art. 3597, 3616; 2009, no. 1, art. 19; No. 19, art. 2283; No. 29, art. 3582; No. 52, art. 6410, 6419; 2011, no. 1, art. 47; No. 23, art. 3269; No. 27, art. 3880; No. 30, art. 4563, 4594, 4605; No. 49, art. 7024, 7061; No. 50, art. 7365; 2012, no. 31, art. 4322; 2013, No. 14, Art. 1651; No. 23, art. 2866; No. 27, art. 3477; No. 30, art. 4083; 2014, no. 26, art. 3377; No. 30, art. 4211, 4218; No. 43, art. 5799,5802; No. 45, art. 6145; No. 52, art. 7558; 2015, no. 1, art. 39, 52; No. 9, art. 1193; No. 14, art. 2019; No. 27, art. 3975,3997; No. 29, art. 4339, 4359, 4370, 4377, 4378, 4385; 2016, no. 1, art. 11, 51, 72; No. 18, art. 2484, 2495; No. 27, art. 4198, 4294), paragraph 2 of part 7 of article 76 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562, 566; No. 19, Art. 2289; No. 22, Art. 2769; No. 23 , Art. 2933; No. 26, Art. 3388; No. 30, Art. 4217, 4257, 4263; 2015, No. 1, Art. 42, 53; No. 18, Art. 2625; No. 27, Art. 3951, 3989; No. 29, Art. 4339, 4364; No. 51, Art. 7241; 2016, No. 1, Art. 8, Art. 9; 78; No. 10, Art. 1320; No. 23, Art. 3289, 3290; No. 27, 4160, 4219, 4223, 4238, 4239, 4246, 4292) I order:


a typical additional professional program (professional retraining program) "Cadastral activities" ();

a typical additional professional program " Modern technologies in the field of cadastral activities "();

a typical additional professional program (professional development program) " Actual problems interaction of subjects of cadastral relations "();

a typical additional professional program (professional development program) "Current issues of legislation in the field of cadastral activities" ().

Registration number 43970

Appendix No. 1
to the Ministry
economic development of the Russian Federation
dated August 24, 2016 No. 541

(professional retraining program)
"Cadastral activity"

I. General Provisions

1. A typical additional professional program (professional retraining program) "Cadastral Activities" (hereinafter referred to as the Program) was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562, 566; No. 19 , Art. 2289; No. 22, Art. 2769; No. 23, Art. 2933; No. 26, Art. 3388; No. 30, Art. 4217, 4257, 4263; 2015, No. 1, Art. 42, 53; No. 18 , p. 2625; No. 27, p. 3951, 3989; No. 29, p. 4339, 4364; No. 51, p. 7241; 2016, No. 1, p. 8, 9; p. 24, 78; No. 10, 1320; No. 23, Articles 3289, 3290; No. 27, Articles 4160, 4219, 4223, 4238, 4239, 4246, 4292), taking into account the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 "On approval The procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for additional professional programs "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 20, 2013, p. registration number No. 29444), as amended by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 15, 2013 No. 1244 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Organizing and Implementing Educational Activities for Additional Professional Programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. No. 499 "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 14, 2014, registration number No. 31014) and the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of training on March 21, 2002 Land management and cadastres (bachelor's level), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 1, 2015 . No. 1084 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 21, 2015, registration No. 39407).

2. Professional retraining of interested persons (hereinafter - listeners), carried out in accordance with the Program, can be carried out at the choice of the educational organization in accordance with the curriculum in full-time, part-time, part-time education using e-learning and distance learning technologies.

3. Sections included in the curriculum of the Program are used for the subsequent development of the calendar curriculum, curriculum, work programs, methodological and assessment materials. The listed documents are developed by the educational organization independently, taking into account the current provisions of the legislation on education and legislation on the implementation of cadastral activities, state cadastral registration and state registration of rights to real estate, land management, geodesy, cartography and related fields of knowledge.

4. The program regulates the requirements for the level of professional retraining in the field of cadastral activities and determines the minimum amount of knowledge and skills that a cadastral engineer must have when performing cadastral works.

The standard term for mastering the Program is 600 academic hours.

Individuals with or receiving higher education are allowed to master the Program.

5. The area of ​​professional activity of a cadastral engineer includes the implementation of cadastral work in relation to real estate, as a result of which the preparation of documents containing information on such real estate necessary for the implementation of cadastral registration is provided, and the provision of other services in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The objects of professional activity of a cadastral engineer are: land plots, buildings, structures, premises, parts of such real estate objects, objects of construction in progress, as well as other real estate objects subject to cadastral registration in accordance with federal legislation.

Professional activities of a cadastral engineer: design, production and technology, research, organizational and management.

II. Purpose of professional retraining

6. The purpose of professional retraining in the field of cadastral activities is the acquisition of new professional competencies by students necessary for the performance of cadastral work, as well as the implementation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of mandatory conditions for natural person a member of the self-regulatory organization of cadastral engineers.

III. Planned results of professional retraining

7. The result of professional retraining of trainees under the Program is to increase the level of their professional competencies through the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of cadastral activities in the Russian Federation.

8. A student who has mastered the Program must have the following general professional competencies:

The ability to search, store, process and analyze information from various sources and databases, to present it in the required format using information, computer and network technologies(OPK-1);

The ability to use knowledge of modern technologies for design, cadastral and other works related to land management and cadastres (OPK-3).

A student who has mastered the Program must have professional competencies:

The ability to use knowledge for land management, real estate, organization and conduct of cadastral and land management works (PC-2);

2) project activities:

The ability to use knowledge of the regulatory framework and methods for developing design solutions in land management and cadastres (PC-3);

3) research activities:

The ability to conduct and analyze the results of research in land management and cadastres (PC-5);

4) production and technological activities:

The ability to use knowledge of modern technologies for collecting, systematizing, processing and recording information about real estate objects of modern geographic and land information systems (PC-8);

The ability to use the knowledge of modern technologies when carrying out land management and cadastral works (PC-10);

Ability to use knowledge of modern technologies for technical inventory of capital construction objects (PC-12).

2) Disciplinary competence map of the OPK-3

3) Disciplinary map of competence PC-2

4) Disciplinary map of competence PC-3

5) Disciplinary map of competence PC-5

6) Disciplinary competence map PK-8

7) Disciplinary map of competence PK-10

8) Disciplinary map of competence PK-12

10. As a result of mastering the Program, the student must:

General provisions and sources of civil, land, urban planning, environmental law and others;

Land management technology;

Regulation of land use and protection;

Modern classification of state geodetic networks, principles and methods of constructing geodetic networks for special purposes (reference boundary networks), methods, techniques and modern technical means performing geodetic works, software for processing the results of geodetic measurements;

Fundamentals of aerospace surveys, metric and decoding properties of various information models, fundamentals of digital photogrammetric image processing technology;

Basic concepts and definitions from the theory of cartography, the theory of cartographic projections and the theory of generalization, ways of displaying thematic content on maps;

Purpose and principle of work with geographic information systems (hereinafter - GIS systems);

Basics of spatial planning, land management and zoning of the territory of land management facilities;

Goals, objectives, principles and content of state monitoring of land and other real estate;

Use data from aerial and satellite images and other materials for remote sensing of the Earth;

Possess the methods of creating and using cartographic materials using geoinformation technologies (hereinafter referred to as GIS technologies);

Conduct cadastral work in relation to immovable property, as a result of which the preparation of documents containing the information necessary for the implementation of cadastral registration of such immovable property is ensured;

Apply methods of land management design in solving practical problems in the formation of real estate objects.

Have skills:

Work with modern geodetic instruments, mathematical processing of field measurements and construction on their basis of planning and cartographic materials;

Preparation of documents for state cadastral registration and registration of rights to real estate using specialized software.

IV. Syllabus

11. The volume of the Program is 600 hours.

For persons with in-depth training in individual disciplines of the Program, a form of organization of educational activities based on a modular principle, with the organization of the educational process according to an individual plan, can be used.

When mastering the Program, it is possible to credit academic disciplines (modules) mastered in the process of previous training in the main professional educational programs and (or) additional professional programs, the order of which is determined by the educational organization independently.

12. The curriculum of the Program determines the list, sequence, general labor intensity of disciplines and forms of knowledge control.

The program includes general professional disciplines and special disciplines.


Control and term papers;

Sample curriculum
professional retraining programs
"Cadastral activity"

P / p No. Name of disciplines Total labor intensity (600 hours)
1 24
2 108
3 12
4 Geodesy 90
5 24
6 Cartography 24
7 126
8 18
9 Land management 54
10 12
11 12
12 66
13 final examination 30
Total: 600

13. Matrix of correlating the disciplines of the curriculum of the Program and the general cultural and professional competencies formed in them

P / p No. Name of the discipline Total, hours Competencies
general professional professional
OPK-1 OPK-3 PC-2 PC-3 PC-5 PC-8 PC-10 PC-12
1 Classification of real estate objects 24 + + - - - + - -
2 Legal basis for cadastral activities 108 + - - - - - - -
3 Self-regulation of cadastral activities 12 - - + - - - + -
4 Geodesy 90 + + + - - + - -
5 Photogrammetry and Earth Remote Sensing 24 + + + - - - - -
6 Cartography 24 + + + - - + - -
7 Real estate cadastral works 126 + + + + - + + +
8 Territorial planning 18 + - - - - - - -
9 Land management 54 + + - - - - - -
10 State regulation of the real estate market 12 + - - - - - - -
11 State monitoring of lands 12 + - - - - + - -
12 State cadastral registration and state registration of rights to real estate 66 - + - - - + - +
13 final examination 30 + + + + + + + +
Total: 600

14. The educational calendar is a schedule of the educational process that sets the sequence and duration of training and final certification for academic weeks and (or) days. The curriculum of the Program determines the thematic content of the disciplines, the sequence of sections and (or) topics and their complexity.

Vi. Work programs of disciplines

15. Working programm each discipline contains a list of sections and (or) topics, as well as the issues considered in them, taking into account their complexity.

Work programs for each discipline are developed by the educational organization independently, taking into account the current provisions of the legislation on the implementation of cadastral activities, state cadastral registration and state registration of rights to real estate, land management, geodesy, cartography and related fields of knowledge.

Vii. List and composition of reporting work performed by students

16. In the course of mastering the Program, each student performs the following reporting work:

VIII. Control of acquired knowledge

17. Control of the knowledge gained by students in mastering the disciplines of the Program is carried out in the following forms:

Testing for self-control - available to students throughout the entire period of professional retraining;

Control testing - completes the study of a separate discipline.

Questions and answers of test tasks should reflect the content of the discipline, taking into account the goals of its development.

IX. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the Program

18. The choice of teaching methods for each lesson is determined taking into account the fact that the Program is focused on partial or full use e-learning and distance learning technologies.

19. The educational process is organized using innovative technologies and teaching methods that can provide students with knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of cadastral activities, including the development of the legal framework and technologies for performing geodetic, cartographic and cadastral work, remote sensing of the Earth, territorial planning, land management , state monitoring of land and other real estate, state cadastral registration and state registration of rights to real estate using information and telecommunication technologies.

20. The implementation of the Program is ensured by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the educational organization, it is permissible to attract highly qualified specialists to the educational process from among the leaders and leading specialists of state bodies, institutions, as well as teachers of leading Russian and foreign educational organizations.

X. Forms of certification

21. In the course of mastering the Program, students perform reporting work (at the discretion of the educational organization) described in this Program. Students who have successfully completed all elements of the curriculum are admitted to the final certification.

The form of the final certification is determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently.

22. Based on the results of professional retraining, students who have successfully mastered the Programs and passed the final certification are issued a diploma of professional retraining of the established form, which gives the right to conduct professional activities in the field of cadastral activities.

When mastering the Program in parallel with obtaining higher education, a diploma of professional retraining is issued simultaneously with the receipt of the corresponding certificate of education and qualifications.

23. Persons who have not passed the final certification or received unsatisfactory results at the final certification, as well as persons who have mastered part of the Program and (or) expelled from the educational organization, are issued a certificate of training or of the training period according to the model independently established by the educational organization.

Appendix No. 2
to the Ministry
economic development of the Russian Federation
dated August 24, 2016 No. 541

Typical additional professional program
(professional development program)
"Modern technologies in the field of cadastral activities"

I. General Provisions

1. A typical additional professional program (advanced training program) "Modern technologies in the field of cadastral activities" (hereinafter - DPP) was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collection legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562, 566; No. 19, Art. 2289; No. 22, Art. 2769; No. 23, Art. 2933; No. 26, Art. 3388; No. 30, Art. 4217, 4257, 4263; 2015, No. 1, Art. 42, 53; No. 18, Art. 2625; No. 27, Art. 3951, 3989; No. 29, Art. 4339, 4364; No. 51, Art. 7241; 2016, No. 1, Art. 8, 9; No. 1, Art. 24, 72, 78; No. 10, Art. 1320; No. 23, Art. 3289, 3290; No. 27, Art. 4160, 4219, 4223, 4238, 4239, 4246, 4292), taking into account the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 1 July 2013 No. 499 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for additional professional programs" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Russia August 20, 2013, registration No. 29444), as amended by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 15, 2013 No. 1244 "On Amending the Procedure for the Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities for Additional Professional Programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2013 No. 499 "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 14, 2014, registration number No. 31014) and the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of preparation 03.21.02 Land management and cadastres (bachelor's level), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from October 1, 2015 No. 1084 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 21, 2015, registration No. 39407).

II. Purpose of preparation

1) project activities:

Ability to use knowledge of the regulatory framework and methods for developing design solutions in land management and cadastres (PC-3);

Ability to conduct and analyze the results of research in land management and cadastres (PC-5);

3) production and technological activities:

Ability to use knowledge of modern technologies for collecting, systematizing, processing and recording information about real estate objects of modern geographic and land information systems (PC-8);

Ability to use knowledge of modern technologies when carrying out land surveying and cadastral works (PC-10);

Ability to use knowledge of modern technologies for technical inventory of capital construction objects (PC-12).

9. The competency map reveals the component composition of the competence, technologies for its formation and assessment:

1) Disciplinary map of competence PC-3

2) Disciplinary map of competence PC-5

4) Disciplinary competence map PK-10

5) Disciplinary map of competence PK-12

Modern classification of state geodetic networks, principles and methods of constructing geodetic networks for special purposes (reference boundary networks), methods, techniques and modern technical means for performing cadastral work, software for processing measurement results;

Appointment, grounds and procedure for performing cadastral works;

The main provisions of the regulatory framework in the field of relations arising in connection with the implementation in the territory of the Russian Federation of state registration of rights to real estate, state cadastral registration of real estate, as well as maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate and providing information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate ( from January 1, 2017).

Apply regulatory legal documents and instructions in the practice of carrying out cadastral activities;

Apply modern technical means and software when performing cadastral works;

Have skills:

Work with modern geodetic instruments, mathematical processing of field measurements and construction on their basis of planning and cartographic materials;

Preparation of documents for state cadastral registration and registration of rights to real estate objects using specialized software.

IV. Syllabus

The educational activities of students include the following types of training sessions and educational work:

Practical / independent work;

Final certification (in the form determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently).

An approximate curriculum of the advanced training program "Modern technologies in the field of cadastral activities"

P / p No. Name of sections Total, hours Professional competencies
PC-3 PC-5 PC-10 PC-12
1 Land cadastral works. Results of cadastral works 16 + + + -
2 Cadastral works in relation to buildings, structures, premises or objects of construction in progress. Results of cadastral works 16 + + + +
3 Complex cadastral works. Results of complex cadastral works. 6 + + + -
4 final examination 2 + + + +

V. Curriculum calendar and curriculum

The calendar curriculum and the curriculum are developed by the educational organization independently, taking into account the chosen form of study (full-time, part-time, part-time with the use of e-learning and distance educational technologies).

Vi. Working programm

VIII. Forms of certification

18. Mastering the DPP ends with the final attestation of students in the form determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently.

20. Persons who have not passed the final certification or received unsatisfactory results at the final certification, as well as persons who have mastered part of the DPP and (or) expelled from the educational organization, are issued a certificate of training or a training period according to the model independently established by the organization.

Appendix No. 3
to the Ministry
economic development of the Russian Federation
dated August 24, 2016 No. 541

Typical additional professional program
(professional development program)
"Actual problems of interaction of subjects of cadastral relations"

I. General Provisions

1. A typical additional professional program (advanced training program) "Actual problems of interaction of subjects of cadastral relations" (hereinafter - DPP) was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-F3 "On education in the Russian Federation" (Collection legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562, 566; No. 19, Art. 2289; No. 22, Art. 2769; No. 23, Art. 2933; No. 26, Art. 3388; No. 30, Art. 4217, 4257; 4263; 2015, No. 1, Art. 42, 53; No. 18, Art. 2625; No. 27, Art. 3951, 3989; No. 29, Art. 4339, 4364; No. 51, Art. 7241; 2016, No. 1, Art. 8, 9, 24, 72, 78 ; No. 10, Art. 1320; No. 23, Art. 3289, 3290; No. 27, Art. 4160, 4219, 4223, 4238, 4239, 4246, 4292), taking into account the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 "On approval of the Procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities for additional professional programs" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the R Russia August 20, 2013, registration No. 29444), as amended by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 15, 2013 No. 1244 "On Amending the Procedure for the Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities for Additional Professional Programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2013 No. 499 "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 14, 2014, registration number No. 31014) and the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of preparation 03.21.02 Land management and cadastres (bachelor's level), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from October 1, 2015 No. 1084 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 21, 2015, registration No. 39407).

2. Professional development, carried out in accordance with the DPP (hereinafter referred to as training), can be carried out at the choice of the educational organization in accordance with the curriculum in full-time, part-time, part-time forms of education using e-learning and distance learning technologies.

3. Sections included in the DPP curriculum are used for the subsequent development of a calendar curriculum, curriculum, work program, assessment and teaching materials. The listed documents are developed by the educational organization independently, taking into account the current provisions of the legislation on education and legislation on the implementation of cadastral activities, state cadastral registration and state registration of rights to real estate and related fields of knowledge.

4. DPP determines the minimum amount of knowledge and skills that a cadastral engineer must have when performing cadastral work, taking into account the requirements of regulatory legal documents.

The normative term for mastering the DPP is 40 academic hours.

5. Students of the DPP can be cadastral engineers or other persons with higher education (hereinafter - listeners).

II. Purpose of preparation

6. The purpose of training students for DPP is to improve the competencies necessary for the professional activity of a cadastral engineer.

III. Planned results of preparation

7. The results of the training of trainees on the DPP is an increase in the level of their professional competencies by updating their knowledge and skills in the field of cadastral activities in the Russian Federation.

Ability to use knowledge of modern technologies for design, cadastral and other works related to land management and cadastres (OPK-3).

In the course of mastering the DPP, the student improves the following professional competencies:

1) organizational and management activities:

2) production and technological activities:

Ability to use knowledge of modern technologies for collecting, systematizing, processing and recording information about real estate objects of modern geographic and land information systems (PC-8).

9. The competency map reveals the component composition of the competence, technologies for its formation and assessment:

1) Disciplinary competence map of the OPK-3

3) Disciplinary map of competence PK-8

10. As a result of mastering the DPP, the student must:

The main provisions of the regulatory framework in the field of relations arising in connection with the implementation in the territory of the Russian Federation of state registration of rights to real estate, state cadastral registration of real estate, as well as maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate and providing information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate;

Requirements for documents provided for the implementation of state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights;

The most common grounds in the practice of a cadastral engineer for suspending and (or) refusing to carry out state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights by decision of the state registrar of rights.

Apply regulatory legal documents and instructions in the practice of carrying out cadastral activities;

Request the information necessary for carrying out cadastral works in the registration authority and use them as initial data for the preparation of documents containing information about real estate necessary for the implementation of cadastral registration and entering information about land management objects into the Unified State Register of Real Estate;

Apply modern technical means and software when performing cadastral works.

Have skills:

Preparation of documents for state cadastral registration and registration of rights to real estate objects using specialized software;

Information interaction of the cadastral engineer with the registration authority.

IV. Syllabus

11. The curriculum of the DPP determines the list, sequence, general labor intensity of disciplines and forms of knowledge control.

The educational activities of students include the following types of training sessions and educational work:

Practical / independent work;

Final certification (in the form determined by the educational organization independently).

Approximate curriculum of the advanced training program "Actual problems of interaction of subjects of cadastral relations"

P / p No. Section name Total labor intensity (40 hours)
1 Legal bases of state cadastral registration and state registration of rights 16
2 16
3 The role of the national association of self-regulatory organizations of cadastral engineers and self-regulatory organizations in the field of cadastral activities 6
4 final examination 2
Total: 40

12. Matrix of correlation of the sections of the curriculum of the DPP and the general cultural and professional competencies formed in them

P / p No. Name of sections Total, hours Competencies
general professional professional
OPK-3 PC-2 PC-8
1 Legal basis for state cadastral registration and state registration of rights 16 - + +
2 Grounds for suspension and (or) refusal to carry out state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights by decision of the state registrar of rights 16 + + +
3 The role of the national association of self-regulatory organizations of cadastral engineers and self-regulatory organizations in the field of cadastral activities 6 - + -
4 final examination 2 + + +

V. Curriculum calendar and curriculum

13. The educational calendar is a schedule of the educational process that sets the sequence and duration of training and final certification for academic weeks and (or) days. The educational-thematic plan of the DPP determines the thematic content of the section, the sequence of topics and their complexity.

The calendar curriculum and the curriculum are developed by the educational organization independently, taking into account the chosen form of study (full-time, part-time, part-time with the use of e-learning and distance educational technologies).

Vi. Working programm

14. The work program contains a list of topics, as well as the issues considered in them, taking into account their complexity.

The work program is developed by the educational organization independently, taking into account the current provisions of the legislation on the implementation of cadastral activities and related areas of knowledge.

Vii. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of DPP

15. The implementation of the DPP should ensure the improvement of the competencies necessary for the professional activity of a cadastral engineer.

16. The choice of teaching methods using modern innovative educational technologies and teaching aids, methods of monitoring and managing the educational process is determined by the educational organization independently.

17. The implementation of DPP is provided by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the educational organization, it is permissible to attract highly qualified specialists from among the leaders and leading specialists of state bodies, institutions, as well as teachers of leading Russian and foreign educational organizations to the educational process.

VIII. Forms of certification

19. Persons who have successfully mastered the DPP and passed the final attestation are issued a certificate of advanced training in the established form.

Appendix No. 4
to the Ministry
economic development of the Russian Federation
dated August 24, 2016 No. 541

Typical additional professional program
(professional development program)
"Topical issues of legislation in the field of cadastral activities"

I. General Provisions

1. A typical additional professional program (professional development program) "Topical issues of legislation in the field of cadastral activities" (hereinafter - DPP) was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" ( Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562 , 566; No. 19, Art. 2289; No. 22, Art. 2769; No. 23, Art. 2933; No. 26, Art. 3388; No. 30, Art. 4217. 4257, 4263; 2015, No. 1, Art. 42 , 53; No. 18, Art. 2625; No. 27, Art. 3951, 3989; No. 29, Art. 4339, 4364; No. 51, Art. 7241; 2016, No. 1, Art. 8, 9, 24, 72, 78; No. 10, Art. 1320; No. 23, Art. 3289, 3290; No. 27, Art. 4160, 4219, 4223, 4238, 4239, 4246, 4292), taking into account the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 No. No. 499 "On approval of the Procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities for additional professional programs" (registered by the Ministry of Justice Om of Russia on August 20, 2013, registration No. 29444), as amended by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 15, 2013 No. 1244 "On Amending the Procedure for the Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities for Additional Professional Programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Federation of July 1, 2013 No. 499 "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 14, 2014, registration number No. 31014) and the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of preparation 03/21/02 Land management and cadastres (bachelor's level), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 1, 2015 No. 1084 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 21, 2015, registration No. 39407).

2. Professional development, carried out in accordance with the DPP (hereinafter referred to as training), can be carried out at the choice of the educational organization in accordance with the curriculum in full-time, part-time, part-time forms of education using e-learning and distance learning technologies.

3. Sections included in the DPP curriculum are used for the subsequent development of a calendar curriculum, curriculum, work program, assessment and teaching materials. The listed documents are developed by the educational organization independently, taking into account the current provisions of the legislation on education and legislation on the implementation of cadastral activities, state cadastral registration and state registration of rights to real estate and related fields of knowledge.

4. DPP determines the minimum amount of knowledge and skills that a cadastral engineer must have when performing cadastral work, taking into account the requirements of regulatory legal documents.

The normative term for mastering the DPP is 40 academic hours.

5. Listeners of the DPP can be cadastral engineers or other persons (hereinafter - listeners).

II. Purpose of preparation

6. The purpose of training students for DPP is to improve the competencies necessary for the professional activity of a cadastral engineer.

III. Planned results of preparation

7. The results of the training of trainees on the DPP is an increase in the level of their professional competencies by updating their knowledge and skills in the field of cadastral activities in the Russian Federation.

8. In the course of mastering the DPP, the student improves the following general professional competence:

The ability to search, store, process and analyze information from various sources and databases, to present it in the required format using information, computer and network technologies (OPK-1).

In the course of mastering the DPP, the student improves the following professional competencies:

1) organizational and management activities:

Ability to use knowledge for land management, real estate, organization and conduct of cadastral and land management works (PC-2);

2) research activities:

Ability to conduct and analyze the results of research in land management and cadastres (PC-5).

9. The competency map reveals the component composition of the competence, technologies for its formation and assessment:

1) Disciplinary competence map of the OPK-1

2) Disciplinary competence map PC-2

3) Disciplinary map of competence PC-5

10. As a result of mastering the DPP, the student must:

General provisions and sources of civil, land, town planning law;

Land management technology and issues of legal regulation of land protection;

Appointment, grounds and procedure for performing cadastral works;

The main provisions of the regulatory framework in the field of relations arising in connection with the implementation in the territory of the Russian Federation of state registration of rights to real estate, state cadastral registration of real estate, as well as maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate and providing information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Apply regulatory legal documents and instructions in the practice of carrying out cadastral activities;

Carry out cadastral work in relation to immovable property, as a result of which the preparation of documents containing information necessary for the implementation of cadastral registration of such immovable property is ensured.

IV. Syllabus

11. The curriculum of the DPP determines the list, sequence, general labor intensity of disciplines and forms of knowledge control.

The educational activities of students include the following types of training sessions and educational work:

Practical / independent work;

Final certification (in the form determined by the educational organization independently).

An approximate curriculum of the advanced training program "Current issues of legislation in the field of cadastral activities"

P / p No. Section name Total labor intensity (40 hours)
1 24
2 8
3 4
4 2
5 final examination 2
Total: 40

12. Matrix of correlation of the sections of the curriculum of the DPP and the general cultural and professional competencies formed in them

P / p No. Name of sections Total, hours Competencies
general professional professional
OPK-1 PC-2 PC-5
1 Topical issues of legislation in the field of cadastral activities 16 + + -
2 Law enforcement issues and review of judicial practice 8 + + +
3 Rights, obligations and responsibilities of a cadastral engineer in the implementation of cadastral activities 4 + + -
4 Standards for the implementation of cadastral activities and rules of professional ethics for cadastral engineers 2 + + +
5 final examination 2 + + +

V. Curriculum calendar and curriculum

13. The educational calendar is a schedule of the educational process that sets the sequence and duration of training and final certification for academic weeks and (or) days. The educational-thematic plan of the DPP determines the thematic content of the section, the sequence of topics and their complexity.

The calendar curriculum and the curriculum are developed by the educational organization independently, taking into account the chosen form of study (full-time, part-time, part-time with the use of e-learning and distance educational technologies).

Vi. Working programm

14. The work program contains a list of topics, as well as the issues considered in them, taking into account their complexity.

The work program is developed by the educational organization independently, taking into account the current provisions of the legislation on the implementation of cadastral activities and related areas of knowledge.

Vii. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of DPP

15. The implementation of the DPP should ensure the improvement of the competencies necessary for the professional activity of a cadastral engineer.

16. The choice of teaching methods using modern innovative educational technologies and teaching aids, methods of monitoring and managing the educational process is determined by the educational organization independently.

17. The implementation of DPP is provided by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the educational organization, it is permissible to attract highly qualified specialists from among the leaders and leading specialists of state bodies, institutions, as well as teachers of leading Russian and foreign educational organizations to the educational process.

VIII. Forms of certification

18. The mastering of the DPP ends with the final certification of students in the form determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently.

19. Persons who have successfully mastered the DPP and passed the final attestation are issued a certificate of advanced training in the established form.

20. Persons who have not passed the final certification or received unsatisfactory results at the final certification, as well as persons who have mastered part of the DPP and (or) expelled from the educational organization, are issued a certificate of training or a training period according to the model independently established by the organization.

Document overview

4 standard add-ons have been approved professional programs(DPP) in the field of cadastral activities: "Cadastral activities", "Modern technologies in the field of cadastral activities", "Topical problems of interaction between subjects of cadastral relations" and "Topical issues of legislation in the field of cadastral activities".

They regulate the requirements for the level of professional retraining in the field of cadastral activities and determine the minimum amount of knowledge and skills that a cadastral engineer must have when performing cadastral work.

The normative term for mastering the DPP "Cadastral Activity" is 600 academic hours, the rest of the DPP is 40 academic hours.

Programs include a curriculum, work programs of training modules, requirements for final certification of students and learning outcomes.

After all the measurements have been made, it is time to calculate all the data obtained and directly to draw up the boundary plan itself. This requires specialized programs.

During the period of my thesis, I used the following programs:

Polygon program

A computer program for automating the filling out of a land plot plan - documents and drawings for registering land plots for cadastral registration.

Description: The Polygon program is independent program having an intuitive user interface, simple and convenient, developed according to the wishes of land surveyors, serves to create a landline plan in printed and electronic form (XML), version of the XML schema 04, as well as 03, 02.

In the program, you can enter all the necessary data manually, or import coordinates from files of various formats (extracts of memory, KPT, etc.), carry out land survey plans for all cadastral actions (registration, clarification, change; parts, contours, EZP, etc.) .).

Either Word is used to print documents office suite Microsoft Office or free program Writer ( Both the text and the graphic part of the boundary plan are automatically generated using the approved conventional symbols, line types, and colors.

Opportunities: Entering, saving, editing the text and graphic part of the boundary plan.

All cadastral actions in one program: the formation of land plots by division, unification, allotment, allotment with a modified one, redistribution, etc., clarification of a land plot, clarification of a single land use, clarification of adjacent land plots, formation of parts, information about a changed area, and more.

Working with multi-contour areas: calculating the area of ​​areas with several external and internal boundaries, numbering of the contours in the drawing, in an XML file.

Work with plots representing a single land use, including with detached and conventional land plots.

Calculation of indicators: for example, from the coordinates of points to obtain parts of the boundaries, calculate the lengths of lines, area, error, etc.

Automatically filling in information, transferring data from section to section, counting the number and number of pages, generating content, a list of sections, parts, etc.

Convenient copying of XML information: previously entered documents, subordinates, copyright holders when entering data.

The formulas of the root mean square error (accuracy) of the location of the characteristic points are filled in automatically in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 518 of 17.08.2012.

In one survey plan, up to 255 tabs can be filled (for example, formed areas, not counting parts and contours).

Automatic filling of document templates in Word or Writer with the data you entered - the formation of text documents.

Automatic formation of graphic sections of the boundary plan - diagrams, drawings, outlines - in Word (Writer) using autoshapes using the established conventional symbols, line types and colors. Executed in color. Paper size A4, A3, A2, A1, etc.

Setting up document templates before printing: the ability to change the design, font, placement and dimensions of the drawing, add fillable fields.

All documents after printing can be easily edited in Word (Writer), including the graphic part.

Printing the text and graphic part from Word programs(Writer).

My work in the program "Polygon"

The first thing I do is enter the coordinates of the points that I obtained using the total station.

Figure 10 - getting started in the "Polygon" program

Figure 11 - work in the program "Polygon"

We get the outline on which the directional angles, the distance of the border points are indicated.

Figure 12 - work in the program "Polygon"

The next item I find is a list of calculating the coordinates of points, land use boundaries and calculating the area of ​​land plots. To do this, move the cursor to the list button and click on the coordinate catalog in Word.

Figure 13 - work in the program "Polygon"

Figure 14 - work in the program "Polygon"

This was the end of my work in the Polygon program. Now

I'm starting to work in CREDO_DAT and Auto CAD.

The CREDO program is necessary for operational cameral processing in the field of ground geodetic measurements of the same accuracy class.

Main functions:

Import of electronic total station files in the most common formats;

Possibility of manual input and editing of measurement data, coordinates and heights of points, code strings;

Individual project settings - selection and editing of the required characteristics of the instrument, the accuracy of measurements and displays of lines and angles, the selection and consideration of basic corrections to the measured values, the selection of the necessary formula for calculating the permissible value of the height discrepancy;

Possibility to select the type of adjustment - planned, high-altitude, plan-high-altitude;

Basic computational operations - preliminary data processing (preprocessing) and joint adjustment of various horizontal-height geodetic constructions parametrically using the least squares method;

Viewing the main calculation sheets - the characteristics of the moves of the planned and altitude justification, the list of lines and elevations. Automatic recognition of unacceptable discrepancies of measured lines, excess, characteristics of strokes exceeding the permissible value;

Display in the graphical window of measurement data - points, air defense links, points and tacheometry links, ellipses of planned and high-altitude standard deviation of the position of points, the possibility of interactive navigation;

Simplified display of linear and area maintenance in the graphics window;

Creation and editing of linear and areal objects. Changing the geometry of an area object to a predetermined area value in the following ways - by parallel displacement of the side, displacement of the vertex along the border of the object. Dividing a region from its inner point along the normal to its borders;

Various engineering tasks - OGZ for two points, projection of a point onto a straight line, intersection of straight lines, measurements, construction of 4 points of a parallelogram.

Results: Saved project in GDSM format, which is one of the input file formats for CREDO DAT 4.1 Professional and CREDO DAT 4.1 LiTE systems (systems must include the latest updates).

Of all the functions performed by this program, I need to export all the entered data into the Auto CAD program.

Figure 15 - work in the CREDO DAT program.

I get my land plot and put on it all the necessary values, I also supplement my plan with symbols.

ARGO 7 is a program aimed at automating data processing at workplaces of any level. The software is great for automating payroll accounting, accounting, taxes, insurance, etc.


ARGO technical capabilities:

  • Financial and tax reporting.
  • Formation of the staffing table of the company (taking into account the structure of the enterprise).
  • Flexible setting of user privileges. You can quickly and easily set up the substitution of one user for another for a certain period, which corresponds to the transfer of privileges from the substituted to the substitute.
  • Processing of technological operations.
  • Storing information about the details of the service transport in the reference book.
  • The ability to customize the procedures for various business transactions. This is done using the "template for accounting entries".
  • Automatic fuel calculation (taking into account the base rate, winter error and other corrections).
  • Calculation of salaries, taking into account the requirements of the legislation, local features of remuneration, etc.
  • Accrual of all types of payment (piecework, hourly, percentage of sales, etc.).
  • Keeping records of expenses for special equipment and additional devices.
  • All transactions related to economic activity are entered into the database. Relevant information is displayed in the reports.
  • Thanks to the function "Types of accounts", the process of keeping records on charts of accounts is simplified.
  • The ability to expand the functionality of the software package by connecting new modules. At the same time, the work of users is not interrupted.

Advantages and disadvantages

The ARGO software package has a number of advantages:

  • Full automation of routine operations (business operations, the formation of accounting entries, etc.).
  • Convenient and intuitive interface (users can customize it for themselves).
  • High reliability and performance.
  • High speed of work.
  • The ability to use the program by an unlimited number of people, several branches of companies. In accordance with the privileges and certain rights, it is possible to differentiate access to the software for users.
  • Connecting new modules makes it possible to significantly expand the functionality of the software package. At the same time, the work of users is not interrupted.
  • Thanks to the use of WEB-technologies, ARGO can be used in geographically separated facilities (warehouses, branches, various divisions, etc.) online and with round-the-clock access.
  • Lots of positive reviews from entrepreneurs and other satisfied users.
  • Support for multiple languages.
  • Flexible customization of user privileges.
  • The program does not use a lot of PC resources.
  • Wide functionality.
  • Availability of a high-quality technical support service.
  • Integration with programs such as "Client-Bank" and "SONO".
  • Regular updates with new features and all kinds of improvements.

The main disadvantage of ARGO:

  • Many users find the controls too complicated.


Have you decided to download the ARGO software for cadastral engineers? You can do this on our website. There is a wide selection of high-quality, workable and secure software.

Scientific adviser - Rusinova Natalia Vladimirovna
Volga State Technological University, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor

When choosing a program to create boundary plans, the most important for us is how long we will be able to fully prepare a land-line plan, because income will depend on the number of MTs, therefore it is better to overpay for the program once than to save money, but do fewer things.

The program must meet our requests. In it, it will be necessary to make clarification, formations, division, unification, etc. and that she would support all these services. The program that fills in the sections of the boundary plan must "know" the type of each site included in the initial data, and "be able to determine" by some signs the degree of novelty. Also, so that there is no or at least a minimum of lags and program bugs that complicate work. Also, correct classifiers must be included in the program that meet the standards for filling semantics and metrics. Let's try to consider 3 well-known programs, namely: "Zem.delo 8.1", "Polygon" and "ACT".

Land case 8.1: land survey and technical plan

The program was developed in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 412 dated November 24, 2008. and the latest requirements for electronic document management with Rosreestr. This program easy to use, there are no unnecessary actions and no desired buttons, the whole process of creating a boundary plan is automated. As it is easy to use, any beginner with knowledge in land management will easily deal with it. All templates can be customized, that is, we will not limit ourselves to creating boundary plans, but it will also be possible to prepare other documents in it. The program is considered very popular in Russia, thanks to easy use and rapid creation boundary plans.

The cost of one workplace of the program is 14,500 rubles.

Polygon: Survey plan

A computer program for automating the filling out of a landline plan - documents and drawings for registering land plots for cadastral registration with the formation of not only printed documents, but also digital XML files.

The program "Polygon: Landmark plan" is an independent program with an intuitive user interface, simple and convenient, developed according to the wishes of land surveyors. We can enter all the necessary data not only manually, but also load it from other sources. For printing text and graphic documents, the program imports everything into a Word document.

The cost of one workplace of the program is 7,200 rubles.

Act program

The Act program is designed to facilitate the paperwork for the Landing Plan documents. The great advantage of the program is the additional functions of automatic placement of the point numbers of the plot and the placement of the drawing on several sheets for large plans.
In addition to creating printed copies of documents, the program has the function of preparing a landline plan, a map (plan) of a land management facility, a technical plan of a building, structure, an object of construction in progress, a room in electronic form in xml format.