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Types of software licensing. What programs are called free distribution: examples. Licensed programs. What documents confirm that the software is licensed

Types of licenses

The purchase of a software product is the acquisition of a license, the right to use it. For each program used, a license is required; it is this license that provides the official right to use a particular program.

Many years have passed since the development of the first computer programs, and this time was not wasted in vain. Each of the software vendors came up with new options for licensing their own products.

So what are the licenses?

  • Paid, free and shareware.
  • By the time of use - temporary or permanent.
  • For commercial organizations, academic or government agencies, licenses for partners or non-commercial use.
  • Per user, device, company, or region of use.
  • In server products, you can increasingly see licensing by processor or core.
  • For a few connections (to the server) or for an unlimited number.

Nowadays, more and more software companies, in the case of providing cloud solutions, offer a license as a subscription, which the user pays either once a month or once a year.

The license can be for a fixed version of the product or include updates to new versions for a certain period (usually 1 year).

An example of variability is the purchase of a license for Microsoft Officethis product can be purchased under various Microsoft licensing programs: as a box, as an electronic key (ESD), as part of OLP, OVL, OVLS, EA, EAS, Select, School Agreement or as a subscription under cloud services Office365. In each of the cases, this is a license with its own price and its own restrictions on the rights of use and the rules of purchase.

The process of acquiring licenses from each of the software vendors is a separate, fun process. Therefore, in order to obtain the license you require with minimal costs, it is better to contact our sales department and get the necessary advice.

Legal and accounting information

Software license- this is legal tool defining use and distribution software protected by copyright. Typically, a software license permits the recipient to use one or more copies of the program, and without a license, such use would be considered an infringement of the publisher's copyright. In essence, a license acts as a guarantee that the software publisher, who owns the exclusive rights to the program, does not sue the person who uses it.

There is a lot of different software on the Internet. Most users do not think about copyright for computer products, and yet this issue is not so simple. Today we will try to figure out what licensed software is, what it is, and whether it is possible to get it for free. We will also highlight the problem of consumer liability for illegal use of software.

In this article, we will consider only the main points related to this topic, since it is very voluminous, and it is not possible to show everything.

What it is

Let's start with a definition. This is the ownership of the software registered in the authorized bodies. A legal tool that defines the rules for the use, copying, distribution of OS, multimedia applications, games. Typically, such an agreement permits the purchaser of the product to work with one or more copies of the product. Lack of permission, within the scope of the law, is an infringement of copyright.

For the creator, formalization of ownership is a guarantee that his intellectual property will not be used for commercial purposes by other people.

For the consumer, this is a guarantee that the publisher will not sue him for illegal exploitation of his property.

The licensed software is registered with the owner and can be verified if necessary. The distribution itself or documentation is not a sign of a certificate.

What is the contract

This is a regular text, which stipulates the duties and responsibilities of the parties. The agreement can be attached to the purchased product on paper or in in electronic format if the purchase was made online. The second option is called "wrapping". This means that the terms of the transaction are indicated on the application packaging or in the application itself. In the latter case, the user ticks the box agreeing with the text presented. Confirmation of consent and installation is equal to a regular signature.

License agreement types

According to the agreement, the creator of the product and the owner of all rights to it is called the licensor, and the other party is called the licensee. The document defines the scope of the use of property and may have several variations.

  • Simple / non-exclusive. The buyer receives a basis for the use of intellectual property. The owner reserves the prerogative to sell the software features to others.
  • Exceptional. The utility can only be operated by one user who has acquired the rights.

The agreement assumes simple and non-exclusive ownership unless otherwise specified. This type is most often found in distributed operating systems for computers and laptops.

What documents confirm that the software is licensed

You can confirm the legality of the software by the following criteria:

  • Certificate of Authenticity. It is not always provided by the manufacturer.
  • The presence of branded holograms and stickers on the box (when the box version is delivered).
  • End-user agreement (traditional or electronic).
  • User guide. Not in all cases.
  • Original packaging with BOX version.
  • Any documentation included with the product.
  • Reporting for delivery and sale and purchase (invoice, invoice).

Acquisition methods


The media with the attachment, documentation and confirmation are packed in the box. Available from retail stores. The main buyers are small businesses and individuals. Usually, the purchaser gets the right to use the program on one computer - this is indicated on the container. Otherwise, the price increases.

The key for such a product is one and is activated via the Internet or phone. You can install it on any media, remove it, transfer it to another PC.

The disadvantages include a high price, a large percentage of fakes, which are difficult to distinguish from originals.


A version of the software developed for manufacturers and assemblers of laptops and components. It is sold without colorful packaging or additional materials. Contains application media and activation password. This permission is much cheaper, but it is not allowed for sale to ordinary buyers. In the store you buy equipment with just such software.

The downside for a simple consumer is that the OS can only be used with a purchased PC.


Special offer from Microsoft. It consists in licensing already installed operating systems: cracked, pirated versions. Distributed on Windows XP, Vista, Home Basic, Premium. The user receives a distribution kit with original products and a certificate of authenticity.

Volume Licensing

For firms that need more than five copies. Supplied without box and other contents as in BOX. One activation agreement is drawn up and the required number of keys is issued. This variety is cost effective for small businesses.


For large corporations that require over 250 software versions.

Software subscription, billed monthly or annually.

Types of software licenses

Acquisition of software is the purchase of the right to use a certain amount of software.

By the number of owners:

  • Network. For enterprises where several or all employees must use the same software. Suitable for large holdings and organizations.
  • Local. Installed on one PC and only works on it.

ZWSOFT offers applications for engineering calculations: CADbro, SPDS GraphiCS, CAD Pockets, with local, network, corporate, permanent and temporary licenses.

According to the method of payment, computer utilities are divided into three main types, each of which contains subgroups.


This includes the following types:

  • Demo, demoware. Demo variation of the application. Its purpose is to show the potential buyer what the product is capable of. The downside is that you won't be able to try the software at work.
  • Shareware. These are developments that are provided free of charge only for an evaluation period or with reduced functionality. Trial, trialware. A type of licensed software similar to the previous one, but with a full set of features for a specific time period. This can be an access period of 14, 7, 30, 90 days. In some cases, the publisher counts the usage time by launches. For example, a client can work in the application 10 times, and then you need to buy it.


  • Payware (comercial). Distributed only after payment and is protected by copyright law. The main goal of development is to make a profit for the owner. Such a product can be developed for a specific customer or a group of several customers. Often the developer doesn't release a trial version.

This group also includes types of computer software that can be used free of charge, but with certain conditions: an indication of a link to a publisher, an exchange for something, with a reminder that the author did not receive money, beta versions of applications.

Software (software)- an integral part of computing technology. As an intellectual property product, software is protected. This protection extends to the legality of copying, changing the software product and is issued in the form of a license. Obtaining a license means agreement with all points of use specified in the agreement. Any unauthorized (without the consent of its author) use of the software is, of course, an unlawful act.

Software licensing

In Russian legislation, the term "license" is interpreted in two ways:

  • State permit issued by an authorized body for a certain type of activity. The list of areas of activity subject to unconditional licensing is established by law.
  • Permission of the author or publisher with exclusive rights to the subject of intellectual property (trademark, motion picture, computer program) given to another person for use in a negotiated manner.

Permits are issued by government agencies on the basis of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".

Licenses-permits for the use of databases, computer software, as a rule, are concluded as a bilateral agreement. This document is called a license agreement - software license.

Under the agreement, the main copyright holder transfers to the user the right to use the object of the agreement with or without agreed restrictions. The scope of the buyer's authority is determined by agreement of the parties. But the copyright holder can transfer no more rights than he has.

Modern legislation has developed different types of licenses.

1. Exclusive or non-exclusive rights are transferred by agreement. The transfer of non-exclusive rights means that the copyright holder continues to use the intellectual property in the same volume. The user receives equal rights with the copyright holder. The copyright holder may in the future repeatedly transfer the same rights to an unlimited number of persons.

The transfer of exclusive rights to the software leads to the acquisition by the user of exclusive rights to intellectual property. The copyright holder himself can no longer independently exercise the transferred powers, nor transfer their powers to other persons.

2. Another division of types of licenses applies only to computer software licenses: programs can be distributed as OpenWare - under open source terms or without it.

With the option of distribution under the terms of open source, the user gets the right to use the software, as well as the source codes of the programs with the authority to modify the source codes at his own discretion, changing to any extent.

In the future, the modified software product can be used depending on the license. Currently, two types of licenses have been developed, specifying the details of the conditions for transferring open source software. These are the GNU GPL and FreeBSD. The fundamental difference between them is in the continuity of the properties of the open source: under the GNU GPL license, any software products developed by a change obtained under these conditions program code, further may be redistributed only within the bounds of the GNU GPL license.

The Free BSD license gives the owner of the software much more freedom: the programs modified by him can be further distributed on other conditions provided by the author of the changes, both free of charge and for a fee.

It should be noted that there are other types of licenses containing the condition for the transfer of the source code by the copyright holder with different amounts of user rights.

3. Often software licensing classified by retribution. So the software is divided into free, shareware and commercial. It should be noted that the free use of programs does not mean the authority to obtain source codes. Frequently, being free of charge also means that there is no guarantee that the software will function properly.

Shareware software license means temporary or functional limitations of the software, which can be removed by paying for the full version.

With paid distribution of software, the user usually receives some guarantees from the manufacturer and his obligations to support the product.

4. Software licensing can be further divided according to the user and the purpose of the contract. Here EULA agreements are highlighted - with the end user, and those licenses that provide for revision by the purchaser of the software.

It should be noted that a standard form of the EULA has not yet been developed. As a rule, small firms are guided by the text of licensing agreements of large companies, for example, Microsoft.

5. When granting rights to the software to an end user, in some cases it is said about OEM / BOX - "related" licenses and "independently provided".

For OEM deliveries from a computer, a preinstalled software package is purchased. Such licenses are much more profitable financially, but imply a smaller amount of user authority.

Boxed (BOX) delivery includes software on a carrier and documentation for it. The buyer receives a slightly larger scope of powers. Often a BOX delivery uses a "wrap-around license": an open box signifies acceptance of the license agreement (printed on the wrapper).

Software licensing- the key to the success of the manufacturer. Choosing the right type of license allows the developer or seller to protect intellectual property and optimize the business.

So, to begin with, it should be said that each type of license is intended for a specific consumer, the division into types was done so that users can choose what will be more profitable and more convenient for them.

You've probably heard expressions like Box or OEM, freeware, shareware or trial a lot.
Let's try to understand the types of licenses and how they are distributed.
Here I will describe the main types of licenses that ordinary users face:

BOX(Retail, FPP - from English retail, retail) - The version for retail, distributed, as the name implies, in small boxes, most of all corresponds to the idea of ​​how a real licensed software product should look like, due to the fact that the buyer of this receives as a rule: a license agreement, a certificate of authenticity (possibly in electronic form on a medium), a distribution kit with a software product (possibly with a hologram, protection against counterfeiting).

It is also possible to have a sticker from the manufacturer, such as these:

This type of license is usually for 1 PC, less often the manufacturer indicates on the box for 2 PCs or more, respectively, the price will be higher than for the 1st. In this case, there will be only one key, when installing the product, it will be entered once, then it will be activated, most often via the Internet or phone.

As for the OS distributed in this way: On the box, they have all the necessary information, about the version, edition, a sticker on the outside with an indication serial number, a sticker with an activation key inside, activation instructions, a distribution kit (with a hologram).

It is possible to install OS from BOX edition on any computer that satisfies system requirements, you can also transfer the system to another computer by removing it from the previous one and installing it on the next PC. It can be used simultaneously on as many machines as indicated on the box, as a rule it is only 1pc. You can put it on several computers, perhaps such systems will be activated, but they will no longer be considered licensed. Moreover, since Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008R2 / Windows7, authentication has become stricter, and most likely by activating several systems with a key for one computer, the key will be blacklisted and you will lose your license.

P.S: As a rule, all pirated copies of the OS (mostly Windows XP) that most users have come with a key from such a Retail (Box) version.

The advantages of this type of software:

1) Visual presentation, colorfulness, beautiful stickers from the manufacturer
2) The presence of a distribution kit, you can install immediately, and not download from the Internet
3) Such a product can be installed on any PC that meets at least the minimum system requirements.


1) High price.
2) A high percentage of fakes, often good quality difficult to distinguish from real copies.

OEM(English Original Equipment Manufacturer - original equipment manufacturer) - Software version intended for manufacturers of PC components, assemblers of ready-made PCs, manufacturers of laptops (netbooks). It is distributed without additional materials and accompanying goods, in packaging without registration, which guarantees only the safe transportation of the goods. Because it is not designed for ordinary buyers. Basically, it contains only the distribution kit and the activation key (less often only the activation key, it is assumed that the manufacturer / assembler of the PC already has the distribution kit).
Such a product is much cheaper than other types of licenses, if compared with BOX - versions, then the savings can be from 10 to 50%!
In most developed countries, the sale of OEM software licenses to potential buyers separately from the computer is prohibited, which does not prevent you from often seeing such nondescript cardboard boxes on the shelves of small shops.

As for the OEM OS: Everything operating system installed on laptops that we see in the store are OEM licenses, the key is usually located on the bottom of the laptop.
Also, on many simple PCs in educational institutions and companies, you can find a sticker with a key and the name of the OS, these are also OEM versions that such institutions acquire under a special license, which is much cheaper and more profitable than colorful BOX versions.

Peculiarities: You can often see ads on the Internet like, bought a laptop, Vista is there, demolished - I didn't like it. Who needs a key - sell / give and so on. Now I will explain why it looks at least silly.
Since laptops are equipped with OEM versions of the OS, and such versions are designed for pre-installation by manufacturers, therefore they cannot be sold or given away. Therefore, they are specially attached (theoretically) to the hardware of a laptop or a simple PC (mainly motherboard). Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to take your laptop key, install it on another PC, install something to install, but activation may not work.

Pros of OEM type of licensed software:

1) The cost is much lower if you buy complete with a PC
2) Even if your key is stolen, they will not be able to use it, because the software will only work on your PC
3) When you buy a computer, you get it with finished system, no need to invent a bicycle

Cons stem from the pros:

1) Without a ready-made PC, you are unlikely to be sold such software
2) You will be able to use only with the PC with which you purchased together, if the PC fails, count it and there will be no license either
3) Many are unhappy with the fact that they are imposed on this or that OS when they buy a laptop, simply because the cost of the OS is already included in the price of the PC.

GGK or Get Genuine Kit(English Genuine licensing package) - Quite an interesting proposal from Microsoft for licensing non-licensed / cracked / pirated copies of the OS already installed on a PC. The delivery option for such a package is possible for the following software products: Windows XP Professional / Home Edition, Windows Vista Home Basic / Home Premium / Business. The delivery set includes:
1 - Distribution with a licensed copy of the OS
2- Certificate of Authenticity (a special sticker confirming the license, which is glued to the PC case).

The advantages of this type of licensing:

1) You can license the OS without having to clean install... That is, we get a licensed one from a pirated OS, I do not format the disk and without spending time on reinstalling and transferring all the information you need
2) You can purchase a package for licensing multiple operating systems (relevant for enterprises)

Cons of this type of licensing:

1) You can license the selected OS only once, it will not work to transfer it to another computer, that is, the clause of the license agreement strictly assigns it to the PC on which the licensing was carried out. As in the case of OEMs, there are no protection mechanisms, only in legal terms.
2) The cost of this licensing option is slightly higher than the cost of the OEM package (comparable to it), but lower than the cost of the BOX version.

There are several more types of licenses, but they are usually for large organizations, subscribers of software developers and dealers (we will not dwell in detail):

Volume Licensing- Corporate licenses for organizations and enterprises that need 5 or more licensed copies of the software. In this case, only a set of licenses (activation keys) and one documentation for their activation for the entire set are supplied.
Distributions, boxes, etc. are missing. It is possible to conclude a supply contract for several years, free improvement, with special offers and discounts, close cooperation. Organizations can acquire this type of licenses even via the Internet in electronic form, therefore it is economically very profitable and justified.

EA or Enterprise Agreement- Microsoft corporate licenses for large organizations and enterprises, whose fleet consists of more than 250 PCs, who are ready to choose and cooperate with Microsoft as the main platform of the corporate standard. The terms of the agreement imply the provision of basic products and their constant technical support... Basic products include:
1 - Windows Vista Business
2 - Microsoft Office Professional Plus/ Enterprise
3 - A set of client licenses allowing access to Microsoft servers.
Clients of this licensing system are given the opportunity to use the most latest versions of these declared products.

Now a little about the main ways of distributing software:

1) Freeware(from English - free software) - Distributed free of charge, mainly via the Internet, along with printed publications on disks and software collections. Does not require payments in favor of the copyright holder and developer of this type of software. Distribution is possible with both open and closed source code.

2) Shareware(from English - shareware software) - Distributed free of charge, mainly via the Internet, along with printed publications on disks and software collections. But unlike Freeware, it contains a request / offer to pay the developer of this software. Perhaps it has limited functionality: working time, yt commercial use, limitation of other functions, until a full license is obtained. Usually closed source (cannot be improved / modified).

3) Trialware / Demoware(from English - limited, demo software) - Distributed completely free of charge, to everyone, mainly via the Internet. Has limited functionality: number of starts, blocked functions, operating time, etc. It is closed source.

Some information was taken from the official site Microsoft (Russia)
Images taken from the Knicks computer supermarket website.
All wishes and criticism to the article will be listened to and taken into account in future articles, as necessary, material will be added to this article.